[racket-dev] Release process for split repos

2015-01-23 Thread Ryan Culpepper
I’ve added a draft of a new release process that takes the repository split 
into account. The main difference is that there is no longer a single release 
branch under central management; instead, there is a release branch for each 
repository, and management responsibilities for package release branches is 

The wiki page is here:


Please review, ask questions, and point out ambiguities and potential problems.


  Racket Developers list:

[racket-dev] Release Announcement for v6.1.1, Second Draft

2014-10-29 Thread Ryan Culpepper

The release announcement sketch that I have so far is below.  Please
mail me new items and/or edits.

Racket version 6.1.1 is now available from


* Mac OS X Yosemite: fixed compatibility problems, mainly by patching
  the Pango text-drawing library that is bundled with Racket.

* Windows, 32-bit version: fixed window-update crashes by patching
  the Cairo drawing library that is bundled with Racket.

* Windows: made the GUI library DPI-aware.

* Added a binary library installation mode to install packages
  without source or documentation. Use the `--binary-lib` option
  with `raco pkg install`.

* Repaired the compiler's use-before-defined analysis for certain
  forms of nested `letrec`, some `let` forms, and some uses of
  `set!` or `with-continuation-mark`.

* Added bytecode optimizations (thanks to Gustavo Massaccesi).

* Added a `replace-evt` event constructor (as suggested by Jan Dvořák).

* Added the drracket/check-syntax library to facilitate check
  syntax-like behavior in other IDEs.

* Redex: explained the benchmark programs added a conditional-form
  to metafunctions.

* 2htdp/image's notion of equality no longer considers an image's

* Contracts: contract-stronger? is now more consistently useful
  and contract error messages now admit the contract itself might
  be wrong.

* Exception handling changed to be safe. This may break existing
  programs that rely on unsafe behavior.

* Casts and predicates are supported in typed regions.

* The `openssl' library supports Server Name Indication for server
  contexts (thanks to Jay Kominek).

* The `syntax/parse' library allows the definition of new pattern
  forms via pattern expanders, similar to match expanders (thanks
  to Alex Knauth).

* For OpenGL on Linux, removed dependence on libgtkgl and added
  support for core profiles (see `set-legacy?`).

* The unit test framework for the *SL teaching languages supports
  check-satisfied, a construct for checking whether a result
  satisfies a named predicate, e.g.:
(check-satisfied (sort l) sorted?)


 Racket Developers list:

[racket-dev] Release Announcement for v6.1.1

2014-10-27 Thread Ryan Culpepper

The release announcement sketch that I have so far is below.  Please
mail me new items and/or edits.

 - optimizations (most from Gustavo Massaccesi) (82ffd405, 25c05d66,
   a7a912ee, 1f2f7a1d, d14b4a80, 769c5b6e, 35eb6562, 15423988)
 - add replace-evt (as suggested by Jan Dvořák) (bc69a9b0)
 - performance tuning (c570a862, 1809df45)
 - windows: use native api for dates (135ccf09)
 - allow mixing exceptions with ffi/unsafe/alloc (from Jan Dvořák)
 - fixing letrec updates? (eg 926e64f5?)
 - senora gc (2916fc34, a312f499, 881990ed)
 - raco pkg add '--binary-lib' (05523a0b, b2b00010)
 - Mac OS X Yosemite Pango repair (76f1ebde)
 - throw out latex back-end for picts ? (77ddf71b)
 - chaperones w/o redirections (1f1a10db, a8d0534e)
 - DPI-aware racket/gui on Windows (a64a1cb1)
 - Windows: fix handling of junctions as links (cf7c0134)
 - behavior of numpad Enter (7d388a07, a41cc0c3)
 - UDP improvements (2a387ace)
 - natipkg (40f5ec07)

 - add #:post condition to meta functions (e991dd46)
 - improve the random checking for -i (72c83a32)
 - add contract-correct caveat to error messages (1dda800c)
 - add #:pre to define-judgment-form (54a6d317)
 - contract-stronger (eaf48bbb, 05185dcd, f669c47c, ...)

 - check-satisfied (ecfafe63,  and following)

 - remove dependence on libgtkgl (c601b82f)

 - add pattern expanders to syntax/parse (from Alex Knauth) (81cc6bf4)
 - openssl server-side SNI (from Jay Kominek) (320079ee, 2d2f5dc3)


 Racket Developers list:

[racket-dev] Pre-Release Checklist for v6.1.1, Second Call

2014-10-23 Thread Ryan Culpepper

Checklist items for the v6.1.1 release
  (using the v6.1.0.900 release candidate build)

Search for your name to find relevant items, reply when you finish an
item (please indicate which item/s is/are done).  Also, if you have any
commits that should have been picked, make sure that the changes are in.

Important: new builds are created without announcement, usually whenever
I pick a few commits.  If you need to commit changes, please make sure
you tell me to pick it into the release branch.

-- Release candidates are at
--   http://pre-release.racket-lang.org

Please use these installers (or source bundles) -- don't test from
your own git clone (don't test the `master' branch by mistake!).  To
get the tests, you can do this:

  cd ...racket-root...
  ./bin/raco pkg install -i main-distribution-test


* Matthias Felleisen matth...@ccs.neu.edu
  - Teachpacks Tests: check that new teachpacks are addable
  - Teachpack Docs: check teachpack docs in the bundles
  - Try teaching-languages testing framework (check-expect)
  - Teachpack Updates: update HISTORY
  (updates should show v6.1.1 as the most current version; email me
  to pick the changes when they're done, or tell me if there are no such

* Eli Barzilay e...@barzilay.org
  - Swindle Tests
  - XREPL Tests
  - Verify PL language
  - Racket Tree: compare new distribution tree to previous one
  - Run the unix installer tests
  - Run zsh completions tests
(. .../racket-completion.zsh; _racket --self-test)

* Stephen Bloch sbl...@adelphi.edu
  - Picturing Programs Tests

* Jon Rafkind rafk...@cs.utah.edu
  Release tests for (one of the) linux releases:
  - Test that the `racket' and `racket-textual' source releases
compile fine (note that they're still called `plt' and `mz' at
this stage).
  - Test that the binary installers for both work, try each one in
both normal and unix-style installation modes. (just ubuntu)
  [Note: get the release candidates from the URL in this email. Use
   the 'static table' link to see a list of all tar files available]

* David Van Horn dvanh...@ccs.neu.edu
  - EoPL Tests

* Neil Toronto neil.toro...@gmail.com
  - Plot Tests
  - Images Tests
  - Inspect icons
  - Math tests
 Racket Developers list:

[racket-dev] Release for v6.1.1 has begun

2014-10-08 Thread Ryan Culpepper

The release process for v6.1.1 has begun: the `release' branch was
created for any work that is left and is now bumped to v6.1.0.900.  You
can go on using the `master' branch as usual, it is now bumped to
v6.1.1.1 (to avoid having two different trees with the same version).

If you have any bug-fixes and changes that need to go in the release
then make sure to specify that in the commit message or mail me the
commit SHA1s.  You can `git checkout release' to try it out directly if
needed -- but do not try to push commits on it (the server will forbid

Please make sure that code that you're responsible for is as stable
as possible, and let me know if there is any new work that should
not be included in this release.


The time between the `release' branch creation and the actual
release is for fixing new errors that prevent proper functioning of
major components and that show up during the preparation for a
release.  You can also finalize piece of work that is not yet
complete, but please avoid merging new features.

Note that nightly builds will go on as usual (starting from
v6.1.1.1 and going up as usual), and pre-release builds will be
available shortly at


Please tell me if you think that this release is significant enough
that it should be announced on the users list for wider testing.
 Racket Developers list:

[racket-dev] Release for v6.1.1 is about to begin

2014-10-02 Thread Ryan Culpepper

The release process for v6.1.1 will begin in about a week.  If
you have any new features that you want in and are relatively close
to being done, now is a good time to do that.
 Racket Developers list:

[racket-dev] Release Announcement for v6.1, second draft

2014-08-01 Thread Ryan Culpepper

The release announcement draft that I have so far is below.  Please
mail me new items and/or edits.

Racket v6.1 raises an exception when a local variable is used before
its definition, instead of producing an #undefined value. (Thanks
to Claire Alvis.)

Since programs are rarely intended to produce #undefined, raising an
exception provides earlier and better feedback to programmer.
Module-level variables have always triggered an exception when used
too early, and this change makes local bindings --- including fields
within a class --- behave the same.

This is a backward-incompatible change to Racket. Aside from exposing
a few bugs, the change mainly affects programs that include

  (define undefined (letrec ([x x]) x))

to obtain the #undefined value. There is now no #undefined value
in the old sense, but the `racket/undefined` library (which was
introduced in the previous release) provides `undefined` for use in
place of the pattern above when an undefined value is still needed.

* Plumbers generalize the flush-on-exit capability of primitive
  output ports to enable arbitrary flushing actions and to give
  programmers control over the timing of flushes (i.e., a composable
  `atexit`).  New functions include `current-plumber`,
  `plumber-add-flush!`, and `plumber-flush-all`.

* contracts: the contract system's random testing facility has been
  strengthened so that it can easily find simple mistakes in
  contracted data structure implementations (e.g. an accidental
  reverse of a conditional in a heap invariant check).

* redex: the semantics of mis-match patterns (variables followed by
  _!_) inside ellipses has changed in a backwards incompatible way;
  they semantics is now much clearer and now potentially even
  useful. This change simplifies the patterns' semantics and
  increases the usefulness of these patterns.

* check-random is an addition to the preferred unit testing
  framework in the teaching languages. It enables the testing of
  students' functions that use random-number generation. (Thanks to
  David Van Horn (UMaryland) for proposing this idea.)

* Upgraded and normalized versions of graphics libraries and
  dependencies (Pango, Cairo, GLib, etc.) that are bundled with
  Racket on Windows and Mac OS X. For example, FreeType support is
  consistently enabled.

* The Typed Racket standard library includes contracted exports from
  the Racket standard library, such as racket/format's formatting

* Typed Racket now supports asynchronous channels using the
  `typed/racket/async-channel' library.

* The openssl library supports forward secrecy via DHE and ECDHE
  cipher suites (thanks to Edward Lee) and Server Name Indication
  (thanks to Jay Kominek).

 Racket Developers list:

[racket-dev] Release Announcement for v6.1

2014-07-28 Thread Ryan Culpepper

The release announcement sketch that I have so far is below.  Please
mail me new items and/or edits.

- ARM JIT: fix software floating-point (ffb0dd52)
- add plumbers (d5b42f8c)
- raco make: improve parallelism (9e3b9844)
- deprecate 3-arg module name resolver calls (8aaa3fc5)
- win32: support symbolic links (3e3cb716, 9fed5b58)
- drawing, bounding boxes, picts, scribble
  (970b040d, 37af1c8e, c4a58dc4, 05760a12, dac8ba28)

- random generation from contracts (1cb1ff28, 76c6a1b7)
- contract improvements (c64d70ab)
- change semantics of _!_ variables under ellipses (69c96c62)
- change metafunction contract formatting (d067311c)
- recursive-contract and cyclic values
  (7728e062, d664ee14, ..., 0db4df1d, f49dd363)
- add dvipdf backend to scribble (5280395f)
- add history (???) (3cd15cea, 145644ac, 83e8cfba, fb048647, d9dae651)

- add check-random (aec84f4a)

- ssl DHE/ECDHE, TLS 1.1,1.2 (thanks to Edward Lee) (5c11e621)
- add SSL client SNI (Jay Kominek) (52159fea)

- removed mzlib/class100 (5711e900)
- classes and TR (various)

- TR changes?


Racket now raises an exception when a local variable is used before
its definition, instead of producing an #undefined value. (Thanks to
Claire Alvis.)

Since programs are rarely intended to produce #undefined, raising an
exception provides earlier and better feedback to programmer.
Module-level variables have always triggered an exception when used
too early, and this change makes local bindings --- including fields
within a class --- behave the same.

This is a backward-incompatible change to Racket. Aside from exposing
a few bugs, the change mainly affects programs that include

  (define undefined (letrec ([x x]) x))

to obtain the #undefined value. There is now no #undefined value
in the old sense, but the `racket/undefined` library (which was
introduced in the previous release) provides `undefined` for use in
place of the pattern above when an undefined value is still needed.

 Racket Developers list:

[racket-dev] Release for v6.1 has begun

2014-07-08 Thread Ryan Culpepper

The release process for v6.1 has begun: the `release' branch was
created for any work that is left and is now bumped to v6.0.900.900. You
can go on using the `master' branch as usual, it is now bumped to
v6.1.0.1 (to avoid having two different trees with the same version).

If you have any bug-fixes and changes that need to go in the release
then make sure to specify that in the commit message or mail me the
commit SHA1s.  You can `git checkout release' to try it out directly if
needed -- but do not try to push commits on it (the server will forbid

Please make sure that code that you're responsible for is as stable
as possible, and let me know if there is any new work that should
not be included in this release.


The time between the `release' branch creation and the actual
release is for fixing new errors that prevent proper functioning of
major components and that show up during the preparation for a
release.  You can also finalize piece of work that is not yet
complete, but please avoid merging new features.

Note that nightly builds will go on as usual (starting from
v6.1.0.1 and going up as usual), and pre-release builds will be
available shortly at


Please tell me if you think that this release is significant enough
that it should be announced on the users list for wider testing.

 Racket Developers list:

[racket-dev] Release for v6.0.2 is about to begin

2014-07-02 Thread Ryan Culpepper

The release process for v6.0.2 will begin in about a week.  If
you have any new features that you want in and are relatively close
to being done, now is a good time to do that.
 Racket Developers list:

[racket-dev] Release Announcement for v6.0.1

2014-05-01 Thread Ryan Culpepper

The release announcement sketch that I have so far is below.  Please
mail me new items and/or edits.

- 2x bitmaps (037a211f, e47a90cc, etc); file/convertible (eda4f357)
- retina displays (7dc63162)
- dc alignment scale (582e9925)
- bignum performance (780d6ae5)
- added syntax/wrap-modbeg (bfda0665)
- treat FFI primitives like other primitives (eff53cde)
- add PLTUSERHOME (e4ce0d03)
- fix bignum allocation (efa19918)
- add racket/undefined (8abf7825, 74f82bbd)

- check syntax info even with syntax errors (09920bd8)
- contract system change, more first-order-friendly (c321f6dd)
- class/c changes (2989918a, 7bec967c, 4f65d57f, 59f57b1b)

- contract profiler (cc0e6763, 7495243d, etc)
- make f[lx]vectors sequences (8e32e6e4)

- TR :-less syntax (e6e3ab4e, 45d36579, 37b09521, etc)
- explain/warn about Class types?
- TR recursive type aliases (a8cc430d)

- web pages? (154b5453, etc)

- plot 3D BSP tree (a515e7ce)
- PDF/PS scaling changed to 1.0x1.0 (efc46ded)

 Racket Developers list:

Re: [racket-dev] actionable items, was: comments on comments on learning Racket

2014-04-28 Thread Ryan Culpepper

On 04/28/2014 10:08 AM, Laurent wrote:

On Mon, Apr 28, 2014 at 3:47 PM, Matthias Felleisen
matth...@ccs.neu.edu mailto:matth...@ccs.neu.edu wrote:

Why not something like `apply-list` or `apply/list`?
(personally I usually call it `cvl` for call/values-list, but that's
because I often use it on the command line, which makes going from `(foo
'a 'b 'c)` to `(cvl foo 'a 'b 'c)` effortless)

 (define (nth-return-value i f . s)
(lambda () (apply f s))
(lambda l (list-ref l i

unstable/list has an unexported 'values-list' macro that takes an 
expression and returns the list of values it produces.


 Racket Developers list:

Re: [racket-dev] actionable items, was: comments on comments on learning Racket

2014-04-28 Thread Ryan Culpepper

(values-list (values 1 2 3)) = (list 1 2 3)

It can't be a function; a function-argument continuation only accepts a 
single value.

As to why prefer a macro instead of a function like 'call/values-list', 
I think 'values-list' represents a smaller, more coherent bit of 
behavior. You can trivially wrap it around arbitrary expressions instead 
of just function calls.


On 04/28/2014 01:45 PM, Matthias Felleisen wrote:

Time to move it to a place easy to find? But why a macro?

On Apr 28, 2014, at 1:10 PM, Ryan Culpepper ry...@ccs.neu.edu wrote:

On 04/28/2014 10:08 AM, Laurent wrote:

On Mon, Apr 28, 2014 at 3:47 PM, Matthias Felleisen
matth...@ccs.neu.edu mailto:matth...@ccs.neu.edu wrote:

Why not something like `apply-list` or `apply/list`?
(personally I usually call it `cvl` for call/values-list, but that's
because I often use it on the command line, which makes going from `(foo
'a 'b 'c)` to `(cvl foo 'a 'b 'c)` effortless)

 (define (nth-return-value i f . s)
(lambda () (apply f s))
(lambda l (list-ref l i

unstable/list has an unexported 'values-list' macro that takes an expression 
and returns the list of values it produces.


Racket Developers list:

 Racket Developers list:

[racket-dev] Pre-Release Checklist for v6.0.1, Second Call

2014-04-24 Thread Ryan Culpepper

Checklist items for the v6.0.1 release
  (using the v6.0.0.900 release candidate build)

Search for your name to find relevant items, reply when you finish an
item (please indicate which item/s is/are done).  Also, if you have any
commits that should have been picked, make sure that the changes are in.

Important: new builds are created without announcement, usually whenever
I pick a few commits.  If you need to commit changes, please make sure
you tell me to pick it into the release branch.

-- Release candidates are at
--   http://pre-release.racket-lang.org/

Please use these installers (or source bundles) -- don't test from
your own git clone (don't test the `master' branch by mistake!).  To
get the tests, you can do this:

  cd ...racket-root...
  ./bin/raco pkg install -i main-distribution-test


* Sam Tobin-Hochstadt sa...@ccs.neu.edu,
   Vincent St-Amour stamo...@ccs.neu.edu
  - Match Tests
  - Typed Racket Tests
  - Typed Racket Updates: update HISTORY
  (updates should show v6.0.1 as the most current version; email me
  to pick the changes when they're done, or tell me if there are no such

* Matthias Felleisen matth...@ccs.neu.edu
  - Teachpacks Tests: check that new teachpacks are addable
  - Teachpack Docs: check teachpack docs in the bundles
  - Teachpack Updates: update HISTORY
  (updates should show v6.0.1 as the most current version; email me
  to pick the changes when they're done, or tell me if there are no such

* Ryan Culpepper r...@cs.utah.edu
  - Macro Debugger Tests
  - Syntax Classifier Tests
  - RackUnit GUI Tests
  - Data Tests
  - DB Tests

* Kathy Gray kathryn.g...@cl.cam.ac.uk
  - Test Engine Tests

* Noel Welsh noelwe...@gmail.com
  - Rackunit Tests
  - SRFI Tests
  - Ensure that all claimed srfi's are in the installer and they all
load into racket or drracket (as appropriate)

* Stephen Chang stch...@ccs.neu.edu
  - Lazy Racket Tests
  - Lazy stepper tests

* Eli Barzilay e...@barzilay.org
  - Swindle Tests
  - XREPL Tests
  - Verify PL language
  - Racket Tree: compare new distribution tree to previous one
  - Run the unix installer tests
  - Run zsh completions tests
(. .../racket-completion.zsh; _racket --self-test)
  Version Updates: if a major change has happened, update the version
  number in:
  - racket/collects/mzscheme/info.rkt
  - racket/collects/mred/info.rkt

* Carl Eastlund c...@ccs.neu.edu
  - Dracula Tests (confirm that Dracula runs from PLaneT)

* Neil Toronto neil.toro...@gmail.com
  - Plot Tests

* Doug Williams m.douglas.willi...@gmail.com
  - Additional Plot Tests
 Racket Developers list:

[racket-dev] Pre-Release Checklist for v6.0.1

2014-04-17 Thread Ryan Culpepper

Checklist items for the v6.0.1 release
  (using the v6.0.0.900 release candidate build)

Search for your name to find relevant items, reply when you finish an
item (please indicate which item/s is/are done).  Also, if you have any
commits that should have been picked, make sure that the changes are in.

Important: new builds are created without announcement, usually whenever
I pick a few commits.  If you need to commit changes, please make sure
you tell me to pick it into the release branch.

-- Release candidates are at
--   http://pre-release.racket-lang.org/

Please use these installers (or source bundles) -- don't test from
your own git clone (don't test the `master' branch by mistake!).  To
get the tests, you can do this:

  cd ...racket-root...
  ./bin/raco pkg install -i main-distribution-test


* Matthew Flatt mfl...@cs.utah.edu
  - Racket Tests
  - Languages Tests
  - GRacket Tests (Also check that `gracket -z' and `gracket-text' still
works in Windows and Mac OS X)
  - mzc --exe tests
  - .plt-packing Tests
  - Games Tests
  - Unit Tests
  - Syntax Color Tests
  - R6RS Tests
  - JPR's test suite
  - Create an executable from a BSL program
  - Run COM tests
  - Try compiling with -funsigned-char
  - Racket Updates: update HISTORY
  (updates should show v6.0.1 as the most current version)
  - Update man pages in racket/man/man1: racket.1, gracket.1, raco.1
  Email me to pick the changes when they're done, or tell me if there
  are no such changes.

* Robby Findler ro...@eecs.northwestern.edu
  - DrRacket Tests
  - Framework Tests
  - Contracts Tests
  - Games Tests
  - Teachpacks Tests: image tests
  - PLaneT Tests
  - Redex Tests
  - DrRacket Updates: update HISTORY
  - Redex Updates: update HISTORY
  (updates should show v6.0.1 as the most current version)
  - Ensure that previous version of DrRacket's preference files still
starts up with new DrRacket
  - Update man pages in racket/man/man1: drracket.1
  Email me to pick the changes when they're done, or tell me if there
  are no such changes.

* John Clements cleme...@brinckerhoff.org
  - Stepper Tests
  - Stepper Updates: update HISTORY
  (updates should show v6.0.1 as the most current version; email me
  to pick the changes when they're done, or tell me if there are no such

* Sam Tobin-Hochstadt sa...@ccs.neu.edu,
   Vincent St-Amour stamo...@ccs.neu.edu
  - Match Tests
  - Typed Racket Tests
  - Typed Racket Updates: update HISTORY
  (updates should show v6.0.1 as the most current version; email me
  to pick the changes when they're done, or tell me if there are no such

* Matthias Felleisen matth...@ccs.neu.edu
  - Teachpacks Tests: check that new teachpacks are addable
  - Teachpack Docs: check teachpack docs in the bundles
  - Teachpack Updates: update HISTORY
  (updates should show v6.0.1 as the most current version; email me
  to pick the changes when they're done, or tell me if there are no such

* Ryan Culpepper r...@cs.utah.edu
  - Macro Debugger Tests
  - Syntax Classifier Tests
  - RackUnit GUI Tests
  - Data Tests
  - DB Tests

* Jay McCarthy jay.mccar...@gmail.com
  - Web Server Tests
  - XML Tests
  - HTML Tests
  - PLAI Tests
  - Racklog tests
  - Datalog tests

* Kathy Gray kathryn.g...@cl.cam.ac.uk
  - Test Engine Tests

* Noel Welsh noelwe...@gmail.com
  - Rackunit Tests
  - SRFI Tests
  - Ensure that all claimed srfi's are in the installer and they all
load into racket or drracket (as appropriate)

* Stevie Strickland sstri...@ccs.neu.edu
  - Unit Contract Tests
  - Contract Region Tests
  - Class Contract Tests

* Stephen Chang stch...@ccs.neu.edu
  - Lazy Racket Tests
  - Lazy stepper tests

* Eli Barzilay e...@barzilay.org
  - Swindle Tests
  - XREPL Tests
  - Verify PL language
  - Racket Tree: compare new distribution tree to previous one
  - Run the unix installer tests
  - Run zsh completions tests
(. .../racket-completion.zsh; _racket --self-test)
  Version Updates: if a major change has happened, update the version
  number in:
  - racket/collects/mzscheme/info.rkt
  - racket/collects/mred/info.rkt

* Stephen Bloch sbl...@adelphi.edu
  - Picturing Programs Tests

* Greg Cooper g...@cs.brown.edu
  - FrTime Tests

* Carl Eastlund c...@ccs.neu.edu
  - Dracula Tests (confirm that Dracula runs from PLaneT)

* Jon Rafkind rafk...@cs.utah.edu
  Release tests for (one of the) linux releases:
  - Test that the `racket' and `racket-textual' source releases
compile fine (note that they're still called `plt' and `mz' at
this stage).
  - Test that the binary installers for both work, try each one in
both normal and unix-style installation modes. (just ubuntu)
  [Note: get the release candidates from the URL in this email. Use
   the 'static table' link to see a list of all tar files available

Re: [racket-dev] ECDHE patch for Racket's OpenSSL bindings.

2014-04-11 Thread Ryan Culpepper
IIRC, most of the code in openssl/mzssl.rkt predates ffi/unsafe/alloc. 
So yes, BIO_new etc should use (allocator _) etc, and that would 
simplify some of the code that currently uses the local with-failure 
macro to do deallocation. But no need to fix that in this patch.

Some comments on the patch:

- Regarding curves/c, the curve NID_* definitions, and symbol-nid: 
There's some redundancy here that could be eliminated with the following 

(define curve-nid-alist
  '((sect163k1 . 721)

(define curve/c (apply or/c (map car curve-nid-alist)))

(define (curve-nid sym)
  (cond [(assq sym curve-nid-alist)
 = cdr]
[else (error )]))

That eliminates the problem of keeping the enumeration of curves in sync 
in three places.

- SSL_CTRL_SET_ECDH_AUTO is unused; it should be removed.

- There's a missing ! in some of the symbols passed to error in 

If you send a new version of the patch I'll commit that; otherwise I 
can make the changes above myself when I get a chance.


On 04/11/2014 01:46 PM, Edward Lee wrote:

Thanks for catching the typo.  I don't have a good answer to your second
question; I really don't know if they should.


On Thu, Apr 10, 2014 at 02:54:36PM -0400, Stephen Chang wrote:

Ok thanks. Sorry, I think one more is missing from curve/c (sect283r1)?

Another question: Should BIO_new_mem_buf have an additional #:wrap
(allocator BIO_free) argument, similar to other allocating functions?

More generally, should BIO_new and BIO_free have #:wrap arguments like
the other allocating/deallocating functions?

On Thu, Apr 10, 2014 at 2:11 PM, Edward Lee e45...@uwaterloo.ca wrote:

Those are accidental omissions;  I've attached a patch that should fix
the contract and symbol-nid.


On Thu, Apr 10, 2014 at 01:39:13AM -0400, Stephen Chang wrote:

I checked out the patch and have a few questions. (I'm a non-expert.)

How come some curves are omitted from the curve/c contract (eg
sect163k1 and sect193r2)?

Is there also a curve missing from symbol-nid (eg sect571r1)?

On Wed, Apr 9, 2014 at 7:52 PM, Neil Van Dyke n...@neilvandyke.org wrote:

Edward, your patch sounds OK to me, FWIW.

Neil V.

  Racket Developers list:

   Racket Developers list:

 Racket Developers list:

[racket-dev] Release for v6.0.1 is about to begin

2014-04-01 Thread Ryan Culpepper

The release process for v6.0.1 will begin in about a week.  If
you have any new features that you want in and are relatively close
to being done, now is a good time to do that.
 Racket Developers list:

[racket-dev] Testing for Racket v6.0

2014-02-14 Thread Ryan Culpepper

We need volunteers for a final round of testing for Racket
v6.0. This round of testing will focus on the package system and
changes related to it.

We would like to test the release candidate on the following

- Unix build from source, in-place install
- Unix build from source, Unix-style install
- Unix build from source, minimal, in-place install
- Unix build from source, minimal, Unix-style install
- Mac OS X 32-bit
- Mac OS X 64-bit
- Mac OS X 32-bit, minimal
- Windows 32-bit
- Windows 64-bit
- Windows 32-bit, minimal

We would like the testers to try the following:

  1. Start DrRacket, if non-minimal, and check the version
 display in interactions.

  2. Create a hello world executable distribution: from within
 DrRacket if non-minimal, via `raco exe` and `raco dist` if

  3. Install the aws package and try to read the docs; use the GUI
 package manager for non-minimal, use `raco pkg install` for
 minimal; double-check that installation was in user scope.

  4. If minimal, install DrRacket (as a package) and try to start
 it as in step 1.

  5. Uninstall the aws package.

The idea here is that our tests for functionality worked as well
as ever for v5.93, while the problems were mostly related build
and package configuration (as we expected). We haven't heard
about any problems particularly related to step 2 above, but it's
especially sensitive to the installation configuration, so it's a
useful extra check.

If you are interested in helping, please reply to this message to
the mailing list and include the configuration(s) you are willing
to test.

 Racket Developers list:

Re: [racket-dev] [patch] OpenSSL ECDH(E) + DHE support.

2014-02-10 Thread Ryan Culpepper

On 02/08/2014 05:52 PM, Edward Lee wrote:


Racket's OpenSSL bindings do not currently enable the ECDH(E) and the
DHE ciphers, which are needed for perfect forward secrecy.

I've attached a patch that:
   - Embeds reasonable defaults for DHE mode.
   - Adds two functions, ssl-server-context-enable-dhe! and
 ssl-server-context-enable-ecdhe! that when given
 DHE/ECDHE setup arguments (for DHE, a DH parameter file path,
 for ECDHE, the name of one of the built-in OpenSSL elliptic curves
 [currently, only secp521r1])
   - (unrelated, but also useful) Adds bindings for TLS 1.1/1.2-only
 server/client contexts.

This patch is currently a work in progress (it currently only supports
one elliptic curve name) that works well enough for what I am using it
for, but I'm interested in getting this patch upstream.

Here are a few comments:

What is SSL_CTRL_SET_ECDH_AUTO? I couldn't find it in the openssl 
headers, and I searched a few recent versions. It seems unused here, anyway.

I think it would be better to read the DH params file into memory using 
Racket file operations and then use a memory BIO for 
PEM_read_bio_DHparams. Two reasons: the file access will then 
automatically go through Racket's security-guard checks, and the file 
read will go through Racket's IO system, so if the read blocks it won't 
block all Racket threads.

In ...enable-ecdhe!, the 'case' form doesn't need 'quote'. It should be 
this instead:

  (case name
[(secp521r1) NID_secp521r1]
[else ___])

As it is, the function will accept 'quote as the name of a curve.

What's the exact process for this?

If you have a github account, you can fork the repo there and submit a 
pull request. But we can certainly handle patches like this too.


 Racket Developers list:

[racket-dev] Racket v5.93

2014-01-31 Thread Ryan Culpepper

Racket v5.93 is now available from


Version 5.93 repairs a few problems with the recent v5.92 release (in
preparation for a v6.0 release):

 * fixed a low-level concurrency problem with the GUI library for Mac
   OS X, which especially affected 32-bit builds;

 * fixed GRacket-based launchers (such as `drracket`) in a Unix-style

 * expanded the list of recognized OpenSSL library versions;

 * fixed small CSS problems and inconsistencies (relative to v5.3.6) in
   the new Scribble style as used by the Racket documentation; and

 * added the version number back to the racket directory within the
   source distribution bundle.
 Racket Developers list:

[racket-dev] Racket v5.92

2014-01-25 Thread Ryan Culpepper

Racket 5.92 has a new package system, including a catalog of
hundreds of already-available packages. Please visit


for an overview of the packages.

Recent releases included the beta versions of the package system.
Racket version 5.92 incorporates many improvements suggested by these
preliminary experiences:

 * A package is treated as a single collection by default, so it is
   even easier to use a Github repository as a package. Get started

 * DrRacket includes a new package manager GUI, available via the
   File|Package Manager ... menu item. The GUI is also available
   as a stand-alone program via the gui-pkg-manager package.

 * The main Racket distribution has been separated into about 200
   packages. The Racket installer combines the core system with
   bundled versions of these packages.

   Alternatively, you may now install a Minimal Racket distribution
   --- which is about 1/10 the size of the main distribution --- and
   add only those packages that you need.

 * Package installation supports pre-built packages that include
   compiled byte code and rendered documentation, meaning packages can
   be installed quickly when built versions are available. All
   packages in the main distribution are available in pre-built form.

Further improvements are in the works, notably including package
documentation on the package-catalog web site.

COMPATIBILITY NOTE: PLaneT, the previous Racket package system, will
remain in place for the foreseeable future, but we expect all package
work to shift to the new system.

Beyond the package system, this release brings a number of other

 * Racket's HTML documentation has a new and improved look, thanks to
   Matthew Butterick.

 * The documentation includes a style guide, How to Program Racket

 * Racket's JIT compiler supports the ARM architecture.

 * Racket supports the Mac's Retina display mode.

 * The performance of the Typed Racket compiler improved by 50% on
   some typed programs; e.g., see http://bit.ly/1d0Ye4z

 * The profiler provides a new mode that uses the errortrace library
   to produce fine-grained profiles.

 * A new contract profiler reports how much time programs spend
   checking contracts, and which contracts are most expensive.

 * The math/flonum library exports fast 105-bit precision operations.

 * Check Syntax handles generated identifiers, especially those
   introduced by struct (e.g. field selectors) and Redex (e.g., e_1,

 * 2htdp/batch-io includes functions for dealing with html/xml in
   files and web sites as X-expressions plus conveniences for
   web-based graph traversals.

 * The `gen:set' generic interface extends set operations to work on
   user-defined types that implement set methods, as well as on other
   set-like built-in types, such as lists.

 * Picts support conversion to SVG format.

 * Under unix, Racket provides desktop entries (.desktop files) for
   its graphical executables.
 Racket Developers list:

[racket-dev] Pre-Release Checklist for v6.0, Second Call

2013-12-29 Thread Ryan Culpepper

Checklist items for the v6.0 release
  (using the v5.91.0.900 release candidate build)

Search for your name to find relevant items, reply when you finish an
item (please indicate which item/s is/are done).  Also, if you have any
commits that should have been picked, make sure that the changes are in.

Important: new builds are created without announcement, usually whenever
I pick a few commits.  If you need to commit changes, please make sure
you tell me to pick it into the release branch.

-- Release candidates are at
--   http://plt.eecs.northwestern.edu/release-snapshots/

Note the nonstandard location!

The Racket plus Tests builds already include the test packages. If
you use a Minimal Racket build instead, install test packages
manually using raco pkg install.


* Matthew Flatt mfl...@cs.utah.edu
  - Run COM tests

* Robby Findler ro...@eecs.northwestern.edu
  - DrRacket Tests

* Jay McCarthy jay.mccar...@gmail.com
  - Web Server Tests
  - HTML Tests

* Eli Barzilay e...@barzilay.org
  - Swindle Tests
  - XREPL Tests
  - Verify PL language
  - Racket Tree: compare new distribution tree to previous one
  - Run the unix installer tests
  - Run zsh completions tests
(. .../racket-completion.zsh; _racket --self-test)
  Version Updates: if a major change has happened, update the version
  number in:
  - racket/collects/mzscheme/info.rkt
  - racket/collects/mred/info.rkt

* Carl Eastlund c...@ccs.neu.edu
  - Dracula Tests (confirm that Dracula runs from PLaneT)

* David Van Horn dvanh...@ccs.neu.edu
  - EoPL Tests

* Neil Toronto neil.toro...@gmail.com
  - Plot Tests
 Racket Developers list:

[racket-dev] Pre-Release Checklist for v6.0

2013-12-16 Thread Ryan Culpepper

Checklist items for the v6.0 release
  (using the v5.91 release candidate build)

Search for your name to find relevant items, reply when you finish an
item (please indicate which item/s is/are done).  Also, if you have any
commits that should have been picked, make sure that the changes are in.

Important: new builds are created without announcement, usually whenever
I pick a few commits.  If you need to commit changes, please make sure
you tell me to pick it into the release branch.

-- Release candidates are at
--   http://plt.eecs.northwestern.edu/snapshots/

Note the nonstandard location!

The Racket plus Tests builds already include the test packages. If
you use a Minimal Racket build instead, install test packages
manually using raco pkg install.


* Matthew Flatt mfl...@cs.utah.edu
  - Racket Tests
  - Languages Tests
  - GRacket Tests (Also check that `gracket -z' and `gracket-text' still
works in Windows and Mac OS X)
  - mzc --exe tests
  - .plt-packing Tests
  - Games Tests
  - Unit Tests
  - Syntax Color Tests
  - R6RS Tests
  - JPR's test suite
  - Create an executable from a BSL program
  - Run COM tests
  - Try compiling with -funsigned-char
  - Racket Updates: update HISTORY
  (updates should show v6.0 as the most current version)
  - Update man pages in racket/man/man1: racket.1, gracket.1, raco.1
  Email me to pick the changes when they're done, or tell me if there
  are no such changes.

* Robby Findler ro...@eecs.northwestern.edu
  - DrRacket Tests
  - Framework Tests
  - Contracts Tests
  - Games Tests
  - Teachpacks Tests: image tests
  - PLaneT Tests
  - Redex Tests
  - DrRacket Updates: update HISTORY
  - Redex Updates: update HISTORY
  (updates should show v6.0 as the most current version)
  - Ensure that previous version of DrRacket's preference files still
starts up with new DrRacket
  - Update man pages in racket/man/man1: drracket.1
  Email me to pick the changes when they're done, or tell me if there
  are no such changes.

* John Clements cleme...@brinckerhoff.org
  - Stepper Tests
  - Stepper Updates: update HISTORY
  (updates should show v6.0 as the most current version; email me
  to pick the changes when they're done, or tell me if there are no such

* Sam Tobin-Hochstadt sa...@ccs.neu.edu,
   Vincent St-Amour stamo...@ccs.neu.edu
  - Match Tests
  - Typed Racket Tests
  - Typed Racket Updates: update HISTORY
  (updates should show v6.0 as the most current version; email me
  to pick the changes when they're done, or tell me if there are no such

* Matthias Felleisen matth...@ccs.neu.edu
  - Teachpacks Tests: check that new teachpacks are addable
  - Teachpack Docs: check teachpack docs in the bundles
  - Teachpack Updates: update HISTORY
  (updates should show v6.0 as the most current version; email me
  to pick the changes when they're done, or tell me if there are no such

* Ryan Culpepper r...@cs.utah.edu
  - Macro Debugger Tests
  - Syntax Classifier Tests
  - RackUnit GUI Tests
  - Data Tests
  - DB Tests

* Jay McCarthy jay.mccar...@gmail.com
  - Web Server Tests
  - XML Tests
  - HTML Tests
  - PLAI Tests
  - Racklog tests
  - Datalog tests

* Kathy Gray kathryn.g...@cl.cam.ac.uk
  - Test Engine Tests

* Noel Welsh noelwe...@gmail.com
  - Rackunit Tests
  - SRFI Tests
  - Ensure that all claimed srfi's are in the installer and they all
load into racket or drracket (as appropriate)

* Stevie Strickland sstri...@ccs.neu.edu
  - Unit Contract Tests
  - Contract Region Tests
  - Class Contract Tests

* Stephen Chang stch...@ccs.neu.edu
  - Lazy Racket Tests
  - Lazy stepper tests

* Eli Barzilay e...@barzilay.org
  - Swindle Tests
  - XREPL Tests
  - Verify PL language
  - Racket Tree: compare new distribution tree to previous one
  - Run the unix installer tests
  - Run zsh completions tests
(. .../racket-completion.zsh; _racket --self-test)
  Version Updates: if a major change has happened, update the version
  number in:
  - racket/collects/mzscheme/info.rkt
  - racket/collects/mred/info.rkt

* Stephen Bloch sbl...@adelphi.edu
  - Picturing Programs Tests

* Greg Cooper g...@cs.brown.edu
  - FrTime Tests

* Carl Eastlund c...@ccs.neu.edu
  - Dracula Tests (confirm that Dracula runs from PLaneT)

* Jon Rafkind rafk...@cs.utah.edu
  Release tests for (one of the) linux releases:
  - Test that the `racket' and `racket-textual' source releases
compile fine (note that they're still called `plt' and `mz' at
this stage).
  - Test that the binary installers for both work, try each one in
both normal and unix-style installation modes. (just ubuntu)
  [Note: get the release candidates from the URL in this email. Use
   the 'static table' link to see a list of all tar files available]

* Mike Sperber sper...@deinprogramm.de
  - DMdA Tests

[racket-dev] Pre-Release Checklist for v6.0, corrected url

2013-12-16 Thread Ryan Culpepper
(Re-sending with corrected URL for release candidates. Thanks to Sam for 
the quick catch!)

Checklist items for the v6.0 release
  (using the v5.91 release candidate build)

Search for your name to find relevant items, reply when you finish an
item (please indicate which item/s is/are done).  Also, if you have any
commits that should have been picked, make sure that the changes are in.

Important: new builds are created without announcement, usually whenever
I pick a few commits.  If you need to commit changes, please make sure
you tell me to pick it into the release branch.

-- Release candidates are at
--   http://plt.eecs.northwestern.edu/release-snapshots/

Note the nonstandard location!

The Racket plus Tests builds already include the test packages. If
you use a Minimal Racket build instead, install test packages
manually using raco pkg install.


* Matthew Flatt mfl...@cs.utah.edu
  - Racket Tests
  - Languages Tests
  - GRacket Tests (Also check that `gracket -z' and `gracket-text' still
works in Windows and Mac OS X)
  - mzc --exe tests
  - .plt-packing Tests
  - Games Tests
  - Unit Tests
  - Syntax Color Tests
  - R6RS Tests
  - JPR's test suite
  - Create an executable from a BSL program
  - Run COM tests
  - Try compiling with -funsigned-char
  - Racket Updates: update HISTORY
  (updates should show v6.0 as the most current version)
  - Update man pages in racket/man/man1: racket.1, gracket.1, raco.1
  Email me to pick the changes when they're done, or tell me if there
  are no such changes.

* Robby Findler ro...@eecs.northwestern.edu
  - DrRacket Tests
  - Framework Tests
  - Contracts Tests
  - Games Tests
  - Teachpacks Tests: image tests
  - PLaneT Tests
  - Redex Tests
  - DrRacket Updates: update HISTORY
  - Redex Updates: update HISTORY
  (updates should show v6.0 as the most current version)
  - Ensure that previous version of DrRacket's preference files still
starts up with new DrRacket
  - Update man pages in racket/man/man1: drracket.1
  Email me to pick the changes when they're done, or tell me if there
  are no such changes.

* John Clements cleme...@brinckerhoff.org
  - Stepper Tests
  - Stepper Updates: update HISTORY
  (updates should show v6.0 as the most current version; email me
  to pick the changes when they're done, or tell me if there are no such

* Sam Tobin-Hochstadt sa...@ccs.neu.edu,
   Vincent St-Amour stamo...@ccs.neu.edu
  - Match Tests
  - Typed Racket Tests
  - Typed Racket Updates: update HISTORY
  (updates should show v6.0 as the most current version; email me
  to pick the changes when they're done, or tell me if there are no such

* Matthias Felleisen matth...@ccs.neu.edu
  - Teachpacks Tests: check that new teachpacks are addable
  - Teachpack Docs: check teachpack docs in the bundles
  - Teachpack Updates: update HISTORY
  (updates should show v6.0 as the most current version; email me
  to pick the changes when they're done, or tell me if there are no such

* Ryan Culpepper r...@cs.utah.edu
  - Macro Debugger Tests
  - Syntax Classifier Tests
  - RackUnit GUI Tests
  - Data Tests
  - DB Tests

* Jay McCarthy jay.mccar...@gmail.com
  - Web Server Tests
  - XML Tests
  - HTML Tests
  - PLAI Tests
  - Racklog tests
  - Datalog tests

* Kathy Gray kathryn.g...@cl.cam.ac.uk
  - Test Engine Tests

* Noel Welsh noelwe...@gmail.com
  - Rackunit Tests
  - SRFI Tests
  - Ensure that all claimed srfi's are in the installer and they all
load into racket or drracket (as appropriate)

* Stevie Strickland sstri...@ccs.neu.edu
  - Unit Contract Tests
  - Contract Region Tests
  - Class Contract Tests

* Stephen Chang stch...@ccs.neu.edu
  - Lazy Racket Tests
  - Lazy stepper tests

* Eli Barzilay e...@barzilay.org
  - Swindle Tests
  - XREPL Tests
  - Verify PL language
  - Racket Tree: compare new distribution tree to previous one
  - Run the unix installer tests
  - Run zsh completions tests
(. .../racket-completion.zsh; _racket --self-test)
  Version Updates: if a major change has happened, update the version
  number in:
  - racket/collects/mzscheme/info.rkt
  - racket/collects/mred/info.rkt

* Stephen Bloch sbl...@adelphi.edu
  - Picturing Programs Tests

* Greg Cooper g...@cs.brown.edu
  - FrTime Tests

* Carl Eastlund c...@ccs.neu.edu
  - Dracula Tests (confirm that Dracula runs from PLaneT)

* Jon Rafkind rafk...@cs.utah.edu
  Release tests for (one of the) linux releases:
  - Test that the `racket' and `racket-textual' source releases
compile fine (note that they're still called `plt' and `mz' at
this stage).
  - Test that the binary installers for both work, try each one in
both normal and unix-style installation modes. (just ubuntu)
  [Note: get the release candidates from the URL in this email. Use
   the 'static table' link

[racket-dev] Fwd: [plt] Push #27935: master branch updated

2013-12-16 Thread Ryan Culpepper

Matthew has requested this commit be included in the release branch.

It looks safe to me, but I can't tell if it fixes the problem in all 
cases. A more obvious, if coarser, fix would be something like

(define (file-connection file [write? #f])
  (unless (file-exists? file)
(create-and-initialize ))
  (connect ))

Let's take the commit below in the interest of moving forward, and if 
Matthew wants to change it again later we can take that commit too.


 Original Message 
Subject: [plt] Push #27935: master branch updated
Date: Mon, 16 Dec 2013 20:51:58 -0500
From: mfl...@racket-lang.org
To: dev@racket-lang.org

mflatt has updated `master' from ac480e7535 to 6ff7359212.

=[ One Commit ]=
Directory summary:
 100.0% pkgs/racket-pkgs/racket-index/setup/


6ff7359 Matthew Flatt mfl...@racket-lang.org 2013-12-16 18:19
| raco setup: create docindex database before trying to read
| Commit 0f80c71fab propagates read-only mode so that a documentation
| database is not created for read operations, but `raco setup` (with
| documentation-index support) attempts to read the database before
| writing to it. Change `raco setup` to make sure the database
| exists if a later write operation is expected to create it.
| Merge bug fix to v6.0 (pending review)
  M pkgs/racket-pkgs/racket-index/setup/scribble.rkt | 18 

=[ Overall Diff ]===


--- OLD/pkgs/racket-pkgs/racket-index/setup/scribble.rkt
+++ NEW/pkgs/racket-pkgs/racket-index/setup/scribble.rkt
@@ -223,6 +223,20 @@
   (define main-doc-exists? (ormap (lambda (d) (member 'main-doc-root 
(doc-flags d)))


+  (define (can-build*? docs) (can-build? only-dirs docs))
+  (define main-db (find-doc-db-path latex-dest #f main-doc-exists?))
+  (define user-db (find-doc-db-path latex-dest #t main-doc-exists?))
+  ;; Ensure that databases are created:
+  (define (touch-db db-file)
+ (doc-db-file-connection db-file #t)))
+  (when (ormap can-build*? main-docs)
+(touch-db main-db))
+  (when (ormap can-build*? user-docs)
+(touch-db user-db))
   (when (and (or (not only-dirs) tidy?)
  (not avoid-main?)
  (not latex-dest))
@@ -256,7 +270,6 @@

-  (define (can-build*? docs) (can-build? only-dirs docs))
   (define auto-main? (and auto-start-doc?
   (or (ormap can-build*? main-docs)
   (and tidy? (not avoid-main?)
@@ -399,9 +412,6 @@
 (get-files! #f)
 (doc-db-clean-files user-db files

-  (define main-db (find-doc-db-path latex-dest #f main-doc-exists?))
-  (define user-db (find-doc-db-path latex-dest #t main-doc-exists?))
   (define (make-loop first? iter)
 (let ([infos (filter-not info-failed? infos)]
   [src-info (make-hash)]

 Racket Developers list:

Re: [racket-dev] Release for v6.0 has begun

2013-11-25 Thread Ryan Culpepper

On 11/25/2013 09:44 AM, Matthew Flatt wrote:

Here's the full comment:

The version string has one of the forms:
   X.Y.Z Z != 0
   X.Y.Z.W   W != 0
where each X, Y, Z, W is a non-negative exact integer, Y must not
exceed 99, and Z or W must not exceed 999.  Y=90 means that this is
working towards {X+1}.0, and X.Y (Z=0, W=0) is an alpha version for
{X+1}.0; Z=900 means working towards X.{Y+1}, and X.Y.Z as an
alpha release.

Then intent is that when Z and W are 0, the string form of the version
number is just X.Y, not X.Y.Z.W.

How about this clarification?

  ... and X.Y (i.e., Z=0 and W=0, so Z and W are
omitted from the string form) ...

That's not the part that needs clarifying. I think that fact that the 
string form drops final zeros is clear from lines 2-4.

The part that needs clarifying is how to choose the version number for 
the alpha releases leading up to version {X+1}.0. (Really, how to choose 
alpha version numbers in general, since I've had similar problems in the 
past.) From this statement, X.Y (Z=0, W=0) is an alpha version for 
{X+1}.0 (Y=90 already stated), I would expect that 5.91 would be a 
fine alpha version number for 6.0. Is it? If not, what should the alpha 
version number be?


 Racket Developers list:

Re: [racket-dev] Release for v6.0 has begun

2013-11-25 Thread Ryan Culpepper

On 11/25/2013 10:28 AM, Matthew Flatt wrote:

At Mon, 25 Nov 2013 09:56:45 -0500, Ryan Culpepper wrote:

On 11/25/2013 09:44 AM, Matthew Flatt wrote:

Here's the full comment:

 The version string has one of the forms:
X.Y.Z Z != 0
X.Y.Z.W   W != 0
 where each X, Y, Z, W is a non-negative exact integer, Y must not
 exceed 99, and Z or W must not exceed 999.  Y=90 means that this is
 working towards {X+1}.0, and X.Y (Z=0, W=0) is an alpha version for
 {X+1}.0; Z=900 means working towards X.{Y+1}, and X.Y.Z as an
 alpha release.

Then intent is that when Z and W are 0, the string form of the version
number is just X.Y, not X.Y.Z.W.

How about this clarification?

   ... and X.Y (i.e., Z=0 and W=0, so Z and W are
 omitted from the string form) ...

That's not the part that needs clarifying. I think that fact that the
string form drops final zeros is clear from lines 2-4.

The part that needs clarifying is how to choose the version number for
the alpha releases leading up to version {X+1}.0. (Really, how to choose
alpha version numbers in general, since I've had similar problems in the
past.) From this statement, X.Y (Z=0, W=0) is an alpha version for
{X+1}.0 (Y=90 already stated), I would expect that 5.91 would be a
fine alpha version number for 6.0. Is it? If not, what should the alpha
version number be?

I agree that 5.91 is the right alpha-version string, assuming that
it's intended as an alpha in the sense of our release rules (as
opposed to a release candidate, which has a non-zero W).

The problem with the release branch currently is that is
not a valid version string, and so


creates trouble, right?

OH! I didn't realize that was the problem, because I knew not to do 
that, but apparently I did it anyway. Sorry about that. I just pushed a fix.


 Racket Developers list:

[racket-dev] Release for v6.0 has begun

2013-11-20 Thread Ryan Culpepper

The release process for v6.0 has begun: the `release' branch was
created for any work that is left and is now bumped to v5.91.  You
can go on using the `master' branch as usual, it is now bumped to
v6.0.0.1 (to avoid having two different trees with the same version).

If you have any bug-fixes and changes that need to go in the release
then make sure to specify that in the commit message or mail me the
commit SHA1s.  You can `git checkout release' to try it out directly if
needed -- but do not try to push commits on it (the server will forbid

Please make sure that code that you're responsible for is as stable
as possible, and let me know if there is any new work that should
not be included in this release.


The time between the `release' branch creation and the actual
release is for fixing new errors that prevent proper functioning of
major components and that show up during the preparation for a
release.  You can also finalize piece of work that is not yet
complete, but please avoid merging new features.

Note that nightly builds will go on as usual (starting from
v6.0.0.1 and going up as usual), and pre-release builds will be
available shortly at


Please tell me if you think that this release is significant enough
that it should be announced on the users list for wider testing.
 Racket Developers list:

[racket-dev] Release for v6.0 is about to begin

2013-11-04 Thread Ryan Culpepper

The release process for v6.0 will begin in about a week.  If
you have any new features that you want in and are relatively close
to being done, now is a good time to do that.
 Racket Developers list:

Re: [racket-dev] accessing @deftech terms in the reference from the guide

2013-10-23 Thread Ryan Culpepper

On 10/23/2013 08:22 PM, David T. Pierson wrote:

Are terms defined via @deftech in the Racket reference supposed to be
accessible via @tech from the Racket guide?

In pkgs/racket-pkgs/racket-doc/scribblings/reference/evts.scrbl there
exists a line that looks like:

   ... @deftech{synchronizable event} ...

In my pkgs/racket-pkgs/racket-doc/scribblings/guide/concurrency.scrbl I

   ... @tech{synchronizable event}s. ...

When I build, I get:

   raco setup: --- building documentation ---
   raco setup: WARNING: undefined tag in 
   raco setup:  (tech synchronizable event)

I'm guessing only the @deftech terms defined in the guide are accessible?  This
is not a big deal, I just wanted to be sure I wasn't doing something

You need to use the #:doc argument to the tech function to tell it that 
the term was defined in the Racket Reference. Thus:

 @tech[#:doc '(lib 
scribblings/reference/reference.scrbl)]{synchronizable events} 

or better:

@(define reference-doc '(lib scribblings/reference/reference.scrbl))
 @tech[#:doc reference-doc]{synchronizable events} 


 Racket Developers list:

Re: [racket-dev] patch for make-base-eval

2013-10-03 Thread Ryan Culpepper

I'm concerned about this:

+ (cons (λ () (namespace-anchor-namespace anchor))

It seems like this would cause all evaluators to share a single 
namespace, if I'm reading the docs right. (That would be a good test to 
add.) Why not just

   (append (sandbox-namespace-specs)
   (if ___))]



On 10/03/2013 02:09 PM, Stephen Chang wrote:

Here's another attempt at a patch. Would someone mind code reviewing it?

Ryan pointed me towards sandbox-namespace-specs and it seems to do the
trick. I also added some tests and the docs seem to compile ok.

On Wed, Oct 2, 2013 at 7:21 PM, Robby Findler
ro...@eecs.northwestern.edu wrote:

namespace-attach-module sets up shared state between two modules so that, in
this case, the racket/pretty in one namespace is the same as the
racket/pretty in the other.

Try putting a printf in the top-level of racket/pretty (and in various other
places in that code as it does what it does) and then doing the
dynamic-require with and without the attach.


On Wed, Oct 2, 2013 at 4:58 PM, Stephen Chang stch...@ccs.neu.edu wrote:

Ok here's another dumb question. Why is that namespace-attach-module
even needed? It seems the dynamic require on the next line does the
desired thing?

On Wed, Oct 2, 2013 at 4:16 PM, Stephen Chang stch...@ccs.neu.edu wrote:

Ok thanks for the explanations. I'll try doing one of the last two

On Wed, Oct 2, 2013 at 4:09 PM, Ryan Culpepper ry...@ccs.neu.edu

No, the 'racket/pretty' module might be declared even if the symbol
defined (or mapped) in the namespace:

(define ns (make-base-namespace))
(define repl-ns (current-namespace))
(parameterize ((current-namespace ns))
   (eval '(require (only-in racket/pretty
(parameterize ((current-namespace ns))
   (namespace-attach-module repl-ns 'racket/pretty))
   namespace-attach-module: a different module with the same name is
   already in the destination namespace
 module name: /opt/racket-5.3.6/collects/racket/pretty.rkt

And the symbol can be defined in the namespace even if the module is

(define ns (make-base-namespace))
(define repl-ns (current-namespace))
(parameterize ((current-namespace ns))
   (eval '(define pretty-print-handler #t)))
(parameterize ((current-namespace ns))
   (namespace-variable-value 'pretty-print-handler))
   ;; but racket/pretty is not declared,
   ;; and #t is not a good print handler


On 10/02/2013 03:58 PM, Stephen Chang wrote:

A namespace is a mapping from top-level identifiers to whatever they
well as a separate mapping from module names to modules (roughly).
care about here is the second mapping, but you're checking the first
the patch.

Thanks for the explanation. That helps a lot. So the danger with my
check is when someone has another definition of pretty-print handler
but racket/pretty has not been attached?

But given the context, ie the dynamic require on the next line, it
seems like there's already an assumption about what the identifier I'm
checking is, so in this specific situation, isnt my check sufficient?


On Wed, Oct 2, 2013 at 2:45 PM, Stephen Chang stch...@ccs.neu.edu

Whether that identifier exists in the namespace has nothing to do
whether racket/pretty can be attached.

Can you explain this a little more because it's a little unintuitive

One option would be for install-pretty-printer! to just catch and
the error. Evaluators for some languages would mysteriously not
pretty-printing turned on by default.

Another option would be to attach racket/pretty before requiring
language for the namespace.

Another option is use #:pretty-print? #f when attaching


Racket Developers list:

 Racket Developers list:

Re: [racket-dev] patch for make-base-eval

2013-10-02 Thread Ryan Culpepper

On 10/02/2013 03:19 PM, Stephen Chang wrote:

Can I push the attached (1-line) patch? I don't have a good grasp of
namespaces so I would like someone to review it first.

Right now, make-base-eval tries to attach racket/pretty to the
namespace regardless of whether it's already there, which sometimes
results in an exception (for example if the #lang given to
make-base-eval is racket).

The patch simply first checks if the desired identifier is already there.

Whether that identifier exists in the namespace has nothing to do with 
whether racket/pretty can be attached.

One option would be for install-pretty-printer! to just catch and 
discard the error. Evaluators for some languages would mysteriously not 
have pretty-printing turned on by default.

Another option would be to attach racket/pretty before requiring the 
initial language for the namespace.

Another option is use #:pretty-print? #f when attaching racket/pretty 
would fail.


 Racket Developers list:

Re: [racket-dev] patch for make-base-eval

2013-10-02 Thread Ryan Culpepper
Yes. Also, it's not enough to check that 'racket/pretty' (or really, the 
name 'racket/pretty' resolves to) isn't declared in the target 
namespace; you must also check any module it (transitively) requires is 
either undeclared or was attached from the same namespace you want to 
attach racket/pretty from.


On 10/02/2013 03:50 PM, Robby Findler wrote:

A namespace is a mapping from top-level identifiers to whatever they
are, as well as a separate mapping from module names to modules
(roughly). What you care about here is the second mapping, but you're
checking the first with the patch.


On Wed, Oct 2, 2013 at 2:45 PM, Stephen Chang stch...@ccs.neu.edu
mailto:stch...@ccs.neu.edu wrote:

  Whether that identifier exists in the namespace has nothing to do
  whether racket/pretty can be attached.

Can you explain this a little more because it's a little unintuitive
to me?

  One option would be for install-pretty-printer! to just catch and
  the error. Evaluators for some languages would mysteriously not have
  pretty-printing turned on by default.
  Another option would be to attach racket/pretty before requiring
the initial
  language for the namespace.
  Another option is use #:pretty-print? #f when attaching
racket/pretty would
   Racket Developers list:

 Racket Developers list:

Re: [racket-dev] patch for make-base-eval

2013-10-02 Thread Ryan Culpepper
No, the 'racket/pretty' module might be declared even if the symbol 
isn't defined (or mapped) in the namespace:

   (define ns (make-base-namespace))
   (define repl-ns (current-namespace))
   (parameterize ((current-namespace ns))
  (eval '(require (only-in racket/pretty
   (parameterize ((current-namespace ns))
  (namespace-attach-module repl-ns 'racket/pretty))
  namespace-attach-module: a different module with the same name is
  already in the destination namespace
module name: /opt/racket-5.3.6/collects/racket/pretty.rkt

And the symbol can be defined in the namespace even if the module is not 

   (define ns (make-base-namespace))
   (define repl-ns (current-namespace))
   (parameterize ((current-namespace ns))
  (eval '(define pretty-print-handler #t)))
   (parameterize ((current-namespace ns))
  (namespace-variable-value 'pretty-print-handler))
  ;; but racket/pretty is not declared,
  ;; and #t is not a good print handler


On 10/02/2013 03:58 PM, Stephen Chang wrote:

A namespace is a mapping from top-level identifiers to whatever they are, as
well as a separate mapping from module names to modules (roughly). What you
care about here is the second mapping, but you're checking the first with
the patch.

Thanks for the explanation. That helps a lot. So the danger with my
check is when someone has another definition of pretty-print handler
but racket/pretty has not been attached?

But given the context, ie the dynamic require on the next line, it
seems like there's already an assumption about what the identifier I'm
checking is, so in this specific situation, isnt my check sufficient?


On Wed, Oct 2, 2013 at 2:45 PM, Stephen Chang stch...@ccs.neu.edu wrote:

Whether that identifier exists in the namespace has nothing to do with
whether racket/pretty can be attached.

Can you explain this a little more because it's a little unintuitive to

One option would be for install-pretty-printer! to just catch and
the error. Evaluators for some languages would mysteriously not have
pretty-printing turned on by default.

Another option would be to attach racket/pretty before requiring the
language for the namespace.

Another option is use #:pretty-print? #f when attaching racket/pretty


   Racket Developers list:

 Racket Developers list:

Re: [racket-dev] Planet require gone wild

2013-08-02 Thread Ryan Culpepper
I think you just ran into all of the problems with planet1 at the same 
time. I started with kazzmir/peg and browsed sources, and as far as I 
can tell, all of the packages you got are actually transitively required 
by kazzmir/peg. So it's not a PLaneT implementation bug.

It looks like there's a chance to cut out most of the other packages by 
some small changes to schemeunit. I'll see if I can do that.

Here are my notes as of the point where I got tired of chasing links. 
The best part is when kazzmir/peg (a Packrat parsing library) depends on 
bzlib/parseq (a combinator-based parsing library)---with six degrees of 

peg - memoize

memoize - schemeunit:3 (for testing)

schemeunit:3 - sake:1 (in build.ss !!)
 - require:1:3 (in check-test.ss)

sake:1 - schemeunit:3
   - unlib:3 (in base.ss)
   - galore:4

unlib:3 - planet package directories
- autoplanet:1 (from autoplanet.ss)
- cce/scheme:6 (from base.ss)
- bzlib/date:1 (same)
- bzlib/date-tz:1 (same)
- schematics/namespace:1 (same)
- schematics/schemeunit:3 (same)

autoplanet:1 - schemeunit:3

bzlib/date:1 - bzlib/base:1 (from depend.ss)
 - bzlib/parseq:1 (same)

bzlib/date-tz:1 - bzlib/base:1 (from depend.ss)
- bzlib/file:1 (same)
- bzlib/date:1 (same)

bzlib/base:1 - zitterbewegung/uuid-v4:1


On 08/01/2013 09:57 PM, Greg Hendershott wrote:

p.s. The About text from DrRacket is:

Welcome to DrRacket, version, english by PLT.

Just to confirm I ran the DrRacket built from HEAD = c126a8a, not an
older version by accident.

On Thu, Aug 1, 2013 at 9:55 PM, Greg Hendershott
greghendersh...@gmail.com wrote:

I'm running HEAD = c126a8a from about 1 week ago.

I wanted to try the PEG Planet 1 package.

My source file was simply this:

 #lang racket
 (require (planet kazzmir/peg:2:0/peg))

1. Using command-line Racket, I got:

Welcome to Racket v5.90.0.3.
; uncaught exception:


I had the bright idea of trying this again, in DrRacket

2. Right away, I got a red message:

make-directory: forbidden (write) access to


3. Perhaps dumbly, I decided to hit Run, anyway.

What happened is that it installed a LOT of Planet packages. I let it
run for awhile, thinking maybe there were more dependencies for `peg'
than I realized. But the names flying by were making less and less
sense. I got worried it was running wild and doing something like
maybe trying to install ALL Planet packages.

Plus then it started spitting out the following in the eval pane:

Welcome to DrRacket, version [3m].
Language: racket [custom]; memory limit: 2048 MB.
module: identifier is already imported
   at: send+
   in: (define-syntaxes (send+) (new-lambda (stx) (syntax-case stx ()
((s+ expr clause ...) (syntax/loc stx (let* ((obj expr)) (send obj .
clause) ... obj))
proj-get: unbound identifier in module
   in: proj-get
proj-get: unbound identifier in module
   in: proj-get
raco setup: error: during making for planet/cce/scheme.plt/6/3
(Scheme Utilities: (planet cce/scheme))
raco setup:   
module: identifier is already imported
raco setup: at: send+
raco setup: in: (define-syntaxes (send+) (new-lambda (stx)
(syntax-case stx () ((s+ expr clause ...) (syntax/loc stx (let* ((obj
expr)) (send obj . clause) ... obj))
raco setup: error: during making for planet/cce/scheme.plt/6/3/reference
raco setup:   
proj-get: unbound identifier in module
raco setup: in: proj-get
raco setup: error: during Building docs for
raco setup:   
proj-get: unbound identifier in module
raco setup: in: proj-get
proj-get: unbound identifier in module
   in: proj-get
proj-get: unbound identifier in module
   in: proj-get
. . 
user break
. . src/plt/racket/racket/collects/planet/private/resolver.rkt:606:8: user break

So I hit Stop in DrRacket (as you see from user break).  Whew.

4. Here's everything it just installed. The only 2 I expected 

[racket-dev] Pre-Release Checklist for v5.3.6, second call

2013-07-26 Thread Ryan Culpepper

Checklist items for the v5.3.6 release
  (using the v5.3.5.900 release candidate build)

Search for your name to find relevant items, reply when you finish an
item (please indicate which item/s is/are done).  Also, if you have any
commits that should have been picked, make sure that the changes are in.

Important: new builds are created without announcement, usually whenever
I pick a few commits.  If you need to commit changes, please make sure
you tell me to pick it into the release branch.

-- Release candidates are at
--   http://pre.racket-lang.org/release/installers

Please use these installers (or source bundles) -- don't test from
your own git clone (don't test the `master' branch by mistake!).  To
get the tests directory in such a directory, you can do this:
  cd ...racket-root...
  git archive --remote=git://git.racket-lang.org/plt.git release \
  -- collects/tests | tar x


* Kathy Gray kathryn.g...@cl.cam.ac.uk
  - Test Engine Tests

* Eli Barzilay e...@barzilay.org
  - Swindle Tests
  - XREPL Tests
  - Verify PL language
  - Racket Tree: compare new distribution tree to previous one
  - Run the unix installer tests
  - Run zsh completions tests
(. .../racket-completion.zsh; _racket --self-test)
  Version Updates: if a major change has happened, update the version
  number in:
  - racket/collects/mzscheme/info.rkt
  - racket/collects/mred/info.rkt

* Jon Rafkind rafk...@cs.utah.edu
  Release tests for (one of the) linux releases:
  - Test that the `racket' and `racket-textual' source releases
compile fine (note that they're still called `plt' and `mz' at
this stage).
  - Test that the binary installers for both work, try each one in
both normal and unix-style installation modes. (just ubuntu)
  [Note: get the release candidates from the URL in this email. Use
   the 'static table' link to see a list of all tar files available]

* David Van Horn dvanh...@ccs.neu.edu
  - EoPL Tests

* Neil Toronto neil.toro...@gmail.com
  - Plot Tests
  - Images Tests
  - Inspect icons
  - Math tests

* Doug Williams m.douglas.willi...@gmail.com
  - Additional Plot Tests

* Danny Yoo d...@cs.wpi.edu
  - Whalesong Tests (confirm that Whalesong runs from PLaneT)
 Racket Developers list:

Re: [racket-dev] syntax-parse ~once keyword sometimes does not report too-few error?

2013-07-25 Thread Ryan Culpepper

On 07/25/2013 05:41 PM, Stephen Chang wrote:

Here is a syntax-parse macro that requires one subexpression to be
wrapped with an exclamation point.

(define-syntax (test stx)
 (syntax-parse stx #:datum-literals (!)
   [((~or (~once (! x:expr) #:name !)
  (~not (! y:expr))) ...)

Everything works like I would expect:

(test (! 1) (! 2)) = test: too many occurrences of ! in: ()
(test (! 1) 2) = 42
(test 1 2) = test: missing required occurrence of ! in: ()

Here is the same macro but with an extra ~seq and an extra pair of
parens around the pattern:

(define-syntax (test stx)
   (syntax-parse stx #:datum-literals (!)
 [((~seq (~or (~once (! x:expr) #:name !)
  (~not (! y:expr))) ...))

Here are the same tests:

(test (! 1) (! 2)) = test: too many occurrences of ! in: ()
(test (! 1) 2) = 42
(test 1 2) = test: bad syntax in: (test 1 2)

I expected the same outputs as the first macro, but the last test
example only reports bad syntax and not too few. Is this expected
behavior that I'm not understanding or a bug?

That's a bug. Two bugs, actually: your two examples should behave the 
same, and too-few failures should be ranked higher. I'm working on a fix.


 Racket Developers list:

Re: [racket-dev] racket 5.3.6 db/postgresql ssl performance fix

2013-07-24 Thread Ryan Culpepper

It's not there, but it should be. I'll add it.


On 07/24/2013 09:26 PM, Neil Van Dyke wrote:

Did a PostgreSQL SSL performance fix get into 5.3.6 pre-release in some

In the pre-release I just downloaded, I don't see Ryan's original fix to

Neil V.

  Racket Developers list:

 Racket Developers list:

Re: [racket-dev] generate-temporaries and #%top

2013-07-10 Thread Ryan Culpepper
This sounds like a job for the zero-values define-syntaxes trick, 
documented here:



On 07/10/2013 03:40 PM, Carl Eastlund wrote:

I'm having trouble with some of the features of define-generics in
top-level contexts.  Specifically, if I generate any names with
generate-temporaries, and there are forward references to them in the
expanded code, then the forward reference fails to expand because #%top
is not bound in the context of the temporary name.  This problem doesn't
come up in module or lexical bindings because all the definitions are
bound, not using #%top, by the time the forward reference is expanded.

So are generate-temporaries identifiers simply dangerous to use for
anything that might wind up at the top level?  Or is there a smarter way
to use them that I'm missing?

Carl Eastlund

   Racket Developers list:

 Racket Developers list:

Re: [racket-dev] expand, local-expand, and syntax-procedure-converted-arguments-property

2013-07-10 Thread Ryan Culpepper

On 07/10/2013 09:04 PM, Asumu Takikawa wrote:

Hi all,

I'm currently trying to fix the Typed Racket unit tests. I think I've
narrowed down the issue to a certain syntax property for keyword

The issue is illustrated by the following example:

   #lang racket

   (require racket/file
(for-syntax racket/file

   ;; the property is #f
  (syntax-case (expand-syntax #'(copy-directory/files 1 2)) ()
[(let-values (((temp1) _)
  ((temp2) _))
   (if _
   (#%plain-app1 copy-directory/files15 e1 ...)
   (#%plain-app2 copy-directory/files17 e2 ...)))

   ;; property is syntax
  (syntax-case (local-expand #'(copy-directory/files 1 2) 'expression null) 
[(let-values (((temp1) _)
  ((temp2) _))
   (if _
   (#%plain-app1 copy-directory/files15 e1 ...)
   (#%plain-app2 copy-directory/files17 e2 ...)))

There are two syntax-time computations here. Both are expanding an
application of a keyword function (one with local-expand, one with
expand) and looking at the resulting syntax.

The key point here is that I want to find the property looked up by
`syntax-procedure-converted-arguments-property` on an output identifier
because Typed Racket needs it to type-check the expansion.

Unfortunately, as the comments indicate, only the second piece of code
can find the property. The reason appears to be that the property key is
actually a private `gensym`ed symbol and the two pieces of code appear
to get separate instantiations of the kw.rkt module (perhaps at different

To check that, if I modify kw.rkt to use a plain symbol, both of the
snippets above return the same property value.

Anyone have any idea how I can keep using `expand` but still be able to
look up the property?

To get information about a phase-0 '#%app' expansion, you need to call 
the phase-1 version of 'syntax-procedure-converted-arguments-property'. 
That's going to require a bit of phase-crossing trickery, because the 
identifier you want to query is a phase-0 (dynamic) value, and you want 
the result as a phase-0 value, but the phase-1 function naturally 
consumes and produces phase-1 values.

One solution is to use 'quote-syntax', 'eval', and 'phase1-eval' all 
together. Use 'eval' with 'quote-syntax' to convert the phase-0 
identifier to a phase-1 identifier. Use 'phase1-eval' to run the 
computation at phase 1 and capture the phase-1 result as a phase-0 value 
(also using 'quote-syntax').

Here's the code:

(require unstable/macro-testing)

(define (get-converted-args-property proc-id)
   (quote-syntax #,proc-id))
  #:quote quote-syntax)))

(printf property is ~s\n
(syntax-case (expand-syntax #'(copy-directory/files 1 2)) ()
  [(let-values (((temp1) _)
((temp2) _))
 (if _
 (#%plain-app1 copy-directory/files15 e1 ...)
 (#%plain-app2 copy-directory/files17 e2 ...)))
   (get-converted-args-property #'copy-directory/files15)]))

Note that by asking 'phase1-eval' to convert the phase-1 result to a 
phase-0 value using 'quote-syntax', we've converted the pair of 
identifiers to a syntax object containing the pair. You'll have to break 
it apart again yourself.


 Racket Developers list:

Re: [racket-dev] Things we could move out of the core

2013-06-26 Thread Ryan Culpepper

On 06/26/2013 02:32 PM, Sam Tobin-Hochstadt wrote:


Things that didn't move:

* `mzlib/compile`: This is used in one place in the compiler, and
should probably be handled differently.  Matthew, any suggestions?
* `mzlib/unit200`. This is loaded into a new namespace in which code
is evaluated in `setup/unpack`.  I don't understand what is happening
there, and thus won't change it.  It's also still used genuinely in
* `mzlib/contract`. This is different enough from `racket/contract`
that I'd prefer to have someone who knows the contract system better
handle this.  Also, much of the contract system implementation is in
the `mzlib` directory, which seems odd.
* `srfi/13`: used in `net/cookie` in a way that's intertwined with
`srfi/14` and would be hard to remove on its own.
* `srfi/8`: Used in unmodified srfi code that we probably shouldn't change.
* Other SRFIs -- used in the `db` collection, or depended on by those that are.

I have a branch where I've split db into the base code and sqlite3 
driver, which stays in racket/lib/collects/db, and the other drivers and 
utils, which move to a package.

After the split, the core db code would no longer depend on srfi/19 or 
json. It doesn't depend on xml now. (The xml and json collections were 
mentioned earlier in the thread.)

The branch isn't quite ready to merge because I might need to update 
lazy-require to work across packages.


 Racket Developers list:

Re: [racket-dev] Constructing an identifier to an unexported binding

2013-05-23 Thread Ryan Culpepper

On 05/23/2013 01:57 AM, Eric Dobson wrote:

Some modules have macros which expand into identifiers that are not
exported, as they want to protect those bindings. TR currently has the
following code which allows it to generate an identifier which is
free-identifier=? to what would appear in the output of the macros.

define (make-template-identifier what where)
   (let ([name (module-path-index-resolve (module-path-index-join where #f))])
 (parameterize ([current-namespace (make-empty-namespace)])
   (namespace-attach-module (current-namespace) ''#%kernel)
   (parameterize ([current-module-declare-name name])
 (eval `(,#'module any '#%kernel
  (#%provide ,what)
  (define-values (,what) #f
   (namespace-require `(for-template ,name))
   (namespace-syntax-introduce (datum-syntax #f what)

This turns out to be a slightly slow part of the initialization of TR.
Does anyone know another way to get such an identifier?

There's another way around this issue, which is to avoid creating these 
identifiers at all. In other words, change the representation of the 
type environment to something that supports symbol+module pairs as keys 
in addition to identifiers. The easiest way to do that is to add in a 
hash table behind the current free-id-table, since the two tables would 
handle disjoint sets of identifiers.


 Racket Developers list:

Re: [racket-dev] else clauses: possible change to match?

2013-05-05 Thread Ryan Culpepper

On 05/05/2013 12:49 PM, Eric Dobson wrote:

Keywords are normally right because
they are syntactically distinct from expressions --- and so using a
keyword avoids various potential ambiguities and sources of confusion.

Isn't this only true for default bindings of #%datum? It seems like
macros which assume this lose compatibility with #langs that allow
keywords as expressions. I'm not sure whether we want to support that
or not, but it seems wrong to say that they are syntatically distinct
from expressions.

I think it goes the other way around: we want keywords not be be 
expressions, so we would discourage languages from defining #%datum 
macros that accept them.


 Racket Developers list:

Re: [racket-dev] else clauses: possible change to match?

2013-05-03 Thread Ryan Culpepper

On 05/03/2013 11:12 AM, Robby Findler wrote:

Can you point to some examples?

Note that you can still use else, as long as you don't refer to it as a

Just to check: If match treats else specially, it should only accept it 
as the entire pattern. For example, the following should be an illegal 
use of else:

  (match x [(list 'if test then else) ___])


(BTW, I may have written exactly the code above. I need to check.)


On Friday, May 3, 2013, J. Ian Johnson wrote:

I've used else as a catch-all binding in match. Yes, it's not the
best practice, but I think since I've done it, other people must
have done it too. This could annoy them.
- Original Message -
From: Robby Findler ro...@eecs.northwestern.edu javascript:;
To: Sam Tobin-Hochstadt sa...@ccs.neu.edu javascript:;
Cc: dev@racket-lang.org javascript:;
Sent: Friday, May 3, 2013 11:04:27 AM GMT -05:00 US/Canada Eastern
Subject: Re: [racket-dev] else clauses: possible change to match?

Given that we don't yet even have a prototype of racket2, I'm going
to guess that near isn't all that near. IMO, there are other big
things that we should be focused on going first (notably the package

Just to check again: Is no one concerned with the backwards
incompatibility issue?


On Friday, May 3, 2013, Sam Tobin-Hochstadt wrote:

Right, I agree with this. My question is basically: are we going to,
in the reasonably near future, be encouraging people to program in a
`#lang racket2` where `cond` works differently, in which case it
doesn't seem worth it to change `match`. Otherwise, I'll do this now.


On Fri, May 3, 2013 at 10:42 AM, Robby Findler
 ro...@eecs.northwestern.edu javascript:;  wrote:
  Cond's else cannot change. I agree that that's what I would
change if I
  could have it back to do it over, but we cannot.
  That's the way to perhaps be thinking about racket2, tho.
  On Friday, May 3, 2013, Sam Tobin-Hochstadt wrote:
  On Fri, May 3, 2013 at 10:22 AM, Robby Findler
   ro...@eecs.northwestern.edu javascript:;  wrote:
   For this kind of thing, my preference would be to change match
than to
   a warning. I don't like warnings that are basically admitting
   the language design Of course, changing a core thing like
that may
   more trouble than it is worth, due to backwards compatibility
   which is why I think it is worth raising here to see what
others think.
  I'm happy to make this change to `match`, except that I've heard
  Matthew say that he would have used a keyword for `else` in
`cond` if
  he had it to do over again, and I wouldn't want to change one
way, and
  then change back.

   Racket Developers list:

   Racket Developers list:

 Racket Developers list:

[racket-dev] Release Announcement for v5.3.4, Final Draft

2013-05-01 Thread Ryan Culpepper

The release announcement sketch that I have so far is below.  Please
mail me new items and/or edits.

* Extflonums (80-bit floating-point numbers) are supported on some
  x86/x86_64 platforms --- including Windows, and including
  platforms where Racket is compiled to use SSE instructions for
  flonum arithmetic. Thanks to Michael Filonenko.

* DrRacket (and all of the other apps) are now signed with an
  official OS X key.

* Tally Maze: a new game based an enumeration of 2d mazes.

* The Optimization Coach DrRacket plugin has been moved from the
  Racket distribution to the Racket package repository.

* Redex: define-union-language now merges productions when languages
  define the same nonterminals. Thanks to William Bowman.

* The srfi/19 library is now compatible with the date structure type
  exported by racket/base.

 Racket Developers list:

[racket-dev] Release Announcement for v5.3.4

2013-04-22 Thread Ryan Culpepper

The release announcement sketch that I have so far is below.  Please
mail me new items and/or edits.

 - added file-truncate (48e05093)
 - mach-o: handle some new load commands (a229f292)
 - mach-o: code signing fixes (1744a787)
 - scribble/latex-properties: add command-extras (17865bfa)
 - ffi/com: improve handling of type-described (79266fcf)
 - added scribble/book and scribble/report langs (09d4aa3d)
 - add _size, _ssize, _ptrdiff, etc (d46411d3)
 - add phaseless modules (899a3279)
 - improve complexity of hash-iterate-{key-value} (7a8c2ff0)
 - add 'so-mode to system-type (cdf0f6b9)
 - add interactive to slideshow (454f4c3f)
 - ffi/com repairs, including mysterx compat (6e40caa7)

 - added union-find (33747ec9)
 - 2d (bb216d14)
 - improved jump-to-def (39e4ac15)

 - various pkg (39ae7a83, 9d3a42f1, 6bf03c12)

 - parser-tools (9e0fce22, ???)
 - fixed readline (f1e70516)

 - add links to old documentation (250880d2)
 - add {take,drop}f, splitf-at, etc (bb17b6a8, 2cdfe18b, 3af72eca)
 - make configure install docs in standard place (59b18eec)

 - added #:datum-literals (d5fe6021)
 - added unstable/macro-testing (1ef38458)
 - added unstable/socket (b3afbdd4)
 - added #:grammar to defform, etc (293b208a)

 - with-contract improvements (539c25bb)

 - support for multiple blame parties (17e419e7)
 - added option contracts (5808b0c4)

 - redex-generator: determine bound order automatically (2a9d4221)

 - move optimization coach to planet2 (2c8e5f9a)

 - make srfi/19 compat with date* (d406e2db)
 - separate in/out contracts for parameters (3ddde6a7)

Michael Filonenko:
 - extflonums (17b80926)
 - extflounum unboxing (840fc9c6)

Eric Dobson:
 - AnyValues type (aac25b42)

Tobias Hamer:
 - readline improvements (0f6a5833)
 - support multiple values in wrap-evt and handle-evt (7e2b443f)

Patrick Mahoney:
 - move eopl language to racket (b265e260)

Chris Jester-Young:
 - fix srfi/61 use of =, else (9e93ee26)

Juan Francisco Cantero Hurtado:
 - fix configure for openbsd (292c81a8)

William Bowman:
 - changed define-union-language to merge nts (b0db8798, 42847ea5)

 Racket Developers list:

[racket-dev] Pre-Release Checklist for v5.3.4

2013-04-17 Thread Ryan Culpepper

Checklist items for the v5.3.4 release
  (using the v5.3.3.900 release candidate build)

Search for your name to find relevant items, reply when you finish an
item (please indicate which item/s is/are done).  Also, if you have any
commits that should have been picked, make sure that the changes are in.

Important: new builds are created without announcement, usually whenever
I pick a few commits.  If you need to commit changes, please make sure
you tell me to pick it into the release branch.

-- Release candidates are at
--   http://pre.racket-lang.org/release/installers

Please use these installers (or source bundles) -- don't test from
your own git clone (don't test the `master' branch by mistake!).  To
get the tests directory in such a directory, you can do this:
  cd ...racket-root...
  git archive --remote=git://git.racket-lang.org/plt.git release \
  -- collects/tests | tar x


* Matthew Flatt mfl...@cs.utah.edu
  - Racket Tests
  - Languages Tests
  - GRacket Tests (Also check that `gracket -z' and `gracket-text' still
works in Windows and Mac OS X)
  - mzc --exe tests
  - .plt-packing Tests
  - Games Tests
  - Unit Tests
  - Syntax Color Tests
  - R6RS Tests
  - JPR's test suite
  - Create an executable from a BSL program
  - Run COM tests
  - Try compiling with -funsigned-char
  - Racket Updates: update HISTORY
  (updates should show v5.3.4 as the most current version)
  - Update man pages in racket/man/man1: racket.1, gracket.1, raco.1
  Email me to pick the changes when they're done, or tell me if there
  are no such changes.

* Robby Findler ro...@eecs.northwestern.edu
  - DrRacket Tests
  - Framework Tests
  - Contracts Tests
  - Games Tests
  - Teachpacks Tests: image tests
  - PLaneT Tests
  - Redex Tests
  - DrRacket Updates: update HISTORY
  - Redex Updates: update HISTORY
  (updates should show v5.3.4 as the most current version)
  - Ensure that previous version of DrRacket's preference files still
starts up with new DrRacket
  - Update man pages in racket/man/man1: drracket.1
  Email me to pick the changes when they're done, or tell me if there
  are no such changes.

* John Clements cleme...@brinckerhoff.org
  - Stepper Tests
  - Stepper Updates: update HISTORY
  (updates should show v5.3.4 as the most current version; email me
  to pick the changes when they're done, or tell me if there are no such

* Sam Tobin-Hochstadt sa...@ccs.neu.edu,
   Vincent St-Amour stamo...@ccs.neu.edu
  - Match Tests
  - Typed Racket Tests
  - Typed Racket Updates: update HISTORY
  (updates should show v5.3.4 as the most current version; email me
  to pick the changes when they're done, or tell me if there are no such

* Matthias Felleisen matth...@ccs.neu.edu
  - Teachpacks Tests: check that new teachpacks are addable
  - Teachpack Docs: check teachpack docs in the bundles
  - Teachpack Updates: update HISTORY
  (updates should show v5.3.4 as the most current version; email me
  to pick the changes when they're done, or tell me if there are no such

* Ryan Culpepper r...@cs.utah.edu
  - Macro Debugger Tests
  - Syntax Classifier Tests
  - RackUnit GUI Tests
  - Data Tests
  - DB Tests

* Jay McCarthy jay.mccar...@gmail.com
  - Web Server Tests
  - XML Tests
  - HTML Tests
  - PLAI Tests
  - Racklog tests
  - Datalog tests

* Kathy Gray kathryn.g...@cl.cam.ac.uk
  - Test Engine Tests

* Noel Welsh noelwe...@gmail.com
  - Rackunit Tests
  - SRFI Tests
  - Ensure that all claimed srfi's are in the installer and they all
load into racket or drracket (as appropriate)

* Stevie Strickland sstri...@ccs.neu.edu
  - Unit Contract Tests
  - Contract Region Tests
  - Class Contract Tests

* Stephen Chang stch...@ccs.neu.edu
  - Lazy Racket Tests
  - Lazy stepper tests

* Eli Barzilay e...@barzilay.org
  - Swindle Tests
  - XREPL Tests
  - Verify PL language
  - Racket Tree: compare new distribution tree to previous one
  - Run the unix installer tests
  - Run zsh completions tests
(. .../racket-completion.zsh; _racket --self-test)
  Version Updates: if a major change has happened, update the version
  number in:
  - racket/collects/mzscheme/info.rkt
  - racket/collects/mred/info.rkt

* Stephen Bloch sbl...@adelphi.edu
  - Picturing Programs Tests

* Greg Cooper g...@cs.brown.edu
  - FrTime Tests

* Carl Eastlund c...@ccs.neu.edu
  - Dracula Tests (confirm that Dracula runs from PLaneT)

* Jon Rafkind rafk...@cs.utah.edu
  Release tests for (one of the) linux releases:
  - Test that the `racket' and `racket-textual' source releases
compile fine (note that they're still called `plt' and `mz' at
this stage).
  - Test that the binary installers for both work, try each one in
both normal and unix-style installation modes. (just ubuntu)
  [Note: get the release candidates from the URL

[racket-dev] Release for v5.3.4 has begun

2013-04-08 Thread Ryan Culpepper

The release process for v5.3.4 has begun: the `release' branch was
created for any work that is left and is now bumped to v5.3.3.900.  You
can go on using the `master' branch as usual, it is now bumped to
v5.3.4.1 (to avoid having two different trees with the same version).

If you have any bug-fixes and changes that need to go in the release
then make sure to specify that in the commit message or mail me the
commit SHA1s.  You can `git checkout release' to try it out directly if
needed -- but do not try to push commits on it (the server will forbid

Please make sure that code that you're responsible for is as stable
as possible, and let me know if there is any new work that should
not be included in this release.


The time between the `release' branch creation and the actual
release is for fixing new errors that prevent proper functioning of
major components and that show up during the preparation for a
release.  You can also finalize piece of work that is not yet
complete, but please avoid merging new features.

Note that nightly builds will go on as usual (starting from
v5.3.4.1 and going up as usual), and pre-release builds will be
available shortly at


Please tell me if you think that this release is significant enough
that it should be announced on the users list for wider testing.
 Racket Developers list:

Re: [racket-dev] [plt] Push #26528: master branch updated

2013-04-03 Thread Ryan Culpepper

On 04/02/2013 11:48 PM, Asumu Takikawa wrote:

On 2013-03-30 10:10:20 -0400, ry...@racket-lang.org wrote:

293b208 Ryan Culpepper ry...@racket-lang.org 2013-03-20 10:52
| added optional #:grammar clause to defform, etc
   M collects/scribble/private/manual-form.rkt  |  68 -
   M collects/scribblings/scribble/manual.scrbl | 132 ++

Is this the preferred way of documenting forms now? It does look more
convenient, and I noticed that `defform/subs` and friends are now
relegated to a smaller corner of the docs.

Well, *I* prefer it, and I hope people will use it when writing new 
documentation. No one has suggested deprecating the old forms, though.


 Racket Developers list:

[racket-dev] The next Racket release is about to begin

2013-04-02 Thread Ryan Culpepper

The release process for the next Racket release will begin in about
a week.  If you have any new features that you want in and are
relatively close to being done, now is a good time to do that.
 Racket Developers list:

Re: [racket-dev] Stumped!

2013-02-22 Thread Ryan Culpepper

The line

  (date-day quando)99

looks pretty suspicious; with the 99 there, the first branch of the 
enclosing 'if' expression returns 8 values but the second branch returns 
7 values.


On 02/22/2013 09:48 AM, Pierpaolo Bernardi wrote:

This one got me stumped for a while.  I don't remember a case like
this ever occurring in the past, so I'm thinking that maybe this is a

In DrRacket, with debugging and stacktrace enabled in all the buffers
involved, when I run the file strano.rkt, I get this error:

Welcome to DrRacket, version [3m].
Language: racket [custom]; memory limit: 16000 MB.
. . result arity mismatch;
  expected number of values not received
   expected: 7
   received: 8
   in: local-binding form

And the region of source highlighted is the let*-values expression
starting at line 28 in strano.rkt.

However, the error is not there: it's in the function
equation-of-time-alt at line 272 in astronomia.rkt, and DrRacket gave
me no hint of where the error actually happened.

If this is what DrRacket always did, I'm surprised I had not stumped
over this before.  If it's a novelty, then I don't like it.  8^)

(I'm attaching the two files mentioned, for reference. They are not
compilable alone, because there are other components missing, one of
these being a foreign library.  I can supply all of the missing
sources, if requested. I can also supply the library as a win64 dll
(and can compile it for win32 too))


   Racket Developers list:

 Racket Developers list:

Re: [racket-dev] [racket] When does 3D syntax get marshalled?

2013-01-22 Thread Ryan Culpepper
Your explanation sounds correct, but 3D syntax is not encouraged and not 
supported. I think the fix is to change your macro to avoid 3D syntax. 
It's a little awkward due to the lack of let-for-syntax (and 
splicing-let-for-syntax, I guess), but how about the following (not tested):

(define-syntax-rule (M id body)
(let ([p-tr (syntax-parameter-value #'p)])
  (λ (syn) (syntax-case syn () [(_ e) (p-tr #'(foo e))])))]
(λ (stx)
   (syntax-case stx ()
 [(_ blah)
([p (syntax-local-value #'new-tr)])
  (id blah))])))])

... except that there doesn't seem to be a splicing-let*-syntax, either, 
so you'll have to do this instead (or use splicing-letrec-syntax, maybe):

(define-syntax-rule (M id body)
(let ([p-tr (syntax-parameter-value #'p)])
  (λ (syn) (syntax-case syn () [(_ e) (p-tr #'(foo e))])))])
  (λ (stx)
 (syntax-case stx ()
   [(_ blah)
  ([p (syntax-local-value #'new-tr)])
(id blah))]))])


On 01/22/2013 06:19 PM, J. Ian Johnson wrote:

[Moving to dev]
The problem is with the implementation of splicing-syntax-parameterize, which 
turns the parameterization of p to #,new-tr into a TOP LEVEL define-syntax, 
which does NOT expand away, leading to this borkage. This calls for an mflatt.
- Original Message -
From: J. Ian Johnson i...@ccs.neu.edu
To: J. Ian Johnson i...@ccs.neu.edu
Cc: users us...@racket-lang.org
Sent: Tuesday, January 22, 2013 6:08:49 PM GMT -05:00 US/Canada Eastern
Subject: Re: [racket] When does 3D syntax get marshalled?

I found that this example does NOT work if you take the use of M out of its 
expression context. Problem program:

#lang racket
(require racket/stxparam racket/splicing)
(define-syntax-parameter p #f)
(define-syntax-rule (M id body)
(let* ([p-tr (syntax-parameter-value #'p)]
   [new-tr (λ (syn) (syntax-case syn () [(_ e) (p-tr #'(foo e))]))])
  (λ (stx)
 (syntax-case stx () [(_ blah)
  #`(splicing-syntax-parameterize ([p #,new-tr])
  (id blah))])))])
(define-syntax-rule (F x) (list x))
(splicing-syntax-parameterize ([p (syntax-rules () [(_ e) e])])
   (M F (F 'small-example)))

- Original Message -
From: J. Ian Johnson i...@ccs.neu.edu
To: J. Ian Johnson i...@ccs.neu.edu
Cc: users us...@racket-lang.org
Sent: Tuesday, January 22, 2013 1:48:55 PM GMT -05:00 US/Canada Eastern
Subject: Re: [racket] When does 3D syntax get marshalled?

Here is a concrete example that is an outline of what I do. It works.
However, in my project, when I replace F with the form that I actually defined 
and mix in more for p's transformer, I get that new-tr cannot be marshalled in 
the compiled code. This baffles me.

#lang racket
(module A racket
   (require racket/stxparam racket/splicing)
   (provide M p)
   (define-syntax-parameter p #f)
   (define-syntax-rule (M id body)
  (let* ([p-tr (syntax-parameter-value #'p)]
 [new-tr (λ (syn) (syntax-case syn () [(_ e) (p-tr #'(foo e 
(λ (stx)
   (syntax-case stx () [(_ blah)
#`(splicing-syntax-parameterize ([p 
(id blah #;mix-in-more-here))])))])
(module B racket
   (require (submod .. A) racket/splicing)
   (define-syntax-rule (F x) (list x))
   (splicing-syntax-parameterize ([p (syntax-rules () [(_ e) e])])
 (printf ~a~% (M F (F 'small-example)
(require 'B)

Very frustrating.
- Original Message -
From: J. Ian Johnson i...@ccs.neu.edu
To: users us...@racket-lang.org
Sent: Tuesday, January 22, 2013 12:12:28 PM GMT -05:00 US/Canada Eastern
Subject: [racket] When does 3D syntax get marshalled?

I have a fairly crazy macro that chains together syntax transformers that are stored in 
syntax-parameters to get a sort of macro mix-in if you will. In order to do 
this, I have code that looks like the following:
(define old-tr (syntax-parameter-value #'p))
(define new-tr (syntax-parser [(_ blah) (old-tr #'(modified-blah))]))
(syntax-parser [(_ macro-in) #'(syntax-parameterize ([p #,new-tr]) macro-out)])

Often this works. However, I am now putting this kind of code inside of a let-syntax that 
is the product of a macro that is given the identifier to bind in the let-syntax. The use 
of this macro uses the bound identifier, which (in my head) should just use this 
transformer, expand away and not have to be marshalled. There 

[racket-dev] Pre-Release Checklist for v5.3.2

2013-01-17 Thread Ryan Culpepper

Checklist items for the v5.3.2 release
  (using the v5.3.1.900 release candidate build)

Search for your name to find relevant items, reply when you finish an
item (please indicate which item/s is/are done).  Also, if you have any
commits that should have been picked, make sure that the changes are in.

Important: new builds are created without announcement, usually whenever
I pick a few commits.  If you need to commit changes, please make sure
you tell me to pick it into the release branch.

-- Release candidates are at
--   http://pre.racket-lang.org/release/installers

Please use these installers (or source bundles) -- don't test from
your own git clone (don't test the `master' branch by mistake!).  To
get the tests directory in such a directory, you can do this:
  cd ...racket-root...
  git archive --remote=git://git.racket-lang.org/plt.git release \
  -- collects/tests | tar x


* Matthew Flatt mfl...@cs.utah.edu
  - Racket Tests
  - Languages Tests
  - GRacket Tests (Also check that `gracket -z' and `gracket-text' still
works in Windows and Mac OS X)
  - mzc --exe tests
  - .plt-packing Tests
  - Games Tests
  - Unit Tests
  - Syntax Color Tests
  - R6RS Tests
  - JPR's test suite
  - Create an executable from a BSL program
  - Run COM tests
  - Try compiling with -funsigned-char
  - Racket Updates: update HISTORY
  (updates should show v5.3.2 as the most current version)
  - Update man pages in racket/man/man1: racket.1, gracket.1, raco.1
  Email me to pick the changes when they're done, or tell me if there
  are no such changes.

* Robby Findler ro...@eecs.northwestern.edu
  - DrRacket Tests
  - Framework Tests
  - Contracts Tests
  - Games Tests
  - Teachpacks Tests: image tests
  - PLaneT Tests
  - Redex Tests
  - DrRacket Updates: update HISTORY
  - Redex Updates: update HISTORY
  (updates should show v5.3.2 as the most current version)
  - Ensure that previous version of DrRacket's preference files still
starts up with new DrRacket
  - Update man pages in racket/man/man1: drracket.1
  Email me to pick the changes when they're done, or tell me if there
  are no such changes.

* John Clements cleme...@brinckerhoff.org
  - Stepper Tests
  - Stepper Updates: update HISTORY
  (updates should show v5.3.2 as the most current version; email me
  to pick the changes when they're done, or tell me if there are no such

* Sam Tobin-Hochstadt sa...@ccs.neu.edu,
   Vincent St-Amour stamo...@ccs.neu.edu
  - Match Tests
  - Typed Racket Tests
  - Typed Racket Updates: update HISTORY
  (updates should show v5.3.2 as the most current version; email me
  to pick the changes when they're done, or tell me if there are no such

* Matthias Felleisen matth...@ccs.neu.edu
  - Teachpacks Tests: check that new teachpacks are addable
  - Teachpack Docs: check teachpack docs in the bundles
  - Teachpack Updates: update HISTORY
  (updates should show v5.3.2 as the most current version; email me
  to pick the changes when they're done, or tell me if there are no such

* Ryan Culpepper r...@cs.utah.edu
  - Macro Debugger Tests
  - Syntax Classifier Tests
  - RackUnit GUI Tests
  - Data Tests
  - DB Tests

* Jay McCarthy jay.mccar...@gmail.com
  - Web Server Tests
  - XML Tests
  - HTML Tests
  - PLAI Tests
  - Racklog tests
  - Datalog tests

* Kathy Gray kathryn.g...@cl.cam.ac.uk
  - Test Engine Tests

* Noel Welsh noelwe...@gmail.com
  - Rackunit Tests
  - SRFI Tests
  - Ensure that all claimed srfi's are in the installer and they all
load into racket or drracket (as appropriate)

* Stevie Strickland sstri...@ccs.neu.edu
  - Unit Contract Tests
  - Contract Region Tests
  - Class Contract Tests

* Stephen Chang stch...@ccs.neu.edu
  - Lazy Racket Tests
  - Lazy stepper tests

* Eli Barzilay e...@barzilay.org
  - Swindle Tests
  - XREPL Tests
  - Racket Tree: compare new distribution tree to previous one
  - Run the unix installer tests
  - Run zsh completions tests
(. .../racket-completion.zsh; _racket --self-test)
  Version Updates: if a major change has happened, update the version
  number in:
  - racket/collects/mzscheme/info.rkt
  - racket/collects/mred/info.rkt

* Stephen Bloch sbl...@adelphi.edu
  - Picturing Programs Tests

* Greg Cooper g...@cs.brown.edu
  - FrTime Tests

* Carl Eastlund c...@ccs.neu.edu
  - Dracula Tests (confirm that Dracula runs from PLaneT)

* Jon Rafkind rafk...@cs.utah.edu
  Release tests for (one of the) linux releases:
  - Test that the `racket' and `racket-textual' source releases
compile fine (note that they're still called `plt' and `mz' at
this stage).
  - Test that the binary installers for both work, try each one in
both normal and unix-style installation modes. (just ubuntu)
  [Note: get the release candidates from the URL in this email. Use
   the 'static table' link to see a list of all tar files

[racket-dev] Release Announcement for v5.3.2

2013-01-17 Thread Ryan Culpepper

The release announcement sketch that I have so far is below.  Please
mail me new items and/or edits.

 - generalized local-type tracking for unboxing (bdf1c3e1)
 - removed sirmail (3e505af4)
 - added file/untar (3a76581a), file/untgz (0f47069f), file/unzip 

 - raco setup: use db for doc tags (8c1b5db8)
 - serialize: simplify quotable values (20bdbb6d)
 - f[xl]vectors: read/write (492167c2 with tewk, 9cf821b3) and 
serialize (9e8477dd)

 - faster FFI calls (42a03421)
 - support MinGW build (5b016b4c)
 - ffi/com: added com-get-property* (0f909af7)
 - added phantom byte strings (aa08a684)
 - added exn:fail:{filesystem,network}:errno (cdfc4912)

 - planet2 (fae660b0), versions for dependencies (0e140a81)

 - improvements to online check syntax (c6caf113)
 - added show-derivations to redex (9377b634)
 - improved language dialog (c02797b1)
 - deprecated mrlib/cache-image-snip (0b332a17)
 - sped up tab switching (4e95220d)

 - math library (f2dc2027, 0936d8c2, 3670916a)
 - plot/typed (5a2aa226)

 - serialize srclocs (cc8bd4f2)
 - define-inline (b715a6fe)

 - ssl additions (d6cb2ece, f446adad, ba62b1dd)
 - ssl default CA certs (4b4113d5, 7b0a13bf, 10a34881)
 - db: start-transaction (05e7e61d), exn (30397acc), sql-bits (a2ae8137)
 - racket/lazy-require (fd7d8a41)

 - batch-io updates (69800aa5)

 - DMG improvements (baa0e126, 48380b48)

 - define-relation improvements (cf9b0f77)

 - bit-vectors (028d14a8)

Joe Gibbs Politz:
 - added check-match to rackunit (e264e414)

Nadeem Abdul Hamid:
 - automatic paren mode improvements (8f3343cd)

J. Ian Johnson:
 - optimize singleton sequences (889f1591)

Greg Hendershott:
 - markdown rendering mode for Scribble (6aa6dc04)

 Racket Developers list:

Re: [racket-dev] bug in ~r

2013-01-13 Thread Ryan Culpepper

I just pushed a fix. Thanks for reporting this!


On 01/13/2013 10:48 AM, Matthew Flatt wrote:

It's still broken. Although I don't get an error with the latest
sources (v5.3.2.1), the output is not right:

   (~r (/ 15625 16384) #:min-width 4 #:precision 1)
   (~r (/ 15625 16384))

At Sun, 13 Jan 2013 10:40:04 -0500, Curtis Dutton wrote:

I think this is a bug...

(~r  (/ 15625 16384)
   #:min-width 4
   #:precision 1)

gives me

  make-string: contract violation
   expected: exact-nonnegative-integer?
   given: -1
   argument position: 1st
   other arguments...:

Can anyone else reproduce this? If so I'll file it as a bug...

   Racket Developers list:

   Racket Developers list:

 Racket Developers list:

Re: [racket-dev] racket/date, SRFI-19, date construction

2013-01-11 Thread Ryan Culpepper
I don't know how important this is, but ideally serialized old SRFI-19 
dates should now deserialize as date*. I think that you can just restore 
the definition of deserialize-info:tm:date-v0 and change the second 
function (the cyclic value builder) to raise an error:

(define deserialize-info:tm:date-v0
   (lambda ()
 (error 'deserialize-info:tm:date-v0 cycles not allowed

and also restore the provide.


On 01/11/2013 09:13 PM, Asumu Takikawa wrote:

On 2013-01-11 15:39:08 -0600, Robby Findler wrote:

I think it would be great if you were to find backwards-compatible
ways to bring these two a little bit closer. Making them use the
same internal date struct, for example, would be a great thing.

I wrote a patch to make both of these use the same structure, attached
to the e-mail. It seems to pass all of the srfi-19 and date tests (with
some tests changed where appropriate). Does it look alright?

It turns out there was one (sort of) good reason for SRFI-19 to define
its own struct type: it used mutation for several functions. Racket's
date/date* are immutable. I just changed these to use functional update.

Another thing: when a string is converted to a date, it's possible that
the format string only has time-of-day but no date specification.
Previously, this produced a srfi/19 date with '#t's but I've now
defaulted it to the start day of the Unix epoch (arbitrarily).


   Racket Developers list:

 Racket Developers list:

[racket-dev] Release for v5.3.2 has begun

2013-01-07 Thread Ryan Culpepper

The release process for v5.3.2 has begun: the `release' branch was
created for any work that is left and is now bumped to v5.3.1.900.  You
can go on using the `master' branch as usual, it is now bumped to
v5.3.2.1 (to avoid having two different trees with the same version).

If you have any bug-fixes and changes that need to go in the release
then make sure to specify that in the commit message or mail me the
commit SHA1s.  You can `git checkout release' to try it out directly if
needed -- but do not try to push commits on it (the server will forbid

Please make sure that code that you're responsible for is as stable
as possible, and let me know if there is any new work that should
not be included in this release.


The time between the `release' branch creation and the actual
release is for fixing new errors that prevent proper functioning of
major components and that show up during the preparation for a
release.  You can also finalize piece of work that is not yet
complete, but please avoid merging new features.

Note that nightly builds will go on as usual (starting from
v5.3.2.1 and going up as usual), and pre-release builds will be
available shortly at


Please tell me if you think that this release is significant enough
that it should be announced on the users list for wider testing.
 Racket Developers list:

Re: [racket-dev] egal?

2012-12-17 Thread Ryan Culpepper
It sounds like an easier solution would be to switch from boxes to a 
mutable struct with one field that overrides equal? and hash-code.


On 12/17/2012 03:38 PM, J. Ian Johnson wrote:

Short message: is there any chance of getting egal and egal hashes
any time soon?

Longer message: I have a situation where I key my hashes with
immutable structs, but something they contain has a box that later is
updated and never changed. I'd really like for the struct value
before the set-box! to be keyed to and positively compare to the
value after this set-box! happens. Otherwise I have to do something
abstraction-breaking to separate these boxes from the structures
which would likely introduce more overhead (yet another hash

I'm going to look into just hacking egal in myself, but want to know
what the other devs know about this.
   Racket Developers list:

 Racket Developers list:

Re: [racket-dev] bit-vectors and serialization

2012-12-17 Thread Ryan Culpepper

On 12/17/2012 04:30 AM, Jens Axel Søgaard wrote:

2012/12/17 Ryan Culpepper r...@cs.utah.edu:

I'd like to make bit-vectors serializable so I can replace sql-bits with
them. I'll deprecate the current sql-bits names but keep them around for a

The issue is that bit-vectors are implemented using fxvectors, which are
serializable, but simply serializing them will presumably cause errors if a
bit-vector is serialized on a 64-bit machine and deserialized on a 32-bit
machine or vice versa.

One solution would be to use bytes instead of fxvectors. The performance is
about the same as far as I could tell using the sieve benchmark.

Another option is to declare that serialization across word sizes doesn't
work for bit vectors.

Any opinions?

The sieve-benchmark works on individual bits, so it makes sense that
the performance is about the same. What happens for operations that
work on words (e.g. the popcount operation)? My intuition is that
these operations will be slower.

True, popcount takes about three times as long as it used to. With a few 
additional changes, popcount on a million-bit bit-vector takes 1.1 ms 
using bytes, as opposed to 0.35 ms using fxvectors. (Tested on a 64-bit 


 Racket Developers list:

[racket-dev] bit-vectors and serialization

2012-12-16 Thread Ryan Culpepper
I'd like to make bit-vectors serializable so I can replace sql-bits with 
them. I'll deprecate the current sql-bits names but keep them around for 
a while.

The issue is that bit-vectors are implemented using fxvectors, which are 
serializable, but simply serializing them will presumably cause errors 
if a bit-vector is serialized on a 64-bit machine and deserialized on a 
32-bit machine or vice versa.

One solution would be to use bytes instead of fxvectors. The performance 
is about the same as far as I could tell using the sieve benchmark.

Another option is to declare that serialization across word sizes 
doesn't work for bit vectors.

Any opinions?

 Racket Developers list:

Re: [racket-dev] Feature request - contract form that splits provide/contract into two parts

2012-12-14 Thread Ryan Culpepper
I understood the feature request differently. I take it as wanting to 
write a module like the following:

#lang racket

(declare-contract f )
(define f )

(declare-contract g )
(define g )

That is, the contracts themselves are near the functions, so it's easy 
to keep them in sync. And one can find the names provided by just 
looking at the top of the module---but you only get the names, not the 
contracts, so the interface is incomplete.

This should be easily doable with some compile-time state.


On 12/14/2012 11:41 AM, Greg Hendershott wrote:

Matthias has vastly more experience and perspective in matters like
this; you would be wise to prefer his advice.

But if I understand correctly what you want, I think you could do this
yourself with a simple macro:

(define-syntax define/contract/provide
   (syntax-rules ()
 [(_ (id . args) contract body ...)
(define/contract (id . args) contract body ...)
(provide id))]
 [(_ id contract expr)
(define/contract id contract expr)
(provide id))]))

That's the version I've used in some past projects. However: It uses
define/contract promiscuously, which is (a) not universally beloved
and (b) much slower than provide/contract in the current version of

Instead I think you could flip it around to use provide/contract, instead:

(define-syntax define/provide/contract
   (syntax-rules ()
 [(_ (id . args) contract body ...)
(provide/contract (id . args) contract body ...)
(define id))]
 [(_ id contract expr)
(provide/contract id contract expr)
(define id))]))

I _think_ that's essentially what you're asking for?

(Of course this means the function won't be protected by a contract
when called from inside the module, which could be considered bad,
good, or N/A. Just be aware.)

Any approach not using a single provide/contract list has the
disadvantage that Matthias explained: The module no longer has a
contiguous description of its interface in the source.

That's a serious disadvantage. Some might consider it mitigated if the
module has Scribble documentation. Also someone reading the source
might collapse in Emacs (or whatever) to quickly see all the
top-level definitions (although that would include any non-provided
items, so it's not perfect (unless the stock collapse is customized)).

You could also put a list in comments, I suppose.

On Fri, Dec 14, 2012 at 10:44 AM, Matthias Felleisen
matth...@ccs.neu.edu wrote:

It is critical to inform clients of the services that a module
provides. In the absence of types, contracts are the closest
information we have. Reading the implementation is against
all good SE ideas.

IF we could assume that people always programmed in DrRacket,
we could compromise and add a tool that synthesizes the interface
of a module in some way. Since some contributors break this guideline
all the time anyway, we should have such a tool available anyway.

BUT there are also people who use Emacs and the other editor.

So, if you want to be good, put provide contract-out at the top
of your module.

On Dec 14, 2012, at 1:02 AM, Harry Spier wrote:

If you place provide/contract at the beginning of a module it makes
the interface clear but it is separated from its function.  If you
place it right before its function and not at the top of the module,
it makes the function clearer but the module interface is not so

Is it possible (would it be a good idea?) to provide a new form that
splits the provide/contract form into two parts.  One part the
contract definition which you could place immediately before the
function definition and the second part a provide spec for inclusion
in a provide statement that included the function name but not the
contract spec.) .  That way the contract definition can be by the
function definition and the function name can be in a provide
statement at the beginning of the module.

Harry Spier
  Racket Developers list:

   Racket Developers list:

   Racket Developers list:

 Racket Developers list:

[racket-dev] planet2 and versions

2012-12-12 Thread Ryan Culpepper
I'm trying to understand how things are supposed to work in planet2 
without version information.

Let's say I release a package, webapis. Time passes, and I notice that 
Racket gets some cool new features (eg, better SSL support) that the 
webapis package should use. I write the code, and ...

Do I release the new code under the same package name? If so, then the 
package breaks for older versions of Racket, because IIUC planet2 has 
nothing corresponding to planet1's 'required-core-version field. And 
there doesn't seem to be a way to tell Racket no, sorry, go back to the 
older version of the package. (Rather, there's no way for a client to 
do so. The fix would be for the package maintainer to release an 
upgrade that reverts to the old code.) So it seems like it would be 
really bad for me to release the new code under the name webapis.

In other words, if a package changes its dependencies, that's an 
incompatible change for the package, and it needs a new name. Right?

Suppose I release the new code as webapis2. And suppose there's 
another package (let's call it scriblogify) that depends on webapis. 
If that code wants to use webapis2, that's a dependency change, so it 
would have to be released as scriblogify2. There's no way to express 
link me with the most recent compatible version of webapis*, right?

 Racket Developers list:

Re: [racket-dev] planet2 and versions

2012-12-12 Thread Ryan Culpepper

On 12/12/2012 03:13 PM, Carl Eastlund wrote:

I believe it is by design that Planet 2 does not resolve this kind of
issue.  This gives us room to experiment with different solutions
without committing to one up-front, since Planet 1 ran into various
limitations of its built-in policies.

I will propose one possible solution for your webapis example.
Distribute a primary wrapper package called webapis and separate
specific versions such as webapis1, webapis2, and so forth.  Have
the code in webapis determine at compile-time which specific version
of webapis is appropriate for the current Racket version and install
that package.  The specific packages would contain the actual code a
client would import.  That way, installing the webapis package on any
Racket version would install only the version of the implementation that

IIUC, a package's dependencies are fixed at package creation time; they 
can't be adjusted at compile time. (Well, now that the dependencies are 
specified via an expression in a #lang setup/infotab file, maybe it's 
possible to adjust them at compile time... or maybe installation time? 
But there's still no access to the Racket version, although there's 
access to other things)


I don't know if this is a complete solution, but it seems like a
reasonable starting point.  As we figure out what patterns work, they
themselves can be developed as reusable tools and built into their own
packages.  I think this room for improvement will make Planet 2 a much
better long-term model than Planet 1.  Of course we do eventually want a
default system that package developers can use without too much mucking
about with experimental versioning systems.  But I think an initial
period of crowd-sourcing the design of that system will do us some good.

Carl Eastlund

On Wed, Dec 12, 2012 at 2:29 PM, Ryan Culpepper r...@cs.utah.edu
mailto:r...@cs.utah.edu wrote:

I'm trying to understand how things are supposed to work in planet2
without version information.

Let's say I release a package, webapis. Time passes, and I notice
that Racket gets some cool new features (eg, better SSL support)
that the webapis package should use. I write the code, and ...

Do I release the new code under the same package name? If so, then
the package breaks for older versions of Racket, because IIUC
planet2 has nothing corresponding to planet1's
'required-core-version field. And there doesn't seem to be a way to
tell Racket no, sorry, go back to the older version of the
package. (Rather, there's no way for a client to do so. The fix
would be for the package maintainer to release an upgrade that
reverts to the old code.) So it seems like it would be really bad
for me to release the new code under the name webapis.

In other words, if a package changes its dependencies, that's an
incompatible change for the package, and it needs a new name. Right?

Suppose I release the new code as webapis2. And suppose there's
another package (let's call it scriblogify) that depends on
webapis. If that code wants to use webapis2, that's a dependency
change, so it would have to be released as scriblogify2. There's
no way to express link me with the most recent compatible version
of webapis*, right?

  Racket Developers list:
http://lists.racket-lang.org/__dev http://lists.racket-lang.org/dev

 Racket Developers list:

Re: [racket-dev] planet2 and versions

2012-12-12 Thread Ryan Culpepper

On 12/12/2012 03:58 PM, Jay McCarthy wrote:

I agree with Carl.

But I would make an even stronger suggestion, I would suggest that you
completely drop support for old Racket versions and if necessary
release webapis-lts and scriblogify-lts packages that conflict
with webapis and can only work on old versions. The LTS ones
wouldn't be included in the DrDr-tested collection of packages, but
the others would be. Casual users should upgrade and users with
serious version problems should upgrade slowly with only the LTS

If I understand correctly, you are saying that non-LTS packages should 
ignore the recommendation of the FAQ (6.5, package authors should not 
make backwards incompatible changes to packages).

That doesn't sound like a good solution.

If I want to support users running versions of Racket that are a couple 
releases old, it doesn't work.

If I want to depend on other packages, then in the absence of a standard 
approach I've got to trust that they have the same notions about 
compatibility and versions-encoded-as-package-names as I do. If I want 
to support Racket back to X.Y, I had better hope that the packages I 
depend on do too. That is, I'd have to figure out how each of them (and 
all of their dependencies) handle compatibility instead of just trusting 
that they all follow the single standard approach.

Finally, as a meta-point, is there any evidence that just throwing away 
versions will work? Any precedents? So far, this seems like a classic 
case of throwing the baby out with the bathwater: versions sometimes 
cause problems... so we won't have them. Now we have the same problems 
but fewer tools for handling them. (See also Eli's response.)

If planet2 is aimed at a problem that is restricted in scope somehow 
that it doesn't need to worry about version issues, I still don't 
understand what that narrower problem is. If I'm supposed to think about 
planet2 as a way of distributing code, I'm still confused about what my 
obligations are when I create a package and what I can rely on from 
other packages.


I would also hope that P2's lack of an ability to depend on the core
version would induce better backwards and forwards compatibility from
Racket in the version.

But I'm a bit radical on this front, so I assume that we will have a
robust alternative based on Carl's idea that uses P2 underneath it.


On Wed, Dec 12, 2012 at 1:13 PM, Carl Eastlund c...@ccs.neu.edu wrote:

I believe it is by design that Planet 2 does not resolve this kind of issue.
This gives us room to experiment with different solutions without committing
to one up-front, since Planet 1 ran into various limitations of its built-in

I will propose one possible solution for your webapis example.  Distribute
a primary wrapper package called webapis and separate specific versions
such as webapis1, webapis2, and so forth.  Have the code in webapis
determine at compile-time which specific version of webapis is appropriate
for the current Racket version and install that package.  The specific
packages would contain the actual code a client would import.  That way,
installing the webapis package on any Racket version would install only
the version of the implementation that works.

I don't know if this is a complete solution, but it seems like a reasonable
starting point.  As we figure out what patterns work, they themselves can be
developed as reusable tools and built into their own packages.  I think this
room for improvement will make Planet 2 a much better long-term model than
Planet 1.  Of course we do eventually want a default system that package
developers can use without too much mucking about with experimental
versioning systems.  But I think an initial period of crowd-sourcing the
design of that system will do us some good.

Carl Eastlund

On Wed, Dec 12, 2012 at 2:29 PM, Ryan Culpepper r...@cs.utah.edu wrote:

I'm trying to understand how things are supposed to work in planet2
without version information.

Let's say I release a package, webapis. Time passes, and I notice that
Racket gets some cool new features (eg, better SSL support) that the
webapis package should use. I write the code, and ...

Do I release the new code under the same package name? If so, then the
package breaks for older versions of Racket, because IIUC planet2 has
nothing corresponding to planet1's 'required-core-version field. And there
doesn't seem to be a way to tell Racket no, sorry, go back to the older
version of the package. (Rather, there's no way for a client to do so. The
fix would be for the package maintainer to release an upgrade that reverts
to the old code.) So it seems like it would be really bad for me to release
the new code under the name webapis.

In other words, if a package changes its dependencies, that's an
incompatible change for the package, and it needs a new name. Right?

Suppose I release the new code as webapis2. And suppose there's another
package (let's call

Re: [racket-dev] [plt] Push #25831: master branch updated

2012-12-03 Thread Ryan Culpepper
I updated the references in the racket git repo, and I left the 
unstable/lazy-require module in place with a re-export of lazy-require. 
I did remove a feature that didn't seem to be in use (unquote), though, 
so if someone is using lazy-require with unquote outside of the racket 
git repo, that will break.


On 12/03/2012 07:57 PM, Robby Findler wrote:

Does the lazy-require move break code?


On Mon, Dec 3, 2012 at 6:40 PM,  ry...@racket-lang.org wrote:

ryanc has updated `master' from 0252207e38 to 33f3574f7e.

=[ 4 Commits ]==
Directory summary:
   10.7% collects/racket/
   39.3% collects/unstable/scribblings/
   44.7% collects/unstable/
5.1% collects/


 Racket Developers list:

Re: [racket-dev] tiny doc bug?

2012-12-01 Thread Ryan Culpepper

On 12/01/2012 04:23 AM, David Vanderson wrote:


Towards the bottom of this page there is the following error:

  (datum-order (make-fish 'alewife) (make-fish 'sockeye))
make-fish: undefined;
  cannot reference undefined identifier

Is this intentional?

No, it's a bug. I've pushed a fix.


 Racket Developers list:

Re: [racket-dev] [plt] Push #25698: master branch updated

2012-11-16 Thread Ryan Culpepper

On 11/16/2012 04:43 PM, Neil Toronto wrote:

On 11/16/2012 02:10 PM, mfl...@racket-lang.org wrote:

9a48e5d Matthew Flattmfl...@racket-lang.org  2012-11-16 14:03
| math: avoid import at unnecessary phase
| This repair avoids using at compile time external libraries that
| are needed at run time.
   M collects/math/private/matrix/matrix-sequences.rkt | 4 +---


--- OLD/collects/math/private/matrix/matrix-sequences.rkt
+++ NEW/collects/math/private/matrix/matrix-sequences.rkt
@@ -5,9 +5,7 @@

  (require math/array
- (except-in math/matrix in-row in-column)
- (for-syntax (except-in math/matrix in-row in-column))
- (for-template (except-in math/matrix in-row in-column)))
+ (except-in math/matrix in-row in-column))

Was this the only necessary change? If so, it's a little weird, because
libmpfr isn't supposed to be loaded until its first export is used. The
constants are all delayed (their names are bound to macros that expand
to uses of `force'), and every function and delay thunk is wrapped with
code that loads the external library. IOW, this:

   (require math/bigfloat)

doesn't load libmpfr, but this does:


Also, I have no idea what it all has to do with a typed submodule in
math/special-functions.rkt, which is apparently what the error was
complaining about. I can't work out the dependency chain. Help?

(FWIW, you're right about libmpfr not being needed at compile time.
Well, it shouldn't be. I used Eli's nifty interaction-fakery code forms
in the `math/bigfloat' docs, for example.)

If you made bigfloats serializable, you could also use 
'make-log-based-eval' from unstable/sandbox as an alternative to 


 Racket Developers list:

Re: [racket-dev] Math library pushed

2012-11-16 Thread Ryan Culpepper

I get this message (during doc build, actually):

raco setup: error running: (lib math/scribblings/math.scrbl)
ffi-lib: couldn't open libmpfr.so (libmpfr.so: cannot open shared 
object file: No such file or directory)

I have /usr/lib/libmpfr.so.1, which is symlinked to 
/usr/lib/libmpfr.so.1.2.2. I expect that libmpfr.so (no version number) 
is provided by the development package.

I changed math/private/bigfloat/mpfr.rkt to use the following lines instead:

(define libgmp (lazy (ffi-lib libgmp '( 3) #:get-lib-dirs 
(define libmpfr (lazy (ffi-lib libmpfr '( 1) #:get-lib-dirs 

(Running 32-bit Ubuntu 10.04.4)

When I run the test file with the changes, it works, and the last four 
digits are 4888 as expected.

Looks like my work machine (64-bit Ubuntu 12.10) has libmpfr.so.4 and 
libgmp.so.10. I haven't run the test program there yet.


On 11/16/2012 01:59 PM, Neil Toronto wrote:

One thing I'm not sure of is whether the FFI to libmpfr works on all our
supported platforms. Could I have all the devs run the following program
after your next compile?

   #lang racket
   (require math/bigfloat)

   (parameterize ([bf-precision 8192])

Then reply with the last four digits printed. They should be 4888. If
the program doesn't run because Racket can't load libmpfr, it's an
opportunity to test the documentation. Please see if I've made the docs
for the `math/bigfloat' module clear enough to help you fix the problem.


Neil ⊥
  Racket Developers list:

 Racket Developers list:

[racket-dev] Pre-Release Checklist for v5.3.1, Second Call

2012-10-22 Thread Ryan Culpepper

Checklist items for the v5.3.1 release
  (using the v5.3.0.900 release candidate build)

Search for your name to find relevant items, reply when you finish an
item (please indicate which item/s is/are done).  Also, if you have any
commits that should have been picked, make sure that the changes are in.

Important: new builds are created without announcement, usually whenever
I pick a few commits.  If you need to commit changes, please make sure
you tell me to pick it into the release branch.

-- Release candidates are at
--   http://pre.racket-lang.org/release/installers

Please use these installers (or source bundles) -- don't test from
your own git clone (don't test the `master' branch by mistake!).  To
get the tests directory in such a directory, you can do this:
  cd ...racket-root...
  git archive --remote=git://git.racket-lang.org/plt.git release \
  -- collects/tests | tar x


* Sam Tobin-Hochstadt sa...@ccs.neu.edu,
   Vincent St-Amour stamo...@ccs.neu.edu
  - Match Tests
  - Typed Racket Tests
  - Typed Racket Updates: update HISTORY
  (updates should show v5.3.1 as the most current version; email me
  to pick the changes when they're done, or tell me if there are no such

* Matthias Felleisen matth...@ccs.neu.edu
  - Teachpacks Tests: check that new teachpacks are addable
  - Teachpack Docs: check teachpack docs in the bundles
  - Teachpack Updates: update HISTORY
  (updates should show v5.3.1 as the most current version; email me
  to pick the changes when they're done, or tell me if there are no such

* Ryan Culpepper r...@cs.utah.edu
  - Macro Debugger Tests

* Kathy Gray kathryn.g...@cl.cam.ac.uk
  - Test Engine Tests

* Noel Welsh noelwe...@gmail.com
  - Rackunit Tests
  - SRFI Tests
  - Ensure that all claimed srfi's are in the installer and they all
load into racket or drracket (as appropriate)

* Carl Eastlund c...@ccs.neu.edu
  - Dracula Tests (confirm that Dracula runs from PLaneT)

* Danny Yoo d...@cs.wpi.edu
  - Whalesong Tests (confirm that Whalesong runs from PLaneT)
 Racket Developers list:

Re: [racket-dev] [plt] Push #25530: master branch updated

2012-10-22 Thread Ryan Culpepper

That's the plan.


On 10/22/2012 07:30 PM, Sam Tobin-Hochstadt wrote:

Will these be in 5.3.1?  Without this fix, the macro stepper is very broken.


On Oct 22, 2012 3:05 PM, ry...@racket-lang.org
mailto:ry...@racket-lang.org wrote:

ryanc has updated `master' from f60d57a27f to 1137b444ad.

=[ 2 Commits ]==
Directory summary:
   60.2% collects/macro-debugger/model/
   39.7% collects/macro-debugger/


5f15401 Ryan Culpepper ry...@racket-lang.org
mailto:ry...@racket-lang.org 2012-10-22 17:09
| macro stepper: fix bug re taking over run button
|   Closes PR 13019
   M collects/macro-debugger/tool.rkt | 9 ++---


1137b44 Ryan Culpepper ry...@racket-lang.org
mailto:ry...@racket-lang.org 2012-10-22 17:26
| macro-stepper: show errors in provide expansion
|   closes PR 13018
   M collects/macro-debugger/model/reductions.rkt | 17 ++---

=[ Overall Diff ]===


--- OLD/collects/macro-debugger/model/reductions.rkt
+++ NEW/collects/macro-debugger/model/reductions.rkt
@@ -222,12 +222,7 @@
  [#:learn (list #'?var)])]

  [(Wrap p:provide (e1 e2 rs ?1 inners ?2))
- (let ([wrapped-inners
-(for/list ([inner (in-list inners)])
-  (match inner
-[(Wrap deriv (e1 e2))
- (make local-expansion e1 e2
-   #f e1 inner #f e2 #f)]))])
+ (let ([wrapped-inners (map expr-local-action inners)])
 (R [! ?1]
[#:pattern ?form]
@@ -668,7 +663,9 @@
  [#:do (DEBUG (printf ** module begin pass 2\n))]
  [ModulePass ?forms pass2]
  ;; ignore pass3 for now: only provides
+ [#:pattern ?form]
+ [LocalActions ?form (map expr-local-action (or pass3

  ;; ModulePass : (list-of MBRule) - RST
  (define (ModulePass mbrules)
@@ -796,6 +793,12 @@
(when #f
  (apply error sym args)))

+(define (expr-local-action d)
+  (match d
+[(Wrap deriv (e1 e2))
+ (make local-expansion e1 e2
+   #f e1 d #f e2 #f)]))
  ;; opaque-table
  ;; Weakly remembers assoc between opaque values and
  ;; actual syntax, so that actual can be substituted in


--- OLD/collects/macro-debugger/tool.rkt
+++ NEW/collects/macro-debugger/tool.rkt
@@ -269,8 +269,12 @@
  (set! user-custodian (current-custodian)))

(define (uncaught-exception-raised) ;; =user=
-;; formerly shut down user custodian
+(set! normal-termination? #t)
+(parameterize ([current-eventspace drs-eventspace])
+  (queue-callback
+   (λ ()
+  (cleanup)
+  (custodian-shutdown-all user-custodian)
(define (show-error-report/tab) ;; =drs=
  (send the-tab turn-on-error-report)
  (send (send the-tab get-error-report-text)
scroll-to-position 0)
@@ -294,7 +298,6 @@
(parameterize ([current-eventspace drs-eventspace])
   (λ ()
-(send the-tab syncheck:clear-highlighting)
  (custodian-shutdown-all user-custodian))

 Racket Developers list:

Re: [racket-dev] build problems on plt/release branch?

2012-10-17 Thread Ryan Culpepper
Try building the release branch in a fresh clone. (It should be safe to 
clone your existing clone (or checkout) rather than clone directly 
from the server.) If the errors go away, I would suspect the problem is 
that git clean missed some things.

I just tried it and encountered no errors.


On 10/17/2012 01:13 PM, Danny Yoo wrote:

Does anyone else see severe build problems on the plt/release branch?
  I'm seeing a lot of compile-time errors during 'raco setup'; it's
making it difficult to test things because when a problem occurs, I'm
not sure if it's my fault or if the repo is just in a weird state.

I made sure to clean my local repository by doing:

git clean -fdx

at the root of the git repo, just to make sure nothing else was
interfering with the build.

I'm at 513f85baa2051cd7428ac008e5b2d1e6858f52d6.  I'm including a
sampling of the output below:

raco setup: 0 making: tmp/racket/collects/2htdp (HtDP/2e Teachpacks)
image.rkt:37:9: module: identifier already imported from: (all-except
   at: render-image
   in: private/image-more.rkt
/Users/dyoo/local/racket/collects/compiler/cm.rkt:350:0: compile-zo*
/Users/dyoo/local/racket/collects/compiler/cm.rkt:509:0: maybe-compile-zo
/Users/dyoo/local/racket/collects/compiler/cm.rkt:622:2: do-check
/Users/dyoo/local/racket/collects/setup/parallel-do.rkt:419:20: loop

order.rkt:17:0: define-generics: bad syntax
   in: (define-generics (ordered-dict gen:ordered-dict
prop:ordered-dict ordered-dict? #:defined-table dict-def-table
#:prop-defined-already? #f) (dict-iterate-least ordered-dict)
(dict-iterate-greatest ordered-dict) (dict-iterate-least/?
ordered-dict key) (d...
/Users/dyoo/local/racket/collects/compiler/cm.rkt:350:0: compile-zo*
/Users/dyoo/local/racket/collects/compiler/cm.rkt:509:0: maybe-compile-zo
/Users/dyoo/local/racket/collects/compiler/cm.rkt:622:2: do-check
/Users/dyoo/local/racket/collects/setup/parallel-do.rkt:419:20: loop

raco setup: 0 making: tmp/racket/collects/errortrace/private
namespace-attach-module: unknown module (in the source namespace)


[running body]
/Users/dyoo/local/racket/collects/compiler/cm.rkt:350:0: compile-zo*
/Users/dyoo/local/racket/collects/compiler/cm.rkt:509:0: maybe-compile-zo
/Users/dyoo/local/racket/collects/compiler/cm.rkt:622:2: do-check
/Users/dyoo/local/racket/collects/setup/parallel-do.rkt:419:20: loop

raco setup: 0 making: tmp/racket/collects/honu/core
define-honu-syntax: expected argument of type procedure (arity 1);
given: #procedure:...syntax-parse.rkt:13:2
/Users/dyoo/local/racket/collects/compiler/cm.rkt:350:0: compile-zo*
/Users/dyoo/local/racket/collects/compiler/cm.rkt:509:0: maybe-compile-zo
/Users/dyoo/local/racket/collects/compiler/cm.rkt:622:2: do-check
/Users/dyoo/local/racket/collects/setup/parallel-do.rkt:419:20: loop
   Racket Developers list:

 Racket Developers list:

[racket-dev] Pre-Release Checklist for v5.3.1

2012-10-15 Thread Ryan Culpepper

Checklist items for the v5.3.1 release
  (using the v5.3.0.900 release candidate build)

Search for your name to find relevant items, reply when you finish an
item (please indicate which item/s is/are done).  Also, if you have any
commits that should have been picked, make sure that the changes are in.

Important: new builds are created without announcement, usually whenever
I pick a few commits.  If you need to commit changes, please make sure
you tell me to pick it into the release branch.

-- Release candidates are at
--   http://pre.racket-lang.org/release/installers

Please use these installers (or source bundles) -- don't test from
your own git clone (don't test the `master' branch by mistake!).  To
get the tests directory in such a directory, you can do this:
  cd ...racket-root...
  git archive --remote=git://git.racket-lang.org/plt.git release \
  -- collects/tests | tar x


* Matthew Flatt mfl...@cs.utah.edu
  - Racket Tests
  - Languages Tests
  - GRacket Tests (Also check that `gracket -z' and `gracket-text' still
works in Windows and Mac OS X)
  - mzc --exe tests
  - .plt-packing Tests
  - Games Tests
  - Unit Tests
  - Syntax Color Tests
  - R6RS Tests
  - JPR's test suite
  - Create an executable from a BSL program
  - Run COM tests
  - Try compiling with -funsigned-char
  - Racket Updates: update HISTORY
  (updates should show v5.3.1 as the most current version)
  - Update man pages in racket/man/man1: racket.1, gracket.1, raco.1
  Email me to pick the changes when they're done, or tell me if there
  are no such changes.

* Robby Findler ro...@eecs.northwestern.edu
  - DrRacket Tests
  - Framework Tests
  - Contracts Tests
  - Games Tests
  - Teachpacks Tests: image tests
  - PLaneT Tests
  - Redex Tests
  - DrRacket Updates: update HISTORY
  - Redex Updates: update HISTORY
  (updates should show v5.3.1 as the most current version)
  - Ensure that previous version of DrRacket's preference files still
starts up with new DrRacket
  - Update man pages in racket/man/man1: drracket.1
  Email me to pick the changes when they're done, or tell me if there
  are no such changes.

* John Clements cleme...@brinckerhoff.org
  - Stepper Tests
  - Stepper Updates: update HISTORY
  (updates should show v5.3.1 as the most current version; email me
  to pick the changes when they're done, or tell me if there are no such

* Sam Tobin-Hochstadt sa...@ccs.neu.edu,
   Vincent St-Amour stamo...@ccs.neu.edu
  - Match Tests
  - Typed Racket Tests
  - Typed Racket Updates: update HISTORY
  (updates should show v5.3.1 as the most current version; email me
  to pick the changes when they're done, or tell me if there are no such

* Matthias Felleisen matth...@ccs.neu.edu
  - Teachpacks Tests: check that new teachpacks are addable
  - Teachpack Docs: check teachpack docs in the bundles
  - Teachpack Updates: update HISTORY
  (updates should show v5.3.1 as the most current version; email me
  to pick the changes when they're done, or tell me if there are no such

* Ryan Culpepper r...@cs.utah.edu
  - Macro Debugger Tests
  - Syntax Classifier Tests
  - RackUnit GUI Tests
  - Data Tests
  - DB Tests

* Jay McCarthy jay.mccar...@gmail.com
  - Web Server Tests
  - XML Tests
  - HTML Tests
  - PLAI Tests
  - Racklog tests
  - Datalog tests

* Kathy Gray kathryn.g...@cl.cam.ac.uk
  - Test Engine Tests

* Noel Welsh noelwe...@gmail.com
  - Rackunit Tests
  - SRFI Tests
  - Ensure that all claimed srfi's are in the installer and they all
load into racket or drracket (as appropriate)

* Stevie Strickland sstri...@ccs.neu.edu
  - Unit Contract Tests
  - Contract Region Tests
  - Class Contract Tests

* Stephen Chang stch...@ccs.neu.edu
  - Lazy Racket Tests
  - Lazy stepper tests

* Eli Barzilay e...@barzilay.org
  - Swindle Tests
  - XREPL Tests
  - Racket Tree: compare new distribution tree to previous one
  - Run the unix installer tests
  - Run zsh completions tests (_racket --self-test)
  Version Updates: if a major change has happened, update the version
  number in:
  - racket/collects/mzscheme/info.rkt
  - racket/collects/mred/info.rkt

* Stephen Bloch sbl...@adelphi.edu
  - Picturing Programs Tests

* Greg Cooper g...@cs.brown.edu
  - FrTime Tests

* Carl Eastlund c...@ccs.neu.edu
  - Dracula Tests (confirm that Dracula runs from PLaneT)

* Jon Rafkind rafk...@cs.utah.edu
  Release tests for (one of the) linux releases:
  - Test that the `racket' and `racket-textual' source releases
compile fine (note that they're still called `plt' and `mz' at
this stage).
  - Test that the binary installers for both work, try each one in
both normal and unix-style installation modes. (just ubuntu)
  [Note: get the release candidates from the URL in this email. Use
   the 'static table' link to see a list of all tar files available]

* Mike Sperber sper

[racket-dev] Release for v5.3.1 is about to begin

2012-10-01 Thread Ryan Culpepper

The release process for v5.3.1 will begin in about a week.  If
you have any new features that you want in and are relatively close
to being done, now is a good time to do that.
 Racket Developers list:

Re: [racket-dev] Syntax errors in a Scribble evaluator look like documentation errors

2012-09-26 Thread Ryan Culpepper

On 09/11/2012 07:29 PM, Neil Toronto wrote:

It doesn't seem to matter how I set up the evaluator (using
`make-base-eval' or `make-evaluator'). If an example fails to typecheck,
it looks like an ugly documentation error. This is an actual example in
the math docs, which I would really like to keep:

  (flabs (exact-inexact 0.5f0))
eval:8:0: Type Checker: Expected Flonum, but got
   in: (#%app exact-inexact (quote 0.5f0))

I want the error to look like it does in the REPL:

Type Checker: Expected Flonum, but got Positive-Single-Flonum
   in: (exact-inexact 0.5f0)

It seems all syntax errors are fugly:

  (cond [else 1.0] [else 2.0])
eval:11:0: cond: bad syntax (`else' clause must be last)
   at: (else 1.0)
   in: (cond (else 1.0) (else 2.0))

How can I fix this?

The formatting of syntax errors is controlled by the 
error-print-source-location parameter. I hacked the formatting of syntax 
errors for the syntax/parse docs; see the beginning of 
syntax/scribblings/parse/parse-common.rkt for a starting point.


 Racket Developers list:

Re: [racket-dev] syntax parsing: must be a nice pattern-y way to do this

2012-09-17 Thread Ryan Culpepper

On 09/17/2012 02:20 PM, John Clements wrote:

On Sep 16, 2012, at 5:48 PM, Ryan Culpepper wrote:

See 'define-template-metafunction' in syntax/parse/experimental/template. 
Remember to change the relevant occurrences of 'syntax' to 'template'.


I'm guessing, though, that I probably shouldn't release planet packages that 
depend on experimental-mumble…

I think it's fine if you're prepared to update the package when it 
changes. If I do remove syntax/parse/experimental/template, I'll mark it 
as deprecated for a release cycle or two first.


On 09/16/2012 08:31 PM, John Clements wrote:

I want to apply a transformation to a nested pattern element.

To start with, suppose I have a (kind of useless) with-handlers that looks like 

  ([((arg ...) ...)
#`((clause.input ...) ...)])

That is, I've basically just renamed clause.input to arg.

But now, I want to perform some transformation on the elements. I'd like to 
write this:

  ([((arg ...) ...)
#`((#,(transform #'clause.input) ...) ...)])

.. but this fails, with the error new-style-signals.rkt:42:30: syntax: missing 
ellipsis with pattern variable in template in: clause.input

I can certainly work around this, by abandoning the pattern-matching slickness and 
just using a bunch of syntax-lists, but it seems like there must be a nicer 
way. Am I missing some nifty trick?


   Racket Developers list:

 Racket Developers list:

Re: [racket-dev] syntax parsing: must be a nice pattern-y way to do this

2012-09-16 Thread Ryan Culpepper
See 'define-template-metafunction' in 
syntax/parse/experimental/template. Remember to change the relevant 
occurrences of 'syntax' to 'template'.


On 09/16/2012 08:31 PM, John Clements wrote:

I want to apply a transformation to a nested pattern element.

To start with, suppose I have a (kind of useless) with-handlers that looks like 

  ([((arg ...) ...)
#`((clause.input ...) ...)])

That is, I've basically just renamed clause.input to arg.

But now, I want to perform some transformation on the elements. I'd like to 
write this:

  ([((arg ...) ...)
#`((#,(transform #'clause.input) ...) ...)])

.. but this fails, with the error new-style-signals.rkt:42:30: syntax: missing 
ellipsis with pattern variable in template in: clause.input

I can certainly work around this, by abandoning the pattern-matching slickness and 
just using a bunch of syntax-lists, but it seems like there must be a nicer 
way. Am I missing some nifty trick?


   Racket Developers list:

 Racket Developers list:

Re: [racket-dev] racket/format

2012-09-07 Thread Ryan Culpepper
The change to ~a, ~v, and ~s seems reasonable to me. The renamed 
keywords and generalization of ~v and ~s to multiple arguments are good.

The ~r function seems okay except for the way it chooses which notation 
(positional or exponential) to use. It should take a rule, not an 
answer, and the default rule should not depend on the precision 
argument, as it produces peculiar results. Contrast:

  (catn pi #:precision 0) = 3
  (~r pi #:precision 0) = 3e+00

Unfortunately, I think the kind of rules supported by 'catn' 
(pos/exp-range) are also wrong. Probably the best solution is to take a 
function. I'll change ~r to drop the #:exponential? argument and instead 
take a #:notation argument, with contract

  (or/c 'positional 'exponential
(- rational? (or/c 'positional 'exponential)))

and default value of 'positional.


On 09/07/2012 10:27 AM, Matthew Flatt wrote:

I've added a `racket/format' library that is a revised version of
Ryan's `unstable/cat'. It's re-exported by `racket', but not by

I think Ryan's library is a step in the right direction for string
formatting, and the difficult remaining task is getting the names
right. So, this `racket/format' experiment changes all of the names.

As reflected in the `racket/format' library name, the new function
names are intended to leverage your experience with `format': the `cat'
function is `~a', the `catp' function is `~v', and the `catw' function
is `~s'. The `catn' functions are collapsed to a single `~r'.

Using this library, instead of writing

   (format The result of\n  ~s\nis\n  ~v
   (eval expr))

you'd write

   (~a The result of\n
  (~s expr) \n
  (~v (eval expr)))

or even, when using `#lang at-exp racket',

   @~a{The result of
 @~v[(eval expr)]}

Keyword options like `#:width' and `#:align', of course, can be an even
bigger help for formatting.

I concede that names like `~s' are not remotely mnemonic unless you've
already learned the somewhat obscure `format' escapes, but it seems
difficult to find compact names that are meaningful and that don't
cause collisions; we can at least take advantage of the compact names
that we've already learned. Embracing tildes also means that we worry
less about replacing all sorts of APIs, such as `error', that have
`format' built in. And maybe `~a' works relatively well as a shorthand
for `string-append'.

   Racket Developers list:

 Racket Developers list:

Re: [racket-dev] When is it safe to not rename a runtime value in a macro?

2012-08-25 Thread Ryan Culpepper

On 08/25/2012 12:19 PM, Neil Toronto wrote:

A lot of macros start by renaming some syntax that's assumed to
eventually represent a runtime value, like the `or' macro does:

  (syntax-datum (expand-syntax #'(or #t #f)))
'(let-values (((or-part) '#t)) (if or-part or-part '#f))

But it's not always a good thing, particularly when the output will be
processed by another macro, and parts will be tested using an
`identifier=?' function. For example, my `inline-sort' takes `' as an
argument. So

   (inline-sort  a b)

expands to

   (let ([lt? ] [temp1 a] [temp2 b])
 (if (lt? temp1 temp2) (values temp1 temp2) (values temp2 temp1)))

Well, it did at first. When I discovered that Typed Racket's optimizer
would never detect that `lt?' is actually `' and replace it with
`unsafe-fl', I altered the macro to detect when the `' is an
identifier, and not rename it with a `let'.

Is it feasible to make the TR optimizer smarter about this? That would 
be the best solution.

I know that I should assert my rights under the Macro Bill. But I like
to program defensively. So what's safe to not rename? I think the
following are:

I've reordered these a bit:


In other words, literal data. But did you check that the '#%datum' 
macro associated with them has the standard meaning? If not, they could 
expand into arbitrary expressions (possibly with side effects)!


Do you mean identifier, as in it's just a variable reference? But it 
could be an identifier macro. Or it could be a variable that other parts 
of the code could concurrently mutate. For example, suppose 'match' 
expanded less cautiously than it actually does:

  (match x [(cons a b) a])
  (if (pair? x) (unsafe-car x) (match-error ))

Now suppose that x is a module-level variable that some other thread 
mutates between the 'pair?' check and the 'unsafe-car'.

prefab struct key

I don't know what you mean by these in this context. Maybe 'quote' 
expressions containing them?


If you must do such things, the safest way in general is to fully 
local-expand the expression you want to analyze; that gives you 
something with a known grammar. Now it's feasible to identify literal 
data: it's any 'quote' expression. You don't have to worry about 
identifier macros, but the 'set!' danger remains for any variables that 
you don't completely control the scope of.

In your specific case, it would also be safe to check whether the 
comparison expression is an identifier free-identifier=? to one of a 
fixed list of known (immutable) variables; if so, it's safe to duplicate.

Also, should I ever have to intern syntax that's one of these kinds of

Do you mean intern the data? IIUC, yes: the reader interns literal data, 
but macros are free to introduce non-interned literal data. (It will 
probably get interned again when the compiled form is loaded from zo, 
but there's a period during the expansion of the enclosing module when 
it won't be interned.)


 Racket Developers list:

Re: [racket-dev] When is it safe to not rename a runtime value in a macro?

2012-08-25 Thread Ryan Culpepper

On 08/25/2012 01:08 PM, Neil Toronto wrote:

On 08/25/2012 10:53 AM, Ryan Culpepper wrote:

On 08/25/2012 12:19 PM, Neil Toronto wrote:
I've reordered these a bit:


In other words, literal data. But did you check that the '#%datum'
macro associated with them has the standard meaning? If not, they could
expand into arbitrary expressions (possibly with side effects)!

A number can expand to an arbitrary expression? How?

And what do you mean by the '#%datum' macro associated with them?
Applied to them?

 (let-syntax ([#%datum (lambda (stx) #'(printf hello\n))]) 5)

In Racket, literal data carry lexical information just like identifiers. 
When a literal datum is used as an expression, the macro expander 
synthesizes a '#%datum' identifier that determines what to do with the 
literal. The Racket '#%datum' macro just expands into a 'quote' 
expression if the datum is not a keyword.

The implicit '#%app' syntax works similarly, except it takes its lexical 
context from the pair that represents the application.


 Racket Developers list:

[racket-dev] Release Announcement for v5.3, third draft

2012-08-02 Thread Ryan Culpepper

Below is the third draft of the release announcement items for
v5.3. Let me know if I've missed something.

* Submodules are nested module declarations that can be loaded and
  run independently from the enclosing module.  For an overview of
  submodules, see


* The futures visualizer is a graphical profiling tool for parallel
  programs using futures.  The tool shows a detailed execution
  timeline depicting the migration of futures between threads, and
  gives detailed information about each runtime synchronization that
  occurred during program execution.  In addition, `would-be-future'
  is a special type of future that always executes sequentially and
  records all potential barricades a regular future would encounter.

* Optimization Coach (formerly Performance Report) reports information
  about Racket's inlining optimizations.  Optimization Coach can be
  launched in any language through the View menu.

* The new `images/flomap' library defines floating-point bitmaps and
  fast image processing operations on them. It is written in Typed
  Racket, so Typed Racket code may use it without the cost of
  contract checks.

* A new `json' library (derived from Dave Herman's PLaneT library) for
  parsing and generating JSON comes with the distribution.

* `racket/string' is extended with string manipulation functions that
  avoid some basic regexp tweaks. `regexp-match*' and friends come with
  new keyword arguments to return specific matched group/s and gaps.

* The new `racket/generic' library allows generic function definitions,
  which dispatch to methods added to a structure type via the new
  `#:methods' keyword.

* The `class' form supports declaring a method abstract.  An abstract
  method prevents a class from being instantiated unless it is

* The contract library comes with support for interfaces, generics,
  prompts, continuation-marks, and structs.

* Most error messages use a new multi-line format that is more
  consistent with contract errors and accommodates more information.

* Typed Racket supports function definitions with keyword arguments;
  the startup time of Typed Racket programs has been sharply reduced.

* A new `ffi/com' library replaces MysterX; a compatibility
  `mysterx' library remains, but without ActiveX support.  The new
  `ffi/unsafe/com' library offers a more primitive and direct way to
  use COM classes and methods.

* There is now a very complete completion code for zsh.  It is not
  included in the distribution though, get it at: http://goo.gl/DU8JK
  (This script and the bash completions will be included in the
  standard installers in future versions.)

* The `tex2page' and `combinator-parser' libraries have been moved
  from the Racket distribution to PLaneT:

- (require (planet plt/tex2page))
- (require (planet plt/combinator-parser))


The following has been deprecated and will be removed in the
January 2013 release:

  - the `planet' command-line tool. Use `raco planet' instead.

The following has been deprecated and will be removed in the
August 2013 release:

  - the `mzlib/class100' library. Use `racket/class' instead.
 Racket Developers list:

Re: [racket-dev] Release Announcement for v5.3, third draft

2012-08-02 Thread Ryan Culpepper

On 08/02/2012 11:16 AM, Ryan Culpepper wrote:


* There is now a very complete completion code for zsh.  It is not
   included in the distribution though, get it at: http://goo.gl/DU8JK
   (This script and the bash completions will be included in the
   standard installers in future versions.)

Should we leave this item out and include it in the future, once the 
scripts are actually included in the distribution?

 Racket Developers list:

[racket-dev] Release Announcement for v5.3, second draft

2012-08-01 Thread Ryan Culpepper

Below is the second draft of the release announcement items for
v5.3. Let me know if I've missed something.

* Submodules are nested module declarations that can be loaded and
  run independently from the enclosing module.  For an overview of
  submodules, see


* The futures visualizer is a graphical profiling tool for parallel
  programs using futures.  The tool shows a detailed execution
  timeline depicting the migration of futures between threads, and
  gives detailed information about each runtime synchronization that
  occurred during program execution.  In addition, `would-be-future'
  is a special type of future that always executes sequentially and
  records all potential barricades a regular future would encounter.

* Optimization Coach (formerly Performance Report) reports information
  about Racket's inlining optimizations.  Optimization Coach can be
  launched in any language through the View menu.

* The API for fast floating-point bitmaps (flomaps) supports image
  processing operations, including pointwise arithmetic, gradients,
  blur, resizing with correct downsampling, arbitrary spatial
  transformations, and pict-like combiners.

* A new `json' library (derived from Dave Herman's PLaneT library) for
  parsing and generating JSON comes with the distribution.

* `racket/string' is extended with string manipulation functions that
  avoid some basic regexp tweaks. `regexp-match*' and friends come with
  new keyword arguments to return specific matched group/s and gaps.

* The new `racket/generic' library allows generic function definitions,
  which dispatch to methods added to a structure type via the new
  `#:methods' keyword.

* The `class' form supports declaring a method abstract.  An abstract
  method prevents a class from being instantiated unless it is

* The contract library comes with support for interfaces, generics,
  prompts, continuation-marks, and structs.

* Most error messages use a new multi-line format that is more
  consistent with contract errors and accommodates more information.

* Typed Racket supports function definitions with keyword arguments;
  the startup time of Typed Racket programs has been sharply reduced.

* A new `ffi/com' library replaces MysterX; a compatibility
  `mysterx' library remains, but without ActiveX support.  The new
  `ffi/unsafe/com' library offers a more primitive and direct way to
  use COM classes and methods.

* There is now a very complete completion code for zsh.  It is not
  included in the distribution though, get it at: http://goo.gl/DU8JK
  (This script and the bash completions will be included in the
  standard installers in future versions.)

* The `tex2page' and `combinator-parser' libraries have been moved
  from the Racket distribution to PLaneT.


The following have been deprecated and will be removed in the
January 2013 release:

  - the `planet' command-line tool. Use `raco planet' instead.

The following have been deprecated and will be removed in the
August 2013 release:

  - the `mzlib/class100' library. Use `racket/class' instead.
  - the `define-contract-struct' form. Use `struct' with `struct/dc'
contracts instead.
 Racket Developers list:

Re: [racket-dev] possible 5.2.900.1 bug involving rest argument

2012-07-29 Thread Ryan Culpepper

Yes, I fixed the bug. The fix should be in the release build tomorrow.


On 07/28/2012 08:28 PM, Robby Findler wrote:

I believe Ryan fixed this a few hours ago. He may be waiting for a
release build before commenting.


On Sat, Jul 28, 2012 at 7:25 PM, Eli Barzilay e...@barzilay.org wrote:

6 hours ago, Neil Van Dyke wrote:

Looks like a minor compiler/optimizer bug in Friday's 5.2.900.1

I haven't yet found a simpler test case, but you can reproduce by
installing a particular PLaneT package as shown below.

The line 1275 it's complaining about is the following, which starts
a procedure definition that is later applied at toplevel in the same

(define (charterm-make-keydec keydec-id . keysets)

The demo program for this PLaneT package seems to run correctly despite
these install/compile-time error messages.

I tried to track this, and I don't think that it's a compiler bug...
It looks like it's a failure at the stage of compiling the docs which
would explain why the code runs fine.

The problem looks like something in syntax/parse -- either there or it
doesn't do enough checking of its input.  A small example that shows

   #lang racket/base
   (require syntax/parse)
   (syntax-parse #'(X Y . Z) [(NAME:id ARGn ...) 1] [else 1])

which produces the following error:

   andmap: contract violation
 expected: list?
 given: '(#syntax:/tmp/zzz:5:19 Y . #syntax:/tmp/zzz:5:23 Z)
 argument position: 2nd
 other arguments...:
  /tmp/zzz: [running body]

and the trace that points at synax/parse/private/residual.rkt was
there when I tried your original line, so I think that it's the right

(I'll let Ryan take it from here, I just did a semi-blind tracking...)

   ((lambda (x) (x x)) (lambda (x) (x x)))  Eli Barzilay:
 http://barzilay.org/   Maze is Life!
   Racket Developers list:

   Racket Developers list:

 Racket Developers list:

Re: [racket-dev] Pre-Release Checklist for v5.3

2012-07-26 Thread Ryan Culpepper
Doug: Can you test your program again with the release build that just 
completed? (Sorry it wasn't available sooner.)


On 07/25/2012 02:39 PM, Doug Williams wrote:

And one last post on this. Now it is reliably running. I'm assuming
once I got a .zo of the offending module actually built, from then on
I'm okay as long as I don't play around with it. Does that make sense?

And, just to test that, I deleted the compiled directory and the weird
behavior comes back. I (re-)load it and hit run enough times until I
get it to start and from then on it starts fine. [Although I'm not
sure I should actually trust it - but it seems to be running fine
after that.]

Doug - done with experimenting for the day - Williams

On Wed, Jul 25, 2012 at 12:27 PM, Doug Williams
m.douglas.willi...@gmail.com wrote:

And, actually I was premature with the I have a work around for
Windows XP. Sometimes it runs, but usually it dies in weird and
wonderful ways - sometimes with a Win32 error, sometimes with a seg
fault during gc, sometimes with errors about undefined symbols various
places. It's rather amusing to watch - but I assume memory is just
being corrupted now instead of always dying the same way.

Let me know when there is a version I can try again.


On Wed, Jul 25, 2012 at 12:16 PM, Ryan Culpepper r...@cs.utah.edu wrote:

I suspect the problem is caused by commit 8358420f, which changed match to
load part of its implementation lazily using lazy-require. Part of that
commit was reverted by 949d12e2, but possibly the use of lazy-require left
in is causing problems in some cases.

I think it would be best to just fully revert the commit (8358420f) on the
release branch.


On 07/25/2012 01:56 PM, Doug Williams wrote:

It turns out that if I require racket/match explicitly it works.
Although I shouldn't have to since racket/match is provided by #lang
racket. So, I have a work around on Windows XP 32-bit. But it would be
nice to get the problem fixed.

On Wed, Jul 25, 2012 at 11:51 AM, Doug Williams
m.douglas.willi...@gmail.com wrote:

I used Create Executable in DrRacket. But, I just tried raco exe --gui
main.rkt to create it and get exactly the same error.

On Wed, Jul 25, 2012 at 11:46 AM, Sam Tobin-Hochstadt sa...@ccs.neu.edu

Is this application generated with 'raco exe'?  Or 'Create Executable'
in DrRacket?

On Wed, Jul 25, 2012 at 10:31 AM, Doug Williams
m.douglas.willi...@gmail.com wrote:

Some more information on the problem. The application runs fine with
the pre-release on Windows 7 - 64 bit.

The code that is dying on Windows XP 32-bit is:


(require racket/runtime-path)


(define-runtime-path subject-path ..\\Subjects.txt)

(define (load-subject-encodings)
(let ((port (open-input-file subject-path #:mode 'text)))
  (set! subject-encodings
 (for/list ((line (in-lines port))
#:when (regexp-match? #px^\(.*)\\\s*\(.*)\
   (match line
 ((pregexp ^\(.*)\\\s*\(.*)\ (list _ subject
  (list (pregexp (format ^(?i:~a) subject))
  (close-input-port port)))


(define subject-encodings default-subject-encodings)




This code loads some data at load time. It does use match, which might
explain the message:

standard-module-name-resolver: collection not found
collection: racket/match
in collection directories:
 #%embedded:g13106:ground-truth-data: [running body]
 #%embedded:g13057:radar-data: [traversing imports]
 #%embedded:g8619:classifier-panel: [traversing imports]
 main: [traversing imports]

[Exited. Close box or Ctrl-C closes the console.]

I get when I run the compiled version. In DrRacket it dies with the
unhandled Win 32 exception.


On Wed, Jul 25, 2012 at 8:39 AM, Doug Williams
m.douglas.willi...@gmail.com wrote:

The pre-release 32-bit version still fails for my large applications
at work fails to execute in DrRacket - 32-bit Windows XP. I don't have
the source or symbol tables loaded so the only message I get from the
Visual Studio debugger is attached. This is the same problem I was
having with the previous pre-release version a month or so ago.

I can create an executable of the application. It fails because it
doesn't find racket/match. I'll look into that further.


Racket Developers list:

sam th

 Racket Developers list:

Re: [racket-dev] Pre-Release Checklist for v5.3

2012-07-25 Thread Ryan Culpepper
I just tried downloading the Racket package for Windows (x86, 64-bit), 
and it worked for me. Can you try again and let me know if it still 
fails? Also, if you can't download from the form, can you try the 
static table link (just under the usual download form, on the right 
side) and see if you can download it from the link on that page?


On 07/25/2012 10:05 AM, Doug Williams wrote:

Attempting to download the 64 bit windows version gives a Page
Not-Found error and the following.


uncaught exception: 404

The 32 bit Windows versions downloads okay.


On Tue, Jul 24, 2012 at 9:03 AM, Ryan Culpepper r...@cs.utah.edu wrote:

Checklist items for the v5.3 release
   (using the v5.2.900.1 release candidate build)

Search for your name to find relevant items, reply when you finish an
item (please indicate which item/s is/are done).  Also, if you have any
commits that should have been picked, make sure that the changes are in.

Important: new builds are created without announcement, usually whenever
I pick a few commits.  If you need to commit changes, please make sure
you tell me to pick it into the release branch.

-- Release candidates are at
--   http://pre.racket-lang.org/release/installers

Please use these installers (or source bundles) -- don't test from
your own git clone (don't test the `master' branch by mistake!).  To
get the tests directory in such a directory, you can do this:
   cd ...racket-root...
   git archive --remote=git://git.racket-lang.org/plt.git release \
   -- collects/tests | tar x


* Matthew Flatt mfl...@cs.utah.edu
   - Racket Tests
   - Languages Tests
   - GRacket Tests (Also check that `gracket -z' and `gracket-text' still
 works in Windows and Mac OS X)
   - mzc --exe tests
   - .plt-packing Tests
   - Games Tests
   - Unit Tests
   - Syntax Color Tests
   - R6RS Tests
   - JPR's test suite
   - Create an executable from a BSL program
   - Run COM tests
   - Try compiling with -funsigned-char
   - Racket Updates: update HISTORY
   (updates should show v5.3 as the most current version)
   - Update man pages in racket/man/man1: racket.1, gracket.1, raco.1
   Email me to pick the changes when they're done, or tell me if there
   are no such changes.

* Robby Findler ro...@eecs.northwestern.edu
   - DrRacket Tests
   - Framework Tests
   - Contracts Tests
   - Games Tests
   - Teachpacks Tests: image tests
   - PLaneT Tests
   - Redex Tests
   - DrRacket Updates: update HISTORY
   - Redex Updates: update HISTORY
   (updates should show v5.3 as the most current version)
   - Ensure that previous version of DrRacket's preference files still
 starts up with new DrRacket
   - Update man pages in racket/man/man1: drracket.1
   Email me to pick the changes when they're done, or tell me if there
   are no such changes.

* John Clements cleme...@brinckerhoff.org
   - Stepper Tests
   - Stepper Updates: update HISTORY
   (updates should show v5.3 as the most current version; email me
   to pick the changes when they're done, or tell me if there are no such

* Sam Tobin-Hochstadt sa...@ccs.neu.edu,
Vincent St-Amour stamo...@ccs.neu.edu
   - Match Tests
   - Typed Racket Tests
   - Typed Racket Updates: update HISTORY
   (updates should show v5.3 as the most current version; email me
   to pick the changes when they're done, or tell me if there are no such

* Matthias Felleisen matth...@ccs.neu.edu
   - Teachpacks Tests: check that new teachpacks are addable
   - Teachpack Docs: check teachpack docs in the bundles
   - Teachpack Updates: update HISTORY
   (updates should show v5.3 as the most current version; email me
   to pick the changes when they're done, or tell me if there are no such

* Ryan Culpepper r...@cs.utah.edu
   - Macro Debugger Tests
   - Syntax Classifier Tests
   - RackUnit GUI Tests
   - Data Tests
   - DB Tests

* Jay McCarthy jay.mccar...@gmail.com
   - Web Server Tests
   - XML Tests
   - HTML Tests
   - PLAI Tests
   - Racklog tests
   - Datalog tests

* Kathy Gray kathryn.g...@cl.cam.ac.uk
   - Test Engine Tests

* Noel Welsh noelwe...@gmail.com
   - Rackunit Tests
   - SRFI Tests
   - Ensure that all claimed srfi's are in the installer and they all
 load into racket or drracket (as appropriate)

* Stevie Strickland sstri...@ccs.neu.edu
   - Unit Contract Tests
   - Contract Region Tests
   - Class Contract Tests

* Stephen Chang stch...@ccs.neu.edu
   - Lazy Racket Tests
   - Lazy stepper tests

* Eli Barzilay e...@barzilay.org
   - Swindle Tests
   - XREPL Tests
   - Racket Tree: compare new distribution tree to previous one
   - Run the unix installer tests
   - Run zsh completions tests (_racket --self-test)
   Version Updates: if a major change has

[racket-dev] Release Announcement for v5.3

2012-07-25 Thread Ryan Culpepper

Below is a rough list of additions and changes for v5.3. If you
are responsible for a change, please either elaborate it into an
announcement item or tell me if it shouldn't be included in the
announcement. Let me know if I've missed something.

 - ffi/com, ffi/unsafe/com (ff41a896)
 - scribble xref change (a1fd742e)
 - raco exe can make launchers (2c479683)
 - prop:cpointer (6cd2e3c7)
 - handle-evt change to match doc (084278fa)
 - MysterX changes: ffi/com, removed ActiveX support (11de33d4)
 - openssl improvements (efcb6078, 1032ce8a)
 - submodules (3d69dfab)
 - racket/draw easier access to cairo (4f197f4b)
 - use AVL trees for immutable hashes (df0651c2)
 - (turon) add box-cas!, etc (868dcb6d)
 - libpng15/libpng12 (c5d3750d)
 - sgl/gl: NURBS (a55a20f9)
 - new error message convention
 - date/time stuff (ff8a062b, 4323096a)
 - changed module-name-resolver interface (c8f4ac6a)

 - grammar cycle check (93c21e34)
 - hole equality? (2afda360)
 - side-condition, define-judgment-form (b3c450ff)
 - - contract optimizations (3f6a8355)
 - define-union-language (e4e4d70b)
 - plai changes (c42675f8)
 - add make-platform-bitmap (1945ff27)
 - define-extended-judgment-form (b7caf411)
 - drracket run 'main' submodule (72ec4070)
 - drracket easter egg tests (617df05e)
 - drracket run 'test' submodule (5c7a299c)
 - added context/path to contract errors (81252541)
 - added struct/dc, etc (5e03c7cf)
 - deprecate define-contract-struct (52fa588f)

 - regexp improvements (0eb5f09e)
 - json library (b35d1b01, 54021323)
 - xrepl improvements (89dee6f6)
 - add completions for zsh (904d2666)
 - doc search improvement (ecc43ff1)

 - added would-be-future (a5676e9a)
 - added futures visualizer (b6f71ec4)

 - added db cursors
 - added statement cache
 - syntax/parse template (exp)
 - syntax/parse roles

 - class/c changes (3eb963f6)
 - class contracts for racket/draw, racket/snip (30311058, 2e1d59f7)
 - add contracts to interfaces (6f4ad1de)
 - abstract methods (06091079)
 - generics (518bf0fd)
 - contracts for generics (552d6de9)
 - prompt/c, continuation-mark-key/c (de5c756d, 095d47fc)
 - mzlib deprecation notices (e4141077)

 - image, flomaps changes?
 - resizable plot snips (3ed1a787)

 - enable performance report for typed/racket/base (b73421f8)

 - distributed places (09bed0d6)

  - keyword functions in TR (865a2cdc)
  - TR load time optimizations (794bfa50, 6bf14151)

  - teaching lang doc reorg (5fbb660a)
 Racket Developers list:

Re: [racket-dev] Pre-Release Checklist for v5.3

2012-07-25 Thread Ryan Culpepper
I suspect the problem is caused by commit 8358420f, which changed match 
to load part of its implementation lazily using lazy-require. Part of 
that commit was reverted by 949d12e2, but possibly the use of 
lazy-require left in is causing problems in some cases.

I think it would be best to just fully revert the commit (8358420f) on 
the release branch.


On 07/25/2012 01:56 PM, Doug Williams wrote:

It turns out that if I require racket/match explicitly it works.
Although I shouldn't have to since racket/match is provided by #lang
racket. So, I have a work around on Windows XP 32-bit. But it would be
nice to get the problem fixed.

On Wed, Jul 25, 2012 at 11:51 AM, Doug Williams
m.douglas.willi...@gmail.com wrote:

I used Create Executable in DrRacket. But, I just tried raco exe --gui
main.rkt to create it and get exactly the same error.

On Wed, Jul 25, 2012 at 11:46 AM, Sam Tobin-Hochstadt sa...@ccs.neu.edu wrote:

Is this application generated with 'raco exe'?  Or 'Create Executable'
in DrRacket?

On Wed, Jul 25, 2012 at 10:31 AM, Doug Williams
m.douglas.willi...@gmail.com wrote:

Some more information on the problem. The application runs fine with
the pre-release on Windows 7 - 64 bit.

The code that is dying on Windows XP 32-bit is:


(require racket/runtime-path)


(define-runtime-path subject-path ..\\Subjects.txt)

(define (load-subject-encodings)
   (let ((port (open-input-file subject-path #:mode 'text)))
 (set! subject-encodings
(for/list ((line (in-lines port))
   #:when (regexp-match? #px^\(.*)\\\s*\(.*)\ line))
  (match line
((pregexp ^\(.*)\\\s*\(.*)\ (list _ subject encoding))
 (list (pregexp (format ^(?i:~a) subject)) encoding))
 (close-input-port port)))


(define subject-encodings default-subject-encodings)




This code loads some data at load time. It does use match, which might
explain the message:

standard-module-name-resolver: collection not found
   collection: racket/match
   in collection directories:
#%embedded:g13106:ground-truth-data: [running body]
#%embedded:g13057:radar-data: [traversing imports]
#%embedded:g8619:classifier-panel: [traversing imports]
main: [traversing imports]

[Exited. Close box or Ctrl-C closes the console.]

I get when I run the compiled version. In DrRacket it dies with the
unhandled Win 32 exception.


On Wed, Jul 25, 2012 at 8:39 AM, Doug Williams
m.douglas.willi...@gmail.com wrote:

The pre-release 32-bit version still fails for my large applications
at work fails to execute in DrRacket - 32-bit Windows XP. I don't have
the source or symbol tables loaded so the only message I get from the
Visual Studio debugger is attached. This is the same problem I was
having with the previous pre-release version a month or so ago.

I can create an executable of the application. It fails because it
doesn't find racket/match. I'll look into that further.


   Racket Developers list:

sam th

 Racket Developers list:

Re: [racket-dev] Pre-Release Checklist for v5.3

2012-07-25 Thread Ryan Culpepper
Well, the possible problem that I had in mind still should not cause 
behavior like that, at least not by itself. I would expect it to always 
fail trying to load a module in the racket/match implementation.

OTOH, if reverting the lazy-require addition fixes the problem, that 
suggests that the bug has something to do with the machinery that 
lazy-require uses (dynamic-require, racket/runtime-path, module path 
indexes, etc). And if it doesn't fix the problem, then hopefully it at 
least simplifies the example to be debugged.

A release build with this change should be available tomorrow morning.


On 07/25/2012 02:27 PM, Doug Williams wrote:

And, actually I was premature with the I have a work around for
Windows XP. Sometimes it runs, but usually it dies in weird and
wonderful ways - sometimes with a Win32 error, sometimes with a seg
fault during gc, sometimes with errors about undefined symbols various
places. It's rather amusing to watch - but I assume memory is just
being corrupted now instead of always dying the same way.

Let me know when there is a version I can try again.


On Wed, Jul 25, 2012 at 12:16 PM, Ryan Culpepperr...@cs.utah.edu  wrote:

I suspect the problem is caused by commit 8358420f, which changed match to
load part of its implementation lazily using lazy-require. Part of that
commit was reverted by 949d12e2, but possibly the use of lazy-require left
in is causing problems in some cases.

I think it would be best to just fully revert the commit (8358420f) on the
release branch.


On 07/25/2012 01:56 PM, Doug Williams wrote:

It turns out that if I require racket/match explicitly it works.
Although I shouldn't have to since racket/match is provided by #lang
racket. So, I have a work around on Windows XP 32-bit. But it would be
nice to get the problem fixed.

On Wed, Jul 25, 2012 at 11:51 AM, Doug Williams
m.douglas.willi...@gmail.com  wrote:

I used Create Executable in DrRacket. But, I just tried raco exe --gui
main.rkt to create it and get exactly the same error.

On Wed, Jul 25, 2012 at 11:46 AM, Sam Tobin-Hochstadtsa...@ccs.neu.edu

Is this application generated with 'raco exe'?  Or 'Create Executable'
in DrRacket?

On Wed, Jul 25, 2012 at 10:31 AM, Doug Williams
m.douglas.willi...@gmail.com  wrote:

Some more information on the problem. The application runs fine with
the pre-release on Windows 7 - 64 bit.

The code that is dying on Windows XP 32-bit is:


(require racket/runtime-path)


(define-runtime-path subject-path ..\\Subjects.txt)

(define (load-subject-encodings)
(let ((port (open-input-file subject-path #:mode 'text)))
  (set! subject-encodings
 (for/list ((line (in-lines port))
#:when (regexp-match? #px^\(.*)\\\s*\(.*)\
   (match line
 ((pregexp ^\(.*)\\\s*\(.*)\ (list _ subject
  (list (pregexp (format ^(?i:~a) subject))
  (close-input-port port)))


(define subject-encodings default-subject-encodings)




This code loads some data at load time. It does use match, which might
explain the message:

standard-module-name-resolver: collection not found
collection: racket/match
in collection directories:
 #%embedded:g13106:ground-truth-data: [running body]
 #%embedded:g13057:radar-data: [traversing imports]
 #%embedded:g8619:classifier-panel: [traversing imports]
 main: [traversing imports]

[Exited. Close box or Ctrl-C closes the console.]

I get when I run the compiled version. In DrRacket it dies with the
unhandled Win 32 exception.


On Wed, Jul 25, 2012 at 8:39 AM, Doug Williams
m.douglas.willi...@gmail.com  wrote:

The pre-release 32-bit version still fails for my large applications
at work fails to execute in DrRacket - 32-bit Windows XP. I don't have
the source or symbol tables loaded so the only message I get from the
Visual Studio debugger is attached. This is the same problem I was
having with the previous pre-release version a month or so ago.

I can create an executable of the application. It fails because it
doesn't find racket/match. I'll look into that further.


Racket Developers list:

sam th

 Racket Developers list:

Re: [racket-dev] Pre-Release Checklist for v5.3

2012-07-25 Thread Ryan Culpepper

On 07/25/2012 04:00 PM, Neil Toronto wrote:

On 07/24/2012 08:03 AM, Ryan Culpepper wrote:

* Neil Toronto neil.toro...@gmail.com
- Plot Tests


Can you also add the following to future checklists?

- Images tests
- Inspect icons

I've just done these, too.

Okay, I've added those items to the checklist for future releases.

 Racket Developers list:

[racket-dev] Pre-Release Checklist for v5.3, second call

2012-07-25 Thread Ryan Culpepper

Checklist items for the v5.3 release
  (using the v5.2.900.1 release candidate build)

Search for your name to find relevant items, reply when you finish an
item (please indicate which item/s is/are done).  Also, if you have any
commits that should have been picked, make sure that the changes are in.

Important: new builds are created without announcement, usually whenever
I pick a few commits.  If you need to commit changes, please make sure
you tell me to pick it into the release branch.

-- Release candidates are at
--   http://pre.racket-lang.org/release/installers

Please use these installers (or source bundles) -- don't test from
your own git clone (don't test the `master' branch by mistake!).  To
get the tests directory in such a directory, you can do this:
  cd ...racket-root...
  git archive --remote=git://git.racket-lang.org/plt.git release \
  -- collects/tests | tar x


* Matthew Flatt mfl...@cs.utah.edu
  - JPR's test suite
  - Run COM tests
  - Try compiling with -funsigned-char
  - Update man pages in racket/man/man1: racket.1, gracket.1, raco.1
  Email me to pick the changes when they're done, or tell me if there
  are no such changes.

* John Clements cleme...@brinckerhoff.org
  - Stepper Tests
  - Stepper Updates: update HISTORY
  (updates should show v5.3 as the most current version; email me
  to pick the changes when they're done, or tell me if there are no such

* Matthias Felleisen matth...@ccs.neu.edu
  - Teachpacks Tests: check that new teachpacks are addable
  - Teachpack Docs: check teachpack docs in the bundles
  - Teachpack Updates: update HISTORY
  (updates should show v5.3 as the most current version; email me
  to pick the changes when they're done, or tell me if there are no such

* Noel Welsh noelwe...@gmail.com
  - Rackunit Tests
  - SRFI Tests
  - Ensure that all claimed srfi's are in the installer and they all
load into racket or drracket (as appropriate)

* Stephen Chang stch...@ccs.neu.edu
  - Lazy stepper tests

* Eli Barzilay e...@barzilay.org
  - XREPL Tests
  - Racket Tree: compare new distribution tree to previous one
  - Run the unix installer tests
  Version Updates: if a major change has happened, update the version
  number in:
  - racket/collects/mzscheme/info.rkt
  - racket/collects/mred/info.rkt

* Stephen Bloch sbl...@adelphi.edu
  - Picturing Programs Tests

* Jon Rafkind rafk...@cs.utah.edu
  Release tests for (one of the) linux releases:
  - Test that the `racket' and `racket-textual' source releases
compile fine (note that they're still called `plt' and `mz' at
this stage).
  - Test that the binary installers for both work, try each one in
both normal and unix-style installation modes. (just ubuntu)
  [Note: get the release candidates from the URL in this email. Use
   the 'static table' link to see a list of all tar files available]

* Mike Sperber sper...@deinprogramm.de
  - DMdA Tests
  - Stepper Tests
  - Signature Tests

* Danny Yoo d...@cs.wpi.edu
  - Whalesong Tests (confirm that Whalesong runs from PLaneT)
 Racket Developers list:

[racket-dev] testing for v5.3

2012-07-20 Thread Ryan Culpepper

Just a reminder that testing for release v5.3 begins Monday.

 Racket Developers list:

Re: [racket-dev] [plt] Push #25038: master branch updated

2012-07-20 Thread Ryan Culpepper

On 07/20/2012 04:36 PM, Carl Eastlund wrote:

On Fri, Jul 20, 2012 at 4:33 PM, Vincent St-Amourstamo...@ccs.neu.edu  wrote:

At Fri, 20 Jul 2012 16:17:22 -0400,
as...@racket-lang.org wrote:

3582b57 Asumu Takikawaas...@racket-lang.org  2012-07-20 15:10
| Move mzlib/defmacro =  racket/defmacro

I'm not sure this belongs in `racket'. This is not a Racket feature.
It's closer to a CL compatibility library.

How about having a `compatibility' collect, which would include this and
things like `racket/package' (compatibility with Chez) and `racket/mpair'
(compatibility with Scheme)? It would be harder to confuse these things
with blessed Racket features.



For backwards (ahem) compatibility, we would have to maintain the
racket/package and racket/mpair names as aliases, but changing
existing uses of them to the new name and making the racket/
documentation point to compatibility/ would help make the point.


I think proliferating indirections and aliases is just as bad as (or 
maybe worse than) proliferating top-level collections. If it's in mzlib/ 
and it's still really useful, move it to racket/ (or data/, etc). If it 
isn't (eg, mzlib/defmacro, perhaps mzlib/thread), then just leave it alone.

 Racket Developers list:

[racket-dev] Release for v5.3 has begun

2012-07-17 Thread Ryan Culpepper

The release process for v5.3 has begun: the `release' branch was
created for any work that is left and is now bumped to v5.2.900.0.  You
can go on using the `master' branch as usual, it is now bumped to
v5.3.0.16 (to avoid having two different trees with the same version).

If you have any bug-fixes and changes that need to go in the release
then make sure to specify that in the commit message or mail me the
commit SHA1s.  You can `git checkout release' to try it out directly if
needed -- but do not try to push commits on it (the server will forbid

Please make sure that code that you're responsible for is as stable
as possible, and let me know if there is any new work that should
not be included in this release.


The time between the `release' branch creation and the actual
release is for fixing new errors that prevent proper functioning of
major components and that show up during the preparation for a
release.  You can also finalize piece of work that is not yet
complete, but please avoid merging new features.

Note that nightly builds will go on as usual (as v5.3.0.16), and
pre-release builds will be available shortly at


Please tell me if you think that this release is significant enough
that it should be announced on the users list for wider testing.
 Racket Developers list:

Re: [racket-dev] Failure when using `lazy-require` in `match`

2012-07-16 Thread Ryan Culpepper

On 07/14/2012 06:31 PM, Sam Tobin-Hochstadt wrote:

I'm trying to use `unstable/lazy-require` to load time compile-time
portion of `match` on-demand; the attached patch implements what I
think should be the right thing.  However, when I try to run 'raco
setup' with this, I get:

raco setup: bootstrapping from source...
write: cannot marshal value that is embedded in compiled code

Is this a bug in lazy-require?  A problem in racket? Is using this
trick not allowed in the dependencies of `raco setup`?

The patch didn't include stxtime.rkt, so I couldn't verify this, but the 
error is what I would expect if you used relative-path requires from 
transformation modules to residual modules.

See http://macrologist.blogspot.com/2011/10/lazy-module-loading.html and 
search for Use absolute module paths in all requires between the 
different kinds of modules.

 Racket Developers list:

Re: [racket-dev] Enhancement to the syntax system?

2012-07-10 Thread Ryan Culpepper

On 07/10/2012 10:51 AM, Eli Barzilay wrote:

20 minutes ago, Marijn wrote:

It seems to me that both these results cannot be correct
simultaneously, but I'll await the experts' opinion on that.

This does look weird:

   #lang racket
   (define-for-syntax (f stx) #`(let ([x 1]) #,stx))
   (define-syntax (m stx)
 (with-syntax ([zz (f #'x)]) #`(let ([x 2]) zz)))

evaluates to 1, but if I change the first two stx names into x
*or* if I change the argument name for the macro to x, then it
returns 2.

The difference between

(define-for-syntax (f1 stx) #`(let ([x 1]) #,stx)


(define-for-syntax (f2 x) #`(let ([x 1]) #,x)

is that the 'x' in the template in the 'f2' is not bound-identifier=? to 
the 'x' that appears in the template of 'm', because it has a rename 
wrap due to the 'x' formal parameter of 'f2'. That is, 'f2' behaves 
essentially the same as

(define-for-syntax (f2* x*) #`(let ([x* 1]) #,x*)

A likely mistake is to think that the wrap generated by the 'x' in 'f2' 
doesn't count because it happens before we get around to the real 
macro expansion that you care about. But that's not the case (at least 
in Racket).

A good rule of thumb is to never use local variable names in your macro 
implementation (including compile-time auxiliary functions) that also 
appear in the macro's template (including etc).

A related error is the identifier used out of context error that you 
get from, eg,

(define-syntax (m stx)
  (let ([+ *])
#'(+ 1 2)))
(m)  ;; = identifier used out of context in: +

The binding of '+' in the macro changes the meaning of the '+' in the 
template, even though the bindings exist at different phases. You could 
perhaps avoid this issue by changing the hygiene algorithm by adding a 
phase level to rename wraps and skipping different-phase rename wraps 
during resolution. I'm not sure if this is a good idea or if anyone has 
tried it.

 Racket Developers list:

[racket-dev] Release for v5.3 is about to begin

2012-07-09 Thread Ryan Culpepper
The release process for v5.3 will begin in about a week. If you have any 
new features that you want in and are relatively close to being done, 
now is a good time to do that.

 Racket Developers list:

Re: [racket-dev] [plt] Push #24906: master branch updated

2012-06-25 Thread Ryan Culpepper

On 06/25/2012 06:57 PM, Asumu Takikawa wrote:

On 2012-06-25 20:35:21 -0400, as...@racket-lang.org wrote:

| racket/generics: add contract combinator
| The generics library now generates a `name/c` macro
| for a generic interface `name`. The combinator can be
| used to contract instances (or constructors) of a
| generic interface across standard contract boundaries.

To add a bit more context, the purpose of this feature is to allow
contracts to be applied to generic interfaces like how
`prop:dict/contract` does for dictionaries.

It's more flexible because it allows contracts to be added for any
interface (without any additional properties) and allows contracts
to be added at different places. e.g., you could export
`make-prime-dict` and `make-dict` constructors with different

If nobody minds, I may go ahead and convert uses of `prop:dict/contract`
to use `dict/c` and export the latter from `racket/dict`.

IIUC from your later message, you've implemented the generics analogue 
of object/c (per-instance contract), whereas prop:dict/contract is 
closer to class/c (per-type contract). It's a little fuzzy because 
prop:dict/contract hacks in per-instance contracts too in a kind of ad 
hoc way.

 Racket Developers list:

Re: [racket-dev] [plt] Push #24906: master branch updated

2012-06-25 Thread Ryan Culpepper

On 06/25/2012 09:04 PM, Asumu Takikawa wrote:

On 2012-06-25 20:17:33 -0600, Ryan Culpepper wrote:

IIUC from your later message, you've implemented the generics
analogue of object/c (per-instance contract), whereas
prop:dict/contract is closer to class/c (per-type contract). It's a
little fuzzy because prop:dict/contract hacks in per-instance
contracts too in a kind of ad hoc way.

That's a good point. The better analogy might be interface contracts vs.
class/c. With generics, it is easy to control all points that an
instance is created since constructors are just procedures. With
classes, you can't get away with that since the instantiation forms are

The difference/advantage you might get with a per-type contract for
generics is that you get a more interface-like blame story, as with
interface contracts. Coverage isn't as much of an issue since you can
just contract all constructors.

Unfortunately, it's also not clear how to implement interface-like
contracts for generics. Since the generics forms don't control the
constructors, it's not obvious how to instantiate the blame at the
construction site.

You don't want to blame the construction site; the relevant party is the 
implementation site, where the generic interface is associated with 
concrete methods within a 'struct' form. See the docs for 
'struct-type-property/c' for an example.

 Racket Developers list:

Re: [racket-dev] [plt] Push #24906: master branch updated

2012-06-25 Thread Ryan Culpepper

On 06/25/2012 09:27 PM, Stevie Strickland wrote:

On Jun 25, 2012, at 11:21 PM, Ryan Culpepper wrote:

On 06/25/2012 09:04 PM, Asumu Takikawa wrote:

On 2012-06-25 20:17:33 -0600, Ryan Culpepper wrote:

IIUC from your later message, you've implemented the generics
analogue of object/c (per-instance contract), whereas
prop:dict/contract is closer to class/c (per-type contract). It's a
little fuzzy because prop:dict/contract hacks in per-instance
contracts too in a kind of ad hoc way.

That's a good point. The better analogy might be interface contracts vs.
class/c. With generics, it is easy to control all points that an
instance is created since constructors are just procedures. With
classes, you can't get away with that since the instantiation forms are

The difference/advantage you might get with a per-type contract for
generics is that you get a more interface-like blame story, as with
interface contracts. Coverage isn't as much of an issue since you can
just contract all constructors.

Unfortunately, it's also not clear how to implement interface-like
contracts for generics. Since the generics forms don't control the
constructors, it's not obvious how to instantiate the blame at the
construction site.

You don't want to blame the construction site; the relevant party is the 
implementation site, where the generic interface is associated with concrete 
methods within a 'struct' form. See the docs for 'struct-type-property/c' for 
an example.

Well, there are two blame parties, right?

Much like interface contracts mediate between the creator of a class (that 
implements the interface) and the client of that class (that instantiates 
objects from that interface), I would think the contracts for a generic 
interface would be between the creator of a specific instance (the 
implementation site) and the user of that specific instance (the constructor 


The analogy to interface contracts doesn't help me, because I don't know 
anything about them. But I think I disagree.

(module GEN racket
  (define-generics has-prime
(get-a-prime has-prime))
(has-prime [get-a-prime (- has-prime? prime?)])))

(module IMPL racket
  (struct prime-box (val)
#:methods gen:has-prime
[(define (get-a-prime self) (prime-box-val self))])
  (provide (struct-out prime-box)))

(module CLIENT racket
  (define p (prime-box 4))
  (get-a-prime p)) ;; ERROR

I think IMPL should be blamed for violating the contract on gen:has-prime.

As I see it, GEN establishes an obligation on implementors of 
'has-prime'. IMPL provides an implementation that turns out to be 
faulty; it doesn't live up to the obligation imposed by GEN. CLIENT is 
blameless; I don't see how the location of the constructor call has 
anything to do with it.

 Racket Developers list:

Re: [racket-dev] [plt] Push #24906: master branch updated

2012-06-25 Thread Ryan Culpepper

On 06/25/2012 10:25 PM, Stevie Strickland wrote:

[Hit Reply instead of Reply All, so fixing that here.]

On Jun 25, 2012, at 11:53 PM, Ryan Culpepper wrote:

On 06/25/2012 09:27 PM, Stevie Strickland wrote:

On Jun 25, 2012, at 11:21 PM, Ryan Culpepper wrote:

On 06/25/2012 09:04 PM, Asumu Takikawa wrote:

On 2012-06-25 20:17:33 -0600, Ryan Culpepper wrote:

IIUC from your later message, you've implemented the generics
analogue of object/c (per-instance contract), whereas
prop:dict/contract is closer to class/c (per-type contract). It's a
little fuzzy because prop:dict/contract hacks in per-instance
contracts too in a kind of ad hoc way.

That's a good point. The better analogy might be interface contracts vs.
class/c. With generics, it is easy to control all points that an
instance is created since constructors are just procedures. With
classes, you can't get away with that since the instantiation forms are

The difference/advantage you might get with a per-type contract for
generics is that you get a more interface-like blame story, as with
interface contracts. Coverage isn't as much of an issue since you can
just contract all constructors.

Unfortunately, it's also not clear how to implement interface-like
contracts for generics. Since the generics forms don't control the
constructors, it's not obvious how to instantiate the blame at the
construction site.

You don't want to blame the construction site; the relevant
party is the implementation site, where the generic interface
is associated with concrete methods within a 'struct' form. See
the docs for 'struct-type-property/c' for an example.

Well, there are two blame parties, right?

Much like interface contracts mediate between the creator of a
class (that implements the interface) and the client of that
class (that instantiates objects from that interface), I would
think the contracts for a generic interface would be between the
creator of a specific instance (the implementation site) and the
user of that specific instance (the constructor site).


The analogy to interface contracts doesn't help me, because I don't
know anything about them. But I think I disagree.

(module GEN racket
  (define-generics has-prime
(get-a-prime has-prime))
(has-prime [get-a-prime (-  has-prime? prime?)])))

(module IMPL racket
  (struct prime-box (val)
#:methods gen:has-prime
[(define (get-a-prime self) (prime-box-val self))])
  (provide (struct-out prime-box)))

(module CLIENT racket
  (define p (prime-box 4))
  (get-a-prime p)) ;; ERROR

I think IMPL should be blamed for violating the contract on gen:has-prime.

As I see it, GEN establishes an obligation on implementors of
'has-prime'. IMPL provides an implementation that turns out to be
faulty; it doesn't live up to the obligation imposed by GEN. CLIENT
is blameless; I don't see how the location of the constructor call
has anything to do with it.

I agree that IMPL is the positive blame party here and should be
blamed for not returning a prime?,

So far so good

 but that's because in this example

it's not protecting itself from bad prime-box values.  It shouldn't
suggest that it will, in fact, return prime numbers if it isn't
protecting its constructor with a contract, or checking inside its
implementation of get-a-prime that it is going to return a prime
number without that constructor guarantee.

Why but? You have explained why IMPL is at fault. It accepted an 
obligation and failed to meet it.

As for the negative blame, who should be responsible?  Who's
responsible for the negative blame that gets triggered below, where
we have a generic interface for containers mapping names to public

(module GEN racket

(define-generics key-container
   ([get-key (-  key-container? (-  string? prime?))]))
(provide gen:key-container))

(module IMPL racket

(struct my-key-container (hash)
  #:methods gen:key-container
  [(define (get-key self) (lambda (str) (hash-ref my-key-container-hash str)))])
(provide (struct-out my-key-generator))

(module CLIENT racket

(define gen (my-key-generator (hash '((foo . 5)
(define key-lookup (get-key gen))
(key-lookup 'bad-key))

I'd say the person who created the generator (that is, the person who
called the constructor, analogous to the object creator in the
interface story).  If they wanted to pass off key-lookup to someone
else without being blamed for bad  inputs, then they, of course,
could just provide it with a contract.

Let's split the CLIENT module up into three 

C1: (define gen (my-key-generator (hash '((foo . 5)
C2: (define key-lookup (get-key gen))
C3: (key-lookup 'bad-key))

C2 should be blamed. The contract on get-key is (or should be)

  (- key-container? (- string? prime?))

so C2 gets back a value that it is obligated to treat as a

  (- string? prime?)

but it allows that value to be misused (at point C3

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