Re: Is there a strong reason for Nullable's alias get this?

2018-04-21 Thread Nick Treleaven via Digitalmars-d
On Wednesday, 18 April 2018 at 13:36:15 UTC, FeepingCreature 
That said, I'm pretty sure that get will throw anyways if 
invoked without a default value.

Not in release mode, but I suppose that doesn't matter. I've made 
a pull to update the docs to reflect this:

Re: Is there a strong reason for Nullable's alias get this?

2018-04-18 Thread FeepingCreature via Digitalmars-d

On Wednesday, 18 April 2018 at 10:01:17 UTC, Nick Treleaven wrote:
On Wednesday, 18 April 2018 at 08:24:14 UTC, FeepingCreature 

If nobody objects, I'll make a PR to deprecate it.

+1. Nullable has received some improvements lately, it would be 
great if `get` was no longer implicit. For new code, it is 
trivial to write `.get` to convert to the original type. For 
old code, deprecation is a good solution. (Permanent 
deprecation can solve the problem of breaking code in the 
longer term).

I agree; the important thing to me is that code that uses the 
implicit conversion is at least highlighted in some way.

There is an argument for making `get` *require* a fallback 
value rather than a default `.init` argument, to make the 
conversion completely explicit, but this is perhaps a change 
too far considering how lax we currently are. A third way would 
be to require a fallback argument only when the original type 
doesn't have a good invalid value like null. At least null 
dereference, if triggered, will be detected immediately upon 
execution. An unexpected zero-value might go undetected for a 
long time.

An argument against making get require a fallback is that D lacks 
a good abstraction for customizing control flow, so we don't have 
a good way to say "if Nullable contains a value, do this with the 
value, else do this fallback," meaning we have to do if (isNull) 
{ get; } or such. That said, I'm pretty sure that get will throw 
anyways if invoked without a default value.

Re: Is there a strong reason for Nullable's alias get this?

2018-04-18 Thread Nick Treleaven via Digitalmars-d
On Wednesday, 18 April 2018 at 08:24:14 UTC, FeepingCreature 

If nobody objects, I'll make a PR to deprecate it.

+1. Nullable has received some improvements lately, it would be 
great if `get` was no longer implicit. For new code, it is 
trivial to write `.get` to convert to the original type. For old 
code, deprecation is a good solution. (Permanent deprecation can 
solve the problem of breaking code in the longer term).

There is an argument for making `get` *require* a fallback value 
rather than a default `.init` argument, to make the conversion 
completely explicit, but this is perhaps a change too far 
considering how lax we currently are. A third way would be to 
require a fallback argument only when the original type doesn't 
have a good invalid value like null. At least null dereference, 
if triggered, will be detected immediately upon execution. An 
unexpected zero-value might go undetected for a long time.

Re: Is there a strong reason for Nullable's alias get this?

2018-04-18 Thread FeepingCreature via Digitalmars-d

If nobody objects, I'll make a PR to deprecate it.

Re: Is there a strong reason for Nullable's alias get this?

2018-04-16 Thread SimonN via Digitalmars-d

On Monday, 16 April 2018 at 10:10:56 UTC, FeepingCreature wrote:
Nullable!T to T is a narrowing conversion, since T cannot 
express the null case. Therefor, it must not be implicit.

I agree with this. To even reach for a Nullable type in one's 
codebase incurs a cost -- the need is substantial to oughtweigh 
this complexity. In this situation, one will design internal 
interfaces both with and without Nullable. The strict typechecks 
(prevent assignment of Nullable!A to A) make large codebases of 
this kind safe to refactor.

If the checks must get more verbose because Nullable isn't part 
of the language, but rather a library feature, that's certainly a 
cost to pay for reliability. But it's still better than these 
runtime crashes. It's sad every time code crashes at runtime with 
errors that other type systems easily find at compiletime.

An alternative to Phobos's Nullable might be aliak's Optional? 
It's in the dub registry as "optional", or on github:

import optional;
struct S { int i; }
void main()
Optional!S s = some(S(5));
S t = s;

This produces the desired error at compiletime: 
source/app.d(6,11): Error: cannot implicitly convert expression s 
of type Optional!(S) to S.

-- Simon

Re: Is there a strong reason for Nullable's alias get this?

2018-04-16 Thread FeepingCreature via Digitalmars-d
Addendum: The general principle is that a "narrowing conversion" 
should never be implicit. An example of a narrowing conversion is 
float to int, or int to short. In the case of integer types, D 
already follows this rule.

Nullable!T to T is a narrowing conversion, since T cannot express 
the null case. Therefor, it must not be implicit.

Re: Is there a strong reason for Nullable's alias get this?

2018-04-16 Thread FeepingCreature via Digitalmars-d
Say that we have a function that returns an int. We assign it to 
an auto variable and pass that to another function which takes an 
int. All is well.

Say we change the function to return a Nullable!int. We expect 
the compiler to warn us that we must now check for isNull; 
however, what we actually get is a runtime crash! It's almost 
like we're writing Javascript!

Say we have a function that takes a Nullable!int. However, we 
want to change the function to merely take an int, and move the 
isNull check outside it. However, we again face a runtime crash 
instead of a compiler warning.

Say we are simply misremembering the return type of a function. 
Say the call is in a little-used part of the code, just lying in 
wait to crash our application.

This is not good, and it's not how you would expect a statically 
typed language to behave.

Re: Is there a strong reason for Nullable's alias get this?

2018-04-16 Thread Jonathan M Davis via Digitalmars-d
On Monday, April 16, 2018 08:34:13 FeepingCreature via Digitalmars-d wrote:
> I think `alias get this` is a misfeature.
> If at all possible, compiletime errors should be preferred over
> runtime errors. The point of Nullable is that the value contained
> within may be absent. Considering the prevalence of type
> inference and UFCS chaining in idiomatic D, it is very possible
> that a change to a Nullable type, or a change of a parameter to a
> non-Nullable type, may not be noticed by the typesystem. In that
> case, the unhandled null state that could have been caught by the
> compiler will turn into a runtime exception.
> This seems a poor, magical and unexpected choice of behavior.
> Is there any strong reason why Nullable!T can implicitly convert
> to T? If not, I'd argue that `alias get this` should be
> deprecated, and removed at the earliest convenience. It throws
> away clear safety for unclear gain.

I think that the whole point of the alias this was to try and make it so
that code could treat Nullable!T as T if it didn't care about the difference
- and plenty of code has no need to, especially if code above it already
guaranteed that it has a value. I don't think that that's necessarily
unreasonable and don't see anything unsafe or buggy about it.

However, on some level, the whole idea of treating Nullable!T as T in code
that doesn't need to check for null falls flat on its face thanks to the
fact that we don't have implicit construction in D. So, if you have
something like

auto foo(Nullable!int i)

you can't pass it 42. You're forced to do something like Nullable!int(42) or
nullable(42). I've found that to frequently be annoying when a function
returns a Nullable. Ideally, the differences between Nullable!T and T would
only be visible when get or some other member function on Nullable was
called, and the alias this helps with that, but it really doesn't fix it.

And actually, even if we had implicit construction, it still wouldn't be
enough, because alias this isn't used with template instantiations, and we
don't currently have a way in the language to say that it should be. Without
that, any templates that accepts T won't work with Nullable!T unless they
accept implicit conversions to T (which usually a bad idea with templates).
To really act like a T, Nullable!T would need to instantiate templates with
T rather than Nullable!T (at least by default). So, we'd need several
language changes in order to be able to have code treat Nullable!T the same
as T except when it actually cared, and as such, the alias this on Nullable
arguably doesn't achieve its goal. It just solves one piece of the puzzle
and then causes frustration when it doesn't solve the others. I don't know
if the frustration would go up or down if it didn't attempt to solve the
problem at all and Nullable had no implicit conversion.

In any case, given that a Nullable!T really can't masquerade as a T in
general, I don't know how valuable the alias this really is, and I'm not
sure that I care whether it's there or not, but I fail to understand why
it's actually a problem. I don't follow how this has anything to do with the
type system or making anything safer. You don't get any more or fewer null
checks with




The code is the same except for the fact that in the second case, the call
to get is invisible. As such, all I see that you lose is that the programmer
can't necessarily immediately see that i is a Nullable!T instead of a T. I
can see why that might be undesirable for some folks, but I don't see why it
would be a safety problem. And given that we already have alias this on
Nullable, we need a reason for getting rid of it, not a reason for why it
would be useful to have. I think that you need a more concrete reason as to
why this is a problem other than it's too "magical." And you may have such a
reason, but I don't see it clearly stated here.

- Jonathan M Davis

Is there a strong reason for Nullable's alias get this?

2018-04-16 Thread FeepingCreature via Digitalmars-d

I think `alias get this` is a misfeature.

If at all possible, compiletime errors should be preferred over 
runtime errors. The point of Nullable is that the value contained 
within may be absent. Considering the prevalence of type 
inference and UFCS chaining in idiomatic D, it is very possible 
that a change to a Nullable type, or a change of a parameter to a 
non-Nullable type, may not be noticed by the typesystem. In that 
case, the unhandled null state that could have been caught by the 
compiler will turn into a runtime exception.

This seems a poor, magical and unexpected choice of behavior.

Is there any strong reason why Nullable!T can implicitly convert 
to T? If not, I'd argue that `alias get this` should be 
deprecated, and removed at the earliest convenience. It throws 
away clear safety for unclear gain.