Re: [dev-context] Help regarding context architecture and compilation

2011-01-16 Thread Arthur Reutenauer
 Anyway: being the reference, the garden minimals are the starting point.  
 If one chooses for luatex/mkiv only only a fraction is needed: it could  
 be nice study to see how small it can get.

  I think the point is that if you want to do nice typography and / or
support many different scripts and languages, you need a lot of fonts,
which have the potential to make the size explode with virtually no
limits (think CJKV...).  That is anyway one of the conclusions that have
been reached during the recent thread on the TeX Live list (about a
hypothetical modern scheme for TeX Live).

dev-context mailing list

Re: [dev-context] [NTG-context] mkII with minimals

2009-05-05 Thread Arthur Reutenauer
 I have a feeling that somebody on the list already has such a

  There is the ConTeXt revisions repository at the Supélec foundry
(, but I don't have the
impression that Taco maintains it any more.

 could have start storing all the experimental versions, full-blown, on
 the server, but that would be a killing consumer of space, most
 probably adding some 100MB on the server every day.

  I do have quite a lot of ConTeXt zips on my laptop, which I've been
collecting since approximately one year (probably not all, but
definitely a lot).  It is big, but not that terrible (1.7GB).  The main
ConTeXt zip is only 7MB after all.  Of course, it is around 30MB

dev-context mailing list

Re: [dev-context] luatex beta 0.36.0

2009-03-23 Thread Arthur Reutenauer
 I have some problems with compilation. Did other Mac users manage to
 compile LuaTeX without problems?

  I had no problem on my end, using to compile the native
binary on Intel Mac OS 10.5.4

dev-context mailing list

Re: [dev-context] [Context] How to ignore specific tree when extracting version from SVN?

2009-02-15 Thread Arthur Reutenauer
 Any volunteer to send me one-liner to fix that? I'm able to write a
 ruby script to filter that out, but I'm sure that there must be some
 extremely simple one-liner (or three-liner) in bash to solve that.

  All the actual source code resides in texk and libs.  So you may want
to simply run svn info in those two directories and compute the maximum
of the respective last revisions (in that case, 820, last November).

dev-context mailing list

Re: [dev-context] format() without formatting

2008-06-17 Thread Arthur Reutenauer

  For a string with a single float you can play a bit with the output of
string.format.  The following few lines strip all the trailing zeroes
from strings that look a formatted float:

function string.optimize_format(form, ...)
  local formatted_string = string.format(form, ...)
  local optimized_string = formatted_string:gsub('^(%d*\.%d-)(0*)$', '%1')
  return optimized_string

print(string.optimize_format(Hello, world!))

but of course this doesn't work if you have a format like %s %s l; you would
have to parse all the arguments to format.

dev-context mailing list

Re: [dev-context] format() without formatting

2008-06-17 Thread Arthur Reutenauer
   local optimized_string = formatted_string:gsub('^(%d*\.%d-)(0*)$', '%1')

  Actually, I just realized that the primitive tostring does exactly the
same transformation (probably in a much safer way), so we can use it in
the much more complete code:

-- Thank you, Lua-users wiki :-)
-- Issue #7

-- The first two functions below implement a map over a ... list
local function map_rec(f, n, a, ...)
  if n  0 then return f(a), map_rec(f, n-1, ...) end

local function map(f, ...)
  return map_rec(f, select('#', ...), ...)

-- Our better formatting function
function string.better_format(form, ...)
  -- Every number-kind-of-format - %s
  form = form:gsub('%%[0-9]-%.?[0-9]-f', '%%s')
  form = form:gsub('%%d', '%%s')
  form = form:gsub('%%i', '%%s')
  -- Then make every argument in the list into a string
  return(string.format(form, map(tostring, ...)))

-- Now Lua will happily strip the trailing zeroes
print(string.better_format(%f %f m, 94.486000, 30.000))
print(string.better_format(%5f %.7f l, .577, 2.7828))
print(string.better_format(%5f %.7f %d l, 3.14000, 2.7828, 3))

dev-context mailing list

Re: [dev-context] format() without formatting

2008-06-17 Thread Arthur Reutenauer
 okay then, let's go educational ... a better stripper:
 local digit   = lpeg.R(09)

  Yes, I started writing a format string parser in LPeg before I
realized that there was the tostring function as well :-)

dev-context mailing list

Re: [dev-context] format() without formatting

2008-06-17 Thread Arthur Reutenauer
 this is a bit weird case ... on the one hand you specify %5f and such 
 but that's ignored i.e. becomes %s so why not use %s in the first place 

  Actually, this was precisely my intention: to show that one could use
the original format string with different formatting requirements (I
don't know where that format string is going to come from, if Peter is
going to type or if it's going to be inserted by some lower-level
function).  But I agree that if the user is going to type it himself,
he'd better use %s for convenience (Lua is so tolerant anyway).

 anyway, originally i used %s but when taco and i played with the 
 converter and did some performance tests we found out that %f is faster 
 (unless  6 digits specified)

  I suppose that when Lua sees a %s format with an argument that is not
a string, he calls tostring which must be much slower.

dev-context mailing list

Re: [dev-context] context program, mtxrun question?

2008-05-25 Thread Arthur Reutenauer
 Who's lud?

  Lua :-)
dev-context mailing list

Re: [dev-context] context program, mtxrun question?

2008-05-23 Thread Arthur Reutenauer
 few? afaik all windows and linux systems -)

  No :-)  I have to insist like one year ago, *no* Linux machine I have
an account on does set TMP or TEMP (using various distributions).  Maybe
that's a shell problem, I don't know, but on any case you can't rely on it.

 anyhow, taco and i decided now to default as follows: if CACHEPATH is 
 not set:
  cachepath = os.env[TEXMFCACHE] or os.env[TMP] or 
 os.env[TEMP] or os.env[TMPDIR] or os.get[HOME] or 
 os.env[HOMEPATH] or nil

  Sounds reasonable, but why not test for the existence of the /tmp
directory also?

dev-context mailing list

Re: [dev-context] context program, mtxrun question?

2008-05-23 Thread Arthur Reutenauer
 weird because what then is the purpose of that variable

  But if there is no such variable, what's the point of looking for its
purpose?  :-)  I suppose that on Unix, functions like mkstemp have to be
preferred for truly temporary directories.

dev-context mailing list

Re: [dev-context] context program, mtxrun question?

2008-05-21 Thread Arthur Reutenauer
 So, assuming /opt/tex/texmf-linux/bin, it attempts the following
 directories, in this order:
[/opt/tex/texmf]/web2c% two parents up
[/opt/tex/texmf-linux]/texmf/web2c% one parent up

  Thats's great!  It works on my machine without the need to set any
environment variable (I even tried two different arrangments of the

dev-context mailing list

Re: [dev-context] context program, mtxrun question?

2008-05-21 Thread Arthur Reutenauer
 well, you need to set the path i assume -)

  Yes, sure :-)  But it's much easier to control than all the variables
set by setuptex.  Now I can switch between the minimals and TeX Live by
simply changing my PATH.  Great!

  By the way, the rsync minimals have been updated, so it also works
with them now.

dev-context mailing list

Re: [dev-context] context program, mtxrun question?

2008-05-21 Thread Arthur Reutenauer
 hm, but that not much more keying than calling setuptex -)

  No, it's very different, because it's reversible: once you've sourced
setuptex, there's no going back unless you unset dozens of variables.
Up to now I had to use diiferent shells for TeX Live and the Minimals.

 setuptex is then the only way to keep interference away

  Yes, that's definitely true.

dev-context mailing list

Re: [dev-context] cyrillic glyphs

2008-02-28 Thread Arthur Reutenauer
  Looks nicer now :-)

  By the way, was there a bug in table.serialize or some other
“public” function?  Something to worry about?

dev-context mailing list

Re: [dev-context] XeTeX and font-selection problems

2007-09-11 Thread Arthur Reutenauer
 if getvariable('engine') == xetex then
  ok = true

  Cool. I guess 'engine' is a typo for 'texengine'? This solves the problem 

dev-context mailing list

Re: [dev-context] mailarchive 2007?

2007-05-04 Thread Arthur Reutenauer
  I should have this (in plain mbox format); just give some time to
unpack my things from the long trip from Bachotek to Paris through
Dordrecht and I'll come back to you ;-)
dev-context mailing list

Re: [dev-context] Footer for ntg-context mailing list, to encourage feedback

2007-04-02 Thread Arthur Reutenauer
 For links in the footer, tinyurl or something similar is preferred, as
 it saves bandwidth.

  I think it's not really the point here: the idea is to have permanent
(and possibly easy to remember) links to relevant locations; but there is
a tradeoff to be found between the density of information and the
legibility of the footer; in that respect, the example I cited certainly
has too much links, but having only one might not be a good idea either
because there are different aspects to address (contributing to the wiki,
reporting bugs, etc.).
dev-context mailing list