Re: [RELEASE CANDIDATE] mod_perl-2.0.13 RC1

2023-08-22 Thread Adam Prime
I can reproduce this on linux with perl 5.34.0 or 5.38.0, and probably 
other's I haven't tried. If I build httpd 2.4.57 with mod_proxy, then it 

t/logs/error_log shows this:

[Tue Aug 22 21:43:54.639949 2023] [proxy_balancer:emerg] [pid 3450] 
AH01177: Failed to lookup provider 'shm' for 'slotmem': is 
mod_slotmem_shm loaded??
[Tue Aug 22 21:43:54.639961 2023] [:emerg] [pid 3450] AH00020: 
Configuration Failed, exiting

If I uncomment the LoadModule for mod_slotmem_shm in the default 
httpd.conf that shipped with 2.4.57, then the tests run as expected with 
the one failure.

I think this could be a bug with the way that Apache::Test figures out 
what apache configuration it should use, possibly. It does seem to be 
related to the way I built apache too though, which is like this:

./configure \
  --prefix=$2 \
  --with-included-apr \
  --enable-deflate=static \
  --enable-proxy=static \
  --enable-auth_digest=static \
  --enable-include=static \
  --with-mpm=prefork && make && make install


On 8/18/23 01:10, Fred Moyer wrote:

[You don't often get email from Learn why this is 
important at ]

Hitting an issue on MacOS, perl 5.36.1, httpd 2.4.57. Not sure if this
is me out of practice or not. Do I need to build against httpd 2.2?

ulimit -c unlimited; /opt/homebrew/Cellar/perl/5.36.1/bin/perl
/Users/phred/dev/mod_perl-2.0.13-rc1/t/TEST -bugreport -verbose=0
/opt/homebrew/opt/httpd/bin/httpd  -d
/Users/phred/dev/mod_perl-2.0.13-rc1/t -f
/Users/phred/dev/mod_perl-2.0.13-rc1/t/conf/httpd.conf -D APACHE2 -D
using Apache/2.4.57 (prefork MPM)

waiting 300 seconds for server to start: .httpd: Syntax error on line
85 of /Users/phred/dev/mod_perl-2.0.13-rc1/t/conf/httpd.conf: Cannot
load /Users/phred/dev/mod_perl-2.0.13-rc1/src/modules/perl/
into server: 
0x000A): symbol not found in flat namespace
halting tests

On Sun, Aug 6, 2023 at 5:00 AM Steve Hay  wrote:

Please download, test, and report back on this mod_perl 2.0.13 release

mod_perl-2.0.13-rc1.tar.gz: EC72BC99 EC01DAE5 BEB1DC8F 2F3807CB A4A9BF4D
 D492E846 858DABC0 EEA8E6B7

mod_perl-2.0.13-rc1.tar.gz: 15EA2E30 B5BE0B76 7E49FC46 20F93AA0 FF4E9EBA
 03E7EDFD 64166223 5C1E652B B3C1CB69 CB60DF33
 C64121C5 C74F3ABB A9ACDB6B 19E9B19A 46790DFE

Major changes in this release are as follows:

Use get_server_banner() instead of deprecated get_server_version() in
Apache2::Status.  [Petr Písař ]

Fix build for perl >= 5.37.1. [Jitka Plesnikova ]

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Re: [DISCUSS] The future of mod_perl

2021-03-17 Thread Adam Prime
The projects current state is that no new development happening. This 
isn't to say that new development shouldn't happen, but it isn't. Apache 
and Perl both continue to move forward, and we are pretty lucky that the 
design that Stas, Phillipe, Geoff, etc built mod_perl 2 under is 
resilient enough to continue to despite the changes that both of these 
projects have made.

So, if the goal of the PMC is to maintain the status quo, then there is 
essentially no time required, aside from someone needing to file a 
report every few months saying that nothing has happened, and there were 
no releases. Things can only remain that way as long as there are no 
security problems that affect mod_perl, and neither Apache or Perl do 
anything that really breaks mod_perl.


On 3/17/2021 6:10 PM, Geoff Mottram wrote:


I would certainly hate to see mod_perl no longer being maintained. I use 
it as a front-end for a library cataloging system that is very much 
alive, in-use and updated with recent HTML, CSS and JavaScript features. 
Rewriting this front-end in some other language would be a huge 
undertaking and would not provide much benefit because Apache + Perl + 
mod_perl not only do the job but do it extremely well.

While I don't understand what type of time commitment would be required, 
I would be happy to add my name to the bottom of any list should others 
have a strong desire to hold such a position.


Geoff Mottram

On 3/17/2021 3:40 PM, Sander Striker wrote:

Dear community members,

As projects mature, they will naturally reach a point where activity 
reduces to a level such that the project is no longer sustainable.  At 
Apache, projects reach this stage when there are not at least 3 active 
PMC members providing oversight. Projects that reach this stage are 
usually placed in the Attic [1] or absorbed by another Apache project 
willing to manage its releases.

If you are interested in seeing mod_perl remain an active project, and 
are able to help maintain and provide oversight, please respond in 
this thread indicating that you are interested in performing the 
duties of a PMC member[2].


Sander Striker
Director, The Apache Software Foundation


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Re: [DISCUSS] The future of mod_perl

2021-03-17 Thread Adam Prime
The projects current state is that no new development happening. This 
isn't to say that new development shouldn't happen, but it isn't. Apache 
and Perl both continue to move forward, and we are pretty lucky that the 
design that Stas, Phillipe, Geoff, etc built mod_perl 2 under is 
resilient enough to continue to despite the changes that both of these 
projects have made.

So, if the goal of the PMC is to maintain the status quo, then there is 
essentially no time required, aside from someone needing to file a 
report every few months saying that nothing has happened, and there were 
no releases. Things can only remain that way as long as there are no 
security problems that affect mod_perl, and neither Apache or Perl do 
anything that really breaks mod_perl.


On 3/17/2021 6:10 PM, Geoff Mottram wrote:


I would certainly hate to see mod_perl no longer being maintained. I use 
it as a front-end for a library cataloging system that is very much 
alive, in-use and updated with recent HTML, CSS and JavaScript features. 
Rewriting this front-end in some other language would be a huge 
undertaking and would not provide much benefit because Apache + Perl + 
mod_perl not only do the job but do it extremely well.

While I don't understand what type of time commitment would be required, 
I would be happy to add my name to the bottom of any list should others 
have a strong desire to hold such a position.


Geoff Mottram

On 3/17/2021 3:40 PM, Sander Striker wrote:

Dear community members,

As projects mature, they will naturally reach a point where activity 
reduces to a level such that the project is no longer sustainable.  At 
Apache, projects reach this stage when there are not at least 3 active 
PMC members providing oversight. Projects that reach this stage are 
usually placed in the Attic [1] or absorbed by another Apache project 
willing to manage its releases.

If you are interested in seeing mod_perl remain an active project, and 
are able to help maintain and provide oversight, please respond in 
this thread indicating that you are interested in performing the 
duties of a PMC member[2].


Sander Striker
Director, The Apache Software Foundation


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Re: [RELEASE CANDIDATE] mod_perl-2.0.11 RC3

2019-10-01 Thread Adam Prime

+1 on gentoo with 2.4.41 prefork on perl 5.28.0

I still see the bbs tests failing as they have been.  I started to look 
into it a bit, and see what you're talking about with the ENV switch to 
'turn off LWP', but ran out of time. It kind of looked like when LWP was 
on, that the value of the header wasn't getting sent, but there seems to 
be a lot of magic going on in those tests in general, that i didn't have 
time to understand. It seemed like that test should be fixable though.


On 9/26/19 1:17 PM, Steve Hay wrote:

Please download, test, and report back on this mod_perl 2.0.11 release

MD5  = dd6f7918fc492be21868a9774b2e58c5
SHA1 = e4af2eaabb40962cd7e5566e5ee3342090413b30

Changes since RC2 are as follows:

Fix t/api/request_rec.t failures [Steve Hay]

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Re: [RELEASE CANDIDATE] mod_perl-2.0.11 RC2

2019-09-25 Thread Adam Prime

What happens if you revert the change in that file? I.e. Change
FINFO_NAME back to FINFO_NORM on line 168, and on line 18 (the
APR::Const -compile line)? Does that fix it for you?

With that change all the request_rec tests run and pass.


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Re: [RELEASE CANDIDATE] mod_perl-2.0.11 RC2

2019-09-24 Thread Adam Prime
Still seeing the t/api/request_rec.t failures, which do not occur with 
the same machine and same settings with 2.0.10. It's failing after the 
mtime test, before the finfo test.

Test Summary Report
t/api/request_rec.t   (Wstat: 0 Tests: 43 Failed: 0)
  Parse errors: Bad plan.  You planned 55 tests but ran 43.
t/filter/in_bbs_inject_header.t   (Wstat: 0 Tests: 36 Failed: 3)
  Failed tests:  22, 26, 30
Files=245, Tests=3402, 98 wallclock secs ( 0.71 usr  0.30 sys + 67.05 
cusr 12.05 csys = 80.11 CPU)

Result: FAIL
Failed 2/245 test programs. 3/3402 subtests failed.

This is what i see in the error_log:

[Tue Sep 24 22:56:10.012601 2019] [perl:error] [pid 743] [client] APR::Finfo::stat: (70008) Partial results are valid but 
processing is incomplete at 
/tmp/mod_perl-2.0.11-rc2/t/response/TestAPI/ line 168

Not sure if this is a concern or not, but it seems like it should be?


On 9/24/19 12:53 PM, Steve Hay wrote:

Please download, test, and report back on this mod_perl 2.0.11 release

MD5  = abc2c2168121a09b0fc3b6fc6adc00bd
SHA1 = 36ee7626506a3a461118b3957814dfe9331ef1de

Changes since RC1 are as follows:

Fix [CVE-2011-2767] Arbitrary Perl code execution in the context of the user
account via a user-owned .htaccess. Patch from #644169. [Jan
Ingvoldstad ]

Fix potential test suite hangs due to pipelined response deadlocks. Patch
from #82409. [Zefram ]

Fix t/compat/request.t failures [Steve Hay]

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Re: [RELEASE CANDIDATE] mod_perl-2.0.11 RC1

2019-09-23 Thread Adam Prime
I'm seeing more test failures for 2.0.11 RC1 than for 2.0.10 with the 
same setup.

Test Summary Report
t/api/request_rec.t   (Wstat: 0 Tests: 43 Failed: 0)
  Parse errors: Bad plan.  You planned 55 tests but ran 43.
t/compat/request.t(Wstat: 0 Tests: 12 Failed: 0)
  Parse errors: Bad plan.  You planned 22 tests but ran 12.
t/filter/in_bbs_inject_header.t   (Wstat: 0 Tests: 36 Failed: 3)
  Failed tests:  22, 26, 30
Files=245, Tests=3392, 102 wallclock secs ( 0.76 usr  0.34 sys + 72.85 
cusr 11.27 csys = 85.22 CPU)

Result: FAIL
Failed 3/245 test programs. 3/3392 subtests failed.

The compat/request.t failures don't occur on the previous version. Is 
this expected?  I'm using perl 5.28.0, and  httpd 2.4.41 prefork.


On 9/2/19 8:34 AM, Steve Hay wrote:

Please download, test, and report back on this mod_perl 2.0.11 release

MD5  = 417823274b32e5ca8759cf3760ad1591
SHA1 = e47c72337e6766c403d0a76b59d3808625e5162b

Major changes in this release are as follows:

Fix use-after-free segfault in ap_server_config_defines seen on
start-up on OpenBSD. [Found/fixed by Sam Vaughan/Joe Orton]

Fix build with Perls earlier than 5.13.6. [Rainer Jung

Fix filter/in_bbs_inject_header.t test failure with Apache 2.4.25+.
[Stefan Fritsch ]

Fix apache/read.t test failure with Apache 2.4.25+. [Niko Tyni

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Re: [RELEASE CANDIDATE] mod_perl-2.0.11 RC1

2019-09-17 Thread Adam Prime
I keep forgetting, but I’ll do this tonight. 

> On Sep 17, 2019, at 8:45 AM, Steve Hay  
> wrote:
>> On Mon, 2 Sep 2019 at 13:37, Steve Hay  wrote:
>>> On Mon, 2 Sep 2019 at 13:34, Steve Hay  wrote:
>>> Please download, test, and report back on this mod_perl 2.0.11 release
>>> candidate.
>> So far +1 from me in the following builds:
>> Apache 2.4.33 / Perl 5.28.0 / VC2017 v15.9 (x64) with/without LWP
>> Apache 2.4.41 / Perl 5.31.3 / VC2019 v16.1 (x64) with/without LWP
> It's sad that there have not been any replies to this in more than a
> fortnight... :-/
> -
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Re: perl-Apache-Test and php7

2016-11-01 Thread Adam Prime
Petr, it's probably better to just send these directly the the dev 
mailing list, which has been CC'd on this email. It'll get more eyeballs 


On 16-11-01 07:47 AM, Petr Gajdos wrote:

Hello Adam,

sorry I am contacting you presonally personally, if I should use another
channel, please let me know.

It seems that
is enough to make perl-Apache-Test work with php7:
Could you please consider to accept this patch?

Offtopic, there are several failures in php testsuite, but they are
essentially the same as for php5 (I am planning to look at them


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Re: [RELEASE CANDIDATE] mod_perl-2.0.10 RC1

2016-09-30 Thread Adam Prime

+1 on solaris 10 w/ apache 2.2.31 prefork and perl 5.24.0

all tests pass

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Re: [RELEASE CANDIDATE] mod_perl-2.0.10 RC1

2016-09-30 Thread Adam Prime

+1 on ubuntu w/ apache 2.2.31 prefork & perl 5.24.0

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Re: [RELEASE CANDIDATE] Apache-Test-1.40 RC1

2016-08-31 Thread Adam Prime

+1 on solaris 10

On 16-08-24 01:02 PM, Steve Hay wrote:

Please download, test, and report back on this Apache-Test 1.40
release candidate.

MD5  = ecabfbf3a782601aa1511ae3c89601b0
SHA1 = a046f0ccd3a696ecbcaa207dbe92a83c92e5f4c4

=item 1.40-rc1

Specify licence (Apache 2.0) in META.yml. [Steve Hay, CPAN RT#111359]

Fix broken POD. [Steve Hay]

Switch argument order in "openssl gendsa". [rjung]

Add (limited) checks for *_SAN_*_n and *_DN_Email variables. [kbrand]

Update key sizes and message digest to what is common in 2015. [kbrand]

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Re: [RELEASE CANDIDATE] Apache-Test-1.39 RC1

2015-04-16 Thread Adam Prime


server localhost:8529 started
[   info] adding source lib /tmp/Apache-Test-1.39-rc1/lib to @INC
all skipped: testing all.t
all skipped: testing more than one all.t




all skipped: cannot find module 'mod_perl.c'





All tests successful, 3 tests skipped.
Files=12, Tests=88, 15 wallclock secs (13.79 cusr +  1.08 csys = 14.87 CPU)
[warning] server localhost:8529 shutdown

On 15-04-08 09:24 AM, Steve Hay wrote:

Please download, test, and report back on this Apache-Test 1.39
release candidate.

MD5  = ee927033dd36bb6befb34443b7353f4f
SHA1 = ab048a92d70b55a44668db240e9c9e3a969ef4a2

=item 1.39-rc1

Test scripts can now test if perl has a fork() implementation
available by using the Apache::Test::need_fork() function. [Steve Hay]

CPAN RT#87620: Add -D APACHE2_4 to identify httpd-2.4. [Michael Schout]

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Re: Cron perlwww@minotaur /home/perlwww/

2014-07-28 Thread Adam Prime
Do we even need this anymore?  That is if we actually got the pub-sub 
thing working?  Or was that just for the actual binaries, not for the 
website?  I can't remember.


On 14-07-28 02:19 PM, Fred Moyer wrote:

Who at ASF Infrastructure can help us resolve this?

On Mon, Jul 28, 2014 at 11:18 AM, Cron Daemon wrote:

cp: /www/ Permission denied
cp: /www/ Permission denied
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cp: /www/ Permission denied
cp: /www/ Permission denied

Re: Minimum version of perl supported?

2013-03-18 Thread Adam Prime
I can't find the thread, but i think when we last ran into a
compatibility problem with 5.8 and newer perls we decided that we
weren't going to support anything old unless it was easy.  In that
case it was a two line change to support 5.8, so we did.

I'm not sure how we want to define old right now though.  I'd guess we
might want to stick to whatever core's version of old is (which i think
might mean that 5.12 is on the edge of becoming 'old'.

The README clearly needs to get updated.


On 03/18/2013 05:23 AM, Steve Hay wrote:
 The README file currently lists three different minimum perl versions
 supported by mod_perl, depending on how mod_perl is to be built:

 * 5.6.1 for dynamic mod_perl with prefork mpm, or static mod_perl with
 prefork mpm and ithreads support
 * 5.8.0 for dynamic or static mod_perl with non-prefork mpm and ithreads
 * 5.8.2 for static mod_perl with prefork mpm and without ithreads

 I only build mod_perl on Windows and never build it static, but using a
 default perl configuration (which is with ithreads on Windows) I find
 that mod_perl (from svn) currently doesn't build with 5.8.0:

 mod_perl.lo : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol
 __imp__PL_op_mutex referenced in function _modperl_sys_term
 mod_perl.lo : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol
 __imp__PL_thr_key referenced in function _modperl_sys_term
 mod_perl.lo : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol
 __imp__PL_curinterp referenced in function _modperl_sys_term

 It builds and tests ok (bar one or two test failures) with 5.8.1 and
 5.8.2, though.

 I haven't looked much into trying to fix it, but should I bother at all?
 Is it wiser to simply increase the minimum version of perl supported?
 Some folks are doubtless still using 5.8.x, but I doubt that there is
 any demand for 5.8.0. And is anyone seriously still using 5.6.x? Even if
 they are, do we need to say that we support it?!

 Perhaps it would be sensible to increase the minimum supported version
 to 5.8.2 for whatever flavour is being built?

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Re: Time for 2.0.8?

2013-03-18 Thread Adam Prime

On 03/18/2013 05:32 AM, Steve Hay wrote:
 The mod_perl trunk now contains a bunch of fixes for recent versions of
 perl, especially with respect to changes to rehashing. These changes
 will be necessary for mod_perl to build with the forthcoming perl
 5.18.0. That is due to be released on 18th May, and the perl repo is in
 full code freeze from Wednesday (20th March) so in theory no further
 changes will be forthcoming which will require fixes to mod_perl.

 Therefore, it would be good to roll a new release of mod_perl very soon
 so that we have a release which works with 5.18.0 when that gets

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Re: Minimum version of perl supported?

2013-03-18 Thread Adam Prime

Sounds good to me

On 13-03-18 02:05 PM, Steve Hay wrote:

The core's version of old already excludes 5.12. According to
perlpolicy.pod, only the two most recent stable release series are
supported: currently 5.14 and 5.16, and with the imminent release of
5.18 that means 5.14 will drop off support too.

Do we want to be that drastic? It's quite a change from the current
README, but I don't see why not. I always have the impression that
people are keen to use the latest stable Apache, so why shouldn't we
expect them to use recent perls too? We aren't saying that it doesn't
work with perls older than 5.14, just that we don't undertake to solve
problems with such perls (although we still might if, as you say, it
happens to be a two-line change to do so).

So I would be in favour of changing the README to say that we only
undertake to support currently supported perl versions (we don't even
need to enumerate them, just leave the statement at that), and maybe add
a note to the effect that things are currently known to work back to
5.8.2 (and possibly earlier in some configurations) but that this is not
officially supported.

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Re: [RELEASE CANDIDATE]: mod_perl-2.0.5 RC6

2012-04-24 Thread Adam Prime

+1 on solaris w/ 5.8.8 and httpd 2.2.22 prefork

On 12-04-23 12:36 PM, Fred Moyer wrote:

RC6 introduces a fix for Perl 5.8 compatibility which was lost earlier
in this release. +1 on 2.2.17,5.14.2, OSX 10.7.

We're almost there, please download, test, and report back!

MD5 (mod_perl-2.0.6-rc6.tar.gz) = 4425ce11d31e214288fcd1ec04c3eac2

Change summary:

Preserve 5.8 compatibility surrounding use of MUTABLE_CV [Adam Prime]

Move code after declarations to keep MSVC++ compiler happy. [Steve Hay]

Adopt modperl_pcw.c changes from httpd24 branch. [Torsten Foertsch]

Pool cleanup functions must not longjmp. Catch these exceptions and turn
them into warnings. [Torsten Foertsch]

Fix a race condition in our tipool management.
Patch submitted by:
Reviewed by: Torsten Foertsch

Ensure that MP_APXS is set when building on Win32 with MP_AP_PREFIX,
otherwise the bundled Reload and SizeLimit builds will fail to find a
properly configured Test environment.
[Steve Hay]

Fix a few REFCNT bugs.
Patch submitted by: Niko
Reviewed by: Torsten Foertsch

Correct the initialization of the build config in ModPerl::MM. The global
variable was only being set once on loading the module, which was before had been written, leading to cwd and MP_LIBNAME
being unset when writing the Reload and SizeLimit makefiles.
[Steve Hay]

Discover apr-2-config from Apache 2.4 onwards. [Gozer]

Apache 2.4 and onwards doesn't require linking the MPM module directly in
the httpd binary anymore. APXS lost the MPM_NAME query, so we can't assume
a given MPM anymore. Introduce a fake MPM 'dynamic' to represent this.
[Torsten Foertsch, Gozer]

Perl 5.14 brought a few changes in Perl_sv_dup() that made a threaded apache
segfault while cloning interpreters.
[Torsten Foertsch]

PerlIOApache_flush() and mpxs_Apache2__RequestRec_rflush() now no longer throw
exceptions when modperl_wbucket_flush() fails if the failure was just a reset
connection or an aborted connection. The failure is simply logged to the error
log instead. This should fix cases of httpd.exe crashing when users press the
Stop button in their web browsers.
[Steve Hay]

Fixed a few issues that came up with LWP 6.00:
- t/response/TestAPI/ assumes HTTP/1.0 but LWP 6 uses 1.1
- t/api/err_headers_out.t fails due to a bug somewhere in LWP 6
- t/filter/TestFilter/ sends the wrong content-length header
[Torsten Foertsch]

Bugfix: Apache2::ServerUtil::get_server{description,banner,version} cannot
be declared as perl constants or they won't reflect added version components
if Apache2::ServerUtil is loaded before the PostConfig phase. Now, they
are ordinary perl functions. [Torsten Foertsch]

Check for the right ExtUtils::Embed version during build [Torsten Foertsch]

Take a lesson from #66085 and pass LD_LIBRARY_PATH if mod_env
is present.  Should prevent test failures on some platforms.
[Fred Moyer]

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Re: [RELEASE CANDIDATE]: mod_perl-2.0.5 RC5

2012-04-20 Thread Adam Prime

 #if defined(__GNUC__)  !defined(PERL_GCC_BRACE_GROUPS_FORBIDDEN)
 #  define MUTABLE_PTR(p) ({ void *_p = (p); _p; })
 #  define MUTABLE_PTR(p) ((void *) (p))

 So the solution for the problem is simple:

 # ifdef MUTABLE_SV
SV *sv=MUTABLE_SV(...);
 # else
SV *sv=(SV*)...
 # endif

This fixed the problem i was having, and all the tests pass. the patch I 
used to the rc5 tree source is attached.  it'll probably have to be 
poked with to apply to svn.

Because the solution to this particular issue appears to be this simple, 
I think that it might be in our best interest to do rc6 with this 
change, and explicitly say we aren't going to support whatever we aren't 
going to support for the next release.  I am more than willing to be 
overruled on this though ;)


On 12-04-20 06:27 AM, Torsten Förtsch wrote:

On Thursday, 19 April 2012 18:45:59 Fred Moyer wrote:

Apparently MUTABLE_CV doesn't exist under 5.8.8

Verified. Thoughts? +1 to ship as is. 5.8.8 isn't being shipped with
any new Linux or other OS distributions as far as I know.

I think the central question is how many perl versions back we want to
support. This has been discussed a few times already. Perl itself has settled
on support for the current stable version plus one back. Current stable is
5.14. So, they support 5.14 and 5.12. But support for 5.12 will end soon as
5.16 is approaching. See Lperlpolicy.

As for modperl, I am not sure if we should bind our compatibility policy to a
fixed number of perl/httpd versions. But something like for 2.0.7 we are
dropping support for perl versions older than 5.12, httpd versions older than
... and APR versions older than ... in the beginning of the dev cycle would
be good. Then we have to make sure that trunk is tested against the supported
versions on a regular basis. Or perhaps we should make it a white list like
2.0.7 will support perl 5.12 .. 5.16, httpd 2.2.x, apr 1.4.x. Modperl 2.1 will
support perl ..., httpd 2.4.x, ...

If we cannot assure testing trunk against those versions regularly we must
change that statement *before* RC1 is rolled.

Producing release candidates is someone's work and time. Testing them is so,
too. I understand that there must be a RC(n+1) if RCn introduced a bug while
fixing another. But if RCn (with say n2) has a compatibility issue that comes
up only because modperl was first tested in the environment at that stage I
think that does not qualify for another RC.

If the interest in 5.8.8 compatibility is great enough to fix the issue (I
don't say it is a bug) and Fred wants to roll another RC I'll test it. But
IMHO RC5 is good enough to be 2.0.6.

diff -Naur mod_perl-2.0.6-rc5-orig/src/modules/perl/modperl_const.c mod_perl-2.0.6-rc5/src/modules/perl/modperl_const.c
--- mod_perl-2.0.6-rc5-orig/src/modules/perl/modperl_const.c	2012-02-14 15:33:12.0 -0500
+++ mod_perl-2.0.6-rc5/src/modules/perl/modperl_const.c	2012-04-20 11:02:05.441995397 -0400
@@ -50,8 +50,11 @@
 if (!isGV(alias)) {
 gv_init(alias, caller_stash, name, name_len, TRUE);
+#ifdef MUTABLE_CV
 GvCV_set(alias, MUTABLE_CV(SvREFCNT_inc(GvCV(*gvp;
+GvCV_set(alias, (CV*)(SvREFCNT_inc(GvCV(*gvp;
diff -Naur mod_perl-2.0.6-rc5-orig/src/modules/perl/modperl_perl.c mod_perl-2.0.6-rc5/src/modules/perl/modperl_perl.c
--- mod_perl-2.0.6-rc5-orig/src/modules/perl/modperl_perl.c	2012-02-14 15:33:12.0 -0500
+++ mod_perl-2.0.6-rc5/src/modules/perl/modperl_perl.c	2012-04-20 11:02:52.041582992 -0400
@@ -55,8 +55,13 @@
 while (cglobals-name) {
 GV *gv = gv_fetchpv(cglobals-core_name, TRUE, SVt_PVCV);
+#ifdef MUTABLE_CV
  MUTABLE_CV(SvREFCNT_inc(get_cv(cglobals-sub_name, TRUE;
+ (CV*)(SvREFCNT_inc(get_cv(cglobals-sub_name, TRUE;

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Re: [RELEASE CANDIDATE]: mod_perl-2.0.5 RC5

2012-04-20 Thread Adam Prime

Committed revision 1328477.


On 12-04-20 11:15 AM, Fred Moyer wrote:

+1 for this fix. Adam, if you want to apply it, I'll roll RC6.

On Fri, Apr 20, 2012 at 8:13 AM, Adam  wrote:

#if defined(__GNUC__)!defined(PERL_GCC_BRACE_GROUPS_FORBIDDEN)

#  define MUTABLE_PTR(p) ({ void *_p = (p); _p; })
#  define MUTABLE_PTR(p) ((void *) (p))

So the solution for the problem is simple:

# ifdef MUTABLE_SV
SV *sv=MUTABLE_SV(...);
# else
SV *sv=(SV*)...
# endif

This fixed the problem i was having, and all the tests pass. the patch I
used to the rc5 tree source is attached.  it'll probably have to be poked
with to apply to svn.

Because the solution to this particular issue appears to be this simple, I
think that it might be in our best interest to do rc6 with this change, and
explicitly say we aren't going to support whatever we aren't going to
support for the next release.  I am more than willing to be overruled on
this though ;)


On 12-04-20 06:27 AM, Torsten Förtsch wrote:

On Thursday, 19 April 2012 18:45:59 Fred Moyer wrote:

Apparently MUTABLE_CV doesn't exist under 5.8.8

Verified. Thoughts? +1 to ship as is. 5.8.8 isn't being shipped with
any new Linux or other OS distributions as far as I know.

I think the central question is how many perl versions back we want to
support. This has been discussed a few times already. Perl itself has
on support for the current stable version plus one back. Current stable is
5.14. So, they support 5.14 and 5.12. But support for 5.12 will end soon
5.16 is approaching. See Lperlpolicy.

As for modperl, I am not sure if we should bind our compatibility policy
to a
fixed number of perl/httpd versions. But something like for 2.0.7 we are
dropping support for perl versions older than 5.12, httpd versions older
... and APR versions older than ... in the beginning of the dev cycle
be good. Then we have to make sure that trunk is tested against the
versions on a regular basis. Or perhaps we should make it a white list
2.0.7 will support perl 5.12 .. 5.16, httpd 2.2.x, apr 1.4.x. Modperl 2.1
support perl ..., httpd 2.4.x, ...

If we cannot assure testing trunk against those versions regularly we must
change that statement *before* RC1 is rolled.

Producing release candidates is someone's work and time. Testing them is
too. I understand that there must be a RC(n+1) if RCn introduced a bug
fixing another. But if RCn (with say n2) has a compatibility issue that
up only because modperl was first tested in the environment at that stage
think that does not qualify for another RC.

If the interest in 5.8.8 compatibility is great enough to fix the issue (I
don't say it is a bug) and Fred wants to roll another RC I'll test it. But
IMHO RC5 is good enough to be 2.0.6.

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Re: [RELEASE CANDIDATE]: mod_perl-2.0.5 RC5

2012-04-19 Thread Adam Prime

On 12-04-13 03:51 PM, Fred Moyer wrote:

RC5 is now available. The change since RC4 resolves a problem with the
Apache-SizeLimit external 0.97 tag that had an additional 'trunk'
directory embedded from an error that occurred when I created the A-SL
0.97 tag.  +1 on 2.2.15/5.14.1/OSX-10.7

MD5 (mod_perl-2.0.6-rc5.tar.gz) = 442fb4908ffe9a8c580edebf02bca4fe

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It builds alright under solaris with 5.8.8, but when i try to run the 
tests i get this:

$ make test
cd src/modules/perl  make
/oanda/system/bin/perl -Iblib/arch -Iblib/lib \
t/TEST -clean
[warning] Skipping 'set unlimited ulimit for coredumps', since we are 
running as a non-root user on Solaris

/oanda/system/bin/perl -Iblib/arch -Iblib/lib \
t/TEST -bugreport -verbose=0
[warning] Skipping 'set unlimited ulimit for coredumps', since we are 
running as a non-root user on Solaris
/oanda/var/tmp/lol/bin/httpd  -d /oanda/var/tmp/mod_perl-2.0.6-rc5/t -f 
/oanda/var/tmp/mod_perl-2.0.6-rc5/t/conf/httpd.conf -D APACHE2

using Apache/2.2.22 (prefork MPM)

waiting 120 seconds for server to start: .

httpd: Syntax error on line 13 of 
/oanda/var/tmp/mod_perl-2.0.6-rc5/t/conf/httpd.conf: Cannot load 
/oanda/var/tmp/mod_perl-2.0.6-rc5/src/modules/perl/ into 
server: httpd: fatal: relocation error: file 
/oanda/var/tmp/mod_perl-2.0.6-rc5/src/modules/perl/ symbol 
MUTABLE_CV: referenced symbol not found

Apparently MUTABLE_CV doesn't exist under 5.8.8


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Re: [RELEASE CANDIDATE]: mod_perl-2.0.5 RC5

2012-04-18 Thread Adam Prime

I'll take it for a spin on solaris tomorrow.


On 4/18/2012 3:30 PM, Fred Moyer wrote:

We've got 3 +1s, enough for the release. Of course, it would be great
to have more. Anyone else?

On Wed, Apr 18, 2012 at 12:39 AM, Steve  wrote:

[Sent this reply yesterday but maybe from the wrong address (my work
address maybe changing), so resending from home. Apologies if you get
this twice.]

Fred Moyer wrote on 2012-04-13:

RC5 is now available. The change since RC4 resolves a problem with the
Apache-SizeLimit external 0.97 tag that had an additional 'trunk'
directory embedded from an error that occurred when I created the A-SL
0.97 tag.  +1 on 2.2.15/5.14.1/OSX-10.7

MD5 (mod_perl-2.0.6-rc5.tar.gz) = 442fb4908ffe9a8c580edebf02bca4fe

+1 on Win7 x64 with VC++ 2010 using:

- Apache 2.2.21, Perl 5.15.7 (release mode, with  without PERL_IMPLICIT_SYS)
- Apache 2.2.21, Perl 5.12.4 (debug mode, with PERL_IMPLICIT_SYS)

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Re: [announce] Apache-Reload 0.12 RC1

2012-03-28 Thread Adam Prime

+1 on perl 5.8.8 Apache/2.2.21 Solaris 5.10 x86

On 12-03-27 10:59 PM, Fred Moyer wrote:

On Mon, Mar 26, 2012 at 1:40 AM, Steve  wrote:

Fred Moyer wrote on 2012-03-22:

Please download, test, and report back on this release candidate for

+1 on Win7 64 bit, VC++ 2010, httpd-2.2.21, perl-5.15.7,
mod_perl-2.0.6-RC2 updated to SVN rev 1291667.

+1 on 5.10.1, 2.0.5, Linux 2.6.32

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Re: [PATCH 2.0.5 futex] Fix to Children stuck on futex problem

2012-03-06 Thread Adam Prime
Seems reasonable to me.  It seems like it might be a good idea to fold 
this into 2.0.6 RC3 to me.  Thoughts?


On 12-03-04 01:29 PM, SalusaSecondus wrote:

(Patch and system details at bottom)


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Re: [PATCH 2.0.5 futex] Fix to Children stuck on futex problem

2012-03-06 Thread Adam Prime
The bug is a race condition, so as you say, I don't really think it's 
definitively testable.


On 3/6/2012 10:19 PM, SalusaSecondus wrote:

I've looked through those tests, and none seem to apply and I'm not sure
how one would even go about writing a unit test for this.  We haven't
even been able to reproduce the problem on all systems.

I suspect the best we can do may simply be manual load tests (such as
Max and I have done) showing that this patch works.

If someone have a good strategy for how to approach this, I'd love to
see it since I'd much prefer to have a test. I just don't know how here.


On 3/6/2012 4:29 PM, Fred Moyer wrote:

On Tue, Mar 6, 2012 at 11:12 AM, Salusa Secondus  wrote:


I'll take a look at the tests when I get home to see what I can find.
Do you know of any specific tests which deal with multi-threading or
potential deadlocks?

Torsten, Steve H., and Gozer know that part of the code a lot better
than I do, but here's what I found which might be useful:

$ find t -name '*thread*' | grep -v svn

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Re: 2.0.6?

2011-12-08 Thread Adam Prime

On 11-12-08 10:47 AM, Adam Prime wrote:

On 11-12-08 01:40 AM, Fred Moyer wrote:

Looking at the thread, I was in error. Here is the current release


For the record, tested on

SunOS www01-dtest 5.10 Generic_144489-06 i86pc i386 i86pc Solaris

w/ perl 5.8.8 and mp 2.0.5

I also ran torsten's while loop thing (though only for about 10 minutes) 
and everything was also fine.


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Re: [vote] Submit a motion to the ASF board to exempt Apache::* from the official release process

2011-07-25 Thread Adam Prime
I'll +1 this, but i'm worried about the message it's going to send.  I 
haven't been on top of actually testing and +1'ing releases lately, but 
i also feel like i could be, if i got a poke about actually getting it done.


On 7/25/2011 10:55 PM, Fred Moyer wrote:

Getting the releases out for our sub distributions such as
Apache::Reload,Apache::SizeLimit,Apache::DBI has been a challenge.
With our current release processes, we need twelve +1 votes (3 for
core, 3 for AT/ASL/AR) to release a version of mod_perl with Apache::*
changes, whereas most ASF projects may only need three +1 votes to
release a new version.  We need this exemption since those modules are
under the ASF license.

We have enough feedback from httpd core during Apache::Test releases
that I think we can still go with the standard release process.  But
this motion I propose to submit would exempt said modules from those
official release process needs.

Please vote!

Text of proposed motion:

'The mod_perl PMC petitions the ASF board to exempt the
Apache::Sizelimit, Apache::Reload, Apache::DBI, and Apache::Reload
modules to skip over the normal release rules governing ASF project
releases and be released directly to CPAN.  With the large number of
sub-projects the mod_perl project has spawned, the number of votes to
do a major mod_perl release can reach 12, which is 4x as much as some
other ASF projects.  Apache::Test continues to have participation from
httpd core members, and as such is consistently able to get enough
votes for releases, and does not need this exemption.'

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Re: Anyone working on preparing modperl for httpd 2.4?

2011-04-07 Thread Adam Prime
pgollucci posted some threads quite a while ago about 2.4 development, 
probably the biggest issue that was mentioned (imo) was that there is 
going to be a new default MPM for all platforms which is, i think, 
threaded.  I could of course be wrong about that, but that's what i seem 
to recall.

As far as I know, there has been no actual work done on it though.


On 11-04-06 04:31 PM, Torsten Förtsch wrote:


now, that httpd has reached 2.3 beta I think it's time to prepare modperl.

I have started working on it. Is anyone else doing something similar?

So far discovered:

- MPMs as loadable modules
- OPT_INCNOEXEC is gone, OPT_INC_WITH_EXEC has appeared
- server_rec-loglevel is replaced by server_rec-log.level

Torsten Förtsch

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Re: Anyone working on preparing modperl for httpd 2.4?

2011-04-07 Thread Adam Prime
Looking at the changes, it appears the default MPM plan has either been 
deferred or abandoned.  default MPM's are as they were in 2.2

core's list of new features is here:

detailed api changes are here:


On 11-04-07 11:54 AM, Adam Prime wrote:

pgollucci posted some threads quite a while ago about 2.4 development,
probably the biggest issue that was mentioned (imo) was that there is
going to be a new default MPM for all platforms which is, i think,
threaded. I could of course be wrong about that, but that's what i seem
to recall.

As far as I know, there has been no actual work done on it though.


On 11-04-06 04:31 PM, Torsten Förtsch wrote:


now, that httpd has reached 2.3 beta I think it's time to prepare

I have started working on it. Is anyone else doing something similar?

So far discovered:

- MPMs as loadable modules
- OPT_INCNOEXEC is gone, OPT_INC_WITH_EXEC has appeared
- server_rec-loglevel is replaced by server_rec-log.level

Torsten Förtsch

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Re: Fwd: svn commit: r1023553 - in /perl/modperl/trunk: Changes Makefile.PL lib/Apache2/ lib/ModPerl/

2010-10-18 Thread Adam Prime

On 10-10-17 02:50 PM, Fred Moyer wrote:

Please take a look at the last 4 commits I did; any feedback welcome.
These commits are meant to clear up build issues with mod_perl and
friends.  The build system is very flexible and powerful - and at the
same time encounters random problems as a result of that flexibility.
I've attempting to eliminate those issues, so that clean builds will
result when you have a clean toolchain (which almost everyone seems to
have when building mod_perl, those with 10 different perl binaries
installed are rare and capable of figuring things out themselves.

If you could take a few minutes to svn update mod_perl trunk and run
the tests, that would be extremely helpful.  I've tested on 2
different platforms so far, OS X and Linux, and all tests are passing.

I've updated and run tests on 2 linux boxes as well as a solaris x86 box 
and everything ran fine.  All three are running perl 5.8.8.


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Re: [RELEASE CANDIDATE] Apache-SizeLimit 0.93 RC1

2010-09-29 Thread Adam Prime


This code cannot run under mod_perl 2 because it has a 'use 
Apache::Constants' right at the top of


On 10-09-28 11:52 PM, Fred Moyer wrote:

Please take a minute to download and test this release candidate for
Apache::SizeLimit.  This is especially import for those of you users
who actually *use* Apache::SizeLimit :)  There was an uncaught large
bug in 0.92 which has been resolved for 0.93.

Change summary for 0.93:

Fix overlooked bug where handler expected to be called as a method handler,
but was documented to be called like a normal Perl cleanup handler ala
'PerlCleanupHandler Apache2::SizeLimit'

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Re: [RELEASE CANDIDATE] Apache-SizeLimit 0.93 RC1

2010-09-29 Thread Adam Prime
after actually reading the documentation i found out this isn't really 
dual lifed, and i should be running Apache2::SizeLimit under mp2. 
However, this still fails with:

\t(in cleanup) Can't locate object method set_max_process_size via 
package Apache2::SizeLimit at /usr/local/prefork/conf/httpd.conf line 

httpd not running, trying to start

I get this using this as the config:

PerlModule Apache2::SizeLimit


PerlCleanupHandler Apache2::SizeLimit


On 10-09-29 10:51 AM, Adam Prime wrote:


This code cannot run under mod_perl 2 because it has a 'use
Apache::Constants' right at the top of


On 10-09-28 11:52 PM, Fred Moyer wrote:

Please take a minute to download and test this release candidate for
Apache::SizeLimit. This is especially import for those of you users
who actually *use* Apache::SizeLimit :) There was an uncaught large
bug in 0.92 which has been resolved for 0.93.

Change summary for 0.93:

Fix overlooked bug where handler expected to be called as a method
but was documented to be called like a normal Perl cleanup handler ala
'PerlCleanupHandler Apache2::SizeLimit'

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Re: [RELEASE CANDIDATE] Apache-SizeLimit 0.93 RC1

2010-09-29 Thread Adam Prime

On 10-09-29 11:07 AM, Torsten Förtsch wrote:

I suspect that should be either

  use Apache2::SizeLimit;


   PerlLoadModule Apache2::SizeLimit

PerlModule is executed later.

Both of those configs yield the same error message on this box.


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Re: [RELEASE CANDIDATE] Apache-Reload 0.11 RC1

2010-08-10 Thread Adam Prime


Syntax error on line 19 of 
syntax error at /tmp/Apache-Reload-0.11-rc1/blib/lib/Apache/ 
line 21, near ==

I'm not really sure what's going on here, the version in the archive 
doesn't seem to be the same as the version in SVN.


SunOS www01-dtest 5.10 Generic_142901-05 i86pc i386 i86pc Solaris

On 10-08-09 07:14 PM, Fred Moyer wrote:

Thanks for the +1, but I put up a poorly named link.  Here's the
updated link (I've been in mp2 land for too long apparently):

+1 from me on Darwin / perl 5.12

Any others?  (note that the package contents are the same as the previous link)

On Mon, Aug 2, 2010 at 5:49 PM, Philip M.  wrote:

Hash: SHA1

+1 FreeBSD (ports) and $work applications.

Don't use this diff, I'll make a real update after the release:

On 08/02/10 18:20, Fred Moyer wrote:

Please download this release candidate and report back on test results
for your platform:

Summary of changeset for 0.11

Ignore require-hooks which exist in %INC

Reloads by file, not module name

Add a no Apache::Reload directive which skips reloading for modules
that have it included (useful for Moose compatibility).
[Graham Barr,]

Add Empty NOTICE file
[Niko Tyni (Debian Perl Group)]

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- --
1024D/DB9B8C1C B90B FBC3 A3A1 C71A 8E70  3F8C 75B8 8FFB DB9B 8C1C
Philip M. Gollucci ( c: 703.336.9354
VP Apache Infrastructure; Member, Apache Software Foundation
Committer,FreeBSD Foundation
Consultant,   P6M7G8 Inc.
Sr. System Admin, Ridecharge Inc.

Work like you don't need the money,
love like you'll never get hurt,
and dance like nobody's watching.
Version: GnuPG v2.0.14 (FreeBSD)


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Re: svn commit: r984198 - /perl/Apache-Reload/trunk/lib/Apache/

2010-08-10 Thread Adam Prime
we talked about this in IRC.  it probably worked for you because you 
tested under mp2 i'm guessing.  It tested fine on all my mp2 machines.


Philip M. Gollucci wrote:

Well how the hell did it work for me ?

On 8/10/2010 4:18 PM, wrote:

Author: phred
Date: Tue Aug 10 20:18:35 2010
New Revision: 984198

Add global %Ignore variable.  Thanks to Adam Prime for the spot.


Modified: perl/Apache-Reload/trunk/lib/Apache/


--- perl/Apache-Reload/trunk/lib/Apache/ (original)
+++ perl/Apache-Reload/trunk/lib/Apache/ Tue Aug 10 20:18:35 

@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ use strict;

  $Apache::Reload::VERSION = '0.11-dev';

-use vars qw(%INCS %Stat $TouchTime %UndefFields);
+use vars qw(%INCS %Stat $TouchTime %UndefFields %Ignore);

  %Stat = ($INC{Apache/} =  time);

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Re: [RELEASE CANDIDATE] Apache-SizeLimit 0.92 RC1

2010-08-05 Thread Adam Prime

On 10-08-04 11:14 PM, Philip M. Gollucci wrote:

On 8/4/2010 9:19 PM, Adam Prime wrote:

builds and tests fine on linux w/ 5.8.8 mp2, i'll do solaris x86/sparc
at work tomorrow. This is actually a pretty significant change set, so
it would probably be a good idea to get as much feedback as possible.

Yep, I even vaguely remember writing it :) I rather see run-time tests
in dev/qa/prod then reports that the tests work. They aren't very


I would too, but i don't actually use A::SL at all, so i can't be much 
help in that regard.


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Re: [RELEASE CANDIDATE] Apache-SizeLimit 0.92 RC1

2010-08-05 Thread Adam Prime

builds and tests fine on:

SunOS www01-dtest 5.10 Generic_142901-05 i86pc i386 i86pc Solaris w/ mp2


SunOS ii3-dev 5.10 Generic_13-03 sun4v sparc SUNW,Sun-Blade-T6320 
Solaris w/ mp1



On 10-08-04 09:19 PM, Adam Prime wrote:

builds and tests fine on linux w/ 5.8.8 mp2, i'll do solaris x86/sparc
at work tomorrow. This is actually a pretty significant change set, so
it would probably be a good idea to get as much feedback as possible.


Philip M. Gollucci wrote:

Hash: SHA1

item 0.92-rc1

Export USE_SMAPS, VERSION, and REQUEST_COUNT to Apache::SizeLimit
from Apache::SizeLimit::Core.
Call _platform_check_size as a class method to prevent error when
USE_SMAPS=0, RT #33303
Reported by:
[Fred Moyer]

Apache-SizeLimit has been hybridized.
It has been split into 3 packages.
1) Apache::SizeLimit - User API for httpd 1.3.x / mod_perl 1.x
2) Apache2::SizeLimit - User API for httpd 2.x / mod_perl 2.x

3) Apache::SizeLimit::Core - Interal Shared Functionality
_NEVER_ use this module directly.
[Philip M. Gollucci]

Skip tests on OS X (darwin) due to broken getrusage(3)
[Fred Moyer,
Philip M. Gollucci]

Added a SUPPORT section to the docs.
[Dave Rolsky]

- -- -

1024D/DB9B8C1C B90B FBC3 A3A1 C71A 8E70 3F8C 75B8 8FFB DB9B 8C1C
Philip M. Gollucci ( c: 703.336.9354
VP Apache Infrastructure; Member, Apache Software Foundation
Committer, FreeBSD Foundation
Consultant, P6M7G8 Inc.
Sr. System Admin, Ridecharge Inc.

Work like you don't need the money,
love like you'll never get hurt,
and dance like nobody's watching.
Version: GnuPG v2.0.14 (FreeBSD)


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Apache::Test on solaris

2010-08-05 Thread Adam Prime
I had to install Apache::Test on these solaris machines at work to get 
the test suite of A::SL to run, and i ran into a couple of quirks on the 
sparc container that i was using.  I'm not sure if it's anything that 
needs to be thought about, but i wanted to mention it in case it is. 
The first time i ran make test i got this:

Ouch! ap_mm_create(1048576, /work/var/httpd/ failed
Error: MM: mm:core: failed to open semaphore file (Permission denied): 
OS: No such file or directory

I fixed it by changing the permissions on the director to allow files to 
get written.  I'm not sure if where this file gets created is up to A::T 
or not, but i thought i'd mention it.


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Re: [RELEASE CANDIDATE] Apache-SizeLimit 0.92 RC1

2010-08-04 Thread Adam Prime
builds and tests fine on linux w/ 5.8.8 mp2, i'll do solaris x86/sparc 
at work tomorrow.  This is actually a pretty significant change set, so 
it would probably be a good idea to get as much feedback as possible.


Philip M. Gollucci wrote:

Hash: SHA1

item 0.92-rc1

Export USE_SMAPS, VERSION, and REQUEST_COUNT to Apache::SizeLimit
from Apache::SizeLimit::Core.
Call _platform_check_size as a class method to prevent error when
USE_SMAPS=0, RT #33303
Reported by:
[Fred Moyer]

  Apache-SizeLimit has been hybridized.
  It has been split into 3 packages.
1) Apache::SizeLimit  - User API for httpd 1.3.x / mod_perl 1.x
2) Apache2::SizeLimit - User API for httpd 2.x / mod_perl 2.x

3) Apache::SizeLimit::Core - Interal Shared Functionality
 _NEVER_ use this module directly.
[Philip M. Gollucci]

Skip tests on OS X (darwin) due to broken getrusage(3)
[Fred Moyer,
 Philip M. Gollucci]

Added a SUPPORT section to the docs.
[Dave Rolsky]

- -- 

1024D/DB9B8C1C B90B FBC3 A3A1 C71A 8E70  3F8C 75B8 8FFB DB9B 8C1C
Philip M. Gollucci ( c: 703.336.9354
VP Apache Infrastructure; Member, Apache Software Foundation
Committer,FreeBSD Foundation
Consultant,   P6M7G8 Inc.
Sr. System Admin, Ridecharge Inc.

Work like you don't need the money,
love like you'll never get hurt,
and dance like nobody's watching.
Version: GnuPG v2.0.14 (FreeBSD)


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Re: html control codes in post data

2010-07-24 Thread Adam Prime

Mark Robinson wrote:

Hi all,

my mod_perl 2 handler receives form data. I fetch it using the read_post() 
function provided in the API docs. it works well but if the form posts data 
with tags and such, the fetched data has html control codes instead.
for example, if I post the tag HTML, read_post() returns  %3Chtml%3E 

is there anything built into mod_perl 2 to convert this back into the original 

Questions like this should to go the users mailing list  dev@ is for discussion of the on going 
development of mod_perl.

That said, many people use libapreq2 to handle all incoming post (and 
get) data which will automatically unescape everything nicely for you.

To answer your actual question though, you could use 
Apache2::URI::unescape_url by the looks of things:


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Re: [patch] make test runs test on included modules

2010-06-15 Thread Adam Prime

Philippe M. Chiasson wrote:

How about this cute trick using make -k ? Quick testing seems to
indicate it ends up doing the right thing for me.

seems reasonable to me, is there any make magic that can be done to 
automatically create all the run_subtests targets?


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Re: Another A:T patch for review

2010-04-20 Thread Adam Prime
I said this stuff in IRC, but I'll put it here too in case anyone else 
wants to weigh in.

From what I understand, the primary goal of this patch is to fix a 
bunch of false failures that are coming back for Apache::Test from cpan 
testers for Apache::Test (see links below).

The bulk of this patch rips out a bunch of code that tried to help make 
your tests pass, if for some reason you were running them as root.

I'm not really sure what the benefit of ripping all that code out is. 
Sure, it's a bad idea to run your tests as root, but someone (stas by 
the looks of things) thought handling that condition was worth writing a 
few hundred lines of code back when it got written.

I think it would be less risky to make a release that only the 
$ENV{AUTOMATED_TESTING} hunk, and see if that fixed the issue with CPAN 



cpan testers failure reports:

Fred Moyer wrote:

This is a more extensive patch than the one I submitted a couple days
ago.  This makes a move to keep any Apache::Test tests (or tests in
modules that use Apache::Test) from running as root.  Most tests are
likely being run as non-privileged users currently; if you ever ran
them as root you likely had to change the permissions of the build
files, so that seems to be an exception.

There's one more addition here where the prompt to skip the test suite
is skipped if the tests are running under $ENV{AUTOMATED_TESTING}

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proxyreq changes

2010-04-13 Thread Adam Prime

gozer made a couple of commits the other day related to this bug in RT:

The following is an update to the pod that brings the documentation in 
line with what the function actually does in mod_perl 2.  If anyone 
wants to sanity check this before I commit it I'd appreciate it.


Index: src/docs/2.0/api/Apache2/RequestRec.pod
--- src/docs/2.0/api/Apache2/RequestRec.pod (revision 933820)
+++ src/docs/2.0/api/Apache2/RequestRec.pod (working copy)
@@ -1479,17 +1479,17 @@

 =item opt arg1: C$val ( integer )

-0, 1 or none.

 =item ret: C$status ( integer )

-If C$val is 0 or 1, the Iproxyrec member will be set to that value
+If C$val is defined the Iproxyrec member will be set to that value
 and previous value will be returned.

 If C$val is not passed, and C$r-Egtproxyreq is not true, and the
 proxy request is matching the current vhost (scheme, hostname and
-port), the Iproxyrec member will be set to 1 and that value will be
-returned. In addition C$r-Egturi is set to C$r-Egtunparsed_uri
+port), the Iproxyrec member will be set to PROXYREQ_PROXY and that value
+will be returned. In addition C$r-Egturi is set to 

 and C$r-Egtfilename is set to Cmodperl-proxy:.$r-Egturi. If
 those conditions aren't true 0 is returned.

@@ -1501,7 +1501,7 @@
 handled on the same server in the CPerlTransHandler phase run:

   my $real_url = $r-unparsed_uri;
-  $r-proxyreq(1);
+  $r-proxyreq(Apache2::Const::PROXYREQ_PROXY);
@@ -1509,7 +1509,7 @@
 Also remember that if you want to turn a proxy request into a
 non-proxy request, it's not enough to call:

-  $r-proxyreq(0);
+  $r-proxyreq(Apache2::Const::PROXYREQ_NONE);

 You need to adjust C$r-Egturi and C$r-Egtfilename as well if
 you run that code in CPerlPostReadRequestHandler phase, since if you

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Re: [RELEASE CANDIDATE] Apache-Test-1.31 RC1

2010-02-09 Thread Adam Prime

I get the following when trying to run make test:

waiting 60 seconds for server to start: .Syntax error on line 73 of 
Invalid command 'IfVersion', perhaps misspelled or defined by a module 
not included in the server configuration

[  error]
server has died with status 255 (t/logs/error_log wasn't created, start 
the server in the debug mode)
sh: line 1: 32276 Terminated  /usr/bin/perl 
/local/aprime/Apache-Test-1.31-rc1/t/TEST -bugreport -verbose=0

make: *** [run_tests] Error 143

Presumably because apache is compiled without mod_version (which is the 


Fred Moyer wrote:


Please, download, test, and report back on success or failure for this
Apache::Test release candidate.

Development from 1.30 has been ongoing for about two years, so this is
as good a time as ever to make a release.

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Re: [RELEASE CANDIDATE] Apache-Test-1.31 RC1

2010-02-09 Thread Adam Prime
Using the attached patch (generated with git diff not svn, sorry) all 
the tests pass.


/usr/bin/perl -Iblib/arch -Iblib/lib \
t/TEST  -bugreport -verbose=0
[warning] setting ulimit to allow core files
ulimit -c unlimited; /usr/bin/perl 
/local/aprime/Apache-Test-1.31-rc2/t/TEST -bugreport -verbose=0
/usr/local/prefork/bin/httpd  -d /local/aprime/Apache-Test-1.31-rc2/t -f 
/local/aprime/Apache-Test-1.31-rc2/t/conf/httpd.conf -D APACHE2 -D 

using Apache/2.2.10 (prefork MPM)

waiting 60 seconds for server to start: .
waiting 60 seconds for server to start: ok (waited 0 secs)
server localhost:8529 started
t/next_available_portskipped: (no reason given)
All tests successful.
Files=6, Tests=21,  2 wallclock secs ( 0.02 usr  0.02 sys +  1.57 cusr 
0.23 csys =  1.84 CPU)

Result: PASS
[warning] server localhost:8529 shutdown

Fred Moyer wrote:

On Tue, Feb 9, 2010 at 10:20 AM, Adam Prime wrote:

I get the following when trying to run make test:

waiting 60 seconds for server to start: .Syntax error on line 73 of
Invalid command 'IfVersion', perhaps misspelled or defined by a module not

Can you try this patch?

Index: lib/Apache/
--- lib/Apache/ 908140)
+++ lib/Apache/ copy)
@@ -2682,9 +2682,11 @@

+IfModule mod_version.c
 IfVersion  2.3.4
 LockFile @t_logs@/accept.lock
 StartServers 1
 MinSpareThreads  @MinClients@
 MaxSpareThreads  @MinClients@

included in the server configuration
[  error]
server has died with status 255 (t/logs/error_log wasn't created, start the
server in the debug mode)
sh: line 1: 32276 Terminated  /usr/bin/perl
/local/aprime/Apache-Test-1.31-rc1/t/TEST -bugreport -verbose=0
make: *** [run_tests] Error 143

Presumably because apache is compiled without mod_version (which is the


Fred Moyer wrote:


Please, download, test, and report back on success or failure for this
Apache::Test release candidate.

Development from 1.30 has been ongoing for about two years, so this is
as good a time as ever to make a release.

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diff --git a/lib/Apache/ b/lib/Apache/
index 5f0f8e5..09ab591 100644
--- a/lib/Apache/
+++ b/lib/Apache/
@@ -2682,9 +2682,11 @@ HostnameLookups Off
+IfModule mod_version.c
 IfVersion  2.3.4
 LockFile @t_logs@/accept.lock
 StartServers 1
 MinSpareThreads  @MinClients@
 MaxSpareThreads  @MinClients@
@@ -2694,9 +2696,11 @@ HostnameLookups Off
 IfModule perchild.c
+IfModule mod_version.c
 IfVersion  2.3.4
 LockFile @t_logs@/accept.lock
 NumServers   1
 StartThreads @MinClients@
 MinSpareThreads  @MinClients@
@@ -2706,9 +2710,11 @@ HostnameLookups Off
 IfModule prefork.c
+IfModule mod_version.c
 IfVersion  2.3.4
 LockFile @t_logs@/accept.lock
 StartServers @MinClients@
 MinSpareServers  @MinClients@
 MaxSpareServers  @MinClients@

Re: [RELEASE CANDIDATE] Apache-Test-1.31 RC1

2010-02-09 Thread Adam Prime

I get the following when trying to run make test:

waiting 60 seconds for server to start: .Syntax error on line 73 of 
Invalid command 'IfVersion', perhaps misspelled or defined by a module 
not included in the server configuration

[  error]
server has died with status 255 (t/logs/error_log wasn't created, start 
the server in the debug mode)
sh: line 1: 32276 Terminated  /usr/bin/perl 
/local/aprime/Apache-Test-1.31-rc1/t/TEST -bugreport -verbose=0

make: *** [run_tests] Error 143

Presumably because apache is compiled without mod_version (which is the 


Fred Moyer wrote:


Please, download, test, and report back on success or failure for this
Apache::Test release candidate.

Development from 1.30 has been ongoing for about two years, so this is
as good a time as ever to make a release.

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Re: [RELEASE CANDIDATE] Apache-Test-1.31 RC1

2010-02-09 Thread Adam Prime
Using the attached patch (generated with git diff not svn, sorry) all 
the tests pass.


/usr/bin/perl -Iblib/arch -Iblib/lib \
t/TEST  -bugreport -verbose=0
[warning] setting ulimit to allow core files
ulimit -c unlimited; /usr/bin/perl 
/local/aprime/Apache-Test-1.31-rc2/t/TEST -bugreport -verbose=0
/usr/local/prefork/bin/httpd  -d /local/aprime/Apache-Test-1.31-rc2/t -f 
/local/aprime/Apache-Test-1.31-rc2/t/conf/httpd.conf -D APACHE2 -D 

using Apache/2.2.10 (prefork MPM)

waiting 60 seconds for server to start: .
waiting 60 seconds for server to start: ok (waited 0 secs)
server localhost:8529 started
t/next_available_portskipped: (no reason given)
All tests successful.
Files=6, Tests=21,  2 wallclock secs ( 0.02 usr  0.02 sys +  1.57 cusr 
0.23 csys =  1.84 CPU)

Result: PASS
[warning] server localhost:8529 shutdown

Fred Moyer wrote:

On Tue, Feb 9, 2010 at 10:20 AM, Adam Prime wrote:

I get the following when trying to run make test:

waiting 60 seconds for server to start: .Syntax error on line 73 of
Invalid command 'IfVersion', perhaps misspelled or defined by a module not

Can you try this patch?

Index: lib/Apache/
--- lib/Apache/ 908140)
+++ lib/Apache/ copy)
@@ -2682,9 +2682,11 @@

+IfModule mod_version.c
 IfVersion  2.3.4
 LockFile @t_logs@/accept.lock
 StartServers 1
 MinSpareThreads  @MinClients@
 MaxSpareThreads  @MinClients@

included in the server configuration
[  error]
server has died with status 255 (t/logs/error_log wasn't created, start the
server in the debug mode)
sh: line 1: 32276 Terminated  /usr/bin/perl
/local/aprime/Apache-Test-1.31-rc1/t/TEST -bugreport -verbose=0
make: *** [run_tests] Error 143

Presumably because apache is compiled without mod_version (which is the


Fred Moyer wrote:


Please, download, test, and report back on success or failure for this
Apache::Test release candidate.

Development from 1.30 has been ongoing for about two years, so this is
as good a time as ever to make a release.

To unsubscribe, e-mail:
For additional commands, e-mail:

diff --git a/lib/Apache/ b/lib/Apache/
index 5f0f8e5..09ab591 100644
--- a/lib/Apache/
+++ b/lib/Apache/
@@ -2682,9 +2682,11 @@ HostnameLookups Off
+IfModule mod_version.c
 IfVersion  2.3.4
 LockFile @t_logs@/accept.lock
 StartServers 1
 MinSpareThreads  @MinClients@
 MaxSpareThreads  @MinClients@
@@ -2694,9 +2696,11 @@ HostnameLookups Off
 IfModule perchild.c
+IfModule mod_version.c
 IfVersion  2.3.4
 LockFile @t_logs@/accept.lock
 NumServers   1
 StartThreads @MinClients@
 MinSpareThreads  @MinClients@
@@ -2706,9 +2710,11 @@ HostnameLookups Off
 IfModule prefork.c
+IfModule mod_version.c
 IfVersion  2.3.4
 LockFile @t_logs@/accept.lock
 StartServers @MinClients@
 MinSpareServers  @MinClients@
 MaxSpareServers  @MinClients@

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Re: Fwd: svn commit: r907287 - /perl/Apache-DBI/trunk/lib/Apache/

2010-02-06 Thread Adam Prime

That patch comes from here:

it was subsequently adjusted later on in the thread.  I think it's a 
good idea, and should have been done 6 months ago when it came up the 
first time.


Fred Moyer wrote:

So this was a whoops when committing a typo fix, but I think this same
code was submitted in a patch a while ago and I was testing it.  Any
comments on this approach?


Modified: perl/Apache-DBI/trunk/lib/Apache/
--- perl/Apache-DBI/trunk/lib/Apache/ (original)
+++ perl/Apache-DBI/trunk/lib/Apache/ Sat Feb  6 19:42:36 2010
@@ -39,9 +39,6 @@
#   a negative value de-activates ping,
#   default = 0
 my %LastPingTime;   # keeps track of last ping per data_source
-my $ChildExitHandlerInstalled;  # set to true on installation of
-# PerlChildExitHandler
-my $InChild;

 # Check to see if we need to reset TaintIn and TaintOut
 my $TaintInOut = ($DBI::VERSION = 1.31) ? 1 : 0;
@@ -221,22 +218,6 @@

-# The PerlChildExitHandler disconnects all open connections
-sub childexit {
-my $prefix = $$ Apache::DBI;
-debug(2, $prefix PerlChildExitHandler);
-foreach my $dbh (values(%Connected)) {
-eval { DBI::db::disconnect($dbh) };
-if ($@) {
-debug(2, $prefix DBI::db::disconnect failed - $@);
 # The PerlCleanupHandler is supposed to initiate a rollback after the script
 # has finished if AutoCommit is off.
 # Note: the PerlCleanupHandler runs after the response has been sent to

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Re: Apache::DBI new version?

2010-02-04 Thread Adam Prime

Is ask even on this list anymore?

Fred Moyer wrote:

I saw some commits yesterday for Apache::DBI, and then saw a new version out:

For what it is worth, I would have been happy to test a release
candidate and vote on it.  It would have also been nice to see an
ANNOUNCE notice.

I know the activity level here has been low, and that it is hard to
herd votes for release candidates (I had to really work to get them
with my last couple of releases).  But I still think it is worth
making an attempt.

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Re: [mp2] Apache2::SizeLimit should be using $s-rss, not $s-size for Linux::Smaps

2010-02-02 Thread Adam Prime
The version of Apache::SizeLimit in subversion is quite different from 
the currently released version.  Attached is this patch, but reworked to 
apply to the version in SVN.

If there are no objections, I will commit this, it seems like a pretty 
straight forward change.


Max Kanat-Alexander wrote:

All of my processes kept exiting with a report that they had a 300M
unshared size, which was clearly untrue, even from looking at top. After
some investigation, I discovered that Apache2::SizeLimit was calling
$s-size on the Linux::Smaps object, when instead it should be returning
$s-rss as the process size.

Attached is a one-line patch to fix the issue.

Also, if you're interested in proof that this is right, I've attached a
short .cgi file that you can load under mod_perl, with Linux::Smaps
installed, to see process sizes and the return values of all of the
Smaps accessors.


Index: lib/Apache/SizeLimit/
--- lib/Apache/SizeLimit/	(revision 905815)
+++ lib/Apache/SizeLimit/	(working copy)
@@ -175,7 +175,7 @@
 return $class-_linux_size_check() unless $USE_SMAPS;
 my $s = Linux::Smaps-new($$)-all;
-return ($s-size, $s-shared_clean + $s-shared_dirty);
+return ($s-rss, $s-shared_clean + $s-shared_dirty);
 sub _linux_size_check {

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Re: mod_perl Hackathon

2010-01-29 Thread Adam Prime
As I said in IRC, i think it would make sense to consider doing it 
during the hackathon time either before or after YAPC::NA, but that only 
really makes sense if the people that you want at the hackathon want to 
go to YAPC.


Fred Moyer wrote:

Any interest in putting this together?  This was talked about before,
and the direction seemed to be holding it somewhere in Canada, either
in Toronto or at Gozer's house.

My company can make a donation to help this happen.  I'm hopeful that
this would encourage other companies to do so also.

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Re: 5.11?

2009-12-23 Thread Adam Prime
1.31 built and tested ok against 5.11.3 on a ubuntu 5.04 box with the 
apache 1.3.41.  I used the instructions in the guide to statically build.

/opt/p-5.11.3/bin/perl5.11.3 t/TEST 0
modules/actions.t . ok
modules/cgi.t . ok
modules/constants.t ... ok
modules/cookie.t .. skipped: (no reason given)
modules/file.t  ok
modules/httpdconf.t ... ok
modules/include.t . ok
modules/log.t . ok
modules/module.t .. skipped: (no reason given)
modules/perlrun.t . Useless content call in void context at 
../blib/lib/Apache/ line 252

modules/perlrun.t . ok
modules/perlrunxs.t ... skipped: (no reason given)
modules/psections.t ... skipped: (no reason given)
modules/regex.t ... ok
modules/request.t . skipped: (no reason given)
modules/sandwich.t  skipped: (no reason given)
modules/src.t . ok
modules/ssi.t . ok
modules/stage.t ... skipped: (no reason given)
modules/status.t .. ok
modules/symbol.t .. skipped: (no reason given)
modules/uri.t . ok
modules/util.t  ok
internal/api.t  ok
internal/auth.t ... ok
internal/croak.t .. ok
internal/dirmagic.t ... ok
internal/error.t .. ok
internal/headers.t  ok
internal/hooks.t .. ok
internal/http-get.t ... ok
internal/http-post.t .. ok
internal/proxy.t .. ok
internal/redirect.t ... ok
internal/rwrite.t . ok
internal/stacked.t  ok
internal/table.t .. ok
internal/taint.t .. ok
All tests successful.
Files=37, Tests=405,  4 wallclock secs ( 0.16 usr  0.05 sys +  3.14 cusr 
 0.34 csys =  3.69 CPU)

Result: PASS

I'm going to build and test 2.0 against 2.0.63 and 2.2.14 with under 
both worker and prefork MPM.

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Re: 5.11?

2009-12-23 Thread Adam Prime

mp 2.0.4 with apache 2.0.63 prefork builds ok but has failing tests.

t/apache/add_config.t ... ok
t/apache/cgihandler.t ... ok
t/apache/conftree.t . ok
t/apache/constants.t  ok
t/apache/content_length_header.t  ok
t/apache/daemon.t ... ok
t/apache/discard_rbody.t  ok
t/apache/post.t . ok
t/apache/read.t . ok
t/apache/read2.t  ok
t/apache/scanhdrs.t . ok
t/apache/scanhdrs2.t  ok
t/apache/send_cgi_header.t .. ok
t/apache/subprocess.t ... ok
t/apache/util.t . ok
t/apache/write.t  ok
t/api/access.t .. ok
t/api/access2.t . ok
t/api/add_config.t .. ok
t/api/aplog.t ... ok
t/api/command.t . ok
t/api/conn_rec.t  ok
t/api/conn_util.t ... ok
t/api/content_encoding.t  ok
t/api/custom_response.t . ok
t/api/err_headers_out.t . ok
t/api/in_out_filters.t .. ok
t/api/internal_redirect.t ... ok
t/api/internal_redirect_handler.t ... ok
t/api/lookup_misc.t . ok
t/api/lookup_uri.t .. ok
t/api/lookup_uri2.t . ok
t/api/module.t .. ok
t/api/process.t . ok
t/api/query.t ... ok
t/api/request_rec.t . ok
t/api/request_subclass.t  ok
t/api/request_util.t  ok
t/api/response.t  ok
t/api/rflush.t .. ok
t/api/sendfile.t  ok
t/api/server_const.t  ok
t/api/server_rec.t .. ok
t/api/server_util.t . ok
t/api/show.t  ok
t/api/slurp_filename.t .. ok
t/api/status.t .. ok
t/api/sub_request.t . ok
t/api/uri.t . ok
t/apr-ext/base64.t .. ok
t/apr-ext/brigade.t . ok
t/apr-ext/bucket.t .. ok
t/apr-ext/date.t  ok
t/apr-ext/error.t ... ok
t/apr-ext/finfo.t ... ok
t/apr-ext/os.t .. ok
t/apr-ext/pool.t  ok
t/apr-ext/status.t .. ok
t/apr-ext/string.t .. ok
t/apr-ext/table.t ... ok
t/apr-ext/threadmutex.t . skipped: Perl was not built 
with 'ithreads' enabled
t/apr-ext/threadrwlock.t  skipped: Perl was not built 
with 'ithreads' enabled

t/apr-ext/uri.t . ok
t/apr-ext/util.t  ok
t/apr-ext/uuid.t  ok
t/apr/base64.t .. ok
t/apr/brigade.t . ok
t/apr/bucket.t .. ok
t/apr/constants.t ... ok
t/apr/date.t  ok
t/apr/finfo.t ... ok
t/apr/flatten.t . ok
t/apr/ipsubnet.t  ok
t/apr/os.t .. ok
t/apr/perlio.t .. ok
t/apr/pool.t  ok
t/apr/pool_lifetime.t ... ok
t/apr/sockaddr.t  ok
t/apr/socket.t .. ok
t/apr/status.t .. ok
t/apr/string.t .. ok
t/apr/table.t ... ok
t/apr/threadmutex.t . skipped: Perl was not built 
with 'ithreads' enabled
t/apr/threadrwlock.t  skipped: Perl was not built 
with 'ithreads' enabled

t/apr/uri.t . ok
t/apr/util.t  ok
t/apr/uuid.t  ok
t/compat/apache.t ... ok
t/compat/apache_file.t .. ok
t/compat/apache_module.t  ok
t/compat/apache_table.t . ok
t/compat/apache_uri.t ... ok
t/compat/apache_util.t .. ok
t/compat/conn_authen.t .. ok
t/compat/conn_rec.t . ok
t/compat/request.t .. ok
t/compat/request_body.t . ok
t/compat/send_fd.t .. ok
t/directive/cmdparms.t .. ok
t/directive/env.t ... ok
t/directive/perl.t .. ok
t/directive/perldo.t  ok
t/directive/perlloadmodule.t  ok
t/directive/perlloadmodule2.t ... ok
t/directive/perlloadmodule3.t ... ok

Re: 5.11?

2009-12-23 Thread Adam Prime
mp 2.0.4 with apache 2.2.14 prefork builds ok but has failing tests. 
It's entirely possible these tests are also failing with 5.8 and 5.10 
too though.

t/apache/add_config.t ... ok
t/apache/cgihandler.t ... ok
t/apache/conftree.t . ok
t/apache/constants.t  ok
t/apache/content_length_header.t  ok
t/apache/daemon.t ... ok
t/apache/discard_rbody.t  ok
t/apache/post.t . ok
t/apache/read.t . ok
t/apache/read2.t  ok
t/apache/scanhdrs.t . ok
t/apache/scanhdrs2.t  ok
t/apache/send_cgi_header.t .. ok
t/apache/subprocess.t ... ok
t/apache/util.t . ok
t/apache/write.t  ok
t/api/access.t .. ok
t/api/access2.t . ok
t/api/add_config.t .. ok
t/api/aplog.t ... ok
t/api/command.t . ok
t/api/conn_rec.t  ok
t/api/conn_util.t ... ok
t/api/content_encoding.t  ok
t/api/custom_response.t . ok
t/api/err_headers_out.t . ok
t/api/in_out_filters.t .. ok
t/api/internal_redirect.t ... ok
t/api/internal_redirect_handler.t ... ok
t/api/lookup_misc.t . ok
t/api/lookup_uri.t .. ok
t/api/lookup_uri2.t . ok
t/api/module.t .. ok
t/api/process.t . ok
t/api/query.t ... ok
t/api/request_rec.t . ok
t/api/request_subclass.t  ok
t/api/request_util.t  ok
t/api/response.t  ok
t/api/rflush.t .. ok
t/api/sendfile.t  ok
t/api/server_const.t  ok
t/api/server_rec.t .. ok
t/api/server_util.t . ok
t/api/show.t  ok
t/api/slurp_filename.t .. ok
t/api/status.t .. ok
t/api/sub_request.t . ok
t/api/uri.t . ok
t/apr-ext/base64.t .. ok
t/apr-ext/brigade.t . ok
t/apr-ext/bucket.t .. ok
t/apr-ext/date.t  ok
t/apr-ext/error.t ... ok
t/apr-ext/finfo.t ... ok
t/apr-ext/os.t .. ok
t/apr-ext/pool.t  ok
t/apr-ext/status.t .. ok
t/apr-ext/string.t .. ok
t/apr-ext/table.t ... ok
t/apr-ext/threadmutex.t . skipped: Perl was not built 
with 'ithreads' enabled
t/apr-ext/threadrwlock.t  skipped: Perl was not built 
with 'ithreads' enabled

t/apr-ext/uri.t . ok
t/apr-ext/util.t  ok
t/apr-ext/uuid.t  ok
t/apr/base64.t .. ok
t/apr/brigade.t . ok
t/apr/bucket.t .. ok
t/apr/constants.t ... ok
t/apr/date.t  ok
t/apr/finfo.t ... ok
t/apr/flatten.t . ok
t/apr/ipsubnet.t  ok
t/apr/os.t .. ok
t/apr/perlio.t .. ok
t/apr/pool.t  ok
t/apr/pool_lifetime.t ... ok
t/apr/sockaddr.t  ok
t/apr/socket.t .. ok
t/apr/status.t .. ok
t/apr/string.t .. ok
t/apr/table.t ... ok
t/apr/threadmutex.t . skipped: Perl was not built 
with 'ithreads' enabled
t/apr/threadrwlock.t  skipped: Perl was not built 
with 'ithreads' enabled

t/apr/uri.t . ok
t/apr/util.t  ok
t/apr/uuid.t  ok
t/compat/apache.t ... ok
t/compat/apache_file.t .. ok
t/compat/apache_module.t  ok
t/compat/apache_table.t . ok
t/compat/apache_uri.t ... ok
t/compat/apache_util.t .. ok
t/compat/conn_authen.t .. ok
t/compat/conn_rec.t . ok
t/compat/request.t .. ok
t/compat/request_body.t . ok
t/compat/send_fd.t .. ok
t/directive/cmdparms.t .. ok
t/directive/env.t ... ok
t/directive/perl.t .. ok
t/directive/perldo.t  ok
t/directive/perlloadmodule.t  ok

Re: 5.11?

2009-12-23 Thread Adam Prime

mp 2.0.4 with apache 2.2.14 worker builds ok but has failing tests.

t/apache/add_config.t ... ok
t/apache/cgihandler.t ... ok
t/apache/conftree.t . ok
t/apache/constants.t  ok
t/apache/content_length_header.t  ok
t/apache/daemon.t ... ok
t/apache/discard_rbody.t  ok
t/apache/post.t . ok
t/apache/read.t . ok
t/apache/read2.t  ok
t/apache/scanhdrs.t . ok
t/apache/scanhdrs2.t  ok
t/apache/send_cgi_header.t .. ok
t/apache/subprocess.t ... ok
t/apache/util.t . ok
t/apache/write.t  ok
t/api/access.t .. ok
t/api/access2.t . ok
t/api/add_config.t .. ok
t/api/aplog.t ... ok
t/api/command.t . ok
t/api/conn_rec.t  ok
t/api/conn_util.t ... ok
t/api/content_encoding.t  ok
t/api/custom_response.t . ok
t/api/err_headers_out.t . ok
t/api/in_out_filters.t .. ok
t/api/internal_redirect.t ... ok
t/api/internal_redirect_handler.t ... ok
t/api/lookup_misc.t . ok
t/api/lookup_uri.t .. ok
t/api/lookup_uri2.t . ok
t/api/module.t .. ok
t/api/process.t . ok
t/api/query.t ... ok
t/api/request_rec.t . ok
t/api/request_subclass.t  ok
t/api/request_util.t  ok
t/api/response.t  ok
t/api/rflush.t .. ok
t/api/sendfile.t  ok
t/api/server_const.t  ok
t/api/server_rec.t .. ok
t/api/server_util.t . ok
t/api/show.t  ok
t/api/slurp_filename.t .. ok
t/api/status.t .. ok
t/api/sub_request.t . ok
t/api/uri.t . ok
t/apr-ext/base64.t .. ok
t/apr-ext/brigade.t . ok
t/apr-ext/bucket.t .. ok
t/apr-ext/date.t  ok
t/apr-ext/error.t ... ok
t/apr-ext/finfo.t ... ok
t/apr-ext/os.t .. ok
t/apr-ext/pool.t  ok
t/apr-ext/status.t .. ok
t/apr-ext/string.t .. ok
t/apr-ext/table.t ... ok
t/apr-ext/threadmutex.t . ok
t/apr-ext/threadrwlock.t  ok
t/apr-ext/uri.t . ok
t/apr-ext/util.t  ok
t/apr-ext/uuid.t  ok
t/apr/base64.t .. ok
t/apr/brigade.t . ok
t/apr/bucket.t .. ok
t/apr/constants.t ... ok
t/apr/date.t  ok
t/apr/finfo.t ... ok
t/apr/flatten.t . ok
t/apr/ipsubnet.t  ok
t/apr/os.t .. ok
t/apr/perlio.t .. ok
t/apr/pool.t  ok
t/apr/pool_lifetime.t ... ok
t/apr/sockaddr.t  ok
t/apr/socket.t .. ok
t/apr/status.t .. ok
t/apr/string.t .. ok
t/apr/table.t ... ok
t/apr/threadmutex.t . ok
t/apr/threadrwlock.t  ok
t/apr/uri.t . ok
t/apr/util.t  ok
t/apr/uuid.t  ok
t/compat/apache.t ... ok
t/compat/apache_file.t .. ok
t/compat/apache_module.t  ok
t/compat/apache_table.t . ok
t/compat/apache_uri.t ... ok
t/compat/apache_util.t .. ok
t/compat/conn_authen.t .. ok
t/compat/conn_rec.t . ok
t/compat/request.t .. ok
t/compat/request_body.t . ok
t/compat/send_fd.t .. ok
t/directive/cmdparms.t .. ok
t/directive/env.t ... ok
t/directive/perl.t .. ok
t/directive/perldo.t  ok
t/directive/perlloadmodule.t  ok
t/directive/perlloadmodule2.t ... ok
t/directive/perlloadmodule3.t ... ok
t/directive/perlloadmodule4.t ... ok
t/directive/perlloadmodule5.t ... ok
t/directive/perlloadmodule6.t ... ok
t/directive/perlloadmodule7.t ... ok

Re: 5.11?

2009-12-23 Thread Adam Prime

mp 2.0.4 with apache 2.0.63 worker builds ok but has failing tests.

t/apache/add_config.t ... ok
t/apache/cgihandler.t ... ok
t/apache/conftree.t . ok
t/apache/constants.t  ok
t/apache/content_length_header.t  ok
t/apache/daemon.t ... ok
t/apache/discard_rbody.t  ok
t/apache/post.t . ok
t/apache/read.t . ok
t/apache/read2.t  ok
t/apache/scanhdrs.t . o
t/apache/scanhdrs2.t  ok
t/apache/send_cgi_header.t .. ok
t/apache/subprocess.t ... ok
t/apache/util.t . ok
t/apache/write.t  ok
t/api/access.t .. ok
t/api/access2.t . ok
t/api/add_config.t .. ok
t/api/aplog.t ... ok
t/api/command.t . ok
t/api/conn_rec.t  ok
t/api/conn_util.t ... ok
t/api/content_encoding.t  ok
t/api/custom_response.t . ok
t/api/err_headers_out.t . ok
t/api/in_out_filters.t .. ok
t/api/internal_redirect.t ... ok
t/api/internal_redirect_handler.t ... ok
t/api/lookup_misc.t . ok
t/api/lookup_uri.t .. ok
t/api/lookup_uri2.t . ok
t/api/module.t .. ok
t/api/process.t . ok
t/api/query.t ... ok
t/api/request_rec.t . ok
t/api/request_subclass.t  ok
t/api/request_util.t  ok
t/api/response.t  ok
t/api/rflush.t .. ok
t/api/sendfile.t  ok
t/api/server_const.t  ok
t/api/server_rec.t .. ok
t/api/server_util.t . ok
t/api/show.t  ok
t/api/slurp_filename.t .. ok
t/api/status.t .. ok
t/api/sub_request.t . ok
t/api/uri.t . ok
t/apr-ext/base64.t .. ok
t/apr-ext/brigade.t . ok
t/apr-ext/bucket.t .. ok
t/apr-ext/date.t  ok
t/apr-ext/error.t ... ok
t/apr-ext/finfo.t ... ok
t/apr-ext/os.t .. ok
t/apr-ext/pool.t  ok
t/apr-ext/status.t .. ok
t/apr-ext/string.t .. ok
t/apr-ext/table.t ... ok
t/apr-ext/threadmutex.t . ok
t/apr-ext/threadrwlock.t  ok
t/apr-ext/uri.t . ok
t/apr-ext/util.t  ok
t/apr-ext/uuid.t  ok
t/apr/base64.t .. ok
t/apr/brigade.t . ok
t/apr/bucket.t .. ok
t/apr/constants.t ... ok
t/apr/date.t  ok
t/apr/finfo.t ... ok
t/apr/flatten.t . ok
t/apr/ipsubnet.t  ok
t/apr/os.t .. ok
t/apr/perlio.t .. ok
t/apr/pool.t  ok
t/apr/pool_lifetime.t ... ok
t/apr/sockaddr.t  ok
t/apr/socket.t .. ok
t/apr/status.t .. ok
t/apr/string.t .. ok
t/apr/table.t ... ok
t/apr/threadmutex.t . ok
t/apr/threadrwlock.t  ok
t/apr/uri.t . ok
t/apr/util.t  ok
t/apr/uuid.t  ok
t/compat/apache.t ... ok
t/compat/apache_file.t .. ok
t/compat/apache_module.t  ok
t/compat/apache_table.t . ok
t/compat/apache_uri.t ... ok
t/compat/apache_util.t .. ok
t/compat/conn_authen.t .. ok
t/compat/conn_rec.t . ok
t/compat/request.t .. ok
t/compat/request_body.t . ok
t/compat/send_fd.t .. ok
t/directive/cmdparms.t .. ok
t/directive/env.t ... ok
t/directive/perl.t .. ok
t/directive/perldo.t  ok
t/directive/perlloadmodule.t  ok
t/directive/perlloadmodule2.t ... ok
t/directive/perlloadmodule3.t ... ok
t/directive/perlloadmodule4.t ... ok
t/directive/perlloadmodule5.t ... ok
t/directive/perlloadmodule6.t ... ok
t/directive/perlloadmodule7.t ... ok

[Fwd: Re: Apache::DBI]

2009-12-14 Thread Adam Prime
This thread is 6 months stale, but Jonathan Swartz just replied to the
RT ticket, and once again brought it to mind.

Can we please do something about this, even if that something is
re-releasing Apache::DBI 1.06 as 1.08 (as pgollucci said he was going to
do over a year and a half ago).



 Original Message 
Subject: Re: Apache::DBI
Date: Mon, 27 Jul 2009 00:06:07 -0400
From: Adam Prime
To: Fred Moyer

Adam Prime wrote:
 Fred Moyer wrote:
 On Tue, Jul 21, 2009 at 8:39 PM, Adam wrote:
 Adam Prime wrote:
 What I wanted to do was fix this issue:
 I was just looking over your original code where you connect() in  Won't that cause issues since the database handle will be
 forked also?  Here's what I have in my
 The code in the ticket was just to illustrate the failure.  I ran into
 this problem because I wanted to preload a large read-only datastructure
 out of the database prior to the fork to get it completely shared
 between all the children.  The handle itself is then disconnected and

The patch attached ads code to bail out of connect() calls called prior
to the fork by setting a package global during the ChildInit phase,
along with the other patch which was submitted to the users mailing list.

It works fine for me in extremely limited testing.



Index: lib/Apache/
--- lib/Apache/   (revision 796605)
+++ lib/Apache/   (working copy)
@@ -39,6 +39,9 @@
 #   a negative value de-activates ping,
 #   default = 0
 my %LastPingTime;   # keeps track of last ping per data_source
+my $ChildExitHandlerInstalled;  # set to true on installation of
+# PerlChildExitHandler
+my $InChild;
 # Check to see if we need to reset TaintIn and TaintOut
 my $TaintInOut = ($DBI::VERSION = 1.31) ? 1 : 0;
@@ -121,8 +124,7 @@
 # unpredictable query results.
 # See:
 if (MP2) {
-require Apache2::ServerUtil;
-if (Apache2::ServerUtil::restart_count() == 1) {
+if (!$InChild) {
 debug(2, $prefix skipping connection during server startup, read 
the docu !!);
 return $drh-connect(@args);
@@ -134,6 +136,23 @@
+# this PerlChildExitHandler is supposed to disconnect all open
+# connections to the database
+if (!$ChildExitHandlerInstalled) {
+$ChildExitHandlerInstalled = 1;
+my $s;
+if (MP2) {
+$s = Apache2::ServerUtil-server;
+elsif (Apache-can('push_handlers')) {
+$s = 'Apache';
+if ($s) {
+debug(2, $prefix push PerlChildExitHandler);
+$s-push_handlers(PerlChildExitHandler = \childexit);
 # this PerlCleanupHandler is supposed to initiate a rollback after the
 # script has finished if AutoCommit is off.  however, cleanup can only
 # be determined at end of handle life as begin_work may have been called
@@ -203,6 +222,7 @@
 my $prefix = $$ Apache::DBI;
 debug(2, $prefix PerlChildInitHandler);
+$InChild = 1;
 %Connected = () if MP2;
 if (@ChildConnect) {
@@ -216,6 +236,22 @@
+# The PerlChildExitHandler disconnects all open connections
+sub childexit {
+my $prefix = $$ Apache::DBI;
+debug(2, $prefix PerlChildExitHandler);
+foreach my $dbh (values(%Connected)) {
+eval { DBI::db::disconnect($dbh) };
+if ($@) {
+debug(2, $prefix DBI::db::disconnect failed - $@);
 # The PerlCleanupHandler is supposed to initiate a rollback after the script
 # has finished if AutoCommit is off.
 # Note: the PerlCleanupHandler runs after the response has been sent to

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Re: [Fwd: Re: Apache::DBI]

2009-12-14 Thread Adam Prime

It applies cleanly to a fresh checkout for me.  I've attached another,
freshly generated (and identical) patch.

$ patch -p0  ~/dbi.patch
patching file lib/Apache/


Fred Moyer wrote:
 On Mon, Dec 14, 2009 at 1:22 PM, Adam Prime wrote:
 This thread is 6 months stale, but Jonathan Swartz just replied to the
 RT ticket, and once again brought it to mind.

 Can we please do something about this, even if that something is
 re-releasing Apache::DBI 1.06 as 1.08 (as pgollucci said he was going to
 do over a year and a half ago).
 First thing we will need is a patch that doesn't fail when applied - [1].
 I may be able to clean it up this week and run the test suite against it.
 svn ph...@pooky ~/dev/svn/modperl/Apache-DBI/trunk $ svn update
 At revision 890520.
 ph...@pooky ~/dev/svn/modperl/Apache-DBI/trunk $ patch -p0  p.patch
 patching file lib/Apache/
 Hunk #1 succeeded at 39 with fuzz 2.
 Hunk #2 FAILED at 124.
 Hunk #3 FAILED at 136.
 Hunk #4 FAILED at 222.
 Hunk #5 succeeded at 236 with fuzz 1.
 3 out of 5 hunks FAILED -- saving rejects to file lib/Apache/


  Original Message 
 Subject: Re: Apache::DBI
 Date: Mon, 27 Jul 2009 00:06:07 -0400
 From: Adam Prime
 To: Fred Moyer

 Adam Prime wrote:
 Fred Moyer wrote:
 On Tue, Jul 21, 2009 at 8:39 PM, Adam wrote:
 Adam Prime wrote:
 What I wanted to do was fix this issue:
 I was just looking over your original code where you connect() in  Won't that cause issues since the database handle will be
 forked also?  Here's what I have in my
 The code in the ticket was just to illustrate the failure.  I ran into
 this problem because I wanted to preload a large read-only datastructure
 out of the database prior to the fork to get it completely shared
 between all the children.  The handle itself is then disconnected and


 The patch attached ads code to bail out of connect() calls called prior
 to the fork by setting a package global during the ChildInit phase,
 along with the other patch which was submitted to the users mailing list.

 It works fine for me in extremely limited testing.



 Index: lib/Apache/
 --- lib/Apache/   (revision 796605)
 +++ lib/Apache/   (working copy)
 @@ -39,6 +39,9 @@
 #   a negative value de-activates ping,
 #   default = 0
  my %LastPingTime;   # keeps track of last ping per data_source
 +my $ChildExitHandlerInstalled;  # set to true on installation of
 +# PerlChildExitHandler
 +my $InChild;

  # Check to see if we need to reset TaintIn and TaintOut
  my $TaintInOut = ($DBI::VERSION = 1.31) ? 1 : 0;
 @@ -121,8 +124,7 @@
 # unpredictable query results.
 # See:
 if (MP2) {
 -require Apache2::ServerUtil;
 -if (Apache2::ServerUtil::restart_count() == 1) {
 +if (!$InChild) {
 debug(2, $prefix skipping connection during server startup, 
 read the docu !!);
 return $drh-connect(@args);
 @@ -134,6 +136,23 @@

 +# this PerlChildExitHandler is supposed to disconnect all open
 +# connections to the database
 +if (!$ChildExitHandlerInstalled) {
 +$ChildExitHandlerInstalled = 1;
 +my $s;
 +if (MP2) {
 +$s = Apache2::ServerUtil-server;
 +elsif (Apache-can('push_handlers')) {
 +$s = 'Apache';
 +if ($s) {
 +debug(2, $prefix push PerlChildExitHandler);
 +$s-push_handlers(PerlChildExitHandler = \childexit);
 # this PerlCleanupHandler is supposed to initiate a rollback after the
 # script has finished if AutoCommit is off.  however, cleanup can only
 # be determined at end of handle life as begin_work may have been called
 @@ -203,6 +222,7 @@
 my $prefix = $$ Apache::DBI;
 debug(2, $prefix PerlChildInitHandler);

 +$InChild = 1;
 %Connected = () if MP2;

 if (@ChildConnect) {
 @@ -216,6 +236,22 @@

 +# The PerlChildExitHandler disconnects all open connections
 +sub childexit {
 +my $prefix = $$ Apache::DBI;
 +debug(2, $prefix PerlChildExitHandler);
 +foreach my

Re: svn commit: r882407 - /perl/Apache-SizeLimit/trunk/lib/Apache/SizeLimit/

2009-11-19 Thread Adam Prime
Can someone change this ticket to resolved (or whatever is appropriate)

I can't.

Adam wrote:
 Author: aprime
 Date: Fri Nov 20 04:05:37 2009
 New Revision: 882407
 Fixed issue with solaris version numbers being treated as decimal numbers, not
 dotted tuples.
 Fixes RT #38084.
 Modified: perl/Apache-SizeLimit/trunk/lib/Apache/SizeLimit/
 --- perl/Apache-SizeLimit/trunk/lib/Apache/SizeLimit/ (original)
 +++ perl/Apache-SizeLimit/trunk/lib/Apache/SizeLimit/ Fri Nov 20 
 04:05:37 2009
 @@ -131,7 +131,9 @@
 -if ($Config{'osname'} eq 'solaris'  $Config{'osvers'} = 2.6 ) {
 +my ($major,$minor) = split(/\./, $Config{'osvers'});
 +if ($Config{'osname'} eq 'solaris'  
 +(($major  2) || ($major == 2  $minor = 6))) {
  *_platform_check_size   = \_solaris_2_6_size_check;
  *_platform_getppid = \_perl_getppid;

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For additional commands, e-mail:

Re: Apache::SizeLimit + solaris Update 10 (new patch)

2009-11-16 Thread Adam Prime

Any comments?

Petr Sumbera wrote:

Fred Moyer wrote:
On Wed, Nov 11, 2009 at 7:56 PM, Adam Prime 

Petr Sumbera wrote:


can someone please reevaluate and commit attached patch? I would 
love to

it in mod_perl 2.0.5 and 1.32 when they are released..


Petr solaris.diff

If no one objects in the next few day or so i'll commit this (finally)

Can you post the patch inline to this email so everyone can review it?

Resending (this time directly).



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For additional commands, e-mail:

To unsubscribe, e-mail:
For additional commands, e-mail:

Re: Apache::SizeLimit + solaris Update 10 (new patch)

2009-11-11 Thread Adam Prime

Petr Sumbera wrote:


can someone please reevaluate and commit attached patch? I would love to see
it in mod_perl 2.0.5 and 1.32 when they are released..


Petr solaris.diff 

If no one objects in the next few day or so i'll commit this (finally)


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For additional commands, e-mail:

Re: Apache::SizeLimit + solaris Update 10

2009-10-22 Thread Adam Prime

Petr Sumbera wrote:

What is status of this issue? I don't see any related change in svn.



No one every replied to that last question, and nothing has happened 
since then by the looks of things.


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5.10.1 RC1

2009-08-10 Thread Adam Prime
5.10.1 RC1 has been released, has anyone taken it for a spin with 
mod_perl yet?


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restart_count (was: Re: Apache::DBI)

2009-07-26 Thread Adam Prime

 Looks like we have a unit test for part of restart_count:
 ph...@harpua ~/dev/svn/modperl/mod_perl-2.0 $ ack restart_count t/
 110:#my $cnt = Apache2::ServerUtil::restart_count();
 6:$TestVhost::config::restart_count = Apache2::ServerUtil::restart_count();
 59:ok t_cmp Apache2::ServerUtil::restart_count, 2, restart count;
 21:our $restart_count;
 37:ok t_cmp($restart_count, 2, PerlPostConfigRequire);

None of these tests anything behavoir after a restart.  restart_count
behaves as documented for the initial startup, it's just what it does on
subsequent restart/graceful's that differ.  I tried it with 2.2, and 2.0
versions of apache and saw the same thing.  This not being as documented
is somewhat concerning to me.  I went back to 2.0.1, and it that version
behaved the same as 2.0.4 for me.  I haven't looked at anything prior to
that though.


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Re: Apache::DBI

2009-07-26 Thread Adam Prime
Adam Prime wrote:
 Fred Moyer wrote:
 On Tue, Jul 21, 2009 at 8:39 PM, Adam wrote:
 Adam Prime wrote:
 What I wanted to do was fix this issue:
 I was just looking over your original code where you connect() in  Won't that cause issues since the database handle will be
 forked also?  Here's what I have in my
 The code in the ticket was just to illustrate the failure.  I ran into
 this problem because I wanted to preload a large read-only datastructure
 out of the database prior to the fork to get it completely shared
 between all the children.  The handle itself is then disconnected and

The patch attached ads code to bail out of connect() calls called prior
to the fork by setting a package global during the ChildInit phase,
along with the other patch which was submitted to the users mailing list.

It works fine for me in extremely limited testing.


Index: lib/Apache/
--- lib/Apache/   (revision 796605)
+++ lib/Apache/   (working copy)
@@ -39,6 +39,9 @@
 #   a negative value de-activates ping,
 #   default = 0
 my %LastPingTime;   # keeps track of last ping per data_source
+my $ChildExitHandlerInstalled;  # set to true on installation of
+# PerlChildExitHandler
+my $InChild;
 # Check to see if we need to reset TaintIn and TaintOut
 my $TaintInOut = ($DBI::VERSION = 1.31) ? 1 : 0;
@@ -121,8 +124,7 @@
 # unpredictable query results.
 # See:
 if (MP2) {
-require Apache2::ServerUtil;
-if (Apache2::ServerUtil::restart_count() == 1) {
+if (!$InChild) {
 debug(2, $prefix skipping connection during server startup, read 
the docu !!);
 return $drh-connect(@args);
@@ -134,6 +136,23 @@
+# this PerlChildExitHandler is supposed to disconnect all open
+# connections to the database
+if (!$ChildExitHandlerInstalled) {
+$ChildExitHandlerInstalled = 1;
+my $s;
+if (MP2) {
+$s = Apache2::ServerUtil-server;
+elsif (Apache-can('push_handlers')) {
+$s = 'Apache';
+if ($s) {
+debug(2, $prefix push PerlChildExitHandler);
+$s-push_handlers(PerlChildExitHandler = \childexit);
 # this PerlCleanupHandler is supposed to initiate a rollback after the
 # script has finished if AutoCommit is off.  however, cleanup can only
 # be determined at end of handle life as begin_work may have been called
@@ -203,6 +222,7 @@
 my $prefix = $$ Apache::DBI;
 debug(2, $prefix PerlChildInitHandler);
+$InChild = 1;
 %Connected = () if MP2;
 if (@ChildConnect) {
@@ -216,6 +236,22 @@
+# The PerlChildExitHandler disconnects all open connections
+sub childexit {
+my $prefix = $$ Apache::DBI;
+debug(2, $prefix PerlChildExitHandler);
+foreach my $dbh (values(%Connected)) {
+eval { DBI::db::disconnect($dbh) };
+if ($@) {
+debug(2, $prefix DBI::db::disconnect failed - $@);
 # The PerlCleanupHandler is supposed to initiate a rollback after the script
 # has finished if AutoCommit is off.
 # Note: the PerlCleanupHandler runs after the response has been sent to

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Re: Apache::DBI

2009-07-22 Thread Adam Prime
Fred Moyer wrote:
 On Tue, Jul 21, 2009 at 8:39 PM, Adam wrote:
 Adam Prime wrote:
 What I wanted to do was fix this issue:
 I was just looking over your original code where you connect() in  Won't that cause issues since the database handle will be
 forked also?  Here's what I have in my

The code in the ticket was just to illustrate the failure.  I ran into
this problem because I wanted to preload a large read-only datastructure
out of the database prior to the fork to get it completely shared
between all the children.  The handle itself is then disconnected and


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Re: [PATCH] Apache::DBI - Disconnect on child exit

2009-07-22 Thread Adam Prime
Fred Moyer wrote:
 On Mon, Jul 20, 2009 at 8:15 AM, Nick wrote:
 Currently, Apache::DBI never disconnects from the database. This leads
 to the following warnings in my Postgres logs every time an Apache child

 LOG:  unexpected EOF on client connection

 Depending on MaxRequestsPerChild this can really spam your Postgres logs.

 Attached is a patch against Apache::DBI that adds a PerlChildExitHandler
 in order to disconnect all existing database connections.

 Comments are welcome.
 Added a check for the eval and warn, and patch to Changes.  I was
 trying to think of a good way to test this, but Apache::DBI isn't
 setup with Apache::Test yet.
 +1 here, all current tests passing.

I tested it using the debug function that everything else uses instead
of the warn, but other than that it looks fine.  As for testing, getting
 Apache::Test tests working would obviously take some time.


 ph...@pooky ~/dev/svn/modperl/Apache-DBI/trunk $ svn diff
 Index: lib/Apache/
 --- lib/Apache/   (revision 796606)
 +++ lib/Apache/   (working copy)
 @@ -39,6 +39,8 @@
  #   a negative value de-activates ping,
  #   default = 0
  my %LastPingTime;   # keeps track of last ping per data_source
 +my $ChildExitHandlerInstalled;  # set to true on installation of
 +# PerlChildExitHandler
  # Check to see if we need to reset TaintIn and TaintOut
  my $TaintInOut = ($DBI::VERSION = 1.31) ? 1 : 0;
 @@ -134,6 +136,24 @@
 +# this PerlChildExitHandler is supposed to disconnect all open
 +# connections to the database
 +if (!$ChildExitHandlerInstalled) {
 +$ChildExitHandlerInstalled = 1;
 +my $s;
 +if (MP2) {
 +$s = Apache2::ServerUtil-server;
 +elsif (Apache-can('push_handlers')) {
 +$s = 'Apache';
 +if ($s) {
 +debug(2, $prefix push PerlChildExitHandler);
 +$s-push_handlers(PerlChildExitHandler = \childexit);
  # this PerlCleanupHandler is supposed to initiate a rollback after the
  # script has finished if AutoCommit is off.  however, cleanup can only
  # be determined at end of handle life as begin_work may have been called
 @@ -216,6 +236,24 @@
 +# The PerlChildExitHandler disconnects all open connections when the
 +# httpd child exits
 +sub childexit {
 +my $prefix = $$ Apache::DBI;
 +debug(2, $prefix PerlChildExitHandler);
 +foreach my $dbh (values(%Connected)) {
 +eval { DBI::db::disconnect($dbh) };
 +if ($@) {
 +warn(error disconnecting db handle: $@);
  # The PerlCleanupHandler is supposed to initiate a rollback after the script
  # has finished if AutoCommit is off.
  # Note: the PerlCleanupHandler runs after the response has been sent to
 Index: Changes
 --- Changes (revision 796606)
 +++ Changes (working copy)
 @@ -2,6 +2,9 @@
 +  - Adds PerlChildExitHandler to disconnect existing connections
 +Submitted by: Nick Wellnhoffer
  1.07 05/09/2008
  Submitted by:
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Re: Apache::DBI

2009-07-21 Thread Adam Prime

Continuing discussion from off list.

Philip M. Gollucci wrote:

Fred Moyer wrote:

On 7/21/09 6:58 AM, Adam Prime wrote:

If it get a new release ready, can / will one of you guys release it?
You both have co-maint on cpan.

I'd like to see some patches hit the list with test results first.  I 
saw the bug reports come in but haven't had a chance to review them.

Not sure how much time you want to spend, but I overhauled AuthDBI on 
the branch 100% its not quite done yet though, but it should actually be 
testable with Apache-Test now.

What I wanted to do was fix this issue:

either by checking the various server starting variables for each of the 
apis, or simply throwing an eval around the push_handler.

and incorporate this patch from the list:

with a bit more error checking.

There are a number of other issues in RT that could be looked at too.

If AuthDBI has been rewritten in a branch, i would propose that it stay 
there for the moment, and we get the new version of Apache::DBI out, 
with the existing version of AuthDBI, then merge and release that later.

In either case I'd probably want to push a dev version to CPAN, and get 
feedback from the list before pushing a full release to CPAN.  I'm not 
exactly familiar with voting and release managing and all that stuff, 
and to be honest, I didn't even realize that Apache::DBI was in the 
mod_perl svn repo.


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Re: Apache::DBI

2009-07-21 Thread Adam Prime
Adam Prime wrote:
 What I wanted to do was fix this issue:
 either by checking the various server starting variables for each of the
 apis, or simply throwing an eval around the push_handler.

I've been looking into this bug a bit tonight, and it seems to me that
the problem is maybe with restart_count.

This code:

if (Apache2::ServerUtil::restart_count() == 1) {
debug(2, $prefix skipping connection during server startup, read
the docu !!);
return $drh-connect(@args);

appears earlier in the connect function, and based on the comments, it
would appear that any connection to the database that happens during
startup (which to me should mean any time before the end of the
ChildInitPhase) should not be cached. The problem is PostConfig is run
twice on startup, once with restart_count == 1, and once with
restart_count == 2.  So the second time through, it gets past that if
statement, and blows up when it hits the code that tries to push_handler().

The documentation here is also no longer true:

If I put that code into my, i get:

cnt: 1
cnt: 2
cnt: 3
cnt: 4
cnt: 5
cnt: 6
cnt: 7

I'm going to fool around with things a bit more.


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[Fwd: [mp2] sendfile() bug report with Apache-Test test attached]

2009-06-28 Thread Adam Prime
This seems like it'd a nice thing to be able to possibly toggle on and 
off.  I haven't seen anything about it since it was posted.  Does anyone 
have any thoughts?  I know i've run into this issue in the past too.


From what I've read, Apache should understand that it needs to apply the
byterange filter whenever $r-sendfile is called and the Range: header is
present in the incoming request.  However what I'm seeing is that the entire
file is returned for each byte range requested by the client.

Access log serving off disk in Apache2:

*.*.*.* - - [17/Jun/2009:19:50:30 -0400] GET /mygcx/test/flvplayernew17.flv
HTTP/1.1 206 1 - -
*.*.*.* - - [17/Jun/2009:19:50:31 -0400] GET /mygcx/test/flvplayernew17.flv
HTTP/1.1 206 435996 - -
*.*.*.* - - [17/Jun/2009:19:50:30 -0400] GET /mygcx/test/flvplayernew17.flv
HTTP/1.1 206 2097152 - -

Serving from perl handler:

*.*.*.* - - [18/Jun/2009:10:11:43 -0400] GET /mygcx/test/flvplayernew17.flv
HTTP/1.1 200 2533148 - -
*.*.*.* - - [18/Jun/2009:10:11:45 -0400] GET /mygcx/test/flvplayernew17.flv
HTTP/1.1 200 2533148 - -
*.*.*.* - - [18/Jun/2009:10:11:45 -0400] GET /mygcx/test/flvplayernew17.flv
HTTP/1.1 200 2533148 - -
-8-- Start Bug Report 8--
1. Problem Description:


From what I've read, Apache should understand that it needs to apply the 
byterange filter whenever $r-sendfile is called and the Range: header is 
present in the incoming request.  However what I'm seeing is that the entire 
file is returned for each byte range requested by the client. 

Access log serving off disk in Apache2:

*.*.*.* - - [17/Jun/2009:19:50:30 -0400] GET /mygcx/test/flvplayernew17.flv 
HTTP/1.1 206 1 - -
*.*.*.* - - [17/Jun/2009:19:50:31 -0400] GET /mygcx/test/flvplayernew17.flv 
HTTP/1.1 206 435996 - -
*.*.*.* - - [17/Jun/2009:19:50:30 -0400] GET /mygcx/test/flvplayernew17.flv 
HTTP/1.1 206 2097152 - -

Serving from perl handler:

*.*.*.* - - [18/Jun/2009:10:11:43 -0400] GET /mygcx/test/flvplayernew17.flv 
HTTP/1.1 200 2533148 - -
*.*.*.* - - [18/Jun/2009:10:11:45 -0400] GET /mygcx/test/flvplayernew17.flv 
HTTP/1.1 200 2533148 - -
*.*.*.* - - [18/Jun/2009:10:11:45 -0400] GET /mygcx/test/flvplayernew17.flv 
HTTP/1.1 200 2533148 - -

2. Used Components and their Configuration:

*** mod_perl version 2.04

*** using 

*** Makefile.PL options:
  MP_APR_CONFIG  = /usr/bin/apr-1-config
  MP_APR_LIB = aprext
  MP_APXS= /usr/sbin/apxs
  MP_COMPAT_1X   = 1
  MP_LIBNAME = mod_perl
  MP_USE_DSO = 1

*** httpd
Server version: Apache/2.2.3
Server built:   May 10 2009 11:14:09
Server's Module Magic Number: 20051115:3
Server loaded:  APR 1.2.7, APR-Util 1.2.7
Compiled using: APR 1.2.7, APR-Util 1.2.7
Architecture:   32-bit
Server MPM: Prefork
  threaded: no
forked: yes (variable process count)
Server compiled with
 -D APACHE_MPM_DIR=server/mpm/prefork
 -D APR_HAVE_IPV6 (IPv4-mapped addresses enabled)
 -D HTTPD_ROOT=/etc/httpd
 -D SUEXEC_BIN=/usr/sbin/suexec
 -D DEFAULT_SCOREBOARD=logs/apache_runtime_status
 -D DEFAULT_LOCKFILE=logs/accept.lock
 -D DEFAULT_ERRORLOG=logs/error_log
 -D AP_TYPES_CONFIG_FILE=conf/mime.types
 -D SERVER_CONFIG_FILE=conf/httpd.conf

*** (apr|apu)-config linking info

 -laprutil-1 -lldap -llber -ldb-4.3 -lexpat 
 -lapr-1  -lpthread -ldl 

*** /usr/bin/perl -V
Summary of my perl5 (revision 5 version 8 subversion 8) configuration:
osname=linux, osvers=2.6.18-128.1.1.el5, archname=i386-linux-thread-multi
uname='linux 2.6.18-128.1.1.el5 #1 smp mon jan 
26 13:58:24 est 2009 i686 i686 i386 gnulinux '
config_args='-des -Doptimize=-O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 
-fexceptions -fstack-protector --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -m32 -march=i386 
-mtune=generic -fasynchronous-unwind-tables -Dversion=5.8.8 
-Dmyhostname=localhost -dperladmin=r...@localhost -Dcc=gcc -Dcf_by=Red Hat, 
Inc. -Dinstallprefix=/usr -Dprefix=/usr -Darchname=i386-linux 
-Dvendorprefix=/usr -Dsiteprefix=/usr -Duseshrplib -Dusethreads -Duseithreads 
-Duselargefiles -Dd_dosuid -Dd_semctl_semun -Di_db -Ui_ndbm -Di_gdbm -Di_shadow 
-Di_syslog -Dman3ext=3pm -Duseperlio -Dinstallusrbinperl=n -Ubincompat5005 
-Uversiononly -Dpager=/usr/bin/less -isr -Dd_gethostent_r_proto 
-Ud_endhostent_r_proto -Ud_sethostent_r_proto -Ud_endprotoent_r_proto 
-Ud_setprotoent_r_proto -Ud_endservent_r_proto -Ud_setservent_r_proto 
-Dinc_version_list=5.8.7 5.8.6 5.8.5 -Dscriptdir=/usr/bin'
hint=recommended, useposix=true, d_sigaction=define
usethreads=define use5005threads=undef useithreads=define 

Re: [RELEASE CANDIDATE] mod_perl-1.31 RC8

2009-05-11 Thread Adam Prime

Also builds fine and all tests pass on:

Summary of my perl5 (revision 5 version 8 subversion 8) configuration:
osname=solaris, osvers=2.10, archname=i86pc-solaris
uname='sunos fxbuild-i386 5.10 generic_127112-11 i86pc i386 i86pc 
solaris '


Summary of my perl5 (revision 5 version 8 subversion 8) configuration:
osname=linux, osvers=2.6.24-19-server, 
uname='linux palmer 2.6.24-19-server #1 smp sat jul 12 00:40:01 utc 
2008 i686 gnulinux '

I have on more system to test on at home.


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Re: [vote] to Apache::Test

2009-04-21 Thread Adam Prime

Fred Moyer wrote:

Are committers in favor of adding to Apache::Test?

I'm willing to live with it if it means that less users with problems
running 'perl Makefile.PL'

Is that actually the right RT link, or should it be this one:


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Re: [patch] Apache::Test #41239: t/TEST -ping does not return a valid return code to the calling shell

2009-04-21 Thread Adam Prime

Fred Moyer wrote:

This patch as demonstrated in the RT ticket resolves the issue.
Thoughts?  Demonstrating documented behavior here on my test setup
(returning 1 return code to the shell).

This seems reasonable to me.


Index: lib/Apache/
--- lib/Apache/   (revision 766391)
+++ lib/Apache/   (working copy)
@@ -1173,6 +1173,7 @@
 else {
 warning no server is running on $name;

 return $exit; #means call exit() if true

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[Fwd: [yapc] Official Call for Proposals for YAPC|10 ends Friday, 24 April 2009]

2009-04-21 Thread Adam Prime


 Original Message 
Subject: [yapc] Official Call for Proposals for YAPC|10 ends Friday,	24 
April 2009

Date: Tue, 21 Apr 2009 11:26:34 -0400
From: Robert Blackwell

The official Call for Proposals for YAPC|10 ends Friday, 24 April 2009.

You can also follow YAPC|10 on Twitter.

Robert Blackwell

yapc mailing list

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Re: [patch]

2009-04-19 Thread Adam Prime

Fred Moyer wrote:

This seems like a reasonable request.  I know there are a few times
that I had to put the apreq module load in, and it would
have been nice to have things magically 'just work'.  I only have one
modperl application that does not use libapreq, and I think that I
wouldn't mind the extra module loaded during testing.

OTOH I don't think this qualifies as a 'critical' bug.  But any
thoughts or issues with this patch?

It sounds to me like the httpd.conf that A::T is parsing isn't actually 
the httpd.conf that they use in production, and doesn't have the 
LoadModule for apreq2 in it.  According to the documentation you can 
override the conf parsed by A::T using this:

perl Makefile.PL -httpd_conf /path/to/httpd.conf

I don't really think that this patch is strictly required (assuming that 
running Makefile.PL as describe above works), but I also doubt that it's 
going to cause more problems than it fixes for people that don't know 
about, or haven't read the documentation.

I bet a lot of people installing modules from the cpan shell run into 
problems like this.  I know i have since i often put my real httpd.conf 
/www/conf, while the default is in /usr/local/prefork/conf.


Index: lib/Apache/
--- lib/Apache/   (revision 766433)
+++ lib/Apache/   (working copy)
@@ -73,6 +73,22 @@

+if ($rev == 2) {
+# load apreq2 if it is present
+# do things a bit differently that find_and_load_module()
+# because apreq2 can't be loaded that way (the 2 causes a problem)
+my $name = '';
+my $mod_path = $test_config-find_apache_module($name) or return;
+# don't match the 2 here
+my ($sym) = $name =~ m/mod_(\w+)2\./;
+if ($mod_path  -e $mod_path) {
+$test_config-preamble(IfModule = !mod_$sym.c,
+qq{LoadModule ${sym}_module $mod_path\n});

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Re: Startup Slow with DSO mod_perl

2009-04-07 Thread Adam Prime

David E. Wheeler wrote:

On Apr 7, 2009, at 7:10 PM, Philippe M. Chiasson wrote:

Looks like in the DSO case, you end up with what looks like double the
work, and very similar, kinda like a start/restart cycle.

I've noticed that at times; the same code loading/running twice.

I don't remember apache 1.3, but would it be possible that it does a 

on start _only_ for the DSO case ?

What's a restart on start?

According to the guide, it did it in apache 1.3 too.


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Re: [RELEASE CANDIDATE] mod_perl-1.31 RC7

2009-04-02 Thread Adam Prime

builds and tests fine with apache 1.3.41 on...

Linux primepc 2.6.24-23-generic #1 SMP Mon Jan 26 00:13:11 UTC 2009 i686 

This is perl, v5.8.8 built for i486-linux-gnu-thread-multi

Linux lv1 2.6.24-gentoo-r8 #3 Wed May 28 15:43:57 EST 2008 i686 Intel(R) 
Pentium(R) 4 CPU 2.40GHz GenuineIntel GNU/Linux

This is perl, v5.8.8 built for i686-linux

Linux data 2.6.27-gentoo-r8 #1 SMP Wed Mar 18 23:25:16 EDT 2009 x86_64 
AMD Athlon(tm) X2 Dual Core Processor BE-2350 AuthenticAMD GNU/Linux

This is perl, v5.8.8 built for x86_64-linux

SunOS web01-dev 5.10 Generic_127112-11 i86pc i386 i86pc Solaris
This is perl, v5.8.8 built for i86pc-solaris


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Re: Fwd: [ #44703] Wrong links in documentation

2009-03-31 Thread Adam Prime

I posted to docs-dev about this, and got no response.

I don't see any easy way to resolve this either.


Fred Moyer wrote:

Not quite sure how to resolve this and keep the links on working

-- Forwarded message --
From: Slaven_Rezic via RT
Date: Tue, Mar 31, 2009 at 8:35 AM
Subject: [ #44703] Wrong links in documentation

Tue Mar 31 11:35:05 2009: Request 44703 was acted upon.
Transaction: Ticket created by SREZIC
  Queue: mod_perl
Subject: Wrong links in documentation
  Broken in: 2.0.4
   Severity: (no value)
  Owner: Nobody
 Status: new
 Ticket URL: 

It seems that links in all mod_perl2-related Pod pages are broken. It is
visible in Pod viewers which can handle links, e.g. tkpod or in's documentation pages (e.g.

Links are in the form
LApache2::Access|docs::2.0::api::Apache2::Access. To correct this, the
links should simply be in the form LApache2::Access.


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Re: Apache::SizeLimit + solaris Update 10

2009-03-19 Thread Adam Prime

Fred Moyer wrote:

On Wed, Mar 18, 2009 at 7:14 PM, Adam Prime wrote:

Fred suggested in resend these patches relative to the root of the
distributions, so here they are.  SizeLimit.patch is against the version
of Apache2::SizeLimit in mod_perl 2.0.4 and generated via git diff.
svn.SizeLimit.patch is against the version of SizeLimit in svn, and was
generated with svn diff.

This git diff doesn't match what I have in svn trunk for

Thats because it's against the version in mod_perl 2.0.4, which is 
nothing like the version that currently in svn.

applied to your second part of the patch.  I'd like to see the
$major/$minor logic use a couple of more parentheses to spell out
exactly what it is doing without having to worry about whether the
conditional parser in my head is interpreting this conditional

Do you want me to resubmit it like :

   (($major  2) || ($major == 2  $minor = 6))

I'm guessing that's what you mean.


Index: lib/Apache/SizeLimit/
--- lib/Apache/SizeLimit/ 755867)
+++ lib/Apache/SizeLimit/ copy)
@@ -131,7 +131,11 @@

-if ($Config{'osname'} eq 'solaris'  $Config{'osvers'} = 2.6 ) {
+ my ($major,$minor) = split('.',$Config{'osvers'});
+ if ($Config{'osname'} eq 'solaris' 
+ ($major  2 || $major == 2  $minor = 6)) {
 *_platform_check_size   = \_solaris_2_6_size_check;
 *_platform_getppid = \_perl_getppid;

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Re: Apache::SizeLimit + solaris Update 10

2009-03-18 Thread Adam Prime
Fred suggested in resend these patches relative to the root of the
distributions, so here they are.  SizeLimit.patch is against the version
of Apache2::SizeLimit in mod_perl 2.0.4 and generated via git diff.
svn.SizeLimit.patch is against the version of SizeLimit in svn, and was
generated with svn diff.

If there is anything else i can do, let me know.  If there is another
way i should be submitting this stuff, let me know.

diff --git a/lib/Apache2/ b/lib/Apache2/
index 031640e..702ff2a 100644
--- a/lib/Apache2/
+++ b/lib/Apache2/
@@ -52,7 +52,8 @@ BEGIN {
 if Apache2::MPM-is_threaded();
 # decide at compile time how to check for a process' memory size.
-if (SOLARIS  $Config{'osvers'} = 2.6) {
+my ($major,$minor) = split('.',$Config{'osvers'});
+if (SOLARIS  ($major  2 || $major == 2  $minor = 6)) {
 $HOW_BIG_IS_IT = \solaris_2_6_size_check;
Index: lib/Apache/SizeLimit/
--- lib/Apache/SizeLimit/ 750777)
+++ lib/Apache/SizeLimit/ copy)
@@ -131,7 +131,8 @@
-if ($Config{'osname'} eq 'solaris'  $Config{'osvers'} = 2.6 ) {
+my ($major,$minor) = split('.',$Config{'osvers'});
+if ($Config{'osname'} eq 'solaris'  ($major  2 || $major == 2  $minor 
= 6)) {
 *_platform_check_size   = \_solaris_2_6_size_check;
 *_platform_getppid = \_perl_getppid;

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Re: Apache::SizeLimit + solaris Update 10

2009-03-06 Thread Adam Prime
As soon as a got in bed last night i realized the conditional logic in
the original patches was wrong, corrected versions are attached.


Adam Prime wrote:
 There was a thread today on the users list where a guy was running into
 problems with SizeLimit on Solaris update 10 [1].  Attached are 2
 patches, one against the version of Apache2::SizeLimit in the 2.04
 distribution, and the other against the version in SVN.  the SVN version
 still tests fine on linux, but I can't test it on solaris at home, and
 the solaris boxes I do have access to don't have update 10 on them.
 I'm also not sure if what I did is acceptable or not, but it should
 work, I think.  I also didn't make the change in the 1.3 tree.
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--- (revision 750777)
+++ (working copy)
@@ -131,7 +131,8 @@
-if ($Config{'osname'} eq 'solaris'  $Config{'osvers'} = 2.6 ) {
+my ($major,$minor) = split('.',$Config{'osvers'});
+if ($Config{'osname'} eq 'solaris'  ($major  2 || $major == 2  $minor 
= 6)) {
 *_platform_check_size   = \_solaris_2_6_size_check;
 *_platform_getppid = \_perl_getppid;
---   2009-03-06 01:19:31.0 -0500
+++ SizeLimit.pm2009-03-06 08:54:24.0 -0500
@@ -52,7 +52,8 @@
 if Apache2::MPM-is_threaded();
 # decide at compile time how to check for a process' memory size.
-if (SOLARIS  $Config{'osvers'} = 2.6) {
+my ($major,$minor) = split('.',$Config{'osvers'});
+if (SOLARIS  ($major  2 || $major == 2  $minor = 6)) {
 $HOW_BIG_IS_IT = \solaris_2_6_size_check;

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Re: Apache::SizeLimit + solaris Update 10

2009-03-06 Thread Adam Prime

Third time's a charm right?

Patches revised again.  The svn patch has now actually been tested on 
solaris with osvers of 2.10, and all the tests pass.

waiting 60 seconds for server to start: ok (waited 2 secs)
server localhost:8529 started
t/apache/all..skipped: (no reason given)
All tests successful.
Files=6, Tests=18,  8 wallclock secs ( 0.04 usr  0.04 sys +  1.50 cusr 
0.31 csys =  1.89 CPU)

Result: PASS

# perl -V
Summary of my perl5 (revision 5 version 8 subversion 8) configuration:
osname=solaris, osvers=2.10, archname=i86pc-solaris
uname='sunos fxbuild-i386 5.10 generic_127112-11 i86pc i386 i86pc 
solaris '

config_args='-Dcc=gcc -Dprefix=/oanda/system'
hint=recommended, useposix=true, d_sigaction=define
usethreads=undef use5005threads=undef useithreads=undef 

useperlio=define d_sfio=undef uselargefiles=define usesocks=undef
use64bitint=undef use64bitall=undef uselongdouble=undef
usemymalloc=n, bincompat5005=undef


Adam Prime wrote:

As soon as a got in bed last night i realized the conditional logic in
the original patches was wrong, corrected versions are attached.


Adam Prime wrote:

There was a thread today on the users list where a guy was running into
problems with SizeLimit on Solaris update 10 [1].  Attached are 2
patches, one against the version of Apache2::SizeLimit in the 2.04
distribution, and the other against the version in SVN.  the SVN version
still tests fine on linux, but I can't test it on solaris at home, and
the solaris boxes I do have access to don't have update 10 on them.

I'm also not sure if what I did is acceptable or not, but it should
work, I think.  I also didn't make the change in the 1.3 tree.



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---	(revision 750777)
+++	(working copy)
@@ -131,7 +131,8 @@
-if ($Config{'osname'} eq 'solaris'  $Config{'osvers'} = 2.6 ) {
+my ($major,$minor) = split('\.',$Config{'osvers'});
+if ($Config{'osname'} eq 'solaris'  ($major  2 || $major == 2  $minor = 6)) {
 *_platform_check_size   = \_solaris_2_6_size_check;
 *_platform_getppid = \_perl_getppid;
---	2009-03-06 01:19:31.0 -0500
+++	2009-03-06 08:54:24.0 -0500
@@ -52,7 +52,8 @@
 if Apache2::MPM-is_threaded();
 # decide at compile time how to check for a process' memory size.
-if (SOLARIS  $Config{'osvers'} = 2.6) {
+my ($major,$minor) = split('\.',$Config{'osvers'});
+if (SOLARIS  ($major  2 || $major == 2  $minor = 6)) {
 $HOW_BIG_IS_IT = \solaris_2_6_size_check;

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Apache::SizeLimit + solaris Update 10

2009-03-05 Thread Adam Prime
There was a thread today on the users list where a guy was running into
problems with SizeLimit on Solaris update 10 [1].  Attached are 2
patches, one against the version of Apache2::SizeLimit in the 2.04
distribution, and the other against the version in SVN.  the SVN version
still tests fine on linux, but I can't test it on solaris at home, and
the solaris boxes I do have access to don't have update 10 on them.

I'm also not sure if what I did is acceptable or not, but it should
work, I think.  I also didn't make the change in the 1.3 tree.


---   2009-03-06 01:19:31.0 -0500
+++ SizeLimit.pm2009-03-06 01:22:22.0 -0500
@@ -52,7 +52,8 @@
 if Apache2::MPM-is_threaded();
 # decide at compile time how to check for a process' memory size.
-if (SOLARIS  $Config{'osvers'} = 2.6) {
+my ($major,$minor) = split('.',$Config{'osvers'});
+if (SOLARIS  $major = 2  $minor = 6) {
 $HOW_BIG_IS_IT = \solaris_2_6_size_check;
Index: lib/Apache/SizeLimit/
--- lib/Apache/SizeLimit/ 750777)
+++ lib/Apache/SizeLimit/ copy)
@@ -131,7 +131,8 @@
-if ($Config{'osname'} eq 'solaris'  $Config{'osvers'} = 2.6 ) {
+my ($major,$minor) = split('.',$Config{'osvers'});
+if ($Config{'osname'} eq 'solaris'  $major = 2  $minor = 6 ) {
 *_platform_check_size   = \_solaris_2_6_size_check;
 *_platform_getppid = \_perl_getppid;

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Re: [Fwd: Re: Apache::compat, perldoc modules?]

2009-01-28 Thread Adam Prime
Philip M. Gollucci wrote:
 Adam Prime wrote:
 I also moved the stuff out of ~/, which is
 probably actually the important place to move it from.

 That won't help you, its 'svn up' by the crons.

the Apache directory does not exist in svn at all, it was in dst_html
(and probably dst_pdf, which I should also clean i guess), from the
build runs prior to the namespace change.

Maybe i'm misunderstanding though.


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[Fwd: Re: Apache::compat, perldoc modules?]

2009-01-27 Thread Adam Prime

Should this page:

be removed, and links to it replaced with

See, below


 Original Message 
Subject: Re: Apache::compat, perldoc modules?
Date: Tue, 27 Jan 2009 23:37:16 -0500
From: Adam Prime
To: Mark Hedges

Mark Hedges wrote:

Trying to get perldoc running in some fashion under Apache2
with libapreq2.

I thought I'd use Apache2::Pod::HTML but no luck:

[Tue Jan 27 14:55:04 2009] [error] [client]
Can't locate object method send_http_header via package
Apache2::RequestRec at
/usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.8/Apache2/Pod/ line

send_http_header does not exist in the mod_perl2 api.  Really, that's a
bug in Apache2::Pod::HTML

Apache::Perldoc has the same problem:

[Tue Jan 27 15:00:49 2009] [error] [client]
Can't locate object method send_http_header via package
Apache2::RequestRec at
/usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.8/Apache/ line 8.\n

So I thought I'd use Apache::compat even though this may
bork some of my other code, but no luck.  This may be a
documentation error at,
which says:

This file is, i think, outdated, and you should instead look at this:

  # either add at the very beginning of
  use Apache2
  use Apache::compat;
  # or httpd.conf
  PerlModule Apache2
  PerlModule Apache::compat


This stuff looks like documentation from before the API change that was
updated with sed, but not really read.  It should likely be removed.


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Re: PerlAddVar: documentation bug (regression?)

2009-01-13 Thread Adam Prime
Michael Ludwig wrote:
 |PerlAddVar foo bar
 |PerlAddVar foo bar1
 |PerlAddVar foo bar2
 | You would retrieve these values with:
 |   my @foos = $r-dir_config('foo');
 This is wrong. You have to say:
 my @foos = $r-dir_config-get('foo');
 This may have been fixed a while ago, but apparently, the mistake in the
 documentation has reappeared.
 Michael Ludwig

Committed revision 734312, which updates the two examples on that page
that require use of the underlying APR::Table get method.


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[Fwd: mod_perl v2 documentation bugs: location of PerlOptions +Parent, PerlSwitches]

2009-01-13 Thread Adam Prime

1) I'm not sure what do to with the PerlOptions report, since it seems
to not really fit into DIR or SRV

2) I'm also not really sure what's up with PerlSwitches, though i'm
going to do some experimentation with it now.

3) PostConfigRequire is listed as SRC, which doesn't seem to have a
definition elsewhere in the document, it should that be SRV right?


 Original Message 
Subject: mod_perl v2 documentation bugs: location of PerlOptions
+Parent, PerlSwitches
Date: Sat, 10 Jan 2009 09:45:59 +0900
From: Rohan Carly

I use mod_perl 2.0.3, Apache/2.2.4, Perl 5.8.8 on Linux. I encountered some
problems that would have been easier to solve with more documentation.

1. mod_perl Directives Argument Types and Allowed Location

PerlOptions is listed as DIR...


...but when I add
 PerlOptions +Parent

to my apache.conf, I get the error message:
   Invalid per-directory PerlOption: Parent

2. PerlSwitches

Doc here:

I also noticed that
 PerlSwitches -I/myliblocation
within a virtualhost/virtualhost did not throw an error message, but
seemed to be silently ignored.
When I put it outside of the virtualhost section, it worked as expected.

Rohan Carly

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Re: [Fwd: mod_perl v2 documentation bugs: location of PerlOptions +Parent, PerlSwitches]

2009-01-13 Thread Adam Prime
Adam Prime wrote:
 1) I'm not sure what do to with the PerlOptions report, since it seems
 to not really fit into DIR or SRV
 2) I'm also not really sure what's up with PerlSwitches, though i'm
 going to do some experimentation with it now.

I've confirmed Rohan's report regarding PerlSwitches (mp2.0.4, ap2.2.8,
prefork).  In a vhost, I get no errors, but it's silently ignored.  In
the root config outside of all vhosts, it works as I'd expect (and is

Some of the other documentation talks about using PerlSwitches in vhosts
in a threaded MPM, does anyone know if PerlSwitches behaves different in
worker or event?

 3) PostConfigRequire is listed as SRC, which doesn't seem to have a
 definition elsewhere in the document, it should that be SRV right?


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Re: download mod_perl html docs?

2009-01-11 Thread Adam Prime
Mark Hedges wrote:
 Hi.  All the docs at used to be bundled for
 Debian under sarge in the package libapache-mod-perl-doc
 (which included the 2.0 html docs).  But this is archived
 now and hasn't been updated since 2004-01-29.
 Is there a way to download or check out the html docs?  It
 would be useful to have them in a portable form for when I'm
 working without a network connection.
 I couldn't find info on the site.  Thanks for the help.

You can check out SVN and build them, the instructions are here:


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Re: download mod_perl html docs?

2009-01-11 Thread Adam Prime
Mark Hedges wrote:
 Aha.  This is not linked from /download/index.html .  Thanks
 for the info.

It's the last link on the index when I look at it.


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Re: docs build and netpbm

2009-01-04 Thread Adam Prime
Philip M. Gollucci wrote:
 Before I start on this, you mean i should update the build process to
 not bother converting the png's to gif, and the templates to use the
 png's instead of the gifs, thus getting rid of the dependency on
 netpbm.  right?

 Sounds like a plan to me.

So upon further investigation of this, the build process itself doesn't
seem to actually be doing any image generation.  The gif/jpg/png's are
actually all checked into the repository.  So knowing that i'm thinking
i'll just update the dependancies page to remove mention of netpbm, and
update the maintainers file to say that you don't need to convert the
png's to gif, but if you want to this is how you'd do it.



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Re: docs build and netpbm

2009-01-03 Thread Adam Prime

Philip M. Gollucci wrote:

I'm pretty sure this is really outdated and very special use case.

This requirement comes from MAINTAINERS file and image conversions --
== perl -le 'for (@ARGV) { print STDERR converting $_\n; \ s/\.\w+$//; \
== system pngtopnm $_.png | pnmquant 256 | ppmtogif  $_.gif } ' 


pngtopnm et al are part of netpbm.

dia generates .png files via its export method. As older browsers
won't recognize .png or crash, we want to use gifs instead. Here is
how to convert png files to gif files:

I'd say any browser that can't deal with .png's we can toss at this point.

Maybe you found your first commit :)

Before I start on this, you mean i should update the build process to 
not bother converting the png's to gif, and the templates to use the 
png's instead of the gifs, thus getting rid of the dependency on netpbm. 


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Updating Documentation

2008-11-10 Thread Adam Prime

Based on the response to the survey that Fred and I did, I'm intending 
to take a stab at writing some intro / tutorial kind of documentation, 
and possible updating / generally looking over what's currently on the site.

Is the best way for me to do this to pull the SVN repository, and submit 
patches to this list?  I ask because this list has now been dead for 
nearly 6 months.


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