Re: Spark performance tests

2017-01-10 Thread Prasun Ratn
Thanks Adam, Kazuaki!

On Tue, Jan 10, 2017 at 3:28 PM, Adam Roberts <> wrote:
> Hi, I suggest HiBench and SparkSqlPerf, HiBench features many benchmarks
> within it that exercise several components of Spark (great for stressing
> core, sql, MLlib capabilities), SparkSqlPerf features 99 TPC-DS queries
> (stressing the DataFrame API and therefore the Catalyst optimiser), both
> work well with Spark 2
> HiBench:
> SparkSqlPerf:
> From:"Kazuaki Ishizaki" <>
> To:Prasun Ratn <>
> Cc:Apache Spark Dev <>
> Date:10/01/2017 09:22
> Subject:Re: Spark performance tests
> Hi,
> You may find several micro-benchmarks under
> Regards,
> Kazuaki Ishizaki
> From:Prasun Ratn <>
> To:Apache Spark Dev <>
> Date:2017/01/10 12:52
> Subject:Spark performance tests
> Hi
> Are there performance tests or microbenchmarks for Spark - especially
> directed towards the CPU specific parts? I looked at spark-perf but
> that doesn't seem to have been updated recently.
> Thanks
> Prasun
> -
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Spark performance tests

2017-01-09 Thread Prasun Ratn

Are there performance tests or microbenchmarks for Spark - especially
directed towards the CPU specific parts? I looked at spark-perf but
that doesn't seem to have been updated recently.


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Scaling issues due to contention in Random

2016-11-24 Thread Prasun Ratn

I am seeing perf degradation in the Spark/Pi example on a single-node
setup (using local[K])

Using 1, 2, 4, and 8 cores, this is the execution time in seconds for
the same number of iterations:-
Random: 4.0, 7.0, 12.96, 17.96

If I change the code to use ThreadLocalRandom
it scales properly:-
ThreadLocalRandom: 2.2, 1.4, 1.07, 1.00

I see a similar issue in Kryo serializer in another app - the push
function shows up at the top of profile data, but goes away completely
if I use ThreadLocalRandom

The JDK documentation

> When applicable, use of ThreadLocalRandom? rather than shared Random objects 
> in concurrent programs will typically encounter much less overhead and 
> contention. Use of ThreadLocalRandom? is particularly appropriate when 
> multiple tasks (for example, each a ForkJoinTask? ) use random numbers in 
> parallel in thread pools

I am using Spark 1.5 and Java 1.8.0_91.

Is there any reason to prefer Random over ThreadLocalRandom?


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Re: trying to use Spark applications with modified Kryo

2016-10-17 Thread Prasun Ratn
Thanks a lot Steve!

On Mon, Oct 17, 2016 at 4:59 PM, Steve Loughran <> wrote:
> On 17 Oct 2016, at 10:02, Prasun Ratn <> wrote:
> Hi
> I want to run some Spark applications with some changes in Kryo serializer.
> Please correct me, but I think I need to recompile spark (instead of
> just the Spark applications) in order to use the newly built Kryo
> serializer?
> I obtained Kryo 3.0.3 source and built it (mvn package install).
> Next, I took the source code for Spark 2.0.1 and built it (build/mvn
> -X -DskipTests -Dhadoop.version=2.6.0 clean package)
> I then compiled the Spark applications.
> However, I am not seeing my Kryo changes when I run the Spark applications.
> Kryo versions are very brittle.
> You'll
> -need to get an up to date/consistent version of Chill, which is where the
> transitive dependency on Kryo originates
> -rebuild spark depending on that chill release
> if you want hive integration, probably also rebuild Hive to be consistent
> too; the main reason Spark has its own Hive version is that
> Kryo version sharing.
> Kryo has repackaged their class locations between versions. This lets the
> versions co-exist, but probably also explains why your apps aren't picking
> up the diffs.
> Finally, keep an eye on this github PR

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trying to use Spark applications with modified Kryo

2016-10-17 Thread Prasun Ratn

I want to run some Spark applications with some changes in Kryo serializer.

Please correct me, but I think I need to recompile spark (instead of
just the Spark applications) in order to use the newly built Kryo

I obtained Kryo 3.0.3 source and built it (mvn package install).

Next, I took the source code for Spark 2.0.1 and built it (build/mvn
-X -DskipTests -Dhadoop.version=2.6.0 clean package)

I then compiled the Spark applications.

However, I am not seeing my Kryo changes when I run the Spark applications.

Please let me know if my assumptions and steps are correct.

Thank you

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