Re: bugzilla 424 - Unexpected OPTLINK Termination - solved!

2009-11-03 Thread Tom S
Am I dreaming? This is too good to be true :O Walter, have you been 
replaced by an alien or reprogrammed using some sci-fi device? I can't 
believe the MsgBox of death is going away!

Tomasz Stachowiak
h3/h3r3tic on #D freenode

Re: The Thermopylae excerpt of TDPL available online

2009-10-29 Thread Tom S

Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:
It's a rough rough draft, but one for the full chapter on arrays, 
associative arrays, and strings.

Any feedback is welcome. Thanks!

Thanks for the excerpt! I've only had the time to give it a brief skim 
so far, but it's looking good. This is what I found:

p16: int quadrupeds[100], int legs[4 * quadrupeds.length]  -  is the 
C-style array declaration syntax intended?

p20: No mention of the new T[][](rows, cols) syntax?
p26 (User-Defined Types as Keys): No need for opEquals?

Tomasz Stachowiak
h3/h3r3tic on #D freenode

Re: another d demoscene entry

2009-10-11 Thread Tom S

#ponce wrote:


We won another demo compo with a D entry (at MAIN demoparty)

We tried to make a bigger and more impressive entry this time. Note that it's a 
french party so it's not Breakpoint.

D clearly allowed us to be more productive without a demotool. Still, mature 
demotools are one order of magnitude more productive (and awfully long to 
make). To be honest i don't expect demosceners to switch so easily from C++ but 
it could encourage some newcomers (like us) with a small code base.

I just released the source (again under WTFPL).

Congrats! You're on a roll! I've just watched the demo (works 
beautifully of my GTX260 on Win7) and damn... this is some trippy s**t 
:D The final touch with quickly going backwards was particularly 

Great job, guys. Keep it up!

Tomasz Stachowiak
h3/h3r3tic on #D freenode

Re: another d demoscene entry

2009-10-11 Thread Tom S

torhu wrote:
I only get a black screen, but with music.  Can't see any errors in the 
log.  I've got a Radeon mobility hd 3650. Is my gfx card no up to it?

That's what happens when you cross AMD/ATI with OpenGL.

Tomasz Stachowiak
h3/h3r3tic on #D freenode

Re: Crash handler with stack trace

2009-09-27 Thread Tom S

grauzone wrote:

Jeremie Pelletier wrote:
I've been asked for my runtime crash handler with it's CodeView reader 
earlier in digitalmars.D so here it is:

Wanted to take a look at it again, but the site is defunct.

Tomasz Stachowiak
h3/h3r3tic on #D freenode

Re: Crash handler with stack trace

2009-09-19 Thread Tom S

Jeremie Pelletier wrote:

I've been asked for my runtime crash handler with it's CodeView reader earlier 
in digitalmars.D so here it is:

It includes the runtime handler, a PE reader, CodeView reader and crash report 

So far it supports Windows and some bits are already done for posix platforms. 
It does a register dump, stack trace with resolved symbol names with their 
declaration file and line, as well as a listing of all loaded modules.

Sorry for the lack of phobos/tango support, this is part of a runtime project 
I'm building which should hopefully be released to dsource in a few months. I'm 
releasing it now so if someone wants to implement a phobos or tango port 
they're free to do it.

Thanks a lot, Jeremie! The code looks really good. I think I'll be 
stealing the PE  CV parsing parts for Tango :)

I'm curious about the runtime project of yours :o Can you shed a bit of 
the secret? How will it compare to druntime? What's the target audience? 
Does it have anything to do with 'meshes and textures'? ;)

Tomasz Stachowiak
h3/h3r3tic on #D freenode

Re: cv2pdb 0.1 released

2009-05-09 Thread Tom S

Sweet! Thanks :D

Tomasz Stachowiak
h3/h3r3tic on #D freenode

Re: Blaze 2.0

2009-03-16 Thread Tom S

Jarrett Billingsley wrote:

On Mon, Mar 16, 2009 at 3:44 PM, Mason Green wrote:

Blaze 2.0, a 2D game physics engine based on Box2D, is finally here.  The 
testBed examples have been completely overhauled with Hybrid and Dog!

Project page:

Testbed examples (win32 binary):

I've taken a stab at writing a `getting started` section on the wiki, with 
clear (hopefully) instructions on how to compile. Comments, suggestions, 
contributions, and bug reports are appreciated in the dsource forum.

I get really strange performance.  It runs.. choppy.  Not slow
framerate, just really choppy, in a nondeterministic manner.  The
Hybrid controls are also incredibly sensitive - one button press sets
them to absurdly large/small values, usually freezing/crashing the

My computer should be able to more than handle this.  It's a dual-core
Athlon X2 4600+.

They seem to work just fine on my machine and it's a single-core 1.7GHz 
Centrino laptop with a Mobility Radeon 7500 GPU and 1.5GB of RAM... The 
heavier tests (Compound shapes, Domino tower) seem choppy, but I don't 
get any weird Widget behavior. The performance could be improved, cause 
my simple profiling attempts seem to indicate that Blaze is abusing the 
GC a bit.

Overall, great job, Mason! :D The demo is really fun and I'm proud that 
my crazy GUI lib can be a part of it :)

Tomasz Stachowiak
h3/h3r3tic on #D freenode

Re: dmd 1.041 and 2.026 releases

2009-03-05 Thread Tom S

Walter Bright wrote:

Wow! This release is too good to be true :D Not only are my favorite 
bugs fixed, the .zip contains the *full source code of DMD* :O And on 
top of that, the backend changes didn't break my DDL-powered dynamic 

Walter, you're my hero!

Tomasz Stachowiak
h3/h3r3tic on #D freenode

Re: DMD 1.039 and 2.023 releases

2009-01-07 Thread Tom S
It appears that you've also fixed :D /* which might've 
been the same issue as */

Perhaps I can finally update from 1.031 : Thanks a bunch!

Tomasz Stachowiak
h3/h3r3tic on #D freenode

Re: Tango conference 2008 - Tomasz Stachowiak DDL talk

2008-11-19 Thread Tom S

Bill Baxter wrote:

Excellent talk!  Now I finally understand what the buzz about DDL is about.
My vague understanding was that it was basically a workaround for
current D compilers support of dynamic libs.  So I was content to just
wait for D to get the kinks worked out eventually. But from your talk
it seems much more like DDL is a better long term solution for dynamic
linking of D code regardless.

Thanks! DDL is indeed something more :) In case of Windows, the issue is 
actually with DLLs, so no matter how awesome D's support of these gets, 
they still won't provide all that DDL can. I'm not yet sure to what 
extent SO could be abused to do what DDL does, but it would probably 
need some crazy runtime- and kernel-level programming skillz ;)
Anyway, I believe that this is just the beginning of what DDL might be 
able to provide. Once it matures, we'll probably see more cool stuff 
done with it - perhaps having the same code/plugin run on multiple OSes 
as long as the processor architecture is the same?

Tomasz Stachowiak
h3/h3r3tic on #D freenode

Re: Tango conference 2008 - Tomasz Stachowiak DDL talk

2008-11-19 Thread Tom S

Christopher Wright wrote:

Peter Modzelewski wrote:
I believe DDL is a project I don't need to introduce. Tom gave a great 
talk about it and his branch of the project showing the power of DDL 
and D. Video can be found here: 

That looks like it has amazing implications for runtime reflection, even 
if you aren't using dynamic libraries. (I'd prefer it if the language 
and runtime supported runtime reflection, but DDL should be a lot better 
than nothing.)

True. Eric wrote some ramblings about it a few whiles ago:

Another cool idea:

Tomasz Stachowiak
h3/h3r3tic on #D freenode

Re: Tango conference 2008 - Tomasz Stachowiak DDL talk

2008-11-19 Thread Tom S

Robert Fraser wrote:

Peter Modzelewski wrote:
I believe DDL is a project I don't need to introduce. Tom gave a great 
talk about it and his branch of the project showing the power of DDL 
and D. Video can be found here: 


The one I was most looking forward to... and it definitely didn't 
dissapoint. Runtime recompilation/reloading? CRAZY!

Hehehe thanks, I actually think it's crazy too :D In case you haven't 
seen it, my Nucleus/Nucled project uses this system on a wider scale. A 
smallish demo can be seen in starting at about 

Tomasz Stachowiak
h3/h3r3tic on #D freenode

Re: Tango conference 2008 - Tomasz Stachowiak DDL talk [^H^H^H gamedev talk]

2008-11-19 Thread Tom S

Saaa wrote:

That is some amazing game dev framework!
How is everything licensed?

Thanks! MIT/BSD. There are licenses in a few spots, but we were too lazy 
to add them everywhere :P

For instance, I started out with loads of global variables and like almost 
no knowledge
about oop and now I better understand modules and oop, things get nicely 
packaged and

the global variable list is slinking.

Cool :) I hope you haven't exchanged them for singletons, which are for 
the most part excuses for having globals and pretending not to have them 
:P I usually shoot these on sight (unless they are justified) or replace 
them with thread-local stuff. This said, a few spots in the 'xf' stuff 
uses singletons, mostly because we didn't have the time/will to refactor 
them out ;)

Everything I made can not do much beyond what it should be doing (opposite 
the teamh0xf framework)
but that is what you get from being a one man show and try to focus half of 
my attention to

AI research :D

Oh, sweet! Perhaps we'll have someone to bug about AI for Deadlock when 
something is working again ;)

Why Cg? I used Cg for a bit but went back to GLSL because of its simplicity.

* access to the hot and latest NVidia extensions
* easy porting to DirectX ... just in case
* CgFX
* NVidia tools
* some support for pre-shader NVidia hardware, like the GeForce3

One last simple thing: In the Molly Rocket talk about immediate-mode guis a 
comment is made
about some games not holding true to the convention that releasing the mouse 
away from the

clicked button will not result in button click.
I think that in-game guis should not hold to this convention because of 
three things:

1. it is faster and holding to the convention could become quit annoying
2. highlighting the hot buttons is more elaborate in games (well most of the 
times of course)
3. faulty clicks are not that damaging 

Depends ;P I'd take an adaptive approach. Start with the 'normal' 
behavior, release it to testers and ask if they felt that any particular 
widgets/types of buttons should have a different behavior. Then just 
subclass the Button widget and be done with it.

Tomasz Stachowiak
h3/h3r3tic on #D freenode

Re: Tango Conference 2008 - Tomasz Stachowiak and Piotr Modzelewski

2008-11-07 Thread Tom S

bearophile wrote:

Writing very reliable library code (bulletproof, if possible) avoids you bugs 
later in all the code that uses that library code. Adding lot of unittests (covering even 
weird corner cases) to every function, class and template helps.

It is meant to be reliable, but not paranoid. You assume that the coder 
has too much time on his hands :P I see no reason anyone would want to 
create a 3d vector of strings for use with OMG.

Tomasz Stachowiak
h3/h3r3tic on #D freenode

Re: Tango Conference 2008 - Tomasz Stachowiak and Piotr Modzelewski gamedev

2008-11-06 Thread Tom S

bearophile wrote:

The serialization example, page 21 of the slides, is interesting. The 
API/syntax they use doesn't look too much readable, but such functionality is 
probably quite useful in certain kinds of D programs. So D may enjoy a little 
more handy ways to manage its reflective information. Avoiding most of such 
serialization hack.

I'd be more than happy to see some wider support from D in this regard, 
but for now we're stuck with D1 and such hacks ;)

The following code is cleaned/improved from the OMG:
But does it work? Strings turns up being summable, but if you actually add them you get 
an Array operations not implemented error:

Ah well, SFINAE fails here :P No sane person will be using these for 
strings anyway ;) The traits are used mostly to be inline documentation 
about what features the user defined type must provide.

Tomasz Stachowiak
h3/h3r3tic on #D freenode