Re: Why can't i access /dev/dsp or /dev/snd on my XO

2008-01-18 Thread victor
What exactly is the problem with the alsa driver? Csound works
OK with it. Replacing it with OSS will require us to write a new
IO module for Csound. Without Csound, audio and music on
the XO will have to be completely re-written.

IMHO, developers wanting to use audio on the XO should ideally
use Csound and its Python API. That's why it's there.

As far as I am concerned, having developed audio apps for
Linux for several years, Alsa is much better and more reliable
than OSS.


- Original Message - 
From: Jordan Crouse [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Ivo Emanuel Gonçalves [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Cc: Arjun Sarwal [EMAIL PROTECTED];
Sent: Friday, January 18, 2008 9:02 PM
Subject: Re: Why can't i access /dev/dsp or /dev/snd on my XO

On 18/01/08 20:57 +, Ivo Emanuel Gonçalves wrote:
 As far as I understand this is due to the use of ALSA without OSS
 emulation.  It's also what affects one of the three Speex bugs
 affecting the XO, as the CLI tool speexdec is unable to use /dev/dsp.

 For the sake of improving the state of audio in the XO; I'd really
 like to put to vote the idea of replacing ALSA with OSS 4.

If thats the case, then we need somebody to volunteer to write the AC97
driver for the CS5536.  I don't think we would consider any sort of
change until the appropriate hardware controls are in place.


Jordan Crouse
Systems Software Development Engineer
Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.

Devel mailing list 

Devel mailing list

Re: Why can't i access /dev/dsp or /dev/snd on my XO

2008-01-19 Thread victor
Hmm, if there are problems with Csound and
MIDI (of which I am not aware), we need to fix
them. Can you provide an example? 


- Original Message - 
From: Albert Cahalan [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, January 19, 2008 7:24 PM
Subject: Re: Why can't i access /dev/dsp or /dev/snd on my XO

 On Jan 19, 2008 3:40 AM, victor [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hannu's opinions are just that: opinions. The fact is that Linux
 audio developers have been using alsa much more than OSS.
 Hannu argues his points well. Do not discount him
 simply because he created OSS.
 Linux audio developers have not been using ALSA.
 They have been using ugly wrapper libraries to deal
 with the incompatible mess we've gotten into. Those
 libraries support OSS as well.
 There are far more OSS-only programs than ALSA-only
 programs. This is partly because writing a native ALSA
 program is overcomplicated, and partly because OSS is
 portable to *BSD and Solaris.
 Are you saying that Csound is not appropriate for the XO?
 As a general audio system, yes. Csound may have some
 legitimate use on the XO. Shoving normal audio through
 Csound is bad. Using Csound to generate synthetic audio
 might be OK, though I note that Csound seems to have
 some incompatibilities with the MIDI standard. The XO
 should be able to function as both MIDI hardware roles,
 over both USB and IP. (the XO has one USB port that can
 act as a gadget-side device; MIDI has been standardized
 over both USB and IP)
Devel mailing list

Re: Why can't i access /dev/dsp or /dev/snd on my XO

2008-01-19 Thread victor
Ah, I thought you were saying there was some problem with
Csound's MIDI implementation... (in which case we needed
to fix it). No need for that, all's well. Yes, Csound can handle
MIDI and it has done it for the most part of fifteen years.

I can't speak for TamTam because I am not involved in their
design details, but I can say this, Csound's standard score 
preceeds MIDI by at least a decade (or two if you consider where
it came from). It is much more flexible to convey musical data
than MIDI. There are MIDI to csound score converters, but
that is beside the point, because Csound can play MIDI files
directly, receive realtime MIDI data and even output it.
There is no problem whatsoever, with the proper instruments,
Csound will be a MIDI synthesizer like any other. The main
thing is, that it is not limited to it (thank goodness...).

(In fact, I am hoping that with the work on a sugar toolkit for Csound
apps, things like MIDI players will be put together with minimal

If you think that a MIDI file output for TamTam is needed,
then you should suggest it to them. So you'll be able to produce
these and play them on the XO laptop with Csound!

Perhaps we need to get more users from the Csound
community involved in the OLPC effort, so that they can
educate everyone in the ins and outs of the software.


- Original Message - 
From: Albert Cahalan [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, January 19, 2008 9:00 PM
Subject: Re: Why can't i access /dev/dsp or /dev/snd on my XO

 On Jan 19, 2008 2:48 PM, victor [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hmm, if there are problems with Csound and
 MIDI (of which I am not aware), we need to fix
 them. Can you provide an example?
 I'll start with the user-visible thing which is probably
 not entirely Csound's fault. Tam Tam is not using
 MIDI for input, output, or saved work. It should be
 using MIDI for all three, because MIDI is the standard
 for everything from consumer toys to professional
 performances. Even the selfish companies like Sony
 and Microsoft support MIDI.
 From what I can tell, MIDI is not the native format for
 Csound. Musical scores are stored in an incompatible
 format. I can't play one with any normal MIDI player.
 I can only use Csound to play one. This is bad.
 This isn't even like the *.mp3 or *.doc situation. There
 is no legal barrier to being standard. There is no problem
 with lack of documentation. Open source MIDI tools
 even exist, which does bring into question the need for
 having Csound at all.
Devel mailing list

Re: Why can't i access /dev/dsp or /dev/snd on my XO

2008-01-20 Thread victor
What you say does not make any sense to me. The MIDI
standard is *one* of many, and in fact the poorest of them
all. Besides Csound is probably the most used computer music
language with composers of Computer Music and its 
score an integral part of it. But it is not the only way that
can be used to run it: MIDI, OSC, API event calls, etc.,
are also possible.

If anything we should promote better standards than limit
ourselves to a very poor one.

- Original Message - 
From: Albert Cahalan [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, January 20, 2008 1:29 AM
Subject: Re: Why can't i access /dev/dsp or /dev/snd on my XO

 On Jan 19, 2008 4:33 PM, victor [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I can't speak for TamTam because I am not involved in their
 design details, but I can say this, Csound's standard score
 preceeds MIDI by at least a decade (or two if you consider where
 it came from). It is much more flexible to convey musical data
 than MIDI. There are MIDI to csound score converters, but
 that is beside the point, because Csound can play MIDI files
 directly, receive realtime MIDI data and even output it.
 There is no problem whatsoever, with the proper instruments,
 Csound will be a MIDI synthesizer like any other. The main
 thing is, that it is not limited to it (thank goodness...).
 How about showing some support for standards by
 dropping the non-standard stuff? You can #ifdef it.
 Maybe you can even save a few bytes.
 If you really must, you can embed the non-standard
 stuff into a MIDI file. It's better to avoid non-standard
 stuff entirely of course, and any extended MIDI file
 had better play decently on a standard MIDI player.
Devel mailing list

Re: Why can't i access /dev/dsp or /dev/snd on my XO

2008-01-20 Thread victor
Perhaps you are referring to the language rather than the
API, when you say it is ghastly. The API is quite neat.
I don't have any problems with the language, but some 
people don't like it.

Perhaps you might be interested in looking at the things 
I am doing to integrate Csound to Sugar a bit more. If
so, drop me a note.


- Original Message - 
From: M. Edward (Ed) Borasky [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Albert Cahalan [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, January 20, 2008 4:25 AM
Subject: Re: Why can't i access /dev/dsp or /dev/snd on my XO

 Albert Cahalan wrote:
 On Jan 19, 2008 4:33 PM, victor [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I can't speak for TamTam because I am not involved in their
 design details, but I can say this, Csound's standard score
 preceeds MIDI by at least a decade (or two if you consider where
 it came from). It is much more flexible to convey musical data
 than MIDI. There are MIDI to csound score converters, but
 that is beside the point, because Csound can play MIDI files
 directly, receive realtime MIDI data and even output it.
 There is no problem whatsoever, with the proper instruments,
 Csound will be a MIDI synthesizer like any other. The main
 thing is, that it is not limited to it (thank goodness...).
 How about showing some support for standards by
 dropping the non-standard stuff? You can #ifdef it.
 Maybe you can even save a few bytes.
 If you really must, you can embed the non-standard
 stuff into a MIDI file. It's better to avoid non-standard
 stuff entirely of course, and any extended MIDI file
 had better play decently on a standard MIDI player.
 Devel mailing list
 One of the main reasons I got an XO was because it has CSound. It's a
 ghastly API, but it's been around for years and there are thousands of
 working instruments! There's a huge book on it, and I doubt very
 seriously if anyone will ever come up with a digital sound analysis and
 synthesis tool set as comprehensive without investing a lot of effort
 re-inventing a bunch of wheels, levers, inclined planes and such.
 By the way -- I've been meaning to check to see if this is in Trac, but
 the csound-manual and csound-tutorial RPMs in the repository appear to
 be empty. I can install them, but there isn't anything on the machine
 after I do.
 I'm also attempting to get some of the Planet CCRMA software loaded on
 the system. At this point, all I really want is Common Music -- I don't
 need another synthesizer since I have CSound, and I don't need a music
 notation program. If anyone else has already done this, I'd love to hear
 about it.
Devel mailing list

Re: Why can't i access /dev/dsp or /dev/snd on my XO

2008-01-20 Thread victor
It's not a matter of trying to get a non-standard format
across. Not all; it is a matter of supporting more possibilities.
Besides, as I pointed out, MIDI will play alright on Csound,
even if it is a poor way of conveying musical data. 

But hey, if MIDI looks damn good to you, it is worthless 
trying to say anything else. Good luck.


- Original Message - 
From: Albert Cahalan [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, January 20, 2008 10:18 AM
Subject: Re: Why can't i access /dev/dsp or /dev/snd on my XO

 On Jan 20, 2008 3:27 AM, victor [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 What you say does not make any sense to me. The MIDI
 standard is *one* of many, and in fact the poorest of them
 all. Besides Csound is probably the most used computer music
 language with composers of Computer Music and its
 score an integral part of it.
 I know every developer wants to believe that their own
 file format is a standard (and a good one too!), but come
 on now. I went looking for stuff that supports csound.
 I found **one** program, about 5 wrappers (at least one
 of which also supported MIDI), and **zero** hardware.
 The situation with MIDI is radically different; there are
 a tremendous number of MIDI programs and devices.
 Perhaps it will be more obvious this way:
 Notice that the XO ships with a paint program. Suppose
 that the author invented a nifty new image format. Would
 it be good to use this format?
 Notice that the XO ships with a word processor. This
 word processor could use RTF, OpenDocument, OOXML,
 TeX, *roff, XHTML... or a custom format that the authors
 just happen to have invented. What do you think, go with
 the custom format?
 Notice that the XO lets you record sound. The most
 popular unpatented format was used. The authors could
 have invented their own sound format and used that though.
 See any problems with doing that?
 But it is not the only way that
 can be used to run it: MIDI, OSC, API event calls, etc.,
 are also possible.
 Excellent. You're ready to drop the non-standard stuff.
 If anything we should promote better standards than limit
 ourselves to a very poor one.
 MIDI looks damn good to me.
 If you really think you have it beat though, go get an RFC and
 an ISO standard. Get multiple major hardware manufacturers
 to start building your new standard into their hardware. See if
 you can get Microsoft and Apple to follow. Then maybe it will
 be time to begin the process of slowly saying goodbye to MIDI.
 Only then does the format belong on the XO.

Devel mailing list

Re: OLPC promotes terrorism

2008-01-24 Thread victor
Never mind the terrorist thing, what I found difficult to follow was
'the great leap forward' argument, or lack of. It was just picking on one
sentence and attaching all possible bad associations to it, which of
course has nothing to do with the point.

We could just as well pick up from his text capitalism gives the choice,
and say oh, yes the choice not to be able to afford health care, to work
for pennies, and if you remember in Dickens' times, the people living
in squalor, dying of malnutrition and being sent to the poorhouse.

Not very good with his arguments, is he, this Graham chap.

- Original Message - 
From: Bernardo Innocenti [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, January 24, 2008 5:52 AM
Subject: OLPC promotes terrorism
 Didn't you know that Python was a communist language?
 If any chip maker was paying for this bullshit, they'd be
 really wasting their money!
 |___|   Bernardo Innocenti -
  \___\  One Laptop Per Child -
 Devel mailing list
Devel mailing list

Microsoft? (was Re: OLPC seeks a CEO -- who was your favorite CEO elsewhere?)

2008-03-11 Thread victor
More worrying is this bit from the article in the link

OLPC will hand more of the development and support of its XO laptop and its 
core software to technology companies, (...), and Microsoft (MSFT), which is 
just now putting the finishing touches on a version of Windows for the XO 

I didn't know Microsoft and Windows were going to be there.  So why all the
effort if in the end a closed OS is going to be used?

Is this true?


- Original Message - 
From: John Gilmore [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, March 11, 2008 8:47 PM
Subject: OLPC seeks a CEO -- who was your favorite CEO elsewhere?

 OLPC is looking for a CEO.  Nicholas is more of an idea man, and he
 plans to continue as Chairman and cheerleader.  But he appears to have
 realized that with its current management, the organization can't
 outgrow its early chaos.  (For this I give him every credit; most
 founders who aren't suited to manage a larger, more structured
 organization resist installing a steady hand at the wheel.)

 There are probably a few people on the devel list who are actually
 qualified to be CEO of a nonprofit tech company like OLPC.  I
 encourage them to apply (it's not clear how, which shows you how far
 things have degenerated).  But I'm more interested in asking the
 software developers on the list:

  ==  Who's the best manager or CEO you ever worked for?

 Suggest to that person that they consider the job.

 OLPC has plenty of resources, and also plenty of challenges.  We on
 the outside have only seen a fraction of them (like schedules sliding
 out of control; botched distribution; support handled only by the skin
 of the teeth; key people dragged around to fill big holes, leaving
 other big holes behind them; diminished expectations in both sales and
 technical achievement).  OLPC has already changed the world in a small
 way, by teaching us that there's a vibrant world market for low cost,
 high function portable computers, and reminding us how much leverage
 there is in third world educational improvement.  OLPC still has a
 chance to change the world in a big way, by satisfying that market,
 rather than leaving it to commercial companies to half-assedly pick up
 the pieces.  Steering OLPC back on to the rails before it crashes and
 burns will be a job your favorite CEO or manager will never forget.

 Give 'em a call...

 Devel mailing list 

Devel mailing list

Re: memorize (drumgit game) broken

2008-03-14 Thread victor
It appears to me that the Python code is not passing the filename
to csound. If I knew in which file that bit of code is, I could look.
Also looking at csound code for doing that bit, I think I could simplify
it somewhat. There are repeated calls to compile() that seem avoidable
(you probably need only one compile at the beginning and then just send
realtime events to csound). But let's get it back working.
I saw that all the files for the game are zipped in /demo, so I wonder
where they get unzipped, if at all, and whether that is the reason for the 
The images appear, OK, but the ogg filenames do not get passed
to csound.


- Original Message - 
From: Simon Schampijer [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Victor Lazzarini [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, March 14, 2008 8:40 PM
Subject: Re: memorize (drumgit game) broken

 Victor Lazzarini wrote:
 I've tested memorize now under 5.07 (the old RPM) and
 joyride-1765 (latest?) and I can confirm it does not play
 any sound. Csound fails to find the ogg file (no filename is
 actually passed to it). The log says the opcode failed to
 open the file and I traced it to an empty string being passed
 through a software bus channel.


 I remember playing sound last with memorize on 693 an update.1 build. I do 
 not have an XO at hand at the moment but I will take a look when I am back 
 in XO land.

 A quick way of finding out if it is security related is with removing 
 /etc/olpc-security and restarting sugar. Another hint might be the path of 
 the bundle - is it in /home/olpc/Activities or /usr/share/activities?


Devel mailing list

Mermorize -- fixed

2008-03-15 Thread victor
I traced the memorize bug and fixed it in I also
optmised the csound code in I am not sure
who needs to get this code. Could he/she get in touch with me
privately?I'll give more details then.


Devel mailing list

Re: TamTam packaging

2008-04-19 Thread victor
Perhaps the multiple apps using the soundcard are using dmix, in which
case, you might want to see if you can get csound connected to it too.
(-odac:dmix  i think). However I never bothered with dmix as it is one
awkward piece of software.

insert_score_event(): invalid instrument number or name

This generated by insert_score_event() (musmon.c), in the csound

 i = (int) fabs((double) p[1]);
if ((unsigned int) (i - 1) = (unsigned int) csound-maxinsno ||
csound-instrtxtp[i] == NULL) {
  csoundMessage(csound, Str(insert_score_event(): invalid 
number or name\n));

This indicates something amiss with the CSD file, the instrument has not 
found, 'i' is p-field 1 in the score event and and should be an index to a 
instrument name/number.

Not sure why, but could be something in the csd parsing. Examining the csd
tamtam generated might give us a clue.


- Original Message - 
From: Jani Monoses [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, April 19, 2008 3:10 PM
Subject: Re: TamTam packaging

 New packages have made into debian testing. You might want to try
 those. Also remember you need to set the OPCODEDIR (OPCODEDIR64 in
 your case) so the csound library can find the plugins (plugins in
 csound include opcode plugins and realtime output modules).

 Actually csound works from the command line iff no other app is using
 the sound card.
 Multiple apps can play simultaneously (flash in firefox, mpg123) but
 csound is not among them.

 It uses ALSA for rtaudio and gives this.
  *** Cannot open device 'plughw' for audio output: Device or resource busy

 So if no other apps use the sound the pippy sound examples work fine,
 but tamtam activities do not work even then, with many lines such as
 this one in the logs.

 insert_score_event(): invalid instrument number or name

 I've attached a full log of tamtam mini in case someone can help to
 figure out what could be wrong.


 PortMIDI real time MIDI plugin for Csound
 PortAudio real-time audio module for Csound
 virtual_keyboard real time MIDI plugin for Csound
 0dBFS level = 32768.0
 Csound version 5.08 (double samples) Apr 16 2008
 Creating options
 Creating orchestra
 Creating score
 orchname:  /tmp/fileu5b7q9.orc
 scorename: /tmp/filey4hDAb.sco
 rtaudio: PortAudio module enabled ... using blocking interface
 rtmidi: PortMIDI module enabled
 orch compiler:
 1091 lines read
 opcode homeSine a kki
 opcode synthGrain a aa
 opcode ControlMatrice i ii
 opcode SourceMatrice i i
 opcode FxMatrice i i
 opcode controller k ii
 opcode source a ii
 opcode effects a ii
 instr 200
 instr 5600
 instr 5400
 instr 5401
 instr 5201
 instr 5202
 instr 5212
 instr 6000
 instr 5204
 instr 5203
 Token length extended to 256
 instr 5000
 instr 5022
 instr 5023
 instr 5001 5002 5003 5004 5005 5006 5007 5008 5009 5010
 instr 5101 5102 5103 5104 5105 5106 5107 5108 5109 5110
 instr 5011 5012 5013 5014 5015 5016 5017 5018 5019 5020
 instr 5111 5112 5113 5114 5115 5116 5117 5118 5119 5120
 instr 5021
 LABELS list is full...extending to 10
 LABELS list is full...extending to 15
 LABELS list is full...extending to 20
 LABELS list is full...extending to 25
 LABELS list is full...extending to 30
 sorting score ...
 sread: unexpected char ,
  section 1:  at position 41
  in line 1110 of file input 
  remainder of line flushed
 ... done
 Csound version 5.08 (double samples) Apr 16 2008
 displays suppressed
 0dBFS level = 32768.0
 orch now loaded
 audio buffered in 256 sample-frame blocks
 ftable 1:
 ftable 2:
 ftable 4:
 ftable 30:
 ftable 31:
 ftable 32:
 ftable 33:
 ftable 34:
 ftable 35:
 ftable 36:
 ftable 37:
 ftable 38:
 ftable 39:
 ftable 41:
 ftable 42:
 ftable 44:
 ftable 45:
 ftable 5150:
 ftable 6001:
 ftable 6002:
 ftable 6003:
 ftable 6004:
 new alloc for instr 200:
 ALSA lib pcm.c:7075:(snd_pcm_recover) underrun occured
 ALSA lib pcm.c:7075:(snd_pcm_recover) underrun occured
 /usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/sugar/graphics/ GtkWarning: 
 gtk_container_remove: assertion `GTK_IS_TOOLBAR (container) || 
 widget-parent == GTK_WIDGET (container)' failed
  rtevent:T  0.304 TT  0.304 M:  0.0  0.0
 ftable 5028:
 deferred alloc
 audio sr = 16000, monaural
 opening WAV infile 
  defer length 24000
 ftable 5027:
 deferred alloc
 audio sr = 16000, monaural
 opening WAV infile 
  defer length 32000
 ftable 5026:
 deferred alloc
 audio sr = 16000

Re: A technical assessment of porting Sugar to Windows.

2008-04-24 Thread victor
 For sound support, the situation is similar.  I believe that a larger
 number of basic APIs are used to access sound playback features than
 are used to access the camera and microphone, making compatibility
 more difficult.  At minimum, we would need to use the windows port of
 CSound; it is not clear to me how much work on CSoundXO would be

While I have no affections for Windows, I must say that at least
that end of things should not be a problem. Csound is completely
multiplatform, runs on Linux, Windows, OSX (and even Solaris).
So whatever OS is used, we can be there. But I would very much
prefer Linux (then OSX and Windows is a very far third place).
Speaking of this, didn't Steve Jobs offer OSX for free to OLPC
at the beginning, but it was not taken because of the lack of FOSS
credentials (even though Darwin is FOSS, is it not?). It seems 
funny that now OLPC considers going Windows...

I sincerely hope this does not come to pass...


Devel mailing list

Re: Olpc3 vs Joyride

2008-06-30 Thread victor
I'd really like it if we get the 'straight' csound package updated,
too, as the software will benefit from more official exposure.
I hope we can improve things and make the whole process
smoother. At least now I don't need to be sponsored anymore,
so it should be simpler.


- Original Message - 
From: C. Scott Ananian [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Victor Lazzarini [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, June 30, 2008 8:31 PM
Subject: Re: Olpc3 vs Joyride

 On Mon, Jun 30, 2008 at 12:25 PM, Victor Lazzarini
 I find it amazing that instead of offering support, people
 tend to criticize you for taking a thankless task onboard.
 I wish instead of just talking, they went out there and did the job;
 I am happy to pass on the maintenance of olpcsound, csound-olpc
 or whatever name you find more appropriate, to whoever
 is not happy and thinks he/she can make a better job of

 I'm sorry it appears that way, Victor.  We certainly do appreciate you
 doing the packaging!
 OLPC and Redhat/Fedora still have a bit of a ways to go to properly
 integrate their communities, and sometimes we get lingering resentment
 in one direction or another (symmetrically: these OLPC guys, always
 going off their own way and these Fedora folks, trying to force us
 into their shoebox).  We're working on it!  Dennis has been a
 fantastic resource in integrating the OLPC way into the Fedora
 way, and hopefully we can continue to get more folks like him and you

 Thank you again for your hard work!  I hope when Dennis gets out from
 under the 8.2 release work you two (and the mysteriously other Fedora
 csound maintainer) can touch base on how best to merge packaging so we
 don't always have to be playing catchup to our upstream.

 ( ) 

Devel mailing list


2008-08-05 Thread victor
I used to be able to write to the logs using

self.logger = sugar.logger.logging.getLogger()

But now none of the messages appear in the logs. Why? Where are they
now? How can I write to the logs from my activity?


Devel mailing list

Re: Why we are about to not bother upkeeping TamTam.

2008-08-05 Thread victor
I think the reason for tam tam not opening in joyride is that it expects
its files to be in /usr/share/activities/* and not in /home/olpc/activities/*

Perhaps fixed in later versions?

  - Original Message - 
  From: jean piche 
  To: Christoph Derndorfer 
  Sent: Tuesday, August 05, 2008 9:16 PM
  Subject: Why we are about to not bother upkeeping TamTam.

  TamTamJam v50
  TamTamEdit v49
  TamTamSynthLab v50
  TamTamMin v48

   I dont know why we even bother making new bundles with bug fixes that never 
get included into the builds. I mean the TamTam you are using is like 8 months 

  Anyone care?

  On 08-08-05, at 15:56, Christoph Derndorfer wrote:

On Tue, Aug 5, 2008 at 9:47 PM, Jean Piché [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

g) the oddest issue I ran into is that none of the TamTam activities 
worked, they all crashed when starting and took Sugar with it, a hardware-reset 
was needed

  Has the latest TamTam build been rolled into this joyride?

Here's what I got:

TamTamJam v48
TamTamEdit v47
TamTamSynthLab v48
TamTamMin v46

Which is also what the latest versions are according to 



Christoph Derndorfer
co-editor, olpcnews


  Devel mailing list
Devel mailing list

Re: Why we are about to not bother upkeeping TamTam.

2008-08-05 Thread victor
In fact, if I put some symlinks in /usr/share/Activities pointing to the 
TamTam, I get it to load and run.
  - Original Message - 
  From: jean piche 
  To: Christoph Derndorfer 
  Sent: Tuesday, August 05, 2008 9:16 PM
  Subject: Why we are about to not bother upkeeping TamTam.

  TamTamJam v50
  TamTamEdit v49
  TamTamSynthLab v50
  TamTamMin v48

   I dont know why we even bother making new bundles with bug fixes that never 
get included into the builds. I mean the TamTam you are using is like 8 months 

  Anyone care?

  On 08-08-05, at 15:56, Christoph Derndorfer wrote:

On Tue, Aug 5, 2008 at 9:47 PM, Jean Piché [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

g) the oddest issue I ran into is that none of the TamTam activities 
worked, they all crashed when starting and took Sugar with it, a hardware-reset 
was needed

  Has the latest TamTam build been rolled into this joyride?

Here's what I got:

TamTamJam v48
TamTamEdit v47
TamTamSynthLab v48
TamTamMin v46

Which is also what the latest versions are according to 



Christoph Derndorfer
co-editor, olpcnews


  Devel mailing list
Devel mailing list

Re: Loading the OSS modules on the XO

2008-08-13 Thread victor
Just tested here

$ modprobe snd-pcm-oss
$ cat /dev/dsp  /dev/dsp

and I get lovely mic-speaker parrot feedback.
I guess it's just about adding this modprobe line to the init scripts

- Original Message - 
From: Jim Gettys [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, August 13, 2008 3:58 PM
Subject: Re: Loading the OSS modules on the XO

I thought there was a library/shim/kernel option that allowed us to
 emulate OSS on ALSA?

 In any case, anything not using ALSA at this date really should get
 updated to ALSA
 - Jim

 On Wed, 2008-08-13 at 10:43 -0400, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 shivaprasad wrote:
   Its OK if I need to have root permissions only once right? I can 
 change the


   /etc/modules/ once during installation of the activity and need not 
 load the
   module every time I run the activity. I am new programming on Linux 
   wasnt sure what to change to make the XO load the oss module on 
 startup. So
   my plan is if I  know how to make the XO load the  oss modules  I can 
   this in a script and run the script during installation of the 
 activity so
   that when I launch the activity I would not need root permission.Could 
   please tell me how to change /etc/modules to load oss modules on 

 the file /etc/modules that erik mentioned isn't used on the XO, but
 there's a similar mechanism in place.

 create a new file /etc/sysconfig/modules, with a name that ends
 in .modules, like oss.modules.  that file should be an executable
 shell script which will load the modules you want.  see the existing
 olpc-1.modules file in that directory as an example, but probably
 all you need is a single modprobe snd-pcm-oss command.

 this should cause your module to be installed when the XO boots.


   On Wed, Aug 13, 2008 at 6:54 PM, Erik Garrison [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
On Wed, Aug 13, 2008 at 06:16:58PM +0530, shivaprasad javali wrote:

I am porting a application to the XO. It uses the OSS sound 
 Api's to
 render sound. I found that the oss modules are not loaded on the 
 xo by
 default. I was able to load the oss modules by running modprobe
 which created the /dev/dsp and other device files required by the 
 modules and was able to run my application on the XO. But the 
 problem is
 every time I reboot the XO I will have to run the commands and 
 load the

Is there any way I can tell the XO to always load the oss 
 if I have a script to run the commands on launching the 
 application these
 commands would require super user privileges which I wont have 
 when I
 the application from the activity bar. Any Ideas?
Without root access, your activity will have difficulty modifying
/etc/modules to enable autoloading the snd-pcm-oss module at boot. 
 I am
unsure if there is any way around this issue unless the deployment 
for your activity is a set of machines on which you have root 
   part 2 text/plain 129
   Devel mailing list

  paul fox, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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 One Laptop Per Child

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jackd on OLPC?

2008-08-13 Thread victor
Noting a couple of lines for jackuser group in limits.conf made me search
around and I found that libjack  jackd are present in the laptop system.

Is that a fixture? I am asking because we have removed the jack IO module
from csound because we thought it was not going to be present. Should I
bring it back? Are there plans to use jack as the audio plumbing in the
XO? What about pulseaudio?

It would be nice if we could be informed of the audio and RT strategy in the 
OS, or if possible be involved in the decision-making. I am mostly in the dark
when it comes to these things, which is not ideal. 

If there are plans to support jack (or pulseaudio), I could do some tests
and add functionality (eg. a patcher). The TamTam team also needs to
be informed as they might want to convert Clooper to support jack (or


Devel mailing list

Re: jackd on OLPC?

2008-08-13 Thread victor
Also: there is a there too, why? Who uses it?
  - Original Message - 
  From: victor 
  Sent: Wednesday, August 13, 2008 4:54 PM
  Subject: jackd on OLPC?

  Noting a couple of lines for jackuser group in limits.conf made me search
  around and I found that libjack  jackd are present in the laptop system.

  Is that a fixture? I am asking because we have removed the jack IO module
  from csound because we thought it was not going to be present. Should I
  bring it back? Are there plans to use jack as the audio plumbing in the
  XO? What about pulseaudio?

  It would be nice if we could be informed of the audio and RT strategy in the 
  OS, or if possible be involved in the decision-making. I am mostly in the dark
  when it comes to these things, which is not ideal. 

  If there are plans to support jack (or pulseaudio), I could do some tests
  and add functionality (eg. a patcher). The TamTam team also needs to
  be informed as they might want to convert Clooper to support jack (or




  Devel mailing list
Devel mailing list

Re: jackd on OLPC?

2008-08-13 Thread victor
Ah. Well, since it is there, then I might as well test it and
then report my findings. Jack is seen as more specialised/pro
than pulseaudio by the linux audio guys.



- Original Message - 
From: Daniel Drake [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, August 13, 2008 5:33 PM
Subject: Re: jackd on OLPC?

 On Wed, 2008-08-13 at 16:54 +0100, victor wrote:
 Noting a couple of lines for jackuser group in limits.conf made me
 around and I found that libjack  jackd are present in the laptop
 Can't comment on future plans, but I can explain the present:
 portaudio is pulled in through espeak, which we require.
 We don't really want or use portaudio, but that's the way it is.
 In F9, portaudio grew a dependency on jack, so we get that too. In other
 words, these things are only in our builds unintentionally.

Devel mailing list

Re: jackd on OLPC?

2008-08-14 Thread victor
Thanks; I have added a few extra bits.

- Original Message - 
Sent: Thursday, August 14, 2008 10:53 PM
Subject: Re: jackd on OLPC?

 victor wrote:
 I am mostly in the dark
 when it comes to these things, which is not ideal.
 I wrote based on this 
 thread and my limited understanding.  (Leaving out the could install A, 
 ought to use B stuff that clutters the wiki.)
 Edit away.
 =S Page
Devel mailing list

rainbow and pam

2008-08-15 Thread victor
I'm trying to get my head round how rainbow works and there is one
thing I cannot figure out. Why is that the UIDs generated by rainbow
do not have the same resource access privileges as other UIDs as
set in limits.conf for pam? If I use a wildcard to match all users,
the UIDs set by rainbow are not caught by it.

Any clues very much appreciated

Devel mailing list

Re: rainbow and pam

2008-08-15 Thread victor
Thanks; You have been copied into this already:

I'm just exploring possibilities for getting better RT performance for
audio on the XO. I got stuck when I could not test set the scheduler
priority from an Activity (but was able to do it from the terminal).

- Original Message - 
From: Michael Stone [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, August 16, 2008 12:00 AM
Subject: Re: rainbow and pam

 On Fri, Aug 15, 2008 at 11:52:59PM +0100, victor wrote:
I'm trying to get my head round how rainbow works and there is one
thing I cannot figure out. Why is that the UIDs generated by rainbow
do not have the same resource access privileges as other UIDs as
set in limits.conf for pam? If I use a wildcard to match all users,
the UIDs set by rainbow are not caught by it.

 Probably because rainbow simply calls setgroups(), setgid(), and
 setuid() in order to change credentials. What would you like it to be


Devel mailing list

Re: rainbow and pam

2008-08-16 Thread victor
But as it is, if you are playing MIDI or audio through an Activity launched
by rainbow, there is no way AFAIK you can renice it. The
code I am testing was set to either change scheduler priority
or to renice the process. None is possible.

Note that what I am proposing here would not affect you,
because you will never play background music and compose
with TAM TAM at the same time (or not at least now, unless
you have two soundcards in the system). 

So as far as this discussion is concerned,  your worries are

- Original Message - 
From: Mikus Grinbergs [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, August 16, 2008 5:51 AM
Subject: Re: rainbow and pam

 Proper fix: make the kernel have a per-task inheritable upper
 limit on the real-time priority. Perhaps the existing limit
 (used for niceness) can even do the job. It's this thing:
 I almost always have multiple sessions running on my XO.  If one of 
 those sessions provides me with background music, I don't want it to 
 stutter as I do other things with my XO.  For that reason I 'nice' 
 the task which is feeding the audio hardware (to have priority over 
 all other tasks).
 So far (on recent Joyrides) this is working the way I want it -- my 
 audio task has a priority of -12 (that's minus !).  I get concerned 
 when there is talk of improving priority handling in the XO.  If 
 something were done that caused my background music to stutter, I 
 would not hesitate to patch *my* system to regain uninterrupted music.
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Devel mailing list

Re: rainbow and pam

2008-08-16 Thread victor
Sorry if I was not clear. Here is the code that currently fails
under rainbow:

 /* set scheduling policy and priority */
if (priority  0) {
  p.sched_priority = priority;
  if (sched_setscheduler(0, SCHED_RR, p) != 0) {
csound-Message(csound,csound: cannot set scheduling policy to 
  else   csound-Message(csound,csound: setting scheduling policy to 
else {
  /* nice requested */
  if (setpriority(PRIO_PROCESS, 0, priority) != 0) {
csound-Message(csound,csound: cannot set nice level to %d,

This works fine on the terminal for user olpc (given the correct 



- Original Message - 
From: Michael Stone [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, August 16, 2008 3:33 AM
Subject: Re: rainbow and pam

 On Fri, Aug 15, 2008 at 09:14:47PM -0400, Jim Gettys wrote:

I detect a disconnect.

 The disconnect is that Victor has neither explained what syscalls he
 wants to be able to make nor posted his patch to limits.conf. Until he
 does one of these things, I am unable to help him.


Devel mailing list

Re: rainbow and pam

2008-08-16 Thread victor
Aren't these priorities the same ones set in /etc/security/limits.conf?
Or are they set by other means?

- Original Message - 
From: Michael Stone [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, August 16, 2008 8:40 PM
Subject: Re: rainbow and pam

 According to man sched_setscheduler you want either CAP_SYS_NICE or a
 non-zero RLIMIT_RTPRIO and giving these to you means that you can
 hardlock the machine anytime by busywaiting. Audio performance is
 clearly important to us in this release -- probably more important than
 stopping random malicious activities from locking the machine -- so that
 means that I should probably help you out on the condition that we may
 need to revise the details of our arrangements in future releases.
 Is that acceptable?
 If so, I propose simply granting all activities an RLIMIT_RTPRIO rlimit
 of some made-up number... say 50?
 Anyone have better ideas?
 (Note that there is a facility for setting per-bundle rlimits that we
 could probably adapt, but it's not very well tested...) 
Devel mailing list

Re: rainbow and pam

2008-08-16 Thread victor
Is that documented? I don't see it in man page. I can try it, if
I have a code example (says there it does not take a priority
value, so is it just a matter of setting the policy?)

- Original Message - 
From: Benjamin M. Schwartz [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Michael Stone [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, August 16, 2008 10:27 PM
Subject: Re: rainbow and pam

 Hash: SHA1

 Michael Stone wrote:
 | According to man sched_setscheduler you want either CAP_SYS_NICE or a
 | non-zero RLIMIT_RTPRIO and giving these to you means that you can
 | hardlock the machine anytime by busywaiting.

 As noted in a conversation with Michael, there is a potential third way,
 in the form of SCHED_ISO, isochronous scheduling.  This scheduler patch
 creates a pseudo-realtime mode that provides lower latencies without the
 potential for hardlocks.

 - --Ben
 Version: GnuPG v2.0.9 (GNU/Linux)
 Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -


Devel mailing list

Re: rainbow and pam

2008-08-16 Thread victor
Ok; My suggestion would then be for us to test allowing
RTPRIO to 99 (the max value), if possible, so we can
test its impact. Then it will be possible to test lower
priorities to see what would be a reasonable limit.

There has also been a question of testing stronger
RT kernel patches in future releases. If so, the whole
thing will need to be reconsidered then.

Our problem at the moment is that the current kernel
has taken a step backwards in RT performance, which
we are trying to address. Maybe this will not be the case
in the future.

In any case, thanks for helping us sort this one out,
I am actually very pleased that we can discuss the XO's
RT performance. In fact, if we tune this right, we will
place the OS (and the laptop) in a position of advantage 
against its competitors in relation to media applications.

- Original Message - 
From: Michael Stone [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, August 16, 2008 10:39 PM
Subject: Re: rainbow and pam

 On Sat, Aug 16, 2008 at 10:15:08PM +0100, victor wrote:
 Aren't these priorities the same ones set in /etc/security/limits.conf?
 Or are they set by other means?
 /etc/security/limits.conf is simply one vehicle (specifically, the one
 used by PAM) for getting a uid-0 process (hence a process w/
 CAP_SYS_RESOURCE) like login or su to call setrlimit() before running
 some user-supplied code. Rainbow can accomplish this directly. 
 (I am interested in arguments as to whether Rainbow should be made to
 interact with PAM and the 'login'/'session'/'terminal' concept cluster,
 but I haven't yet gotten around to detailed investigation.)
Devel mailing list

Re: comments on late joyrides re: rt performance

2008-08-16 Thread victor
you are absolutely right. I can use very large buffers; however there
are two things: I was using quite large ones (but not the immense ones you
but  say 8192 samples, and I was still getting dropouts. The larger
the buffer the longer the dropouts were lasting for. Yes, I can try
with larger buffers. But in any case, the target is not the MIDI app,
that was just the test case, because it was simpler than hooking
a keyboard and playing along.


- Original Message - 
From: Benjamin M. Schwartz [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, August 16, 2008 9:14 PM
Subject: Re: comments on late joyrides re: rt performance

 Hash: SHA1

 victor wrote:
 | Comparing the RT audio performance of the two, I must say
 | I am disappointed with how worse it has got.
 | One of the things I have been playing with is a little MIDI file player
 | (one of the test/example activities in,
 | which uses a soundfont synthesis engine.

 While diminished RT performance is a serious problem, it occurs to me that
 a properly designed MIDI file player should not require low latency at
 all.  The ALSA audio design makes it easy for applications to request long
 buffers..  For example, the Distance activity plays audio with[/usr/bin/aplay, --buffer-time=1000, fname])

 to request a maximum-size buffer, precisely because of the latency issues
 that I observed in testing.  (Yes, this is incredibly ugly, but using
 gstreamer in a multithreaded python app is uglier.)

 Interactive sound synthesis is a different matter, but for pure playback,
 perhaps you just need a longer buffer.

 - --Ben
 Version: GnuPG v2.0.9 (GNU/Linux)
 Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -


Devel mailing list

OS versioning

2008-08-21 Thread victor
Hello everyone,

I was trying to find the correct info on OS versioning in the wiki, but
could not. So perhaps you can enlighten me?

1.Why version 8.* ?
2.Last release was 8.1, we are going towards 8.2, I see that, but
was 8.1 FC7-based or FC8? Is 8.2 FC9-based?
3. How are olpc-2 and olpc-3 (the names of distros in
Koji) related to OS versions?
4. How do build numbers, stable/joyride, relate to OS versions?

I need to make sure I get this all clear in my head.

Thanks a lot

Devel mailing list

Re: OS versioning

2008-08-22 Thread victor
Thanks everyone for their quick and comprehensive responses.

- Original Message - 
From: Michael Stone [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, August 22, 2008 6:37 AM
Subject: Re: OS versioning

 On Fri, Aug 22, 2008 at 06:18:47AM +0100, victor wrote:
Hello everyone,

I was trying to find the correct info on OS versioning in the wiki, but
could not. So perhaps you can enlighten me?
 There's some information at [[Release process home]] on the wiki. I
 also have some detailed (and amusing) diagrams on the subject that I
 haven't managed to really finish off. Remind me when I'm awake to dig
 them up for you.
1.Why version 8.* ?
 8.2 == 'second major release of 2008'. (Major releases begin new
 periods of support where support means that you can ask us to make
 minor releases for you based on X).
2.Last release was 8.1, we are going towards 8.2, I see that, but
was 8.1 FC7-based or FC8? Is 8.2 FC9-based?
 8.2.* is based on F-9.
 7.2.* and 8.1.* (i.e. official-650, official-653, official-656,
 official-703, official-708, official-711) are all based on F-7.
3. How are olpc-2 and olpc-3 (the names of distros in
Koji) related to OS versions?
 OLPC-2 is the second OLPC buildroot. OLPC-3 is the third OLPC buildroot.
 Buildroots contain (mostly fixed) sets of packages used to construct the
 controlled environment used for building other packages.
 dist-olpc3 is a koji tag which is built on top of the OLPC-3 buildroot.
 We're going to do things slightly differently for 9.1.0 or 9.2.0 release
 in that we intend to start off with a koji tag like dist-olpc4-rawhide
 tracking Fedora's Rawhide, then, eventually, freeze it when F-11 (or so)
 is released. This way, we'll have an easier time rebasing our remaining
 divergence onto the new Fedora revision.
4. How do build numbers, stable/joyride, relate to OS versions?
 Releases (e.g. things named 7.1.*, 7.2.*, 8.1.*, 8.2.*, 9.1.*, etc)
 contain signed reference operating systems w/ no activities, signed
 derivative images w/ activities, customization keys, release notes,
 engineering change-order documentation, etc.
 Therefore, there's no automatic mapping between releases and build
 Build streams, like 'joyride', 'faster', 'sugar', 'rainbow', 'xtest',
 'meshtest', etc. are just convenient monikers for collections of related
 builds. Joyride, in particular, is important because it's the central
 development tree comparable to other distributions' notion of 'rawhide'
 or 'unstable'.
I need to make sure I get this all clear in my head.
 It's a bit of a morass. Unfortunately, I don't have any good ideas on
 how to simplify it! (Suggestions welcome... sort-of.)
Devel mailing list

Re: [Announce] Sucrose 0.82 Final Release

2008-08-22 Thread victor
Obviously not for diabetics! :)

- Original Message - 
From: Simon Schampijer [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, August 22, 2008 1:13 PM
Subject: [Announce] Sucrose 0.82 Final Release

 Watch out your teeth!

 The Sucrose 0.82 Final Release is out!

 Sucrose 0.82 is the latest version of the Sugar education platform,
 consisting of Glucose, the base system environment; and Fructose, a set
 of demonstration activities.

 Sucrose is released every six months and contains many new features,
 improvements, bug fixes, and translations. Sucrose 0.82 continues this
 tradition and is our most well-planned release to date.

 To learn more about this release please visit the detailed release notes

 There will be another stable release (0.82.1) soon [2] and planning on
 the upcoming 0.84 has been started [3].

 Many people contributed to this release indirectly, including testing,
 documentation, translation, contributing to the wiki, outreach to
 education and developer communities. On behalf of the community, we give
 our warmest thanks to the developers and contributors who made this
 sugar release possible.

 In behalf of the sugar community,
Your release team

 [1] Release notes:
 [2] Schedule:
 [3] 0.84:
 Devel mailing list 

Devel mailing list

Re: OS versioning

2008-08-22 Thread victor
Looking at 8.2.0 release notes I don't see any mention of
ticket #7603 , which I suppose it
is an important issue still to be satisfactorily resolved (we seem to
have stalled since got attacked, as access to
Koji is not back up again). We have some ideas, but they have
not been implemented and tested.



- Original Message - 
From: C. Scott Ananian [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Cc: Michael Stone [EMAIL PROTECTED];
Sent: Friday, August 22, 2008 3:28 PM
Subject: Re: OS versioning

 On Fri, Aug 22, 2008 at 2:31 AM, victor [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Thanks everyone for their quick and comprehensive responses.
 Some more information on the correspondence between names and release
 numbers can be found at:
 ( )
Devel mailing list

jack tests

2008-08-22 Thread victor
Just a quick note that I have done some preliminary tests with
jack as an audio server and Csound (now that Koji is back up and I
could build an updated package). Performance seems OK, perhaps
even slightly better than direct to alsa (but I am only testing at the
terminal). I'll test it locally, then I'll see if I can get the
network client working (not sure of the issues involved, but I'll try). 
I am keeping a record of some this work at

In the near future I will test pulseaudio too, then we'll have an idea of 
future possibilities.


Devel mailing list

Re: CSound server questions

2008-08-28 Thread victor
I'd just like to correct, for the record, that the Csound 5
project leader, of which I am part,  is and has always been
John ffitch. I am the fedora package maintainer for the
olpcsound subset (and I'lll probably pick up the full Csound5
package too). John has also done a substantial work in
setting up the subset build.

We would welcome, very much, Barry's input in
Csound 5 development, if he'd like to be involved.


- Original Message - 
From: Jim Gettys [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: John Maloney [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Cc: [EMAIL PROTECTED];; Chris Ball 
Sent: Thursday, August 28, 2008 4:08 PM
Subject: Re: CSound server questions


 We cannot use code from Barry since he tends to work by himself, his
 code is unmaintainable except by him and its licensing has also been
 somewhat questionable at times, though the licening problems may have
 been addressed..  Were he to be run over by a truck (God forbid!), we'd
 be in a complete pickle.

 The community CSound, that Victor leads, is widely used and supported by
 a large community of people.

 Previous objections of CSound bloat (by things like the public csound
 using the TK/TCL internally to the CSound library) have been addressed
 by Victor, who now has (at configure time) a version of CSound5 built
 out of the same source pool that drops those dependencies.

 You can be sure that *anything* that runs on the CSound lite we run on
 OLPC will run on the public full CSound used in the music community; it
 is an *exact* subset of the full CSound used by everyone except Barry.

 So we are also in a very much better compatibility situation than using
 Barry's version.

 Hope this explanation helps.
 - Jim

 On Wed, 2008-08-27 at 06:42 -0400, John Maloney wrote:
 Thanks for the info.

 I had the impression that Barry Vercoe was working on a new, light-
 weight CsoundServer. Is that not true?

 -- John

 On Aug 27, 2008, at 5:15 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  There is no CsoundServer anymore; we use Csound as a library
  through its API. If anyone wants some help on how to use it, to
  play MIDI or anything else, he/she can talk to me, privately or
  on this list. I'm away to ICMC at the moment, so replies might
  be slow. But I'll give as much help as I can.
  - Original Message -
  From: Chris Ball [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Date: Tuesday, August 26, 2008 11:35 pm
  Subject: Re: CSound server questions
  To: C. Scott Ananian [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Cc: John Maloney [EMAIL PROTECTED],
   Did you ever get a satisfactory answer to your
   questions?  I think
   Pippy contains the best examples of using csound
   to play sounds --
   is that right, Chris?
   Well, I'd say that TamTam does.  :)  But yes, Pippy
   does some basic
   synthesis using sinewaves and music files with csound.
   - Chris.
   Chris Ball   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Devel mailing list

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 One Laptop Per Child

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Csound supports OSC, but I have to check whether we are including it

2008-08-31 Thread victor
Csound supports OSC, but I have to check whether we are including it
on olpcsound. The reason we might have left it out is that I have heard 
the grapevine that OSC was a no-no as it breaks the security model.

So I suppose I should ask directly, is OSC permitted?


- Original Message - 
From: Bert Freudenberg [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: John Maloney [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Cc: victor [EMAIL PROTECTED]; C. Scott Ananian 
Sent: Friday, August 29, 2008 10:04 PM
Subject: Re: CSound server questions

 Am 29.08.2008 um 23:10 schrieb John Maloney:

 Thanks, Jim and Victor.

 Jim, your explanation makes sense. Good to know what the future
 direction is for OLPC and CSound.

 If I have questions about making Scratch use CSound, who is the best
 person to ask?

 If it still supports OSC you could use

 ... but if it's indeed a library now you would need a plugin.

 - Bert -

Devel mailing list

Re: CSound server questions

2008-08-31 Thread victor
Well, you can ask me. I suppose there are various ways you could
connect to Csound:

1. using the API (via a C or C++ squeak plugin
module, if it is possible to do these things),
2. through MIDI (if
squeak can output MIDI and we can then connect via alsa midi)
3. OSC
4. IP socket (by starting a minimal server written in Python
and issuing Python commands as string data)
5. line events at stdin (a little awkward)

Devel mailing list

Re: CSound server questions

2008-08-31 Thread victor
No, you have to run it with a command-line option and then use 
aconnect I suppose. I need to check how to do soft connections,
as I am used to just connecting straight to hardware .


- Original Message - 
From: Bert Freudenberg [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: OLPC Development
Cc: John Maloney [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, August 31, 2008 7:01 PM
Subject: Re: CSound server questions

 Am 31.08.2008 um 19:04 schrieb victor:
 Well, you can ask me. I suppose there are various ways you could
 connect to Csound:

 1. using the API (via a C or C++ squeak plugin
 module, if it is possible to do these things),
 2. through MIDI (if
 squeak can output MIDI and we can then connect via alsa midi)
 3. OSC
 4. IP socket (by starting a minimal server written in Python
 and issuing Python commands as string data)
 5. line events at stdin (a little awkward)
 I like the MIDI option. Squeak does have a MIDI plugin (although I am  
 not entirely sure how functional it is currently).
 Is CSound registered as a MIDI device by default?
 - Bert -
 Devel mailing list
Devel mailing list

Re: CSound server questions

2008-09-05 Thread victor
I have updated the Wiki pages regarding using virtual MIDI connections, 
should be the way to connect from Scratch to Csound (see
and I don't know anything
about Squeak, but I'll get a MIDI module for Python and will try putting
together an example, which should be easily translated.

And yes, it is possible to launch a Csound process to listen in for MIDI in 
a virmidi connection.


- Original Message - 
From: John Maloney [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Cc: Bert Freudenberg [EMAIL PROTECTED]; OLPC Development
Sent: Monday, September 01, 2008 2:11 PM
Subject: Re: CSound server questions

 Hi, Victor and Bert.

 I agree with Bert -- it would probably be most convenient for Scratch  to 
 use the MIDI option, if possible. Ideally, it would work the same  as MIDI 
 does on other versions of Linux, so we could just use the  Squeak MIDI 
 Plugin. That said, I have not explored how the MIDI plugin  works on 
 Linux. Supposedly you can use it to talk to the Timidity  software MIDI 

 Could we arrange for the shell script that launches Scratch to also 
 launch the CSound server when Scratch is launched and close it when 
 Scratch quits?

 -- John

 On Aug 31, 2008, at 2:50 PM, victor wrote:

 No, you have to run it with a command-line option and then use  aconnect 
 I suppose. I need to check how to do soft connections,
 as I am used to just connecting straight to hardware .


 - Original Message - From: Bert Freudenberg 
 To: OLPC Development
 Cc: John Maloney [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Sunday, August 31, 2008 7:01 PM
 Subject: Re: CSound server questions

 Am 31.08.2008 um 19:04 schrieb victor:
 Well, you can ask me. I suppose there are various ways you could
 connect to Csound:

 1. using the API (via a C or C++ squeak plugin
 module, if it is possible to do these things),
 2. through MIDI (if
 squeak can output MIDI and we can then connect via alsa midi)
 3. OSC
 4. IP socket (by starting a minimal server written in Python
 and issuing Python commands as string data)
 5. line events at stdin (a little awkward)
 I like the MIDI option. Squeak does have a MIDI plugin (although I  am 
 not entirely sure how functional it is currently).
 Is CSound registered as a MIDI device by default?
 - Bert -
 Devel mailing list

Devel mailing list

Re: status of OLPC project

2009-01-09 Thread victor
Well, I am sorry I did not know the situation, so that is why
I asked. However, I did not ask about who was laid off, but
just wanted to know who is taking care of what now. At some
point, this will need to be divulged, I expect?

- Original Message - 
From: C. Scott Ananian
To: Bastien
Sent: Friday, January 09, 2009 6:10 PM
Subject: Re: status of OLPC project

 On Fri, Jan 9, 2009 at 11:20 AM, Bastien 
 Victor Lazzarini writes:

 [...] In other words, it would be useful to get a who's who for the


 Please have some consideration for the recently unemployed.  Not
 everyone wants this fact announced to the world, and Ed would
 certainly be out of place as manager if he were to do so preemptively.
 I don't know, but there may even be contractors or others who OLPC
 management has not been able to get in touch with, who don't yet know
 their job status.  Please be patient.

 I expect those who are comfortable announcing their employment status
 will do so, here or in some other appropriate venue.

 ( )
 Devel mailing list 

Devel mailing list

joyride, staging builds, sugar releases

2009-02-12 Thread victor
Sorry to insist on this, but I have not got it quite yet.

Joyrides = obsolete (even though the builder script keeps
churning them out and telling the olpc devel list).

staging = what are these? Obsolete too?

release builds = only last week there was a release build
announced on the olpc devel list. Are these obsolete too?

And another thing: olpc-update is not to be used anymore,
or is it still on?

Any clarification greatly appreciated!

Devel mailing list

wireless networking

2007-09-13 Thread Victor Lazzarini
Hi all,

Got the delivery of two B4 machines and joined the list today. I am
trying to test the system, so would like to get some help. I am
starting with networking; I have not yet updated to the latest OS image, 

I got the two machines side by side. Shouldn't they see each other
in Sugar's neighboorhood?

I opened the terminal and set them to the same essid but still no sign.
Also, should they not see other AdHoc machines around them (say
other windows, linux, OSX).


Victor Lazzarini
Music Technology Laboratory
Music Department
National University of Ireland, Maynooth

Devel mailing list

funny behaviour gtk+python

2007-10-04 Thread Victor Lazzarini
(OLPC build 602)
I have been trying a few things here and I stumbled
across a funny problem (this is quite specialised, so
I suppose only a few of you would know):

1. With Python, if I do

import gtk
import csnd

cs = csnd.Csound()

the csound compilation will fail with very unusual
syntax errors (which are not syntax errors at all)
(eg: error: numeric syntax 11.1, line ...)

2. If I don't do

import gtk

Csound will happily compile my code.

Now this seems so weird that I can't understand
why it is happening.

Any clues why import gtk is causing this


Victor Lazzarini
Music Technology Laboratory
Music Department
National University of Ireland, Maynooth

Devel mailing list

reason? (was Re: funny behaviour gtk+python)

2007-10-04 Thread Victor Lazzarini
would this be the reason?

import gtk Changing the default encoding? Funny
I am not getting it on my other fedora systems (perhaps
because they are one version behind?).


At 14:23 04/10/2007, Victor Lazzarini wrote:
Just to add a  little to say that this particular csound error is
issued when there is an incorrect numeric format, say
11.B or 11.1A. In here, if I only use integers, there is
no error, but all decimals are raising the error. Here's the
Csound code fragment that issues the error:

static int constndx(CSOUND *csound, const char *s)
 MYFLT   newval;
 int h, n, prv;

   volatile MYFLT  tmpVal;   /* make sure it really gets rounded to 
   char*tmp = (char*) s;
   tmpVal = (MYFLT) strtod(s, tmp);
   newval = tmpVal;
   if (tmp == s || *tmp != (char) 0) {
 synterr(csound, Str(numeric syntax '%s'), s);
 return 0;



Somehow the 'strtod'  conversion is getting it wrong.

But why only after 'import gtk', I cannot understand.


At 13:12 04/10/2007, Victor Lazzarini wrote:
(OLPC build 602)
I have been trying a few things here and I stumbled
across a funny problem (this is quite specialised, so
I suppose only a few of you would know):

1. With Python, if I do

import gtk
import csnd

cs = csnd.Csound()

the csound compilation will fail with very unusual
syntax errors (which are not syntax errors at all)
(eg: error: numeric syntax 11.1, line ...)

2. If I don't do

import gtk

Csound will happily compile my code.

Now this seems so weird that I can't understand
why it is happening.

Any clues why import gtk is causing this



Victor Lazzarini
Music Technology Laboratory
Music Department
National University of Ireland, Maynooth

Devel mailing list

Re: funny behaviour gtk+python

2007-10-04 Thread Victor Lazzarini
Just to add a  little to say that this particular csound error is
issued when there is an incorrect numeric format, say
11.B or 11.1A. In here, if I only use integers, there is
no error, but all decimals are raising the error. Here's the
Csound code fragment that issues the error:

static int constndx(CSOUND *csound, const char *s)
 MYFLT   newval;
 int h, n, prv;

   volatile MYFLT  tmpVal;   /* make sure it really gets rounded to 
   char*tmp = (char*) s;
   tmpVal = (MYFLT) strtod(s, tmp);
   newval = tmpVal;
   if (tmp == s || *tmp != (char) 0) {
 synterr(csound, Str(numeric syntax '%s'), s);
 return 0;



Somehow the 'strtod'  conversion is getting it wrong.

But why only after 'import gtk', I cannot understand.


At 13:12 04/10/2007, Victor Lazzarini wrote:
(OLPC build 602)
I have been trying a few things here and I stumbled
across a funny problem (this is quite specialised, so
I suppose only a few of you would know):

1. With Python, if I do

import gtk
import csnd

cs = csnd.Csound()

the csound compilation will fail with very unusual
syntax errors (which are not syntax errors at all)
(eg: error: numeric syntax 11.1, line ...)

2. If I don't do

import gtk

Csound will happily compile my code.

Now this seems so weird that I can't understand
why it is happening.

Any clues why import gtk is causing this



Victor Lazzarini
Music Technology Laboratory
Music Department
National University of Ireland, Maynooth

Devel mailing list

funny behaviour gtk+python

2007-10-04 Thread Victor Lazzarini
(OLPC build 602)
I have been trying a few things here and I stumbled
across a funny problem (this is quite specialised, so
I suppose only a few of you would know):

1. With Python, if I do

import gtk
import csnd

cs = csnd.Csound()

the csound compilation will fail with very unusual
syntax errors (which are not syntax errors at all)
(eg: error: numeric syntax 11.1, line ...)

2. If I don't do

import gtk

Csound will happily compile my code.

Now this seems so weird that I can't understand
why it is happening.

Any clues why import gtk is causing this


Victor Lazzarini
Music Technology Laboratory
Music Department
National University of Ireland, Maynooth

Devel mailing list

Re: funny behaviour gtk+python

2007-10-05 Thread Victor Lazzarini
yes, it's true, but at the moment, I can't
see a substitute for strtod(), and we can't
put a dependency on gtk or Python in the Csound
engine. I can't find an ascii_strtod(). Would
it work if we added a call to setlocale() just
before the call to strtod()?


 This really needs to be fixed properly in CSound. We can't
 have any csound user to have to work it around playing
 with LOCALE... Simon email explain pretty well what is the


 On 10/4/07, Jean Piché [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  This seriously look slike a bug we had about a month ago
  in TamTam. I cannot recall the number but hopefully
 someone else can remeber. 
  It has to do with the LOCALE env variable and the
  int/float separating character. It was fixed in our
 pythin code but specifying: 
  locale.setlocale(locale.LC_NUMERIC, 'C')
  On 4-Oct-07, at 9:49 AM, Victor Lazzarini wrote:
  Yes setting LANG=C at the console solves the problem.
  Would you care to explain why?
  At 13:15 04/10/2007, Marco Pesenti Gritti wrote:
  On 10/4/07, Victor Lazzarini [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  wrote: (OLPC build 602)
  I have been trying a few things here and I stumbled
  across a funny problem (this is quite specialised, so
  I suppose only a few of you would know):
  1. With Python, if I do
  import gtk
  import csnd
  cs = csnd.Csound()
  the csound compilation will fail with very unusual
  syntax errors (which are not syntax errors at all)
  (eg: error: numeric syntax 11.1, line ...)
  2. If I don't do
  import gtk
  Csound will happily compile my code.
  Now this seems so weird that I can't understand
  why it is happening.
  Any clues why import gtk is causing this
  Does running it with LANG=C help?
  Victor Lazzarini
  Music Technology Laboratory
  Music Department
  National University of Ireland, Maynooth
  Devel mailing list
Devel mailing list

olpc password?

2007-10-05 Thread Victor Lazzarini
Is there a password for user olpc? I set
one for it to be able to ssh to the XO, but
it seems to have upset the X server and on
reboot I could not get the graphics (flashed
in and then failed).


Devel mailing list

stderr/stdout msgs in sugar

2007-10-09 Thread Victor Lazzarini
Hello everyone,

when debugging an activity how does one get stderr/stdout
messages from Python in sugar. It is quite hard to debug blindly, not
knowing what errors Python is spewing out.


Victor Lazzarini
Music Technology Laboratory
Music Department
National University of Ireland, Maynooth

Devel mailing list

retrieving the activity bundle directory

2007-10-11 Thread Victor Lazzarini
Hi everyone,

does anyone know if is there a way to retrieve the
activity bundle top directory name under python/sugar?


Victor Lazzarini
Music Technology Laboratory
Music Department
National University of Ireland, Maynooth

Devel mailing list

Re: retrieving the activity bundle directory

2007-10-11 Thread Victor Lazzarini
Not in build 602 I presume (as it does not work here). Will
upgrade and test (but Dan's solution works fine).


At 17:13 11/10/2007, Bert Freudenberg wrote:

On Oct 11, 2007, at 15:59 , Dan Williams wrote:

On Thu, 2007-10-11 at 14:29 +0100, Victor Lazzarini wrote:
Hi everyone,

does anyone know if is there a way to retrieve the
activity bundle top directory name under python/sugar?

You should be able to:

from sugar.activity import activity

my_bundle_path = activity.get_bundle_path()

Also, with the recent launch refactorings the bundle directory is
made the current working directory, so you can simply use relative
path names.

- Bert -

Victor Lazzarini
Music Technology Laboratory
Music Department
National University of Ireland, Maynooth

Devel mailing list

Re: connect to network?

2007-10-12 Thread Victor Lazzarini
I have found that a USB ethernet card works very



 Another newbie question: is the machine supposed to
 be able to
 connect to an ordinary wireless network? It finds
 my router name
 (and indeed all the other networks alive locally),
 and asks for my
 WEP key (and subsequently shows it is on Canal 11),
 but that is
 as far as I get. ping doesn't work, and the browser
 activity cannot
 connect to the internet to find eternal websites.

 Please file a bug; this should work, and we're interested
 in chasing it down.  Attaching your /var/log/messages file
 after an attempt would be most useful.  We have problems
 with some types of encrypted APs.

 In the absence of a physical network port, this would
 be the only
 way I can copy files to/from the X0.

 You could also use a USB disk, SD card, or USB ethernet

 - Chris.
 Devel mailing list
Devel mailing list

project hosting request

2008-01-08 Thread Victor Lazzarini

1. Project name : csndsugui
2. Existing website, if any :
3. One-line description : a toolkit for the development of custom 
csound activities

4. Longer description   : csndsugui is a Python-based toolkit for the 
development of
 : activities based on csound under sugar: lab 
demos, instruments
 : and music-related applications. It also aims 
to provide a simple migration
 : path for csound code that uses FLTK widgets.

5. URLs of similar projects :

6. Committer list
Please list the maintainer (lead developer) as the first entry. Only list
developers who need to be given accounts so that they can commit to your
project's code repository, or push their own. There is no need to list
non-committer developers.

   Username   Full name SSH2 key URLE-mail
      - --
#1   Victor 

If any developers don't have their SSH2 keys on the web, please attach 
to the application e-mail.

7. Preferred development model

[X] Central tree. Every developer can push his changes directly to the
project's git tree. This is the standard model that will be 
familiar to
CVS and Subversion users, and that tends to work well for most 

[ ] Maintainer-owned tree. Every developer creates his own git tree, or
multiple git trees. He periodically asks the maintainer to look at one
or more of these trees, and merge changes into the maintainer-owned,
main tree. This is the model used by the Linux kernel, and is
well-suited to projects wishing to maintain a tighter control on code
entering the main tree.

If you choose the maintainer-owned tree model, but wish to set up some
shared trees where all of your project's committers can commit directly,
as might be the case with a discussion tree, or a tree for an individual
feature, you may send us such a request by e-mail, and we will set up the
tree for you.

8. Set up a project mailing list:

[ ] Yes, named after our project name
[ ] Yes, named __
[X] No

When your project is just getting off the ground, we suggest you eschew
a separate mailing list and instead keep discussion about your project
on the main OLPC development list. This will give you more input and
potentially attract more developers to your project; when the volume of
messages related to your project reaches some critical mass, we can
trivially create a separate mailing list for you.

If you need multiple lists, let us know. We discourage having many
mailing lists for smaller projects, as this tends to
stunt the growth of your project community. You can always add more lists

9. Commit notifications

[ ] Notification of commits to the main tree should be e-mailed to the list
we chose to create above
[ ] A separate mailing list, projectname-git, should be created for 
[X] No commit notifications, please

10. Shell accounts

As a general rule, we don't provide shell accounts to developers unless
there's a demonstrated need. If you have one, please explain here, and
list the usernames of the committers above needing shell access.

11. Translation
[X] Set up the Pootle server to allow translation commits to 
be made
[ ] Translation arrangements have already been made at ___

12. Notes/comments:
I do not have a username or a SSH2 key
Victor Lazzarini
Music Technology Laboratory
Music Department
National University of Ireland, Maynooth

Devel mailing list

dial widget on sugar

2008-01-10 Thread Victor Lazzarini
Is there a dial widget in Sugar? I don't think GTK offers
one (I never found it), although writing one in C seems
easy (but how to include in the XO builds?).

In addition, is there a reference for GUI components in
Sugar, above and beyond the ones provided by GTK?



Victor Lazzarini
Music Technology Laboratory
Music Department
National University of Ireland, Maynooth

Devel mailing list

dial widget on sugar

2008-01-10 Thread Victor Lazzarini
Is there a dial widget in Sugar? I don't think GTK offers
one (I never found it), although writing one in C seems
easy (but how to include in the XO builds?).

In addition, is there a reference for GUI components in
Sugar, above and beyond the ones provided by GTK?



Victor Lazzarini
Music Technology Laboratory
Music Department
National University of Ireland, Maynooth

Devel mailing list

set_canvas() type

2008-01-15 Thread Victor Lazzarini
Hi everyone,

what is the type expected by Activity.set_canvas(). Is there a
general-purpose canvas widget for structured graphics in
sugar (a la Tkinter canvas) ? Where should I be looking for
reference documentation?


Victor Lazzarini
Music Technology Laboratory
Music Department
National University of Ireland, Maynooth

Devel mailing list

drawing, structured graphics

2008-03-10 Thread Victor Lazzarini
Hi all,

what would be the best bet for going about implementing
structured graphics a-la Tkinter's canvas class in XO
activities? Would it be PyCairo? or PyGTK (gtk/gdk)?

also could anyone point to a PyGTK custom widget
tutorial somewhere? I had a look at one in

but the code wouldn't work. Are there others?



Victor Lazzarini
Music Technology Laboratory
Music Department
National University of Ireland, Maynooth

Devel mailing list

Re: drawing, structured graphics

2008-03-13 Thread Victor Lazzarini
goocanvas seems to be what I was looking for.


At 16:13 13/03/2008, Jim Gettys wrote:

I think Victor is asking for something at a higher level of abstraction;
particularly what goes by the name of a canvas in various toolkits.

I thought we were using goocanvas, or something like that on top of
cairo for TK canvas equivalent functionality...

  - Jim

On Mon, 2008-03-10 at 20:08 +0530, Sayamindu Dasgupta wrote:
  On Mon, Mar 10, 2008 at 7:39 PM, Victor Lazzarini
   Hi all,
what would be the best bet for going about implementing
structured graphics a-la Tkinter's canvas class in XO
activities? Would it be PyCairo? or PyGTK (gtk/gdk)?
  I guess PyCairo would be the best :-)
also could anyone point to a PyGTK custom widget
tutorial somewhere? I had a look at one in
but the code wouldn't work. Are there others?
  shameless plug
  /shameless plug
  Last time I checked - the code was working. You'll have to register to
  download the issue (it should be a free download).
Jim Gettys
One Laptop Per Child

Victor Lazzarini
Music Technology Laboratory
Music Department
National University of Ireland, Maynooth

Devel mailing list


2008-03-14 Thread Victor Lazzarini

I am trying to work out how to access the correct directories
for writing and I see that SUGAR_ACTIVITY_ROOT is
supposedly where to look. However is it up to the activity
to set this variable? I see that the terminal has it set
correctly and I would have thought that when sugar launches
an activity it would this variable too.

But  os.getenv(SUGAR_ACTIVITY_ROOT) fails. Could someone
indicate how to retrieve the activity datastore?


Victor Lazzarini
Music Technology Laboratory
Music Department
National University of Ireland, Maynooth

Devel mailing list

lbgnomevfs warning

2008-03-14 Thread Victor Lazzarini
Hi all,

on launching an activity, say a bare one with just the activity
toolbox and nothing else, I get these warnings in the log

libgnomvfs-WARNING  **: unable to create ~/.gnome2 directory ...

I realise this must be related to the security model and
acitivities cannot write to /home/olpc. But is this a problem?
Or should I just ignore it?

Victor Lazzarini
Music Technology Laboratory
Music Department
National University of Ireland, Maynooth

Devel mailing list


2008-03-14 Thread Victor Lazzarini
Not to worry, I can access the path using
activity.get_activity_root(), as pointed out by Simon,
so I am OK.


At 12:59 14/03/2008, Marco Pesenti Gritti wrote:
On Fri, Mar 14, 2008 at 12:06 PM, Victor Lazzarini
   I am trying to work out how to access the correct directories
   for writing and I see that SUGAR_ACTIVITY_ROOT is
   supposedly where to look. However is it up to the activity
   to set this variable? I see that the terminal has it set
   correctly and I would have thought that when sugar launches
   an activity it would this variable too.
   But  os.getenv(SUGAR_ACTIVITY_ROOT) fails. Could someone
   indicate how to retrieve the activity datastore?

Yeah, rainbow (or sugar if you are running with security off) is
supposed to set the variable. Not sure what is going on in your case.


Victor Lazzarini
Music Technology Laboratory
Music Department
National University of Ireland, Maynooth

Devel mailing list

memorize (drumgit game) broken

2008-03-14 Thread Victor Lazzarini
I've tested memorize now under 5.07 (the old RPM) and
joyride-1765 (latest?) and I can confirm it does not play
any sound. Csound fails to find the ogg file (no filename is
actually passed to it). The log says the opcode failed to
open the file and I traced it to an empty string being passed
through a software bus channel.

But I have prepared the 5.08 RPM to run oggplay, so it should
work when this is fixed.

Thanks everyone


Victor Lazzarini
Music Technology Laboratory
Music Department
National University of Ireland, Maynooth

Devel mailing list

Re: Olpc3 vs Joyride

2008-06-30 Thread Victor Lazzarini

While I would have no problem doing this, it is just worth noting that
Csound for olpc (aka olpcsound) is built with different scons options, so
making a spec for csound and olpcsound might be tricky. Yes it is
a subset, but a special subset. In addition, I am not the maintainer
of the csound packages in fedora.  There are a number of issues
that require attention in order to create an updated csound package
(eg. 64bit systems built etc), which are not related to OLPC. Since
my time is limited, resolving these would mean the olpc csound
package would be delayed. My priority being getting the subset
ready meant not diverging to maintain csound on Fedora, which
of course can happen in the future.

Also, I needed to be sponsored and so I wanted to keep things
simple and tidy. I did not know there were people willing to take
on the maintenance of csound for Fedora. If I knew I would probably
not have troubled myself.

I find it amazing that instead of offering support, people
tend to criticize you for taking a thankless task onboard.
I wish instead of just talking, they went out there and did the job;
I am happy to pass on the maintenance of olpcsound, csound-olpc
or whatever name you find more appropriate, to whoever
is not happy and thinks he/she can make a better job of


At 16:05 30/06/2008, Jim Gettys wrote:
I think Victor would be very happy to have a single spec file that
covers both the subset and full csound builds
   - Jim

On Mon, 2008-06-30 at 09:53 -0500, Dennis Gilmore wrote:
  On Monday 30 June 2008, Jim Gettys wrote:
   OLPC csound is an *exact* formal *subset* of full csound-5 built from
   the same sources as csound-5.
   It gets rid of tk/tcl dependency we don't want to carry in csound
 - Jim
  There are much better ways to achieve that goal.  than what was 
 done.  but its
  too late now.   I'm working on defining some macros in totem 
 right now so we
  can always take the latest fedora spec, change some 0's to 
 1's  and build a
  much more minimalistic totem that's suitable for us.  What is done is done
   On Sun, 2008-06-29 at 17:25 -0500, Dennis Gilmore wrote:
On Sunday 29 June 2008, Bert Freudenberg wrote:
 Am 30.06.2008 um 00:05 schrieb Dennis Gilmore:
  On Sunday 29 June 2008, Bert Freudenberg wrote:
  I reanimated my script that shows differences between the latest
  joyride and candidate builds:
  ... and in particular added a section to easily see what packages
  are in olpc3 and not in joyride, and vice versa.
  There are not only differences in package versions, but also in
  which packages are in. I wondered, for example, why csound is
  missing from joyride ...
  a second copy of csound landed in fedora as olpcsound.  it is built
  specifically for olpc  and is in joyride.

 If it was named csound-olpc that would have been more obvious ...

 - Bert -
Yes,  first i heard of it was when i was asked to switch out csound and
csound- python for olpcsound.   Had i been asked before hand 
 i could have
suggested a way that the csound spec could have produced  csound
csound-python and csound- olpc.  but what is done is done.  I 
don't like anything being called olpc-foo,  I think we should 
 write code
that is useful outside of OLPC, useful to the whole 
 world.  In which case
 the naming is really a poor choice.
Devel mailing list
  Devel mailing list
One Laptop Per Child

Victor Lazzarini
Music Technology Laboratory
Music Department
National University of Ireland, Maynooth 

Devel mailing list

how to get a screenshot

2008-07-28 Thread Victor Lazzarini
Hello everyone,

I need to get a screenshot of an activity and I am wondering what is
the best way:

1. using sugar-jhbuild on fedora: the only problem here is that the
widgets have  all wrong sizes (how to fix this?)

2. using the XO: I have no idea how to print the screen.


Victor Lazzarini
Music Technology Laboratory
Music Department
National University of Ireland, Maynooth 

Devel mailing list

Re: how to get a screenshot

2008-07-28 Thread Victor Lazzarini
Thanks everyone, I got the screenshot I needed using method 2.


At 16:12 28/07/2008, Bastien wrote:
Hello Victor,

Victor Lazzarini [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

  I need to get a screenshot of an activity and I am wondering what is
  the best way:
  1. using sugar-jhbuild on fedora: the only problem here is that the
  widgets have  all wrong sizes (how to fix this?)

Don't know...

  2. using the XO: I have no idea how to print the screen.

Alt + F1 should do.

Then you can rename your screenshots from the journal.


Devel mailing list

Victor Lazzarini
Music Technology Laboratory
Music Department
National University of Ireland, Maynooth 

Devel mailing list

What is the best way

2008-07-30 Thread Victor Lazzarini
... to connect the XO to a projector?

Are there USB vga/etc cards known to work to with the XO?


Victor Lazzarini
Music Technology Laboratory
Music Department
National University of Ireland, Maynooth 

Devel mailing list

getting started with mesh networking

2008-08-01 Thread Victor Lazzarini
Hello everyone,

I am trying to get started experimenting with mesh networking,
but I can't seem to be able to do the basics.

I got two XOs (with different builds, one is the latest joyride). I
get them both connected say to Mesh 1. I see that ifconfig reports
a  IP address on each machine for mesh0, but I can't ping
each other.

In fact I can ping from one to the other but indirectly: one is connected
to ethernet and then it finds a route via the lan and wlan to the wifi-only
machine. Do you think the wlan is interfering with the mesh?

Also: I am not really using the wlan for general internet because it uses
VPN and (unless someone shows me how to do otherwise) I can't use
it with the XO (but I am happy with just using ethernet).

Any suggestions welcome. Thanks for your earlier replies to my other

Dr Victor Lazzarini
Senior Lecturer
Music Technology Laboratory, Music Department
National University of Ireland, Maynooth 

Devel mailing list

Re: activity bar

2008-08-01 Thread Victor Lazzarini
Now, another bit of info I can't find in Walter's minimalist draft 
for the updated
Sugar is how access newly created activities, which I have put in the
~/Activities together with the rest.

The 'list' view only gives me the installed activities, which is no use to me.
Restarting X does not make sugar find the new activities. I was trying to look
into Bert's script to see if there was a trick to make sugar see 
newly installed
activities, but I saw nothing obvious.


At 13:55 31/07/2008, Christoph Derndorfer wrote:

please refer to Walter's draft for the updated Sugar documentation 
for more information on the re-designed home-view:

Hope that helps,

On Thu, Jul 31, 2008 at 2:47 PM, Victor Lazzarini 
Hello everyone,

I have upgraded to the latest joyride and installed the activities
with Bert's script. One question remains: is the activity bar
gone, or is somewhere else now?

Victor Lazzarini
Music Technology Laboratory
Music Department
National University of Ireland, Maynooth

Devel mailing list

Christoph Derndorfer
Co-Editor, OLPCnews

Victor Lazzarini
Music Technology Laboratory
Music Department
National University of Ireland, Maynooth 

Devel mailing list

Re: activity bar

2008-08-01 Thread Victor Lazzarini
Not sure which logs. I can see all the installed activities but
none of my custom ones.


At 14:51 01/08/2008, Marco Pesenti Gritti wrote:
Victor Lazzarini wrote:
Now, another bit of info I can't find in Walter's minimalist draft 
for the updated
Sugar is how access newly created activities, which I have put in the
~/Activities together with the rest.

The 'list' view only gives me the installed activities, which is no 
use to me.
Restarting X does not make sugar find the new activities. I was 
trying to look
into Bert's script to see if there was a trick to make sugar see 
newly installed
activities, but I saw nothing obvious.

No trick required, it should work. Can you provide logs please?


Victor Lazzarini
Music Technology Laboratory
Music Department
National University of Ireland, Maynooth 

Devel mailing list

Re: activity bar

2008-08-01 Thread Victor Lazzarini
I know where the logs are. I am not sure which of the logs Marco
was referring to.

At 15:13 01/08/2008, Bert Freudenberg wrote:
On 01.08.2008, at 16:01, Victor Lazzarini wrote:

  Not sure which logs. I can see all the installed activities but
  none of my custom ones.

Then your custom activity must be malformed. See

(once the wiki finds its marbles again).

The logs are in ~olpc/.sugar/default/logs

- Bert -

Devel mailing list

Victor Lazzarini
Music Technology Laboratory
Music Department
National University of Ireland, Maynooth 

Devel mailing list

kernel preemption

2008-08-07 Thread Victor Lazzarini
Hi all,

a question for the OS people: what is the level of preemption
in the olpc supplied kernel?

Victor Lazzarini
Music Technology Laboratory
Music Department
National University of Ireland, Maynooth 

Devel mailing list

RT performance, joyride-2288

2008-08-12 Thread Victor Lazzarini
Hello everyone,

I can detect a great improvement on RT performance for joyride-2288,
less xruns on sugar activities (testing a midi activity). There are still
xruns happening (esp. when there is something happening such as
a mouse movement etc.) but it is less.

In the terminal  with --sched I get a solid performance. I think this
bit of scheduler code could be moved to the csound library so that
it can be used by sugar activities as well. I'll see what I can do.

Victor Lazzarini
Music Technology Laboratory
Music Department
National University of Ireland, Maynooth 

Devel mailing list

permissions for setting scheduler policy

2008-08-13 Thread Victor Lazzarini
Hello everyone,

I am working on trying to get better RT performance
off csound. I have added some code to set the
scheduler policy and priority, but the problem is
that I can only use it as root.

As user olpc, the scheduler code will not be allowed
to set the policy and priority.

It'd be ideal if activities using csound could take
advantage of this code, because it seems to help
performance. We could set up group permissions
for that in /etc/security/limits.conf

What are your thoughts (esp. Deepak and Daniel D)?

Dr Victor Lazzarini
Senior Lecturer
Music Technology Laboratory, Music Department
National University of Ireland, Maynooth 

Devel mailing list

user 10002

2008-08-13 Thread Victor Lazzarini
Hi all,

could someone explain to me what is user 10002 and why it does not
seem to take notice of /etc/security/limits.conf?

My test activity UID is 10002 (and not olpc, but I suppose this
because of rainbow). Although I have set the limits to
allow for scheduler priority, this will not work with the activity,
but it will work on the terminal for user olpc.

Any clues are very welcome, thanks

Victor Lazzarini
Music Technology Laboratory
Music Department
National University of Ireland, Maynooth 

Devel mailing list

Re: [OLPC Security] permissions for setting scheduler policy

2008-08-14 Thread Victor Lazzarini
yes, I suppose that can be done, but it does look a little messy,
and it would be nice to be able to write activities that transparently
can do this, rather than as special cases.

It does not need to be root. I can set permissions for user olpc and
it works (provided that limits.conf is edited correctly). But somehow
activities (launched by rainbow?) are UID 10002 which seems not
to follow the rules of pam .


At 15:43 14/08/2008, Jim Gettys wrote:
A typical solution is, when you are about to start the process, invoke a
different (very small, so it can be audited) process that can set what
you need as root, and then drop the privileges before execing the real
image that does the work.

But Michael may have something else in mind for Rainbow.
 - Jim

On Wed, 2008-08-13 at 11:21 +0100, Victor Lazzarini wrote:
  Hello everyone,
  I am working on trying to get better RT performance
  off csound. I have added some code to set the
  scheduler policy and priority, but the problem is
  that I can only use it as root.
  As user olpc, the scheduler code will not be allowed
  to set the policy and priority.
  It'd be ideal if activities using csound could take
  advantage of this code, because it seems to help
  performance. We could set up group permissions
  for that in /etc/security/limits.conf
  What are your thoughts (esp. Deepak and Daniel D)?
  Dr Victor Lazzarini
  Senior Lecturer
  Music Technology Laboratory, Music Department
  National University of Ireland, Maynooth
  Devel mailing list
  Security mailing list
One Laptop Per Child

Victor Lazzarini
Music Technology Laboratory
Music Department
National University of Ireland, Maynooth 

Devel mailing list


2008-08-18 Thread Victor Lazzarini
Hello everyone,

I have an A-board in my office which I would like to bring back to
life if possible. But on booting, I get the message

Evaluation period has expired, halting
Validate from 05/16/2006 to 08/23/2006.

Any suggestions?

Victor Lazzarini
Music Technology Laboratory
Music Department
National University of Ireland, Maynooth 

Devel mailing list

Re: A-board

2008-08-18 Thread Victor Lazzarini
Thanks. I had a look at the wiki page on changing the bios, but have had
not luck booting up Linux from the usb disk. It gets to a point where one
of the init scripts fails (

It tries to mount /dev/hda1 on /sysroot, but of course there is no such device.
Looks like the boot image is no good. Where can I find a usable one?


At 16:25 18/08/2008, you wrote:
Victor Lazzarini wrote:

Hello everyone,
I have an A-board in my office which I would like to bring back to
life if possible. But on booting, I get the message
Evaluation period has expired, halting
Validate from 05/16/2006 to 08/23/2006.

Any suggestions?

You are running an ATest that was never upgraded from Insyde bios.

If you set the RTC clock back then you can re-establish your eval period.

There are instructions on the wiki for upgrading an ATest from 
Insyde to OFW but you will have to dig.  Basically you build a 
bootable usb disk and then use the 'olpcflash' utility to re-flash 
your firmware image. The olpcflash repo is on dev.l.o.  You will 
need to build it static.

A further complication is that we dropped support for ATest in the 
EC code a long time ago.  So you will have to dig through the 
Firmware page and find the last firmware that supports Atest.

Richard Smith  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
One Laptop Per Child

Victor Lazzarini
Music Technology Laboratory
Music Department
National University of Ireland, Maynooth  

Devel mailing list

Re: CSound server questions

2008-08-27 Thread Victor . Lazzarini
There is no CsoundServer anymore; we use Csound as a librarythrough its API. If 
anyone wants some help on how to use it, toplay MIDI or anything else, he/she 
can talk to me, privately oron this list. I'm away to ICMC at the moment, so 
replies mightbe slow. But I'll give as much help as I can.RegardsVictor- 
Original Message -From: Chris Ball [EMAIL PROTECTED]Date: Tuesday, August 
26, 2008 11:35 pmSubject: Re: CSound server questionsTo: C. Scott Ananian 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]Cc: John Maloney [EMAIL PROTECTED], Hi,      Did you ever get a satisfactory answer to 
your  questions?  I think     Pippy contains the best examples of using 
csound  to play sounds --     is that right, Chris?  Well, I'd say that 
TamTam does.  :)  But yes, Pippy  does some basic synthesis using sinewaves 
and music files with csound.   - Chris. --  Chris Ball   [EMAIL 
PROTECTED] ___ Devel mailing 
Devel mailing list

Re: CSound server questions

2008-09-01 Thread Victor . Lazzarini
yes, that is possible. I will provide an example as soon as Iam back at work in 
Ireland.Victor- Original Message -From: John Maloney [EMAIL 
PROTECTED]Date: Monday, September 1, 2008 2:02 pmSubject: Re: CSound server 
questionsTo: victor [EMAIL PROTECTED]Cc: Bert Freudenberg [EMAIL 
PROTECTED], OLPC Development Hi, Victor and Bert.  
I agree with Bert -- it would probably be most convenient for  Scratch   to 
use the MIDI option, if possible. Ideally, it would work the  same   as MIDI 
does on other versions of Linux, so we could just use  the   Squeak MIDI 
Plugin. That said, I have not explored how the MIDI  plugin   works on Linux. 
Supposedly you can use it to talk to the  Timidity   software MIDI synth.  
Could we arrange for the shell script that launches Scratch to  also   launch 
the CSound server when Scratch is launched and close it  when   Scratch 
quits? -- John   On Aug 31, 2008, at 2:50 PM, victor wrote:   
No, you have to run it with a command-line option and then  use    aconnect 
I suppose. I need to check how to do soft connections,  as I am used to just 
connecting straight to hardware .   Victor   - Original Message 
- From: Bert Freudenberg  [EMAIL PROTECTED] To: OLPC 
Development  Cc: John Maloney [EMAIL 
PROTECTED]  Sent: Sunday, August 31, 2008 7:01 PM  Subject: Re: CSound 
server questionsAm 31.08.2008 um 19:04 schrieb victor:  Well, 
you can ask me. I suppose there are various ways you could  connect to 
Csound:   1. using the API (via a C or C++ squeak plugin  module, 
if it is possible to do these things),  2. through MIDI (if  squeak can 
output MIDI and we can then connect via alsa midi)  3. OSC  4. IP 
socket (by starting a minimal server written in Python  and issuing Python 
commands as string data)  5. line events at stdin (a little awkward)  I 
like the MIDI option. Squeak does have a MIDI plugin  (although I    am  
not entirely sure how functional it is currently).  Is CSound registered as 
a MIDI device by default?  - Bert -  
___  Devel mailing list
Devel mailing list

status of OLPC project

2009-01-09 Thread Victor Lazzarini
Hi everyone,

I have not been able to work on anything new for OLPC for the past four months,
given my  heavy teaching schedule. However, now I am just about to go on
research leave and one of my goals was to do some work on the music/sound
side of things for the XO. So I am now wondering whether 1) there is 
any work to
do, and 2) who to liaise at OLPC, since things seem to have changed 
particularly with Jim Gettys leaving. In other words, it would be useful to
get a who's who for the project. Also, what bits are going to be moved out to
sugarlabs (so I wonder if they are the ones to work for now, as far as audio
development is concerned).

I am very sorry for all those leaving and wish all the best for their future.


Victor Lazzarini
Music Technology Laboratory
Music Department
National University of Ireland, Maynooth 

Devel mailing list

Re: status of OLPC project

2009-01-09 Thread Victor Lazzarini
Thanks. Walter has kindly replied to me already, so it
looks like sugar labs is my destination. Hope to be able to
clear up all my marking by the end of next week and by
then I think will also know where I actually fit into this
new scheme of things.

I'm happy to be back.



At 14:54 09/01/2009, Benjamin M. Schwartz wrote:
Hash: SHA1

Victor Lazzarini wrote:
  Hi everyone,
  I have not been able to work on anything new for OLPC for the 
 past four months,
  given my  heavy teaching schedule. However, now I am just about to go on
  research leave and one of my goals was to do some work on the music/sound
  side of things for the XO. So I am now wondering whether 1) there is
  any work to
  do, and 2) who to liaise at OLPC, since things seem to have changed
  particularly with Jim Gettys leaving. In other words, it would be useful to
  get a who's who for the project. Also, what bits are going to be 
 moved out to
  sugarlabs (so I wonder if they are the ones to work for now, as 
 far as audio
  development is concerned).

1) There is lots of work to do.  There are 500,000 XO users and rising,
virtually all of whom run Sugar.  They need and want updates and new
functionality for learning.  They don't care about where this happens in
some corporate shell game.  Sugar Labs is also expanding Sugar onto non-XO
computers.  We are growing.

2) I can't help with this.

Regarding with whom to work: I would definitely place audio development
under the Sugar Labs umbrella, unless the work in question is somehow
specific to the XO hardware.  For you, working on music, I think the place
to be is Sugar Labs.  The people to talk to are Walter, Tomeu, and anyone
else on the sugar mailing list, which is now

I'm excited to have you back in the project.

- --Ben
Version: GnuPG v2.0.9 (GNU/Linux)


Victor Lazzarini
Music Technology Laboratory
Music Department
National University of Ireland, Maynooth 

Devel mailing list

Re: csound vs olpcsound

2009-03-25 Thread Victor . Lazzarini
Very strange, but olpcsound is based on csound 5.08. As far as I know there is 
fedora package for csound 5.08 or 5.10. If there is, it should be no
problem moving from olpcsound to csound. I would not like to
move from olpcsound to csound 5.03, though.

olpcsound is not a fork, it is based on the same sources as Csound5, with
less components and dependencies. It is just a build option (for scons).


- Original Message -
From: Peter Robinson
Date: Wednesday, March 25, 2009 10:12 am
Subject: csound vs olpcsound
To: OLPC Developer's List

 Hi All,
 I know that olpcsound was originally a fork of csound for olpc. I
 noticed just now on the sugarlabs page for the 0.84 release [1] that
 it depends on csound 5.08/5.10 and makes no mention of 
 olpcsound. Does
 that mean that olpcsound is now obsolete and that once we get csound
 in Fedora upgraded to a remotely recent version that olpcsound can
 just disappear?
 Devel mailing list

Dr Victor Lazzarini, Senior Lecturer, Dept. of Music,National University of 
Ireland, Maynooth

Devel mailing list