[GitHub] tinkerpop issue #852: TINKERPOP-1944 Export DriverRemoteConnection

2018-04-26 Thread jbmusso
Github user jbmusso commented on the issue:



[GitHub] tinkerpop issue #695: TINKERPOP-1489 JavaScript GLV

2018-01-23 Thread jbmusso
Github user jbmusso commented on the issue:

All good to me!



[GitHub] tinkerpop issue #695: TINKERPOP-1489 JavaScript GLV

2018-01-19 Thread jbmusso
Github user jbmusso commented on the issue:

According to https://github.com/petkaantonov/bluebird/issues/1026, users 
should be able to just patch the global `Promise` object in their application 
global.Promise = require("bluebird");
I am unsure about other Promise libraries but I believe this approach 
should work as long as they're Promise/A+ standard compliant. Maybe we could 
also give it more thoughts and see for other ways to handle this in a future 
release, but I think it's worth making the code simpler at this point. I also 
feel it can/should be done at the application level.

For Traversal methods, I didn't think about IDEs and you're absolutely 
right about code completion. I think your proposed approach with 
`callOnEmptyTraversal` works best. This makes me think that I'm pretty sure 
people will want typed traversals with TypeScript or FlowType soon (thinking 
about https://github.com/DefinitelyTyped/DefinitelyTyped here for example).


[GitHub] tinkerpop issue #695: TINKERPOP-1489 JavaScript GLV

2018-01-17 Thread jbmusso
Github user jbmusso commented on the issue:

Finally found some time. Wew.

Well, this PR is very well crafted - well done! My comments are only minor:
* About `utils.toPromise` - if I understand you well, you want a dual 
callback/promise API for most async functions?
* In `graph-traversal.js`, most methods of `GraphTraversalSource` and 
`GraphTraversal` and function attached to `statics` could maybe be dynamically 
created from an array of method names and dynamically added to these 
classes/object. I don’t know what would be the performance implication of 
this, but I don’t think there should be any unless V8 really can’t figure 
out what’s going on when parsing that file. Hopefully it's smart and figures 
out that the class is not changing. That’d lower the file size and help 
maintainability a lot.
* ES6, most likely friendlier for more recent versions of V8 and supported 
by Node.js v4+ (see [Node green](http://node.green)):
* `arguments` is deprecated and is replaced by `...args` for variadic 
* most `function` keywords could be replaced by arrow functions 
(lexical scoping and/or concise syntax). I tend to keep `function` for 
top-level functions, and use fat arrows everywhere even when `this` binding 
isn't needed (ie. callback w/o `this`)
* `array.splice(0)` could be replaced by `const copy = [...original]`
* `func.apply(null, arguments)` could be replaced by `func(...args)` 
when first argument `this` value is indeed meant to be `null`
* `package.json`: `./node_modules/.bin` is added to the `$PATH` by `npm` or 
`yarn`, so we could just use `"test": "mocha test/unit test/integration -t 
5000"`. Yay npm!

I can fork and push 4 distinct commits for this if you want, so this can be 

A more major update would be to author in ES6/7/8 and add a transpilation 
step, so all runtime could use code that they can optimize best. Using babel 
with [babel-preset-env](https://www.npmjs.com/package/babel-preset-env) 
combined with 
[postinstall-build](https://www.npmjs.com/package/postinstall-build) is an 
option. This will ensure that latest versions of Node.js use mostly 
non-transpiled code, while older versions automatically transpile what is 
strictly needed. That would make things more performant for latest versions of 
Node.js, since V8 optimizes a lot for new syntax, while still making the GLV 
compatible for older versions of Node.js. The nice thing is that the build step 
is automatically handled at install time by npm, so no extra maven coding 
should be required. I think such approach could be added in future releases and 
is out of scope today.

Also, I'm ok to transfer/donate the "gremlin" package name to Apache 
TinkerPop so this can be published under this name.


[GitHub] tinkerpop issue #695: TINKERPOP-1489 JavaScript GLV

2018-01-11 Thread jbmusso
Github user jbmusso commented on the issue:

Quick update - I plan to check this PR this weekend.


[GitHub] tinkerpop issue #450: TINKERPOP-1489 Javascript GLV

2017-06-02 Thread jbmusso
Github user jbmusso commented on the issue:

@jorgebay I'd be happy to help with the work on this. I recently [added 
partial JavaScript-GLV support to 
 The library generates Groovy strings using 
[zer](https://github.com/jbmusso/zer) which is now stable/tested enough that I 
decided to add it as a dependency to the client. I'll soon tinker with gremlin 
bytecode support in zer and I think support for lambdas is easy with 
`Function.prototype.toString()` (ref: 

We could maybe add Babel dependency with nashorn/ES5 presets, then 
parse/transpile lambdas at runtime so people can use ES2015/2016+ lambdas in 
their Node.js/browsers environments (though transpilation performance could be 
an issue, but client-side caching/memoization could certainly help).

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with INFRA.

[GitHub] tinkerpop issue #450: TINKERPOP-1489 Javascript GLV

2016-11-10 Thread jbmusso
Github user jbmusso commented on the issue:

Ah, it looks like [nashorn supports let and const keywords on 
8u40](http://fr.slideshare.net/akihironishikawa/nashorn-in-the-future-en) so we 
could swap `var` for `let` and `const` unless we want to target earlier 
versions of Java8. I don't think adding a transpiler such as Babeljs to the mix 
is worth the trouble here since it's going to be a nightmare to maintain the 
build pipeline. However, it *could* make sense for more recent versions of 
Node. Node 7 would be happier with ES2015 code rather than ES5 ;) - see 
http://node.green/. I don't think it's realistic so I'm just putting it here 
for further reference, basically when Java9 is out (where [nashorn could fully 

Note that there is [a proposal for adding async iterator to 
JavaScript](https://github.com/tc39/proposal-async-iteration). It's currently 
in stage 3 so this could make it to the EcmaScript specification. Using 
`.next()` for async iteration might become a reality.

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with INFRA.

[GitHub] tinkerpop issue #450: TINKERPOP-1489 Javascript GLV

2016-10-08 Thread jbmusso
Github user jbmusso commented on the issue:

I was thinking that supporting JavaScript `Promise` could be helpful now 
that they’ve been part of the ES2015 and rolled out on most JS environment 
(browsers/Node.js). Maybe this can be polyfilled under Nashorn? Using `Promise` 
could complement Node.js style async functions with a callback passed as last 
parameter (functions with such signature can be easily converted to functions 
returning a Promise [with many third-party Promise libraries such as 
Bluebird](http://bluebirdjs.com/docs/api/promise.promisify.html)). This way, a 
`Traversal` could be ended with something like `.toPromise()`. I think the 
following makes a lot of sense in JavaScript since it’s part of the standard:

// JavaScript
  .then(function (vertices) {
// do something with results
  .catch(function (err) {
// handle error
  .finally(function () {
// cleanup

// Alternatively, the end user could use use a promisifying function over 

Coming soon to the standard are `async` functions which return a `Promise`, 
so you could do this:
// JavaScript
async function followers() {
  try {
const followers = await g.V().in('followers').toPromise();
  } catch(e) {
// Handle error

There also are `Observable` (think: `Promise` with multiple return values, 
or `Array` but laid out over time rather than in memory) that are worth 
considering in JavaScript. Observable are candidate for being part of the 
standard. Libraries such as RxJS v5, which aims to be spec. compliant, works 
wonderfully. That way, we could also have `.toObservable()` in JavaScript:

// JavaScript
function (vertex) {
  // This gets called once for each vertex
function (err) {
  //  Handle errors
function () {
  // Called when observable ends (ie. after last vertex is emitted)

I took a different path in Node.js and started developing 
[zer](https://github.com/jbmusso/zer) (short for seriali**zer**), a generic 
"JavaScript-to-anything" library that uses the ES2015 Proxy object. The lib 
builds an AST-ish (I'm learning these :P) which can output to anything, 
including Gremlin-Groovy (currently) and most likely Gremlin-bytcode easily (it 
could also output to SQL or Cypher, but hey). The trick is to `Proxy()`ify a 
`Function` (rather than an `Object`) and intercept calls to that function with 
`Proxy.apply()` and mutation of that function properties with `Proxy.get()` 
(you can do both since functions are objects in JavaScript).
The `zer` lib allows generating queries such as 
(Grooovy output) but it could easily support things like 
`select().from().where()` (and produce SQL-output). Coding the gremlin-bytecode 
output should be trivial. It also supports nested traversals and automatic 
escaping of bound parameters (it basically escapes all primitives and anything 
that is not a `Traversal`). I think it could also support serializing 
functions/lambdas since you can do `Function.toString()` in JavaScript and 
extract the function body at runtime.

I don’t think that the Proxy approach can work in Nashorn since Proxy 
can’t be emulated in ES5 environment (it only works in Node v6 I recall, 
maybe Node v5). However, in Node.js, I think I would just use Proxy objects 
that can intercept anything - I think generating code might not be worth it 
there. I think this PR is valid in Nashorn but I'm unsure about Node.js.

Note that `zer` and `gremlin-javascript` are distinct libraries. Once 
stable enough, `zer` (with just Gremlin-Groovy and Gremlin-Bytecode output) 
could be added as a dependency to `gremlin-javascript`.

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