Re: [OSM-dev] mod_tile in other projections? (2018)

2018-10-29 Thread Stadtherr, Eric - US

I came across this issue when trying to get the Plate Carrée projection working 
correctly in mod_tile a couple years ago. To add support for a new projection, 
you would have to start by adding support for the new projection to 
get_projection() in src/gen_tile.cpp, which computes the projected x/y bounds 
based on the very specific proj4 projection string. If the aspect ratio isn't 
1:1 like Web Mercator, the boundary computation in tile_translate() in 
src/mod_tile.cpp also requires attention.

Beyond that, modifying the mapnik.xml should theoretically take care of the 

Good luck!

Eric Stadtherr
BIT Systems, Inc.

From: Christoph Hormann 
Sent: Friday, October 26, 2018 1:22 PM
Subject: Re: [OSM-dev] mod_tile in other projections? (2018)

On Friday 26 October 2018, Eduardo Ramalho wrote:
> Now I am trying to only show a country (Portugal)
> with its specific projection EPSG:3763.
> I changed the "mapnik.xml" to have my target "srs" and specific
> cartesian bounds, also changed renderd.conf to have aspectx=1 and
> aspecty=2,
> and finally removed all cached tiles.
> When I check the request url for /0/0/0.png I get a world view bitmap
> (but very distorced).
> I was expecting to get only the half north of Portugal on zoom level
> 0.

Something like this is to be expected.

Mapnik supports rendering in arbitrary projections but renderd and
mod_tile are likely hardcoded to Mercator and what you probably get is
your local coordinate system but rendered with the mercator bounds -
which of course does not make any sense.

For local coordinate systems there is no natural tile system so what
tile 0/0/0 shows exactly depends on the projection *and* the configured
bounds.  The bounds you define in mapnik are just the limits of the
area mapnik renders.  But mapnik does not know anything about tiling,
this is done by renderd.

The funny thing is that the tile manager could be completely projection
agnostic, it would not even need to know what projection the map is in,
it would just need to know the bounds of tile 0/0/0 in the desired
projection - and divide these bounds as needed to generate the
rendering requests for mapnik.

Christoph Hormann

dev mailing list
dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] mod_tile in other projections? (2018)

2018-10-26 Thread Christoph Hormann
On Friday 26 October 2018, Eduardo Ramalho wrote:
> Now I am trying to only show a country (Portugal)
> with its specific projection EPSG:3763.
> I changed the "mapnik.xml" to have my target "srs" and specific
> cartesian bounds, also changed renderd.conf to have aspectx=1 and
> aspecty=2,
> and finally removed all cached tiles.
> When I check the request url for /0/0/0.png I get a world view bitmap
> (but very distorced).
> I was expecting to get only the half north of Portugal on zoom level
> 0.

Something like this is to be expected.

Mapnik supports rendering in arbitrary projections but renderd and 
mod_tile are likely hardcoded to Mercator and what you probably get is 
your local coordinate system but rendered with the mercator bounds - 
which of course does not make any sense.

For local coordinate systems there is no natural tile system so what 
tile 0/0/0 shows exactly depends on the projection *and* the configured 
bounds.  The bounds you define in mapnik are just the limits of the 
area mapnik renders.  But mapnik does not know anything about tiling, 
this is done by renderd.

The funny thing is that the tile manager could be completely projection 
agnostic, it would not even need to know what projection the map is in, 
it would just need to know the bounds of tile 0/0/0 in the desired 
projection - and divide these bounds as needed to generate the 
rendering requests for mapnik.

Christoph Hormann

dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] mod_tile in other projections?

2013-08-19 Thread Jason Lee
Hi Kai,
Thanks very much for those fixes. The tiles seem to look good. I had to
cloak the tile calls behind a TMS protocol and specify the resolutions per
zoom level in OpenLayers + make up for the top-left (OSM tiles) vs
bottom-left (TMS tiles) tile naming scheme.

The only issue I see now is the requirement to have certain map scales for
certain zoom levels. I guess Mod_tile simply halves it on each successive
zoom level (standard for OSM/Goolge tiles) which it works out from the
projection config settings but in my case, I'd like to have some zoom
levels which are not exactly half (maybe provided in an array?).

dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] mod_tile in other projections?

2013-08-16 Thread Kai Krueger

There were a couple of issues with the projection code in mod_tile and
renderd which I have now hopefully fixed.

Renderd was calculating the projected coordinates wrongly for the Y
axis. This wasn't noticeable for the standard projection, as its bounds
are symmetric around zero. This bug is now fixed.

In Mod_tile you couldn't configure the aspect ratio of the tile layer,
and so the aspect ratio of 2x1 was considered out of bounds and returned
404 without getting the requests to renderd. In renderd.conf you can now
specify ASPECTX and ASPECTY which mod_tile will read to configure
that correct bounds checks.

Finally you need prj-bound_y1 = 140. The ratio of projected x
coodinates to projected y coordinates need to be integer, as otherwise
the projected coordiates that mod_tile / renderd assume and what mapnik
actually renders are different and you get projection missmatches at the
metatile boundaries.

I have now checked in the changes and the parameters for the BNG projection.

I think everything is working, but I couldn't get OpenLayers to do the
expected thing in the BNG projection and the tile numbers it requests
don't quite match up. So I couldn't verify that things do work. So
please let me know if anything else is broken,


On 08/15/2013 05:23 AM, Jason Lee wrote:
 I downloaded the latest mod_tile source code with the projections
 support and manually added a BNG projection config in gen_tile.cpp as
 else if (strcmp(srs, +proj=tmerc +lat_0=49 +lon_0=-2
 +k=0.9996012717 +x_0=40 +y_0=-10 +ellps=airy +datum=OSGB36
 +units=m +no_defs) == 0) {
 syslog(LOG_DEBUG, Using bng projection settings);
 prj = (struct projectionconfig *)malloc(sizeof(struct
 prj-bound_x0 = 0.0;
 prj-bound_y0 = 0.0;
 prj-bound_x1 = 70.0;
 prj-bound_y1 = 130.0;
 prj-aspect_x = 1;
 prj-aspect_y = 2;
 This doesn't give me the expected map when I view the top tile 0/0/0.png
 it just shows the bottom southwest tip of GB.
 I am trying to replicate the same top map tiles as OSM-GB project's
 given here:-
 ..but my mod_tile returns a 404 for tile 0/0/1.png - is it because it
 always expects 1 top tile at zoom 0?
 On 2 April 2013 12:36, Jason Lee wrote:
 Kai and all other respondents,
 This is great response to my query and I will definitely continue to
 look into using the latest mod_tile/renderd code to work - in my
 specific case - with British National Grid projection, 27700.
 On 26 March 2013 04:44, Kai Krueger wrote:
 On 03/07/2013 08:36 AM, Jason Lee wrote:
 Hi all,
 It might seem an odd question but I'll give it a shot -
 would mod_tile/renderd support the dynamic generation of map
 tiles in a map projection other than web mercator? If not,
 then would it be possible/how difficult would it be to
 modify the code to support it?
 In case you are still interested, I have now refactored the code
 a bit to make it easier to support different projections.
 Supporting new projections now should be as simple as adding 6
 numbers, (the boundaries in projected coordinates and the map
 aspect ratio). For the moment you still need to recompile
 renderd after changing / adding those numbers, but in the future
 that might change.
 At the moment it supports spherical mercator and plate carree
 out of the box and they can be mixed in the same rendering
 server. You configure those by changing the srs of the mapnik
 style sheet to the appropriate values.
 Also it is now possible to configure the size of the tiles in
 renderd.conf and it is no longer hard coded to be 256 px. (You
 still need to change the mapnik stylesheet for the appropriate
 PPI though).
 The only other thing I can think of is using MapProxy with
 Mapnik backend but I'm not sure the scalabilty/performance
 compared to mod_tile.
 Thanks and regards,

dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] mod_tile in other projections?

2013-08-15 Thread Jason Lee
I downloaded the latest mod_tile source code with the projections support
and manually added a BNG projection config in gen_tile.cpp as follows:-

else if (strcmp(srs, +proj=tmerc +lat_0=49 +lon_0=-2 +k=0.9996012717
+x_0=40 +y_0=-10 +ellps=airy +datum=OSGB36 +units=m +no_defs) ==
0) {
syslog(LOG_DEBUG, Using bng projection settings);
prj = (struct projectionconfig *)malloc(sizeof(struct
prj-bound_x0 = 0.0;
prj-bound_y0 = 0.0;
prj-bound_x1 = 70.0;
prj-bound_y1 = 130.0;
prj-aspect_x = 1;
prj-aspect_y = 2;

This doesn't give me the expected map when I view the top tile 0/0/0.png it
just shows the bottom southwest tip of GB.

I am trying to replicate the same top map tiles as OSM-GB project's given

..but my mod_tile returns a 404 for tile 0/0/1.png - is it because it
always expects 1 top tile at zoom 0?

On 2 April 2013 12:36, Jason Lee wrote:

 Kai and all other respondents,
 This is great response to my query and I will definitely continue to look
 into using the latest mod_tile/renderd code to work - in my specific case -
 with British National Grid projection, 27700.


 On 26 March 2013 04:44, Kai Krueger wrote:

 On 03/07/2013 08:36 AM, Jason Lee wrote:

 Hi all,
 It might seem an odd question but I'll give it a shot - would
 mod_tile/renderd support the dynamic generation of map tiles in a map
 projection other than web mercator? If not, then would it be possible/how
 difficult would it be to modify the code to support it?

 In case you are still interested, I have now refactored the code a bit to
 make it easier to support different projections. Supporting new projections
 now should be as simple as adding 6 numbers, (the boundaries in projected
 coordinates and the map aspect ratio). For the moment you still need to
 recompile renderd after changing / adding those numbers, but in the future
 that might change.

 At the moment it supports spherical mercator and plate carree out of the
 box and they can be mixed in the same rendering server. You configure those
 by changing the srs of the mapnik style sheet to the appropriate values.

 Also it is now possible to configure the size of the tiles in
 renderd.conf and it is no longer hard coded to be 256 px. (You still need
 to change the mapnik stylesheet for the appropriate PPI though).


 The only other thing I can think of is using MapProxy with Mapnik
 backend but I'm not sure the scalabilty/performance compared to mod_tile.

 Thanks and regards,

dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] mod_tile in other projections?

2013-04-02 Thread Jason Lee
Kai and all other respondents,
This is great response to my query and I will definitely continue to look
into using the latest mod_tile/renderd code to work - in my specific case -
with British National Grid projection, 27700.


On 26 March 2013 04:44, Kai Krueger wrote:

 On 03/07/2013 08:36 AM, Jason Lee wrote:

 Hi all,
 It might seem an odd question but I'll give it a shot - would
 mod_tile/renderd support the dynamic generation of map tiles in a map
 projection other than web mercator? If not, then would it be possible/how
 difficult would it be to modify the code to support it?

 In case you are still interested, I have now refactored the code a bit to
 make it easier to support different projections. Supporting new projections
 now should be as simple as adding 6 numbers, (the boundaries in projected
 coordinates and the map aspect ratio). For the moment you still need to
 recompile renderd after changing / adding those numbers, but in the future
 that might change.

 At the moment it supports spherical mercator and plate carree out of the
 box and they can be mixed in the same rendering server. You configure those
 by changing the srs of the mapnik style sheet to the appropriate values.

 Also it is now possible to configure the size of the tiles in renderd.conf
 and it is no longer hard coded to be 256 px. (You still need to change the
 mapnik stylesheet for the appropriate PPI though).


 The only other thing I can think of is using MapProxy with Mapnik backend
 but I'm not sure the scalabilty/performance compared to mod_tile.

 Thanks and regards,

dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] mod_tile in other projections?

2013-03-25 Thread Kai Krueger

On 03/07/2013 08:36 AM, Jason Lee wrote:

Hi all,
It might seem an odd question but I'll give it a shot - would 
mod_tile/renderd support the dynamic generation of map tiles in a map 
projection other than web mercator? If not, then would it be 
possible/how difficult would it be to modify the code to support it?
In case you are still interested, I have now refactored the code a bit 
to make it easier to support different projections. Supporting new 
projections now should be as simple as adding 6 numbers, (the boundaries 
in projected coordinates and the map aspect ratio). For the moment you 
still need to recompile renderd after changing / adding those numbers, 
but in the future that might change.

At the moment it supports spherical mercator and plate carree out of the 
box and they can be mixed in the same rendering server. You configure 
those by changing the srs of the mapnik style sheet to the appropriate 

Also it is now possible to configure the size of the tiles in 
renderd.conf and it is no longer hard coded to be 256 px. (You still 
need to change the mapnik stylesheet for the appropriate PPI though).


The only other thing I can think of is using MapProxy with Mapnik 
backend but I'm not sure the scalabilty/performance compared to mod_tile.

Thanks and regards,

dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] mod_tile in other projections?

2013-03-24 Thread Paul Norman

 From: Jason Lee [] 
 Sent: Thursday, March 07, 2013 7:36 AM
 Subject: [OSM-dev] mod_tile in other projections?

 The only other thing I can think of is using MapProxy with 
 Mapnik backend but I'm not sure the scalabilty/performance 
 compared to mod_tile.

I imagine in terms of tiles/second they'd similar. Both use mapnik as a 
backend, both use meta-tiles. Where you're likely to run into problems 
is tile expiry. The traditional mod_tile/renderd/osm2pgsql setup copes 
well with OSM data which is constantly changing. mapproxy's cache system 
doesn't have a way to handle data that is outdated except by deleting it.

That being said, I'm not sure if the normal setup handles tile expiry 
correctly in other projections.

dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] mod_tile in other projections?

2013-03-23 Thread Kai Krueger

On 03/07/2013 08:36 AM, Jason Lee wrote:

Hi all,
It might seem an odd question but I'll give it a shot - would 
mod_tile/renderd support the dynamic generation of map tiles in a map 
projection other than web mercator? If not, then would it be 
possible/how difficult would it be to modify the code to support it?
If by dynamic you mean you want to be able to select a different 
projection on every request, then that is currently not possible. 
However I am working on making mod_tile more configurable / 
paramerizable which can possibly be used for different projections per 
request as well. It is initially intended to make seting up rendering of 
multi-lingual maps like [1] easier, but it is basically just an 
extension to be able to pass in an arbitrary string parameter to renderd 
that can then parameterize the mapnik map object in various ways.  With 
this you could have URLs like 
27700/0/0/0.png using mod_tile and renderd.

If you mean dynamic generation of tiles that are always in the same 
projection albeit a different one than web mercator, then that should 
probably be doable with little modifications. The main issue I see with 
that is the tile numbering schema. I presume not all projections have 
the same numbering schema of (z^2) x (z^2) tiles per zoom level. At the 
moment there are a number of sanity checks in mod_tile and renderd that 
filter out requests that don't adhere to this restriction. However, it 
should be fairly trivial to modify those checks to reference the 
appropriate checks for the projection you wish.  There are a few other 
minor modifications you would likely need in renderd, but from a quick 
glance over the code, they should be rather easily doable.


The only other thing I can think of is using MapProxy with Mapnik 
backend but I'm not sure the scalabilty/performance compared to mod_tile.

Thanks and regards,


dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] mod_tile in other projections?

2013-03-19 Thread Michal Migurski
Mod_tile does have projection baked-in:

You may find it necessary to play with the scale of your projection so that the 
units of spherical mercator (equatorial meters) approximately match yours. For 
example, an Albers projection with a standard parallel in the continental 
United States would be scaled up a bit to get the numbers to match.


On Mar 18, 2013, at 8:18 PM, Raffaello Bertini wrote:

 you can change the mapnik configuration file for the projection. mod_tile 
 haven't nothing with projection or ogc protocol.
 mapproxy is better if you need WMS WMTS TMS protocol to distribuite your 
 tiled map in more projection.
 On Thu, Mar 7, 2013 at 4:36 PM, Jason Lee wrote:
 Hi all,
 It might seem an odd question but I'll give it a shot - would 
 mod_tile/renderd support the dynamic generation of map tiles in a map 
 projection other than web mercator? If not, then would it be possible/how 
 difficult would it be to modify the code to support it?
 The only other thing I can think of is using MapProxy with Mapnik backend but 
 I'm not sure the scalabilty/performance compared to mod_tile.
 Thanks and regards,
 dev mailing list
 dev mailing list

michal migurski- contact info and pgp key:

dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] mod_tile in other projections?

2013-03-18 Thread Raffaello Bertini
you can change the mapnik configuration file for the projection. mod_tile
haven't nothing with projection or ogc protocol.
mapproxy is better if you need WMS WMTS TMS protocol to distribuite your
tiled map in more projection.

On Thu, Mar 7, 2013 at 4:36 PM, Jason Lee wrote:

 Hi all,
 It might seem an odd question but I'll give it a shot - would
 mod_tile/renderd support the dynamic generation of map tiles in a map
 projection other than web mercator? If not, then would it be possible/how
 difficult would it be to modify the code to support it?

 The only other thing I can think of is using MapProxy with Mapnik backend
 but I'm not sure the scalabilty/performance compared to mod_tile.

 Thanks and regards,

 dev mailing list

dev mailing list