Re: [Development] Requesting a repository for Lottie-Qt implementation

2019-01-10 Thread Kevin Kofler
Shawn Rutledge wrote:
> looks like a JS/canvas thing?

As I understand the code, the KDE implementation at that link uses the 
upstream Lottie JS/web implementation with a fake browser DOM shim that 
implements those few DOM methods that the JS code needs in terms of Qt 

Kevin Kofler

Development mailing list

Re: [Development] Requesting a repository for Lottie-Qt implementation

2019-01-10 Thread Sean Harmer

On 10/01/2019 15:08, Shawn Rutledge wrote:

The next problem is how to use custom shaders and adjustable uniforms without 
breaking batching in the scene graph; today, the number of draw calls goes up 
if you do that.  This is the reason we don’t have GPU-calculated AA line 
charts, and it’s also the reason we don’t have the nice Ellipse that I wrote 
for Qt Quick.  Every custom shader runs in a separate batch (that’s 
unavoidable).  Shaders can’t have dynamically adjusted uniforms (for animation, 
or for limiting the scope of rendering of a vertex array), or even uniforms 
that vary between instances, without breaking batching, and that’s a terrible 
limitation that I would like to see solved somehow in a future scene graph 
implementation, if there’s any way.

glDrawElementsInstanced() in ES 3 and OpenGL 3 can be used or if you 
want to go further you can index into uniform buffer objects or SSBOs 
and use things like glMultiDrawIndirect. There are equivalents in 
Vulkan/Metal/DX12 of course.

However, limiting everything to the feature set provided by ES 2 won't 
allow this type of optimisation as you are forced to do more on the CPU 



Development mailing list

[Development] Running AVX2 code in the CI

2019-01-10 Thread Thiago Macieira

Commit c8c5ff19de1c34a99b8315e59015d115957b3584[1] was allowed to pass the CI 
despite failing tests in a non-blacklisted test. It's fixed in [2] which is 
integrating now. 

The reason this was allowed is because none of the machines in the CI are 
testing the AVX2 codepaths in qdrawhelper_avx2.cpp. So this commit is to ask 
that we add at least one machine (preferably Linux) that has that capability.

AVX2 along with FMA was introduced with the Haswell architecture[3] (fourth 
generation Intel Core, according to the marketing name), first launched in 
late 2013. That makes the architecture over 5 years old and it means a lot of 
our users have the feature. We ought to test it and even benchmark if we can.

Thiago Macieira - thiago.macieira (AT)
  Software Architect - Intel Open Source Technology Center

Development mailing list

Re: [Development] QAbstractVideoFilter, the pipeline and QImage

2019-01-10 Thread Jason H
> From: "Val Doroshchuk" 

> Hi,
> thanks for explanation.
> Does it sound good to try to create a data storage, where converted data is 
> located per real frame, (which will be created on first filter).
> Followed filters will use QVideoFrames with custom 
> QAbstractVideoBuffer::UserHandle and id from the storage?
I don't know about the QAbstractVideoBuffer::UserHandle method. That's why I'm 
having this conversation. I don't know what the best answer is. I was playing 
with the idea yesterday of just using the metadata with a 
QString("%1_%2x%3").arg(cvMatType,width,height) key and checking to see if that 
exists at whatever pipeline stage needs it. This way, I can just return the 
frame, skip the conversion back and pay for only the mats I need.

Unless there's a better way? One thing I wondered is since it's a runnable, is 
this happening on multiple threads (or cores? - if available) Are there 
multiple frames "in flight"? 

From: Jason H 
Sent: Wednesday, January 9, 2019 4:28:01 PM
To: Val Doroshchuk
Cc: Qt development mailing list
Subject: Re: [Development] QAbstractVideoFilter, the pipeline and QImage

>> I really want a QAbstractVideoBuffer *QVideoFrame::buffer() which I can then 
>>cast to my custom type.
> Sorry, but just a note.
> QAbstractVideoBuffer is an abstraction that was supposed to be an impl of 
> accessing to data, nothing more.
>> I'm trying to implement a QAbstractVideo buffer that uses cv::Mat
> Why you need to use cv::Mat there? 
> If needed, you could create QAbstractVideoBuffer::UserHandle and return an id 
> to access to cv's data without downloading/uploading within mapping.

Because the video frame needs to be converted to a format that OpenCV 
understands. Various OpenCV functions need particular pixel representation 
types: grayscale 8 bit, floating point, float or int array if 3,4 color 
channels. I basically want to do this conversion once, then pass that on to 
later stages in the pipeline. In general the OpenCV functions don't modify the 
frame itself, but produce information about the frame. The filters I have emit 
the results of the computation in some cases (a list of line segments for 
houghLines) while others, like sobel, create a new image. Depending on the 
pipeline, I might want multiple OpenCV representations. I generally use 
QPainter though, to draw on the frame after having gotten the information.
>>  I think there should be class(es) that converts a QVideoFrame to a cv::Mat, 
>>and one that converts from cv::Mat to QVideoFrame: filters: [toMat, blur, 
>>sobel, houghLines, toVideoFrame]
> Is it performance wise operation to convert QVideoFrame to cv::Mat and back 
> in this case?
> (qt_imageFromVideoFrame(QVideoFrame) can convert to QImage, and should be 
> relatively fast)
Well, I generally don't need to convert back, though this is possible. There 
are OpenCV functions that produce an image. I'm fine with using OpenCV to 
extract info and keep the drawing in Qt (QPainter). So there's no need for me 
to convert it back. Though I will say that the OpenCV functions are _very_ 
fast, supporting multiple acceleration methods (uses Eigen). I wrote my own 
implementations of some of them purely in Qt, and the OpenCV stuff puts them to 
shame. Image saving is the only thing where Qt is faster (IMHO, empirical 
evidence not yet collected).  One other technique I use is to scale the image 
down (say by 50% or 25%) which quarters or 16ths the time respectively, if I 
don't need pixel perfect accuracy.

I would expect some way to attach cv::Mats to a frame. That way I could look 
through what mats are available, and only pay a penalty when I have to. If a 
previous filter operation already produced a 8bit gray scale, I would just use 
that, and if it doesn't exist create it. Later filters could then use it, or 
create their own.

if (!frame.containsMat(CV_8U)) frame.insertMat(CV_8U, frame.toMat(CV_8U));

cv::Mat mat =  frame.mat(CV_8U)
frame.insertMat(CV_8U, mat)//if I need to save (like for sobel)

WRT the "Big Picture": I'm trying to a point where I can in QML, have filters, 
which are OpenCV functions programmed to a dynamic filter pipeline.  My 
approach is working but the cost of all the conversions is very expensive. 
We're talking 50msec per frame, which gets me down into 1 filter is 15pfs 
territory, 2 filters is 5 fps, etc. My source is 25-29.97FPS. The way I've been 
doing this is copying the QVideoFrame to QImage, then using that for a Mat.If I 
can just pay the conversion penalty once, I think that would go a long way in 

Maybe what I need to do is to make the cv::Map a QVariant and store it as 
metadata and use QVideoFrame availableMetaData()?


From: Development  on behalf of Jason H 

Sent: Tuesday, January 8, 2019 6:33:14 PM
To: Jason H
Cc: Qt development mailing list
Subject: Re: 

Re: [Development] Corrupted ML archive

2019-01-10 Thread Shawn Rutledge
QTBUG-35476 refers to 
which I was going to re-read but it has gone missing too.
Development mailing list

Re: [Development] Requesting a repository for Lottie-Qt implementation

2019-01-10 Thread Uwe Rathmann
On Thu, 10 Jan 2019 14:21:59 +, Kari Oikarinen wrote:

>> True, but Qt/Charts is also QWidgets only.
> Not quite:

According to
declarativechart_p.h.html this is a wrapper around QChart. See the 
private section.

But more important: as far as I can see it creates a QImage with QPainter, 
that it is finally converted to a scene graph node: see 

It's the first time I checked this code, but if I'm right I would say, 
that with Qt/Chart over QML the plot scene is never rendered hardware 
accelerated !

This is actually worse than any other pure widget based solution - 
including Qt/Chart widgets - that could at least take advantage of using 
hardware acceleration over X11 or OpenGL.

Of course the performance of DeclarativeChart could easily be improved by 
adding the option of using QPainter on a FB0 ( or at least using a 
QPixmap, that would help for X11 ). But the fact that this has not been 
done so far makes me believe, that heavy and/or frequently updated plots 
are not considered as being relevant.

Note that being able to create an Image/Pixmap/FBO with QPainter is 
something you find in every plot package - like you can also do this with 
any QGraphicsScene. Wrapping it into a QQuickItem, that converts the 
result into a texture is not much of a deal if you are familiar with the 
Qt/Quick C++ classes.

So what has to be done for binding a plot widget to the scene graph and 
for building a declarative API on top, that can be exposed to QML, is 
more or less the same for any type of plot widget. It's a wrapper around 
the plot classes and therefore no strong argument for not using an 
existing solution.

But anyone who knows better: please correct me if I'm wrong. 


Development mailing list

Re: [Development] Requesting a repository for Lottie-Qt implementation

2019-01-10 Thread Shawn Rutledge

> On 10 Jan 2019, at 13:24, Vlad Stelmahovsky  
> wrote:
> Qwt is nice but supports only QWidgets, right?
> so any mobile or Desktop/QML is not supported. Probably this is one of the 
> reasons
> and its not HW accelerated

Last I checked (which was a couple years ago), Charts started out 
widget-oriented, and QtQuick support was added without changing how the 
rendering is done… so it’s not like how the rest of Qt Quick is implemented, 
more like use QPainter to render into an image, then make a texture out of 
that, and then oh yeah you can composite it into the scene as a final step.  
One exception is if you want to draw a simple line chart with GL_LINES, then 
the GPU can do it (but that way there is no built-in antialiasing).  Writing 
highly efficient code (efficient even on low-end GPUs) for arbitrary 2D 
graphics _with_ AA is hard, unless you can afford multi-sampling (to do basic 
low-quality AA on anything that was jaggy), or can afford crazy fragment 
shaders ( approach).  I got as close as I could to the “right 
way” a few years ago for line charts only: making a few extra vertices, and 
having the vertex shader calculate their positions and alphas, so that all the 
strokes have “feathered” edges and reasonably nice corners… it’s very 
efficient, but the shader is complex, and still imperfect, so quality of sharp 
corners especially is not as good as doing it with QPainter.  (Writing it 
really tested my math skills.  And debugging shaders is very hard too.)  But 
maybe I’ll find a way eventually.  It’s one of my back-burner research projects.

QtQuick Shapes don’t have AA.  (Unless you use multi-sampling, or 
NV_path_rendering)  But if we had figured out a good generic solution for 
vertex AA for those (QTriangulator with AA), then the way I'd implement Lottie 
would be to allocate all the vertices for the whole shape at the beginning, 
then use two uniforms for each animated segment, to tell the vertex shader to 
collapse a range of the array (from a cut-off point to the end cap) and 
relocate the end cap.  But it has to be possible for uniforms to be animated.

The next problem is how to use custom shaders and adjustable uniforms without 
breaking batching in the scene graph; today, the number of draw calls goes up 
if you do that.  This is the reason we don’t have GPU-calculated AA line 
charts, and it’s also the reason we don’t have the nice Ellipse that I wrote 
for Qt Quick.  Every custom shader runs in a separate batch (that’s 
unavoidable).  Shaders can’t have dynamically adjusted uniforms (for animation, 
or for limiting the scope of rendering of a vertex array), or even uniforms 
that vary between instances, without breaking batching, and that’s a terrible 
limitation that I would like to see solved somehow in a future scene graph 
implementation, if there’s any way. looks like a JS/canvas thing?  I’m 
guessing that both of the Lottie implementations make QPainter work pretty hard?

Development mailing list

Re: [Development] Requesting a repository for Lottie-Qt implementation

2019-01-10 Thread Kevin Kofler
Uwe Rathmann wrote:
> Don't you agree that supporting an existing project instead would have
> lead to a better overall situation for everyone ?

A similar situation is Phonon vs. QtMultimedia, where both projects are now 
missing some wanted features. If they had been working together, we would 
have one complete multimedia framework instead of two frameworks covering 
only some of the use cases.

That case is particularly sad because Phonon was supposed to be the showcase 
of successful collaboration between Qt and KDE, but then got unilaterally 
kicked out of Qt in favor of reinventing the wheel with QtMultimedia.

Kevin Kofler

Development mailing list

Re: [Development] QAbstractVideoFilter, the pipeline and QImage

2019-01-10 Thread Val Doroshchuk

thanks for explanation.

Does it sound good to try to create a data storage, where converted data is 
located per real frame, (which will be created on first filter).

Followed filters will use QVideoFrames with custom 
QAbstractVideoBuffer::UserHandle and id from the storage?

From: Jason H 
Sent: Wednesday, January 9, 2019 4:28:01 PM
To: Val Doroshchuk
Cc: Qt development mailing list
Subject: Re: [Development] QAbstractVideoFilter, the pipeline and QImage

>> I really want a QAbstractVideoBuffer *QVideoFrame::buffer() which I can then 
>> cast to my custom type.

> Sorry, but just a note.
> QAbstractVideoBuffer is an abstraction that was supposed to be an impl of 
> accessing to data, nothing more.

>> I'm trying to implement a QAbstractVideo buffer that uses cv::Mat

> Why you need to use cv::Mat there?
> If needed, you could create QAbstractVideoBuffer::UserHandle and return an id 
> to access to cv's data without downloading/uploading within mapping.

Because the video frame needs to be converted to a format that OpenCV 
understands. Various OpenCV functions need particular pixel representation 
types: grayscale 8 bit, floating point, float or int array if 3,4 color 
channels. I basically want to do this conversion once, then pass that on to 
later stages in the pipeline. In general the OpenCV functions don't modify the 
frame itself, but produce information about the frame. The filters I have emit 
the results of the computation in some cases (a list of line segments for 
houghLines) while others, like sobel, create a new image. Depending on the 
pipeline, I might want multiple OpenCV representations. I generally use 
QPainter though, to draw on the frame after having gotten the information.

>>  I think there should be class(es) that converts a QVideoFrame to a cv::Mat, 
>> and one that converts from cv::Mat to QVideoFrame: filters: [toMat, blur, 
>> sobel, houghLines, toVideoFrame]

> Is it performance wise operation to convert QVideoFrame to cv::Mat and back 
> in this case?
> (qt_imageFromVideoFrame(QVideoFrame) can convert to QImage, and should be 
> relatively fast)

Well, I generally don't need to convert back, though this is possible. There 
are OpenCV functions that produce an image. I'm fine with using OpenCV to 
extract info and keep the drawing in Qt (QPainter). So there's no need for me 
to convert it back. Though I will say that the OpenCV functions are _very_ 
fast, supporting multiple acceleration methods (uses Eigen). I wrote my own 
implementations of some of them purely in Qt, and the OpenCV stuff puts them to 
shame. Image saving is the only thing where Qt is faster (IMHO, empirical 
evidence not yet collected).  One other technique I use is to scale the image 
down (say by 50% or 25%) which quarters or 16ths the time respectively, if I 
don't need pixel perfect accuracy.

I would expect some way to attach cv::Mats to a frame. That way I could look 
through what mats are available, and only pay a penalty when I have to. If a 
previous filter operation already produced a 8bit gray scale, I would just use 
that, and if it doesn't exist create it. Later filters could then use it, or 
create their own.

if (!frame.containsMat(CV_8U)) frame.insertMat(CV_8U, frame.toMat(CV_8U));

cv::Mat mat =  frame.mat(CV_8U)
frame.insertMat(CV_8U, mat)//if I need to save (like for sobel)

WRT the "Big Picture": I'm trying to a point where I can in QML, have filters, 
which are OpenCV functions programmed to a dynamic filter pipeline.  My 
approach is working but the cost of all the conversions is very expensive. 
We're talking 50msec per frame, which gets me down into 1 filter is 15pfs 
territory, 2 filters is 5 fps, etc. My source is 25-29.97FPS. The way I've been 
doing this is copying the QVideoFrame to QImage, then using that for a Mat.If I 
can just pay the conversion penalty once, I think that would go a long way in 

Maybe what I need to do is to make the cv::Map a QVariant and store it as 
metadata and use QVideoFrame availableMetaData()?

From: Development  on behalf of Jason H 

Sent: Tuesday, January 8, 2019 6:33:14 PM
To: Jason H
Cc: Qt development mailing list
Subject: Re: [Development] QAbstractVideoFilter, the pipeline and QImage

I'm still plugging away at this. My life is being made difficult by not being 
able to get a pointer to the buffer. For OpenCV, some routines want a color 
image, others want an 8 bit gray scale. It would be really great if I could use 
both of these at the same time.

For example, take the color video frame, make it gray scale, then run 
houghLlines on it, using that information to highlight the lines in the color 
frame. I tried to do this with a simple QMap but there's no way I 
can access it, because there's no QAbstractBuffer *QVideoFrame::buffer(). I 
might be able to hack it in using QAbstractPlanarVideoBuffer, but that feels 

Re: [Development] Requesting a repository for Lottie-Qt implementation

2019-01-10 Thread Kari Oikarinen

On 10.1.2019 15.22, Uwe Rathmann wrote:
> On Thu, 10 Jan 2019 13:24:14 +0100, Vlad Stelmahovsky wrote:
>> Qwt is nice but supports only QWidgets, right?
> True, but Qt/Charts is also QWidgets only.

Not quite:

Development mailing list

Re: [Development] Requesting a repository for Lottie-Qt implementation

2019-01-10 Thread Dmitry Volosnykh
What about this set of QML types? [1]


> On 10 Jan 2019, at 16:22, Uwe Rathmann  wrote:
> On Thu, 10 Jan 2019 13:24:14 +0100, Vlad Stelmahovsky wrote:
>> Qwt is nice but supports only QWidgets, right?
> True, but Qt/Charts is also QWidgets only.
> Uwe
> ___
> Development mailing list

Development mailing list

Re: [Development] Requesting a repository for Lottie-Qt implementation

2019-01-10 Thread Vlad Stelmahovsky

nope, there is QML interface

On 1/10/19 2:22 PM, Uwe Rathmann wrote:

On Thu, 10 Jan 2019 13:24:14 +0100, Vlad Stelmahovsky wrote:

Qwt is nice but supports only QWidgets, right?

True, but Qt/Charts is also QWidgets only.


Development mailing list

Development mailing list

Re: [Development] Requesting a repository for Lottie-Qt implementation

2019-01-10 Thread Uwe Rathmann
On Thu, 10 Jan 2019 13:24:14 +0100, Vlad Stelmahovsky wrote:

> Qwt is nice but supports only QWidgets, right?

True, but Qt/Charts is also QWidgets only.


Development mailing list

[Development] Qwt and Qt Charts

2019-01-10 Thread Aleksey Kontsevich
Renamed discussion topic. :) Agree with Uwe. I was using Qwt for many years and 
was surprised when Qt Charts appeared. Thought it has some advantages or 
interesting effects. If not, it is also not clear to me why not to contribute 
to Qwt which is feature rich, extremely fast and make it candy, modern look and 
feel and standard de facto for Qt? Existing chart solutions for Qt are too poor 
comparing with D3.js features for example - good to improve!

Best regards,
Linked in

10.01.2019, 14:22, "Uwe Rathmann" :
> On Thu, 10 Jan 2019 10:48:37 +, Tuukka Turunen wrote:
>>  Related to your comment about the Qt Charts being limited I would tend
>>  to disagree.
> overrdide-the-label-of-a-QPointF
> I leave it up to you to google for more ...
> You might have noticed, that questions on the Qt mailing lists regarding
> Qt/Charts mostly end up in not being answered, but at least you find this
> statement from the maintainer:
> 055337.html
> If you prefer "simple charting" or "not be the be-all-end-all charting
> solution" over "limited" - I don't care, we can agree on Miikkas wording.
> But it doesn't affect my conclusion, that Qt users ( including your
> customers ) would have a better solution, if you would have contributed
> to an existing 3rd party library instead of reinventing the wheel.
>>  Discussion about Qt Charts is of course welcome, but perhaps not that
>>  relevant for discussion about creating a new repository for Lottie-Qt.
> True, but Qt/Chart is a good example of what happens, when ignoring
> existing 3rd party software without technical reasons.
> And on a more general note: if LGPLv2+ makes code not being appropriate
> for the Qt project, then don't be surprised that you are not attractive
> for developers without having a business case in mind.
> My 2 cents,
> Uwe
> ___
> Development mailing list
Development mailing list

Re: [Development] Requesting a repository for Lottie-Qt implementation

2019-01-10 Thread Vlad Stelmahovsky

Qwt is nice but supports only QWidgets, right?

so any mobile or Desktop/QML is not supported. Probably this is one of 
the reasons

and its not HW accelerated

On 1/10/19 1:00 PM, Uwe Rathmann wrote:

On Thu, 10 Jan 2019 10:48:37 +, Tuukka Turunen wrote:

Related to your comment about the Qt Charts being limited I would tend
to disagree.

I leave it up to you to google for more ...

You might have noticed, that questions on the Qt mailing lists regarding
Qt/Charts mostly end up in not being answered, but at least you find this
statement from the maintainer:

If you prefer "simple charting" or "not be the be-all-end-all charting
solution" over "limited" - I don't care, we can agree on Miikkas wording.

But it doesn't affect my conclusion, that Qt users ( including your
customers ) would have a better solution, if you would have contributed
to an existing 3rd party library instead of reinventing the wheel.

Discussion about Qt Charts is of course welcome, but perhaps not that
relevant for discussion about creating a new repository for Lottie-Qt.

True, but Qt/Chart is a good example of what happens, when ignoring
existing 3rd party software without technical reasons.

And on a more general note: if LGPLv2+ makes code not being appropriate
for the Qt project, then don't be surprised that you are not attractive
for developers without having a business case in mind.

My 2 cents,

Development mailing list

Development mailing list

Re: [Development] Coding style for lambdas with empty parameter list

2019-01-10 Thread Vitaly Fanaskov
I vote for shorter form as well.

But the documentation should be extended with the Philippe's second 
example. Trailing return type is rarely required, but we cannot omit 
parameters list in this case, because it leads to compilation error.

On 1/9/19 8:31 PM, Philippe wrote:
> I like the shorter form, but keep in mind that when the return type
> needs to be specified,
> [] ->foo { // lambda content }
> is not possible, and following is needed:
> []() -> foo { // lambda content }
> Philippe
> On Wed, 9 Jan 2019 19:08:46 +0100
> "André Hartmann"  wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I recently found an inconsistency regarding empty lambda parameter lists
>> between [1] and [2]. While the first states, that parentheses have to be
>> written always, the latter is missing this section.
>> My request to syncronize both [3] lead to the conclusion, to change the rule,
>> so that empty parameter lists should be written as
>>   [] { // lambda content }
>> instead
>>   []() { // lambda content }
>> If anyone has objections against this change, please vote at [3].
>> I'll keep this commit open a while and adopt the Wiki [1] once the change
>> is approved without objections.
>> Thanks and regards,
>> André
>> [1]
>> [2]
>> [3]
>> ___
>> Development mailing list
> ___
> Development mailing list

Best Regards,

Fanaskov Vitaly
Senior Software Engineer

The Qt Company / Qt Quick and Widgets Team

Development mailing list

Re: [Development] Requesting a repository for Lottie-Qt implementation

2019-01-10 Thread Frederik Gladhorn
Hi Uwe,

On torsdag 10. januar 2019 10:24:22 CET Uwe Rathmann wrote:
> On Thu, 10 Jan 2019 07:24:01 +, Frederik Gladhorn wrote:
> >> Ours is LGPLv2+ as usual, FWIW.
> > 
> > Which sadly makes it unsuitable for inclusion in Qt.
> I'm maintainer of the Qwt library ( ), that
> exists since Qt 1.1 - but there are also other popular Qt plotting
> libraries available. For some reason "Qt" decided to come up with the Qt/
> Charts module many years later - AFAIK without even trying to contact any
> existing project.
> As being author of a competing package I never checked the code of the Qt/
> Chart module and can't ( and don't want to ) judge if it is good or bad.
> But my impression is, that it started with a limited set of features and
> immediately changed into maintenance mode without seeing much active
> development since then.
> Don't you agree that supporting an existing project instead would have
> lead to a better overall situation for everyone ?

Absolutely, but The Qt Company is a company. It provides many services to the 
community, but it also needs to function as business. That is why we have the 
CLA for the Qt project, being able to monetize on the product makes it 
possible to invest into the development of the same.

> Considering that you hardly get the existing modules maintained - why
> don't you start with thinking in a more community oriented way ?

I'd like to see more community focus from TQtC as well. At the same time, we 
are considering the community pretty much always. Sometimes we make 
unfortunate decisions (it's a company, neither good or bad, nobody's perfect).

I do not see how we could have avoided this in this instance - the module was 
internally written for a customer and we want to make it available for others 
to use. I was not aware that there is a KDE framework that does serve a 
similar purpose. Let's get the code out, then implementations can be compared 
by those interested. I agree that duplicating effort is a bad idea, sometimes 
is sadly hard to avoid.


> Uwe
> ___
> Development mailing list

Development mailing list

Re: [Development] Requesting a repository for Lottie-Qt implementation

2019-01-10 Thread Uwe Rathmann
On Thu, 10 Jan 2019 10:48:37 +, Tuukka Turunen wrote:

> Related to your comment about the Qt Charts being limited I would tend
> to disagree.

I leave it up to you to google for more ...

You might have noticed, that questions on the Qt mailing lists regarding 
Qt/Charts mostly end up in not being answered, but at least you find this 
statement from the maintainer:

If you prefer "simple charting" or "not be the be-all-end-all charting 
solution" over "limited" - I don't care, we can agree on Miikkas wording.

But it doesn't affect my conclusion, that Qt users ( including your 
customers ) would have a better solution, if you would have contributed 
to an existing 3rd party library instead of reinventing the wheel.

> Discussion about Qt Charts is of course welcome, but perhaps not that
> relevant for discussion about creating a new repository for Lottie-Qt.

True, but Qt/Chart is a good example of what happens, when ignoring 
existing 3rd party software without technical reasons.

And on a more general note: if LGPLv2+ makes code not being appropriate 
for the Qt project, then don't be surprised that you are not attractive 
for developers without having a business case in mind.

My 2 cents,

Development mailing list

Re: [Development] Requesting a repository for Lottie-Qt implementation

2019-01-10 Thread Tuukka Turunen


Sometimes parallel work happens - especially if things are done outside of the 
Qt Project repositories. Sometimes there is real duplication of effort, 
sometimes approach is different even though aiming towards the same goal, 
performance may differ, 3rd party dependencies are different etc. So not 
everything that at first look seems duplicate actually is. 

Related to your comment about the Qt Charts being limited I would tend to 
disagree. While there of course are always thing that can be added, it does 
support a wide variety of different chart types and functionality.

Discussion about Qt Charts is of course welcome, but perhaps not that relevant 
for discussion about creating a new repository for Lottie-Qt.



On 10/01/2019, 11.58, "Development on behalf of Uwe Rathmann" 

On Thu, 10 Jan 2019 07:24:01 +, Frederik Gladhorn wrote:

>> Ours is LGPLv2+ as usual, FWIW.
> Which sadly makes it unsuitable for inclusion in Qt.

I'm maintainer of the Qwt library ( ), that 
exists since Qt 1.1 - but there are also other popular Qt plotting 
libraries available. For some reason "Qt" decided to come up with the Qt/
Charts module many years later - AFAIK without even trying to contact any 
existing project.

As being author of a competing package I never checked the code of the Qt/
Chart module and can't ( and don't want to ) judge if it is good or bad. 
But my impression is, that it started with a limited set of features and 
immediately changed into maintenance mode without seeing much active 
development since then.

Don't you agree that supporting an existing project instead would have 
lead to a better overall situation for everyone ?

Considering that you hardly get the existing modules maintained - why 
don't you start with thinking in a more community oriented way ?


Development mailing list

Development mailing list

Re: [Development] Requesting a repository for Lottie-Qt implementation

2019-01-10 Thread Uwe Rathmann
On Thu, 10 Jan 2019 07:24:01 +, Frederik Gladhorn wrote:

>> Ours is LGPLv2+ as usual, FWIW.
> Which sadly makes it unsuitable for inclusion in Qt.

I'm maintainer of the Qwt library ( ), that 
exists since Qt 1.1 - but there are also other popular Qt plotting 
libraries available. For some reason "Qt" decided to come up with the Qt/
Charts module many years later - AFAIK without even trying to contact any 
existing project.

As being author of a competing package I never checked the code of the Qt/
Chart module and can't ( and don't want to ) judge if it is good or bad. 
But my impression is, that it started with a limited set of features and 
immediately changed into maintenance mode without seeing much active 
development since then.

Don't you agree that supporting an existing project instead would have 
lead to a better overall situation for everyone ?

Considering that you hardly get the existing modules maintained - why 
don't you start with thinking in a more community oriented way ?


Development mailing list

Re: [Development] Coding style for lambdas with empty parameter list

2019-01-10 Thread Konstantin Shegunov
On Wed, Jan 9, 2019 at 8:44 PM "André Hartmann"  wrote:

> My request to syncronize both [3] lead to the conclusion, to change the
> rule,
> so that empty parameter lists should be written as
>  [] { // lambda content }

If I were to vote, which I won't, I'd vote instead to make the expression
as explicit as possible, thus requiring even the return type to be
specified. Which is also in line with my view on the auto keyword. C++ is
implicit enough to pile yet more "if this is not specified, then it means
something else" on top. And I personally believe that the whole syntax
shouldn't have been put in the standard allowing for any choice to begin
with. If you look before C99 the following kind of definitions were a real

functionX(parameter1, parameter2)
  int parameter1;
  float parameter2;
return 200;

Beautiful, right? The best part is, there's no need to specify the return
type as well ...
Development mailing list

[Development] Maintainers, your action needed: Qt 5.12.1 changes files

2019-01-10 Thread Jani Heikkinen
Initial ones here:,n,z

Maintainers, please finalize ones immediately and get changes approved.


Development mailing list

Re: [Development] Requesting a repository for Lottie-Qt implementation

2019-01-10 Thread Frederik Gladhorn
On onsdag 9. januar 2019 17:26:06 CET Thiago Macieira wrote:
> On Wednesday, 9 January 2019 06:23:02 PST Tuukka Turunen wrote:
> > Description: Lottie-Qt, a renderer for Bodymovin animations
> What's "Lottie" ? Is that an acronym? Or is it a trademark of something? If
> it's the latter, please find another name.

At least the page by airbnb doesn't claim any trademark.
They also provide libraries for Android, iOS and react-native as far as I can 
see licensed with Apache 2.0.

From what I can tell, we would follow their spirit and add another 
implementation of their image/animation file format, I don't see lottie 
mentioned as trademarked anywhere on their pages.

I'd propose we create the repo.

Side note:
We had a discussion internally yesterday among the gerrit administrators (yes, 
we are four people now that actively handle your requests).
We'll try to move this kind of request to JIRA, so that we can track it, since 
email tends to break down. That doesn't mean things should not be announced 
here (quite the opposite), but creating a task in QTQAINFRA with Gerrit as 
component will probably be the way to get any repository created/changed in 
the future.
To test that I created


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