#fedora-meeting-3: Weekly Meeting of the Modularity Working Group

Meeting started by nils at 15:00:00 UTC.

Minutes (text): 

Meeting summary
* Roll Call  (nils, 15:00:12)

* Agenda  (nils, 15:04:37)
  * #112 Discussion: Module lifecycles  (nils, 15:04:49)
  * #115 Discussion: Stream branch ownership for packages & modules
    (nils, 15:04:58)
  * #119 Modularity WG Charter (contd.)  (nils, 15:05:09)

* #112 Discussion: Module lifecycles  (nils, 15:05:29)
  * LINK: https://pagure.io/modularity/issue/112   (nils, 15:05:41)
  * LINK: https://pagure.io/fesco/issue/2027 corresponding FESCo ticket
    (nils, 15:07:03)

* #115 Discussion: Stream branch ownership for packages & modules
  (nils, 15:07:19)
  * LINK: https://pagure.io/fesco/issue/2028 corresponding FESCo ticket
    (nils, 15:07:57)

* #119 Modularity WG Charter (contd.)  (nils, 15:08:19)
  * LINK: https://pagure.io/modularity/issue/119   (nils, 15:08:32)
  * ACTION: nils updates #119, clarifying that the Council is informed
    of this charter and substantial changes  (nils, 15:36:36)

Meeting ended at 15:42:59 UTC.

Action Items
* nils updates #119, clarifying that the Council is informed of this
  charter and substantial changes

Action Items, by person
* nils
  * nils updates #119, clarifying that the Council is informed of this
    charter and substantial changes
  * (none)

People Present (lines said)
* nils (73)
* contyk (46)
* langdon (27)
* zodbot (9)
* Son_Goku (1)

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Nils Philippsen    "Those who would give up Essential Liberty to
Software Engineer   purchase a little Temporary Safety, deserve neither
Red Hat             Liberty nor Safety."  --  Benjamin Franklin, 1759
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