Re: [Development] Settings API for QML

2012-12-12 Thread Alberto Mardegan
On 12/12/2012 01:16 AM, Thiago Macieira wrote:
 On terça-feira, 11 de dezembro de 2012 15.55.52, Alan Alpert wrote:
 Would you care to sketch out what your PersistentSettings element
 would look like in practice?

 In a non QML approximant syntax:

 Rectangle {
  PersistentSettings {
  id: settings
  property int width path(application.width)
  property int height path(application.height)
  property enum ButtonOrder buttonOrder path(system.buttonOrder)

What about:

PersistentSettings {
 id: settings
 propertyMap: {
 width: application.width,
 height: application.height,
 buttonOrder: system.buttonOrder

And have the PersistentSettings class create the width, height, 
buttonOrder properties dynamically. It doesn't need to know the type, 
because they are just QVariant (if the backend is implemented via 
QSettings, this all should be fairly easy to implement).


Development mailing list

Re: [Development] QAction-like API for QML

2012-12-12 Thread André Somers
Op 11-12-2012 21:59, Alan Alpert schreef:
 On Tue, Dec 11, 2012 at 10:49 AM, Shawn Rutledge wrote:
 On Tue, Dec 11, 2012 at 09:48:22AM -0800, Alan Alpert wrote:
 Why can't this be QML-only? For the set of controls exposed in
 C++-only we have a C++-only Action API. When we add a set of controls
 exposed in QML-only we can have a QML-only Action API. We don't
 Because it seems likely that the business logic of an application would
 be written in C++, so why not export the actions that the logic can
 support at the same time?
 The way I see it, the actions are UI logic, not business logic, and
 belong on the QML side of the divide (although they are right on the
I disagree here. The core of the action - the abstraction of the action 
method itself and its availability in the current state - is business 
logic IMO. The same goes for any value the action may have: checked, or 
perhaps some other value. The action logically bundles state (the 
availability of an action) with the action itself.

The decoration around it - the user visible strings, icons and whatnot - 
is indeed UI logic. That's why I think that perhaps we conceptually need 
something like a CoreAction and a UiAction. The UiAction would 
'decorate' a CoreAction with the stuff that is needed to represent it in 
a UI. The implementation of the UiAction part would be different for QML 
and Widgets, I think.

Actions are a very powerful piece of glue between business and UI logic 
if used this way.

Development mailing list

Re: [Development] Settings API for QML

2012-12-12 Thread Simon Hausmann
On Tuesday, December 11, 2012 04:40:50 PM Bache-Wiig Jens wrote:
  I would also consider an even simpler API. How about we introduce a new
  keyword for persistent properties and make it part of the language.
  Rectangle {
  id: root
  persistent property width: 400
  persistent property height: 300
  What this means is that the application will automatically store its
  persistent properties on exit and recall those properties on startup. By
  default they would be initialised to the bound value. It will need some
  attached properties or other meta data to override default storage
  locations etc. And we also need to enforce id's to keep values unique
  per qml file.
  Interesting idea, but isn't that a recipe for horror if you ever want to
  change the structure of your application? To make it possible to keep
  your application settings if you change your application structure, you
  will need to set those attached properties. A default generated value
  will not suffice. That either leads to forcing users to set it if they
  use the persistent keyword, or leading them into big trouble with
  application maintenance in the future. Neither sounds attractive.
 You certainly have a valid point and I agree that the persistent property
 will need an explicit name. There are several ways we could try to amend it
 Using special syntax:
 Rectangle {
 persistent property int width: [application.width, 400]
 persistent property int height: [application.height, 400]
 Or perhaps get rid of the keyword altogether and just do:
 Rectangle {
 property int width: Qt.storedProperty(application.width, 400)
 property int height: Qt.storedProperty(application.height, 400)

I think a dedicated syntax has two distinct advantages over a 
Qt.storedProperty alike approach:

(1) In a distinct syntax we can avoid loosing the type information and 
instead preserve and propagate it into the settings backend. Preserving as 
much type information as possible is going to be crucial for performance 
optimizations in the future.

(2) A syntax would allow for sensible group and avoiding repetitive 
patterns in the settings names. In your example writing application.width 
and application.height is not bad, application is repeated only twice. But 
if you think of a real world use-case, then you have application repeated 
many many times, which is prone to errors (application vs. accidentally 
typing applcation) and it's not very readable. Therefore I think a more 
explicit syntax is more suitable:

PersistentSettings {
id: mysettings
group: org.qt.examples.myapp.geometry
property int width: 800
property int height: 600   

Rectangle {
width: mysettings.width
height: mysettings.height

Development mailing list

Re: [Development] Enumerations in QML

2012-12-12 Thread Verbruggen Erik
On Dec 11, 2012, at 4:47, Alan Alpert wrote:

 People keep asking for enumerations in QML. See QTBUG-15483 and
 QTBUG-14861, both assigned to old Nokia identities (so don't trust
 that 'in progress' ;) ). Now I don't know when these issues will be
 resolved, but there's an important discussion to have before it can
 even be scheduled: What would proper enum support look like in QML?
 QTBUG-15483 suggests 'property Bar::Weather weather: Bar.Sunny', for
 using the C++ 'enum Weather { Raining, Sunny, Cloudy }'. But
 QTBUG-14861 does not include a suggestion of what the QML syntax for
 declaring an enum should be (just a suggestion for how we could hack
 it in there). It's totally not obvious to me what a good QML API for
 declaring enums would be, and that could have run-on effects on how
 they're used in property declarations. All we know is that Bar.Sunny
 is how you use the enum exposed from C++, and that will need to
 continue to work with QML defined enums. Note that property
 Bar::Weather weather is just a suggestion as well, I actually suspect
 property Bar.Weather weather would fit in better (but it depends on
 how you declare them).
 What should enumeration declarations in QML look like?

And, also important: how much slower is it allowed to be than the current 

I remembered that there was talk about enums in QML before, so I dug around a 
bit, and behold:

The problem with enums is that we couldn't make them fast. They will always be 
a lot slower than normal string literals. That is mostly because we could not 
avoid the name lookup. Think about,

   Text {
   alignment: Alignment.Vertical | Alignment.something

there is no way for you to remove the name lookups for Alignment, Vertical, 
and something. Also, there is no way for you to distinguish Types (e.g. 
Item, Rectangle, and co...) from Enums (in our case Alignment). That means, 
you cannot build the correct list of dependencies when loading a QML Component.

-- Erik.

Development mailing list

Re: [Development] Settings API for QML

2012-12-12 Thread Mark
On Wed, Dec 12, 2012 at 10:03 AM, Simon Hausmann wrote:
 On Tuesday, December 11, 2012 04:40:50 PM Bache-Wiig Jens wrote:
  I would also consider an even simpler API. How about we introduce a new
  keyword for persistent properties and make it part of the language.
  Rectangle {
  id: root
  persistent property width: 400
  persistent property height: 300
  What this means is that the application will automatically store its
  persistent properties on exit and recall those properties on startup. By
  default they would be initialised to the bound value. It will need some
  attached properties or other meta data to override default storage
  locations etc. And we also need to enforce id's to keep values unique
  per qml file.
  Interesting idea, but isn't that a recipe for horror if you ever want to
  change the structure of your application? To make it possible to keep
  your application settings if you change your application structure, you
  will need to set those attached properties. A default generated value
  will not suffice. That either leads to forcing users to set it if they
  use the persistent keyword, or leading them into big trouble with
  application maintenance in the future. Neither sounds attractive.

 You certainly have a valid point and I agree that the persistent property
 will need an explicit name. There are several ways we could try to amend it

 Using special syntax:

 Rectangle {
 persistent property int width: [application.width, 400]
 persistent property int height: [application.height, 400]

 Or perhaps get rid of the keyword altogether and just do:

 Rectangle {
 property int width: Qt.storedProperty(application.width, 400)
 property int height: Qt.storedProperty(application.height, 400)

 I think a dedicated syntax has two distinct advantages over a
 Qt.storedProperty alike approach:

 (1) In a distinct syntax we can avoid loosing the type information and
 instead preserve and propagate it into the settings backend. Preserving as
 much type information as possible is going to be crucial for performance
 optimizations in the future.

 (2) A syntax would allow for sensible group and avoiding repetitive
 patterns in the settings names. In your example writing application.width
 and application.height is not bad, application is repeated only twice. But
 if you think of a real world use-case, then you have application repeated
 many many times, which is prone to errors (application vs. accidentally
 typing applcation) and it's not very readable. Therefore I think a more
 explicit syntax is more suitable:

 PersistentSettings {
 id: mysettings
 group: org.qt.examples.myapp.geometry
 property int width: 800
 property int height: 600

 Rectangle {
 width: mysettings.width
 height: mysettings.height

 Development mailing list

How about:

This one would be singleton.
PersistentSettings {
id: settings
// All properties defined in here are the global properties
property int width: 800
property int height: 600

// Perhaps enforce that a GroupSettings item can only be
constructed within the PersistentSettings item in an attempt to
enforce settings to be located in one QML file. Don't know if that's
wise or not. Just brainstorming.
GroupSettings {
  id: myGroup
  property int width: 800
  property int height: 600

Then to use it:
Item {
  width: settings.width

To use the group settings:
Item {
  width: settings.myGroup.width

Just some brainstorming. I do like this syntax! It looks very easy and
understandable to use.
Development mailing list

Re: [Development] Convenience Imports in QML

2012-12-12 Thread Sorvig Morten

On Dec 11, 2012, at 4:25 AM, Alan Alpert wrote:
 import Qt 5.0
 Which imports all QML modules in the Qt Essentials released with 5.0.0
 (except QtQuick 1). It would be the equivalent of
 import QtQml 2.0
 import QtQuick 2.0
 import QtQuick.Window 2.0
 import QtQuick.Particles 2.0
 import QtAudioEngine 1.0
 import QtMultimedia 5.0
 import QtWebkit 3.0

How about allowing imports without the version number?

import QtQml - give me the most recent QtQml for the current Qt install

To explain where I'm coming from, look at Qt Creator which compiles agains Qt 4 
and Qt 5 from the same branch. This is great: there is a single code base to 
maintain, there is no confusion on which one to get, and you don't get a 
combinatorial explosion of branches when you branch Qt Creator for minor 

During my (brief) stint as desktop components maintainer I wanted to do the 
same for those: absorb the differences between QtQuick1 and QtQuick2 and 
present a unified API to users. On the C++ side I had the tools I needed 
(#ifdefs), but there was no way around the QML imports versioning.

Development mailing list

Re: [Development] Qml mime types

2012-12-12 Thread Mohamed Fawzi
I think it could be useful to do a small recap on mime types, as that is what I 
am interested in, not extensions (ignore if it is obvious to you):
a mime type identifies a type of file, mime types are hierarchical, i.e. a mime 
type can be a subclass of another.
For example text/plain; charset=utf-8 is a superclass to a lot of types.
If you don't know how to handle type x, but you know how to handle its 
superclass text/plain; charset=utf-8 then you might handle the file like that.
When you get a file you will have to figure out its mime type.
That might come in a meta data, or be guessed from some magic content at the 
beginning of the file, but very often it is done through the file extension.
Still it is possible for a given mime type to have no, or several extensions 
(think the text/plain; charset=utf-8 example).
Mime types are about how to handle the file in a meaningful way.

For an editor that can do syntax highlighting for QML, (the use case at the 
origin of this whole discussion), knowing that a file is some kind of QML is 
valuable, and I would argue also to decide what to do when trying to open it on 
linux for example. If it is a more specific type it knows how to handle it 
might do better, it might have default imports and search paths.

I would like to register some types now, later we can always extend them with 
new types.

As said I think that having a type for any file with QML syntax (.qbs and 
.qmltypes do use the qmlparser, but don't use qdeclarative) is valuable.
What remains to be seen is the type of the current qml files.

I propose the following hierarchy:

text/plain; charset=utf-8
   text/vnd.qt.qml-base : a file using the qml syntax in some context
 text/vnd.qt.qml : the current .qml files
 text/vnd.qt.qbs : a qbs file
 text/vnd.qt.qml-meta-info : qmltypes meta info
 text/vnd.qt.qml-project : a qmlproject file

later we might want to split 
text/vnd.qt.qml in several subtypes (and probably own extensions) for example:

but I think it is better to leave that for another time, we just have to make 
sure that we can accomodate them in a reasonable way if/when the need arises.

I did think about the +qml, but that did just look strange to me, so I skipped 
it, but I am willing to reconsider that if someone feels strongly about that.


From: Alan Alpert []
Sent: Tuesday, December 11, 2012 9:03 PM
To: Mohamed Fawzi
Cc: Knoll Lars;;
Subject: Re: [Development] Qml mime types

On Tue, Dec 11, 2012 at 6:12 AM, Mohamed Fawzi wrote:
 I sort of expected qml-qt-quick to be considered not ok (also Marco Bubke 
 raised that point), which is a fair point, considering BB for example.
 I am open to better naming, still I would like to differentiate
   file using qml syntax
   .qml file that is supposed to be loaded in the qml runtime or qmlscene
 as that is an useful distinction for example to decide how to open such a 
 file, or which search path to consider for modules in an editor.

Maybe it is useful now, but that's not the correct conceptual split.
Firstly QML is a language, not just a syntax. Secondly the runtime
discussion is heading towards the correct conceptual split, so we
probably should too. This would mean that

.qml means a file written in the QML language that can probably be
loaded with the qml runtime. I say probably because there might be
subcomponents that don't do much on their own, because we encourage
users to split up their code into different files.

.qqk means a file written for qmlscene because it's an incomplete
QtQuick 2 scene (qmlscene also uses the QML language). I did just make
this extension up, but that's because it only really needs to be
differentiated once we have a real QML runtime.

.qbs means a file written for qbs (QBS also uses the qml language).

So basically I'd advocate making just .qml mean any file written in
the QML language, and let the specializations like QtQuick 2 scenes
have their own extensions if they want to differentiate themselves.

I understand that the current reality is that virtually all .qml files
use QtQuick, and most of those are still using QtQuick 1. The
important thing to keep in mind is that back in the Qt 4.x days QML
was still a nascent technology and the language was not well separated
from the single use-case. I maintain that is the correct way to start,
because without one stellar use-case implemented then the technology
would never get anywhere. But now QML is starting to develop beyond
the one usecase, and we're only now implementing the proper
abstractions around that (like the QML runtime). We need to move on
from the limitations of QtQuick 1, like the lack of a top-level window
item, as much as possible (without screwing over QQ1 users, as much as

[Development] If you are working on documentation...

2012-12-12 Thread Martin Smith
If you have trouble creating a link to something (usually title or subtitle) 
because the title or subtitle you are trying to link to exists in more than one 
document and your link goes to the wrong one, consider using the \target 
command. It didn't work across modules until today. The relevant qdoc change is 
integrating in stable as I write. 

Suppose you have this as a section header:

\section1 Qt Script

and you want to link to it like this:

See the section called \l {Qt Script} for more details.

This might not work because there is module page with the title Qt Script. So 
if you want to link to the section heading, you might get a link to the module 
page instead, and if you want to link to the module page, you might get a link 
to the section heading.

In this example, if your link goes to the wrong page, you can use the \target 
command. It defines a string you can link to:

\target a_unique_string
\section1 Qt Script

Then you can write:

See the section called \l {a_unique_string} for more details.

...and your link will go to the correct page. 

Never use '#' ':' or '.' in the target string, and it is a good idea not to use 
'-' either because qdoc replaces blanks with a '-' when it outputs the target 
for a title or subtitle, so the target for Qt Script become qt-script. 

Development mailing list

[Development] heads-up: QtWebKit's SQLite dependency

2012-12-12 Thread Simon Hausmann

QtWebKit requires SQLite for various web related storage mechanism (including 
cookies). That dependency is quite old actually, but we've done some changes 
now that clean up the way that dependency is satisfied. Ideally should affect 
only very few people, but it is quite likely to include folks cross-compiling 
Qt, targetting Linuxy platforms.

The new state of the SQLite dependency union therefore is:

(1) WebKit will try to use pkg-config to detect and use SQLite from the 
system. Alternatively on Mac OS X sqlite is always availble as a system 
library and conveniently used from there.

(2) If option number 1 doesn't apply, then we try to see if QtWebKit is 
being built as part of a qt5.git checkout (same applies to release tarballs) 
and we will try to compile in a copy of SQLite right into QtWebKit, the copy 
that's distributed in qtbase/src/3rdparty/sqlite.

   (3) If we also fail to locate Qt's copy of sqlite, then we do require the 
SQLITE3SRCDIR environment variable to be set to point to a location where the 
sources can be found. qtbase/src/3rdparty/sqlite is one such location.

Folks cross-compiling are likely to miss case (1) and might consider enabling 
the use of pkg-config. Folks compiling on Windows should consider building 
under qt5/ or setting the SQLITE3SRCDIR environment variable.


Development mailing list

Re: [Development] If you are working on documentation...

2012-12-12 Thread Martin Smith
Oops! The link to the target example should be this:

See the section called \l {a_unique_string} {Qt Script} for more details.


On Dec 12, 2012, at 12:22 PM, Martin Smith wrote:

 If you have trouble creating a link to something (usually title or subtitle) 
 because the title or subtitle you are trying to link to exists in more than 
 one document and your link goes to the wrong one, consider using the \target 
 command. It didn't work across modules until today. The relevant qdoc change 
 is integrating in stable as I write. 
 Suppose you have this as a section header:
 \section1 Qt Script
 and you want to link to it like this:
 See the section called \l {Qt Script} for more details.
 This might not work because there is module page with the title Qt Script. So 
 if you want to link to the section heading, you might get a link to the 
 module page instead, and if you want to link to the module page, you might 
 get a link to the section heading.
 In this example, if your link goes to the wrong page, you can use the \target 
 command. It defines a string you can link to:
 \target a_unique_string
 \section1 Qt Script
 Then you can write:
 See the section called \l {a_unique_string} for more details.
 ...and your link will go to the correct page. 
 Never use '#' ':' or '.' in the target string, and it is a good idea not to 
 use '-' either because qdoc replaces blanks with a '-' when it outputs the 
 target for a title or subtitle, so the target for Qt Script become qt-script. 
 Development mailing list

Development mailing list

Re: [Development] If you are working on documentation...

2012-12-12 Thread Martin Smith

On Dec 12, 2012, at 12:22 PM, Martin Smith wrote:

 If you have trouble creating a link to something (usually title or subtitle) 
 because the title or subtitle you are trying to link to exists in more than 
 one document and your link goes to the wrong one, consider using the \target 
 command. It didn't work across modules until today. The relevant qdoc change 
 is integrating in stable as I write. 
 Suppose you have this as a section header:
 \section1 Qt Script
 and you want to link to it like this:
 See the section called \l {Qt Script} for more details.
 This might not work because there is module page with the title Qt Script. So 
 if you want to link to the section heading, you might get a link to the 
 module page instead, and if you want to link to the module page, you might 
 get a link to the section heading.
 In this example, if your link goes to the wrong page, you can use the \target 
 command. It defines a string you can link to:
 \target a_unique_string
 \section1 Qt Script
 Then you can write:
 See the section called \l {a_unique_string} for more details.

That's wrong. It should be:

See the section called \l {a_unique_string} {Qt Script} for more details.

 ...and your link will go to the correct page. 
 Never use '#' ':' or '.' in the target string, and it is a good idea not to 
 use '-' either because qdoc replaces blanks with a '-' when it outputs the 
 target for a title or subtitle, so the target for Qt Script become qt-script. 
 Development mailing list

Development mailing list

Re: [Development] Enumerations in QML

2012-12-12 Thread Charley Bay
Unto all so did sayeth Alan:

  What should enumeration declarations in QML look like?

Did respondeth Erik:

 And, also important: how much slower is it allowed to be than the current

 I remembered that there was talk about enums in QML before, so I dug
 around a bit, and behold:

 The problem with enums is that we couldn't make them fast. They will
 always be a lot slower than normal string literals. That is mostly because
 we could not avoid the name lookup.

Text {
alignment: Alignment.Vertical | Alignment.something

 there is no way for you to remove the name lookups for Alignment,
 Vertical, and something. Also, there is no way for you to distinguish
 Types (e.g. Item, Rectangle, and co...) from Enums (in our case
 Alignment). That means, you cannot build the correct list of dependencies
 when loading a QML Component.

Ouch.  That is quite unexpected.

We seem to have multiple intentions regarding adding Enums to QML:

 (1) Those with a native (C/C++) background may have thought Enum to be
faster than String (e.g., performance-goal)

 (2) Some may prefer the cleaner-look by using an unquoted Enum over a
quoted string literal

 (3) Some may expect a compile-time check for (valid) enumerated-values,
as compared with a run-time check with string-lookups (? this may not be
a real consideration depending on how the QML parsing engine works)

 (4) Lack of Enums in QML is (another) example of how QML might be
considered a second-class-citizen (mentioned by Chris, another example
being composite types in QML are not backed by a QQmlType and thus are not
available in JavaScript as are types defined in C++)

IMHO, the performance is the biggest issue, as we have currently
work-arounds to enable enumerations in QML.

Some of the post-V8-engine discussion may address the performance issue,
at which point all of the above considerations could be achieved.  (Lars
may comment on this?)

So:  I want Enums in QML, but only if they are as-fast-or-faster than
string lookups.  I'm quite happy to defer this feature until that can be

Development mailing list

Re: [Development] Branches

2012-12-12 Thread Oswald Buddenhagen
On Mon, Dec 03, 2012 at 04:29:24PM +, Knoll Lars wrote:
 master is closed for new pushes and will go away in a couple of weeks by the 
this has happened now - the master branches are all deleted.

due to the mess found in the master branches, i simply deleted them
without merging them anywhere. already integrated changes have been
re-pushed for stable or dev as considered appropriate by me - that's why
you may see your own changes up for review again. just verify the target
branch and have your reviewers re-approve each.

still pending changes for master need to be re-pushed by their owners.
i suggest we make a change abandonment party in the new year to weed
out the obsolete stuff somewhat aggressively.
Development mailing list

[Development] Qt 5 packaging and binary renaming

2012-12-12 Thread Stephen Kelly

Hi there,

For anyone packaging Qt 5 and renaming the binaries moc, rcc, uic, etc, please 
remember to also change the CMake config files using those to the renamed 

The files to change are:

In qtbase.git:
 * src/widgets/
 * src/dbus/
 * src/corelib/

In qttools.git:
 * src/linguist/

You need to change the IMPORTED_LOCATION value in the files. For example:

diff --git a/src/corelib/ 
index 0df2703..70c32dc 100644
--- a/src/corelib/
+++ b/src/corelib/
@@ -18,9 +18,9 @@ if (NOT TARGET Qt5::moc)
 set_target_properties(Qt5::moc PROPERTIES








 # For CMake automoc feature 

Note also that if you move the mkspecs, you also need to patch the cmake 
files. For example:

diff --git a/src/corelib/ 
index 0df2703..24e4625 100644
--- a/src/corelib/
+++ b/src/corelib/
@@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ set(Qt5Core_MOC_EXECUTABLE Qt5::moc)
 set(Qt5Core_RCC_EXECUTABLE Qt5::rcc)

Note that the tests are in the source packages, so to verify that you have 
correct packages from the cmake point of view, you can do this:

 cd tests/auto/cmake  mkdir build  cd build  cmake ..  ctest

Note that this does not work in general for all unit tests in Qt (as many of 
them require Qt to be configured with -developer-build), but it will work for 
the cmake tests. Please report any failures.


Stephen Kelly | Software Engineer
KDAB (Deutschland) GmbH  Co.KG, a KDAB Group Company || Germany +49-30-521325470 || Sweden (HQ) +46-563-540090
KDAB - Qt Experts - Platform-Independent Software Solutions

Description: S/MIME cryptographic signature
Development mailing list

Re: [Development] Qt Playground - Updating Daemon/Service Support

2012-12-12 Thread BRM
 From: Ahumada Sergio

 To: development
 Sent: Wednesday, December 12, 2012 2:19 AM
 Subject: Re: [Development] Qt Playground - Updating Daemon/Service Support
      As I know others have expressed interest in helping out, here's the
      bug report in case you want to join/watch:
  Does it usually take this long? I understand the RC is being released, 
  but it doesn't seem like it should take two weeks to get approval for a 
  space in playground.
 it's unassigned .. so nobody got a notice about it.

I didn't know who to assign it to or even that I should assign it to someone.

 I'll take it.



Development mailing list

Re: [Development] Qt Playground - Updating Daemon/Service Support

2012-12-12 Thread Laszlo Papp
 I didn't know who to assign it to or even that I should assign it to

I am sure I have not assigned anyone explicitly, and it worked out of the
box. Perhaps I was just lucky.

In my opinion opinion there should be at least one default assignee for
these issues.

Development mailing list

Re: [Development] If you are working on documentation...

2012-12-12 Thread Sze Howe Koh
On 12 December 2012 19:22, Martin Smith wrote:
 If you have trouble creating a link to something (usually title or subtitle) 
 because the title or subtitle you are trying to link to exists in more than 
 one document and your link goes to the wrong one, consider using the \target 
 command. It didn't work across modules until today. The relevant qdoc change 
 is integrating in stable as I write.

Hi Martin,

Does the change also allow \l to work across modules? I just tried
writing \l{Qt Concurrent} for a page in Qt Core, to link to,
but the compiled text was unlinked.

Development mailing list

Re: [Development] Branches

2012-12-12 Thread Thiago Macieira
On quarta-feira, 12 de dezembro de 2012 14.03.52, Oswald Buddenhagen wrote:
 On Mon, Dec 03, 2012 at 04:29:24PM +, Knoll Lars wrote:
  master is closed for new pushes and will go away in a couple of weeks by
  the latest.
 this has happened now - the master branches are all deleted.
 due to the mess found in the master branches, i simply deleted them

Would you please stop making project-wide decisions without posting to the 
mailing list and letting people chime in?

What mess are you talking about? Do you mean that there already were 5.1 
changes in master?
Thiago Macieira - thiago.macieira (AT)
  Software Architect - Intel Open Source Technology Center

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Development mailing list

Re: [Development] Qt 5 packaging and binary renaming

2012-12-12 Thread Thiago Macieira
On quarta-feira, 12 de dezembro de 2012 14.52.16, Stephen Kelly wrote:
 For anyone packaging Qt 5 and renaming the binaries moc, rcc, uic, etc,
 please  remember to also change the CMake config files using those to the
 renamed binaries.

For anyone packaging Qt 5: DO NOT RENAME the binaries.

We've solved that problem in a different way. Instead, simply set the Qt 5 
bindir to something else and install the qtchooser (to be released) in 

Thiago Macieira - thiago.macieira (AT)
  Software Architect - Intel Open Source Technology Center

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Development mailing list

Re: [Development] Foreign windows, embedding and transiency

2012-12-12 Thread Alberto Mardegan
I got a WIP branch up for preliminary review:,42633

Any hints (especially on how to write automated tests for the feature) 
are very welcome :-)

I tested it with a simple client and a Gtk socket, and it mostly works 
(still some focusing issues...).

Development mailing list

Re: [Development] Qt 5 packaging and binary renaming

2012-12-12 Thread Stephen Kelly
On Wednesday, December 12, 2012 17:08:54 Alberto Villa wrote:
 On Wed, Dec 12, 2012 at 2:52 PM, Stephen Kelly 
  For anyone packaging Qt 5 and renaming the binaries moc, rcc, uic, etc,
  please remember to also change the CMake config files using those to the
  renamed binaries.
 Aren't we supposed to install them in $archdatadir/bin/ and then
 install the (yet to be released) wrapper (qtchooser) in bin/?

Thiago just said the same thing (but he dropped kde-packager... ) :

My mail was a reaction to finding these packages:

and finding that they were installing broken cmake files as a result of 
renaming the binaries and moving the mkspecs.

So please, whether you use the wrapper tool or not, please run the cmake unit 
tests to ensure that you are not creating a broken situation for anyone using 
your packages.

Thaigo, if that tool is a requirement for packagers, why is it not a release 
blocker for Qt 5.0? What do you expect packagers to do?


Stephen Kelly | Software Engineer
KDAB (Deutschland) GmbH  Co.KG, a KDAB Group Company || Germany +49-30-521325470 || Sweden (HQ) +46-563-540090
KDAB - Qt Experts - Platform-Independent Software Solutions

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Development mailing list

Re: [Development] Foreign windows, embedding and transiency

2012-12-12 Thread Thiago Macieira
On quarta-feira, 12 de dezembro de 2012 17.24.17, Alberto Mardegan wrote:
 I got a WIP branch up for preliminary review:,42633
 Any hints (especially on how to write automated tests for the feature)
 are very welcome :-)
 I tested it with a simple client and a Gtk socket, and it mostly works
 (still some focusing issues...).

Thanks for taking this up!

But that change should have targeted the dev branch. It's new API and a new 

Thiago Macieira - thiago.macieira (AT)
  Software Architect - Intel Open Source Technology Center

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Development mailing list

Re: [Development] Nominating roquetto for approver status

2012-12-12 Thread Peter Hartmann
On 12/03/2012 04:48 PM, Thiago Macieira wrote:

 Would anyone like to second?

 +1 from me
 Disclaimer: I'm at KDAB, like he is, too.

 +1 from me
 Disclaimer: I'm not at KDAB, but I am Brazilian like Rafael :-)

+1 from me

no disclaimer :)


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Development mailing list

Re: [Development] Foreign windows, embedding and transiency

2012-12-12 Thread Alberto Mardegan
On 12/12/2012 05:30 PM, Thiago Macieira wrote:
 But that change should have targeted the dev branch. It's new API and a new

Indeed! Though I was just interested in sharing the code with people for 
early feedback, so I didn't pay much care to the target branch.

I'll move the next iteration to the dev branch, but I still welcome 
people to give some feedback on the current one.


Development mailing list

Re: [Development] Settings API for QML

2012-12-12 Thread Stephen Kelly
On Tuesday, December 11, 2012 14:51:31 Alan Alpert wrote:
 One thing that I started thinking about though is that we will need in
 this case to have a C++ and QML API that can work with the same
 settings (unlike the existing Local Storage API), so that the C++ and
 QML halves of an application can work together properly.

Yes, exactly. You need to keep something similar in mind in all of your 


Stephen Kelly | Software Engineer
KDAB (Deutschland) GmbH  Co.KG, a KDAB Group Company || Germany +49-30-521325470 || Sweden (HQ) +46-563-540090
KDAB - Qt Experts - Platform-Independent Software Solutions

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Development mailing list

[Development] Question about QFontconfigDatabase

2012-12-12 Thread Rafael Roquetto

While analyzing the source code in qfontconfigdatabase.cpp (qt4), I stumbled
upon the following piece of code (beginning on line 433):

struct FcDefaultFont {
const char *qtname;
const char *rawname;
bool fixed;
const FcDefaultFont defaults[] = { 
{ Serif, serif, false },
{ Sans Serif, sans-serif, false },
{ Monospace, monospace, true },
{ 0, 0, false }
const FcDefaultFont *f = defaults;
// aliases only make sense for 'common', not for any of the specials
QSupportedWritingSystems ws; 

while (f-qtname) {




When registerFont is called, f-qtname is passed as the family name (so
Serif, for instance), but an empty string is passed as the foundry. My
question then follows: how does Qt know where to load these families from,
since no font path is being specifying?

Rafael Roquetto | | Software Engineer
Klarälvdalens Datakonsult AB, a KDAB Group company
Tel. Sweden (HQ) +46-563-540090, USA +1-866-777-KDAB(5322)
KDAB - Qt Experts - Platform-independent software solutions

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Development mailing list

Re: [Development] Qt5 iOS

2012-12-12 Thread Thiago Macieira
On quarta-feira, 12 de dezembro de 2012 18.31.47, Trismer Technologies wrote:
Does anyone has information about roadmap of Qt5 for iOS ? Digia promises
 this port in next year but I'd like to know how the current blockers will
 be removed: the most important one - V8 javascript for iOS ? Are there any
 plans around that  ? Eventually are there plans to port only QtQuick1 for
 iOS or maybe different JavaScript engine ? If there is an ongoing work in
 this area, please let us know. Maybe we could help in this matter.

From what I understand, the plan is to drop V8 and replace it with a new 
engine, the one being developed in playground/v4vm.

Help is always welcome.
Thiago Macieira - thiago.macieira (AT)
  Software Architect - Intel Open Source Technology Center

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Development mailing list

Re: [Development] Controlling QML Imports

2012-12-12 Thread Alan Alpert
On Tue, Dec 11, 2012 at 5:27 PM, Jan Kundrát wrote:
 On Tuesday, 11 December 2012 04:23:51 CEST, Alan Alpert wrote:
 For finer-grained control over QML it would make sense to have an API
 allowing import restrictions. Two usecases come to mind, platform
 security contexts and scriptable applications.

 I'm currently using QML as a configuration language (being declarative looked 
 like a great fit) in a random application. The end goal was to have one file 
 per supported type of thing that the application works on. The description 
 of each thing looks like this:

   import 1.0

   ThingType {
 // ...
 SubThing {
   // ...

 Because I'm stuck on 4.x for this particular application, I had to work with 
 what is available now. In the end, I settled on:

 - Using just a QDeclarativeEngine as a good start -- no need for UI items in 
 my use case

 - The ThingType and SubThing are actually implemented in C++

 - Enforcing that the top-level item created in QML is exactly the ThingType. 
 This can be done when instantiating the component by checking its type via 
 qobject_castQMLMyTypeThing* and refusing to work with that QML file if this 
 cast fails

This doesn't completely fix the problem, because if the wrong thing is
instantiated it will still be able to do things in the period while
and just after it is instantiated. For example there could be side
effects from them instantiating a different type which you exposed,
and they could still do stuff in the Component.onCompleted handler.

 - The ThingType has a QDeclarativeListPropertyQMLMySubThing Q_PROPERTY 
 which is also a default property. This way, the type of the children of the 
 ThingType is enforced.

Actually this isn't enforcing the type of the children. That property
has its type enforced, but properties can be dynamically added in QML.
For example
import 1.0
import QtQuick.Window 1.0 //Hypothetical back-port of QtQuick.Window to 4.x
ThingType {
SubThing {}
property Window window: Window { } //This will create a window

Being able to dynamically add properties is a core part of the
language and I think it would be far, far better to restrict the types
available than to try to disable dynamic properties for some objects.

 - If you need further enforcing of certain rules (each ThingType has to be 
 yellow), you can inherit from QDeclarativeParserStatus and implement 
 componentComplete. My code works like this:

   if (!m_color.isYellow())
 qmlInfo(this)  The color must be yellow.

 - Because these errors are only warnings (and it looks like you cannot really 
 trigger a fatal error from this stage), I have an isOk() method which I call 
 before I use the data structure which gets created as a result of these QML 

 If it was possible to prevent defining the QtQuick namespace from being 
 available, that would solve half of my problems (with the required property 
 validation being the remaining half).

Property validation within an item will always have to be done by the
item, so that's the best we'd be able to do.

 The blurb about qmlInfo() was in particular rather hard to discover -- I had 
 read the docs about it before but could not recall the name of the function 
 when I needed it. Searching for it via phrases like qml error reporting did 
 not help much.

It's not one of the most public functions in QML. But there should
probably be a mention of it on the page about writing QML types in
C++, if anyone wants to try writing that.

Alan Alpert
Development mailing list

Re: [Development] Controlling QML Imports

2012-12-12 Thread Alan Alpert
On Mon, Dec 10, 2012 at 7:23 PM, Alan Alpert wrote:
 For finer-grained control over QML it would make sense to have an API
 allowing import restrictions. Two usecases come to mind, platform
 security contexts and scriptable applications. Platform security
 contexts is about when a platform using QML for the applications wants
 to have restricted capabilities, like android does, so that packaged
 applications can be restricted to just the capabilities the package
 says it needs. The scriptable applications usecase is for if you want
 to make your application scriptable with QML - you probably only want
 the scripts to use your application provided functionality and not
 create popup windows (this is why Window gets it own QtQuick.Window

Okay, forget about the platform security context usecase. That's much
more complicated than we seem to need right now, and I'm fine with
leaving that to the platforms. Let's just consider the other usecase
for now.

For the scriptable application usecase, like Jan has and like Plasma
has, is the suggested API helpful? Does the proposed restriction model
work, or is there an easier way?

Alan Alpert
Development mailing list

Re: [Development] QML Runtime

2012-12-12 Thread Alan Alpert
On Tue, Dec 11, 2012 at 11:33 PM, Sorvig Morten wrote:

 On Dec 11, 2012, at 8:30 PM, Alan Alpert wrote:

 On Tue, Dec 11, 2012 at 3:33 AM, Sorvig Morten 
 Please bundle the QML runtime in a class that the app author can 

 This gives us the flexibility to handle platform differences and integrate 
 with existing workflows. There can still be a qmlscene-like binary that 
 would simply instantiate the class.

 Already done. It's called QQmlEngine.

 Seriously, the direction this discussion has gone makes me think that
 the 'qml runtime' binary will be basically a vanilla QQmlEngine that
 can load a component from a file (or from text input or whatever) with
 some command line chrome around it. If you want to load the runtime
 within your own C++ application it works *exactly* the same as before.

 I think the mindset is important: everything needed as a part of the qml 
 runtime goes into QQmlEngine. This would include QtQuick2ApplicationViewer 
 which is currently generated by Qt Creator when creating a new project.

It wouldn't include QtQuick2ApplicationViewer, but that's more because
I don't think QtQuick2ApplicationViewer needs to exist. Looking at it
right now, what it provides is
A) A QQuickView (you could have just used a normal QQuickView, or
started the file with Window {} and used a QQmlEngine)
B) An adjustPath function which is used for finding the main QML file.
I don't know why this is needed, especially given that it does nothing
on most platforms.
C) A different choice for the resizeMode (one that is arguably
incorrect for desktop)
D) Connecting Qt.quit() to qApp-quit()

D is actually the interesting one here because it's a feature you want
when your app is written in QML, but not a feature that you want when
your application uses QML just for certain parts. That level of
application control can't be in the QQmlEngine, because then you can't
use the engine to just load QML as a scripting language. There was the
example in the import security thread of using QML for config files,
for that usecase you don't want a config file to say Qt.quit() and
terminate your app.

So maybe there's a need for a slight split between the 'generic QML
runtime' and the 'application QML runtime'. The qml binary would run
the latter, and most QML using C++ applications would use the former.
I don't know which one the creator template would want to use, but
maybe there's a case for adding a small QQmlApplicationEngine in QtQml
which adds the application runtime aspects? Then a QML only
application which needs a C++ wrapper for some reason (like they all
do now) would just be
QGuiApplication app (argc, argv);
return app.exec();

Would this allow us to get rid of the concept of the QtCreator
templates throwing in their own general utility classes?

Alan Alpert
Development mailing list

Re: [Development] Convenience Imports in QML

2012-12-12 Thread André Pönitz
On Wed, Dec 12, 2012 at 10:33:06AM +1000, Lincoln Ramsay wrote:
 On 12/12/12 07:28, André Pönitz wrote:
  What about something like
import QtQml from Qt 5.0
import QtQuick from Qt 5.0

Thanks ;-)
 All the benefits of a group of QML modules attached to a single Qt 
 release without the performance problem of pulling them all in.
 Then Qt 5.0 is just some meta-thing (possibly just a qmldir file) that 
 lists the modules/versions it contains.

I actually think it's still to specfic. Upgrading from Qt 5.0 to 5.1
would need touching all source files. So

   import QtQml from TheQtIUse
   import QtQuick from TheQtIUse

and some one-liner somewhere that relates TheQtIUse with Qt 5.0,
perhaps even through the build system should be even better.

Development mailing list

Re: [Development] Convenience Imports in QML

2012-12-12 Thread Giuseppe D'Angelo
On 12 December 2012 18:57, André Pönitz wrote:

 I actually think it's still to specfic. Upgrading from Qt 5.0 to 5.1
 would need touching all source files. So

import QtQml from TheQtIUse
import QtQuick from TheQtIUse

 and some one-liner somewhere that relates TheQtIUse with Qt 5.0,
 perhaps even through the build system should be even better.

Am I missing something or if we would really like to do that in the
future, then we should immediately raise a P0 bug against the Qt 5.0
release and ask for the QML QtWebKit import to be renamed to

Giuseppe D'Angelo
Development mailing list

Re: [Development] QAction-like API for QML

2012-12-12 Thread Alan Alpert
On Wed, Dec 12, 2012 at 12:44 AM, André Somers wrote:
 Op 11-12-2012 21:59, Alan Alpert schreef:
 On Tue, Dec 11, 2012 at 10:49 AM, Shawn Rutledge wrote:
 On Tue, Dec 11, 2012 at 09:48:22AM -0800, Alan Alpert wrote:
 Why can't this be QML-only? For the set of controls exposed in
 C++-only we have a C++-only Action API. When we add a set of controls
 exposed in QML-only we can have a QML-only Action API. We don't
 Because it seems likely that the business logic of an application would
 be written in C++, so why not export the actions that the logic can
 support at the same time?
 The way I see it, the actions are UI logic, not business logic, and
 belong on the QML side of the divide (although they are right on the
 I disagree here. The core of the action - the abstraction of the action
 method itself and its availability in the current state - is business
 logic IMO. The same goes for any value the action may have: checked, or
 perhaps some other value. The action logically bundles state (the
 availability of an action) with the action itself.

 The decoration around it - the user visible strings, icons and whatnot -
 is indeed UI logic. That's why I think that perhaps we conceptually need
 something like a CoreAction and a UiAction. The UiAction would
 'decorate' a CoreAction with the stuff that is needed to represent it in
 a UI. The implementation of the UiAction part would be different for QML
 and Widgets, I think.

 Actions are a very powerful piece of glue between business and UI logic
 if used this way.

Okay, I think this cuts to the heart of the disagreement. QML is
designed for the 'common codebase' scenario Stephen is talking about,
but this requires a very good split between UI logic and business
logic. The actual business logic that's true no matter the
representation can go in C++, and the UI logic which is dependent on
how it's presented (like on Widgets, with QtQuick, touchscreen etc)
has a different implementation per UI but sharing the business code.

The original Action API I proposed was approaching it as a UI logic
element. Let's see what we come up with when we split it into UI and
business elements

CoreAction://Names are for illustrative purposes only
QtObject { //Prototyped in QML, probably a C++ class that QAction
could migrate to using later
property bool checkable: false
property bool checked: false
property bool enabled: true
signal triggered(bool checked)

UIAction://Illustrative purposes ONLY!
QtObject {
property string text
property string secondaryText
property url imageSource
property string shortcut
property alias checkable: core.checkable
property alias checked: core.checked
property alias enabled: core.enabled
signal alias triggered: core.triggered //not valid QML, but you get the idea
property CoreAction core: CoreAction{} //implicity gets one but
you could also set one manually

CoreAction may not even need a QML API. QML users either implicitly
use one through UIAction, or explicitly use one from C++.
Theoretically a new QAction could be written to use CoreAction
internally too, and then a QAction and a UIAction could share the same
CoreAction instance.

Does this API solve the hybrid problems the previous one was having?
QML-only users ignore the core property and it works exactly like the
Action API we started with, but the CoreAction can be shared between
multiple UIs for the other usecases. For example, you could even do
UIAction { core:
GlobalActionManager.getAction(akonadi_collection_create); } to
interface with your existing ActionManager approach.

Alan Alpert
Development mailing list

Re: [Development] Settings API for QML

2012-12-12 Thread Alan Alpert
On Wed, Dec 12, 2012 at 2:13 AM, Mark wrote:
 On Wed, Dec 12, 2012 at 10:03 AM, Simon Hausmann wrote:
 On Tuesday, December 11, 2012 04:40:50 PM Bache-Wiig Jens wrote:
 I think a dedicated syntax has two distinct advantages over a
 Qt.storedProperty alike approach:

 (1) In a distinct syntax we can avoid loosing the type information and
 instead preserve and propagate it into the settings backend. Preserving as
 much type information as possible is going to be crucial for performance
 optimizations in the future.

 (2) A syntax would allow for sensible group and avoiding repetitive
 patterns in the settings names. In your example writing application.width
 and application.height is not bad, application is repeated only twice. 
 if you think of a real world use-case, then you have application repeated
 many many times, which is prone to errors (application vs. accidentally
 typing applcation) and it's not very readable. Therefore I think a more
 explicit syntax is more suitable:

 PersistentSettings {
 id: mysettings
 group: org.qt.examples.myapp.geometry
 property int width: 800
 property int height: 600

 Rectangle {
 width: mysettings.width
 height: mysettings.height

 How about:

 This one would be singleton.
 PersistentSettings {
 id: settings
 // All properties defined in here are the global properties
 property int width: 800
 property int height: 600

 // Perhaps enforce that a GroupSettings item can only be
 constructed within the PersistentSettings item in an attempt to
 enforce settings to be located in one QML file. Don't know if that's
 wise or not. Just brainstorming.
 GroupSettings {
   id: myGroup
   property int width: 800
   property int height: 600

 Then to use it:
 Item {
   width: settings.width

 To use the group settings:
 Item {
   width: settings.myGroup.width

 Just some brainstorming. I do like this syntax! It looks very easy and
 understandable to use.

Some of that syntax would just fall out of Simon's proposed item. The
singleton part at least, if we add QML singletons you can take a
standard PersistentSettings and make it a global singleton yourself
(so you could access it via Settings.width anywhere in your
application. I think that would be a much better way of accomplishing
that, rather than in the element.

As for the grouping, it could also be accomplished just with a default
subgroups property on the PersistentSettings, such than any 'child'
settings objects inherit the group. e.g.

PersistentSettings {
group: org.qt.examples.myapp
PersistentSettings {
 id: geo
group: geometry //Automatically becomes
org.qt.examples.myapp.geometry because it's a child of the other item
property PersistentSettings geometry: geo //This line is how you'd
get the Settings.myGroup.width style syntax yourself

So for the most part, you could theoretically get that syntax from
Simon's proposed item without having to add additional constraints on
the item everywhere. Just how you use it in your application.

Alan Alpert
Development mailing list

Re: [Development] Convenience Imports in QML

2012-12-12 Thread Alan Alpert
On Wed, Dec 12, 2012 at 11:18 AM, Giuseppe D'Angelo wrote:
 On 12 December 2012 18:57, André Pönitz wrote:

 I actually think it's still to specfic. Upgrading from Qt 5.0 to 5.1
 would need touching all source files. So

import QtQml from TheQtIUse
import QtQuick from TheQtIUse

 and some one-liner somewhere that relates TheQtIUse with Qt 5.0,
 perhaps even through the build system should be even better.

 Am I missing something or if we would really like to do that in the
 future, then we should immediately raise a P0 bug against the Qt 5.0
 release and ask for the QML QtWebKit import to be renamed to

I think you're missing something because I cannot imagine a case where
the QtWebKit import would actually *need* to change its name. But I'm
missing the train of thought that gets you there from where the
discussion was at ;) .

Alan Alpert
Development mailing list

Re: [Development] Qml mime types

2012-12-12 Thread Alan Alpert
On Wed, Dec 12, 2012 at 2:59 AM, Mohamed Fawzi wrote:
 I propose the following hierarchy:

 text/plain; charset=utf-8
text/vnd.qt.qml-base : a file using the qml syntax in some context
  text/vnd.qt.qml : the current .qml files
  text/vnd.qt.qbs : a qbs file
  text/vnd.qt.qml-meta-info : qmltypes meta info
  text/vnd.qt.qml-project : a qmlproject file

 later we might want to split
 text/vnd.qt.qml in several subtypes (and probably own extensions) for example:

 but I think it is better to leave that for another time, we just have to make 
 sure that we can accomodate them in a reasonable way if/when the need arises.

Sorry for my fixation on file extensions. The point about generic qml
not being the same as the current .qml files remains valid though. So
I'd recommend we make text/vnd.qt.qml be a file written in the qml
language and let the current .qml files be text/vnd.qt.qml-qtquick1
already (or just text/vnd.qt.qtml-qtquick and split it up later). The
current .qml files containing snippets of a QtQuick scene is a legacy
convention, and not how the language should be perceived going
forwards. (Note that .qml files containing snippets of a QtQuick scene
is a usecase that should always be supported, it's just that the
language is growing beyond that as the sole usecase for QML.)

Alan Alpert
Development mailing list

Re: [Development] Enumerations in QML

2012-12-12 Thread Chris Adams

On Wed, Dec 12, 2012 at 10:51 PM, Charley Bay wrote:

 Unto all so did sayeth Alan:

  What should enumeration declarations in QML look like?

 Did respondeth Erik:

 And, also important: how much slower is it allowed to be than the current

 I remembered that there was talk about enums in QML before, so I dug
 around a bit, and behold:

 The problem with enums is that we couldn't make them fast. They will
 always be a lot slower than normal string literals. That is mostly because
 we could not avoid the name lookup.

Text {
alignment: Alignment.Vertical | Alignment.something

 there is no way for you to remove the name lookups for Alignment,
 Vertical, and something. Also, there is no way for you to distinguish
 Types (e.g. Item, Rectangle, and co...) from Enums (in our case
 Alignment). That means, you cannot build the correct list of dependencies
 when loading a QML Component.

 Ouch.  That is quite unexpected.

 We seem to have multiple intentions regarding adding Enums to QML:

  (1) Those with a native (C/C++) background may have thought Enum to
 be faster than String (e.g., performance-goal)

With v4vm, I believe (Lars or Simon can correct me if I'm wrong) every
single time we have a JavaScript expression (well, one which doesn't do
something totally crazy like build a dynamic expression up as a string and
then eval it, but if you're doing that in your code please be aware that
you're the cause of mass kitten suicide) every symbol will be resolved at
compile time where possible (ie, if the evaluation context cannot change).
Thus, once typenames of QML document defined types are resolvable, we
should get great perf from enums.

  (2) Some may prefer the cleaner-look by using an unquoted Enum over a
 quoted string literal

If the syntax isn't nice, I don't want it in QML ;-)  Times like these I
wish we hadn't included grouped properties :-/

  (3) Some may expect a compile-time check for (valid) enumerated-values,
 as compared with a run-time check with string-lookups (? this may not be
 a real consideration depending on how the QML parsing engine works)

As I mentioned earlier, this should be doable in the future.  Enums are
looked up from the Q_ENUMS registered with the type with the given type
name, and should be resolvable at compile time (for both binding
expressions and bound signal expressions, and other dynamically added

  (4) Lack of Enums in QML is (another) example of how QML might be
 considered a second-class-citizen (mentioned by Chris, another example
 being composite types in QML are not backed by a QQmlType and thus are not
 available in JavaScript as are types defined in C++)

It is an example of that, but my point was that implementing enums in QML
is meaningless until we have fixed the problem with unresolvable
typenames.  This entire thread should be revisited after QTBUG-24799 is

Development mailing list

Re: [Development] QML Runtime

2012-12-12 Thread Chris Adams

maybe there's a case for adding a small QQmlApplicationEngine in QtQml
 which adds the application runtime aspects?

It's early and I haven't had my second coffee yet, so maybe I'm
misunderstanding something, but are these application runtime aspects
completely non-gui, non-QtQuick related?  If they are GUI/QtQuick related,
let's not put it anywhere near the engine, or the QtQml module; let's put
it in QtQuick instead.

Development mailing list

Re: [Development] Qml mime types

2012-12-12 Thread Marc Mutz
On Wednesday December 12 2012, Mohamed Fawzi wrote:
 text/plain; charset=utf-8
    text/vnd.qt.qml-base : a file using the qml syntax in some context
      text/vnd.qt.qml : the current .qml files
      text/vnd.qt.qbs : a qbs file
      text/vnd.qt.qml-meta-info : qmltypes meta info
      text/vnd.qt.qml-project : a qmlproject file

You can't have a hierarchy like that, btw. Not outside xdg.

No client will treat text/vnd.qt.qml as a text/vnd.qt.qml-base if it doesn't 
know the former. You need a database like xdg's for this, but most users of 
mime-types will treat an unknown text/ subpart according to the RFCs: as 

Which means btw that text/vnd.qt.{qml,etc} will have to specify that clients 
SHOULD add a charset parameter and that that charset SHOULD be utf-8, but 
that receivers SHOULD accept also charsets != utf-8, and missing charsets 
(defaulting to us-ascii in that case). Just because that's a requirement of 

I briefly considered suggesting a variant= or dialect= parameter:

  text/vnd.qt.qml; charset=utf-8; dialect=qt-quick-v1

mp/signed uses that (protocol=; micalg=, cf. source of Thiago's mail), but it 
requires special handling in clients and only really works in email (and 
http), not on the desktop, so I'm not suggesting that.

If you want more subtyping than text/plain as a parent, you need to use 
something like +qml. You could also use vnd.qt.qml.* (ie. a prefix), but I'm 
not sure 3rd parties would like to place their mime types in the vnd.qt 
tree :)

There are trees other than vnd., btw, but I forgot which ones. One of them 
might lend itself better to this kind of prefixing that vnd.


Marc Mutz | Senior Software Engineer
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