ApacheCon @Home 2020 call for papers closes in 2 days!

2020-07-11 Thread Justin Mclean

Only a couple of days to go before to call for papers closes for ApacheCon 
@Home 2020 on Monday. 

The Incubator will be running a track at this online conference, so if you're 
thinking of submitting something, please don't delay. We'll accept talks on the 
Apache incubator itself, and talks about projects in Incubator. If you have 
recently graduated (or may do shortly), you are still welcome to submit a talk.

You can submit your talks here:

And register to attend the conference here:

So far (with a couple of months to go) more than 900 people have signed up for 
the conference.


Re: Podling S2graph Report Reminder - June 2020

2020-06-02 Thread Justin Mclean

Currently your report is incomplete and missing answer to these two questions:
Have your mentors been helpful and responsive?
Is the PPMC managing the podling's brand / trademarks?

The report is due today and it would be good if you could answer these.


Re: Podling S2graph Report Reminder - November 2019

2019-11-05 Thread Justin Mclean

Thanks for submitting the report. It would be good to see more detail in the 

You mention a discussion about the future of they project, what if anything was 
decided/discussed? Rather than linking to an an email it would be good to 
include a summary of this in your report.

Under how has the project developed you say "No issues has been resolved." what 
exactly do you mean by this?


Re: Podling S2graph Report Reminder - November 2019

2019-11-03 Thread Justin Mclean

Just a friendly reminder that this is due in a couple of days and I don't see 
any progress on it. It's best to work on the report in the open before it is 


Re: Podling Report Reminder - August 2019

2019-08-06 Thread Justin Mclean

Just a friendly reminder that the report is due in a day. Is anyone working on 


Re: Incubator Podling Report (Due 6th February)

2019-02-02 Thread Justin Mclean

Is someone from the PPMC working on the report? It is due in a few days.


Incubator Podling Report (Due 6th February)

2019-01-31 Thread Justin Mclean

The incubator PMC would appreciated if you could complete the podling report on 
time it's due on 6th February in a few days.

It's best if you discuss the contents of the report on the list a week before 
it is due and work collaboratively on it before submitting it.

It takes time to prepare the incubator report, have your mentors sign off the 
report and for the board to review it, so it's best if you can get it in early.


Re: Podling Report Reminder - November 2018

2018-11-07 Thread Justin Mclean

Could you also please answer the question in the report:
"Have your mentors been helpful and responsive or are things falling
through the cracks? In the latter case, please list any open issues
that need to be addressed."


Re: [DISCUSS]: asking about future of s2graph

2018-11-05 Thread Justin Mclean

Here is the original discussion [1] on the private list (over 2 years ago!). 
I'm surprised these people have kept on with the project. While not as formal 
as what some projects do (having a formal VOTE thread), it's up to each PPMC to 
decide (and hopefully document) on how to appoint committers and it looks like 
the consensus was to add the people discussed. I suggest you have a discussion 
on the @private list and if there's no PPMC objections (seem unlikely) just go 
ahead and add them as committers perhaps with an apology for taking so long.



Re: [DISCUSS]: asking about future of s2graph

2018-11-05 Thread Justin Mclean

> I think there are two candidates for the conditions.

When discussion potential candidates it best to do so on the private list. What 
happens if you mention someone publicly and then not vote them in?

> In the previous mailing issue, there was a thread to add Hyunsung Jo as
> committer, but no action was taken after Voting.

Your mentors/PPMC need to add the person the the projects roster, help get 
their account set up, make sure they have signed an ICLA and welcome them to 
the community.

> We do not know how to do it because we have no experience in adding
> committers.

Your mentors can help here.


Re: [DISCUSS]: asking about future of s2graph

2018-11-03 Thread Justin Mclean

I think the biggest issue you face is adding new committers and PPMCs members. 
I find it hard to believe that in the 3 years of incubation that your PPMC 
haven't found a single candidate to make a committer or PPMC member. Without 
growing your community in that way it's unlikely you would graduate from the 
incubator even if everything else was in order.


Re: Podling Report Reminder - September 2018

2018-09-23 Thread Justin Mclean

Sorry please ignore this, it was sent in error.


Missing multiple board reports in a row

2018-08-31 Thread Justin Mclean

It lookalike you missed a couple of board reports in a row. Does your project 
needs help? If so please ask for it on the general@incubator list. Are you 
still working towards graduation? If not perhaps it time to consider retirement?

Whatever the reason for the missed reports we’d really like to know what is 
going on in your project. It's important that you fill in the current report 
due on the 5th. If for some reason, you are unable to report by that time 
please get in touch and explain why.
