Hi Folks,

Sumantro Mukherkjee and I have been working on a concept for the last few
weeks on how we could try to bridge the gap between changes for the
upcoming release(s) of Fedora being announced and developed, and then
tested by QA later in the release cycle. What we have come up with is
called a ‘Change Proposal Blueprint’ - a fancy way of saying if a change
proposal owner wants some initial testing for their change, Fedora QA will
try to support them by helping write and run initial basic tests.

This 'blueprint' concept is proposed as an optional step for change
proposal owners, with the condition that Fedora QA can provide assistance
if available. While QA has shown enthusiasm for the idea, it's important to
note that support is likely but not guaranteed. The concept is primarily
aimed at System Wide and Mass Rebuild changes. By integrating this option
into the change proposal template, proponents hope to enhance proposals,
making them clearer and more likely to be accepted by the Fedora community
and FESCo. This approach also benefits QA by involving them earlier in
changes, particularly those with uncertainties or extensive scopes. By
facilitating early feedback and testing, potential issues can be identified
sooner, giving developers more time to address them before Beta or Final
releases. Additionally, offering a supported method for creating a minimal
version of the change for testing enables users to identify potentially
hidden breaking dependencies that may only surface during the Rawhide
builds.This early detection capability, coupled with the option for
preliminary testing, provides developers with more time to address any bugs
before reaching the Beta or Final stages. Given the stress typically
experienced as release time approaches, providing assistance with early
testing at the outset of a change proposal could significantly alleviate
pressure on developers and QA teams, making it a worthwhile endeavor to

Our change proposal is such a powerful process,  so we wanted to leverage
this by introducing the option of requesting early testing support by
adding it to our change proposal template. You will now see a section in
the template called Early Testing (Optional)
and instructions on how to reach out to Fedora QA - it's basically send an
email to t...@lists.fedoraproject.org <t...@fedoraproject.org> with a link
to your change proposal and a member of QA (likely Sumantro) will reply to
you :) You can also reach out to Sumantro directly too, but preference will
be to email the list as this will give you more coverage.

Some anti-goals of this idea are not to fully test a change before it goes
through the process, nor is it a shortcut to land an un-approved change in
Fedora either,  but rather an opportunity to bring a quality mindset into
the development process much earlier so Fedora can benefit from iterative
development backed by quality. We expect changes to be built in a COPR and
tested here where possible, and not built in rawhide directly from scratch,
as Rawhide is the next Fedora release and we would rather not break that
too much :)

Sumantro is the lead on this, and I will be supporting him and QA as we
work together to see if this helps enhance the project's release cycle. You
can reach out to either or both of us if you would like to chat in detail
about it, and we would love to hear your feedback on this idea!

Kind regards,
Aoife & Sumantro


Aoife Moloney

Fedora Operations Architect

Fedora Project

Matrix: @amoloney:fedora.im

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