Re: DXR with clang not showing callers/callees

2013-01-29 Thread Erik Rose
 Does it give you an error message?  For me, running make in that directory
 now only builds the test outputs, it doesn't actually run the tests.  For
 that you need to run make test from the top-level directory.

Btw, `make` in the test dir never ran tests AFAIK:

 Unfortunately the more wideranging code reorganisation seems to have
 broken things, and I've been unable to get anything working since

Try a git pull, and then make clean  make test at the top level, and let me 
know what goes wrong. I don't want you to have to spend time chasing this. I'm 
in #static on as ErikRose all day if you need me.

dev-static-analysis mailing list

Re: DXR with clang not showing callers/callees

2013-01-29 Thread Erik Rose
Ah, you know what I forgot? I should say Go do `python develop` (if 
you want to hack on it) or `python install` before doing anything. 
somewhere. On the Vagrant VM, which is where I do my work, I've rigged that to 
happen automatically. Sorry!

Btw, installing the package as above should pull down its dependencies 
automatically, and there should be no need to do anything to the PYTHONPATH.

dev-static-analysis mailing list

Re: DXR with clang not showing callers/callees

2013-01-29 Thread Erik Rose
 I should say Go do `python develop` (if you want to hack on it) or 
 `python install` before doing anything. somewhere.

Done. Feel free to submit pulls to improve clarity.
dev-static-analysis mailing list

Re: is there a verbose or log everything option to dxr-build?

2013-02-06 Thread Erik Rose
 I'm working off the testing branch, pulled yesterday, and when I try to
 build it complains and tells me that there is no depend target.  That's a
 lie, of course, because I use the depend target often in my make system, so
 obviously dxr-build is not finding the makefile properly.

If this does turn out to be a dxr bug, let's add a regression test when we fix 
it. I want to start battening down the test situation so we can change things 
without breaking them.

 The problem is
 that I think I've told it everything correctly in the config file (and this
 same config worked with a pull from the same branch a couple of weeks
 back).  One of the two of us is wrong.
 I can't find any kind of verbose mode, though.  The only thing I get in
 the build.log is that make couldn't find a depend target.

There's no option, but it's pretty noisy already. You can add more print 
statements or breakpoints (import pdb;pdb.set_trace()) to to get 

dev-static-analysis mailing list

Re: clang plugin and clang/llvm 3.2?

2013-02-08 Thread Erik Rose
 That's what's strange...git status doesn't complain about the plugins 
 directory in the old location.  In fact, I can do a git log in that 
 directory and get stuff from as recently as Jan 15.

My mistake. My guess is that git, which tracks only files, doesn't bother with 
that plugins dir if it contains only that .so, because *.so is in .gitignore. 
dev-static-analysis mailing list

Re: clang plugin and clang/llvm 3.2?

2013-02-08 Thread Erik Rose
 I guess the take-away lesson is that when doing a re-org of the tree, there 
 needs to be some out-of-band way to communicate to anyone who may have a 
 clone to perform a clean.

I'll be sure to post about that and stick it in the (coming soon) changelog in 
the future. Sorry to had to chase this.


dev-static-analysis mailing list

Re: DXR Shorthand search

2013-02-20 Thread Erik Rose
 Thanks Erik

No problem! Ah, and the + in front of some of those queries means use the 
fully qualified name, and require an exact match. (Thanks, abbeyj.)

dev-static-analysis mailing list

Re: DXR Shorthand search

2013-02-20 Thread Erik Rose
I should also mention that we're thinking about not having contains searches 
happen by default:
dev-static-analysis mailing list

Re: DXR Shorthand search

2013-02-20 Thread Erik Rose
 I have a Firefox keyword for searching with old DXR. Is there a hope we
 can enter search criteria directly in the url?

I don't see why not. Hit Return in the search field, and you'll get a URL like 

You could easily sub the query in for the q= query param. The only 
questionable bit would be url escaping, which FF handles well. However, I could 
see the + sign getting interpreted as a space.

dev-static-analysis mailing list

Re: Error on first make DXR

2013-03-04 Thread Erik Rose
I know you got this fixed, but here's my guess at what happened for the benefit 
of future victims. Puppet provisioning probably timed out while downloading 
LLVM and clang. You would have seen a subtle error report about this when doing 
vagrant up. Unfortunately, Puppet doesn't stop on error, as it's meant for 
production scenarios where The Show Must Go On. :-)


On Mar 4, 2013, at 6:55 AM, Schalk Neethling wrote:

 Got my vagrant machine up and running but when running make inside ~/dxr on 
 the VM, I get the following:
 Welcome to your Vagrant-built virtual machine.
 Last login: Fri Sep 14 06:22:31 2012 from
 vagrant@precise32:~$ cd ~/dxr/
 vagrant@precise32:~/dxr$ make
 make -C dxr/plugins/clang build
 make[1]: llvm-config: Command not found
 make[1]: Entering directory `/home/vagrant/dxr/dxr/plugins/clang'
 make[1]: llvm-config: Command not found
 g++  -Wall -Wno-strict-aliasing  -c dxr-index.cpp -o dxr-index.o
 dxr-index.cpp:1:27: fatal error: clang/AST/AST.h: No such file or directory
 compilation terminated.
 make[1]: *** [dxr-index.o] Error 1
 make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/vagrant/dxr/dxr/plugins/clang'
 make: *** [build-plugin-clang] Error 2

dev-static-analysis mailing list

Re: DXR Shorthand search

2013-03-04 Thread Erik Rose
 The text search in MXR does a contain search by default, and the identifier 
 search does an exact match. I would try to match that.
 There could be a syntax for exact match, like foo

Good news: abbeyj fixed this last week, though it isn't deployed yet: (Really looking forward to that 
continuous deployment environment slated for Q2.)

 BTW : I remember queries were very fast once, but they seem to be slow again, 

Yikes, that is slow. Filed:

 And to start to display results only once the search is completely finished.

Should be pretty easy. Filed:

Great feedback! Thanks!
dev-static-analysis mailing list

Re: help for the python challenged: python develop failing

2013-04-18 Thread Erik Rose
 I am not an idiot, but assume that for anything related to python I am 
 ignorant but read well.

I love this sentence and might use it in the future. :-)

 So, I get to the point of doing python develop, and it chugs
 along, then stops trying to download Flask.  Specifically, I get the
 following error:
 Searching for Flask=0.9
 Best match: Flask 0.9
 error: MD5 validation failed for Flask-0.9.tar.gz; possible download
 I presume that the md5 is an expected hash value for the downloaded file,
 but I can't figure out where it's getting that value or why it might be

Huh, I don't remember ever seeing that before. Presumably it pulls it off PyPI, 
where it's linked from the page—search for 
md5. I just tried python develop in a new virtualenv and wasn't able 
to reproduce your problem. If you're still having it, try installing everything 
with pip first, manually, before doing develop:

pip install -r requirements.txt
python develop

Maybe that will work better/differently. Let me know if you keep having 
trouble. I'm on IRC.

dev-static-analysis mailing list

Re: help for the python challenged: python develop failing

2013-04-19 Thread Erik Rose
 Doing the pip first worked, though I had to lengthen the timeout delay.  This 
 machine sits behind a firewall that actually downloads everything on your 
 behalf first, then scans it for viruses/issues, then returns it to you if it 
 passes all checks.

Ooo, fancy-pants. :-)

 Rebuild worked just fine.


 virtualenv is kind of cool; may have to learn a bit more about that.

Yep, I don't do anything without that, lest I muck up my global environment and 
then wonder why everything on my box acts weirdly from then on.

 Is the vagrant setup that included able to set up a complete environment in a 
 virtual machine such that I wouldn't have to configure my personal desktop 
 (or some other server) to be the DXR server?

I didn't really intend the VM to act as a production server, but I don't see 
any hard-and-fast reason that it couldn't. The Apache config is fine, and if it 
doesn't suit your needs, it's at least a good example.

 Two other issues:
 1. callers:someFunc never completes for me; I get a 504 Gateway Timed Out  
 Is there an easy way to run the same dxr request from the command line to see 
 if it's a timeout problem or a query issue?  actually, is there a CLI-level 
 interface at all?

Are you accessing DXR through Apache, then? I think if you run the dev server 
with and talk straight to it, it won't time out. It sounds like 
we're missing an index or something.

 2. when dxr-build finishes generating the files/directory hierarchy into 
 'target_folder', it doesn't put any of the .htaccess files in there.  I have 
 to copy them over from my previous target directory.  Should they be 
 generated into there, or should I expect to have to replenish them anew each 

We don't bother with htaccess files anymore. Static files are no longer served 
directly by Apache, as I found that it didn't make enough of a speed difference 
to matter. See the comments in httpd/conf.d/dxr.conf:

   # We used to make special efforts to also serve the static pages of
   # HTML-formatted source code from the tree via plain Apache, but that
   # tangle of RewriteRules saved us only about 20ms per request. You can do
   # it if you're on a woefully underpowered machine, but I'm not maintaining
   # it.

 3. I also find that the .htaccess files that are part of the distribution are 
 insufficient with regard to Options required.  I need both ExecCGI and 
 FollowSymLinks in order for it to work.  That might be a consequence of my 
 apache config, but even so it might be worthwhile to add that Options line 
 into the boilerplate dot-htaccess and just comment it out by default.

I assume you're talking about the old htaccess files you pulled from the old 
build. There shouldn't be any anymore. You can take all those fancy 
RewriteRules out of your Apache config.
dev-static-analysis mailing list

Re: help for the python challenged: python develop failing

2013-04-19 Thread Erik Rose
 To be clear, the only thing I need to do is run, e.g.,
 ?? target

(where target is the folder spat out by dxr-build)

All the commands have good help now: you can just pass them --help.
dev-static-analysis mailing list

Re: help for the python challenged: python develop failing

2013-04-19 Thread Erik Rose
 Tried this and it worked.  callers:someFunc took, according to the returned 
 web page Query executed in 225.399s
 That's a long time.  How can I help you figure out which index (or indices) 
 are missing?  If I remember correctly, that query used to have an obnoxious 
 number of outer and inner joins.  Maybe there's a way to denormalize the data 
 a bit such that the query could be simplified?

Try sticking explain=True in the query string, and see if that reveals anything.

dev-static-analysis mailing list

Re: Can dxr still pull from version control?

2013-05-14 Thread Erik Rose
 In a really old and ancient version of dxr, one could configure it to pull
 in changes from version control as part of the build.  Is that still in
 there somewhere and I'm not seeing it?

This might have been part of DXR itself in the past, though I have no knowledge 
of it. Currently, we have a shell script that checks out the mozilla-central 
sources in an ad hoc manner and then kicks off the DXR build:

There are some concrete benefits to intertwingling DXR more with version 
control. For one thing, it would be one way to do incremental builds 
(, which would drastically drop our 
build times. Our hg plugin already interacts with hg a little bit to do blame 
links and such. If you have a proposal in which VCS integration would be a big 
benefit, I'm happy to listen. Of course, we'd want to stay decoupled enough to 
be able to support any arbitrary VCS, so there are certainly benefits to 
keeping our scope small as well.

dev-static-analysis mailing list

Re: seems unusable

2013-05-28 Thread Erik Rose

I am fixing it as we speak! Due to some IT bottlenecks, it's been limping along 
on an obsolete version for months now, missing all the good bug fixes and 
improvements that have landed on master. We've tried to apply makeshift fixes, 
but those have made things worse in some cases. I'm grinding off the cracked 
and pocked road surface and doing a deeper paving job now. I'll post details 
once it's done—today, if all goes well. Expect to stabilize 
first, followed by

Thanks for your patience!


On May 28, 2013, at 10:36 AM, David Rajchenbach-Teller 

   Dear list,
 Not quite sure it's the right list for this, but for at least one week,
 I have been unable to use – links don't work.
 With whom should I get in contact?
 David Rajchenbach-Teller, PhD
 Performance Team, Mozilla
 dev-static-analysis mailing list

dev-static-analysis mailing list

Re: seems unusable

2013-05-29 Thread Erik Rose
David et al,

I've completely redone the staging site, . It should be 
useable; please try it out. My next 2 orders of business are to reproduce this 
work for the production site,, and to bring the moz-central 
tree up to date—currently, it's serving a March 11 build due to difficulties 
getting newer ones to build under clang. is now serving the very tip of master, which means all the 
fixes and improvements of the last 4 months are finally available to enjoy. 
What's more, I have sketches of a continuous-deployment script that will keep 
it that way. And all is serving via a proper pool of WSGI workers rather than 
old-school CGI.

We're still croaking along on a RHEL 5.5 box, but I managed to pull together 
enough modern libraries that everything seems happy. Please try to break it!

Thanks again for your feedback and patience as I wrestle this deployment under 
control. Next,, a recent moz-central, and continuous deployment!

dev-static-analysis mailing list is updated!

2013-05-30 Thread Erik Rose
DXR's production site ( is now running the latest version of 
DXR, on a modern bed of pooled WSGI processes. This follows yesterday's update 
of the staging site and brings with it 4 months of feature additions and bug 

Both sites are still using a March 11 version of the mozilla-central tree, so 
figuring out clang weirdnesses and getting that up to date are my next orders 
of business. Then, continuous deployment, features, UX, and fun!

Best regards,
dev-static-analysis mailing list

Re: seems unusable

2013-05-30 Thread Erik Rose
 A word of warning about the hg plugin, it includes the log message once for 
 each line...
 This might blow up the HTML file size more than it already is... So you might 
 want to checkout file size of a big cpp files before you enable this in 

Thanks! I think Taras mentioned that to me a few weeks ago. I'll be doing local 
builds pretty regularly for some time, so I'll be sure to notice anything of 
the sort.

 (I think there is a suggestion in plugins/hg/ about refactoring 
 annotations, etc.)
 But it might be better to lazy load blame information on demand.

And yes, now that we're not driving everything off a single CGI and taping 
things together with RewriteRules, things like this get much easier to manage. 


dev-static-analysis mailing list

Yesterday's mozilla-central now serving on DXR

2013-05-31 Thread Erik Rose
 Both sites are still using a March 11 version of the mozilla-central tree

No more! is now serving a mozilla-central from only 18 hours 
ago. I finally got everything building under clang. There is yak hair all over 
the place.

Next come automatic updates for both the DXR code and moz-central. In the 
meantime, I'll try to build moz-central regularly on my local VM and upload it 

dev-static-analysis mailing list

Re: is updated!

2013-06-10 Thread Erik Rose
Fixed on master, and my experimental continuous deployment script rolled it out 
to I'm going to do a few more commits to work out any kinks 
and then expand it to production.

On Jun 2, 2013, at 2:16 , Jonas Finnemann Jensen wrote:

 Looks to me as if the newly added /source/ part of the urls are missing a 
 few places... 
 For example: dxr/static/search.js#L324
 Maybe it's not the only place...
dev-static-analysis mailing list

New DXR wireframes

2013-08-09 Thread Erik Rose
I just finished a set of wireframes rethinking DXR's UI. (This is actually 
revision 2; many of you probably didn't see revision 1.) Please take a look and 
send feedback!

Specifically, I'm looking for things that will bother you in your common 
workflows. Also keep an eye out for complexity that could be removed without 
making typical operations difficult. I've tried to add explorability and 
learnability for new users while maintaining or improving speed of use for the 
familiar crowd. And there are several new considerations that make nav and the 
multi-tree story much better for everybody:

* Case-insensitive searching
* Visiting the same line of a file in a different tree
* Searching within a browsed-to path
* Making it easy to tell what file you're looking at

Best regards,
dev-static-analysis mailing list

Re: Poll: What do you need in MXR/DXR?

2013-10-09 Thread Erik Rose
Thanks, everyone, for your thoughtful and voluminous input! I bequeath you the 
following behind-the-scenes links so you can see the effect your feedback is 
having on DXR's future.

We've collected, de-duped, and categorized your feedback at If you see your request 
grossly mischaracterized or omitted, feel free to edit. I'm watching the page.

I've done a first cut at immediate goals just above that, at

Finally, there's a rough draft at a revised (and more sensical) query syntax up 

This is just the beginning. I'll be posting updates at whenever there's something useful to 
say, and you can watch the DXR_UI_Refresh wiki page if you want more frequent 

dev-static-analysis mailing list

Re: Poll: What do you need in MXR/DXR?

2013-10-10 Thread Erik Rose
 It was fun hanging out at the summit... I like the simplifications, but have 
 3 quick comments: 
 1) You forgot the exclusion prefix -,  for queries like: -excludedkeyword 
 -excluded phrase -path:*.cpp

Good catch. Fixed!

 2) I saw fully qualified names under To Be Determined I hope you keep them 
 around for links.

Oh, yes, I plan to. If you read carefully, you'll see that only the spelling is 
to be determined. :-)

 Due to whitespace issues and macros they're not useful for the user...

Oh really? I was not aware of that and would benefit from elaboration.

 3) Consider adding multiline search to To Be Determined :)

If that's not on the wiki, please add it. We'll probably need to do a bunch of 
index work before adding that to the query syntax will do any good. :-)

dev-static-analysis mailing list

DXR UI refresh is live!

2014-02-07 Thread Erik Rose

Happy hacking!
dev-static-analysis mailing list

Re: DXR UI refresh is live!

2014-02-07 Thread Erik Rose
 that's pretty, but where did the list of classes  class members go when 
 viewing files like

Coming back soon: We're 
having some trouble reducing it to a test case smaller than moz-central.

dev-static-analysis mailing list

Re: DXR UI refresh is live!

2014-02-11 Thread Erik Rose
Hi, Reed. Rest assured, many of your wishes are planned for the future. But 
when you have a big project, you've got to pick some things.

Last week's release was an important milestone: it was the minimal feature set 
that would yield a cohesive experience under a UI new design. The new design 
solves a lot of usability problems, removes some serious limitations, and gives 
us places to put several things planned for the near future. Now, ordinarily, I 
abhor big-red-lever launches, as evidenced by our continued rollout of features 
onto production while the UI work was in progress and the fact that we deployed 
7 times yesterday. However, you can't always iterate your way to big 
user-facing changes and make sense the whole time. So don't take the current 
state as an end; it's just an uncharacteristically large step, worthy of a 
release announcement.

Let me address your individual wishes:

 * Where are the non-mozilla-central repositories?

Coming! One of the big UI-branch features is improved support for multiple 
trees. The UI for that is hidden right now, since there's only one tree 
indexed. But we're working on comm-central right now. Aurora is next. Then 
we'll continue pulling in more, in order of the popularity they see on MXR. I 
think you'll like what you see.

 * Where's the integration with CVS?
 * Where are the links to see changes over the last day, week, month,

A lower priority since there are plenty of other ways to poll version control. 
However, we have a flexible framework for VCS integration 
and this would be an easy first bug, if it's important to you. (If you can get 
a bunch of people to hoot and holler about how important it is, we'll move it 
up the roadmap.)

 * Why do I have to click on Navigation just to get basic functionality?

That was already ticketed, and I fixed it yesterday; the nav pane is now 
disclosed by default. More is planned:

 * Why is it not accessible over SSL?

There's an IT bug filed about that, but indexing more trees is higher priority 
right now. Do you have a specific use case in mind?

Feel free to have a look at our roadmap ( 
and add constructively to it.

dev-static-analysis mailing list

Re: DXR UI refresh is live!

2014-02-11 Thread Erik Rose
 that's pretty, but where did the list of classes  class members go when 
 viewing files like

I believe this is fixed now, a casualty of a needless use of JS, which is now 
gone. If you still see this behavior, please reopen

Thanks for riding out the bumps!

dev-static-analysis mailing list

DXR now indexing comm-central

2014-02-19 Thread Erik Rose
We've just added comm-central to DXR!

You can find it at or through the 
new Switch Tree menu. The menu knows some tricks: it tries hard to preserve 
things like your browsing position and your search query while moving from tree 
to tree, so you can chase similar lines of inquiry across branches. This will 
become even more thorough in the future: for instance, pinning it so you can 
flit between branches while keeping your eyes locked at the same line of a file.

This marks the beginning of our conquest of All The Trees. More are coming:

Thanks to Kendall Libby for getting the build going and Joshua Cranmer for sage 
advice on the build system. For now, it's indexing as if it were building 
SeaMonkey, but we'll be switching to Thunderbird as soon as we get that 
working. There are only about 16 files' difference between the two, so most of 
you probably won't notice.

With wishes of happy hacking,
dev-static-analysis mailing list

Multi-line highlighting landed

2014-04-04 Thread Erik Rose
Thanks to contributor Jamon Camisso, multi-line highlighting has just landed in 
DXR. Now you can do things like this...,18-22,4-5 pressing buttons like this:


dev-static-analysis mailing list

Re: clang version required for DXR

2014-08-06 Thread Erik Rose
 Thanks, everyone!  One further question, is there anything preventing us from 
 working with the current clang ToT?  Have there been severe API changes since 
 we wrote this code?

The best way to know is to try. :-) Clang's C++ API changes from minor version 
to minor version. We've had to add ifdefs every time since 3.2, so my guess is 
that there have been changes. They don't even try to keep it stable, shunting 
you to the plain C API (which is less capable) if you want stability. I'd 
certainly take patches toward top-of-tree support; we're going to need them 

dev-static-analysis mailing list

Re: Issue while setting up DXR with vagrant.

2014-08-19 Thread Erik Rose
From the Killed, it looks like you're running out of memory and the OS has 
started killing off processes to keep things afloat. The set of measurements 
at the bottom of your transcript shows only 33% memory use, but I wonder if I 
could get a second opinion: what does vmstat -S m -a say on the VM before 
and after a failed make?

 I cannot find any piece of code in the VM

Take a look in /home/vagrant/dxr. Is there code in there? I think you will find 
that there is, as that's where lives, mounted with the rest of the code 
as part of a Virtualbox shared folder.

How much RAM does the host machine have? We have one other contrib with 
problems running DXR on a very small host.

You could try increasing RAM on the VM. I don't see why it should work in CI 
for us with the stock settings but fail for you, but it's worth a try.

Thanks for taking the time to ask for help. We'll get it figured out. :-)

dev-static-analysis mailing list

DXR Intern Presentation

2014-08-19 Thread Erik Rose
Marcell has been my intern on the DXR project these past months, and it's been 
a privilege to work with him. From JavaScript analysis to Elasticsearch to 
writing Haskell in Python, he's cut an impressive swath through the codebase, 
and you can expect to see a lot of his handiwork deployed in the next several 
weeks. He'll be giving a bit of a preview in a wide-ranging presentation this 
Thursday. Oh, and there might be dinosaurs. And robots.

8/21 @1:30PM PST in Mountain View (will be streamed on AirMo)

Topics include...
- Type signature search
- JavaScript support almost done
- Moving to Elasticsearch
- DXR fan art!

We hope to see you there! (There will also be an accompanying blog post going 
up after the talk on

DXR Lead
dev-static-analysis mailing list

Re: DXR on FreeBSD

2014-10-20 Thread Erik Rose
 (per IRC) so that did help, and I uploaded the CSV to a github gist:
 So is this just an insane type?

Absolutely; that is utterly insane. Wow. That's more like a compiler 
stress-test than an actual type.

 I am not sure if it's a bug... do you
 want a patch
 to bump up the CSV field_size_limit? Maybe a compromise would be to make
 it configurable...

I was really hoping it was going to be a CSV-emitting bug on our side: that we 
missed a quotation mark or something. But since it's not, sure, I'll take a 
field-size-limit-increasing patch. I don't think there's really a need to make 
it configurable. The crazy values you're running into are 200K. If we made the 
limit 500K, I don't think anybody would notice the RAM hit. And, if you can do 
a quick test to make sure the _csv module isn't allocating a static buffer of 
the max size, larger would be fine as well (though we should stop short of 
sys.maxsize, which we were kicking around earlier; that's around 7 exabytes 

dev-static-analysis mailing list

Re: MDN Compat Service via static analysis

2014-10-20 Thread Erik Rose
 We've been working on a browser compatibility data store  API [2][3].
 To that, we (think we) need to add a linting tool that will use the
 compat data store to make a code compatibility report.
 The question for this group is - can we get someone who knows static
 analysis involved now to help us make sure the compat data model is
 conducive to generating rules for the linter?

I'm happy to consult. Want to set up 20 minutes to chat sometime? I think it'll 
be a lot more efficient to do a bursty, high-bandwidth session than for me to 
try to reconstruct your brain contents from etherpads.

For CSS and HTML, you'll barely have to do anything deserving of the term 
analysis; I imagine you'll mostly be checking attribute and property names. 
But there will be some parsing, and that's one of my favorite things. JS will, 
of course, be hard and should probably wait for 2.0. We're working on that as 
well, as part of DXR, so we can share some code. For our 20-minute powwow, how 
about you bring compatibility schema ideas, I'll bring parsing and analysis 
knowledge, and we'll figure out how to make them meet in the middle?

dev-static-analysis mailing list

Re: Web Compat Service Static Analysis

2014-11-07 Thread Erik Rose
Everything David says is on the level. For analyzing code out in the wild, 
esprima might be a good candidate to build on. For analyzing Firefox's internal 
JS (which is what we're trying to do in DXR), it's not suitable, since 
Spidermonkey went off in all sorts of non-standardized directions, and no 
off-the-shelf tool supports ES6 yet, let alone our pre-standardization 

Marcell, who interned on DXR this summer, might have something to add here, as 
he did a great deal of shopping for JS analysis tools before coming up empty. 
He even had a plugin running for awhile based on ternjs, which does some neat 
object-shape-tracing tricks. If we're thinking about combining our efforts, I 
see two possibilities: go with something like esprima and give up ES6 and 
Spidermonkey compatibility for the near future, or add analysis capabilities to 
Spiderflunky (, which is based on 
Spidermonkey's own JS parser (with the advantage that we don't have to write it 
in JS).

Can anyone who works on Firefox say whether we're headed toward ES6 conformance 
internally and, if so, what the timeline might be?


On Nov 7, 2014, at 14:55 , Luke Crouch wrote:

 Thanks David, that's very helpful.
 I'm adding dev-static-analysis to this to see if anyone on that list
 (Erik maybe?) has any ideas on this.
 In short, we're learning that JS will certainly be the most challenging
 language for which to create a compatibility linter/scanner. ;)
 On 11/7/14 10:18 AM, David Bruant wrote:
 Le 07/11/2014 16:42, Luke Crouch a écrit :
 Thanks for the info David, sorry you coudn't make it.
 In addition to the updated notes in the etherpad [1], Justin and I met
 [2] with Thijs Busser who created that mashes up data
 from Kangax  Can I Use with a bunch of regexs.
 He mentioned wanting to use Do you like that approach too?
 Totally. Anything that relies on regexps to do anything with code is
 doomed to fail at some point. AST-based analysis are the way to go
 (fundamentally, code as a data structure is a trees and regexps cannot
 work on trees).
 And esprima is the state-of-the-art JS parser that lots of static
 analysis tools are based on (escodegen, eslint, etc. The list of
 dependent tools on npm is saying
 ). Esprima is fully ES5-compatible and they're actively working on an
 ES6 branch (harmony), so that would be the parser I'd bet on.
 But in my opinion, it still won't be enough. A naive tool based on
 esprima won't be able to understand that the following is not
 browser-compatible (yet, because Object.assign is introduced in ES6):
 var O = Object;
 var assign = O.assign;
 assign({}, {});
 (and some forms of this will occur in real-life code, because on the
 web, everything happens)
 To understand that this code is not ES5 compatible, one has to track
 that the O variable has such type (and such static functions attached to
 it), etc. and that's tedious work. The good news is that it's exactly
 the sort of work the TypeScript compiler was designed to do.
 Other compiler like the Closure Compiler do this kind of work too, but
 they force you into writing your JavaScript in a particular style (in
 order to make the code more easliy analysable). The reason I'm so fan of
 TypeScript is that they've found a great balance of analysing types in
 JS while letting authors write their code in whatever style fits them.
 Hope that helps,
 On 11/7/14 8:58 AM, David Bruant wrote:
 Hi Luke,
 I'm very sorry, I couldn't attend the meeting. I was catching up after
 As far as JavaScript static analysis is concerned, I'm sure there is a
 quick win to be won hacking the TypeScript compiler (especially now
 that they've re-written it entirely and that it's apparently much
 Tools like JSLint/JSHint/ESLint (3rd is my favorite because of its very
 modular rule architecture) can verify some aspects of a program, but are
 really syntax-based. For instance, these tools cannot tell whether
 you're using setTimeout with a string or a function as first argument.
 On the other hand, TypeScript can and does and you can be sure it does,
 because that's what it's been written for (track types across variables
 and function arguments).
 TypeScript is initialized with a declaration file so that the compiler
 knows about the standard library (functions exposed per ECMA and W3C
 specs). I'm sure it would be easy to change these declaration files to
 see if some code is using non-standard and/or edgy (or prefixed)
 functions in their code.
 rhaa... I'm babbling and it's complicated to explain in an email.
 If you're interested, maybe we can call some time next week so I explain
 all that (unless it's 

Re: vagrant up help

2015-06-09 Thread Erik Rose
Hi, Andrew. I haven't seen this one before. Do you have a reasonably powerful 
machine? Have you tried vagrant destroy followed by another vagrant up, in 
case something went awry during initialization?

If neither of those helps, you could try adding the suggested config directive 
to Vagrantfile: put config.vm.boot_timeout = 600 after = 
ubuntu/trusty64, and see if more time does the trick.

Btw, you very probably want to be on the es branch if you're not already; 
that's DXR 2.0, where all the development is these days. It'll shortly be 
merging into master.

DXR Lead

 On Jun 9, 2015, at 5:48 , Andrew Artajos wrote:
 Hi dev-static-analysis,
 I'm following DXR docs and I got stuck in the part where
 $ vagrant up
 it displays an error:
 I hope you could help.
 dev-static-analysis mailing list

dev-static-analysis mailing list

Re: DXR 2.0 staged. Feedback please!

2015-06-04 Thread Erik Rose
 It looks like finding of overrides of virtual methods is missing from
 DXR 2.0. Is this intentional?

Hmm, no. The tests seem to pass 
 Where are you seeing it?
dev-static-analysis mailing list

DXR 2.0 And Beyond: A Whistler Session

2015-06-18 Thread Erik Rose
Dear friends with large codebases—

You are heartily invited to a DXR 2.0 pony show and design session next Friday 
in Whistler, where we'll demonstrate the new abilities of this near-rewrite, 
answer questions, and figure out what goes next on the roadmap.

For those not familiar with it, DXR is a code search and browsing tool that 
indexes not only the text of your program but its structure as well, using data 
exfiltrated from compiler or parsers. It's also one of the few engines out 
there that will let you run arbitrary regexes across a large codebase in tenths 
of a second.

We'll demo…

* Improved C/C++ analysis
* Multi-language support—Python and Rust, for starters
* Generic identifier search
* Image browsing
* Zero slow queries
* Independent, parallel tree indexing. (This will help us get all the trees 
currently under MXR indexed.)
* Permalinks to old revisions
* A new plugin architecture so we can add new languages, query types, and cross 
references easily 

Now that the infrastructure is solid, we can strike out in many interesting 
directions. Come and campaign for what you want! Just a few ideas:

* Cross-project search
* Arbitrary boolean queries
* Search by color
* JS support
* IDL support
* Useful visualizations

Add it to your Whistler schedule:

Erik Rose
DXR Project Lead
dev-static-analysis mailing list

Re: Listing all function declarations

2016-02-11 Thread Erik Rose
> Is there a way to search using filters AND wild cards in DXR?  For example, 
> if I wanted to list all the methods defined on

There isn't right now, but it's something we could add. Can you describe the 
sorts of tasks you'd use it for?


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