Re: [OSM-dev] Grid lines

2011-01-17 Thread Steve Hill

On Mon, 17 Jan 2011, Andy Allan wrote:

My approach would be to generate a table with the gridlines in it, but
I haven't tried.

I was starting to think that might be the way, but was just curious if 
anyone had come up with a better programmatic method (e.g. a fancy select 
sql statement that generates the appropriate geometries on-the-fly or 
similar, since they are regular repeating geometries - this should be 
reasonably easy for lat/lon grids but the other types aren't quite as 
regular so would require some thought)


 - Steve

 Servatis a periculum, servatis a maleficum - Whisper, Evanescence

dev mailing list

[OSM-dev] Grid lines

2011-01-17 Thread Steve Hill

I've been Googling around for pointers on sensible ways to do grid line 
overlays for OSM in Mapnik and haven't really come up with anything 
useful.  I'm just wondering if anyone else has had a go at doing this, and 
if so what method they used.  I'm mostly interested in a lat/lon grid, 
OS grid and UTM at the moment.


 - Steve

 Servatis a periculum, servatis a maleficum - Whisper, Evanescence

dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] Check out my photos on Facebook

2010-10-14 Thread Steve Hill

On Wed, 13 Oct 2010, Chris Browet wrote:

Isn't facebook becoming the biggest "legal" botnet ever created?

Its about time the webmail providers started banning people stupid enough 
to hand their authentication credentials out to a third party (facebook). 
I'd hope that doing so is breaking the webmail provider's T&Cs.


 - Steve

 Servatis a periculum, servatis a maleficum - Whisper, Evanescence

dev mailing list

[OSM-dev] Important information for OpenPisteMap users

2010-03-08 Thread Steve Hill

Some OpenPisteMap bits are changing and this may affect third party 

1. The tiles have moved to  They are 
currently being served from the old location as well, but this will be 
discontinued in the following phases:
i) After a few weeks, tiles served from the old location will get a 
"please update your software" watermark applied to them.
ii) A few weeks later, the old location will start returning "404 Not 
If you are operating a web site that embeds OpenPisteMap using the map.js 
and opm.js scripts served directly from the OPM server then you *probably* 
don't need to do anything.  Other software will need updating.

2. Owing to abuse by a small number of users (no, using a robot to pull
down a third of a million tiles a week is not acceptable behaviour), 
OpenPisteMap will start banning people who download more than 20,000 
tiles in a day or 40,000 in a week.  As a point of comparison, the whole 3 
Vallies resort at all zoom levels covers around 9,000 tiles, so there 
shouldn't really be much need to exceed these limits.  If you have a 
specific reason why you need to then please discuss it with me - bandwidth 
isn't free and a small number of users are disproportionately using a lot 
of it.

Also, a polite request to robot writers: it is generally considered good 
practice for robots to identify themselves in the UA string of their 
requests.  This is desiarable so that the authors of buggy/misbehaving 
robots can be contacted and therefore fixed, and also so that website 
operators can properly estimate the cost associated with various clients. 
The vast majority of robot traffic that hits OpenPisteMap spoofs a "real 
browser" UA string (most commonly Opera, but most of the common browsers 
are represented too).  If you're responsible for writing one of these 
robots, please consider fixing your software and presenting a suitable UA 


  - Steve

  Servatis a periculum, servatis a maleficum - Whisper, Evanescence

dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] Contours, hillshading and void filling

2010-03-01 Thread Steve Hill
On Mon, 1 Mar 2010, Andy Allan wrote:

> I'm pretty sure that gdal_translate here is using the .hdr and .prj
> files - otherwise where is the location information coming from?

Hmm.. Further investigation shows that it is magically using the .hgt and 
.prj when reading a file with a ".bil" extension (even though it is 
identical to the .hgt file).

However, if you point it at the .hgt file instead then gdal_translate 
seems to parse the location data out of the file name anyway.  The only 
difference appears to be that the resulting file contains 
"AREA_OR_POINT=Point" instead of "AREA_OR_POINT=Area".

It seems that outputs a tiff with "AREA_OR_POINT=Area" 
if I point it at a .hgt file too...  (Still confused why it doesn't want 
to work on tiff inputs though)


  - Steve

  Servatis a periculum, servatis a maleficum - Whisper, Evanescence

dev mailing list

[OSM-dev] Contours, hillshading and void filling

2010-03-01 Thread Steve Hill

I'm having a go at hillshading with the SRTM data at the moment. 
Obviously the data needs to be void-filled before being shaded, so I 
looked at the script that ships with gdal 1.7.1.

This script doesn't appear to work when I point it at the GeoTIFF files (I 
end up with the voids still in the output file), but it does work if I 
use .hgt files for input.  I assumed that since the .hgt files hadn't been 
processed by the script that the resulting data would 
be incorrectly projected, but gdalinfo tells me that it contains the same 
projection data as the .tif files that produces.

So I've been looking at to see exactly what it does, 
and I have to say that I'm extremely confused: it appears that it creates 
a .hdr and .prj file, and then does absolutely nothing with them - the 
.tif is produced by the following:
cp $TILE.hgt $TILE.bil
gdal_translate -ot Int16 $TILE.bil $TILE.tif

Can anyone shed some light onto this?

>From reading the comments, it seems that even without 
the correction the script is supposed to be doing, we're only talking 
about an error of around 45 metres (i.e. the difference between the centre 
and edge of a pixel) so in the grand scheme of things it probably doesn't 
matter whether it is working or not, but it would be nice to know why I'm 
bothering to run it when generating contour lines.


  - Steve

  Servatis a periculum, servatis a maleficum - Whisper, Evanescence

dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] osm2pgsql deltas

2010-01-20 Thread Steve Hill
On Thu, 21 Jan 2010, Brett Henderson wrote:

> It must be the JVM ...  The only socket stuff Osmosis does is making HTTP
> requests, it never listens on sockets.  I'm very surprised it's listening on
> all interfaces though.  I know there's some debug and profiling type ports
> that Java 6 opens but I thought they were only available locally and I
> (perhaps wrongly) assumed they were secured in some way (eg. You can connect
> using the jconsole tool and get stats on running JVMs).

It is possible that the JVM will check the source address and drop 
remote connections... seems a bit silly though.  For what its worth, my 
Java version info is:

java version "1.6.0"
OpenJDK  Runtime Environment (build 1.6.0-b09)
OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (build 1.6.0-b09, mixed mode)


  - Steve

  Servatis a periculum, servatis a maleficum - Whisper, Evanescence

dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] osm2pgsql deltas

2010-01-20 Thread Steve Hill
On Wed, 20 Jan 2010, Brett Henderson wrote:

> Matt's suggestion of running under strace might be the way to go here.  I've
> never seen anything like this before.

Got it!

For some reason, one of the threads creates a PF_INET6 socket on an 
ephemeral port, listenning on all network interfaces.  The same thread 
then creates a connection to that socket.  Due to a misconfiguration on my 
server, ip6tables was set to drop looped back IPv6 traffic, so it was 
sitting there waiting for the connection to time out.

Fixing the ip6tables config to allow looped bak IPv6 traffic has resolved 
the problem.

Some odd notes:

1. This connection can't be especially important since it was able to 
carry on working just fine without the connection present.
2. Since it is on an ephemeral port, the socket is presumably only be used 
for internal communication between threads - as such, using a socket that 
is listenning for connections on all network interfaces seems like a 
really bad idea.  This sort of stuff should be done with unix domain 
sockets, not public network sockets.
3. Of course, I have no idea if Osmosis or the JVM itself is responsible 
for this. :)


  - Steve

  Servatis a periculum, servatis a maleficum - Whisper, Evanescence

dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] osm2pgsql deltas

2010-01-19 Thread Steve Hill
On Tue, 19 Jan 2010, Martijn van Oosterhout wrote:

> That seems awfully long.

It seems to match what other people have reported here.

> You did tune postgresql as described in the
> wiki before you started, right?


> You did make sure you actually had
> enough memory to make sure you aren't swapping in the process?

8GB of RAM.

> On a
> system with only 1GB of memory I could get it to complete in a day
> (though that was a while back)..

Were you using slim mode?  I can import in under a day when not using slim 
mode, however you have to use slim mode if you want to be able to apply 
deltas and this adds a huge overhead.


  - Steve

  Servatis a periculum, servatis a maleficum - Whisper, Evanescence

dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] osm2pgsql deltas

2010-01-19 Thread Steve Hill
On Tue, 19 Jan 2010, Brett Henderson wrote:

> The documentation may not be comprehensive and does assume some knowledge
> around how Osmosis pipelines are constructed, but it is accurate and up to
> date to the best of my knowledge.

It does document each specific commandline parameter, but it is rather 
lacking in the "how to" sense - i.e. its great if you know exactly what 
commandline parameters you need and just need to understand how to use 
them, but less great if you're working out how to use Osmosis to download 
deltas for the first time.

> "Honking great Java application" is a little excessive, we're hardly talking
> about installing a JEE server here.  Does this refer to the download size,
> the fact that it runs on Java, or that fact that it seems hard to install.

Well, I was having a bad day and was utterly failing to get Osmosis to 
work at all so I may have gone off on one here somewhat unnecessarilly... 
sorry. :)

However, my personal opinion of Java is that it is generally a Bad Thing - 
it has certain specific uses but is massively overused in inappropriate 
situations.  That probably coloured my judgement somewhat.


  - Steve

  Servatis a periculum, servatis a maleficum - Whisper, Evanescence

dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] osm2pgsql deltas

2010-01-19 Thread Steve Hill
On Tue, 19 Jan 2010, Brett Henderson wrote:

> That seems odd.  Are you able to point it to a debugging proxy to figure out
> what's going on?  Does it eventually time out, or does it hang forever?

I've got it working, but it seems to hang for about 3 minutes before doing 
anything - doesn't contact the server in that time, it just appears to sit 


  - Steve

  Servatis a periculum, servatis a maleficum - Whisper, Evanescence

dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] osm2pgsql deltas

2010-01-18 Thread Steve Hill
On Mon, 18 Jan 2010, John Smith wrote:

> Which is why you keep your system 2-5 minutes behind the DB system and
> you don't have to catch up ;)

Feel free to buy me a server that is capable of doing this. :)

My server isn't exactly underpowered, but:

1. From a blank database, it takes several days to import the planet file 
in slim mode.  This means that even if I start importing the planet file 
the moment it is available, by the time it has finished my server will 
have several days of deltas to catch up with.

2. At times, there is enough new data in the deltas to cause my server to 
fall behind.  My existing system automatically switched to using hourly or 
daily deltas as appropriate when it has got far enough behind for them to 
make sense - this helps it catch up quicker.

3. Any outage is going to end up causing me to have to play "catch up" 
again anyway, so the faster this can be done the better.

Most of this is down to I/O load, and there is only so much that can be 
done to boost database performance.


  - Steve

  Servatis a periculum, servatis a maleficum - Whisper, Evanescence

dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] osm2pgsql deltas

2010-01-18 Thread Steve Hill
On Mon, 18 Jan 2010, John Smith wrote:

> You can stuff the new diff files straight into osm2pgsql, it's all I'm
> doing, I coded my own shell script to keep track of where my system is
> up to and to pull new ones when they are available.

I think thats what I'm going to have to do.  I can't figure out how to get 
Osmosis to work - it just sits there doing nothing when I fire it up with 
"--rri --simc --wxc blah.osc".  Even with "-v 9" on the commandline all I 
get is it sitting there saying "FINE: Reading current server state." and 
doing nothing more. :(

I'm just exceptionally dubious about stuffing minutely deltas directly 
into osm2pgsql - my system struggles to keep up at times anyway, forcing 
it to catch up using only minutely deltas seems a recipe for disaster 
because my experience is that applying minutely deltas has a significant 
overhead when compared to daily deltas.


  - Steve

  Servatis a periculum, servatis a maleficum - Whisper, Evanescence

dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] osm2pgsql deltas

2010-01-18 Thread Steve Hill
On Mon, 18 Jan 2010, Frederik Ramm wrote:

> Yes, and I have explained about 1.000 times that what comes out of Osmosis

You may have explained all this on this list 1,000 times (which I very 
much doubt), but I couldn't find any of it properly documented anywhere on 
the Wiki...

> WILL be one single (daily or 1.73daily or 2.918daily or 0.002daily depending 
> on how often you call it) file.

I'd wager that having Osmosis download 1440 minutely diffs and assemble 
them into a daily diff is going to take significantly more time than just 
wgetting a single daily diff.  However, I can't verify my assumption at 
the moment because I'm having to spend my time battling (and currently 
failing) to get a honking great Java application (Osmosis) to work to do 
all this.  I'm afraid this seems like a retrograde step to me, compared 
with the relative simplicity of stuffing diffs directly into osm2pgsql.


  - Steve

  Servatis a periculum, servatis a maleficum - Whisper, Evanescence

dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] osm2pgsql deltas

2010-01-18 Thread Steve Hill
On Mon, 18 Jan 2010, Brett Henderson wrote:

> While the old date based names were easy to identify, unfortunately they
> don't work with replication files which are only approximately aligned with
> timestamps.  Initialising the replication is a little annoying due to the
> disconnect between timestamp and sequence number, but as Frederik points out
> from that point on the replication mechanism is simpler.

With the old system, I used the daily deltas if my database was lagging a 
day or more behind, hourly deltas if I was more than an hour behind and 
minutely deltas under normal operation.  As I understand it, this is no 
longer possible and I'll end up having to use minutely deltas all the 
time.  It seems that this new system is going to make the already very 
time-intensive process of applying deltas even less efficient...  Or have 
I misunderstood how this works?


  - Steve

  Servatis a periculum, servatis a maleficum - Whisper, Evanescence

dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] osm2pgsql deltas

2010-01-17 Thread Steve Hill
On Sun, 17 Jan 2010, Matt Amos wrote:

> for the things i'm using them for they seem to work fine with
> osm2pgsql without any changes. if you're using osmosis to grab the
> changes then you'll need to change the rcii/rci tasks to rrii/rri
> tasks [1], though.


The old hourly and minutely deltas had filenames based on their dates; the 
new ones don't.  Is there a sensible way to figuring out which deltas you 
need without downloading several hundred *.state.txt files?

The best I can come up with is trying to do a binary cut to reduce the 
number of downloads needed to find the right delta, but that's messy as 
hell compared to how trivial it was when we had date based names.


  - Steve

  Servatis a periculum, servatis a maleficum - Whisper, Evanescence

dev mailing list

[OSM-dev] osm2pgsql deltas

2010-01-16 Thread Steve Hill

I've just realised that the hourly and minutely planet deltas have been 
replaced by the new transaction based formats, but I can't seem to find 
any documentation regarding their use with osm2pgsql.

Can anyone provide any info on this?


  - Steve

  Servatis a periculum, servatis a maleficum - Whisper, Evanescence

dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] osm2pgsql tile expiry freaks me out

2009-11-05 Thread Steve Hill
On Thu, 5 Nov 2009, sly (sylvain letuffe) wrote:

> In case he is doing like me, that is : running a cron job over and over again
> the same file where duplicates might acumulate. But there is a few chance he
> reaches such a number, so that was probably a bad guess.

Ah, ok.  That makes sense.  The way I handle expiry means that I get a 
fresh expiry list each time rather than appending to an existing one - as 
soon as each osm2pgsql run completes I discard any entried from the expiry 
list that don't have associated rendered tiles actually on the disk(*).

* it's actually a bit more complicated than this since you have to handle 
all the zoom levels.  See:
to see how I do it.


  - Steve

  Servatis a periculum, servatis a maleficum - Whisper, Evanescence

dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] Ponderings about an improved tagging scheme

2009-02-20 Thread Steve Hill
On Fri, 20 Feb 2009, wrote:

>> Well, I'm not sure that the kind of objects found on a map can't be
>> categorized by a sufficiently flexible system.
> Like
> * objects belonging to multiple "types"?

This was already covered by the proposal (and is indeed one of the 
driving factors behind it).

> * different ways of categorizing the same information?

I'm not sure what you mean.

> Given the imagination of people it was proven beyond any doubt
> that the collection is infinite.

There are a finite number of objects in the OSM database.

In any case, no tagging scheme is going to place any restriction on the 
number of different types of object - there is nothing stopping you 
deciding to use a new value for the "type" tag if no one has ever mapped 
that type of object before.

> Strange, I was under the impression that our system was quite chaotic
> and worked under the 2 rules:
> 1. "just do it or be ignored"
> 2. "don't break what others have build or they will get very angry"

These 2 rules are at odds with eachother though.  Over time, tags get 
depricated, new tags get created.  If I'm going to get angry because you 
"break" the roads I've mapped by migrating them from depricated tags to 
new tags then all the software is eventually going to become a nightmare 
to maintain.  You *can't* support a mess of depricated tags forever, at 
some point you have to draw the line and say "we need to fix the data so 
we can simplify the software".

>> How about an orderly collection of attributes (which would cover most of
>> what's going on now with things like "highway=" or "natural=") WITH the
>> option of a free-form "tags" attribute for object types and attributes
> that
>> fall through the cracks?
> What about you start working on such an order so that it encompasses
> everything
> people have already done or are currently doing and we see each other again
> in
> say... 15 years?

I'd like to point out that if everyone said "that job's so big, it's 
impossible", we'd never get anything done.

I mean, a bunch of people creating a map of a good chunk of the world is 
such a big job that it is practically impossible... right?  Oh wait - 
that's exactly what we've done, precisely because people actually got on 
and did it instead of telling eachother that it was such a big job that it 
wasn't worth attempting.

Steering a project as big as OSM is like steering a supertanker - you 
can't just stop and change direction.  But if no one ever takes a step 
back and looks at possible directions that it *might* be an idea to go in 
then the project is doomed.  You can't keep taking the path of least 
resistance forever, at some point you have to say "what can we do to make 
this *better* instead of just continuing as we are", otherwise you just 
end up heading into a dead end.

> Yes and we achieve consistency by consense.
> People do like other people have already done.
> Everything else has failed due to being ignored by an army of mappers.

That's not true at all.  Over the years the project has evolved - it is 
nothing like it was when it started.  If everyone just stood by and said 
"we're not going to try and change anything because we will just be 
ignored" we would still be using constructs like segments, relations 
wouldn't exist, we wouldn't have spinoff projects like the cycle map and 
the piste map, etc.

  - Steve

  Servatis a periculum, servatis a maleficum - Whisper, Evanescence

dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] Ponderings about an improved tagging scheme

2009-02-19 Thread Steve Hill

On Thu, 19 Feb 2009, Frederik Ramm wrote:

Your concept is utterly unworkable of course with the current software 

Would you like to explain why it is utterly unworkable?

"Instead of having a geometric object with some properties, we instead think 
of objects with some properties (like “this is a museum” and “this has the 
name Natural History Museum”) and the added property of “this object is 
positioned at such and such a location”. ... So the geometry is not the 
object itself, as it is now, but it is just one property of some kind of 
abstract object."

I'm not sure what you mean by this - Every object on a map is a geometric 
object, so what are you claiming is the difference between "a geometric 
object with some properties" and an "object with some properties"?

I believe this is indeed the way many pros are doing it - there is an object 
and the geometry is one of many properties of the object. It is a concept to 
keep in mind for the more distant future; I don't think we should aim to do 
it with the current implementation of relations though.

I think you are somehow misunderstanding what I proposed - my idea really 
isn't that different from what we have now.  For example, at the moment 
you can create some ways and group them into a relation which you tag as a 
bus route, or a cycle route, etc.

I am essentially suggesting 2 things:

1. the tagging schemes between relations and other objects are unified. 
So the tags "type=road, classification=primary", etc. can be applied to 
either a way, or a relation consisting of ways.

2. the "type" tag can be used to define a context for normal objects, much 
as it does for relations.  So rather than having to understand that 
a large number of fairly arbitrary tags, such as "highway=road" and 
"amenity=school" define what the object is, you now only have to know 
that the "type" tag is going to define what the object is.

Both of these points seem compeltely workable with the current software.

 - Steve

 Servatis a periculum, servatis a maleficum - Whisper, Evanescence
dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] Diff files - Best Approach?

2009-02-19 Thread Steve Hill
On Thu, 19 Feb 2009, brendan barrett wrote:

> 1. What's the difference between these two diff approaches?

Not sure - I've always used the daily/hourly/minutely ones. :)

> 2. Is there a best practice approach to keeping in sync?

For OpenPisteMap, I write an updater script:
(you'll need to hack the paths in the script as appropriate).

It basically tries to keep the local database in sync with the OSM server 
by grabbing the deltas each minute, but it also tries to be smart with 
whether it downloads the daily, hourly or minutely deltas based on how far 
behind you are.

> FYI: I am not using any OSM tools to do the import, i'm writing my own
> import code (i'm in a .Net environment, and I find it better for my
> understanding if I do this myself). I can figure out how the files
> work, I just need to know the high level stuff.

Well, my updater script may not directly be that useful to you then (it 
uses osm2pgsql), but it might be a handy reference.  I don't claim it is 
necessarilly a "best practice" implementation, but I have tried to be 
sensible with the number of requests it makes to the OSM server.

  - Steve

  Servatis a periculum, servatis a maleficum - Whisper, Evanescence

dev mailing list

[OSM-dev] Ponderings about an improved tagging scheme

2009-02-19 Thread Steve Hill

I've been thinking about ways to improve the way objects are tagged in OSM 
- for a long time I've seen some problems with the way we currently tag 
things, and I finally got around to writing down some of my thoughts on 
the subject.

I wouldn't mind some feedback on my ideas:

  - Steve

  Servatis a periculum, servatis a maleficum - Whisper, Evanescence

dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] [PATCH] osm2pgsql tile expiry

2009-02-08 Thread Steve Hill
On Sun, 8 Feb 2009, Martijn van Oosterhout wrote:

> Have you tuned the database at all according to what's on the
> page? If you don't
> increase the shared_memory setting then postgres is going to spend the
> whole time swapping various indexes in and out of memory.

Yes, I actually have the shared buffers set to 512MB at the moment, 
although Postgresql doesn't seem to actually be using anything close to 
that much.

> Any server with 2GB of memory has to be able to keep up I think...

The database server currently has about 1.2GB, so maybe it could do with 
some more.

  - Steve

  Servatis a periculum, servatis a maleficum - Whisper, Evanescence

dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] [PATCH] osm2pgsql tile expiry

2009-02-08 Thread Steve Hill
On Sun, 8 Feb 2009, Roeland Douma wrote:

> However I am wondering is it possible to add a range of zoom levels? Since I
> probably want to erase zoom 10-18.

My method is to use osm2pgsql to generate a list of dirty tiles at my 
maximum zoom level (17) and then the script which actually does the expiry 
can generate a list of tiles for all the lower zoom levels from this 
information alone.

e.g. if tile (x, y, 17) is expired, you know that you also need to expire 
(x/2, y/2, 16), (x/4, y/4, 15), (x/8, y/8, 14), etc.


I'm still trying to improve the performance of the script, 
but the premise is that it looks on the disk to see what tiles actually 
exist and inserts a reference to them into a Postgres table together with 
a time stamp.  This means that I can expire higher zoom levels more 
frequently than lower levels (e.g. we don't want zoom level 0 to be 
expired every time someone makes a change anywhere on the planet :)

  - Steve

  Servatis a periculum, servatis a maleficum - Whisper, Evanescence

dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] [PATCH] osm2pgsql tile expiry

2009-02-08 Thread Steve Hill
On Sun, 8 Feb 2009, Jon Burgess wrote:

> I have just started running the diff import on the OSM tile server. The
> diff imports are a little slower than I'd ideally like but seem to be
> working.

I've got some significant database performance problems on my system in 
general to be honest - I think I'm going to have to spend some time 
tuning the DB.  My server seems to be unable to keep up with the OSM 
updates during the day (it gradually falls behind during the day and then 
catches up again overnight: ).  The 
database server seems to be totally I/O bound most of the time.

One query that stands out as very slow is a waterways query generated by 
Mapnik at low zooms:
LOG:  duration: 19252.079 ms  execute : select asbinary(way) as 
geom,"landuse","natural","waterway" from (select * from planet_osm_line where 
waterway IS NOT NULL or landuse='reservoir' or landuse='water' or 
"natural"='lake' or "natural"='water' order by z_order) as water where way && 
setSRID('BOX3D(1066449.418634779 5997554.987368068,1105585.17711679 

But as for the performance problems during updates, I haven't pinned down 
any specific query that is causing problems, I think it's just being slow 
at looking up any record in the DB.

> your
> osm2pgsql solution looks like it handles edge cases where a line crosses
> a tile with no nodes inside the tile.

That was the primary reason for integrating it into osm2pgsql - we're 
already calculating all the PostGIS objects here, so it seemed the logical 
place to also calculate dirty tiles.

The edge case it can't really handle very well is where Mapnik renders 
something (e.g. text) some distance away from the object.  At the moment, 
the code expires any tiles that are 0.5 tile-widths away from the object 
in order to try and reduce this problem.  But when using the generated 
tile list to expire tiles in lower zoom levels you haven't got as much 
data available so you either have to just expire 1 tile and accept that 
stuff might get cut off at the edge, or expire all the surrounding tiles 
as well.

One option may be to have osm2pgsql calculate dirty tiles for *all* zoom 
levels rather than just the maximum, but that's going to make the list 
very big.

> I might be tempted to add a metatile flag too. Since mod_tile only cares
> about rendering 8x8 grids of tiles this can dramatically reduce the
> number of tiles that we actually need to track.

Is this not just a case of reducing the zoom level you ask osm2pgsql to 
expire for?  e.g. if your maximum zoom level is 17 (giving a map 131027 
tiles wide), asking for zoom level 14 should give you meta-tiles instead 
(the map would be 16384 meta-tiles wide since a zoom level 14 tile 
contains an 8x8 array of zoom 17 tiles).

> I don't see anything wrong with you adding this into SVN. Thanks for the
> new code.

Cool.  I'll make some of the suggested tweaks to the code and commit it 
later today.

  - Steve

  Servatis a periculum, servatis a maleficum - Whisper, Evanescence

dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] [PATCH] osm2pgsql tile expiry

2009-02-08 Thread Steve Hill
On Sun, 8 Feb 2009, Martijn van Oosterhout wrote:

> I just realised. You have also created a parse_wkt, which opens up the
> path to limited relation processing even in non-slim mode. (It doesn't
> solve the problem completely, since the whole problem is that non-slim
> doesn't store most of the info required, but for certain types of
> relations it might be sufficient.)

Yes, in order to mark tiles as dirty for deleted objects, I select the 
object from the database prior to deletion and parse it into a list of 

I have also cheated to some extent with relations - so that I don't need 
to care how osm2pgsql creates PostGIS objects for relations, I just parse 
the WKT which is being added to the database.  This has the advantage that 
the object generation code can be changed without affecting the tile 
expiry code, although there will be a minor overhead introduced by parsing 
the WKT instead of integrating more directly in the relation processing 

  - Steve

  Servatis a periculum, servatis a maleficum - Whisper, Evanescence

dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] [PATCH] osm2pgsql tile expiry

2009-02-08 Thread Steve Hill
On Sun, 8 Feb 2009, Martijn van Oosterhout wrote:

> - The use of -o. Is there any other output osm2pgsql could produce
> that would be more logical. Not really a big deal, the long option
> expire-output is there which is good enough for me.

I can't think of anything else that osm2pgsql outputs, but I'm open to 
suggestions for a more intuitive option.

> - There a whole new file added (expire-tiles.c) which seems to have
> some kind of tree structure. Do you think you could add a comment at
> the beginning what kind of structure it is and any relevent invariants
> (like middle-ram.c does).

It is a simple binary tree of tiles' X coordinates with each node 
containing a binary tree of Y coordinates.  I will add a comment 
explaining the structure.

Its memory requirements are not capped, but daily diffs seem to result in 
a few hundred thousand dirty tiles at zoom 17, which are easilly 
accommodated.  Running with the -e option for the initial import of the 
whole planet would be a Very Bad Thing though. :)

I was originally intending the binary tree to be a quick hack to be 
replaced with a better structure (possibly a b-tree) once the rest of the 
code was working, but it turned out not to pose any noticable performance 
problems so I have left it as-is for now.

> - Does middle.h need to include osmtypes.h?

It makes use of struct osmNode, which is defined in osmtypes.h.  I added 
the include so that osmtypes.h didn't need to be explicitly included 
before middle.h in .c files, but I can remove this again if that is 

> - You've got a definition of EARTH_CIRCUMFERENCE. Does that match with
> what's used in the projection code?

Good question.  Looks like the projection code for Spherical Mercator 
defines an Earth radius of 6378137m.  This gives us a circumference of:
 2 * 6378137 * 3.14159265358979323846 = 40075016.68557848615314309804
I'm using 40075016.68, which I'd say is as close as it needs to be.

Of course, this is going to break if someone is not using Spherical 
Mercator - maybe I should add code to exit with an error if a different 
projection is used (the OSM tiles are defined in terms of Spherical 
Mercator coordinates so the tile list generated is going to be fairly 
meaningless for other projections).

  - Steve

  Servatis a periculum, servatis a maleficum - Whisper, Evanescence

dev mailing list

[OSM-dev] [PATCH] osm2pgsql tile expiry

2009-02-08 Thread Steve Hill
xpected object type while 
processing PostGIS data" << std::endl;
+delete geometry;
+return -1;
+delete geometry;
+} catch (...) {
+std::cerr << std::endl << "excepton caught parsing PostGIS data" << 
+return -1;
+return 0;
 size_t build_geometry(int osm_id, struct osmNode **xnodes, int *xcount, int 
make_polygon) {
 size_t wkt_size = 0;
 std::auto_ptr > lines(new std::vector);
Index: osm2pgsql.c
--- osm2pgsql.c (revision 13558)
+++ osm2pgsql.c (working copy)
@@ -481,6 +481,8 @@
 fprintf(stderr, "   -W|--password\tForce password prompt.\n");
 fprintf(stderr, "   -H|--host\t\tDatabase server hostname or socket 
 fprintf(stderr, "   -P|--port\t\tDatabase server port.\n");
+fprintf(stderr, "   -e|--expire-tiles zoom\tCreate a tile expiry list for 
a zoom level.\n");
+fprintf(stderr, "   -o|--expire-output filename\tOutput filename for 
expired tiles list.\n");
 fprintf(stderr, "   -h|--help\t\tHelp information.\n");
 fprintf(stderr, "   -v|--verbose\t\tVerbose output.\n");
 fprintf(stderr, "\n");
@@ -571,6 +573,8 @@
 int sanitize=0;
 int pass_prompt=0;
 int projection = PROJ_SPHERE_MERC;
+int expire_tiles_zoom = -1;
+const char *expire_tiles_filename = "dirty_tiles";
 const char *db = "gis";
 const char *username=NULL;
 const char *host=NULL;
@@ -607,10 +611,12 @@
 {"port", 1, 0, 'P'},
 {"help", 0, 0, 'h'},
 {"style",1, 0, 'S'},
+{"expire-tiles", 1, 0, 'e'},
+{"expire-output", 1, 0, 'o'},
 {0, 0, 0, 0}
-c = getopt_long (argc, argv, "ab:cd:hlmMp:suvU:WH:P:E:C:S:", 
long_options, &option_index);
+c = getopt_long (argc, argv, "ab:cd:hlmMp:suvU:WH:P:E:C:S:e:o:", 
long_options, &option_index);
 if (c == -1)
@@ -633,6 +639,8 @@
 case 'H': host=optarg; break;
 case 'P': port=optarg; break;
 case 'S': style=optarg; break;
+case 'e': expire_tiles_zoom=atoi(optarg); break;
+case 'o': expire_tiles_filename=optarg; break;
 case 'h':
 case '?':
@@ -690,6 +698,8 @@
 options.mid = slim ? &mid_pgsql : &mid_ram;
 options.cache = cache; = style;
+options.expire_tiles_zoom = expire_tiles_zoom;
+options.expire_tiles_filename = expire_tiles_filename;
 out = &out_pgsql;
Index: middle.h
--- middle.h(revision 13558)
+++ middle.h(working copy)
@@ -7,6 +7,8 @@
 #ifndef MIDDLE_H
 #define MIDDLE_H
+#include "osmtypes.h"
 struct keyval;
 struct member;
 struct output_options;
Index: expire-tiles.c
--- expire-tiles.c  (revision 0)
+++ expire-tiles.c  (revision 0)
@@ -0,0 +1,352 @@
+ * Dirty tile list generation
+ *
+ * Steve Hill 
+ */
+#include "expire-tiles.h"
+#include "output.h"
+#include "pgsql.h"
+#include "build_geometry.h"
+#define EARTH_CIRCUMFERENCE40075016.68
+#define TILE_EXPIRY_LEEWAY 0.5 // How many tiles worth 
of space to leave either side of a changed feature
+#define EXPIRE_TILES_MAX_BBOX  3   // Maximum width or 
height of a bounding box (metres)
+struct tile_subtree {
+   struct tile_subtree *   less;
+   struct tile_subtree *   greater;
+   int y;
+struct tile_tree {
+   struct tile_tree *  less;
+   struct tile_tree *  greater;
+   int x;
+   struct tile_subtree *   subtree;
+static int map_width;
+static double  tile_width;
+static const struct output_options *   Options;
+static struct tile_tree *  dirty = NULL;
+static int outcount;
+static void add_to_subtree(struct tile_subtree ** tree, int y) {
+   while (*tree) {
+   if (y < (*tree)->y) tree = &((*tree)->less);
+   else if (y > (*tree)->y) tree = &((*tree)->greater);
+   else return;// Already in the tree
+   }
+   *tree = calloc(1, sizeof(**tree));

Re: [OSM-dev] Export dead?

2008-12-17 Thread Steve Hill
On Wed, 17 Dec 2008, Tom Hughes wrote:

> It doesn't work while the planet file is reloading on a Wednesday morning.

Ah, ok - I hadn't realised that, thanks.

  - Steve

  Servatis a periculum, servatis a maleficum - Whisper, Evanescence

dev mailing list

[OSM-dev] Export dead?

2008-12-17 Thread Steve Hill

The map exporter seems to be dead at the moment - it is only exporting the 
coastline (no roads, etc).  Is anyone else having this problem?  (I'm 
trying to export a map near Bristol - changing the zoom level doesn't 
seem to make any difference)

  - Steve

  Servatis a periculum, servatis a maleficum - Whisper, Evanescence

dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] osm2pgsql patch mode very slow.

2008-10-10 Thread Steve Hill
On Fri, 10 Oct 2008, Matt Amos wrote:

> looks like something is making your disk write performance suck... if
> this is a hosted VM then you might be getting contention from other
> users on the same host machine. i had that with bytemark, but they
> were cool about it and moved my VM to a different host with less disk
> activity. no problems since then.

It's a VM running on my own server - there should be very little other 
disk activity...  maybe time to do some tests and work out what's making 
it suck...  :(


  - Steve

  Servatis a periculum, servatis a maleficum - Whisper, Evanescence

dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] osm2pgsql patch mode very slow.

2008-10-10 Thread Steve Hill
On Fri, 10 Oct 2008, Matt Amos wrote:

> does it hang, or does it just take a while?

Well, strictly speaking I would probably say it takes a while, rather than 
actually hanging, since the CPU time used by the postgres process running 
the UPDATE is incrementing.  But "a while" is well over a day, so it may 
as well be hung. :)  (I haven't seen it complete the daily patch yet, and 
I started it going yesterday morning).

> i'm running with the following package versions
> postgresql 8.3.3
> postgresql-postgis 1.3.3-1
> postgresql-contrib 8.3.3

I have:


> what does iostat say? (more importantly, what does `iostat 30` say if
> you leave it 5 mins?)

It is running under Xen...  I wonder how badly that makes the disk 
performance suck...

  - Steve

  Servatis a periculum, servatis a maleficum - Whisper, Evanescence

dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] osm2pgsql patch mode very slow.

2008-10-10 Thread Steve Hill
On Mon, 29 Sep 2008, Grant Slater wrote:

>> What are the postgres version requirements for patch mode?
>> = postgresql 8.2 with GIST and GIN index support compiled in.

Unfortunately I'm seeing the same problem after upgrading to 
the postgresql-8.3.4-1PGDG.rhel5 package.  The initial import of the 
planet goes ok with no errors, but it just hangs when importing the diffs:

[EMAIL PROTECTED] osm2pgsql]$ ./osm2pgsql -m -d gis -a -s -C 500 
osm2pgsql SVN version 0.55-20080813 $Rev: 9211 $

Using projection SRS 900913 (Spherical Mercator)
Setting up table: planet_osm_point
Setting up table: planet_osm_line
Setting up table: planet_osm_polygon
Setting up table: planet_osm_roads
Mid: pgsql, scale=100, cache=500MB, maxblocks=64001*8192
Setting up table: planet_osm_nodes
Setting up table: planet_osm_ways
Setting up table: planet_osm_rels

Reading in file: /home/mapnik/planet/20081001-20081002.osc.gz

The load average is 1, but nothing seems to be using much CPU so I guess 
it's all I/O bound.  ps shows a number of postgres processes doing stuff:

13459 ?Ss 0:00 postgres: mapnik gis [local] idle in 
13460 ?Ss 0:00 postgres: mapnik gis [local] COPY
13461 ?Ss 0:00 postgres: mapnik gis [local] COPY
13462 ?Ss 0:00 postgres: mapnik gis [local] COPY
13463 ?Ss 0:00 postgres: mapnik gis [local] idle in 
13464 ?Ds20:28 postgres: mapnik gis [local] UPDATE
13465 ?Ss 0:00 postgres: mapnik gis [local] idle in 
30097 ?Ss 0:00 postgres: logger process
30099 ?Ss 1:31 postgres: writer process
30100 ?Ss 0:07 postgres: wal writer process
30101 ?Ss 0:00 postgres: autovacuum launcher process
30102 ?Ss 0:06 postgres: stats collector process

  - Steve

  Servatis a periculum, servatis a maleficum - Whisper, Evanescence

dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] osm2pgsql patch mode very slow.

2008-09-29 Thread Steve Hill
On Fri, 26 Sep 2008, Martijn van Oosterhout wrote:

> It works? I don't see how. Didn't it complain about not being able to
> find GIN indexes and thus not being usable for patches?

It complained that one of the postgresql-contrib packages not being 
installed, so I installed it.  It hasn't made any complaints since, but it 
clearly isn't working properly.

What are the postgres version requirements for patch mode?

  - Steve

  Servatis a periculum, servatis a maleficum - Whisper, Evanescence

dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] osm2pgsql patch mode very slow.

2008-09-25 Thread Steve Hill
On Wed, 24 Sep 2008, Martijn van Oosterhout wrote:

> What version of postgres? Are you running the latest version from SVN?

postgresql-8.1.11-1.el5_1.1 (This is a CentOS box).

The version of osm2pgsql was checked out of svn last week - revision 
10564.  I've just done a svn update to the head, but nothing new has been 
checked in to osm2pgsql.

  - Steve

  Servatis a periculum, servatis a maleficum - Whisper, Evanescence

dev mailing list

[OSM-dev] osm2pgsql patch mode very slow.

2008-09-24 Thread Steve Hill

I'm trying to use the new osm2pgsql patch mode - I've imported the 
whole of last Wednesday's planet using slim mode and I'm now trying to 
apply the first daily patch file.  However, it is *really* slow (the 
patching has been running for days for just a single day's diff).

I'm seeing extremely long SQL queries logged by Postgres:

LOG:  duration: 936198.972 ms  statement: EXECUTE   [PREPARE: 
PREPARE node_changed_mark(int4) AS UPDATE planet_osm_ways SET pending = 
true WHERE nodes @ ARRAY[$1] AND NOT pending;

Could this be something as simple as a missing index, or is something more 
serious likely to be wrong?

  - Steve

  Servatis a periculum, servatis a maleficum - Whisper, Evanescence

dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] Holes in contours

2008-09-16 Thread Steve Hill
On Tue, 16 Sep 2008, Dave Stubbs wrote:

> a whole pile of the missing contour lines reappear.
> Interestingly a lot of the contours are cut at tile boundaries.

A very good point - I hadn't noticed that.  I think completely dropping 
the database and starting from scratch may be in order at some point (I'll 
probably do that when I get around to fiddling with the new diff import 
stuff in osm2pgsql anyway).

Too much to do, too little time. :-/

  - Steve

  Servatis a periculum, servatis a maleficum - Whisper, Evanescence

dev mailing list

[OSM-dev] Holes in contours

2008-09-12 Thread Steve Hill

On the piste map, I have some large holes in the contours for Canada. 
Initially I thought these were holes in the SRTM3 data itself, but I've 
noticed that the cycle map seems to have much better coverage of the area.


Is the cycle map still using the SRTM3 data for Canada, or is it using the 
higher resolution data sets that are available for North America?

I haven't seen any similarly large holes in the contours for similar 
latitudes in Europe but I can't think of any sane reason why this problem 
would be restricted to Canada.

  - Steve

  Servatis a periculum, servatis a maleficum - Whisper, Evanescence

dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] Installing the Rails port.

2008-07-11 Thread Steve Hill
On Fri, 11 Jul 2008, Jon Burgess wrote:

> There are a large number of components involved with the slippy map and
> export tab. These all use data from the API, the Mapnik or Osmarender
> tile servers and these all have different setup requirements. If you
> want more details then you need to be more specific on what exactly you
> want to achieve.

Currently, OpenPisteMap uses a fairly simple web page with OpenLayers to 
display the Mapnik tiles.  My intention is to replace that web page with 
one that will give me search and export functions using my existing Mapnik 
tiles and PostGIS database.  OpenPisteMap uses the OSM dataset, imported 
into PostGIS from the planet file about once a month and the Mapnik tiles 
are rendered from that database.

Presumably the bits which use the OSM API can query the main API server 
(no need to run my own copy of the API)?

  - Steve

  Servatis a periculum, servatis a maleficum - Whisper, Evanescence

dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] Installing the Rails port.

2008-07-11 Thread Steve Hill
On Fri, 11 Jul 2008, Jon Burgess wrote:

> If you want to run the rails code with no modification then you probably
> need a database to keep rails happy but it does not need to have any
> data in it.

Ok, that makes sense, thanks.

I just have 5 months until the ski season kicks off to get around to 
actually doing it now. :)

  - Steve

  Servatis a periculum, servatis a maleficum - Whisper, Evanescence

dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] Installing the Rails port.

2008-07-11 Thread Steve Hill
On Fri, 11 Jul 2008, Andy Robinson (blackadder-lists) wrote:

> If you are planning to serve up a custom map then you need to render your
> own tiles, and for that you will probably want a database backend unless you
> plan to deliver only a very small area of the world.

I'm already rendering Mapnik tiles for the OpenPisteMap website (so I 
have the PostGIS database already).  However, the OSM site has some nice 
features like the map exporter that I wouldn't mind adding so I was 
trying to guage what I needed to do.

>From what I understand from the wiki, the main OSM data set is in MySQL, 
but I wasn't quite able to work out if I actually needed the MySQL DB for 
the Ruby on Rails website to work, or if I could do without it.

  - Steve

  Servatis a periculum, servatis a maleficum - Whisper, Evanescence

dev mailing list

[OSM-dev] Installing the Rails port.

2008-07-11 Thread Steve Hill

I'm a bit confused by what is actually required to run the website bit of 
OSM (not the API - just the slippymap viewer, export tab, etc) - does it 
need they MySQL database (with the planet imported into it), or can it be 
run without?

  - Steve

  Servatis a periculum, servatis a maleficum - Whisper, Evanescence

dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] Google Map Maker

2008-06-25 Thread Steve Hill
On Tue, 24 Jun 2008, Frederik Ramm wrote:

> Now that Google have unveiled their offer, which obviously must have
> been some time in the making, the words have even greater power: Us
> out in the open, honestly saying what we do and what we want, and
> them working for months behind closed doors on some secret project
> that is then one day presented to the gasping public.

This is the standard Google model I'm afraid.  They are often described as 
an open source company, but they really aren't.  Google is generally a 
good citizen when using existing Free projects - they generally submit 
code back and such good stuff.  However, they are rather less open when it 
comes to their own projects, with most of them being closed source (e.g. 
Google Earth, Picassa, the search engine itself, etc.).  Whilst some of 
their projects do have open source code, they by no means have an open 
development model (look at Android as an example - they've been making a 
big deal about it for a while, but it has essentially been created behind 
closed doors).

I have no problem with Google working this way, but I do wish people 
didn't keep trying to pass them off as a Free software company.

Unlike open projects such as OSM, Google try to retain as much control as 
they can for as long as possible - they guide the direction of the project 
themselves, with very little scope for the community to shape the project.

> Other than that, I think it's a positive development because OSM will
> automatically get some of the publicity by means of contrast.

Yes, although it is a double edged sword - there is already a problem with 
people outside the Free software world not understanding the differences 
between free (as in beer) and Free (as in speech) and the real benefits 
the latter can bring (how often is the "why don't you just use Google's 
free (no cost) maps?" question heard?).  This further muddies the waters 
for the people who didn't fully understand the freedom concept to begin 

  - Steve

  Servatis a periculum, servatis a maleficum - Whisper, Evanescence

dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] Volunteers needed now. OSM for Myanmar disaster relief.

2008-06-10 Thread Steve Hill
On Mon, 9 Jun 2008, Christopher Schmidt wrote:

> TileCache + OSM + Mapnik is probably a very poor path to take. The world
> boundaries shapefiles are simply too large to reasonably expect to fit
> into memory on most machines in a TileCache-like setup.

Why not put all the shapefiles in PostGIS?  Surely that would allow them 
to be processed more efficiently?  (At least, I have everything in PostGIS 
on OpenPisteMap and it seems to work well.  However, I'm not using 
TileCache and my Mapnik is probably somewhat out of date).

  - Steve

  Servatis a periculum, servatis a maleficum - Whisper, Evanescence

dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] Mapnik style updates: highway=road

2008-06-09 Thread Steve Hill
On Mon, 9 Jun 2008, Thomas Wood wrote:

> Since this is a new value for the highway tag, it may require also
> adding to the relevant osm2pgsql places. One I can see is:

Good point - I had forgotten some specific highway values were handled in 
osm2pgsql.  I have now committed an update to osm2pgsql which adds 
highway=road to that table.

  - Steve

  Servatis a periculum, servatis a maleficum - Whisper, Evanescence

dev mailing list

[OSM-dev] Mapnik style updates: highway=road

2008-06-09 Thread Steve Hill

The highway=road tag was approved last week and Osmarender has been 
rendering it for a few days now.

I have created a patch for the Mapnik styles:

You can see an example rendering here:
(The road which runs down the East side of the river and the North side of 
the motorway is tagged as highway=road).

I'm not sure what the procedure is for applying patches to the 
Mapnik styles - if everyone is happy with it, I can commit the changes to 
SVN myself; or if preferred, can someone apply the above patch?


  - Steve

  Servatis a periculum, servatis a maleficum - Whisper, Evanescence

dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] highway=road

2008-05-12 Thread Steve Hill
On Mon, 12 May 2008, Shaun McDonald wrote:

> Do you have an example rendering?

There is a small area of map here:

The darker grey roads, such as the ones running through the hospital are 
in the new style.

  - Steve

  Servatis a periculum, servatis a maleficum - Whisper, Evanescence

dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] highway=road

2008-05-12 Thread Steve Hill
On Mon, 12 May 2008, Tom Hughes wrote:

> Presumably a different shade of grey to pedestrian roads, which
> are already grey?

It is different, although whether it is different enough is another 
question.  The colours can be tweaked though if people think it is 

  - Steve

  Servatis a periculum, servatis a maleficum - Whisper, Evanescence

dev mailing list

[OSM-dev] highway=road

2008-05-12 Thread Steve Hill

As discussed on the talk list, I have created a highway=road style for 
Mapnik (patch at the bottom of this mail) - this renders ways tagged as 
highway=road in a similar style to unclassified roads, but grey in colour 
so they can easilly be identified..

I've also created a proposal for it on the wiki:

Please could someone apply the below patch to the subversion tree? 

  - Steve

  Servatis a periculum, servatis a maleficum - Whisper, Evanescence

Index: osm-template.xml
--- osm-template.xml(revision 7780)
+++ osm-template.xml(working copy)
@@ -1447,7 +1447,7 @@

-  ([highway] = 'residential' or [highway] = 'minor' or [highway] = 
'road') and not ([tunnel]='yes' or [tunnel]='true')
+  ([highway] = 'residential' or [highway] = 'minor' or [highway] = 
'unclassified' or [highway] = 'road') and not ([tunnel]='yes' or 

@@ -1458,7 +1458,7 @@

-  ([highway] = 'residential' or [highway] = 'minor' or [highway] = 
'road') and ([tunnel]='yes' or [tunnel]='true')
+  ([highway] = 'residential' or [highway] = 'minor' or [highway] = 
'unclassified' or [highway] = 'road') and ([tunnel]='yes' or 

@@ -1491,7 +1491,7 @@

-  ([highway] = 'residential' or [highway] = 'minor' or [highway] = 
'road') and not ([tunnel]='yes' or [tunnel]='true')
+  ([highway] = 'residential' or [highway] = 'minor' or [highway] = 
'unclassified' or [highway] = 'road') and not ([tunnel]='yes' or 

@@ -1502,7 +1502,7 @@

-  ([highway] = 'residential' or [highway] = 'minor' or [highway] = 
'road') and ([tunnel]='yes' or [tunnel]='true')
+  ([highway] = 'residential' or [highway] = 'minor' or [highway] = 
'unclassified' or [highway] = 'road') and ([tunnel]='yes' or 

@@ -1513,7 +1513,7 @@

-  ([highway] = 'tertiary' or [highway] = 'residential' or 
[highway] = 'minor' or [highway] = 'road') and not ([tunnel]='yes' or 
+  ([highway] = 'tertiary' or [highway] = 'residential' or 
[highway] = 'minor' or [highway] = 'unclassified' or [highway] = 'road') and 
not ([tunnel]='yes' or [tunnel]='true')

@@ -1524,7 +1524,7 @@

-  ([highway] = 'tertiary' or [highway] = 'residential' or 
[highway] = 'minor' or [highway] = 'road') and ([tunnel]='yes' or 
+  ([highway] = 'tertiary' or [highway] = 'residential' or 
[highway] = 'minor' or [highway] = 'unclassified' or [highway] = 'road') and 
([tunnel]='yes' or [tunnel]='true')

@@ -1535,7 +1535,7 @@

-  ([highway] = 'tertiary' or [highway] = 'residential' or 
[highway] = 'minor' or [highway] = 'road') and not ([tunnel]='yes' or 
+  ([highway] = 'tertiary' or [highway] = 'residential' or 
[highway] = 'minor' or [highway] = 'unclassified' or [highway] = 'road') and 
not ([tunnel]='yes' or [tunnel]='true')

@@ -1546,7 +1546,7 @@

-  ([highway] = 'tertiary' or [highway] = 'residential' or 
[highway] = 'minor' or [highway] = 'road') and ([tunnel]='yes' or 
+  ([highway] = 'tertiary' or [highway] = 'residential' or 
[highway] = 'minor' or [highway] = 'unclassified' or [highway] = 'road') and 
([tunnel]='yes' or [tunnel]='true')

@@ -2072,7 +2072,7 @@

-  [highway] = 'tertiary' or [highway] = 'residential' or [highway] 
= 'road'
+  [highway] = 'tertiary' or [highway] = 'residential' or [highway] 
= 'unclassified' or [highway] = 'road'

@@ -2082,10 +2082,58 @@

-  [highway] = 'residential' or [highway] = 'minor' or [highway] = 
+  [highway] = 'road'

+  [highway] = 'road'
+  5
+  15000
+  [highway] = 'road'
+  25000
+  5000
+  [highway] = 'road'
+  5000
+  100
+  [highway] = 'residential' or [highway] = 'minor' or [highway] = 
+  10
+  5
@@ -2094,7 +2142,7 @@

-  [highway] = '

Re: [OSM-dev] An Introduction

2008-04-20 Thread Steve Hill
Iván Sánchez Ortega wrote:

> Eeerrr... That can be done already, look at the "view"->"zoom to selection" 
> option in the top menu...

Oops - excellent, I had looked for that but couldn't find it :)


  - Steve

  Servatis a periculum, servatis a maleficum - Whisper, Evanescence

dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] An Introduction

2008-04-19 Thread Steve Hill
Iván Sánchez Ortega wrote:

> Suggestion: have a look at JOSM plugins, in particular at the Validator 
> plugin.

One thing that would be really useful in JOSM is to be able to "zoom" 
the map to a selected node.  I find it quite hard to actually find the 
node the validator is complaining about, even though it is hilighted.


  - Steve

  Servatis a periculum, servatis a maleficum - Whisper, Evanescence

dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] osm2pgsql(-ng)?

2008-04-09 Thread Steve Hill
On Wed, 9 Apr 2008, Martijn van Oosterhout wrote:

> - Direct loading of planet-diffs

I've been knocking together a python script to load all the OSM data into 
Postgresql and generate the tables needed for Mapnik, with support for 
the Osmosis diffs.  The problems I have at the moment are:

1. It needs a lot of disk space for the database because you need to 
store the entire OSM dataset rather than just the cut-down data used by 
2. The initial import of the planet data is slooowww.  Partly because it 
is Python (which I used to make development quicker with the aim or 
porting to C at a later date if necessary), but mostly just due to the 
amount of data being stuffed into Postgres.  I guess this isn't a big deal 
since once the initial import is done you can import diffs relatively 
3. I chose to use the pgdb library to talk to Postgresql, but it turns out 
that it doesn't support cursors properly so this is causing me some issues 
when selecting large datasets from the DB.

What kind of figures are we talking about for disk space and time needed 
to do a planet import with osm2pgsql in slim mode?  I'm interested in 
whether you've got a better solution to me. :)

  - Steve

  Servatis a periculum, servatis a maleficum - Whisper, Evanescence

dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] Altitude data & (cycle) route profiles

2008-04-07 Thread Steve Hill
On Sun, 6 Apr 2008, Sjors Provoost wrote:

> 1 - import SRTM data for (part of) Australia
> 2 - write several algorithms to estimate the height of any given
> coordinate (server side), using original STRM grid
> 3 - display (on the fly) an altitude profile given a route (a sequence
> of nodes). Drawing done server side.
> 5 - integrate with the main website (on a dev server)

This sounds good to me.  I'd also suggest considering implementing an API 
for clients to get at the SRTM altitude data.  Ideas that spring to mind 
1. A simplistic solution: clients can request the elevation at a given 
lat/lon and the server returns the interpolated elevation.
2. Slightly more complex: clients can supply two lat/lon tuples and the 
server returns a list of elevations along the line between them.
3. Even more complex: as with (2) but return the data as bezier (or 
similar) curves.

You're going to need to be able to generate this data anyway, so making it 
accessible via an HTTP API should be quite trivial.

> For method 1 I will write a ruby script that imports the SRTM data and
> will use the source code of SRTM for inspiration.

Where are you going to import it to?  Consider using PostGIS since this 
will allow spacial referencing of the data (but you may need to experi

> For long straight roads there is another problem: a road may go up and
> down several times between two consecutive nodes. I will calculate the
> altitude along several extra points along this way, although this may
> not be very accurate.

Generating parametric curves (as mentioned above) or the line between 2 
points would probably be the best way of attacking this problem.

> For method 2 I will calculate the intersection of each way with an
> altitude contour. This method does not suffer from the
> long-straight-road problem.

I'm not sure why this doesn't suffer from the same problem - the only 
issue I can see with ways that have very sparse nodes is that long 
straight sections may, in fact, not be straight in the real world (which 
there is nothing you can do about - the results are only as accurate as 
the source data).

> I think that method 2 will be more difficult to implement and require
> much more data and processing power. That's why I moved it to the
> secondary goals. If it turns out method 1 is resource intense and/or
> good enough, I will skip method 2.

I posted some estimated figures for storing the entire SRTM3 data set as 
10m contours in PostGIS a while ago - about half a terabyte.  I think your 
best option is to stick with the raw grid and write a system to generate 
parametric curves of elevation for arbitrary vectors across it on-the-fly.

> Initially I would like to use Gnuplot for the visualization, because
> it is simple to use. However, if time permits, I would like to
> generate the profile plot client side and more fancy. The client will
> simply receive a list of (x,y) coordinates from the server.

ISTR seeing a PHP library for generating graphs as SVG images - can't 
remember what it was called but something like that may be helpful.

> That separate server can use a stripped
> down version of the OSM database to improve its performance.

This server doesn't really need the OSM database at all - instead of 
sending a list of node IDs to the server, you can just send it a list of 
lat/lon tuples.

  - Steve

  Servatis a periculum, servatis a maleficum - Whisper, Evanescence

dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] Altitude data & (cycle) route profiles

2008-04-06 Thread Steve Hill
Sjors Provoost wrote:

> There was a lot of discussion about this issue and good arguments
> against my solution, which is why I included step 4: to apply
> different methods and compare them. I've now included real time
> calculation of altitude from SRTM data.

I don't think you have explained what the benefits of your solution are? 
  What is the benefit of including this data in the OSM database rather 
than having a separate "elevation server" which you can hand a list of 
lat/lon tuples and get a list of elevations derived from the SRTM dataset.

Surveying and putting elevation data in the node is a sensible idea (but 
the editors should do something like erase the elevation if someone 
moves the node).  However, what you are suggesting is not surveying for 
each node - you are suggesting interpolating from an existing data set 
and I think this will lead to inaccurate and misleading elevation data 
being recorded at the node.

For example, the elevation data for a path along the edge of a high 
cliff is going to be very inaccurate because you will be interpolating 
between a sample on top of the cliff and a sample below the cliff.  If 
the node were surveyed properly, you would know the actual elevation of 
the node instead of the inaccurate interpolated height.

> If I include extra nodes with lower horizontal accuracy, there has to
> be a way to tag them as such.

Which means all the programs which handle the data have to handle your 
nodes in a special way.  It doesn't seem like a good solution to me.

> I am not sure whether adding extra points for long roads really has
> such a big effect on the size of the planet file; if most of the
> database consists of windy roads and dense cities, there may be only a
> few ways that need extra nodes. I could ignore any way that has more
> than 1 node every 200 meters or so.

Not only are you adding new nodes (I suspect this will be a significant 
number since there are a lot of roads with low node frequency, such as 
motorways), but you are also adding several new tags to the 230 million 
existing nodes - this is a significant amount of data (there are about 
750 million tags on nodes at the moment, so the amount you are proposing 
adding is a significant proportion).

> I am not saying all will be fine, but I think it is worth trying and
> comparing with other methods. It would be great to have a true 3D map,
> especially when in a (far?) future you want to do Google Earth and KML
> like things.

Yes, it would be great to have a true 3D map, but I don't think you have 
made your case as to why you need to add this data into the main OSM 
database instead of keeping it separate.  Also, if you want to do 
something like Google Earth, you're going to need elevations for all of 
the land, not just the nodes along ways.


  - Steve

  Servatis a periculum, servatis a maleficum - Whisper, Evanescence

dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] Altitude data & (cycle) route profiles

2008-04-06 Thread Steve Hill
Sjors Provoost wrote:

(Much of the below has already been said by other people, but I thought 
I should express my views)

> 2 - estimate the altitude of each node (point) in Australia from the
> neighboring SRTM points

Remember to put a source tag on the data (maybe we need a source:ele tag 
instead to show only the elevation data came from SRTM?)

I am also concerned that elevation tags will become more inaccurate as 
nodes are moved - you should think about adding some support into the 
editors to warn people when they move nodes with elevation data attached 
and ask them if they want to remove the elevation data.

> 3 - add extra nodes along long ways with few far-between nodes

I'm unconvinced this is a good idea since you're introducing nodes which 
could well have very inaccurate lat/lon data.  Nodes are usually 
considered to be relatively accurate since they are (generally) 
positioned by using some real data (GPS track, photos, etc).  What you 
are proposing introduces a lot of nodes that have very little relation 
to the real world and for which the elevation data will become 
inaccurate if someone moves them to better represent the real world.

I'm convinced that it is preferable to keep the SRTM data separate and 
just calculate the intersection of the SRTM data with a way when 
producing an altitude profile.  The SRTM data could, of course, be 
pulled from a server rather than having to keep the data set locally.  I 
just don't think polluting the OSM database with many potentially 
inaccurate nodes is a good idea.

> * apply to the whole planet

If you are adding extra nodes this will massively increase the size of 
the OSM data set.

Also, consider how you are going to handle nodes which already have an 
ele tag - are you going to leave them alone?  What about comparing the 
height you calculate with the existing ele tag and do something smart if 
they are grossly different (e.g. tag the node with a warning that the 
elevation should be checked)

> * update render tool to show when roads do not intersect at equal hight

I'm not sure what this means - a junction is a node which is a member of 
multiple ways - that node is going to have a single elevation tag so all 
the roads using it *must* have the same elevation (there is no other way 
of expressing the junction).

If you are talking about ways crossing without a junction (i.e. no 
shared node), I'm unconvinced the elevation data is high enough 
resolution to make a meaningful judgment as to whether the roads are at 
the same height as each other.


  - Steve

  Servatis a periculum, servatis a maleficum - Whisper, Evanescence

dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] svn Account

2008-04-02 Thread Steve Hill
On Wed, 2 Apr 2008, Lambertus wrote:

> Here you go:

More specifically, there are links to many of the ski resorts here:

Some of them aren't using the proposed tags though, so don't render - 
these are some reasonably good examples though:

(Apologies to anyone trying to use OpenPisteMap earlier this morning - 
something went mad and used up lots of memory on the server so the render 
queue had got quite big)

  - Steve

  Servatis a periculum, servatis a maleficum - Whisper, Evanescence

dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] SoC project idea: Wikifikation of OSM

2008-03-31 Thread Steve Hill
On Mon, 31 Mar 2008, Karl Newman wrote:

> Well, that sounds like a nice idea, but it's fraught with peril. You
> wouldn't be able to arbitrarily select any given changeset/commit for
> reversion because of edits that may have happened after that commit.

There would need to be some kind of conflict resolution strategy, much 
like Subversion has.  It would be complex, but not impossible - it would 
probably need a good user interface though (something integrated into 
JOSM?) for manual resolution of conflicts.

> For example, if someone deleted a bunch of relations, then later someone 
> else deleted a way that was a member of one of the relations, you 
> couldn't simply un-delete the relations because then you'd have a 
> referential integrity problem. Or a more subtle example--someone deletes 
> a way which shares a node with another way. Then the (formerly) shared 
> node is moved. If you un-delete the first way, is it the same as before 
> the delete? From the perspective of the database way table, it is (the 
> node list is the same), but on the map it may be drastically different.

There is no automatic solution to these problems, but they can be detected 
and the user informed.  The user can then decide what action to take 
(which could be to abort the whole thing, recreate deleted/moved nodes, 

  - Steve

  Servatis a periculum, servatis a maleficum - Whisper, Evanescence

dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] SoC project idea: Wikifikation of OSM

2008-03-31 Thread Steve Hill
On Sun, 30 Mar 2008, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> I came up with loads of great ideas just to realise that Frederik Ramm has
> written pretty much the same on the wiki page ?Changesets and Reverts?.

I've thought for a long time that OSM needs a Subversion-style global 
revision number and atomic commits.  So, for example, if someone commits 
completely broken data you can roll back that revision in its entireity.

Also, being able to find out what has changed within a specified bounding 
box since a given date would be really useful - it would allow people to 
take responsibility for an area and be easilly able to check and correct 
changes made within that area.

  - Steve

  Servatis a periculum, servatis a maleficum - Whisper, Evanescence

dev mailing list