Minutes (text):

# #meeting-1:fedoraproject.org: fedora_coreos_meeting

Meeting started by @ydesouza:matrix.org at 2024-05-08 16:30:09

Meeting summary
* TOPIC: roll call (@ydesouza:matrix.org, 16:30:22)
* TOPIC: Action items from last meeting (@ydesouza:matrix.org, 16:34:34)
* TOPIC: URL for most recent artifact for platform+stream?
!link https://github.com/coreos/fedora-coreos-tracker/issues/625
(@ydesouza:matrix.org, 16:37:37)
    * INFO: to enable use cases like netboot.xyz (and iPXE in general)
we think it would be beneficial to have stable links people can use.
We're not sure 100% on which implementation would be most appropriate
yet, though. (@dustymabe:matrix.org, 17:16:11)
* TOPIC: Open Floor (@ydesouza:matrix.org, 17:17:06)
    * INFO: Fedora 40 based coreos is getting shipped out to `stable`
stream nodes over the next few days! (@dustymabe:matrix.org, 17:18:20)
    * ACTION: dustymabe to find someone to help wrangle changes
considerations for the  F41 cycle (@dustymabe:matrix.org, 17:21:35)

Meeting ended at 2024-05-08 17:30:11

Action items
* dustymabe to find someone to help wrangle changes considerations for
the  F41 cycle

People Present (lines said)
* @dustymabe:matrix.org (58)
* @jlebon:fedora.im (35)
* @ydesouza:matrix.org (15)
* @jmarrero:matrix.org (7)
* @zodbot:fedora.im (6)
* @sam:samcday.com (4)
* @meetbot:fedora.im (2)
* @aaradhak:matrix.org (1)
* @hricky:fedora.im (1)
* @marmijo:fedora.im (1)
* @gurssing:matrix.org (1)
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