[DDN] Yahoo chat from Nigeria brings news of DIY/pocket solar

2005-10-20 Thread Pamela McLean
Some time back during a discussion about the Solo computer Taran 
mentioned another solar related  site that caught his attention - 
http://www.biodesign.org.uk/ The project described there is about a DIY 
approach to using solar energy - by assembling small solar powered 
devices to charge phones, radios, torches and suchlike. (As the devices 
are small we call this "pocket solar" within CAWDnet.)

We are experimenting with pocket solar at the Fantsuam Foundation 
Community Learning Centre at Kafanchan.  Setting up CAWDnet's pocket 
solar project has involved some years of gradual information exchange 
between people in the UK, Kenya and Nigeria. At first if was very 
difficult to exchange information - huge digital divide issues - so 
things were very slow. Now our information pathways are much better 
established - hence the news I got today during one of my regular yahoo 
chats with David Mutua - CAWDnet coordinator in Nigeria.

David has recently set up a pocket solar group. He has a limited amount 
of "solar glass" and is teaching some people to assemble "pocket 
solar".  They are experimenting, and if all goes well, they will try to 
set up a small "pocket solar" business.

During our yahoo chat David told me "I have to go for the pocket solar 
trials. We have sun today... we have someone who will be sending all 
activities weekly...I have to go now... they are waiting for me."  I 
hope he means that he has found someone (an "infomediary") who will try 
to send me news each week.

If anyone from DDN is interested in updates of the pocket solar 
experiments please contact me on or off list.


Pamela McLean
CAWDnet convenor


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[DDN] T.A.P. co-produced Internet Radio Discussion of Telecommunications and Development in Africa

2005-10-20 Thread Amos Anyimadu

The Technology Assessment Project of the University of Ghana and the
Technical University of Denmark is happy to inform you of its
co-production of a radio discussion on Telecommunications and
Development in Africa. 

There would be a tri-continental panel including:

Dr. Joseph Okpaku, President and CEO of Telecom Africa Corporation
Mr. Mawuli Tse, West Africa Representative of Ibasis
Mr. Robert Palitz, Managing Director of Kasapa Telecom Limited
(Hutchison owned CDMA mobile telephony operator in Ghana)
Mr. Philip Sowah, Chief Officer, Onetouch (Mobile service wing of
Ghana's incumbent telco Ghana Telecom)
Dr. Amos Anyimadu, Technology Assessment Project
Mr. Rabiu Asante, AfricaTalks.org

The programme is broadcast TODAY, Thursday, October 20, 2005, from
18:00hrs to 20:hrs GMT.  It would be broadcast on the internet at
http://www.gfmradio.com/ and also on a number of terrestrial radio
stations including Accra FM station Radio Gold - 90.5.

Part of the programme would be interactive .You can contribute live to
the programme through:

Accra Landline to Radio Gold: 021 300281
sms txt to Radio Gold: 024 465 8797

Issues to be discussed include

1. What is Telecom?
2. Despite the availability of low-cost, efficient telecommunication
solutions, does telecom play a role in Africa's Development?
a. How has the liberalisation of the mobile phone market affected the
development of Africa? What are the advantages and disadvantages of
having new technology? 
2. How can Africans turn poverty into wealth by using telecoms as a
wealth generating engine?
3. With the present lack of telecom infrastructure in most of the 46
countries in sub-Sahara Africa, Can Africa meet the millennium
development goals regarding ICT? How can Africa deal with this complex
issue of infrastructure and development currently holding back Africa's
growth potential.
4. What are the main differences in the fixed-line business, mobile
networks and public phones. Can the growth rate of these industries meet
the millennium development goals?
a. As more than 66% of African nations now allow competition amongst the
mobile and public phones, discuss how Telecom carriers in Africa deal
with the issues of competition. 
5. Examine the varied marketing practices of telecom companies in
Africa. What kind of targeted marketing do these Telecom companies adopt
in Africa?
6. Should Telecoms in Africa remain mainly in the private sector domain
or should African governments play a role in the advancement of the
a. What kind of investment is needed in Telecoms if it is to act as a
tool, in poverty alleviation in Africa.
7. How should the Africans use the development of Telecoms to become
closer to the international community?
8. The importance of Corporate Responsibility in relation to telecom and
mobile telephony companies operating in Africa.
9.What does the future hold with telecom and mobile telephony in Africa?
  Amos Anyimadu

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[DDN] Returned mail I didn't send - advice needed

2005-10-20 Thread James Lerman

Hi listers,
I've noticed a very recent exponential increase in the amount of 
returned mail I've been receiving...mail that I personally have not 
sent. Every day I receive 20 or more messages about returned or 
undeliverable mail, indicating recipients who seem pretty clearly to 
have been generated by some random addresser bot that simply creates 
addresses according to some algorithm.
My question is, what can I do about this? Is there any way to stop the 
incoming flow? I imagine I could set my incoming filters, but if there's 
somehow I can stop someone from using my email address to send messages, 
that would be ideal?

Any advice will be greatly appreciated.
Thank you.
Jim Lerman

Internal Virus Database is out-of-date.
Checked by AVG Anti-Virus.
Version: 7.0.344 / Virus Database: 267.10.25/102 - Release Date: 09/14/2005

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Re: [DDN] Digital Divide academic journals

2005-10-20 Thread Donald Z. Osborn
Consider also journals dealing with multilingual computing and localization.
Generally these are or began as trade journals and not academic ones, but they
do sometimes treat issues relevant to digital divide work in international
development contexts. For example:

Localisation Focus (quarterly of the Localisation Research Centre, University of

MultiLingual Computing (8x/yr.; "leading industry magazine for Web site
globalization, translation, international software development and language

ClientSide News ("eMagazine dedicated to the unique interests of the client side
of the localization, internationalization and globalization industry")

I hope we can see a lot more in the area of reporting and research on DD work in
multilingual and minority language settings, and use of localized content,
applications, and cutting-edge language technology in ICT4D.

Don Osborn

Quoting Audrey Alvear <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> When looking for articles about digital divide, I've found a lot of material
> on the web, specailly in UN,NGO's and related agencies. However, I would like
> to know if there are acadmic journal(s) related to this topic in specific.
> Can somebody send me some light?
> thank you
> Audrey Alvear
> Audrey Alvear B., Ph.D.  
> Research Associate 
> Dept. of Engineering & Technology Management
> Maseeh College of Engineering & Computer Science
> Portland State University 
> Portland, OR  97207-0751, USA  
> Fax: + (1) 503-725-4667
> ___
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[DDN] Two Telecom Mergers, One Digital Divide

2005-10-20 Thread Angela Stuber

/For Immediate Release/
/October 20, 2005///

Angela Stuber
OCCN Executive Director

*Two Telecom Mergers, One Digital Divide*

Do you have access to broadband? The chances are more likely if you live 
in a middle or upper class neighborhood. Or in a metropolitan area. Not 
so good if you live in a low income neighborhood or a rural area. As 
Telecommunications Companies roll out advanced networks for even higher 
speed Internet and additional services, you may get excited about 
signing up but if we are not careful the same distribution of services 
will occur, possibility even more so.

The Ohio Community Computing Network (OCCN ) is 
leading the fight to minimize the current broadband divide and keep a 
new divide based on advanced networks from developing. The arena? 
Regulatory proceedings within the Public Utilities Commission of Ohio 
(PUCO ). There is a lot of talk lately of 
advanced networks, their immense Internet speed and additional services 
but if only a portion of society can participate in yet another 
technological evolution, Ohio will again be left struggling.

*Who and What*

OCCN has provided testimony to the PUCO stating the SBC/AT&T Merger and 
the Verizon/MCI Merger are not in the best interest of the public.

*The issue*

DSL is not available in all areas. Companies will roll out services 
where they expect to make the highest profit. This is understandable. 
But then society is left with an unbalanced availability of basic 
services. Broadband has become a basic service. The digital divide used 
to be defined as a lack of access to computers, the definition then 
changed to include a lack of access to the internet, then more precisely 
a lack of access to broadband. Websites with a picture (that is, most 
websites) are time consuming to download. Even government sites 
including the IRS and the State of Ohio are difficult to fully utilize 
without broadband access. As more and more government functions begin to 
migrate on-line (including job applications and legal filings), the 
ability to work quickly on-line becomes more and more important.

*The Research*

Dr. Mary Stansbury 
, Associate 
Professor in the School of Library and Information Science at Kent State 
University, analyzed data for Ohio counties using the FCC form 477 
results and the U.S. Census Bureau. In Dr. Stansbury’s testimony to the 
PUCO filed July 8, 2005, she summarizes the results of her analysis,

Looking at the picture of broadband penetration in Ohio, we find that of 
the 22 poorest counties in Ohio, 13 of them have low broadband activity. 
And of the 22 counties with the lowest density, 12 of them also have low 
broadband activity. In contrast, for the most affluent counties, those 
in the 25^th percentile of persons living below poverty, only two 
counties – Williams and Defiance, have a relatively high percentage of 
zipcodes with no broadband activity. Ohio’s data, when compared to 
national trends in the Digital Divide, indicates that those without 
resources are truly disengaged from our digital world.

*The Mergers*

The question as defined by the Public Utilities Commission of Ohio is 
whether the merger of SBC with AT&T and the merger of Verizon with MCI 
promote the public convenience. The Ohio Community Computing Network is 
emphatically stating no. OCCN is concerned the Companies will have less 
interest in rolling out DSL to low-income and rural areas. SBC has 
defined Project Lightspeed as a service that will be facilitated by the 
merger. From Angela Stuber  OCCN 
Executive Director’s direct testimony to the PUCO filed July 8, 2005

The goal for SBC’s Project Light speed is “to cover nearly 90% of high 
value customers”. [1] <#_ftn1> SBC has not defined a “high value 
customer” but it is reasonable to assume low and moderate income Ohioans 
are not “high value customers”. SBC intends to cover 70% of medium value 
customers and 5% of low value customers.[2] <#_ftn2> As a for profit 
company, this is understandable. As the largest telephone company in 
Ohio providing broadband service, focusing a new technology on “high 
value customers” is unacceptable.

If SBC’s Project Light speed successfully claims 90% of high value 
customers, 70% of medium value customers and only 5% of low value 
customers, the digital divide will be exacerbated.

OCCN acted as a pro bono consultant to the Edgemont Neighborhood 
Coalition by providing expert testimony to the PUCO and recommending 
additional community technology experts. The Edgemont Neighborhood 
Coalition is a part of a community coalition led by the Ohio Consumers 
Council (OCC ). The other parties are the 
Appalachian People’s Action Coalition, Neighborhood Environmental 

[DDN] article - microsoft says africa doesn't need free software

2005-10-20 Thread Phil Shapiro

Microsoft: Africa doesn't need free software
Ingrid Marson
October 17, 2005, 16:30 BST

You can give people free software, but they won't have the expertise to
use it, says Microsoft Nigeria's manager.


oh, really?

http://www.his.com/pshapiro/ (personal)
http://www.digitaldivide.net/blog/pshapiro (blog)
http://www.digitaldivide.net/profile/pshapiro (technology access work)
http://mytvstation.blogspot.com/ (video and rich media)

"Speak your truth quietly and clearly; and listen to others." - Desiderata
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RE: [DDN] Copyright Awareness Campaign & Intellectual Property?!?

2005-10-20 Thread Peter S. Lopez
Michael Maranda <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
To clarify, I do not argue for the elimination or reduction of copyright
law and patents, but rather for a return to sensible limits on duration of a
copyright and patent. I do not view this as weakening of copyright. I view
this as essential to the public interest, and am confident that this will
free up substantial access to intellectual property for others to build
upon. Disseminate widely the bricks of knowledge so that many may build,
and so that what they build they can build freely with, with confidence that
they won't risk accidental patent infringements.

Not clear why this would weaken copyright? I think the argument is that
these extensive durations provide incentive to invest in developing the
intellectual or artistic content. I disagree. I think there are plenty of
other motives to innovate, and plenty of room to make a profit, and under a
copyright regime where the duration one can hold a copyright is in a more
reasonable time frame.. Lets say 5-15 years... Maybe less for some software
processes... We'll be reducing concentration of ownership of intellectual
property and the means of generating further intellectual property. This is
what it is really about, isn't it?

Innovators will still make money, and will still have protection of rights
to their property for specific periods. What duration is reasonable for
what work or artistic product?


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Wednesday Night ~ Greetings ALL Bridge Builders!

Thank God I am not a lawyer. Writers who profit off their writing in order to 
make a living are going to be favor of Copyright Laws and the actual 
enforcement of those laws. We all have a right to make a living, but at who's 
cost? The ignorant? The unlettered? The student?

If I find a news article, an analysis or something of educational value on the 
Internet and share it without monetary profit with a Yahoo Group without giving 
due credit kudos am I stealing it or simply sharing information?

The concepts of 'intellectual' and 'property' seem mutually exclusive if what 
emanates from one's intellect becomes the exclusive property of the so-called 
intellectual posessor. 

As far as I am concern, whatever goes out into cyberspace is basically fair 
game. Get use to it and if you make a living from writing you may consider a 
2nd supplementary income.

“Copyright has been described as the international trading system for works of 
the mind. Information contained in copyright works, can also be seen as an 
international trading system. When copyright and information are put together 
the two mix like oil and water.” 


Copyright Law FAQ (4/6): International aspects

“Summary: This article contains frequently asked questions (FAQ) with answers 
relating to copyright law, particularly that of the United States.”



Who ultimately controls the Internet? Who owns knowledge? Who copyrights 
wisdom? Who can close Pandora's box? Who wants to help bridge the high-tech 
digital divide no matter what the cost,  expense or jeopardy?



TITLE 17 > CHAPTER 1 > § 107 § 107. Limitations on exclusive rights: Fair use

Release date: 2005-08-01 

Notwithstanding the provisions of sections 106 and 106A, the fair use of a 
copyrighted work, including such use by reproduction in copies or phonorecords 
or by any other means specified by that section, for purposes such as 
criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching (including multiple copies for 
classroom use), scholarship, or research, is not an infringement of copyright. 
In determining whether the use made of a work in any particular case is a fair 
use the factors to be considered shall include— 

(1) the purpose and character of the use, including whether such use is of a 
commercial nature or is for nonprofit educational purposes; 

(2) the nature of the copyrighted work; 

(3) the amount and substantiality of the portion used in relation to the 
copyrighted work as a whole; and 

(4) the effect of the use upon the potential market for or value of the 
copyrighted work. 

The fact that a work is unpublished shall not itself bar a finding of fair use 
if such finding is made upon consideration of all the above factors.



Help Build Bridges, Not Borders!

Peter S. Lopez ~Field Coordinator 

Sacramento, California USA



[DDN] Re: What one thing would you do now if you were starting a new

2005-10-20 Thread Joshua N Shear
Actually, I've got a couple of ideas.

One thing, for sure, is that I would try to make subscription money instead of
(only) advertising money from the site. We know that most news web sites make
very little profit, and subscription prices for news sites are often rather
high. I would be two systems:

1. Micro-pay. I don't subscribe to the NY Times, but sometimes I go drop $1 on
an issue. I don't expect people to pay $50 a year for my site -- a simple 25
cents per day's issue would just fine with me.

2. Donations. No, not for me, but for "subscription scholarships" -- if you
pay 50 cents per day for an issue, someone else could read the site, too;
maybe there'd be an underwriter's listing, much like we hear about underwriter
support on public radio in the U.S.

Next: Wiki content in addition to traditional content. Professional reporters
can be fantastic. But they can also fail readers. So, if you have internet
access and can write, give us the untold story.

A last thought: Easy reader feedback that actually is taken into
consideration. Some sites -- Alternet is one -- simply open up a comments
section to discuss articles. I only occasionally find that interesting as a
reader. Other sites say they accept reader feedback, but it's (a) way too
difficult to find the feedback form, (b) impossible to get your feedback to
the person who would do something useful with, or (c) impossible to find out
who that person _is_, never mind how to reach her. 
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Re: [DDN] Community Blog Experience Question In Search of An Answer, , ,

2005-10-20 Thread Peter S. Lopez

Thursday Morning ~
Hola Hermana Karen ~ Just create your own blog, invite others and see what 
happens. Keep it simple for starters. If you are talking about a forum for 
local input and discussion you can create a Blog or a Yahoo Group. Your writing 
to the Blog Group perpetuates it, esp. if you touch on the interests of other 
people in their personal lives. It can take on a life or its own free from 
daily maintenance.

Actually the more perspectives the better as we want to look at a given subject 
for analysis from as many different angles perspectives as possible. A circle 
has 360 Degrees. You should be aware of the 'angles' of others. At all times, 
be cynical
in the sense of the different interests of different entities.

All of life in urban Amerika is interconnected with politics in one way or 
another, on one level or another. A functional definition of politics is the 
ways and means for relating to the people's basic needs, interests and 
priorities or not. 

The culmination of politics is the ownership and control of the land and all 
the institutions thereon.


I use to work for the Redevelopment Agency here in Sacramento and you might 
want to check them out in your area.


Check out = Boston Redeveloment Area



Plus, for more info. on blogs read the below:


Definition: Blog is short for web log which is a journal (or newsletter) that 
is frequently updated and intended for general public consumption. Blogs 
generally represent the personality of the author and it is available on the 
web. The activity of updating a blog is "blogging" and someone who keeps a blog 
is a "blogger." Blogs are typically updated daily using software that allows 
people with little or no technical background to update and maintain the blog.


Related Links ~~~

A Bloggers’ Code of Ethics


Global Voices Online


Blog for America


Digital Divide Network Blogs


Create Your Own Blog Now


Yahoo Blog Link


MSN Spaces


How to Create Your Own Blog 

Author: Andy Carvin, EDC Center for Media & Community | December 8th, 2004 



Websource: http://spaces.msn.com/members/humane-being/



Help Build Bridges, Not Borders!
Peter S. Lopez ~Field Coordinator 
Sacramento, California USA

Kate Snow <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:Hi All--

I was just asked by an urban community organization that develops affordable 
housing and promotes economic development about the feasability of developing a 
blog for community voices about local projects and issues. Could be anything 
from what do to with a vacant lot to reports on bedbug infestations to 
responses to a local developer's high-rise 

I'm still feeling new to this arena. Most of what I've seen seems to be 
single-perspective blogging (as in the political blogs). Anybody have 
suggestions for examples of discussion-leaning blogs, successful or not? T 
Houghts about the issues raised by managing the blog from within the agency vs. 
outside? Best tools to use?


* * * * * 
Kate Snow
Interdependent Consultant
Boston, MA

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 Yahoo! Music Unlimited - Access over 1 million songs. Try it free.
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RE: [DDN] open source article by DDN member christian einfeldt

2005-10-20 Thread rengab
hi alfred

i think we need both

these are both part of the process and supply chains


rene abad
e-d, y3k foundation

> I predict that Open Source is another of the false views of the future
> mentioned at the beginning of his article. We need content, not tools.
> Alfred Bork
> University of California, Irvine.

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[DDN] Being Prepared in the face of Hurricane Wilma as far as communications.

2005-10-20 Thread Taran Rampersad
While Wilma is headed somewhere to in the Gulf region, and has already
caused deaths in Haiti, it might be a good idea to get the community
involved before disaster strikes, and set up alternative means of
communication at the community level - and let people know *before*
disaster strikes.

Projects such as the ARC (http://www.knowprose.com/ARC ;
http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/technology/4149977.stm ) can be set up NOW,
and be ready before disaster strikes an area. Organized communication
BEFORE a disaster, DURING a disaster, and AFTER a disaster. SMS and HAM
radio always seem to be the main means of dependable communication.

I wrote an entry (link below) to share. Please share widely, by email,
weblog, print, television, radio, carrier pigeon and telling your
gossipy acquaintances at the coffee shop and bar:


Or, we can just wait and blame someone else for not doing anything.

Taran Rampersad
Presently in: San Fernando, Trinidad


Coming on January 1st, 2006: http://www.OpenDepth.com

"Criticize by creating." — Michelangelo

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RE: [DDN] Digital Divide academic journals

2005-10-20 Thread Audrey Borus
Audrey, Not sure whether this is exactly what you're looking for, but
you might also find it useful:


Audrey Borus
Research Librarian - EDC

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Audrey
Sent: Wednesday, October 19, 2005 1:16 PM
Subject: [DDN] Digital Divide academic journals

When looking for articles about digital divide, I've found a lot of
material on the web, specailly in UN,NGO's and related agencies.
However, I would like to know if there are acadmic journal(s) related to
this topic in specific. Can somebody send me some light?
thank you

Audrey Alvear

Audrey Alvear B., Ph.D.  
Research Associate 
Dept. of Engineering & Technology Management
Maseeh College of Engineering & Computer Science
Portland State University 
Portland, OR  97207-0751, USA  
Fax: + (1) 503-725-4667

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