Interesting performance changes over time in Kostyas benchmarks

2017-08-31 Thread Ryion via Digitalmars-d

Kostya has updated his benchmarks today and moved from:

gdc 5.2.0 to 6.3.0
LDC 0.15.2 beta1 to 1.4.0-beta1 (LLVM 4.0.1)

The results are interesting to see as there over a year and half 
development between versions.

LDC seems to have slowed slightly in some benchmarks. GDC shows a 
more steady improvement.

The most noticeable jumps are the Json encoding what is a direct 
result from the library improvements, where we see results drop 
van 25 -> 8 and 27 -> 7 ( but a large increase in memory usage ).

Brainfuck v2.0

-| D Gdc   | 3.05| 1.4 |
+| D Gdc   | 2.61| 1.4 |

-| D Ldc   | 2.02| 0.9 |
+| D Ldc   | 2.85| 1.0 |


-| D Gdc   | 29.49   | 2.4 |
+| D Gdc   | 27.40   | 2.4 |

-| D Ldc   | 24.90   | 1.4 |
+| D Ldc   | 31.21   | 1.8 |


-| D Gdc   | 2.52| 33.3|
+| D Gdc   | 3.04| 54.1|

-| D Ldc   | 3.14| 53.1|
+| D Ldc   | 2.01| 54.4|


-| D Gdc Fast  | 0.34| 226.7   |
+| D Gdc Fast  | 0.35| 234.1   |

-| D Gdc   | 25.86   | 926.1   |
+| D Gdc   | 8.89| 1357.2  |

-| D Ldc   | 27.23   | 919.6   |
+| D Ldc   | 7.13| 1357.0  |


-| D Gdc   | 2.33| 73.0|
+| D Gdc   | 2.30| 73.0|

-| D Ldc   | 2.01| 68.9|
+| D Ldc   | 2.17| 73.0|


-| D Gdc   | 31.79   | 197.6   |
+| D Gdc   | 24.98   | 451.6   |

-| D Ldc   | 25.15   | 214.9   |
+| D Ldc   | 22.41   | 467.9   |

As we see with the json results, massive speed differences can be 
hiding ( in exchange for more memory consumption ).

Unfortunately, he has not updated DMD but i expect that we may 
see the same jump in the Json test. The Havlok results stand out 
a lot with twice the increase in memory but a relative low gain ( 
vs the memory increase ).

The LLVM results surprised with LLVM 4.0.1 not showing much 
improvement and resulting in noticeable slower times in several 

Re: Editor recommendations for new users.

2017-08-29 Thread Ryion via Digitalmars-d

On Monday, 28 August 2017 at 21:17:19 UTC, Moritz Maxeiner wrote:

Why "again"? You've not stated so before AFAICT.
Regardless, I disagree that discussing the validity of 
recommendations in a thread specifically made to gather such 
recommendations is a distraction from the topic; I would 
contend that it lies at the heart of the topic.

The poster asked for programs that fit his (vague) criteria, it 
is NOT up to you to determine what those criteria are and then 
belittle people there posts that try to help out with there own 
recommendations. The fact that you can not see this even now, 
really is a issue.

And i am not referring to this topic alone or those that i 
personally post in. There are many where the same patterns are 
viable and i notice the pattern, that its always your name next 
to those posts.

Is it so hard for you to not always override topics here and 
constant "straw man" or other terms calling. And i use this term 
because because you constantly write "irrelevant", "straw man 
argumentation", "but I don't care" and other belittling 
statements that seem to indicate that your opinion means more 
then others. Or how you supposedly do not care and have no issue 
pointing it out half a dozen times.

It gets very fast tiresome. You are the only poster that i see 
here that is non-stop doing this. If you do not like something or 
find it irrelevant, then do not respond to it. But they way you 
act, like posts are below or irrelevant to you...

This is the "again" i refer to. You do this is a lot of topics. 
You dissect people there posts and write how it is irrelevant to 
you or some other clever looking down terminology. It totally 
distracts from the topic at hand and frankly, makes people less 
likely to continue topics.

Its this kind of attitude that in MY personal opinion makes this 
mailing board toxic for new users. While you are not impolite, 
the way you act upon people the posts makes it hard to have a 
honest discussion with you without it turning off-topic or simply 
scaring away people.

So again polity again, to refrain from acting like this and let 
people have there own opinion without you dissecting every piece. 
Its turns topic off-topic and adds no value to the discussion. I 
await your next well written comment how what i wrote is 
irrelevant and how you do not notice this behavior.

This site really needs a proper forum with the ability to block 
specific posters and make this board less toxic. Because 99.9% of 
the people here are nice but your behavior is hard to deal with. 
And i am sure you will disagree with this.

Stay out of my posts and stop looking down on people and we will 
get along. This is my last post on this off-topic issue.

Re: Editor recommendations for new users.

2017-08-28 Thread Ryion via Digitalmars-d

On Sunday, 27 August 2017 at 18:08:52 UTC, Moritz Maxeiner wrote:
It's nearly ten times the size, so yeah, it is relative to 

You can say the same thing in comparison with vim which is 
only a 2MB install size,

20MB in comparison is gigantic.

Indeed, but that's only the raw executable, not the full 
package (which includes things like syntax highlighting), which 
adds another 26MB.
But, yes, Textadept and vim+vim-core (Gentoo speak) are both 
gigantic required to bare bones vim. But bare bones vim doesn't 
fulfill the syntax highlighting requirement IIRC.

The requirements are rather vague, you can interpret it in a 
number of ways.

The sensible interpretation imho is "as low an install 
footprint as possible while still fulfilling the other 
requirements". I'm not aware of anything below ~20MB install 
footprint that fulfills the other requirements, but I'd be 
interested if you know any.

As the OP did not state any requirement, he can consider 2GB as 
small. Vague requirements do not invalidate the recommendation.

Laptops have 1TB harddrives as good as standard.

Even on a "small" 128GB SSD, it pales in comparison to the 10GB 
that Windows alone takes. Let alone the page file, swapfile, 
hibernation file etc...

I wouldn't consider 200MB gigantic in comparison to 20MB cause 
there is literally no difference of use for me.

The thread is about OP's requirements.

You'd have to have a really shitty laptop for it to be an 

Not relevant.

As the OP has not stated the size of the laptops it needs to be 
installed upon, the discussion about 180MB vs 20MB or 2MB is 
irrelevant. We are not talking a 4GB Visual Studio installation. 
And its 160MB for the 32Bit version. :)

So if the OP has other requirements, HE can state them in this 
topic, instead of you making up ideas as to what YOU consider 
small. Your comments are irrelevant without knowing the OP his 

So again please do not distract from the topic.

Re: Promoting TutorialsPoint's D tutorial

2017-08-27 Thread Ryion via Digitalmars-d

On Sunday, 27 August 2017 at 18:51:00 UTC, Moritz Maxeiner wrote:
Thanks, but as I pointed out, the website's design is of no 
interest to me personally.

As I said, you aren't going to change my interests (and I'm 
reasonable convinced you won't change other peoples', either).

Add my voice to that corpus - I honestly don't care what the 
website looks like.

This whole topic is about improving the website. The fact that 
you are already a well versed D programmer that sees no 
usefulness in actually improving the readability of the site is 

The constant repeating that it does not interest you, simply 
discourages people. Same with pointing out that ( you think ) he 
can not change other people his minds. I personally think he is 
right and the site is not information friendly. Lots of content 
does not mean its useful if that content is badly presented.

If somebody is spending a lot of time simply writing issues that 
they think can be improved, let them try. Even if it dies later 
in the topic.

If this topic did not exist, i will not have found out that Adam 
has a experimental library, that hands over heels wins compared 
to the current massive text blob. Even if its a few versions 
behind, its way more clean and easy to use the what is now on the 

So at minimum one positive thing came from the topic.

Re: Editor recommendations for new users.

2017-08-27 Thread Ryion via Digitalmars-d

On Sunday, 27 August 2017 at 10:05:29 UTC, Nicholas Wilson wrote:
So I will be doing a workshop on programming for the biology 
department at my university and I was wondering what would best 
suit the users.

The following are a must:
support windows & mac ( the more consistent between the two 
the better)

no large install footprint, preferably simple install 
procedure (running on laptops)

syntax highlighting
straightforward to use

anything else is a bonus.

Whats your experience with what you use?

Visual Studio Code seems to be what you need.

Easy to install, Support Windows, Linux, Mac. Has plugin support 
from WebFreak001 his Code-D / Serve-D(beta) plugin.

Kitchen and sink support. Easy to use ( as seen with the 
popularity ). Relative low memory footprint for the functionality 
( compared to several IDEs that do the same ).

Moved to Visual Studio Code a long time ago and loving it. They 
are now adding multiple workspaces to the editor, to make things 
more easy for people and plugin architecture. Did i mention 
massive plugins?

Git Integration to make it easier to teach people what Git is and 
what the difference it makes in programming projects.

Re: Promoting TutorialsPoint's D tutorial

2017-08-27 Thread Ryion via Digitalmars-d

On Sunday, 27 August 2017 at 00:05:00 UTC, Adam D. Ruppe wrote:

On Saturday, 26 August 2017 at 23:53:27 UTC, Ryion wrote:
I have the same issue with the Library. The flow of 
information is bad, too much walls of text, with too much 
assumption that

Have you tried my alternative? It is the same content (well it 
lags a version or two cuz i haven't updated my computer yet) 
but laid out differently.
for example

It looks a lot better Adam, especially compared to the D website 
design. I am even willing to bet that it has much better results 
with Search Engines, because it has separate pages.

In my opinion its much more inline with my expectation for a 
programming language documentation. Nice job Adam! Going to 
bookmark it and use that as my reference.

Re: Promoting TutorialsPoint's D tutorial

2017-08-26 Thread Ryion via Digitalmars-d

On Saturday, 26 August 2017 at 22:26:00 UTC, Ecstatic Coder wrote:
I've no problem with that, but would it be possible to consider 
adding also a link to this tutorial in the same paragraph ?

It's not because TutorialsPoint pay me, but because it may be 
one of the best D tutorials out there for both beginner D 

And honestly, at the moment it's not really that easy to reach 
this tutorial from the dlang website.

First you have to push on "Tutorials", then in the middle of 
the page you see a boring flat grey icon with this text beside :

"D programming
January 1, 2015
A nice introductory tutorial to D programming. Available 
on-line and in the PDF format.


The text is fine, but unfortunately the impersonal icon and 
text ("D programming") aren't that inviting...

If you don't want to put the link on the "Further reading 
page", maybe would you consider putting this nice tutorial for 
beginners just under the four official D books, before the more 
advanced readings ?

I guess many beginner D programmers will thank you :)

Because a few month ago I've been that beginner D programmer, 
and sadly I've completely missed this perfect tutorial. And 
I've just explained you why...

So why not supposing other programmers will have the same 
problem, and maybe miss it just like me ?

No, i have the same issue with the website. Tutorialspoint may 
have issues as ag0aep6g pointed out but its very much to the 
point. I prefer to look up information on tutorialspoint compared 
to the D website.

Lets say Arrays:

* D website starts with Pointers, then Static Arrays, then 
Dynamic Arrays then ... A person may simply say: "I just want to 
know how to write a array, i do not need a tutorial talking about 
the different types, because most of my work is simply standard 

Instead of splitting the information in different chapters, its 
so much text on a single page. Tutorialspoint simply shows the 
basic information and that is what i need 90% of the time.

How about Modules:

* D website starts with a big blog of texts Module, 
ModuleDeclaration DeclDefs DeclDefs. What am i reading. Chinese? 
By the time you see the visual text how to declare a module, you 
are already 2 pages down.

Tutorialspoint simply shows how to declare modules. Basic, fast 

Tutorialspoint indeed misses a lot of information but D website 
has unreadable information overload. Useful for people who have 
time to read half a day but as somebody programming and wanting 
to quickly look up information. D website is not useful. Its 
actually counter intuative.

It feels academic in design, not functional. You expect to get 
simple example and the more advanced items under "advanced".

I have the same issue with the Library. The flow of information 
is bad, too much walls of text, with too much assumption that the 
programmer reading it is familiar with the more advanced features 
or programming knowledge. Links and references to variables that 
frankly, are unneeded. If it takes 15 minutes to know in 
std.parallelism that you can not get a thread ID in a simply 
way... then the purpose as a information source fails.

A simple:

Why do you need to wade past 2 pages for



Then the whole Jump to: 2, Jump to: 2, Jump to: 2 ...

Function naming...

Expect: bool validTimeUnits(string[] units...);

Gets: pure nothrow @safe bool validTimeUnits(string[] units...);

... Visual noise that is not important. Details like that need to 
be in a sub page.

People care about the function, parameter, return type. The rest 
is "advanced" and only useful under specific sitations.

After months i still do not use the library/documentation. I end 
up googling for examples or use tutorialspoint for some quick 
basic lookup's. If i am really stuck i may go into the library 
and get frustrated with the wall of text. Its is too much a time 
sink, while its supposed to be a help.

I do not know how to explain it but the documentation is at times 
more frustrating then the issue i am trying to solve. If i had to 
give a score, the D documentation is at best 4/10. Its not the 
lack of information but the simply bad presentation, overflow of 
information where you do not need it. No clear separation. Mobile 
friendly it is NOT. Even 4K friendly it also not. And plenty of 
other issues.

Re: newCTFE Status August 2017

2017-08-24 Thread Ryion via Digitalmars-d

On Monday, 14 August 2017 at 11:25:14 UTC, Stefan Koch wrote:

Release is coming closer!

Nice, keep up the good work.

Re: What are we going to do about mobile?

2017-08-24 Thread Ryion via Digitalmars-d

On Thursday, 24 August 2017 at 14:28:07 UTC, Joakim wrote:
Unfortunately, not everything works great. Like LDC being 
version 0.14.0 ( 2014! ) on the Pi3 Debian images. And well, 
"_Unwind_RaiseException failed with reason code: 2128056904", 
on a simply compile. Not exactly hopeful.

Have you tried this more recent build of ldc 1.1.0 (third link 
in Downloads section at bottom)?

Thanks. I checked the 1.3.0 but there was no ARM build. Did not 
realize there is one for 1.1.0.

For anybody finding this using google search, simply do the 
following to install:


sudo tar -C /usr/local -xf ldc2-1.1.0-linux-armhf.tar.xz
export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/ldc2-1.1.0-linux-armhf/bin

My code now works correctly again. Doing some benchmarks 
Apache+PHP vs Go vs D on the Raspberry Pi 3.

n=10 c=500

Apache: 1488 seconds
Requests per second: 67.20

Go+Gin: 123 seconds
Requests per second: 812.23

D: 149 seconds
Requests per second: 629.46

D is running a simple socket + limited HTTP 1.0/REST framework 
that i gobbled together. No optimizations. Go is running a 
complete HTTP/REST framework so it has more overhead.

Apache+PHP5.6 simply suffer beyond belief.

Take in account, the D has only been done on a single core! Where 
all the others used all 4 cores.

Impressive even if its not apples to apples comparison.

Re: What are we going to do about mobile?

2017-08-24 Thread Ryion via Digitalmars-d
On Thursday, 24 August 2017 at 10:47:07 UTC, James W Hofmann 
I happened across this old thread in a search for "mobile app 
dlang". I got a Chromebook recently and it represents a 
substantial phase shift in devices for me:

Arm has indeed become a more compelling platform, especially with 
all the SBC that exist today. Nothing more fun as compiling code 
on a Pi3 and seeing that little monster working like the big boys 
( of course slower ).

Unfortunately, not everything works great. Like LDC being version 
0.14.0 ( 2014! ) on the Pi3 Debian images. And well, 
"_Unwind_RaiseException failed with reason code: 2128056904", on 
a simply compile. Not exactly hopeful.

C works great. C++ same. GoLang version 1.3.3 and later perfect. 
FreePascal totally useless with "An unhandled exception occurred 
at $00084234". Its interesting to see what languages work and 
those that bum out with default debian installations.

So its a mixed bag on ARM development. But people underestimate 
how fast the ARM platform is evolving regarding speed. The Pi3 
has 4 Armv8 A53 cores but you got now systems like Helion X20 
with 2 * A72, 4 * A53 and another 4 * A35... Getting to being 
only 1/4 then a full blown Intel 7600. All that for a 15W max 
package. And this year we are getting 10nm X30 with more updated 
cores. Good times...

The PC evolution market in regards to CPU technology has been 
frankly very dead for the last few years. Small gains each 
generation but nothing impressive. The only impressing thing has 
been the AMD Ryzon's that finally pushed 8 cores into consumer 
hands for a cheap price ( and the thread ripper for 16 for a 
"reasonable" price, unlike Intel there prices for ages ).

Re: Jetbrains announce support for rust plugin, show them we want one too!

2017-08-09 Thread Ryion via Digitalmars-d

On Wednesday, 9 August 2017 at 07:59:46 UTC, Ryion wrote:

And that person pushing has much more effect :)

And a actual forum with a edit button may also be useful. Instead 
of this mail system.

Re: Jetbrains announce support for rust plugin, show them we want one too!

2017-08-09 Thread Ryion via Digitalmars-d

Maybe i made myself not very clear. Sorry about that.

I mention this as reading topics here shows the same behavior. 
People complain. Specific people here keep responding how the 
complainer needs to do it themselves or pay for it. Tracing the 
people that "complained" there post history, shows that most of 
them simply do not post anymore, after being told to do it 

I do not want to wast people there time, i only responded to this 
here because its obvious pattern. I agree that this seems to be a 
very small community and it is hard to get things done in a small 
community. But it is counter productive to constantly tell people 
that there is no solution, they need to do it or pay for it. Its 
like hearing a broken record that keeps skipping to the same beat.

People who have the time and willingness to do so, WILL do it 
themselves without being told on a forum. All the rest is simply 
negative PR for the people who lurk ( not post ) and read the 

The 'we' refers to me and my colleague. And 'we' do mean that the 
amount of posting here that ask people to do the work is way more 
then on other language forums. We understand the reasoning but 
its about first impressions. And when anybody reads comments 
stating the above too many times, it simply feels like the 
community is too small to support the language. Causation and 
effect. The more pushing does not result in more people actually 
contributing. It can have the reverse effect of actually pushing 
people away.

Its beating a dead horse because i expect that months from now, 
the same pattern will still be here. Need to get back to actual 
work or the boss will be less happy. And that person pushing that 
much more effect :)

Re: Jetbrains announce support for rust plugin, show them we want one too!

2017-08-08 Thread Ryion via Digitalmars-d

On Sunday, 6 August 2017 at 19:15:59 UTC, bachmeier wrote:
Your claim to have limited D skills doesn't prevent you from 
writing a blog post detailing the things that are missing for 
Windows development and showing how other languages deal with 
them. A lot of work with tooling doesn't require D skills for 
that matter (for instance, Eclipse plugins are not written in D 
AFAIK). You can ask the current tool developers how to help, 
report bugs, make suggestions, fix small bugs, The least 
effective thing to do is to post on the forum that the tools 
aren't good enough.

I applaud the people who contribute but reading posts here that 
pushing people ( on a lot of topics ) to contribute does not 
exactly motivate. It shows a rather desperation that we do not 
see in other languages forums.

Having people write plugins is one thing. Having them supporting 
those plugins for years to come, that is another.

Its not the actual the written the plugins that is a issue. There 
are plenty of D plugins out there. But people get discourages, 
lack of time, run into issues they can not figure out, new D 
version, new IDE changes... whatever changes that break the 

There are plenty of plugins for almost every editor/ide but few 
are well supported because it ends up being one man development 
teams. So what is the point in pushing people: write plugins, put 
time into them, ... when even the people know that with there day 
job, family life they can not keep supporting / expanding the 

It feels like this approach is just wrong... When people are 
motivated, they so so from themselves and do not need the 
"gentle" pushing on a forum to do so.

Re: Jetbrains announce support for rust plugin, show them we want one too!

2017-08-06 Thread Ryion via Digitalmars-d

On Sunday, 6 August 2017 at 14:49:47 UTC, Moritz Maxeiner wrote:

1) Anecdotes are not useful here
2) macOS is UNIX, same as Linux, so I'm not sure why the 
distinction matters as a reply to me

Same two points as above.

Thanks for the interesting reply. /S

Re: Jetbrains announce support for rust plugin, show them we want one too!

2017-08-06 Thread Ryion via Digitalmars-d

On Sunday, 6 August 2017 at 14:16:20 UTC, Moritz Maxeiner wrote:
A developer who mostly targets Windows wouldn't. But if you 
look at the statistics [1] you'd see that in the category of 
systems accessing the web mobile&tablet systems (and we are 
excluding servers here, who are virtually all UNIX systems 
anyway) have been steadily overtaking classic desktop systems 
in market share, from which it can be reasonably argued that 
it's only a matter of time until the amount of development for 
Windows relative to overall development is declining 
(regardless of how little it already has).

How sure are you even with statistics...

On my work half the developers are on Mac, the other half are on 
Windows. There is not a single Linux system. From the windows 
developers 2 use "bash" on Windows regularly.

Most firms i have been its always a mix of Windows and Macs. The 
few Linux guy are die hard fresh from school guys, that are 
insisted on there Linux system. What some may consider "Ultra 
Geeks". :-)

It all depends on how you define development. For web development 
the target is Linux but the development environment is often 
Windows. So what is the correct a statistical target?

The best view is to see what is going on around one self and its 
mostly Windows/Mac with Linux deployment/testing for both 
systems. Windows Bash making that task more easy for the Windows 