On Tue, 21 Jan 2014 09:08:01 -0500 (EST)
Kamil Paral <kpa...@redhat.com> wrote:

> I just tried to create a ticket in Phab. I understand that the
> Project field is similar to Component field that we used in Trac.
> (It's a bit unfortunate that a project can't be further separated
> into components). However, there's no text completion in that field
> unless you type in something. There's no list of projects nearby
> (unless you know which icon to click in Phab and find it in a
> separate page). I'm a bit afraid that people won't be able to report
> bugs in Phab unless it's easy to find "taskotron" or something
> through the Project field.

Yeah, we're already seeing that a little - the last beaker ticket
didn't have a project attached.

> Sure, I assume we can provide custom URLs which fill in the project
> field through GET arguments, but then you need to spread these links
> everywhere so that people don't find a different way to the system.

There are URLs for creating tickets for a project, but they're kinda


Is the one for the taskotron project.

> Am I missing something?

No, I don't think so. Unfortunately, the only way I can see to manage
this is for us to keep an eye on incoming tickets. It's a pain, but I
think that we'd need to do it even if there was an easier method for
users to indicate projects in the tickets.

I'll keep an eye on incoming tickets but some help in this would be
appreciated. Keeping on top of our tickets will make our lives easier
in the long run.


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