Re: How to translate this C++ preprocessor declaration in D?

2013-05-24 Thread Heinz
Guys, i also did a templated version that yields the same output 
as the C++ program:

import std.stdio;

template makeId(char[4] id)
const makeId = id[0] << 24 | id[1] << 16 | id[2] << 8 | id[3];

const kPIHostBlendModeSignature = makeId!("8BIM");
const PIPowerPCCarbonCodeProperty = makeId!("ppcb");
const PIPowerPCMachOCodeProperty = makeId!("mach");
const PICodeMacIntel32Property = makeId!("mi32");
const PICodeMacIntel64Property = makeId!("mi64");

void main()

Thanks for your help.

Re: Problem with object understanding and datatypes

2013-05-24 Thread Juan Manuel Cabo

On Saturday, 25 May 2013 at 01:03:53 UTC, Namal wrote:

255 - 129 is less than 128 so the result is T.max, which is 
255, which is not equal to 0.

I dont understand this at all 255 - 129 should be 126 in ubyte 
or not?

I checked, and operation between two ubyte is an int. When you 
cast that int to ubyte, it gets its least significant byte 
represented as ubyte.

import std.stdio;

void main() {
ubyte x = 128;
ubyte y = 129;
writeln(cast(ubyte)(x - y)); //prints 255
writeln(x - y); //prints -1
writeln(typeof(x - y).stringof); //prints 'int' 

Also, I tried the code you pasted, and the reason it fails the 
asserts is that there's something wrong in the if conditions in 
opBinary (and also, that 'rhs.max - rhs._value' didn't compile).

The following makes your asserts pass:

static if (op == "-") {
if(_value < rhs._value)
return rhs.min;
static if (op == "+") {
if(_value > max._value - rhs._value)
return rhs.max;


Re: How to translate this C++ preprocessor declaration in D?

2013-05-24 Thread bearophile

Ali Çehreli:

If the multi-character literals are evaluated big-endian as 
Luís Marques and I guess, then you can use the following code:

Also, D defines version(BigEndian) and version(LittleEndian).


Re: How to translate this C++ preprocessor declaration in D?

2013-05-24 Thread Ali Çehreli

On 05/24/2013 05:49 PM, Heinz wrote:

If it really has single quotes then it is a multi-character literal,
value of which happens to be implementation-dependent. What is
actually in place of asdf there? May be we can guess the intent better.


Here're some examples:

#define PIPowerPCCarbonCodeProperty'ppcb'
#define PIPowerPCMachOCodeProperty'mach'
#define PICodeMacIntel32Property'mi32'
#define PICodeMacIntel32Property'mi64'

I'm porting the Photoshop SDK (CS6) to D. I already compiled a hybrid
plugin with DMC and DMD (it works) but now i want to make native D plugins.

I took liberty in renaming the last one of those macros. ;)

If the multi-character literals are evaluated big-endian as Luís Marques 
and I guess, then you can use the following code:

import std.stdio;

uint makeId(string s)
uint result = 0;

foreach (c; s) {
result <<= 8;
result += c;

return result;

enum kPIHostBlendModeSignature = makeId("8BIM");
enum PIPowerPCCarbonCodeProperty = makeId("ppcb");
enum PIPowerPCMachOCodeProperty = makeId("mach");
enum PICodeMacIntel32Property = makeId("mi32");
enum PICodeMacIntel64Property = makeId("mi64");

void main()

It produces the same output as the following C++ program on my system:


using namespace std;

#define PIPowerPCCarbonCodeProperty'ppcb'
#define PIPowerPCMachOCodeProperty'mach'
#define PICodeMacIntel32Property'mi32'
#define PICodeMacIntel64Property'mi64'

int main()
cout << kPIHostBlendModeSignature << '\n'
 << PIPowerPCCarbonCodeProperty << '\n'
 << PIPowerPCMachOCodeProperty << '\n'
 << PICodeMacIntel32Property << '\n'
 << PICodeMacIntel64Property << '\n';


Re: Problem with object understanding and datatypes

2013-05-24 Thread Namal

255 - 129 is less than 128 so the result is T.max, which is 
255, which is not equal to 0.

I dont understand this at all 255 - 129 should be 126 in ubyte or 

Re: How to translate this C++ preprocessor declaration in D?

2013-05-24 Thread Heinz
If it really has single quotes then it is a multi-character 
literal, value of which happens to be implementation-dependent. 
What is actually in place of asdf there? May be we can guess 
the intent better.


Here're some examples:

#define kPIHostBlendModeSignature   '8BIM'
#define PIPowerPCCarbonCodeProperty 'ppcb'
#define PIPowerPCMachOCodeProperty  'mach'
#define PICodeMacIntel32Property'mi32'
#define PICodeMacIntel32Property'mi64'

I'm porting the Photoshop SDK (CS6) to D. I already compiled a 
hybrid plugin with DMC and DMD (it works) but now i want to make 
native D plugins.

Re: How to translate this C++ preprocessor declaration in D?

2013-05-24 Thread Ali Çehreli

On 05/24/2013 05:02 PM, Heinz wrote:


I'm porting a C++ header (i'm not a C++ programmer) and came with the
following declaration:

#define my_id 'asdf'

How does this translate to D?


If it really has single quotes then it is a multi-character literal, 
value of which happens to be implementation-dependent. What is actually 
in place of asdf there? May be we can guess the intent better.


Re: How to translate this C++ preprocessor declaration in D?

2013-05-24 Thread Luís.Marques
I remember that there was a smarter way to do this, but you can 
do it manually. Something like:

immutable long my_id = 'a' << 24 + 'b' << 16 + 'c' << 8 + 'd';

Or you can create a CTFE function to do this from a string, which 
should be nicer, if you don't find an existing utility for this.

Re: How to translate this C++ preprocessor declaration in D?

2013-05-24 Thread Luís.Marques

On Saturday, 25 May 2013 at 00:07:02 UTC, Luís Marques wrote:

On Saturday, 25 May 2013 at 00:02:50 UTC, Heinz wrote:

#define my_id 'asdf'

Ah, sorry, didn't notice the single quotes.

Re: How to translate this C++ preprocessor declaration in D?

2013-05-24 Thread Luís.Marques

On Saturday, 25 May 2013 at 00:02:50 UTC, Heinz wrote:

#define my_id 'asdf'

string my_id = "asdf";

How to translate this C++ preprocessor declaration in D?

2013-05-24 Thread Heinz


I'm porting a C++ header (i'm not a C++ programmer) and came with 
the following declaration:

#define my_id 'asdf'

How does this translate to D?


Re: equivalent of __attribute__((constructor))

2013-05-24 Thread Ellery Newcomer

On 05/23/2013 11:39 PM, Jacob Carlborg wrote:

On 2013-05-24 02:02, Ellery Newcomer wrote:

posix.mak makes no reference to it

Then I guess it's not used. Just compile it manually and link with it. I
don't think that D has anything corresponding to
__attribute__((constructor)). I also see a problem with adding such
feature. It will be run before the runtime is initialized (that's how it
works now). Then people will start using it and complain about there
code failing in mysterious ways because the runtime isn't initialized.

so don't document it :)

Re: deducing function/delegate in template method

2013-05-24 Thread Luís.Marques

On Friday, 24 May 2013 at 22:37:49 UTC, Luís Marques wrote:
foo.addHandlers(delegate (int x) { /* if no scope access 
deduction fails */ });

(I meant that deduction would fail if the literal was not marked 
as a delegate)

deducing function/delegate in template method

2013-05-24 Thread Luís.Marques

In this code:

   // accepts a list of handlers, for the respective types
void addHandlers(T...)(T handlers)
foreach(handler; handlers)

// accepts one handler, for type T
void addHandler(T)(void delegate (T) handler)


foo.addHandler((int x) { /* always deduced as delegate */ });
foo.addHandlers(delegate (int x) { /* if no scope access 
deduction fails */ });

If I call addHandler with a function/delegate literal then DMD 
deduces that the literal has to be a delegate, but if I call 
addHandlers then I have to explicitly mark my function/delegate 
literal as a delegate, otherwise the template match will fail if 
the function/delegate literal does not access something from its 
scope. Couldn't DMD also deduce this correctly in this case?

Also, how can I change addHandler to accept delegates with 
heterogeneous varargs? Something like:

void addHandler(T...)(void delegate (T...) handler);

so that I can do:

foo.addHandler((int x, float y) { });

Re: Problem with object understanding and datatypes

2013-05-24 Thread Ali Çehreli

On 05/24/2013 01:19 PM, Namal wrote:

>  if(rhs.max - rhs._value < _value)

I had a compilation error so I had to change that line to the following:

if(T.max - rhs._value < _value){

>  assert(subyte(128) - subyte(129) == subyte(0));
> }
> But the last test does not pass.

255 - 129 is less than 128 so the result is T.max, which is 255, which 
is not equal to 0.

> Why does the minus operation is treated in signed datatype, while + is
> unsigned?

I don't think that is happening at all but the rules can get pretty 
confusing. See "Integer Promotions" and "Usual Arithmetic Conversions" 
should be known in general: :)


Problem with object understanding and datatypes

2013-05-24 Thread Namal
So the task is to write a struct  object for the saturation 
arithmetic. I tried first to write it for the unsigned Types:

struct Saturated(T)
if (isIntegral!T)
static assert (isUnsigned!T || isSigned!T);

static Saturated min() { return Saturated(T.min); }
static Saturated max() { return Saturated(T.max); }
static Saturated init() { return Saturated(T.init); }
Saturated opBinary(string op)(const Saturated rhs) const
if (op == "+" || op == "-" || op == "/")
static if (isUnsigned!T){
if(rhs.max - rhs._value < _value)
return rhs.max;
if(rhs._value > _value)
return rhs.min;
			return Saturated(cast(T)(mixin("_value " ~ op ~ " 

		return Saturated(cast(T)(mixin("_value " ~ op ~ " 


string toString() const
import std.conv;
return to!string(_value);

T _value;

alias subyte = Saturated!ubyte;
assert(subyte(254) + subyte(2) == subyte(255));
assert(subyte(100) + subyte(2) == subyte(102));
assert(subyte(10) - subyte(11) == subyte(0));
assert(subyte(128) - subyte(129) == subyte(0));

But the last test does not pass. Why does the minus operation is 
treated in signed datatype, while + is unsigned? Note that I do 
not know much about templates or methods. So pls execuse me if I 
do a major mistake here.

Re: Dispatching values to handlers, as in std.concurrency

2013-05-24 Thread Luís.Marques

On Tuesday, 7 May 2013 at 06:19:24 UTC, Idan Arye wrote:
If it's not templated - make it templated! You don't have to 
make the entire `TypeHanler` templated, just the method that 
creates it. There, you can create an anonymous function that 
receives `Object` and returns `bool` and all it does is check 
for type, and you can have a field in `TypeHandler` that keeps 
that function and uses it to check if it can handle a certain 

Thanks. It took me a while to understand what you meant, but it's 

Re: equivalent of __attribute__((constructor))

2013-05-24 Thread Johannes Pfau
Am Wed, 22 May 2013 21:27:00 -0700
schrieb Ellery Newcomer :

> In the context of shared libraries, with gcc
> __attribute__((constructor))
> void myfunc() { .. }
> is used to make myfunc be called upon loading of the shared library
> (you can tell I know what I am talking about here) via some field in
> the ELF headers, apparently. Is there any way to get our trusty d
> compilers to do the equivalent?
> Sure, Ellery, we have this awesome feature called module
> constructors. Check em out.
> Ehh, I would be using this to initialize druntime...
> You could just define _init, couldn't you?
> Yes, but there is only one _init, while the above can be used with 
> multiple functions and thus wouldn't inadvertently cause important
> code to not run. If I don't have to, I'd rather not.
> Wait, why are you initializing druntime?
> Because druntime isn't set up to do it yet for c main calling d
> shared lib. You'd think it would need the same sort of functionality
> when it does implement it, though.

LDC has got #pragma(LDC_global_crt_[c/d]tor) for this, see

We will at some point implement something similar in gdc. I don't know
about dmd though.

Re: What xml libraries are people using?

2013-05-24 Thread Benjamin Thaut

Am 02.03.2013 09:03, schrieb simendsjo:

Everyone says "Don't use std.xml", and there are several other libraries.
Which can you recommend? (I haven't looked closely at any of them, just
some links found by googling)

I'm using a port of tinyxml I did myself:

Kind Regards
Benjamin Thaut

Re: Passing large or complex data structures to threads

2013-05-24 Thread Ali Çehreli

On 05/24/2013 06:26 AM, Joseph Rushton Wakeling wrote:

> Are there any recommended strategies for passing large or complex data
> structures (particularly reference types) to threads?

std.concurrency works with shared data.

> For the purpose of this discussion we can assume that it's read-only 
> data

The following simple example uses mutable data but it should work with 
'const' too.

import std.stdio;
import std.concurrency;
import std.typecons;
import core.thread;

alias DataElement = Tuple!(size_t, size_t);
alias DataRow = DataElement[];
alias Data = DataRow[];

enum size_t totalRows = 4;

void func(Tid owner, shared(Data) data, size_t rowId)
foreach (ref element; data[rowId]) {
element[0] *= 10;
element[1] *= 10;

shared(Data) makeData()
shared(Data) data;

foreach (size_t row; 0 .. totalRows) {
shared(DataRow) dataRow;

foreach (size_t col; 0 .. 10) {
dataRow ~= tuple(row, col);

data ~= dataRow;

return data;

void main()
shared(Data) data = makeData();

writeln("before: ", data);
foreach (rowId, row; data) {
// Instead of 'data' and 'rowId', the child could take
// its own row (not tested)
spawn(&func, thisTid, data, rowId);

writeln("after : ", data);


Re: class MyClass(T) : Base if (ConstraintExpression) {} compilation error

2013-05-24 Thread Maxim Fomin

On Friday, 24 May 2013 at 14:49:24 UTC, ref2401 wrote:

Version D 2.062

Please explain what is causing the error

class Base
{ }

class Class(T) : Base
if (is(T == int))
{ }

Error: unrecognized declaration
Error: members expected
Error: Declaration expected, not 'if'
Error: { } expected following aggregate declaration

because dmd acts as grammar nazi:

ClassTemplateDeclaration: class Identifier ( 
TemplateParameterList ) Constraintopt BaseClassListopt ClassBody

Re: class MyClass(T) : Base if (ConstraintExpression) {} compilation error

2013-05-24 Thread Simen Kjaeraas

On 2013-05-24, 16:49, ref2401 wrote:

Version D 2.062

Please explain what is causing the error

class Base
{ }

class Class(T) : Base
if (is(T == int))
{ }

Error: unrecognized declaration
Error: members expected
Error: Declaration expected, not 'if'
Error: { } expected following aggregate declaration

I'm confused too. This works:

class Base
{ }

class Class(T)
if (is(T == int)) : Base
{ }

void foo() {
   Base a = new Class!int;


class MyClass(T) : Base if (ConstraintExpression) {} compilation error

2013-05-24 Thread ref2401

Version D 2.062

Please explain what is causing the error

class Base
{ }

class Class(T) : Base
if (is(T == int))
{ }

Error: unrecognized declaration
Error: members expected
Error: Declaration expected, not 'if'
Error: { } expected following aggregate declaration

Re: Passing large or complex data structures to threads

2013-05-24 Thread Simen Kjaeraas

On 2013-05-24, 15:26, Joseph Rushton Wakeling wrote:

Hello all,

Are there any recommended strategies for passing large or complex data
structures (particularly reference types) to threads?

For the purpose of this discussion we can assume that it's read-only  
data, so if
we're talking about just an array (albeit perhaps a large one) I guess  
passing an .idup copy would be best.  However, the practical situation I  
have is

a data structure of the form,

Tuple!(size_t, size_t)[][]

... which I _could_ .idup, but it's a little bit of a hassle to do so,  
so I'm

wondering if there are alternative ways or suggestions.

First, *is* it read-only? If so, store it as immutable and enjoy free
sharing. If not, how and why not?


Re: What xml libraries are people using?

2013-05-24 Thread Gary Willoughby

On Saturday, 2 March 2013 at 18:42:13 UTC, Andrej Mitrovic wrote:

On 3/2/13, simendsjo  wrote:

Which can you recommend?

I use ae's lite xml library:

It's not a monster but thanks to UFCS I can easily extend it to 
what I want. For some trivial xml parsing which I needed it was 

(OTOH std.xml is a segfaulting monster).

Has anyone got any examples of using this library? Reading nodes, 
attributes etc.

Passing large or complex data structures to threads

2013-05-24 Thread Joseph Rushton Wakeling
Hello all,

Are there any recommended strategies for passing large or complex data
structures (particularly reference types) to threads?

For the purpose of this discussion we can assume that it's read-only data, so if
we're talking about just an array (albeit perhaps a large one) I guess just
passing an .idup copy would be best.  However, the practical situation I have is
a data structure of the form,

Tuple!(size_t, size_t)[][]

... which I _could_ .idup, but it's a little bit of a hassle to do so, so I'm
wondering if there are alternative ways or suggestions.

The actual way I found to "solve" this problem (for now) was that, since the
data in question is loaded from a file, I just got each thread to load the file
separately.  However, this runs into a different problem -- the function(s)
required to load and interpret the file may vary, and may require different
input, which requires manual rewriting of the thread function when it needs to
be changed (it's a tolerable but annoying solution).  I guess I could solve this
by passing the thread a delegate, or maybe employ mixins ... ?

Anyway, I thought I'd throw the question open in case others can suggest better

Thanks & best wishes,

 -- Joe

Convert 1080/60p AVCHD Videos to Mac FCP Compatible 1080/60p ProRes

2013-05-24 Thread daisy520

Convert 1080/60p AVCHD Videos to Mac FCP Compatible 1080/60p
AVCHD to 1080/60p ProRes 422 (HQ) Converter - Panasonic HS700 to

Do you face any problem when trying to import the 1080/60p or
180/50p AVCHD videos from Panasonic HDC-HS700 to Final Cut
Studio? In the Panasonic HS700 camera manual, you may find the
page 129 of the instruction manual says 1080/60p cannot be
imported to a mac. Not to say to log and transfer the 1080/60p
files to FCP.

Apple ProRes 422 will be the intermediate codec for FCP to
transcode from the supported 1080i videos. However, for the
unsupported 1080/60p or 1080/50p AVCHD videos, it would be
perfect to get Apple ProRes 422 (HQ) for Final Cut Pro. Aunsoft
Video Converter for Mac is the recommended AVCHD to 1080/60p
ProRes 422 (HQ) converter on Mac OS X to edit videos in highest
quality like uncompressed and lossless videos.

Below is the simple step-by-step guide for camcorder and camera
users about how to keep and maintain 1080p 60fps/50fps from
Panasonic HS700 to ProRes 422 (HQ) for FCP.

Step 1. Download HS700 files to AVCHD MTS/M2TS to FCP Converter
for Mac.
Run Aunsoft Video Converter for Mac as the best Panasonic HS700
AVCHD videos to Apple ProRes 422 converter, click the "Add"
button to import .mts files from the camcorder folder like AVCHD

Step 2. Choose ProRes 422 (HQ) codec.
Click the "Format" option, and navigate to Final Cut Pro > Apple
ProRes 422(HQ) (*.mov) as output format. The Mac 1080/60p video
converter will transcode AVCHD .mts files to ProRes 422 (HQ) .mov.

As the AVCHD 1080/60p video is with high data rate, it is
recommended to use Apple ProRes 422 (HQ) as output codec, instead
of Apple ProRes 422 (LT), Apple ProRes 422 (Proxy). The
alternative codec is Apple ProRes 422, which includes lower data
rate than the HQ codec.

Step 3. Choose 1080p size with 60 or 50fps.
Click the "Settings" button and choose 1920*1080 from the video
size drop-down box to keep the original HD resolution. Click the
drop-down box for frame rate, and choose 60fps or 50fps as output
video frame rate. The frame rate option depends on your source
videos in NTSC or PAL model. Click the OK button to save the
changes and the Mac AVCHD video converter will convert 1080/60p
AVCHD videos to Mac FCP compatible 1080/60p ProRes 422 native

Step 4. Convert HS700 1080/60p to ProRes 422 HQ on Mac for FCP.
Click the convert button under the preview window, and the Mac
HS700 AVCHD to FCP native format converter will start converting
HD 1080 to 1080/60p for FCP on Mac Non-linear editing.

Hope you enjoy the steps above to get Panasonic HS700 1080p
60fps/50fps to ProRes 422 (HQ) for Final Cut Pro , Final Cut Pro
7, Final Cut Studio.

1. To get videos and audio in perfect sync, you shall install
Final Cut Pro before choosing the Apple ProRes 422 and other
profiles under the Final Cut Pro group in Aunsoft Video Converter.