Re: [OSM-dev] How to earn undying fame

2010-06-22 Thread Lambertus
On 2010-06-22 00:40, Tom Hughes wrote:
 On 21/06/10 19:37, Nic Roets wrote:
 On Mon, Jun 21, 2010 at 7:09 PM, Tom   wrote:
 All we need now is a volunteer to run the server in the way that Brian does
 for the geocoding server.

 I'll do it.

 We can start with a small (2GB RAM) server.

 No we can't - we have already established that it needs more than that.
 Not that I have a spare server of that class to give you anyway.

 The point of this conversation is to work out what we need to procure if
 we are to do this, and to make sure we have people to run it.


So what about my proposal to use the OSM dev server for the purpose of 
determining the server specs?

dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] How to earn undying fame

2010-06-21 Thread Lambertus
Hopefully I can help a bit with some numbers, I hope Nic doesn't mind.

These numbers originate from which is a full 
opensource routing website using (an older version) Gosmore as routing 

The server that runs the website is a VM with two Xeon 2GHz cores and 
2GB RAM. This very limited amount of RAM makes it a bit difficult to do 
representative benchmarks (harddisk I/O is killing), so please keep that 
in mind before reading on...

Under optimal conditions where the required bit of the route database is 
already loaded into RAM, Gosmore can calculate most routes in a few 
milliseconds to about 100 ms with peaks of half a second using a single 
core. A single core should therefore be able to sustain 10 requests per 
second, but I've seen 20 requests per second too. I think that Gosmore 
will scale nicely in handling concurrent requests when given more cores, 
provided enough RAM is available.

I'm doing Gosmore database updates on a C2D P8600 (2.4 GHz) laptop with 
4GB RAM is about 8 to 10 hours, so weekly updates won't be a problem.

Database sizes:
October 2009: 7 GB America's, 4.9 GB Europe, Asia, Africa, Oceania
May 2010: America's estimated: 10 GB, 9.9 GB Europe, Asia, Africa, Oceania

The database not only contains the road network but also almost all 
other items in the OSM database (administrative, landuse, poi, houses 
etc). These could all be left out, but I don't have the figures.

My own reservation towards this plan is that (older versions at least) 
Gosmore doesn't handle very long routes well but, again, this might be a 
result of the low amount of ram in my server. And I don't know if newer 
Gosmore versions handle long routes better...Nic?

Would it be a good idea to setup a test on the OSM dev server? This 
server already has a lot of RAM and should behave much closer to a real 
world server. I can provide a request trace log from 
that covers e.g. a whole week (which would be up to 20.000 requests) and 
run it through a script against Gosmore. That should provide a 
real-world test and gives you an idea of what to expect.

dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] How to earn undying fame

2010-06-21 Thread Lambertus
On 2010-06-21 17:21, Emilie Laffray wrote:
 Without wanting to pour cold water on the idea, I would like to know
 what the load is a server that you have specified, and how many requests
 per second can you do? The traffic of the site means that the load will
 be very big and we might need more than one server in the end.
I'm currently pondering on a routing cluster (somewhat academic interest 
on my part).

 In addition, you also have to modify Gosmore to remove dependencies like
 GTK as for a server they are not useful.
Gosmore, when used headless, doesn't need GTK. Libxml2 and g++ will do 

 The app will need to be
 modified to work on a server condition by adding FCGI abilities for
 example, which is not necessarily trivial.
You mean running Gosmore as a service and interface with it through e.g. 
pipes? That could mean some speed boost, but I'm using PHP to interface 
with Gosmore and spawn a new process for each request without serious 
impact, see:

Spawning Gosmore doesn't take that much time.

 Updating the database weekly might not be able to meet people
 expectation like the instant rendering that we have.
 It is more than just a tab to add.
Yeah well, our gazetteer isn't updated instantly either, not even 
weekly. Also, I would be seriously impressed if someone could come up 
with a routing engine that can have it's database updated in situ and 
still be able to service the whole world with a performance that doesn't 
drive everyone away instantly. Please tell me if you know of such an 
opensource routing engine.

dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] How to earn undying fame

2010-06-21 Thread Lambertus
On 2010-06-21 18:41, Tom Hughes wrote:
 Well if somebody can provide a backend that returns a GPX or KML or
 something then I'm sure somebody will hack up the rails port to be able
 to display those routes.

I know it's PHP and I'm deeply sorry for that, but this code exists:

Get the result back in KML, GPX or geoJSON formats on request :-)

dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] How to earn undying fame

2010-06-21 Thread Lambertus
On 2010-06-21 18:48, Lambertus wrote:
 On 2010-06-21 18:41, Tom Hughes wrote:
 Well if somebody can provide a backend that returns a GPX or KML or
 something then I'm sure somebody will hack up the rails port to be able
 to display those routes.

 I know it's PHP and I'm deeply sorry for that, but this code exists:

 Get the result back in KML, GPX or geoJSON formats on request :-)

Ooh, and I forgot to say that some documentation is here:

dev mailing list

Re: [josm-dev] Terracer plugin: A few ideas for improved usability

2010-05-08 Thread Lambertus
On 05/07/2010 11:24 PM, Sebastian Klein wrote:
 Except for some strange hack method that produces IndexOutOfBounds error
 under rare conditions.

 But I wouldn't bother with this one. ;)

I'll look at it if there is an osm file (or permalink to the affected 
building) with reproduction instructions or if I encounter this myself.

josm-dev mailing list

Re: [josm-dev] Terracer plugin: A few ideas for improved usability

2010-05-07 Thread Lambertus
Just committed three new versions:

1) fixes a bug reported by user bastik (#4985).
2) the interpolation option is now saved between plugin starts.
3) fixes the messages text in the plugin window which got broken in an 
earlier commit (and removes the now redundant replacement message popup).

I think the plugin is in good shape now.

On 05/02/2010 10:57 PM, Lambertus wrote:
 Yay, it's a lot of trial and error for a Java noob like me to get
 everything (almost) working the way I like it , but I just committed a
 second much larger change, completing the following points on my list
 for the terracer plugin:

 - Keybind ESC to close the window (same behaviour as 'Cancel').
 - Keybind Enter to close the window (same behaviour as 'Ok').
 - Put focus on the first field ('lowest number') when the window opens.
 - Allow non-numeric addresses (like 12a or 34-2) if only one number is 
 - Don't process the building outline as if it were a housing block if only 
 one number is entered as many free-standing buildings have non-symmetrical 
 shapes (and there is nothing to terrace anyway).

 This leaves the following on the todo list:
 - Assume 'Even/Odd' as the default choice (I admit that this could be a 
 choice based on regional choice, but at least for The Netherlands this is the 
 - Save the last 'Even/Odd' choice as plugin preference.

 Something I might add as well someday (don't count on it):
 - Add an option to terrace along the long edge or short edge of a building 

 On 04/22/2010 09:29 AM, Lambertus wrote:

 Ok, first small change committed put focus on first field.
 Surprisingly, it all worked well and JOSM indicated a new version was
 avaialble :D

 Keybinding is a bit more difficult: the JDialog has to be replaced by
 ExtendedDialog, not very easy for a Java novice but some things seemed
 to be working again late yesterday evening...

 More updates later.


 josm-dev mailing list

josm-dev mailing list

[josm-dev] ExtendedDialog: enable/disable OK and Cancel button

2010-05-02 Thread Lambertus
While creating an instace of org.openstreetmap.josm.gui.ExtendedDialog 
you can add default buttons like OK and Cancel. Once the buttons are 
created I would like to disable/enable these buttons based upon some 
input field checks but I have no idea how to locate the appropriate 
button object.

I've tried looping though the dialog components, check for JButton 
components and then look for JButton with e.g. OK text like so:

 private JButton getButton(String caption) {
 Component components[] = dialog.getComponents();
 for (Component c : components) {
 System.out.println(getButton: +c.getName());
 if (c instanceof JButton) {
 JButton b = (JButton) c;
 if (caption.equals(b.getText())) {
 return b;
 return null;

This function is called from the following code:

 JButton okButton = getButton(OK);
 if (okButton != null)

But of all the components the dialog is made up, there is only one line 
of debugoutput: getButton: null. I have no clue what to try next. Any 

josm-dev mailing list

Re: [josm-dev] ExtendedDialog: enable/disable OK and Cancel button

2010-05-02 Thread Lambertus
On 05/02/2010 04:02 PM, Sebastian Klein wrote:
 The button is inside another panel, so you might want to try recursion.
 As a start, here is an example from, l. 736:

   static void setEnabledRec(Container root, boolean enabled) {
   Component children[] = root.getComponents();
   for(int i = 0; i  children.length; i++) {
   if(children[i] instanceof Container) {
   setEnabledRec((Container)children[i], enabled);
   } else {

 (This disables/enables all components in a given panel.)

Thanks that was a great help. There are indeed more nested containers. I 
needed to reverse the if-then-else as JButton in itself is also a 
subclass of Container. The code now looks like this:

 private static JButton getButton(Container root, String caption) {
 Component children[] = root.getComponents();
  for (Component child : children) {
  JButton b;
  if (child instanceof JButton) {
 b = (JButton) child;
 if (caption.equals(b.getText())) return b;
 } else if (child instanceof Container) {
   b = getButton((Container)child, caption);
   if (b != null) return b;
 return null;

Thanks again.
josm-dev mailing list

Re: [josm-dev] Terracer plugin: A few ideas for improved usability

2010-04-22 Thread Lambertus
Gehling Marc wrote:
  Hello Lambertus,
  first, great plugin. We use this for add 100.000 Housenumber in 
Dortmund. I have one wish
  - focus on 'Abschnitt' in german or save the last focus
  And one question. Can i change the spearator line per 90 degree ?
Hello Marc,

First, I'm not 'the terracer plugin developer'. I just thought it could 
benefit from some tweaks and started working on it. From the Trac 
history I see there have been multiple developers but the plugin was 
initially written by Matt Amos (who's not working on it anymore).

You can see the improvements I have in mind below, you should be able to 
  close the window using Enter in the future (which will behave the same 
as OK (or Abschnitt)). Does that suit you?

Additional to the list below I plan to save the last choice for Even/Odd 
  between JOSM restarts and popups.

  Lambertus wrote:
  Hello list,
  There is an (ongoing) building import in The Netherlands and as a 
result of that I've applied addresses to a couple of hundred buildings. 
 From this experience I have some wishes for the terracer plugin which 
would greatly improve the usability when applied. I hope you don't mind 
me asking...
  - Keybind ESC to close the window (same behaviour as 'Cancel').
  - Keybind Enter to close the window (same behaviour as 'Ok').
  - Put focus on the first field ('lowest number') when the window opens.
  - Assume 'Even/Odd' as the default choice (I admit that this could 
be a choice based on regional choice, but at least for The Netherlands 
this is the default).
  The following two items would help when using the terracer plugin 
for tagging single free-standing houses (yes, I liked using terracer for 
taging single houses as well):
  - Allow non-numeric addresses (like 12a or 34-2) if only one number 
is entered.
  - Don't process the building outline as if it were a housing block 
if only one number is entered as many free-standing buildings have 
non-symmetrical shapes (and there is nothing to terrace anyway).
  If it is considered that these changes could be made by a Java noob 
then a link to the plugin code is appreciated and I'll attempt to create 
a patch. Thanks in advance.
  josm-dev mailing list
  josm-dev mailing list

josm-dev mailing list

[josm-dev] Terracer plugin: A few ideas for improved usability

2010-04-14 Thread Lambertus
Hello list,

There is an (ongoing) building import in The Netherlands and as a result 
of that I've applied addresses to a couple of hundred buildings. From 
this experience I have some wishes for the terracer plugin which would 
greatly improve the usability when applied. I hope you don't mind me 

- Keybind ESC to close the window (same behaviour as 'Cancel').
- Keybind Enter to close the window (same behaviour as 'Ok').
- Put focus on the first field ('lowest number') when the window opens.
- Assume 'Even/Odd' as the default choice (I admit that this could be a 
choice based on regional choice, but at least for The Netherlands this 
is the default).

The following two items would help when using the terracer plugin for 
tagging single free-standing houses (yes, I liked using terracer for 
taging single houses as well):
- Allow non-numeric addresses (like 12a or 34-2) if only one number is 
- Don't process the building outline as if it were a housing block if 
only one number is entered as many free-standing buildings have 
non-symmetrical shapes (and there is nothing to terrace anyway).

If it is considered that these changes could be made by a Java noob then 
a link to the plugin code is appreciated and I'll attempt to create a 
patch. Thanks in advance.

josm-dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] Gosmore patch to rebuild pak

2009-10-01 Thread Lambertus

Can you not reply with strong words like 'spamming' on messages like these?
It sounds so much nicer to point good intending people to the Trac website
[1] and have them create tickets and attach the patches there...

[1] (choose component 'gosmore' when
submitting tickets)

On Thu, 01 Oct 2009 20:55:39 +0100, Tom Hughes wrote:
 On 01/10/09 20:34, Christian Müller wrote:
 gosmore fails to rebuild a pak file since the introduction of FWRITE
 macro definition.  Reason:
 Can you not send these messages to the developer of gosmore rather than 
 spamming the dev list with them?

dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] Gosmore preferring unsealed tertiary route

2009-08-10 Thread Lambertus
John Smith wrote:
 --- On Mon, 10/8/09, Lambertus wrote:
 Really, I'm no traveling salesman, but I lean towards
 defining routing classes for all the highway=* tags and add
 children to each of them for different situations (like
 surfaces, width, turns that cross the other lane, traffic
 lights etc) that add or subtract average speed or add
 penalty time (average speed penalties have no use on nodes
 like bollards or traffic calming).
 You could do this based on estimated m/s, a motorway at over 100km/hr is a 
 minimum of 28m/s, obviously if maxspeed is available that could nail it down 
 much better.
That's indeed how Gosmore works, the routing rules specify what the 
average speed of a certain road is (usually a few km lower than the 

 Lots of unsurfaced roads are maxspeed=100 but you wouldn't be able to sustain 
 that all the time, I'd say a 30% hit at a guesstimate.
Legal speeds and practical speeds are usually not in relation with each 
other when talking about the unsurfaced roads. On the other hand, I've 
driven some South African 'washboard' dirt roads with a rental car and 
could not sustain more then 40km/h while the windows were shaken loose 
in their hinges. But the typical 4WD 'bakkies' pickups roared past us at 
full speed So average speed is difficult to determine for such roads 
unless you differentiate between 4WD and luxury cars.

 calming devices drop you to 15km/hr or there abouts.
Yes, but as they are often represented as a node in OSM, giving them an 
average speed is meaninless. A time or point penalty seems more suitable.

dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] Cloudmade routing for OSM rails_port site.

2009-04-27 Thread Lambertus
Is OSM actually looking for getting a route planner on it's main website?

If so, the I happen to know a project that does webbased routing and is 
completely OS... but the interface and routing engine could use more 
work. So if the source code of Cloudmade's routing website is OS and the 
routing engine is OS as well, then I'm all for it.

  Andy Allan wrote:
 On Mon, Apr 27, 2009 at 12:37 PM, Chris-Hein Lunkhusen wrote:
 Марат Хасанов schrieb: (only view and routing
 tabs works)
 is it planned to integrate this on the site ?
 That's what we're looking for feedback on - what do you think?
 (I work for CloudMade)
 dev mailing list

dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] Cloudmade routing for OSM rails_port site.

2009-04-27 Thread Lambertus
No doubt CM and other candidates would volunteer to maintain the box. I 
would anyway, but providing a box is too much.

Namefinder is at times, let's say, troublesome but only a small part of 
the whole routing process and therefore doesn't stop usage and 
development of a routing service if it's not perfect.

Richard Fairhurst wrote:
 Andy Allan wrote:
 That's what we're looking for feedback on - what do you think?
 Assuming we're not going to host an open-source routing service on an OSM
 box (which we're not unless someone supplies the box and volunteers to
 maintain it, I guess), we'd need to do the Different routing services are
 available thing - and the precedent is that we'd do it in a similar way to
 the tile source selection.
 Very very roughly, that might involve replacing the car/walk/cycle selector
 with a drop-down menu:
 - Albert's Routing Service
 - CloudMade (bicycle)
 - CloudMade (car)
 - CloudMade (walking)
 - OpenRouteService
 - Zarquon Bicycle Directions
 ...assuming that all these services had a common API for such requests.
 But IMO any effort in this area would be best devoted to fixing Namefinder.
 A decent namefinder is a prerequisite of a routing service anyway.

dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] Cloudmade routing for OSM rails_port site.

2009-04-27 Thread Lambertus
I'm the author of YOURS:

The code of YOURS is in SVN:

Igor Shubovych wrote:
 Which one you know?
 The interface can be taken from CloudMade.
 The interface is opensource. The service is not.
 2009/4/27 Lambertus
 Is OSM actually looking for getting a route planner on it's main
 If so, the I happen to know a project that does webbased routing and is
 completely OS... but the interface and routing engine could use more
 work. So if the source code of Cloudmade's routing website is OS and the
 routing engine is OS as well, then I'm all for it.
  Andy Allan wrote:
   On Mon, Apr 27, 2009 at 12:37 PM, Chris-Hein Lunkhusen wrote:
   Марат Хасанов schrieb: (only view
 and routing
   tabs works)
   is it planned to integrate this on the site ?
   That's what we're looking for feedback on - what do you think?
   (I work for CloudMade)
   dev mailing list
 dev mailing list

dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] SVN-access

2009-02-24 Thread Lambertus
Tom Hughes is the man in charge of SVN, according to wrote:
 who do I have to ask to get SVN-write-access to check in
 patches to Osmosis instead of having to mail them around?
 dev mailing list

dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] Fwd: [OpenStreetMap] mdelatorre sent you a new message

2009-01-15 Thread Lambertus
He asked the same question on the forum and got a couple of answers 
already. I see no reason why he should PM you as well for this question...

SteveC wrote:
 Hi can someone help this guy?
 Begin forwarded message:
 Hi SteveC,

 mdelatorre has sent you a message through OpenStreetMap with the  
 subject I like your videos:

 Hello Steve, I would like to ask you how do you scale down your  
 images for using them in JOSM, with out loosing is creation date and  

 dev mailing list

dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] Broken posting on forum? (Bad request)

2008-07-24 Thread Lambertus
Rafał Miłecki wrote:
 When I try to post new thread or just add post to some existing thread I get:
 Bad request. The link you followed is incorrect or outdated.
 Go back
I just created a test topic - it works. So I guess there's something 
wrong with your brower. Can you remove the cookie that is called 
'openstreetmap_forum' on the site and try again please?

dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] all things to all people

2008-04-24 Thread Lambertus
Brett Henderson wrote:
 On Wed, Apr 23, 2008 at 7:54 AM, Frederik Ramm [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Since the minute-diff was introduced OSMXAPI has been running, on
  average, about 6 minutes behind the main database.
 Sigh, this project is too large already for one person to keep the
 overview. Minute diffs you say. Hadn't heard of them until now, thanks
 I really should do some more advertising, this has come up a few times 
 now :-)
 I've also created tasks for populating a PostGIS simple schema which 
 is useful for maintaining a local replica of OSM data.  Latest SVN 
 osmosis has tasks for merging changesets into it so you could in theory 
 have a PostGIS database kept within 6 minutes of the main API.  It 
 should be very efficient at serving bounding boxes although only 
 real-world testing will confirm this.  There's still a few TODOs in 
 terms of keeping a database in sync that only stores a subset of the 
 planet, at the moment I can only apply whole planet diffs.
Oh, that would be very useful for e.g. the Garmin map makers like myself.

I extract bboxes from a fresh planet file every week now and realise 
that I'm downloading most of the data every week again and that the map 
making process is delayed by the need to fetch 4 GB of data first. Being 
able to keep a PostGIS database up to date with small updates and 
efficiently (hopefully!) extract bboxes would be very welcome!

It would be of benefit for the NL tileserver that runs of a  PostGIS 
database as well, I think. Hopefully the scheme used by Mapnik and your 
'simple' scheme does not differ too much...

dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] svn Account

2008-04-02 Thread Lambertus
Here you go:


Martijn Pannevis wrote:
 Raphael Studer wrote:

 A coworker of mine and I implemented some osmarender rules for the
 piste map proposal
 We would like to add them to the render.

 I'm interested in this. I always find it strange that not many 
 real-world maps have ski areas.
 Are there any places where these tags apear in the real world? As in: 
 Can I see them (and how do they currently look? Not rendered?)
 Kind Regards,
 Martijn Pannevis.
 dev mailing list

dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] Altitude data (cycle) route profiles

2008-03-31 Thread Lambertus
Robert Vollmert wrote:
 Not sure how common they are, but there's some GPS units with built-in  
 barometer (Garmin Etrex Vista HCX at least). The data they provide  
 should be good enough to be useful.
Those sensors need calibration against a known point and can give a huge 
offset when uncalibrated. I have such a GPS (GPSmap 60CSx) and never 
calibrate it as will most others presumably. As a cyclist all I'm 
interested in is the relative altitude differences not the precise 
actual altitude as opposed to, say, skydivers. Measuring relative 
altitudes is quite accurate (+/- few meters) though. The data is useless 
when you want to use it as a primary source, but it should be alright if 
you want to use it to determine offsets when compared with a known 
point. This requires you to process the GPX nodes trace-by-trace so you 
can determine the offset from which the trace started.

I appose to using altitude data on nodes. E.g. one would not be able to 
move a node when that data is added without having to correct/remove the 
  height data as well. Also adding altitude data invites to add 
-otherwise useless- nodes everywhere. I prefer to have altitude data 
kept apart from OSM database. Perhaps our own SRTM database 
corrected/enhanced using our traces.

dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] Returning email address when authenticated by OSM API?

2008-03-03 Thread Lambertus
Heh, ok so my authentication code tries to filter a non existent email 
address field from the response. Maybe I thought it would be available 
sometime when I wrote that. Thanks for clearing that.

As a consequence I should change the forum code so it displays a warning 
when a user tries to email without a defined reply address.

Tom Hughes wrote:
   Lambertus [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 The API used to return the users email address when they are authenticated
 by the OSM API. The email address is used by the forum to let users send
 private email to the administrator or each other. Unfortunately this isn't
 possible since the API does not return the email address anymore.
 I don't believe it has ever done that.
 I have no idea when this behaviour changed, but forum-wise this is an
 unwanted change. Can someone shine a light on this?
 I have just checked the code and nothing at all has changed. It does
 not return the email address and (as far as I can see) never has.

dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] Osmosis: Subtiling the planet with nice ways proposal

2008-01-15 Thread Lambertus
Steve Ratcliffe wrote:
 One thing to add is that ideally you want to split tiles so that they are
 smaller where there is more detail and larger elsewhere.  If you look at
 the map viewer on the Garmin web site, for example - Metro Guide Europe,
 you can see the tile outlines.  Over London they are much smaller than
 anything we do, although there is just one tile over much of Wales. Of
 course they have more data.
True, the current 'hard' 0.25 sq tilesize isn't optimal (though 
necessary to hold the Rotterdam area), but that is simply a matter of 
defining my bboxes differently and does not solve the actual problem 
where ways are missing on tileborders.

On the other hand; if there is no problem with the tile crossing ways 
then there seems no real reason not to use the small square size: Units 
with much storage space don't suffer and units with limited storage have 
the advantage of a fine grained tileset (so you can travel further 
without running out of space possibly).

dev mailing list