Updated and trimmed Velocity on Github

2015-06-12 Thread Frederick N. Brier
I posted this in a sub-tree of messages, so some people may not have 
seen it, but I pushed a Mavenized and updated version of Velocity 1.7, 
that builds under Maven3, and was updated for Java 7, along with all the 
libraries except for the parser, up to Github 
https://github.com/fbrier/velocity.  I delayed pushing it because I 
was asked to merge with the 2.0 branch and I never had a chance.  Plus 
the changes and commits to my own repo were pretty radical in moving 
files around and stripping out commons-logging.  It does build, pass all 
of its tests and installs the jar in your local Maven repo.

There is a lot I did not do, as I moved the code related to anakia, 
runtime, servlet, and texen into ./src/alt (vs. ./src/java), to keep it, 
but push it off to the side.  My intention was to create a multi-module 
build where those 4 sub-projects would have their own jar and could be 
included as a Maven dependency for those that needed them.  So you would 
have velocity-anakia and velocity-texen. Unfortunately, I never had the 
time...  With all the comments, I would probably try and make the parser 
a Maven sub-module too.  It is nice to see all the activity on the project.


Re: general@velocity mailing list

2015-05-30 Thread Frederick N. Brier

Sounds good to me :).

On 05/30/2015 04:11 AM, Mike Kienenberger wrote:

And while we're at it, why have a general@apache mailing list?
Something inherited from Jakarta?   It's not archived or publicly
visible on nabble or mail-archive.com.   Users have a difficult enough
time determining whether a posting should go to user@ and dev@.   I
see nothing that differentiates between general@ and user@.

I propose we remove the mailing list from our mailing lists page, and
post a last message to general@ that we're shutting down general@ and
switching existing subscribers to user@, and include instructions on
how to unsubscribe from user@.  That's if we want to go opt-out.   Or
go with opt-in, and post a last message to general@ that we're
shutting down general@ and include instructions on how to subscribe to
user@.   Opt-in is probably the better approach.  Then we ask infra to
shut down the mailing list and optionally set up a redirect from
general@ to user@.

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Re: Upgraded Commons and Velocity 2.0

2015-05-29 Thread Frederick N. Brier
I did a large amount of work last year on the Velocity 1.7 branch, split 
it into a main project and sub projects that integrated with other 
components, updated the packages, switched to slf4j and got it building 
under Maven.  I am using it in an Android project I am trying to 
finish.  That has stalled for the moment as I am on contract.  I posted 
this on this list and everyone was supportive, but they wanted me to 
look at the 2.0 branch and see if I could not lose those updates.  I did 
not know about the 2.0 codebase.  I have not had time to try and merge 
the changes.  I would be more than happy to push my changes to github 
and have anyone review them and determine if the changes I made would be 
a good restarting point.  I have always liked Velocity.  And doesn't 
IntelliJ still use it in their base framework for the templates?


On 05/28/2015 08:33 AM, Mike Kienenberger wrote:

On Thu, May 28, 2015 at 11:21 AM, Jacob Champlin jac...@rentec.com wrote:

On 05/28/2015 10:48 AM, Mike Kienenberger wrote:
I would like to point out that we are very happy running Velocity 1.7, in
fact there is not a single new feature we want.  So we agree
its a stable mature product that doesn't need a lot of changes.  Our problem
is the world around it has been changing, and Velocity isn't
keeping up.  Apache Commons in particular.  Looks like its easy to go to
latest lang, and digester, but collections is a different beast.  So
isn't even keeping up with its dependencies from the same organization.  Not
to mention I am sure the code could benefit from newer java features.

And I'm in the same boat.

I don't need velocity to evolve.   I just need it to keep up and
remain backward-compatible so that it can continue to be used as other
software packages are upgraded.

I'm going to make time soon to try once again to work forward from
my 1.3.1 environment up the chain of releases to 1.7 while maintaining
backward compatibility.  I'm far more interested in a 1.8 maintenance
release than a 2.0 release.

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Re: Upgraded Commons and Velocity 2.0

2015-05-29 Thread Frederick N. Brier

My updated Velocity 1.7 (which I changed to 1.8) is now pushed to github.


I did not do this earlier, because I did not want to start a new 
project, just contribute my code.  Based on all the comments in the 
thread, I am throwing it out there.  I know it isn't perfect, but it 
does work, build, pass all the tests (and those it does not, were 
probably not being run by the Ant build), with all the latest libraries 
and JDK 1.7 using Maven.  Please let me know what you think.


On 05/29/2015 07:41 AM, Mike Kienenberger wrote:

On Fri, May 29, 2015 at 10:33 AM, Nathan Bubna nbu...@gmail.com wrote:

If Mike wants to revive the Ant build for 1.7, i have no problem with that.
I do remember the JJParserState issue when rebuilding the parser though.
Always bugged me, but i never saw an easy fix.

My first try at an easy fix failed, but I've got a v2 patch in issue
862 that will work -- I cheated and used the ant replace task to add
the import after the package declaration.

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Re: Successfully building 1.x branches and regenerating parser files

2015-05-29 Thread Frederick N. Brier
So this whole thread about javacc made me realize I was using the parser 
source files that were checked in and I was not regenerating the parser 
with each build.  I started to look at how to do that and realize that 
many of the files had been modified, modified and copied, and that may 
be why they were just checked in.  It sounds like Mike just set it up so 
every build is now regenerating the parser?  Or was that happening 
before and I missed it when I converted from Ant to Maven?

Also, I noticed that javacc us up to release 6.1.2 and the associated 
Maven plugin is 2.6.  Is there a problem moving to 6.1.2 and sticking 
with 4.2?  Should I change my Maven build to regenerate the parser?  Or 
is it enough that I pushed my code to Github.  Thank you.


On 05/29/2015 06:59 AM, Mike Kienenberger wrote:

I have created issues 861 (improve parser documentation) and 862 (fix
parser import generation) to clean up the parser building process.



On Fri, May 29, 2015 at 9:33 AM, Mike Kienenberger mkien...@gmail.com wrote:

I've already created issue 860 and I have already attached individual
patches for fixing the build scripts in 1.5, 1.6.x, and 1.7.x


Modifying unusable build files to point to the right download
locations is one thing, but I'm on the fence about whether we should
change the 1.3.1 or 1.4 java files to make them build on newer
versions of java.  Using an older version of java or possibly using a
source  target javac flag leaves them usable as is.   If a person
really wants to make them work under a newer version of java, it's
easy to rename the variables, but that would have to be done each time
the parsing files are regenerated using the older javacc packages.

I am currently in the process of updating the build instructions for
the parser, and removing the old build.sh script -- it only adds
confusion now that the main build script does everything necessary.  I
should be finished with that in a couple of minutes.

On Fri, May 29, 2015 at 9:03 AM, Sergiu Dumitriu
sergiu.dumit...@gmail.com wrote:

Good work!

Mike, could you provide these instructions as patches, one for each branch?

So, given that getting a working build for the 1.7.x branch is actually
quite easy, we could quickly fix a couple of things and release 1.7.1.
Does any committer want to take the lead on that?

On 05/29/2015 08:48 AM, Mike Kienenberger wrote:

On Thu, May 28, 2015 at 10:48 PM, Mike Kienenberger mkien...@gmail.com wrote:

1.3 and 1.4 won't build without some code changes -- they use enum as
a variable.

These were generated parser files.  A find and replace of enum to enmr
was all that was needed.   Or going back to java 1.3 :)

Parser modification also seems possible now, although the large number
of changes between my generated code and the old generated code seems
to indicate that I'm still not using the same version of javacc that
the original code was generated from.  1.6 is a close enough match
that I suspect it uses javacc 3.2.   That probably means 1.5 was
generated with something older and 1.7 was generated with something

Part of the differences turned out to be code reformatting of the
generated files.  Velocity 1.5 used javacc 3.1.   1.6 used javacc 3.2.
Velocity 1.7 used javacc 4.2 but JJTParserState.java file needs to be
manually reverted manually after running the parser task.   The newly
generated JJTParserState only changes the file checksum and loses the
org.apache.velocity.runtime.parser.node.Node import.

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Sergiu Dumitriu

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Spent time working on Velocity

2014-09-25 Thread Frederick N. Brier

Dear Velocity Team Members,

I was looking for a template engine that would work on Android, and had 
used Velocity a couple of times, years ago.  The latest version is 1.7. 
 There haven't been any code changes in 4 years, although there were 
some recent bug reports.  Log4j has some issues on Android and I shifted 
to Maven from Ant back in its 2.x days.  So I restructured the codebase 
to use Maven, moved the Texen and Anakia code to the side, stripped out 
the custom LogChute code and changed it to use SLF4J.  There are some 
minor problems just getting the 1.7 source distribution to build.  I 
found a number of bugs along the way and a number of the unit tests were 
not even being run by the Ant build.  I managed to get all but one of 
the unit tests to work (UberSpect related) that had been working before, 
and several that were not, are now.  Several unit tests depended on the 
LogChute architecture, which with great difficulty, I changed.  Having 
unit tests depend on logging feels like a hack, is very fragile, and 
difficult to understand because it isn't clear where the logging 
statement is being executed.  It would be much better to restructure the 
code to use the more contemporary IoC design patterns, so mock objects 
could be injected.  Injecting the MockIntrospectorCacheImpl was painful. 
 Another unit test motivated me to add an initial implementation of an 
EventListener for the Velocity engine.

The rewritten library works under Android, but would still need a lot of 
love before I'd be call it ready for a new release.  What are Apache and 
the Velocity team's plans for the project?  Velocity is the template 
engine used by Maven's Site component, so the project is still needed. 
My priorities are to deliver my Android application, but if Apache is 
interested, I could keep working and polishing it.  Thank you for your time.

Sincerely yours,
Frederick N. Brier

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