Re: APR connector on Windows 8+ fails to listen on all addresses

2021-05-27 Thread Michael Osipov

Am 2021-05-27 um 15:41 schrieb Mark Thomas:

On 27/05/2021 13:24, Mark Thomas wrote:

On 27/05/2021 11:12, Michael Osipov wrote:

Am 2021-05-27 um 11:52 schrieb Mark Thomas:


I think we need to step back a bit.

I am unable to recreate the issue you describe. I am using:

- Windows Server 2019
- IPv6 enabled (and IPv4 and both have addresses)
- Apache Tomcat 9.0.46
- Apache Tomcat Native 1.2.28
- AprLifecycleListener is enabled
- No address configured for Connector
- Logs confirm http-apr-8080

I can access the default home page via both IPv4 and IPv6 from both 
the local machine and remotely.

Please try my simple program from this gist:

Does this help?

Thanks. That helped me narrow down where the differences where. If you 
run Tomcat as a service it binds both and [::]:8080. If 
you run it from the command line, it only binds [::]:8080.

I'll take a look at the proposed APR patch next.

I can confirm that the patch to APR fixes the issue for me too.

With the original 1.2.28 DLL, starting Tomcat on the command line only 
binds to IPv6.

With a patched 1.2.29-dev DLL, starting Tomcat on the command line binds 
to IPv6 and IPv4.


I'll tag and start the release process for Tomcat Native shortly.

Before you do, I'd like to settle

This aligns with the NIO connectors for obtaining addresses by relying 
on the OS. Please have a look and share your opinion.


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Re: APR connector on Windows 8+ fails to listen on all addresses

2021-05-27 Thread Mark Thomas

On 27/05/2021 13:24, Mark Thomas wrote:

On 27/05/2021 11:12, Michael Osipov wrote:

Am 2021-05-27 um 11:52 schrieb Mark Thomas:


I think we need to step back a bit.

I am unable to recreate the issue you describe. I am using:

- Windows Server 2019
- IPv6 enabled (and IPv4 and both have addresses)
- Apache Tomcat 9.0.46
- Apache Tomcat Native 1.2.28
- AprLifecycleListener is enabled
- No address configured for Connector
- Logs confirm http-apr-8080

I can access the default home page via both IPv4 and IPv6 from both 
the local machine and remotely.

Please try my simple program from this gist:

Does this help?

Thanks. That helped me narrow down where the differences where. If you 
run Tomcat as a service it binds both and [::]:8080. If you 
run it from the command line, it only binds [::]:8080.

I'll take a look at the proposed APR patch next.

I can confirm that the patch to APR fixes the issue for me too.

With the original 1.2.28 DLL, starting Tomcat on the command line only 
binds to IPv6.

With a patched 1.2.29-dev DLL, starting Tomcat on the command line binds 
to IPv6 and IPv4.

I'll tag and start the release process for Tomcat Native shortly.


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Re: APR connector on Windows 8+ fails to listen on all addresses

2021-05-27 Thread Mark Thomas

On 27/05/2021 11:12, Michael Osipov wrote:

Am 2021-05-27 um 11:52 schrieb Mark Thomas:


I think we need to step back a bit.

I am unable to recreate the issue you describe. I am using:

- Windows Server 2019
- IPv6 enabled (and IPv4 and both have addresses)
- Apache Tomcat 9.0.46
- Apache Tomcat Native 1.2.28
- AprLifecycleListener is enabled
- No address configured for Connector
- Logs confirm http-apr-8080

I can access the default home page via both IPv4 and IPv6 from both 
the local machine and remotely.

Please try my simple program from this gist:

Does this help?

Thanks. That helped me narrow down where the differences where. If you 
run Tomcat as a service it binds both and [::]:8080. If you 
run it from the command line, it only binds [::]:8080.

I'll take a look at the proposed APR patch next.


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Re: APR connector on Windows 8+ fails to listen on all addresses

2021-05-27 Thread Michael Osipov

Prefences in the OS:

PS C:\Users\osipovmi> netsh interface ipv6 show prefixpolicies
Der aktive Status wird abgefragt...

Vorgänger   Label  Präfix
--  -  
50  0  :::0:0/96
40  1  ::1/128
30  2  ::/0
20  3  2002::/16
 5  5  2001::/32
 3 13  fc00::/7
 1 11  fec0::/10
 1 12  3ffe::/16
 1  4  ::/96

Taken from

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Re: APR connector on Windows 8+ fails to listen on all addresses

2021-05-27 Thread Michael Osipov

Am 2021-05-27 um 11:52 schrieb Mark Thomas:


I think we need to step back a bit.

I am unable to recreate the issue you describe. I am using:

- Windows Server 2019
- IPv6 enabled (and IPv4 and both have addresses)
- Apache Tomcat 9.0.46
- Apache Tomcat Native 1.2.28
- AprLifecycleListener is enabled
- No address configured for Connector
- Logs confirm http-apr-8080

I can access the default home page via both IPv4 and IPv6 from both the 
local machine and remotely.

On 25/05/2021 18:23, Michael Osipov wrote: >>> * Windows 8+ or 
Windows Server 2016/2019
* Have at least IPv6 available, no IP addresses necessary, ::1 is 
* Any Tomcat with libtcnative 1.2.28 with the DLL compiled by Mark 
* Start Tomcat with the AprLifecycleListener and make sure that no 
address (hostname) is set.

I think I have replicated the above but obviously I have missed 
something. What do I need to do to recreate your results?

Please try my simple program from this gist:

Vanilla DLL on Windows 10:

PS Z:\> java "-cp" 
"-Djava.library.path=C:\Entwicklung\Programme\apache-tomcat-9.0.46\bin" AprTest
libtcnative version: 1.2.28, libapr version 1.7.0
hostname: null, family: 2, next: 522994096
setsockopt IPV6_V6ONLY status: 70023
socket bind status: 0
socket listen status: 0

An IPv6 only socket is bound because default is 1 on the socket option 
and one cannot set to 0:

PS C:\Users\osipovmi> netstat -a  | Select-String -Pattern 

  TCP[::]:  md2pcvtc:0 ABHÖREN

then compiled with patches:

PS Z:\> java "-cp" 
"-Djava.library.path=C:\Entwicklung\Projekte\tomcat-native\native\WIN7_X64_DLL_RELEASE" AprTest
libtcnative version: 1.2.29-dev, libapr version 1.7.1-dev
hostname: null, family: 2, next: 523321776
setsockopt IPV6_V6ONLY status: 0
socket bind status: 0
socket listen status: 0

An IPv6 socket with dual-stack has been bound:

PS C:\Users\osipovmi> netstat -a  | Select-String -Pattern 

  TCP0.0.0.0:   md2pcvtc:0 ABHÖREN
  TCP[::]:  md2pcvtc:0 ABHÖREN

Please note that I have IPv6 enabled, but no IP addresses configured. By 
default only ::1 is present.


PS C:\Users\osipovmi> Get-NetIPAddress | Format-Table

ifIndex IPAddress   PrefixLength 
PrefixOrigin SuffixOrigin AddressState PolicyStore
--- -    
1   ::1  128 WellKnown  
20   16 WellKnown  
  Link TentativeActiveStore
32 Manual 
  Manual   PreferredActiveStore
15 16 WellKnown  
  Link TentativeActiveStore
18 16 WellKnown  
  Link TentativeActiveStore
22   16 WellKnown  
  Link TentativeActiveStore
21  24 Dhcp   
  Dhcp PreferredActiveStore
1  8 WellKnown  

Does this help?


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Re: APR connector on Windows 8+ fails to listen on all addresses

2021-05-27 Thread Mark Thomas


I think we need to step back a bit.

I am unable to recreate the issue you describe. I am using:

- Windows Server 2019
- IPv6 enabled (and IPv4 and both have addresses)
- Apache Tomcat 9.0.46
- Apache Tomcat Native 1.2.28
- AprLifecycleListener is enabled
- No address configured for Connector
- Logs confirm http-apr-8080

I can access the default home page via both IPv4 and IPv6 from both the 
local machine and remotely.

On 25/05/2021 18:23, Michael Osipov wrote: >>> * Windows 8+ or Windows Server 
* Have at least IPv6 available, no IP addresses necessary, ::1 is 
* Any Tomcat with libtcnative 1.2.28 with the DLL compiled by Mark 
* Start Tomcat with the AprLifecycleListener and make sure that no 
address (hostname) is set.

I think I have replicated the above but obviously I have missed 
something. What do I need to do to recreate your results?


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Re: APR connector on Windows 8+ fails to listen on all addresses

2021-05-27 Thread Michael Osipov

Am 2021-05-27 um 07:39 schrieb Mladen Turk:

APR has to be compiled with -D_WIN32_WINNT=0x0600 -DWINVER=0x0600
Same with Tomcat Native

Use apr-1.6.x

Both don't work out for the following reasons:
* Your setenv.bat sets WINVER=0x0601 which fails for the NMakefile which 
in turn requires a symbolic name instead of a hex value, I have to pass 
WINVER=WIN7 anyway, then the rest works.
* Even if I do, the check in APR is performed at runtime for the OS 
version, therefore setting the socket option fails.
* How is 1.6.x going me to help here if it does not now anything about 
Windows 8, 10?

This [1] is what you need to make it work.

Kindly respond to my PR.



On 25/05/2021 18:23, Michael Osipov wrote:


we needed to deploy Tomcat 9.0.x on a Windows server (no jokes, 
please), but the contractor wasn't able to configure the APR connector 
to accept on external interfaces even after a day.
After my analysis it turned out be a subtile bug in libapr which 
affects Windows users only. I am also surprised why no one complained 

* Windows 8+ or Windows Server 2016/2019
* Have at least IPv6 available, no IP addresses necessary, ::1 is 
* Any Tomcat with libtcnative 1.2.28 with the DLL compiled by Mark 
* Start Tomcat with the AprLifecycleListener and make sure that no 
address (hostname) is set.

To make a long investigation story 

libapr, thus libtcnative suffer from a very subtile bug only visible
on dual-stack systems. Since on INET6 sockets IPV6_V6ONLY is 1 by 
default on Windows, no IPv4 addresses are bound. In the case above, 
Tomcat is only accessible on ::1. APR is supposed to set 
IPV6_V6ONL to 0 by 
default, but this fails because APR 1.7.x does not recognise anything 
above Windows 7 and assumes it to be Windows XP by default. As you 
might know Vista was the first Windows with true IPv6 an dual-sockets. 
When setsockopt is invoked APR gives you 70023, not implemented.

I was able, according to Mark's instructions, to compile OpenSSL, APR 
and Tomcat Native on Windows 10 and deploy on Windows Server 2019.

I'd like to push
as well as the real fix in APR 1.7.x:

I ran all unit tests (main) with those modifications on these platforms:
* Windows 10, APR 1.7.0, 1.7.1-dev
* Windows Server 2019, APR 1.7.0, 1.7.1-dev
* FreeBSD 12-STABLE, APR 1.7.0, 1.7.1-dev
* RHEL 7, APR 1.4.8
* HP-UX 11i, APR 1.6.6

Some hosts are dual-stack, some IPv4 only. Moreover, I wrote a simple 
program which binds the socket for tracing only:
It runs as expected on the above platforms, even with zone id on 
link-local addresses.

If no one objects, I'll merge soon.

Mark, I don't know when the next APR release will happen, but I 
consider this to be very annoying. Maybe it makes sense to push 1.2.29 
with APR 1.7.1-dev to please Windows users?


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Re: APR connector on Windows 8+ fails to listen on all addresses

2021-05-27 Thread Michael Osipov

Am 2021-05-26 um 15:25 schrieb Mark Thomas:

On 25/05/2021 17:23, Michael Osipov wrote:

Nice research.

Mark, I don't know when the next APR release will happen, but I 
consider this to be very annoying. Maybe it makes sense to push 1.2.29 
with APR 1.7.1-dev to please Windows users?

I'd prefer to use a released version of APR but failing that we can 
provide a patch against 1.7.0. If you can add the appropriate patch here:

I can include it in the next release.

The change has been committed to apr-1.7.x, here [1] is the changeset, 
compiled for me nicely several times. Would be good if you could also 
check at your end.

I will inquire on dev@apr.a.o if someone is willing to perform 1.7.1 soon.

We are close to starting the June releases so if we move quickly on a 
Tomcat-Native release now, we can included a fixed version of Tomcat 
Native in the next set of Tomcat releases.

I have also applied by changes (simplifcations) to Tomcat Native, but 
Mladen objected [2] and asked me to move to a PR to discuss [3], but I 
am still waiting for an explanation of his objection.
The purpose of the change was to simplify and have consistency with the 
Java code where we don't do such things.

Hopefully we can setttle this before 1.2.29.




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Re: APR connector on Windows 8+ fails to listen on all addresses

2021-05-26 Thread Mladen Turk

APR has to be compiled with -D_WIN32_WINNT=0x0600 -DWINVER=0x0600
Same with Tomcat Native

Use apr-1.6.x

On 25/05/2021 18:23, Michael Osipov wrote:


we needed to deploy Tomcat 9.0.x on a Windows server (no jokes, please), 
but the contractor wasn't able to configure the APR connector to accept 
on external interfaces even after a day.
After my analysis it turned out be a subtile bug in libapr which affects 
Windows users only. I am also surprised why no one complained before.

* Windows 8+ or Windows Server 2016/2019
* Have at least IPv6 available, no IP addresses necessary, ::1 is 

* Any Tomcat with libtcnative 1.2.28 with the DLL compiled by Mark Thomas.
* Start Tomcat with the AprLifecycleListener and make sure that no 
address (hostname) is set.

To make a long investigation story 
libapr, thus libtcnative suffer from a very subtile bug only visible
on dual-stack systems. Since on INET6 sockets IPV6_V6ONLY is 1 by 
default on Windows, no IPv4 addresses are bound. In the case above, 
Tomcat is only accessible on ::1. APR is supposed to set IPV6_V6ONL to 
0 by default, but this fails because APR 1.7.x does not recognise 
anything above Windows 7 and assumes it to be Windows XP by default. As 
you might know Vista was the first Windows with true IPv6 an 
dual-sockets. When setsockopt is invoked APR gives you 70023, not 

I was able, according to Mark's instructions, to compile OpenSSL, APR 
and Tomcat Native on Windows 10 and deploy on Windows Server 2019.

I'd like to push
as well as the real fix in APR 1.7.x:

I ran all unit tests (main) with those modifications on these platforms:
* Windows 10, APR 1.7.0, 1.7.1-dev
* Windows Server 2019, APR 1.7.0, 1.7.1-dev
* FreeBSD 12-STABLE, APR 1.7.0, 1.7.1-dev
* RHEL 7, APR 1.4.8
* HP-UX 11i, APR 1.6.6

Some hosts are dual-stack, some IPv4 only. Moreover, I wrote a simple 
program which binds the socket for tracing only:
It runs as expected on the above platforms, even with zone id on 
link-local addresses.

If no one objects, I'll merge soon.

Mark, I don't know when the next APR release will happen, but I consider 
this to be very annoying. Maybe it makes sense to push 1.2.29 with APR 
1.7.1-dev to please Windows users?


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Re: APR connector on Windows 8+ fails to listen on all addresses

2021-05-26 Thread Mark Thomas

On 25/05/2021 17:23, Michael Osipov wrote:

Nice research.

Mark, I don't know when the next APR release will happen, but I consider 
this to be very annoying. Maybe it makes sense to push 1.2.29 with APR 
1.7.1-dev to please Windows users?

I'd prefer to use a released version of APR but failing that we can 
provide a patch against 1.7.0. If you can add the appropriate patch here:

I can include it in the next release.

We are close to starting the June releases so if we move quickly on a 
Tomcat-Native release now, we can included a fixed version of Tomcat 
Native in the next set of Tomcat releases.


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APR connector on Windows 8+ fails to listen on all addresses

2021-05-25 Thread Michael Osipov


we needed to deploy Tomcat 9.0.x on a Windows server (no jokes, please), 
but the contractor wasn't able to configure the APR connector to accept 
on external interfaces even after a day.
After my analysis it turned out be a subtile bug in libapr which affects 
Windows users only. I am also surprised why no one complained before.

* Windows 8+ or Windows Server 2016/2019
* Have at least IPv6 available, no IP addresses necessary, ::1 is sufficient
* Any Tomcat with libtcnative 1.2.28 with the DLL compiled by Mark Thomas.
* Start Tomcat with the AprLifecycleListener and make sure that no 
address (hostname) is set.

To make a long investigation story short:
libapr, thus libtcnative suffer from a very subtile bug only visible
on dual-stack systems. Since on INET6 sockets IPV6_V6ONLY is 1 by 
default on Windows, no IPv4 addresses are bound. In the case above, 
Tomcat is only accessible on ::1. APR is supposed to set IPV6_V6ONLY to 
0 by default, but this fails because APR 1.7.x does not recognise 
anything above Windows 7 and assumes it to be Windows XP by default. As 
you might know Vista was the first Windows with true IPv6 an 
dual-sockets. When setsockopt is invoked APR gives you 70023, not 

I was able, according to Mark's instructions, to compile OpenSSL, APR 
and Tomcat Native on Windows 10 and deploy on Windows Server 2019.

I'd like to push
as well as the real fix in APR 1.7.x:

I ran all unit tests (main) with those modifications on these platforms:
* Windows 10, APR 1.7.0, 1.7.1-dev
* Windows Server 2019, APR 1.7.0, 1.7.1-dev
* FreeBSD 12-STABLE, APR 1.7.0, 1.7.1-dev
* RHEL 7, APR 1.4.8
* HP-UX 11i, APR 1.6.6

Some hosts are dual-stack, some IPv4 only. Moreover, I wrote a simple 
program which binds the socket for tracing only:
It runs as expected on the above platforms, even with zone id on 
link-local addresses.

If no one objects, I'll merge soon.

Mark, I don't know when the next APR release will happen, but I consider 
this to be very annoying. Maybe it makes sense to push 1.2.29 with APR 
1.7.1-dev to please Windows users?


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