Re: Passing $ as a function argument

2018-10-11 Thread crimaniak via Digitalmars-d
On Wednesday, 10 October 2018 at 23:04:46 UTC, James Japherson 

The whole point is not to use $ as an identifier but to specify 
to the compiler of that it can rewrite it.

It's called 'alias'.

// compile time
int foo(alias index)(int[] a)
return a[index(a.length)];

// run time
int barr(int[] a, size_t function(size_t) index)
return a[index(a.length)];

int main()
import std.range: iota;
import std.array: array;
import std.stdio: writeln;

int[100] a = iota(0,100).array;!(l => l-3).writeln;
a.barr(l => l-3).writeln;

return 0;

Re: Sutter's ISO C++ Trip Report - The best compliment is when someone else steals your ideas....

2018-07-11 Thread crimaniak via Digitalmars-d

On Wednesday, 11 July 2018 at 13:19:01 UTC, Joakim wrote:

Sounds like you're describing the "Let it crash" philosophy of 
  I never program Erlang, but I think yes, something like this. 
The people who developed Erlang definitely have a lot of 
experience developing services.

The crucial point is whether you can depend on the error being 
isolated, as in Erlang's lightweight processes. I guess D 
assumes it isn't.
 I think if we have a task with safe code only, and communication 
with message passing, it's isolated good enough to make error 
kill this task only. In any case, I still can drop the whole 
application myself if I think it will be the more safe way to 
deal with errors. So paranoids do not lose anything in the case 
of this approach.

Re: Sutter's ISO C++ Trip Report - The best compliment is when someone else steals your ideas....

2018-07-11 Thread crimaniak via Digitalmars-d

On Wednesday, 11 July 2018 at 18:27:33 UTC, Brad Roberts wrote:

... application exiting asserts in production.  Yes, you kill 
the app.  You exit as fast and often as the errors occur.  You 
know what happens?  You find the bugs faster, you fix them even 
faster, and the result is solid software.
You mean that the serious consequences of errors better motivate 
programmers? Then I have an idea. If you connect the current to 
the chairs of the developers, and with each failed assert the 
programmer responsible for this part will receive an electrical 
discharge, the code will surely become even more reliable. But I 
want the error found in the production not to lead to a drop in 
the service, affecting all the users who are currently on the 
site, and this is a slightly different aspect.

When you're afraid of your software and afraid to make changes 
to it, you make bad choices.  Embrace every strategy you can 
find to help you find problems as quickly as possible.
Sorry, but I'm not sure I understand how this relates to the 
topic. Still, I do not think that a failed assert message in the 
log allows you to find an error faster than a similar message, 
but about an exception.

Re: Sutter's ISO C++ Trip Report - The best compliment is when someone else steals your ideas....

2018-07-11 Thread crimaniak via Digitalmars-d

On Tuesday, 10 July 2018 at 22:59:08 UTC, Jonathan M Davis wrote:

Or aside from that strawman that RangeError shouldn't be an 
Error even...

I suspect that we're going to have to agree to disagree on that 
one. ...

continuing to execute the program is risky by definition. ...
This error handling policy makes D not applicable for creating 
WEB applications and generally long-running services. I think 
anyone who has worked in the enterprise sector will confirm that 
any complex WEB service contains some number of errors that were 
not detected during the tests. These errors are detected randomly 
during operation. And the greatest probability of their detection 
- during the peak traffic of the site. Do you kill the whole 
application even in the case of undisturbed memory, with one 
suspicion of a logical error? At the peak of attendance? To 
prevent a potential catastrophe, which could theoretically arise 
as a result of this error? Congratulations! The catastrophe is 
already here.
And in the case of services, the strategy for responding to 
errors must be exactly the opposite. The error should be 
maximally localized, and the programmer should be able to respond 
to any type of errors. The very nature of the work of WEB 
applications contributes to this. As a rule, queries are handled 
by short-lived tasks that work with thread-local memory, and 
killing only the task that caused the error, with the transfer of 
the exception to the calling task, would radically improve the 
situation. And yes, RangeError shouldn't be an Error.

Re: what's the correct way to handle unicode? - trying to print out graphemes here.

2018-07-04 Thread crimaniak via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Tuesday, 3 July 2018 at 14:39:34 UTC, ag0aep6g wrote:

Looks like has a problem when they appear side 

Works (in the preview): ‍‍‍ ️‍
Doesn't work: ‍‍‍️‍

For me, it looks as the used font has ligatures for these faces. 
Mozilla under Linux, I guess it's 'EmojiOne Mozilla' font.

Re: High memory usage in vibe.d application

2018-07-01 Thread crimaniak via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Sunday, 1 July 2018 at 13:44:23 UTC, Anton Fediushin wrote:

I reduced the test case to _one_ line:
1.seconds.setTimer(() => "".requestHTTP((scope 
req) {}, (scope res) {res.disconnect;}), true);


What happens is `res.disconnect` doesn't free all of the 
internal buffers, causing leakage. One way to avoid that is to 
call `res.dropBody`, but it isn't always wanted (just like in 
my example).

 The problem is known and mentioned in the documentation:

Note that it is highly recommended to use one of the overloads 
that take a responder callback, as they can avoid some memory 
allocations and are safe against accidentally leaving stale 
response objects (objects whose response body wasn't fully 
read). For the returning overloads of the function it is 
recommended to put a scope(exit) right after the call in which 
HTTPClientResponse.dropBody is called to avoid this.

As I understand the situation, request object will reside in 
memory until you fully read or do something with response body.

Re: Compilation is taking a ton of memory

2018-06-28 Thread crimaniak via Digitalmars-d

On Thursday, 28 June 2018 at 16:24:07 UTC, H. S. Teoh wrote:
On Thu, Jun 28, 2018 at 04:11:57PM +, crimaniak via 
Digitalmars-d wrote: [...]
The problem is aggravated by the fact that DUB compiles all 
the sources in one DMD launch.

Doesn't dub have an option to compile packages (i.e. subdirs) 
separately? Or does that only apply to dub packages, not to 
subdirs within a single project?

  Yes, it's about dub packages, not about subdirs. And yes, it's 
possible to split project to subpackages, it gives its benefits 
and structure code, but I hate the idea of doing this forcibly, 
just to fix compilation time. In addition, a typical large site 
is a large number of pages with diet templates, and even if you 
separate the pages from business logic, but this part itself is 
still very large and slow in compilation. I had to refuse diet 
rendering on the server and go to Vue+pug, which allowed to 
accelerate the development cycle when changes on the frontend 
from 2 minutes to instantly.


This is one of the reasons I was not impressed by dub (sorry, 
Sonke).  I continue to use SCons for my D projects...
I believe that this situation is bad for D as a whole. The 
problem with large projects can be solved by splitting into 
subpackages, or with Scons, or with reggae, or manually writing 
the makefile, etc., etc., but the person who just started writing 
on D does not know all this. He simply does the project and with 
his growth discovers this problem. I think the modern programmer 
has the right to expect that the official build system will work 
well enough with a project of several thousand files.

Re: Compilation is taking a ton of memory

2018-06-28 Thread crimaniak via Digitalmars-d

On Wednesday, 27 June 2018 at 16:00:37 UTC, Mario Silva wrote:


Our code base has been growing steadily and it's currently at a 
point where my 16GB machine just freezes when we're compiling 
our code. This happens because DMD just consumes all my memory 
for a while.

Also, it's taking a long time to compile it. Less than an year 
ago our project was taking around 17 seconds to compile - no 
libs requiring compilation - and maybe around 50 seconds for 
full compilation, and it now takes around 50 seconds for an 
incremental compilations and around 1.5 minutes for a full one.
 The same problem. Freeze because of active swap usage and about 
2 minutes to compile after every small change. In fact, when it 
comes to template code, DMD is neither particularly fast nor 
memory-efficient. Given that there are no things such as 
precompiled headers, on a large project, the D experience is much 
worse than C++.
The problem is aggravated by the fact that DUB compiles all the 
sources in one DMD launch. I tried to solve this problem some 
time ago, and Sönke advised using reggae 
( I'm still experimenting 
with different approaches and even wrote my own utility helper 
( But at the moment I 
can state the following:
 * It is necessary to incorporate into the DUB reggae (== classic 
make) approach to compile sources.
 * Like the 'debug' and 'release' modes of the compiler, the 
build system should also have two modes, for example, 'deploy' 
and 'development', the first minimizes the time it takes for a 
full compilation, and the second minimizes the recompilation time 
after minor changes.
 * It needs to think seriously about 'compiler as a service' 
approach and caching intermediate compilation results.

Any tips on how to code in a way that minimizes both 
compilation times and memory consumption when compiling?
 For the current moment just try reggae. You can find some 
forgotten imports because of separate compilation, but it is 
easily fixable.

Re: Parenthesis around if/for/while condition is not necessary

2018-06-23 Thread crimaniak via Digitalmars-d

On Saturday, 23 June 2018 at 09:19:45 UTC, user1234 wrote:

...Forcing Curly braces is nice, logic and natural imo.

The operator brackets themselves are a separate construction. In 
addition, the more structured the code, the less they are needed. 
In my code, most of the loops and branches contain one operator, 
so forcing the сurly braces would simply add a large amount of 
syntactic noise.

Re: Can't start application on heroku

2018-06-16 Thread crimaniak via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Saturday, 16 June 2018 at 09:00:21 UTC, Jacob Shtokolov wrote:

On Saturday, 16 June 2018 at 01:24:04 UTC, crimaniak wrote:

Hi all!

The first try to host application on Heroku provider. The 
application is started and starts to listen in 3 seconds on 
the port, provided by heroku-buildpack-d. But the server 
doesn't detect listening and stops the application. On the 
local machine, the application works as expected. What can be 
the problem here?


Probably you could try to change your listening address from to

Thanks! It is. Initially, I did not pay attention to the default 
interface address, because I expected the 'bind-address' 
parameter according to the documentation.

Can't start application on heroku

2018-06-15 Thread crimaniak via Digitalmars-d-learn

Hi all!

The first try to host application on Heroku provider. The 
application is started and starts to listen in 3 seconds on the 
port, provided by heroku-buildpack-d. But the server doesn't 
detect listening and stops the application. On the local machine, 
the application works as expected. What can be the problem here?

2018-06-16T00:34:33.00+00:00 app[api]: Build succeeded
2018-06-16T00:34:35.078239+00:00 heroku[web.1]: Starting process 
with command `./virtual-cm --port 9254`

2018-06-16T00:34:38.199381+00:00 app[web.1]: [main() INF] 
Listening for requests on
2018-06-16T00:35:35.416464+00:00 heroku[web.1]: Stopping process 
2018-06-16T00:35:35.416377+00:00 heroku[web.1]: Error R10 (Boot 
timeout) -> Web process failed to bind to $PORT within 60 seconds 
of launch
2018-06-16T00:35:35.537505+00:00 heroku[web.1]: State changed 
from starting to crashed


Re: How to task pool in vibe.d?

2018-06-09 Thread crimaniak via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Saturday, 9 June 2018 at 15:11:02 UTC, Computermatronic wrote:
I'd like to create a bunch of tasks in vibe.d, then wait for 
them all to complete.

Using std.concurrency and std.parallelism this is trivial.

I could just spawn a bunch of vibe.d tasks and then iteratively 
join them, but I would think vibe.d would provide some 
primitives for task-pooling.


Re: GDC on Travis-CI

2018-06-02 Thread crimaniak via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Saturday, 2 June 2018 at 19:48:36 UTC, Matthias Klumpp wrote:

@crimaniak: If you really want to build with all compilers, 
there is a workaround for this issue that does not involve you 
supporting ancient D versions, and that is to actually use 
Debian's GDC on Travis. I use this excessively for my own 
projects, mostly though because I need newer system libraries 
and because I explicitly want to build with the packaged 
compilers as well.
You can use a similar approach and limit it to GDC only, I 
created a PR for that:
As you can see on , 
your code builds fine with the latest GDC.

 Wow! It works! Thanks!

So, if you want that workaround, please take it, if not it may 
serve as a reference for others facing the same problem.
 Yes, pull request is approved. This is exactly what I was hoping 
to find. I also recommend this to others who have this problem. 
It takes some time to install required packages so build was much 
longer than dmd and lcd builds but I think it's not a problem for 
most cases.

Thanks to everyone who answered!

GDC on Travis-CI

2018-06-01 Thread crimaniak via Digitalmars-d-learn
I started to work with Travis-CI, building packages using all 
three main compilers, and noticed that I have problems with gdc 
every time and need to tweak code because of many things missing. 
For example:

Why this situation with gdc and how best to deal with it?

Re: Any way to override base type with dervived in derived type

2018-05-25 Thread crimaniak via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Thursday, 24 May 2018 at 20:24:32 UTC, IntegratedDimensions 
I'm pretty much guaranteed that in C, t will be type TT due to 
the design(C goes with TT like bread with butter).

1) Your architecture is wrong, I recommend to rethink it.
2) You still can deal with it using template mixins

Re: A pattern I'd like to see more of - Parsing template parameter tuples

2018-05-21 Thread crimaniak via Digitalmars-d

On Monday, 21 May 2018 at 07:10:34 UTC, rikki cattermole wrote:
alias DocumentType = SomeDocument!( ObjectVersion._1_0, 
ObjectEncoding.PlainASCII );
alias DocumentType2 = SomeDocument!( ObjectEncoding.UTF8, 
ObjectVersion._2_0 );

 typedef basic_stringstring;
 typedef basic_string wstring;

So, as I understand, basic idea can be reduced to "Let's use 
traits for options!", isn't it?

Re: Reactive data

2018-04-02 Thread crimaniak via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Saturday, 31 March 2018 at 16:08:36 UTC, lempiji wrote:

import rx;

auto firstWord = new BehaviorSubject!string("Change");
auto secondWord = new BehaviorSubject!string("me!");

auto bothWords = new BehaviorSubject!string("");
combineLatest!((a, b) => a ~ " " ~ b)(firstWord, 

writeln(bothWords.value); // Change me!

firstWord.value = "TEST";
writeln(bothWords.value); // TEST me!

Thanks! I will play with it.

Re: D mentioned in Infoworld

2018-03-26 Thread crimaniak via Digitalmars-d

On Monday, 26 March 2018 at 15:52:11 UTC, Jean-Louis Leroy wrote:

Looks like R advertising.

Reactive data

2018-03-23 Thread crimaniak via Digitalmars-d-learn

I want to have reactive variables like in this example:


// The two words
VarSignalT firstWord  = MakeVar(string( "Change" ));
VarSignalT secondWord = MakeVar(string( "me!" ));
// ...
SignalT bothWords = firstWord + string( " " ) + 


from this page:

Is this possible to make it in D with ? Is there other libraries exists 
for this topic?

Re: Forwarding arguments through a

2018-03-10 Thread crimaniak via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Saturday, 10 March 2018 at 20:48:06 UTC, Nordlöw wrote:

If I have a function

bool f(Rs...)(Rs rs)

is it somehow possible to map and forward all its arguments 
`rs` to another function

bool g(Rs...)(Rs rs);

usage example:

Re: What's the proper way to add a local file dependence to dub?

2018-03-09 Thread crimaniak via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Sunday, 4 March 2018 at 16:46:56 UTC, Marc wrote:

then copy it to sources folder?

Also, symlinks are power tool for organizing your files without 

Re: need help with vibe.d receive()

2018-01-16 Thread crimaniak via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Tuesday, 16 January 2018 at 08:54:58 UTC, Sönke Ludwig wrote:

The problem is with the `immutable struct StopEvent {}`

So, removing the `immutable` from the declaration solved the 
issue for me, but if possible I'd rather remove the 
`cast(shared Unqual!EventType)` from `emit`, and pass 
`shared`/`immutable` events to it from the outside (or plain 
events with no unshared indirections).
  No, I can't remove casting here, because some other services 
can't work with immutable or shared, so I just fix StopEvent type.

need help with vibe.d receive()

2018-01-10 Thread crimaniak via Digitalmars-d-learn


I make multi-task event bus, but there is a problem with the task 

Please see end of file

Expected behavior: After sending the StopEvent message in line 
244 it is must be detected in listeners (line 147), so all 
listeners must set exit flag to 'true' and quit immediately.
De-facto behavior: StopEvent() message is not detected by the 
first delegate in line 147 (logger task logs this message by the 
handler in line 185), so subscribed tasks never exit and test 
stops on line 248.

I tried to play with yield() and sleep(), with 'shared' 
attributes and so on, but without result. Can you say please what 
I am doing wrong here?

'dub test' can be used to play with tests.

Re: vibe.d Error only with Firefox

2018-01-06 Thread crimaniak via Digitalmars-d
On Friday, 5 January 2018 at 16:30:07 UTC, Martin Tschierschke 


Failed to listen on
Failed to listen on

The strange thing is now, that when using Chromium works!

But with Firefox
gives the long Error:
400 - Bad Request

I would first figure out what happens to the port 8030. Run this 
command before and after starting the application to see who is 
really listening:

sudo netstat -nlp | grep 8030

Re: why ushort alias casted to int?

2017-12-22 Thread crimaniak via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Friday, 22 December 2017 at 10:18:52 UTC, ketmar wrote:

crimaniak wrote:

Both operands are the same type, so as I understand casting to 
longest type is not needed at all, and longest type here is 
ushort in any case. What am I doing wrong?

it is hidden in specs: all types shorter than int are promoted 
to int before doing any math.

Hm, really. ok, I will use the explicit cast, but I don't like it.

why ushort alias casted to int?

2017-12-22 Thread crimaniak via Digitalmars-d-learn

My code:

alias MemSize = ushort;

struct MemRegion
MemSize start;
MemSize length;
@property MemSize end() const { return start+length; }

Error: cannot implicitly convert expression `cast(int)this.start 
+ cast(int)this.length` of type `int` to `ushort`

Both operands are the same type, so as I understand casting to 
longest type is not needed at all, and longest type here is 
ushort in any case. What am I doing wrong?

Re: dip1000 info web address

2017-12-21 Thread crimaniak via Digitalmars-d

On Friday, 22 December 2017 at 04:15:14 UTC, Mike Franklin wrote:

It was fast :)

dip1000 info web address

2017-12-21 Thread crimaniak via Digitalmars-d

Hi all!

There is a string in DMD help message:

  -dip1000 implement 

But in fact page is empty, and 
DIP100 information resides at the address
Wrote it here because not sure if this is site problem (need to 
create DIP100 page in Wiki) or DMD problem (need to fix address)

Re: Answers needed from those using D for Web Development, Web APIs and Services

2017-12-21 Thread crimaniak via Digitalmars-d

On Thursday, 21 December 2017 at 19:58:44 UTC, WebFreak001 wrote:

yes, I can see each response and export them to csv. I wanted
 I think if you can make csv with only answers related to WEB 
development it will be data relevant to what aberba wants.

to make a summary of the results but I don't really know where 
to start

  As for me, the main summary of results already is on the 
/viewanalytics page:

D User Survey
167 answers

D even much more marginal than I expected.

Узок их круг, страшно далеки они от народа

Re: Answers needed from those using D for Web Development, Web APIs and Services

2017-12-18 Thread crimaniak via Digitalmars-d

On Friday, 15 December 2017 at 08:13:25 UTC, aberba wrote:
I'm going to do a writeup on the state of D in Web Development, 
APIs and Services for 2017. I need the perspective of the 
community too along with my personal experience. Please help 
out. More details the better.
I think some questions already answered in this survey

I wonder, it is possible to filter Google Forms result to see 
only results with relevant items in 'primary and secondary area 
of development' questions?

Re: git workflow for D

2017-12-04 Thread crimaniak via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Sunday, 3 December 2017 at 20:05:47 UTC, bitwise wrote:

How does one keep their fork up to date? For example, if I fork

Re: Basic questions about D lang?

2017-11-29 Thread crimaniak via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Wednesday, 29 November 2017 at 11:32:51 UTC, Jayam wrote:

In D lang,
1. Is there any feature async/ await like "c#" ? I can't find 
feature like async.
As for me, async/await feature is a half-baked solution. With 
vibe-d you can write asynchronous code without thinking about it 
at all. Details:

2. Is Garbage Collector work default without any code to force 
like in c# or do we need to manually trigger it ?
It starts automatically when you try to allocate memory and there 
is no space in heap. In fact, it leads to architecture 
restriction: destructors must be @nogc. Also, you can run it with 
3. Can we make library file and use that in any project like 
'Util class' ?


Problems with ctRegex

2017-11-28 Thread crimaniak via Digitalmars-d-learn

First problem: it doesn't understand enums, it seems to be a bug:

enum TopicMask : string
divider = "/",
oneLevelMask = "+",
multiLevelMask = "#",
system = "$",
level = "[^"~divider~oneLevelMask~multiLevelMask~"]*",
publishMask = "^("~divider~"|"~level~")+$"

bool topicIsValid(string topic) pure
import std.regex;
auto mask = ctRegex!(TopicMask.publishMask);
return !topic.matchFirst(mask).empty;



/usr/include/dmd/phobos/std/regex/package.d(376,20): Error: 
template std.array.Appender!(TopicMask).Appender.put cannot 
deduce function from argument types !()(TopicMask), candidates 
std.array.Appender!(TopicMask).Appender.put(U)(U item) if 
std.array.Appender!(TopicMask).Appender.put(Range)(Range items) 
if (canPutConstRange!Range)
std.array.Appender!(TopicMask).Appender.put(Range)(Range items) 
if (canPutRange!Range)
/usr/include/dmd/phobos/std/regex/package.d(387,15): Error: 
cannot implicitly convert expression `` of type 
`string` to `TopicMask`
/usr/include/dmd/phobos/std/regex/package.d(422,19): Error: 
template instance std.regex.internal.parser.Parser!(TopicMask, 
CodeGen) does not match template declaration Parser(R, Generator) 
if (isForwardRange!R && is(ElementType!R : dchar))
/usr/include/dmd/phobos/std/regex/package.d(393,25): Error: 
template instance std.regex.regexImpl!(TopicMask) error 
instantiated from here: regex!(TopicMask)
instantiated from here: regex!(TopicMask)
instantiated from here: ctRegexImpl!("^(/|[^/+#]*)+$", [])
source/mqttd/topic.d(48,14):instantiated from here: 
ctRegex!("^(/|[^/+#]*)+$", [])

If I change ctRegex!(TopicMask.publishMask) to 
ctRegex!("^(/|[^/+#]*)+$") I run into next error:

source/mqttd/topic.d(48,26): Error: pure function 
'mqttd.topic.topicIsValid' cannot call impure function 
'std.regex.matchFirst!(string, StaticRegex!char).matchFirst'
source/mqttd/topic.d(48,26): Error: pure function 
'mqttd.topic.topicIsValid' cannot call impure destructor 
'std.regex.Captures!(string, ulong).Captures.~this'

Is there any change to use regex inside or pure function? I just 
need some pure bool test() method to test string against the mask.

Re: Is variable void?

2017-11-26 Thread crimaniak via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Saturday, 25 November 2017 at 15:34:21 UTC, John Chapman wrote:
Is there any way of determining whether a variable has been 
initialized or not? For example, if something is declared like 

  int x = void;

can I check if it's void before I use it, say, in a function 
it's been passed to?

 You can use Nullable!int

deep copy thread local to shared or how to send() struct with indirections

2017-11-23 Thread crimaniak via Digitalmars-d-learn


I need to send Publish struct from to another vibe.d task. 
And there is the problem. First of all, I can't make it immutable 
because send() wants to mutate it. I can't send local copy 
because of "Aliases to mutable thread-local data not allowed.". 
And I can't convert it to shared because of "cannot implicitly 
convert expression `packet` of type `Publish` to 

I don't understand error message about FixedHeader. Why it tries 
to convert struct to its field? As I understand the real problem 
here is `ubyte[] payload` dynamic array field in Publish which is 
allocated separately, so to make a shared copy of Publish it need 
the deep copy of this struct. How to do it right? I don't want to 
copy all fields manually, is there a standard way to accomplish 

struct MqttOnPublish
  Publish packet;

  override void onPublish(Publish packet)

 // source/vcm/mqtt/bridge.d(69,41): Error: cannot implicitly 
convert expression `packet` of type `Publish` to 

 shared Publish sp = shared Publish(packet);

/* /usr/include/dmd/phobos/std/concurrency.d(575,5): Error: 
static assert  "Aliases to mutable thread-local data not allowed."

  instantiated from here: send!(MqttOnPublish)
source/vision/eventbus.d(72,27):instantiated from here: 
source/vision/eventbus.d(42,13):instantiated from here: 
source/vcm/mqtt/bridge.d(70,14):instantiated from here: 



Re: String import an entire directory

2017-11-12 Thread crimaniak via Digitalmars-d
On Saturday, 11 November 2017 at 14:11:50 UTC, Neia Neutuladh 
I can make a prebuild script to generate code for this, but I'm 
wondering: do other people find themselves needing this 
periodically? If so, I can write a DIP for it, or at least 
publish a codegen tool that other people can use.
 Yes, sometimes it's good to have more extended imports and 
compile-time possibilities to avoid tweaking dub build process, 
but I think, for current time language has a lot of more actual 
issues so it's better to leave this task for external tools.

Re: Synchronize Class fields between different threads

2017-11-10 Thread crimaniak via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Friday, 10 November 2017 at 14:36:03 UTC, DrCataclysm wrote:

It is working now. The problem was that the debugger in eclipse 
ddt seems to completely broken. If i run it directly from bash 
it is working.

Be careful with such statements. Typically, this situation means 
that there are Heisenbugs in the code that appear in certain 

Re: How to use containers in lock based concurrency

2017-11-03 Thread crimaniak via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Friday, 3 November 2017 at 12:42:29 UTC, ANtlord wrote:
Hello! I can't get how to use double linked list in 
concurrency. Please help.

I get a compile error onlineapp.d(8): Error: template 
std.container.dlist.DList!string.DList.insertFront cannot 
deduce function from argument types !()(string) shared,

One Does Not Simply get the non-shared object and use in the 
shared code. (/Boromir mode)

For me, it was useful to read this:

Re: Release D 2.077.0

2017-11-03 Thread crimaniak via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Friday, 3 November 2017 at 14:41:06 UTC, Gerald wrote:
On Thursday, 2 November 2017 at 22:35:03 UTC, Martin Nowak 

Glad to announce D 2.077.0.

... The new version is much better with only a 6 MB difference 
between the stripped and non-stripped versions.

My vibe-d application debug build reduced from 56Mb to 44Mb 
(release = 19Mb).

Re: Project Elvis

2017-10-30 Thread crimaniak via Digitalmars-d
On Monday, 30 October 2017 at 15:04:32 UTC, Steven Schveighoffer 

I'm in the camp that nan should be evaluated as false. I don't 
think I like the idea that !nan is also false, because this 
makes !!nan true!

The problem of converting NaN to binary is that NaN introduces a 
ternary logic. There is no way to convert the ternary value to 
binary without loss. If we want to be consistent we have to 
convert it to Nullable!bool, but not to bool. So, to introduce 
Elvis operator for floats in language and to stay consistent it 
needs also Nullable/Not-Nullable as part of language type system, 

Re: Why Physicists Still Use Fortran

2017-10-17 Thread crimaniak via Digitalmars-d

On Sunday, 15 October 2017 at 22:09:21 UTC, Walter Bright wrote:

Some good information there!

Especially comments:

George Michaelson • a day ago
One of the saddest moments of my career in computer centre 
helpdesk was talking to a chemical engineering student whose PhD 
basically evaporated in smoke, as I showed them the 'interesting' 
experimental results of their model were the outcome of using 
un-initialized global common in a huge fortran program they'd 

Re: Tango + D2 + Mac

2017-10-17 Thread crimaniak via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Tuesday, 17 October 2017 at 04:01:54 UTC, Fat_Umpalumpa wrote:

Do you by any chance know anything that replaced std.xml?
Everything I look up on it suggests not to use it.

Is this really a problem? In this case, I can help: I recommend 
to use it. And only if you really will have performance problems, 
try something else.

Re: Templates, D way

2017-09-06 Thread crimaniak via Digitalmars-d

On Tuesday, 5 September 2017 at 22:51:45 UTC, Void-995 wrote:
The whole thing is that I don't know either padding nor 
elements count. Those values are read from file. ...
Sorry, I was not attentive enough. Yes, you can't use unions in 
this case.

Re: Templates, D way

2017-09-05 Thread crimaniak via Digitalmars-d

On Tuesday, 5 September 2017 at 14:55:21 UTC, Void-995 wrote:

Using unions? Count and Offset are different 
depending on input data, so the address where they are is 
varying depending on which file I've loaded. Or I didn't get 
what you meant.
 Yes, so you need separate union type for every type of input 
data. But these values are known in compile time, so you can do 
mixin, creating the union for each type like this:

union MyBinaryStructA
ubyte[...] asBytes;
struct asStruct
ubyte[...] dummy1; // padding before firstList
MyBinarySubStructAForA[...] firstList;
ubyte[...] dummy2; // padding between lists
MyBinarySubStructBForA[...] secondList;

MyBinaryStructA a;

a.asBytes = someBinarySourceForA; // fill from unstructured 

auto item = a.asStruct.firstList[1]; // access to structure 


Re: Templates, D way

2017-09-05 Thread crimaniak via Digitalmars-d

On Tuesday, 5 September 2017 at 14:43:19 UTC, John Colvin wrote:
On Tuesday, 5 September 2017 at 12:41:45 UTC, Computermatronic 

On Tuesday, 5 September 2017 at 12:20:14 UTC, crimaniak wrote:


I find it very strange that this works, as a non-mixin 
template should not be able to capture the context of where it 
was instantiated. If you take the alias template parameters 
out it behaves how it should (that is an error message saying 
this is not accessible).

What kind of harm can this be? Can this be considered a feature?

Re: vibed services stop response after several days of work

2017-09-05 Thread crimaniak via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Tuesday, 5 September 2017 at 13:51:40 UTC, Sönke Ludwig wrote:

The error is most likely caused by issuing two requests to the 
MySQL server from two different tasks on the same connection. 
Usually, mysql-native uses a connection pool to avoid this, but 
that could have been circumvented by accident.

In this case, you have `Data is pending on the connection. Any 
existing ResultRange must be consumed or purged before performing 
any other communication with the server.` usually.

Re: Templates, D way

2017-09-05 Thread crimaniak via Digitalmars-d

On Tuesday, 5 September 2017 at 12:54:20 UTC, Void-995 wrote:
Thanks, that definitely working and doesn't require mixin with 
strings. But while waiting for response I've tried another 
thing, and I doubt I would able do to that without string now:

int %sCount;
int %sOffset;

Yes, you can make such custom names only with string mixin, as I 
know. Computermatronic gives a good example how to do it simple 
way. I can give two additional advises: as I understand offsets 
as sizes are fixed so think about using unions to access sub 
structures instead of these auto-generated methods; I have a long 
history of using tricks like this starting from CHAIN MERGE usage 
in GW-BASIC to add some functions and for now such things are 
definitely code smell for me. There is always a way to do the 
same, but better.

Re: Templates, D way

2017-09-05 Thread crimaniak via Digitalmars-d
On Tuesday, 5 September 2017 at 12:41:45 UTC, Computermatronic 

I find it very strange that this works, ...
I'm too. :) In any case, it's not a big deal. It's possible to 
modify this template to transfer `this` as the first parameter 
and modify its usage accordingly.

Re: Templates, D way

2017-09-05 Thread crimaniak via Digitalmars-d

On Tuesday, 5 September 2017 at 11:08:57 UTC, Void-995 wrote:
	@property mixin(DataList!("firstSublist", 
MyBinarySubStructAForA, firstSublistMembersCount, 
 I don't think string mixins are required here. It seems just 
template is more simple.

T[] getBytesAs(T, alias length, alias offset)()
return (cast(T *)(cast(byte *)() + offset))[0 .. length];

struct MyBinaryStructA
alias firstList = getBytesAs!(MyBinarySubStructAForA, 
firstSublistMembersCount, firstSublistMembersOffset);
alias secondList = getBytesAs!(MyBinarySubStructBForA, 
secondSublistMembersCount, secondSublistMembersOffset);


MyBinaryStructA *binaryData = cast(MyBinaryStructA 

auto a = binaryData.firstList;

Re: Returning multiple values from a function

2017-09-04 Thread crimaniak via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Monday, 4 September 2017 at 09:22:25 UTC, Vino.B wrote:

 Thank you very much, i have used your idea and was able to 
resolve, and i need one more favor. the below code outputs the 
value but i need the name of the variable + value as below.

Output :
["C:\\Temp\\TEAM1\\BACKUP", "C:\\Temp\\TEAM2\\ARCHIVE"]

Required Output:
Test1 = 1
Test2 = 2
Path = ["C:\\Temp\\TEAM1\\BACKUP", "C:\\Temp\\TEAM2\\ARCHIVE"]

For fixed names case you can hardcode it:
writeln("Test1 = ", Params[0]);
writeln("Test2 = ", Params[1]);
writeln("Path = ",  Params[2]);

You can't print the actual name of the variable used in tuple 
constructing because tuple doesn't store it. More of this, the 
tuple can be constructed from expression without a name, so it's 
impossible in common case.

Re: Bug in D!!!

2017-09-04 Thread crimaniak via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Wednesday, 30 August 2017 at 20:47:12 UTC, EntangledQuanta 

interface I
void Go(T)(S!T s);

static final I New()
return new C();

abstract class A : I


class C : A
void Go(T)(S!T s)


This is a blocker for me! Can someone open a ticket?
  Judging by the length of the thread that I did not read, the 
real problem was not spotted, otherwise, it would be shorter. The 
problem is called "virtual method in the interface" anti-pattern. 
Just never do that, and life will be easier. In this case, I 
recommend to move Go to A and make it just dispatcher for 
specialized private non-templated virtual functions. You don't 
need all this mess with string templates for it.

Re: Returning multiple values from a function

2017-09-04 Thread crimaniak via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Monday, 4 September 2017 at 07:27:12 UTC, Vino.B wrote:


 Can you help me in how to return multiple values from a 
function, the below code is throwing an error as below

import std.stdio: writeln;
import std.typecons: tuple, Tuple;

Tuple!(int, string[]) Params () {
return tuple(1, ["C:\\Temp\\TEAM1\\BACKUP", 


void main (){

Re: Does anyone understand how to use "shared" types with concurrency send/receive functions?

2017-08-20 Thread crimaniak via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Monday, 21 August 2017 at 02:17:57 UTC, crimaniak wrote:

shared A a;

 Sorry, accidental delete, read this as shared A a = new 

Re: Does anyone understand how to use "shared" types with concurrency send/receive functions?

2017-08-20 Thread crimaniak via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Monday, 14 August 2017 at 03:59:48 UTC, Jonathan M Davis wrote:

And no, this isn't ideal, but the only semi-decent solution 
that's been proposed that safely casts away shared for you is 
synchronized classes, which Andrei describes in TDPL but have 
never been implemented.
 After reading this I did some experiment to understand the 
situation better. I make a simple class and unittest:

// dmd sync1.d -unittest -main

import std.stdio;

class A
private int a;

void inc()

int get(){ return a;}

shared A a;

for(int i=0; i<100; ++i);



Oops! Deprecation: read-modify-write operations are not allowed 
for shared variables. Use core.atomic.atomicOp!"+="(this.a, 1) 

Why use atomic operations if the class already synchronized? 

   import core.atomic: atomicOp;
	// ++a; // Deprecation: read-modify-write operations are not 
allowed for shared variables. Use 
core.atomic.atomicOp!"+="(this.a, 1) instead.

atomicOp!"+="(this.a, 1);

ok, works. But it works by the way as if synchronized just makes 
all methods shared, but does not provide the object methods with 
a mutex lock, as Java does. Am I right here? And what preventing 
to implement it right, lack of manpower or some ideologic 

Re: Does anyone understand how to use "shared" types with concurrency send/receive functions?

2017-08-20 Thread crimaniak via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Thursday, 17 August 2017 at 13:09:29 UTC, Kagamin wrote:

On Wednesday, 16 August 2017 at 23:15:10 UTC, crimaniak wrote:
I wonder if it possible and usable to make some template to 
support this pattern, where we give mutex(es), shared 
object(s) and delegate to operate with objects as non-shared. like this? Not sure if it 
helps, don't forget that it's a casted shared object.
 Yes, something like this. In general, I thought about the 
possibility of using several shared objects in this block but 
then realized that everything can be reduced to the case of one 

Re: Does anyone understand how to use "shared" types with concurrency send/receive functions?

2017-08-16 Thread crimaniak via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Monday, 14 August 2017 at 03:59:48 UTC, Jonathan M Davis wrote:

The way to handle shared is to protect the section of code 
that's using the shared object with either a mutex or 
synchronized block, and then you cast away shared from the 
object within that section and operate on it as thread-local. 
When you're done, you make sure that you don't have any 
thread-local references to the data, and you release the mutex 
or exit the synchronized block. e.g. something like

shared T sharedObj = getSharedObj();

T nonSharedObj = cast(T)sharedObject

// do stuff...

// make sure that no references to nonSharedObj have escaped

Casting objects just to work with it every time is so bad style 
for me that I even didn't consider such possibility. In fact, I 
did make something like this but with __gshared both object and 
mutex. I think I need to review this part of site engine and my 
programming habits too.
I wonder if it possible and usable to make some template to 
support this pattern, where we give mutex(es), shared object(s) 
and delegate to operate with objects as non-shared.

Re: Does anyone understand how to use "shared" types with concurrency send/receive functions?

2017-08-13 Thread crimaniak via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Sunday, 13 August 2017 at 11:35:05 UTC, Arek wrote:
Yeah, I've read this. But conurrency.send cannot pass immutable 
object. The same story with Unique.

 Sorry, read this as 'efficient immutable'.

More over, "shared" looks rather like unfinished concept.

 Yes, exactly.

Anyway, _gshared looks very promising, so I will try to work 
out any approach.
More of this, I think, you can't avoid __gshared for any complex 
work. Even mutexes from Phobos doesn't support shared, so I had 
to 'cowboy with __gshared' when implementing my site engine.

Re: Does anyone understand how to use "shared" types with concurrency send/receive functions?

2017-08-12 Thread crimaniak via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Saturday, 12 August 2017 at 18:57:44 UTC, Arek wrote:

I have the folowing problem:
I like to envelope the class object in struct to control the 
destruction moment and then send this object to another 
thread/fiber (or task, cause I use vibe-d).

I can't find any method to make it working. Any ideas?

I tried it too some time ago. Then I read Alexandrescu book and 
realized that the authors of the language do not want anyone to 
do this. Long story short, just plan your application so that 
each complex object is monitored by only one thread/task, and 
pass not objects, but messages (immutable structs) about what to 
do with them.

Re: Need some vibe.d hosting advice

2017-08-11 Thread crimaniak via Digitalmars-d

On Friday, 11 August 2017 at 13:06:54 UTC, aberba wrote:
So I'm into this platform with a vibe.d api server + back-end 
and I'm confused/curious to know the hosting package to use. I 
will have a lot of images uploaded by users.

2. Get an EC2 instance from Amazon or Vultr and install 
everything yourself and save images on disc (potentially 
problematic). This can not be scaled easily

 Why do you think it can't be scaled?
 We have vibe.d on EC2 hosting.
 Common advice: get the same distribution as on the working 
machine where you are producing binaries to avoid problems with 
.so. First, we get default centos-based VM, and after some wasted 
time, it was easier to change it to Ubuntu VM to run the 
application, compiled on my working Ubuntu machine.

Re: d_to_html.d

2017-08-06 Thread crimaniak via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Sunday, 6 August 2017 at 00:22:32 UTC, David Gileadi wrote:

On 8/5/17 12:07 PM, WebFreak001 wrote:
Hi, I made a D to HTML generator which is basically diet, but 
fully using the D compiler as generator and not some 
complicated parser, etc.


That is amazing! I can't decide whether it's the best thing 
I've ever seen or a horrible hack,
The best thing for Olympic programming, horrible hack for 
production code. :)

Re: stacktrace for InvalidMemoryOperationError

2017-07-16 Thread crimaniak via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Saturday, 15 July 2017 at 18:14:13 UTC, Joakim wrote:

core.exception.InvalidMemoryOperationError@src/core/exception.d(696): Invalid 
memory operation


See the wiki page about this:

If you can't do all that, look for places you might be 
allocating in a destructor.  The recent GC allocation flag -vgc 
might help:

Yes, I found it already and make documentation proposition about
Then it turned out that it was more difficult to avoid this 
problem than to find the cause. Yes, I have a heavy cleanup in 
the destructor and I can't definitely make this cleanup @nogc. So 
first I tried to make problematic object instances RefCounted. In 
my case, it means change ClientController[string] to 
RefCounted!ClientController[string] and create an object by lib 
interface, not by new. I have to change ClientController from 
object to struct because automem can't work with the object. I 
hunted all extra copies of these objects and kill them all, so 
now I sure there are no copies except the main container. I tried 
different libraries from std.typecons.RefCounted to automem. And 
I fail to make it _really_ reference counted. It's not deleted 
when I delete it from the container. Every time it's collected by 
GC and application is dropped. So I decided that in the container 
itself. Obviously, the associative array does not delete the 
elements themselves on demand, but loses them and gives them to 
the garbage collector.
I didn't find any map or multimap @nogc container so I make the 
ugly solution: I move all destruction to method destructMe() and 
in ~this() now is just assert(destructMeIsCalled). And now I have 
to call manually destructMe() before object removing. It seems it 
works. I'm wondering if there is a less ugly way to have the map 
of reference counted objects.

Re: char e string em linguagem D

2017-07-14 Thread crimaniak via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Thursday, 13 July 2017 at 22:36:47 UTC, Basile B. wrote:

  return cast(char[])`

Never cast a literal to char[]. modifying the resulting char[] 
will lead to AV, at least under linux.  `.dup` the literal if 
you really needs char[].

Hmm, yes, my bad. Probably, it was necessary even for this simple 
example to write const char[].

Re: char e string em linguagem D

2017-07-13 Thread crimaniak via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Thursday, 13 July 2017 at 21:49:40 UTC, dark777 wrote:

Pessoal eu fiz o seguinte programa em C++.

porem tentei fazer o equivalente em D mas nao entendi muito 

alguem poderia me ajudar?

Se acepta utilizar intervalos en lugar de punteros desnudos. 
(Hola, soy traductor de google)

import std.stdio, std.string;


class GnuQueBacana

  char[] stalman()
  return cast(char[])`
*--|o   o|--*
   \ /
): :(


  char[] torvald()
  return cast(char[])`


  string stallman()
  return `
*--|o   o|--*
   \ /
): :(


  string torvalds()
  return `



void main()
  GnuQueBacana gnu = new GnuQueBacana();

  writeln(gnu.stalman(), gnu.torvald(), gnu.stallman(), 


Re: Having a strange issue with as a struct dependency

2017-07-12 Thread crimaniak via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Wednesday, 12 July 2017 at 13:47:06 UTC, Adam D. Ruppe wrote:

This tells me the problem is in the collection order at the end 
of the program.

So I'd say the answer is prolly to keep HTTP away from the GC. 
Manually free its arrays, or keep them outside arrays in the 
first place.

I'd try also calling GC.collect() manually before the exit.

Re: mysql-native ResultRange + map

2017-07-11 Thread crimaniak via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Tuesday, 11 July 2017 at 22:46:00 UTC, Steven Schveighoffer 

On 7/5/17 12:04 PM, crimaniak wrote:

Because of the temporary copy likely inside map closes the 

See the bug I reported:
 Yes, it seems to be the same issue. (BTW, then I tried filter() 
just for curiosity and have the same problem).

I work around this in my code by moving the temporary copy. But 
I'm sorry to say you likely will not be able to fix map.
 I have WEB application (no big recordsets to transfer), so, for 
now, I "fix" it inside of my sql wrapper: just load recordset to 
an array and give it instead of ResultRange. I don't like it, but 
it works and all shit is localized in one place.

I think Nick's comment is interesting, "Seems that using struct 
dtors without refcounting should in general be regarded as a 
code smell?"

It's a good question. I've also always added ref counting when 
wanting to "auto close" a struct's resources. In fact, I can't 
really think of a good use of destructors for structs that 
isn't for reference counting itself.

I don't think so. There is architecture problem: non-copyable by 
nature resource represented by copyable struct. We need 
non-copyable class/object semantics here or have to emulate it if 
using the struct to have the correct behavior. It's fully o.k. to 
get some resources required by _this exact copy_ of struct in the 
constructor and then release it in the destructor. For example of 
good use of destructors: position in some game, requires 
non-fixed space to store itself. We want to make copies of 
positions, apply some movies to them and then make copies again 
to search in positions tree. Copy constructor will malloc some 
space and copy source position data, the destructor will free 
this space, and we don't need reference counting here.

stacktrace for InvalidMemoryOperationError

2017-07-10 Thread crimaniak via Digitalmars-d-learn


I have vibe.d application and long-standing error in it.
For the current moment, I have logs for stdout, stderr, and 
additional log to write exceptions I catch. This error gives me 
only the short line in stderr log:

core.exception.InvalidMemoryOperationError@src/core/exception.d(696): Invalid 
memory operation

Also, I use registerMemoryErrorHandler(); (see )

What else can I do to have the stack trace for this error?

I can't debug it because I don't have it on my developer's 

Re: proposed @noreturn attribute

2017-07-08 Thread crimaniak via Digitalmars-d

On Sunday, 9 July 2017 at 00:16:50 UTC, Walter Bright wrote:
I assume there is a standard jargon for this - does anyone know 
Type Theory?
I'm afraid it's perpendicular to type theory - every type 
including Nothing can be returned. Most simple solution - just to 
remove '@' and call this type 'noreturn'.

noreturn functionFoo(bla-bla-bla);

Re: Checked vs unchecked exceptions

2017-07-06 Thread crimaniak via Digitalmars-d

On Thursday, 6 July 2017 at 01:31:44 UTC, Moritz Maxeiner wrote:

void foo() throws AException throws BException { ... }
vod bar() { foo(); }

works and bar's exception is inferred by the compiler to 
contain AException and BException.

But to be clear (and the title and description of any DIP 
addressing this should reflect this):
These are not checked exceptions, because checked exceptions 
would require bar to declare its exception set manually.
 Not checked in sense of Java, but Java has no deductible 
exceptions. If compiler will fail on `void bar() { foo(); } 
throws AException;` we still can call it 'checked', I think. In 
sense of D.

mysql-native ResultRange + map

2017-07-05 Thread crimaniak via Digitalmars-d-learn

Hi all!

After some hard time with debugging, I found ResultRange returned 
by query() and Prepared::query() of mysql-native package can't be 
combined with map() because after map() it becomes empty 

Code (conn.queryRows just a wrapper for query(Connections, sql) ):

immutable sql = "SELECT id FROM "~tableName~" ORDER BY id";

	conn.queryRows(sql).each!(row => writeln("each:", 

	string[] applied = conn.queryRows(sql).map!(row => 

writeln("applied:", applied);

foreach(row; conn.queryRows(sql))
writeln("foreach: ", row[0].to!string);

	conn.queryRows(sql).map!(row => row[0].to!string).each!(row => 
writeln("map-each:", row));

foreach(row; conn.queryRows(sql).map!(row => row[0].to!string))
writeln("foreach-map: ", row);


SELECT id FROM versionupdate ORDER BY id
SELECT id FROM versionupdate ORDER BY id
SELECT id FROM versionupdate ORDER BY id
foreach: .Script20161013_create_database
foreach: .Script20161221_sites_table
foreach: .Script20161227_update_users_devices
foreach: .Script20170121_ownerid
foreach: .Script20170124_create_clients
foreach: .Script20170213_no_unique_site_name
foreach: .Script20170215_remove_site_sn
foreach: .Script20170228_remove_site_index
foreach: .Script20170301_add_linkNo
foreach: .Script20170301_fix_sites_indexes
foreach: .Script20170310_demo_client
foreach: .Script20170513_max_dev_number
SELECT id FROM versionupdate ORDER BY id
SELECT id FROM versionupdate ORDER BY id

As you see simple each() and foreach() works, but all examples 
with map() involved always empty. Can anybody explain such 
strange behavior?

Re: weird error message

2017-07-05 Thread crimaniak via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Sunday, 2 July 2017 at 01:06:29 UTC, Ali Çehreli wrote:

On 07/01/2017 04:56 PM, crimaniak wrote:

> about very long error messages generated in some
> cases.

Please submit a bug report. The compiler may be able to 
abbreviate certain types. For example, in this case most of the 
error message text is values of a static array elements.


Re: weird error message

2017-07-01 Thread crimaniak via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Saturday, 1 July 2017 at 22:46:06 UTC, Adam D. Ruppe wrote:

On Saturday, 1 July 2017 at 22:44:33 UTC, crimaniak wrote:

enum moduleMask = ctRegex!`module\s+([^;]+)`;

That should be `static`, not `enum`. I betcha that will at 
least change the error.

Works both variants, and reason really in line with Captures c = 
..., as mentioned Ali Çehreli.  But my message not about this 
mistake (I fix it immediately), but about very long error 
messages generated in some cases. Maybe it will be good to have 
some compiler switch or special treatment for messages with so 
very long types.

weird error message

2017-07-01 Thread crimaniak via Digitalmars-d-learn

Just for fun (may be):


auto findModule = execute(["dscanner", "--etags",]);
enum moduleMask = ctRegex!`module\s+([^;]+)`;
Captures c = findModule.output.matchFirst!(moduleMask);

result (even C++ guys will be impressed):

phobos_imports.d(43): Error: struct std.regex.Captures(R, DIndex 
= size_t) if (isSomeString!R) is used as a type
phobos_imports.d(43): Error: template std.regex.matchFirst cannot 
deduce function from argument types !(StaticRegex(& func, 
Regex([InversionList(CowArray([9u, 14u, 32u, 33u, 133u, 134u, 
160u, 161u, 5760u, 5761u, 8192u, 8203u, 8232u, 8234u, 8239u, 
8240u, 8287u, 8288u, 12288u, 12289u, 3u])), 
InversionList(CowArray([0u, 59u, 60u, 1114112u, 3u]))], 
[Bytecode(2147483757u), Bytecode(2147483759u), 
Bytecode(2147483748u), Bytecode(2147483765u), 
Bytecode(2147483756u), Bytecode(2147483749u), 
Bytecode(2348810240u), Bytecode(2231369729u), 
Bytecode(2348810240u), Bytecode(2248146945u), Bytecode(0u), 
Bytecode(2952790017u), Bytecode(2281701377u), 
Bytecode(2231369729u), Bytecode(2281701377u), 
Bytecode(2248146945u), Bytecode(1u), Bytecode(3019898881u), 
Bytecode(2550136833u)], null, 2u, 0u, 2u, 17u, 0u, 
[CharMatcher(BitTable([15872u, 1u, 0u, 0u]), 
Trie(MultiArray([0LU, 2048LU], [8192LU, 1536LU], 
[281479271743488LU, 281479271743489LU, 281479271743489LU, 
281479271743489LU, 281479271743489LU, 281483566710785LU, 
281479271743489LU, 281479271743489LU, 281479271743491LU, 
281479271743489LU, 281479271743489LU, 281479271743489LU, 
281479271743492LU, 281479271743489LU, 281479271743489LU, 
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Re: mysql-native + vibe.d example

2017-06-30 Thread crimaniak via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Friday, 30 June 2017 at 16:18:33 UTC, tetyys wrote:

On Friday, 30 June 2017 at 00:52:28 UTC, crimaniak wrote:

Moving my project from mysql-lited to mysql-native I faced the 
problem with null pointer error inside of mysql-native:

seems like it's already fixed

Yes, this is relevant fix. Thanks!

mysql-native + vibe.d example

2017-06-29 Thread crimaniak via Digitalmars-d-learn

Moving my project from mysql-lited to mysql-native I faced the 
problem with null pointer error inside of mysql-native:

SELECT id FROM versionupdate ORDER BY id
Task terminated with unhandled exception:

??:? void etc.linux.memoryerror.sigsegvUserspaceProcess(void*) 

??:? void etc.linux.memoryerror.sigsegvDataHandler() [0x102eaee]
const(pure nothrow @property bool function()) mysql.result.ResultRange.isValid 
void mysql.result.ResultRange.close() [0xdf1cb8]
void mysql.result.ResultRange.__dtor() [0xdf15cc]
ref return mysql.result.ResultRange 
mysql.result.ResultRange.opAssign(mysql.result.ResultRange) [0xdf1dba]
source/vcm/sqlWrapper.d:63 mysql.result.ResultRange 
source/updater/manager.d:92 void 
updater.manager.UpdateManager.update() [0xd74886]

source/app.d:81 void app.prepareDb().__lambda1() [0xcfe740]
../../.dub/packages/vibe-d-0.7.31/vibe-d/source/vibe/core/core.d:595 void 
vibe.core.core.makeTaskFuncInfo!(void delegate()).makeTaskFuncInfo(ref void 
delegate()).callDelegate(vibe.core.core.TaskFuncInfo*) [0xc5b703]
../../.dub/packages/vibe-d-0.7.31/vibe-d/source/vibe/core/core.d:1224 void [0xf6a916]
??:? void [0x107f17b]
??:? fiber_entryPoint [0x107eede]
??:? [0x]

Code fragment:
string s = Sql(sqlString, args).toString!MysqlDialect;
writeln(s);stdout.flush; // debugging...

if(conn.__conn() is null) // debugging...
throw new Exception("connection is null");

ResultRange result;
// synchronized (mutex)
result = conn.query(s);  // <-- sqlWrapper.d:63 is here

It seems I am doing something wrong so myself-native fails to 
detect it in isValid(). So I search for example how to use 
mysql-native in real multi-threaded vibe.d application with usage 
of MySQLPool. Please do not point me to basic example provided 
with package because it is single thread.


Re: Checked vs unchecked exceptions

2017-06-26 Thread crimaniak via Digitalmars-d

On Monday, 26 June 2017 at 19:31:53 UTC, Moritz Maxeiner wrote:

And the good *way* to achieve this result would be the 
- When visiting `startFoo`, the compiler automatically 
aggregates all different exceptions it may throw and stores the 
resulting set
- If `startFoo` is going to be part of a (binary) library and 
its symbol is exported, also export its exception set
- Improve the compiler's nothrow analysis such that if startFoo 
is called in scope S, but all of the exceptions in its 
exception set are caught (i.e. can't break out of scope S), it 
is treated as nothrow in S.

- Enclose the call to `startFoo` in B in a nothrow scope.
 After preparing my message I read tail of the thread and see 
your vision very close to mine. 

So listing exceptions that can be thrown is a good thing 
because it helps you write more reliable code.

It is a bad thing because you force a human to do a machine's 
This is a bad necessity, but a necessary opportunity. Sometimes 
you need to be sure that the compiler's vision matches yours.

Re: Checked vs unchecked exceptions

2017-06-26 Thread crimaniak via Digitalmars-d

On Sunday, 25 June 2017 at 17:38:14 UTC, mckoder wrote:

I am disappointed that D doesn't have checked exceptions.

Warning, Google translate is used! (sorry)

I fully support mckoder with regard to exceptions. This is a 
great advantage of Java. I think, the problem with the 
introduction of verified exceptions in D is rather psychological, 
as the authors and the community mostly came from C++. Indeed, in 
C++, the checked exceptions failed, but I think this is more a 
failure of C++ than the ideas of checked exceptions. The Java 
experience has shown that this is a powerful tool that really 
helps to write reliable programs. Most of the arguments against 
exceptions are somewhat similar to the arguments of language 
lovers with a weak dynamic typing, by which listing argument 
types seems tedious. The relevant objection is that there is a 
problem with lambdas. I think everyone who started using the 
stream API in Java 8 was faced with this problem. But who said 
that you need to exactly repeat the approach of Java? When I 
encountered this problem, I tried to write an analog of this API, 
only with support for exceptions. As a result, the root of the 
problem was easily identified. In Java, each exception type 
thrown is an additional method parameter, similar to the input 
parameters, and there are no variadic templates for them. The 
correct implementation should have some TypeTuple for all the 
types thrown. And the possibility of calculating it. The 
following thoughts should be considered as speculative, I 
understand that these ideas will not be accepted.
Take for start the system adopted in Java. Now add 'throws auto'. 
This does not mean 'throws Exception'! This means that the 
compiler must determine what exceptions this method or function 
throws. Now add a default - all functions where there are no 
throws are treated like 'throws auto'. What does this give us? 
The old code without throws continues to work, since exceptions, 
except for intercepted ones, successfully pop up to main() and 
are caught by runtime. But as soon as the author began to denote 
throws or nothrows, he gets all the benefits of the Java 
exception system. In addition, if the lower layer has changed, 
the intermediate layers that delegate the exceptions above do not 
need to be rewritten, only the code that deals directly with the 
exception processing and declares it with throws or nothrows will 
be affected. (I think that you should not abuse this, libraries 
that are supplied as a separate product should still encapsulate 
the underlying exceptions in their own).

In addition, now the specification of 'throws A, B, C' lowered to 
'throws ExceptionTypeTyple! (A, B, C)'. What does it give? We 
easily write templates that work with functions with any number 
of types of throws exceptions, and this can be handled according 
to the same rules as the other template parameters of the method.

Re: Isn't it about time for D3?

2017-06-13 Thread crimaniak via Digitalmars-d

On Tuesday, 13 June 2017 at 17:57:14 UTC, Patrick Schluter wrote:

I haven't the impression that the *language* itself suffer from 
so big flaws that it would warrant to fork it in a way that 
will lead to a lot frustration and bewilderment.
 I have the same opinion. Raw libraries, poor documentation and 
infrastructure are much more problematic. If it depended on me, I 
would declare an embargo on language changes and throw all the 
forces to eliminate the problems of infrastructure and libraries.

Re: Expressing range constraints in CNF form

2017-06-11 Thread crimaniak via Digitalmars-d
On Sunday, 11 June 2017 at 00:28:58 UTC, Andrei Alexandrescu 

enum bool isInputRange(R) =
is(typeof((ref R r) => r)) && "must be copyable"

Regardless of the implementation method, this will require the 
previously proposed Phobos refactoring. Independent special 
definitions have to be reduced to general ones and use "static 
if" to select the algorithm. Otherwise, each failed independent 
definition will give an additional error message, and the 
compiler does not have the ability to determine which one is 

site examples

2017-05-25 Thread crimaniak via Digitalmars-d-learn
I tried to run an example from the site. Example from section. 
And this is problem number 0: I can't give a link to the example, 
only to section. The section can be long, there can be more than 
one example, so it's good to have an anchor for each example. 
Problem #1: "Compilation output (255: Unknown signal 255)
unable to fork: Cannot allocate memory." As I understand it, this 
is a common problem, and it leaves a bad impression. Ok, I copy 
example text and try to compile it. Oh, I need to make main(). 
Ok. "t1.d(6): Error: undefined identifier 'regex'

t1.d(12): Error: undefined identifier 'replaceAllInto'
t1.d(14): Error: 'writeln' is not defined, perhaps you need to 
import std.stdio; ?"
Problem #3: we have imports in the example, but not all imports. 
Ok, I add it. Compile, run. A lot of commas. Is this proof that 
the method worked? Yes. Do these commas illustrate how this 
method works? Absolutely not. This is a replacement method, so I 
expect to see "before" and "after".
It seems to me that examples on the site require additional work 
and in the current form are counterproductive in terms of 
attracting new users.

Re: Code improvement for DNA reverse complement?

2017-05-19 Thread crimaniak via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Friday, 19 May 2017 at 12:55:05 UTC, Biotronic wrote:
revComp6 seems to be the fastest, but it's probably also the 
least readable (a common trade-off).

Try revComp7 with -release :)

string revComp7(string bps)
char[] result = new char[bps.length];
auto p1 = result.ptr;
auto p2 = [$ - 1];
enum AT = 'A'^'T';
enum CG = 'C'^'G';

while (p2 > bps.ptr)
   *p1 = *p2 ^ ((*p2 == 'A' || *p2 == 'T') ? AT : CG);
return result.assumeUnique;

In fact, when the size of the sequence is growing time difference 
between procedures is shrinking, so it's much more important to 
use memory-efficient presentation than to optimize logic.

Re: How to write parser?

2017-05-15 Thread crimaniak via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Sunday, 14 May 2017 at 19:00:09 UTC, Suliman wrote:
I am trying to learn how to write text parser. I have example 
doc with follow format:

my header text

my sub header text

it's there any better way to parse such format?

Ready markdown Pegged based parser:

Re: How to avoid throwing an exceptions for a built-in function?

2017-05-11 Thread crimaniak via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Wednesday, 10 May 2017 at 12:40:41 UTC, k-five wrote:
I have a line of code that uses "to" function in std.conv for a 
purpose like:

int index = to!int( user_apply[ 4 ] ); // string to int

When the user_apply[ 4 ] has value, there is no problem; but 
when it is empty: ""
it throws an ConvException exception and I want to avoid this 

currently I have to use a dummy catch:
index = to!int( user_apply[ 4 ] );
} catch( ConvException conv_error ){
// nothing

I no need to handle that, so is there any way to prevent this 

try this:

Re: Productive vibe.d dev environment (IDE, debugger) on Linux?

2017-05-08 Thread crimaniak via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Wednesday, 3 May 2017 at 17:43:07 UTC, kinke wrote:

can anyone recommend a more or less production-ready dev 
environment for vibe.d on Linux?
I'm evaluating vibe.d against Phoenix (Elixir/Erlang) for a new 
project. Today I gave Visual Studio Code a quick shot (with LDC 
1.1.1 and DMD 2.071/72/74), with Webfreak's plugins, but I'm 
not happy at all (gdb/lldb crashing most of the time incl. 
debugged process, no AutoComplete/IntelliSense due to problems 
when building some of the plugin dependencies etc.).

Any hints are greatly appreciated, as I'm really impressed by 
vibe.d itself so far.

It just works including debugging, but autocompletion is 

Re: Default-valued nothrow @nogc std.conv:to

2017-04-23 Thread crimaniak via Digitalmars-d

On Saturday, 22 April 2017 at 12:14:26 UTC, Nordlöw wrote:
Have anyone tried to implement a variant of `` that 
can be `nothrow @nogc` if the exception handling is replaced by 
an extra second parameter (`defaultValue`) returned iff the 
call to `to` throws?

There is common ifThrown template in Phobos:
I think it's better to add nothrow ifThrown implementation if 

As for me, for such cases, where input data can be not relevant, 
is better to use Nullable type to indicate the error. In this 
case, an input value equal to the default value does not cause 
problems. Something like this:

import std.typecons: Nullable;

Nullable!T nullableTo(T, S)(S source)
import std.conv : to;
tryreturn Nullable!T(!T);
catch(Exception e) return Nullable!T();

T orElse(T)(Nullable!T n, T value){ return n.isNull() ? value : 
n.get; }

assert(! "0".nullableTo!int.isNull);

assert("123".nullableTo!int.get == 123);

// And easy convertable to default value variant
assert("123.45".nullableTo!int.orElse(5) == 5);

Re: The app hanging after reach 1750MB of RAM

2017-04-19 Thread crimaniak via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Tuesday, 18 April 2017 at 11:43:24 UTC, Suliman wrote:
I am writing app that extract data from DB to array of 

void getSingleTrackInfo()

foreach(item; getTablesGPSSensorList)
ResultRange result = mysqlconnection.query(sqlquery);
auto MySQLPointsLonLat = result.array;
Is ResultRange closing query when exhausted? Did you try to call 
.close() on it after work?

Re: Interpolated strings

2017-04-17 Thread crimaniak via Digitalmars-d
On Sunday, 16 April 2017 at 16:10:15 UTC, Nick Sabalausky 
(Abscissa) wrote:
Yea, and note, I'm still open to the idea of better names than 
"interp". I'm still not entirely happy with that name. I'm even 
half-tempted to use "_".
When I needed interpolation, I did not know about this library. 
So I create my own implementation and name it `expand`. I only 
needed class properties and did not support the expression, so 
this can not be considered a general solution, but name `expand` 
seems to be good for me.

class InterTest
static int a = 1;
static string bb = "--bb--";

mixin ExpandLocals;

auto getInterpolated()
return expand!"a is $a, bb is $bb, and this is just $ 

	assert((new InterTest).getInterpolated() == "a is 1, bb is 
--bb--, and this is just $ sign");


What I think would be ideal is a language enhancement to allow 
"interp" to do its job without the extra syntactical noise. 
That would not only give us good interpolates strings, but 
would likely have other applications as well.
Now I spend thinking some time about it and didn't find common 
solution without text mixin too.

Re: Interpolated strings

2017-04-15 Thread crimaniak via Digitalmars-d

On Saturday, 15 April 2017 at 20:04:13 UTC, Jonas Drewsen wrote:
The compiler will basically lower the $"..." string to a mixin 
that concatenates
the expression parts of the (inside the {}) and the plain text 
It's easy implementable as a library (see so 
it does not seem like a good idea to modify the language, only to 
change interp!"" to $"".

Re: Dlang Features You Would Like To Share

2017-04-13 Thread crimaniak via Digitalmars-d

On Thursday, 13 April 2017 at 05:51:27 UTC, Dukc wrote:

auto use(alias F, T)(T t){return F(t);}

void main()
{   import std.stdio;
foreach(i; 1 .. 11)
{   foreach(j; 1 .. 11) write((i * j).use!(x => x*x), " ");

This way, you can avoid writing long expressions twice with 

If fact you don't need any template to do this. Try the next:

foreach(i; 1 .. 11)
{   foreach(j; 1 .. 11) write((x => x*x)(i * j), " ");

URL (or URI) Pegged grammar - is it exists?

2017-04-10 Thread crimaniak via Digitalmars-d-learn

Hi, all!

Yes, I know, most simple way to validate URL is regex and it 
works for most cases, but I search for a correct solution 
(ideally rfc3986-compatible), which will be hard to implement 
using regular expressions.

Re: Dlang forum: some feature requests

2017-04-10 Thread crimaniak via Digitalmars-d

On Sunday, 9 April 2017 at 12:58:30 UTC, Vladimir Panteleev wrote:
_Someone_ should write Markdown rendering plugins for popular 
news readers. What mime type will the Markdown enhanced 
messages use? text/plain or text/markdown as per ?

text/plain because text/markdown will appear as an unreadable 
attachment for most clients (not least Gmail).

 IMHO, it's better to do the same as with HTML letters: 
text/markdown body + text/plain body for clients not supporting 

Re: CTFE Status 2

2017-04-09 Thread crimaniak via Digitalmars-d

On Sunday, 9 April 2017 at 00:25:45 UTC, Stefan Koch wrote:
I assume that what you want will quite expensive in terms of 
compiler performance.

Thanks for your answer!

Re: CTFE Status 2

2017-04-08 Thread crimaniak via Digitalmars-d

On Saturday, 8 April 2017 at 09:14:17 UTC, Stefan Koch wrote:

This is a question for D.Learn.
please post there.
Yes, I did it already and know, it is not possible for now:

This is exact reason why I asked, how hard _to implement_ it. I 
asked you, because UDF constructor executed in CTFE, and you can 
give the most competent answer, because you are working on it.

Also the question is to terse, I do not know what you are 

  How hard to implement something like special keyword 
__SYMBOL__, which will be alias for Foo (or string with fully 
qualified name of Foo) in example in my initial letter, in the 
scope of udf constructor.

Re: CTFE Status 2

2017-04-08 Thread crimaniak via Digitalmars-d


Is it hard to implement some way to access symbol from UDA 
constructor of symbol?

class uda
 // Iterate by Foo members
foreach (member; __traits(allMembers, __SYMBOL__))

struct Foo



Re: Proposal: Exceptions and @nogc

2017-04-02 Thread crimaniak via Digitalmars-d

On Sunday, 2 April 2017 at 05:16:23 UTC, Walter Bright wrote:
Using a ref counted solution brings with it a host of problems 
the compiler is not set up to ref count class object 
references, nor

is any existing code set up to deal with that.
Please describe in more detail the problems in this part. If you 
are still planning to introduce RC-based objects into the 
language, then it is not obvious that the dedicated allocators in 
the runtime are better than using RC-based exception objects.

Re: 'fopen64 cannot be interpreted at compile time' for __gshared File

2017-03-25 Thread crimaniak via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Saturday, 25 March 2017 at 16:08:49 UTC, NotSpooky wrote:

__gshared implies static,...

Thanks! Confusing for me moment.

'fopen64 cannot be interpreted at compile time' for __gshared File

2017-03-25 Thread crimaniak via Digitalmars-d-learn

Simple File test:

void main()
import std.stdio;

File f = File("test.txt", "w");


All works as expected.

Now let's add __gshared:

void main()
import std.stdio;

__gshared File f = File("test.txt", "w");


Now we have:

/usr/include/dmd/phobos/std/stdio.d(3797): Error: fopen64 cannot 
be interpreted at compile time, because it has no available 
source code
/usr/include/dmd/phobos/std/stdio.d(3804):called from 
here: fopenImpl(namez.ptr(), modez.ptr())
/usr/include/dmd/phobos/std/stdio.d(404):called from 
here: fopen(name, stdioOpenmode)
/usr/include/dmd/phobos/std/stdio.d(404):called from 
here: errnoEnforce(fopen(name, stdioOpenmode), delegate string() 
=> text("Cannot open file `", name, "' in mode `", stdioOpenmode, 
/usr/include/dmd/phobos/std/stdio.d(404):called from 
here: this.this(errnoEnforce(fopen(name, stdioOpenmode), delegate 
string() => text("Cannot open file `", name, "' in mode `", 
stdioOpenmode, "'")), name, 1u, false)
file.d(5):called from here: ((File __slFile648 = 
File(null, null);) , __slFile648).this("test.txt", "w")

Oooops! Who can explain this error message to me?

DMD64 D Compiler v2.073.0

Re: how to test if member of instance exists/defined?

2017-03-22 Thread crimaniak via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Wednesday, 22 March 2017 at 20:35:27 UTC, StarGrazer wrote:
I've tried compiles but I guess that only checks if the code 
has valid syntax, not if it actually will compile in context.

Re: Question about vibe.conf file

2017-03-05 Thread crimaniak via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Sunday, 5 March 2017 at 13:41:23 UTC, Suliman wrote:
I had seen some mentions about `vibe.conf` file in vibed docs. 
But can't understand it's structure and find examples of it's 

Json file. Real example:
"mqttHost"   : "***.***.**.***",
"mqttPort"   : 1883,
"mqttClientName" : "*",
"mqttUsername"   : "*",
"mqttPassword"   : "*",

"listenInterface": "",
"listenPort" : 8088,

"dbConnection"   : "host=;user=root;pwd=;db=dbname"

You can read values from it like this:

// Read http setting from vibe.conf and init session store
HTTPServerSettings prepareHttpSettings()
auto settings = new HTTPServerSettings;
	settings.port = readRequiredOption!ushort("listenPort","Port to 
listen by internal HTTP server");
	settings.bindAddresses = 
[readRequiredOption!string("listenInterface", "Interface to 
listen by internal HTTP server")];

settings.sessionStore = new MemorySessionStore;

return settings;

Problem with send / receive

2017-03-03 Thread crimaniak via Digitalmars-d-learn

Hi all!

I make vibe-d based project and now I have problem passing 
messages between threads.
First some words about architecture. Each event in the system has 
a corresponding class that validates and performs the required 
actions. Each class has a nested structure with the parameters 
that are required for this event. Like this:

module vcm.bll.event.deleteSite;

import vcm.bll.basicEvent;

class DeleteSite : BasicEvent
import vcm.bll.model.types : Id;

struct Params
Id siteId;

mixin EventConstructor;

override bool canDo()
import std.conv : to;

return errorList
			.addIf(!engine.sites.contains(params.siteId), "SiteModel with 
id "!string~" is not found")


override EventResult doIt()
		engine.db.execute("DELETE FROM sites WHERE id=?", 

return EventResult(true,[],0);

I have Engine class object which resides in own thread and listen 
message queue for messages with event parameters. After receiving 
message corresponding handler is executed, and message with 
EventResult object sent back to caller thread (Task). For every 
event type there is HTTP request handler, who make 
EventType.Params structure, send it to engine Task, then do 
receiveOnly!EventResult and take actions according to it. The 
only proble with this approach was a lot of boilerplate in engine 
receive() call because of big amout of event types. I resolve it 
by this way (is this possible without string mixin?):

private static string getReceiver(EventTypes...)() pure
import std.traits;

string eventHandlers;
foreach(EventType; EventTypes)
			eventHandlers ~= `,(`~EventType.stringof~`.Params params, Task 
caller, Id userId){

auto event = 
scoped!`~EventType.stringof~`(userId, params);

((ExitMessage _){ exitFlag = true; }
,(LogMessage entry){ logger.log(entry.message); 

private void run()
import vibe.core.concurrency : receive, send;
import std.typecons: scoped;
import vcm.bll.event;

bool exitFlag = false;



After adding another event I ran into a problem:

Task terminated with unhandled exception: Range violation
core.exception.RangeError@source/vcm/bll/idContainer.d(44): Range 

vcm.bll.event.deleteSite.DeleteSite.canDo() [0xd8dd5a]
source/vcm/bll/basicEvent.d:182 bool 
vcm.bll.basicEvent.BasicEvent.check() [0xd2f8bc]
source/vcm/bll/basicEvent.d:197 vcm.bll.basicEvent.EventResult 
vcm.bll.basicEvent.BasicEvent.execute() [0xd2f9a5]
_D3vcm3bll6engine6Engine3runMFZ9__lambda8MFS3vcm3bll5event10deleteSite10DeleteSite6ParamsS4vibe4core4task4TaskmZv [0xd34375]
/usr/include/dmd/phobos/std/concurrency.d:168 void!(void 
vibe.core.task.Task, ulong)).map(void 
vibe.core.task.Task, ulong)) [0xc7df3d]

Re: code D'ish enough? - ignore previous post with same subject

2017-02-28 Thread crimaniak via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Sunday, 26 February 2017 at 21:50:38 UTC, Jordan Wilson wrote:

.map!(a =>!double)

 If lambda just calls another function you can pass it directly:
== .map!(to!double)

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