Re: Implementing Haskell's Type-Level Quicksort in D

2014-02-14 Thread bearophile

Philippe Sigaud:

So yes, D does not have Haskell nice syntax for pattern 

I'd like some of such syntax for templates (and a little 
different syntax added to match structs inside switch statements: ).


Re: how to iterate over an AA by key-value pair (tuple)?

2014-02-14 Thread bearophile

Timothee Cour:

auto byKeyValue(){...}

It's probably better to call the method byPair that is shorter.

If I/someone does it, will it be merged in?

Some people want those pairs to be tuples. But D lacks built-in 
tuples, so you need to use typecons ones. But to use the typecons 
ones you need to import half Phobos. It seems there is no good 


Re: how to iterate over an AA by key-value pair (tuple)?

2014-02-14 Thread Jakob Ovrum

On Friday, 14 February 2014 at 07:35:34 UTC, Timothee Cour wrote:

That seems like a worthy enhancement.
If I/someone does it, will it be merged in?

I really want it to happen, but I also want it to happen right.

See the relevant pull request[1].


Re: Ranges, constantly frustrating

2014-02-14 Thread Regan Heath
On Fri, 14 Feb 2014 02:48:51 -, Jesse Phillips wrote:

On Thursday, 13 February 2014 at 14:30:41 UTC, Regan Heath wrote:
Don't get me wrong, counting the elements as you iterate over them is  
useful, but it isn't the index into the range you're likely after.

Nope, not what I am after.  If I was, I'd iterate over the original  
range instead or keep a line count manually.

Maybe a better way to phrase this is, while counting may be what you're  
implementation needs, it is not immediately obvious what 'i' should be.  
Someone who desires an index into the original array will expect 'i' to  
be that; even though it can be explained that .take() is not the same  
range as the original.

Thus it is better to be explicit with the .enumerate function.

FWIW I disagree.  I think it's immediately and intuitively obvious what  
'i' should be when you're foreaching over X items taken from another  
range, even if you do not know take returns another range.  Compare it to  
calling a function on a range and foreaching on the result, you would  
intuitively and immediately expect 'i' to relate to the result, not the  


Using Opera's revolutionary email client:

Re: Ranges, constantly frustrating

2014-02-14 Thread Jakob Ovrum

On Friday, 14 February 2014 at 12:10:51 UTC, Regan Heath wrote:
FWIW I disagree.  I think it's immediately and intuitively 
obvious what 'i' should be when you're foreaching over X items 
taken from another range, even if you do not know take returns 
another range.  Compare it to calling a function on a range and 
foreaching on the result, you would intuitively and immediately 
expect 'i' to relate to the result, not the input.


How should it behave on ranges without length, such as infinite 

Also, `enumerate` has the advantage of the `start` parameter, 
which usefulness is demonstrated in `enumerate`'s example as well 
as in an additional example in the bug report.

I'm not yet sure whether I think it should be implemented at the 
language or library level, but I think the library approach has 
some advantages.

inverse of escapeShellCommand?

2014-02-14 Thread Timothee Cour
is there a function to get the inverse of escapeShellCommand?

assert(escapeShellCommandInverse(`  foo   'hello world'  `)==[`foo`, `hello

Re: Ranges, constantly frustrating

2014-02-14 Thread bearophile

Regan Heath:

FWIW I disagree.  I think it's immediately and intuitively 
obvious what 'i' should be when you're foreaching over X items 
taken from another range, even if you do not know take returns 
another range.  Compare it to calling a function on a range and 
foreaching on the result, you would intuitively and immediately 
expect 'i' to relate to the result, not the input.

Using enumerate has several advantages. It gives a bit longer 
code, but it keeps as much complexity as possible out of the 
language. So the language gets simpler to implement and its 
compiler is smaller and simpler to debug.

Also, using enumerate is more explicit, if you have an 
associative array you can iterate it in many ways:

foreach (v; AA) {}
foreach (k, v; AA) {}
foreach (k; AA.byKeys) {}
foreach (i, k; AA.byKeys.enumerate) {}
foreach (i, v; AA.byValues.enumerate) {}
foreach (k, v; AA.byPairs) {}
foreach (i, k, v; AA.byPairs.enumerate) {}

If you want all those schemes built in a language (and to use 
them without adding .enumerate) you risk making a mess. In this 
case explicit is better than implicit.

Python does the same with its enumerate function and keeps the 
for loop simple:

for k in my_dict: pass
for i, v in enumerate(my_dict.itervalues()): pass

In D we have a mess because tuples are not built-in. Instead of 
having a built-in functionality similar to what enumerate does, 
it's WAY better to have built-in tuples. Finding what's important 
and what is not important to have as built-ins in a language is 
an essential and subtle design problem.


Re: Implementing Haskell's Type-Level Quicksort in D

2014-02-14 Thread Meta
On Friday, 14 February 2014 at 06:05:08 UTC, Philippe Sigaud 

`alias` is just a bit of syntax sugar, it does not (at least for
2.064) have the same power than fully defining a template and 
the `is(...)` expression.

Right. What I was saying, however, is it is strange to me that 
this code will compile:

alias numPred(N: Succ!a, a) = a;

struct Number(a)
if (is(a == Zero) || is(a == Succ!x, x))

enum numValue(N: Number!Zero) = 0;
enum numValue(N: Number!x, x) = numValue!(Number!(numPred!x)) + 1;

assert(numValue!(Number!Zero) == 0);
assert(numValue!(Number!Four) == 4);

While this code won't:

struct Nil{}
struct Cons(a, b) {}

alias list1 = Cons!(Three, Cons!(Two, Cons!(Four, Cons!(One, 

alias numlHead(L: Cons!(a, b), a, b) = a;

alias numlTail(L: Cons!(a, b), a, b) = b;

assert(is(numlHead!list1 == Three));

Since list1 is a roughly similar construction to 
Number!(Succ!(Succ!(Succ!(Succ!Zero, it is surprising to me 
that the template matching system can correctly destructure the 
latter, while not the former. This is obviously a bug, I'm just 
surprised that it exists.

So yes, D does not have Haskell nice syntax for pattern 
matching. You can do some pattern matching using templates,

but it tends to be a bit heavier than ML/F#/Haskell.

While it is heavier than Haskell's syntax, I have been 
consistently and pleasantly surprised by how powerful D's 
template pattern matching is (bugs notwithstanding). I wonder how 
well-known this is outside this mailing list...

(Some would say that at least D does not force you to encode 
numbers as succ/zero list, since you can use numbers directly 
as template args, but that's another story).

Sure, but I want to stay as close to the original Haskell as 
possible (and Peano Numbers are pretty damn cool anyway).

Re: Implementing Haskell's Type-Level Quicksort in D

2014-02-14 Thread bearophile


While it is heavier than Haskell's syntax, I have been 
consistently and pleasantly surprised by how powerful D's 
template pattern matching is (bugs notwithstanding). I wonder 
how well-known this is outside this mailing list...

I keep reading blog posts that use Haskell and present supposed 
marvels, using very complex things, that can be routinely done 
in D, and with less complexity for the brain of the programer, 
often leading to faster code and equally safe :-) So while I like 
several parts of Haskell, it's sometimes over-hyped (while D is 
nearly invisible).


Optimize my code =)

2014-02-14 Thread Robin


I am fairly new to the D programming and still reading throught 
the awesome online book at
However, I think it is missing some things or I am missing 
glasses and overlooked these parts in the book.^^

Currently I am trying to write a very simple Matrix library for 
some minor linear algebra operations such as calculating 
determine, some simple compositions etc. I am aware that this 
probably has been done already and I am mainly focusing learning 
D with this project. =)

I already wrote a similar Matrix library for Java and C++ with 
more or less the same algorithms in order to benchmark these 

As I am very new to D I instantly ran into certain optimizing 
issues. E.g. the simple matrix multiplication based in my java 
implementation requires about 1.5 secs for multiplying two 
1000x1000 matrices, however my D implementation requires 39 
seconds without compiler optimizations and about 14 seconds with 
-inline, -O, -noboundscheck and -release. So I am sure that I 
just missed some possible optimization routines for D and that I 
could miss entire patters used in D to write more optimized code 
- especially when looking at the const and immutability concepts.

I won't paste the whole code, just the important parts.

class Matrix(T = double) {
private T[] data;
private Dimension dim;

This is my class with its templated data as a one dimensional 
array (as I don't like jagged-arrays) and a dimension (which is a 
struct). The dimension object has some util functionality such as 
getting the total size or mapping (row, col) to a one-dimensional 
index besides the getter for rows and columns.

this(size_t rows, size_t cols) {
this.dim = Dimension(rows, cols); = new T[this.dim.size];
enum nil = to!T(0);
foreach(ref T element; element = nil;

This is one of the constructor. Its task is just to create a new 
Matrix instance filled with what is 0 for the templated value - 
don't know if there is a better approach for this. I experienced 
that floating point values are sadly initialized with nan which 
isn't what I wanted - double.init = nan.

I am using opIndex and opIndexAssign in order to access and 
assign the matrix values:

T opIndex(size_t row, size_t col) const {
immutable size_t i = this.dim.offset(row, col);
if (i = this.dim.size) {
// TODO - have to learn exception handling in D first. :P

Which calls:

size_t size() @property const {
return this.rows * this.cols;

I think and hope that this is getting optimized via inlining. =)
This works similar for opIndexAssign.

The function I am mainly benchmarking is the simple matrix 
multiplication where one of the multiplied matrices is tranposed 
first in order to improve cache hit ratio.

Matrix opMul(ref const(Matrix) other) {
	if (this.dim.rows != other.dim.cols || this.dim.cols != 
ther.dim.rows) {

// TODO - still have to learn exception handling first ...
auto m = new Matrix(this.dim.rows, other.dim.cols);
auto s = new Matrix(other).transposeAssign();
size_t r1, r2, c;
T sum;
for (r1 = 0; r1  this.dim.rows; ++r1) {
for (r2 = 0; r2  other.dim.rows; ++r2) {
sum = to!T(0);
for (c = 0; c  this.dim.cols; ++c) {
sum += this[r1, c] * other[r2, c];
m[r1, r2] = sum;
return m;

I am aware that there are faster algorithms for matrix 
multiplication but I am mainly learning how to write efficient D 
code in general and not based on any algorithm.

This is more or less the same algorithm I am using with java and 
c++. Both require about 1.5 secs (after java warm-up) to perform 
this task for two 1000x1000 matrices. D compiled with DMD takes 
about 14 seconds with all (known-to-me) optimize flag activated. 
(listed above)

I wanted to make s an immutable matrix in order to hopefully 
improve performance via this change, however I wasn't technically 
able to do this to be honest.

Besides that I can't find a way how to make a use of move 
semantics like in C++. For example a rvalue-move-constructor or a 
move-assign would be a very nice thing for many tasks.

I am not quite sure also if it is normal in D to make an idup 
function as slices have which creates an immutable copy of your 
object. And are there important things I have to do while 
implementing an idup method for this matrix class?

Another nice thing to know would be if it is possible to 
initialize an array before it is default initialized with T.init 
where T is the type of the array's fields. In C++ e.g. there is 
no default initialization which is nice if you have to initialize 
every single field anyway. E.g. in a Matrix.random() 

Re: Optimize my code =)

2014-02-14 Thread Craig Dillabaugh

On Friday, 14 February 2014 at 16:00:09 UTC, Robin wrote:

this(size_t rows, size_t cols) {
this.dim = Dimension(rows, cols); = new T[this.dim.size];
enum nil = to!T(0);
foreach(ref T element; element = nil;

I am no expert at optimizing D code, so this is a bit of a shot 
in the dark, but does your speed improve at all if you replace: = new T[this.dim.size];

with: = this.dim.size

Re: Optimize my code =)

2014-02-14 Thread John Colvin
On Friday, 14 February 2014 at 16:40:31 UTC, Craig Dillabaugh 

On Friday, 14 February 2014 at 16:00:09 UTC, Robin wrote:

this(size_t rows, size_t cols) {
this.dim = Dimension(rows, cols); = new T[this.dim.size];
enum nil = to!T(0);
foreach(ref T element; element = nil;

I am no expert at optimizing D code, so this is a bit of a shot 
in the dark, but does your speed improve at all if you replace: = new T[this.dim.size];

with: = this.dim.size

Why would that make a difference here? They're (almost) identical 
are they not? Certainly the body of the work, the allocation 
itself, is the same.

Re: Optimize my code =)

2014-02-14 Thread bearophile


class Matrix(T = double) {
private T[] data;
private Dimension dim;

Also try final class or struct in your benchmark. And try to 
use ldc2 compiler for performance benchmarks.

Perhaps dim is better const, unless you want to change the shape 
of the matrix.

this(size_t rows, size_t cols) {
this.dim = Dimension(rows, cols); = new T[this.dim.size];
enum nil = to!T(0);
foreach(ref T element; element = nil;


this(in size_t rows, in size_t cols) pure nothrow {
this.dim = Dimension(rows, cols); = 
minimallyInitializedArray!(typeof(data))(this.dim.size);[] = to!T(0);

I experienced that floating point values are sadly initialized 
with nan which isn't what I wanted - double.init = nan.

This is actually a good feature of D language :-)

T opIndex(size_t row, size_t col) const {
immutable size_t i = this.dim.offset(row, col);
if (i = this.dim.size) {
// TODO - have to learn exception handling in D first. :P

Look in D docs for the contract programming.

Also add the pure nothrow attributes.

Which calls:

size_t size() @property const {
return this.rows * this.cols;

I think and hope that this is getting optimized via inlining. =)

Currently class methods are virtual, and currently D compilers 
are not inlining virtual calls much. The solution is to use a 
final class, final methods, etc.

This works similar for opIndexAssign.

The function I am mainly benchmarking is the simple matrix 
multiplication where one of the multiplied matrices is 
tranposed first in order to improve cache hit ratio.

Transposing the whole matrix before the multiplication is not 
efficient. Better to do it more lazily.

auto m = new Matrix(this.dim.rows, other.dim.cols);
auto s = new Matrix(other).transposeAssign();
size_t r1, r2, c;
T sum;
for (r1 = 0; r1  this.dim.rows; ++r1) {
for (r2 = 0; r2  other.dim.rows; ++r2) {

Better to define r1, r2 inside the for. Or often even better to 
use a foreach with interval.

D compiled with DMD takes about 14 seconds with all 
(known-to-me) optimize flag activated. (listed above)

DMD is not efficient with floating point values. Try ldc2 or gdc 
compilers (I suggest ldc2).

I wanted to make s an immutable matrix in order to hopefully 
improve performance via this change,

Most times immutability worsens performance, unless you are 
passing data across threads.

however I wasn't technically able to do this to be honest.

It's not too much hard to use immutability in D.

Besides that I can't find a way how to make a use of move 
semantics like in C++. For example a rvalue-move-constructor or 
a move-assign would be a very nice thing for many tasks.

That adds too much complexity to .

Another nice thing to know would be if it is possible to 
initialize an array before it is default initialized with 
T.init where T is the type of the array's fields. In C++ e.g. 
there is no default initialization which is nice if you have to 
initialize every single field anyway. E.g. in a Matrix.random() 
method which creates a matrix with random values. There it is 
unnecessary that the (sometimes huge) array is completely 
initialized with the type's init value.

It's done by the function that I have used above, from the 
std.array module.


Re: Optimize my code =)

2014-02-14 Thread bearophile

Craig Dillabaugh: = new T[this.dim.size];

with: = this.dim.size

It's the same thing.


Re: Ranges, constantly frustrating

2014-02-14 Thread Regan Heath
On Fri, 14 Feb 2014 13:14:51 -, bearophile  

Regan Heath:

FWIW I disagree.  I think it's immediately and intuitively obvious what  
'i' should be when you're foreaching over X items taken from another  
range, even if you do not know take returns another range.  Compare it  
to calling a function on a range and foreaching on the result, you  
would intuitively and immediately expect 'i' to relate to the result,  
not the input.

Using enumerate has several advantages.

In my case I didn't need any of these.  Simple things should be simple and  
intuitive to write.  Yes, we want enumerate *as well* especially for the  
more complex cases but we also want the basics to be simple, intuitive and  

That's all I'm saying here.  This seems to me to be very low hanging fruit.


Using Opera's revolutionary email client:

Re: Ranges, constantly frustrating

2014-02-14 Thread Regan Heath
On Fri, 14 Feb 2014 12:29:49 -, Jakob Ovrum  

On Friday, 14 February 2014 at 12:10:51 UTC, Regan Heath wrote:
FWIW I disagree.  I think it's immediately and intuitively obvious what  
'i' should be when you're foreaching over X items taken from another  
range, even if you do not know take returns another range.  Compare it  
to calling a function on a range and foreaching on the result, you  
would intuitively and immediately expect 'i' to relate to the result,  
not the input.


How should it behave on ranges without length, such as infinite ranges?

In exactly the same way.  It just counts up until you break out of the  
foreach, or the 'i' value wraps around.  In fact the behaviour I want is  
so trivial I think it could be provided by foreach itself, for iterations  
of anything.  In which case whether 'i' was conceptually an index or  
simply a count would depend on whether the range passed to foreach  
(after all skip, take, etc) was itself indexable.

Also, `enumerate` has the advantage of the `start` parameter, which  
usefulness is demonstrated in `enumerate`'s example as well as in an  
additional example in the bug report.

Sure, if you need more functionality reach for enumerate.  We can have  
both;  sensible default behaviour AND enumerate for more complicated  
cases.  In my case, enumerate w/ start wouldn't have helped (my file was  
blocks of 6 lines, where I wanted to skip lines 1, 3, and 6 *of each  

I'm not yet sure whether I think it should be implemented at the  
language or library level, but I think the library approach has some  

Certainly, for the more complex usage.  But I reckon we want both  
enumerate and a simple language solution which would do what I've been  
trying to describe.


Using Opera's revolutionary email client:

Re: Optimize my code =)

2014-02-14 Thread Craig Dillabaugh

On Friday, 14 February 2014 at 16:47:32 UTC, John Colvin wrote:
On Friday, 14 February 2014 at 16:40:31 UTC, Craig Dillabaugh 

On Friday, 14 February 2014 at 16:00:09 UTC, Robin wrote:

this(size_t rows, size_t cols) {
this.dim = Dimension(rows, cols); = new T[this.dim.size];
enum nil = to!T(0);
foreach(ref T element; element = nil;

I am no expert at optimizing D code, so this is a bit of a 
shot in the dark, but does your speed improve at all if you 
replace: = new T[this.dim.size];

with: = this.dim.size

Why would that make a difference here? They're (almost) 
identical are they not? Certainly the body of the work, the 
allocation itself, is the same.

Well, in my defense I did start with a disclaimer.  For some 
reason I thought using .length was the proper way to size arrays. 
  It is likely faster if you are resizing an existing array 
(especially downward), but in this case new memory is being 
allocated anyway.

In fact I ran some tests (just allocating a matrix over and over) 
and it seems using new is consistently faster than using .length 
(by about a second for 5 matrices).  Shows how much I know.

Re: Optimize my code =)

2014-02-14 Thread Chris Cain

On Friday, 14 February 2014 at 16:00:09 UTC, Robin wrote:
This is my class with its templated data as a one dimensional 
array (as I don't like jagged-arrays) and a dimension (which is 
a struct). The dimension object has some util functionality 
such as getting the total size or mapping (row, col) to a 
one-dimensional index besides the getter for rows and columns.

Are you sure you need a class here? If you're not using 
inheritance, structs can be much faster.

this(size_t rows, size_t cols) {
this.dim = Dimension(rows, cols); = new T[this.dim.size];
enum nil = to!T(0);
foreach(ref T element; element = nil;

You don't need to use here (ditto for when you 
initialize sum later). This should work and is clearer:

foreach(ref T element; element = 0;

(You can do `double item = 0;` and it knows enough to store the 
double equivalent of 0)

In the case of initializing sum, I'm not sure the compiler is 
folding `sum = to!T(0);` thus you could be getting a lot of 
overhead from that. Using is fine but it does 
actually do checks in the conversion process, so it can be 
expensive in tight loops. Since you're just using a constant 0 
here, there's no reason to use

The function I am mainly benchmarking is the simple matrix 
multiplication where one of the multiplied matrices is 
tranposed first in order to improve cache hit ratio.

Did you benchmark first to make sure this actually improves 
performance? It seems to me like doing the transpose would 
require the same cache-missing that you'd get in the actual use. 
If you were caching it and using it multiple times, this would 
probably be more beneficial. General tip for optimizing: 
benchmark before and after every optimization you do. I've been 
surprised to find some of my ideas for optimizations slowed 
things down before.

Another nice thing to know would be if it is possible to 
initialize an array before it is default initialized with 
T.init where T is the type of the array's fields.

Re: Ranges, constantly frustrating

2014-02-14 Thread bearophile

Regan Heath:

In my case I didn't need any of these.

I don't understand.


Re: Ranges, constantly frustrating

2014-02-14 Thread bearophile
Isn't this discussion about adding an index to a range? If it is, 
then I have shown why adding it in the language is a bad idea.


Re: Optimize my code =)

2014-02-14 Thread bearophile

Chris Cain:

minimallyInitializedArray should be used, because it's safer.


Re: Optimize my code =)

2014-02-14 Thread thedeemon

On Friday, 14 February 2014 at 16:00:09 UTC, Robin wrote:

class Matrix(T = double) {
T opIndex(size_t row, size_t col) const {

First of all make sure you it's not virtual, otherwise each 
element access will cost you enough to make it 10x slower than 

Re: Optimize my code =)

2014-02-14 Thread Xinok

On Friday, 14 February 2014 at 16:56:29 UTC, bearophile wrote:

Craig Dillabaugh: = new T[this.dim.size];

with: = this.dim.size

It's the same thing.


Not quite. Setting length will copy over the existing contents of 
the array. Using new simply sets every element to .init.

Granted, is empty meaning there's nothing to copy over, 
so there's a negligible overhead which may be optimized out by 
the compiler anyways.

There's also the uninitializedArray function:

Re: Optimize my code =)

2014-02-14 Thread Kapps

On Friday, 14 February 2014 at 16:00:09 UTC, Robin wrote:
As I am very new to D I instantly ran into certain optimizing 
issues. E.g. the simple matrix multiplication based in my java 
implementation requires about 1.5 secs for multiplying two 
1000x1000 matrices, however my D implementation requires 39 
seconds without compiler optimizations and about 14 seconds 
with -inline, -O, -noboundscheck and -release. So I am sure 
that I just missed some possible optimization routines for D 
and that I could miss entire patters used in D to write more 
optimized code - especially when looking at the const and 
immutability concepts.

Try with and without -noboundscheck. Sometimes using it seems to
make things slower, which is odd.

Also, compiling for 64-bit may help significantly. When you
compile for 32-bit, you won't get benefits of SIMD instructions
as it's not guaranteed to be supported by the CPU. Since Java
runs a JIT, it would use these SIMD instructions.

Also, you'll get significantly faster code if you use LDC or GDC.

class Matrix(T = double) {
private T[] data;
private Dimension dim;

This should be final class or struct, you don't need virtual

This is my class with its templated data as a one dimensional 
array (as I don't like jagged-arrays) and a dimension (which is 
a struct). The dimension object has some util functionality 
such as getting the total size or mapping (row, col) to a 
one-dimensional index besides the getter for rows and columns.

this(size_t rows, size_t cols) {
this.dim = Dimension(rows, cols); = new T[this.dim.size];
enum nil = to!T(0);
foreach(ref T element; element = nil;

You don't need to!T for setting to 0, just use plain 0. Using
this to will probably result in overhead. Note that this may
evaluated every time you use 'nil', so using a constant will help.

T opIndex(size_t row, size_t col) const {
immutable size_t i = this.dim.offset(row, col);
if (i = this.dim.size) {
// TODO - have to learn exception handling in D first. :P

You're using -noboundscheck then manually implementing bounds
checks, and probably less efficiently than the compiler does.
Either change this to an assert, or remove it. In either case,
the compiler will do it's own built in bounds checking.

This call is especially expensive since you're doing entirely
virtual methods because you specified class instead of final
class or using a struct. None of your Matrix calls will be

Which calls:

size_t size() @property const {
return this.rows * this.cols;

I think and hope that this is getting optimized via inlining. =)
This works similar for opIndexAssign.

Not unless you final class / struct.

The function I am mainly benchmarking is the simple matrix 
multiplication where one of the multiplied matrices is 
tranposed first in order to improve cache hit ratio.

Matrix opMul(ref const(Matrix) other) {
	if (this.dim.rows != other.dim.cols || this.dim.cols != 
ther.dim.rows) {

// TODO - still have to learn exception handling first ...
auto m = new Matrix(this.dim.rows, other.dim.cols);
auto s = new Matrix(other).transposeAssign();
size_t r1, r2, c;
T sum;
for (r1 = 0; r1  this.dim.rows; ++r1) {
for (r2 = 0; r2  other.dim.rows; ++r2) {
sum = to!T(0);
for (c = 0; c  this.dim.cols; ++c) {
sum += this[r1, c] * other[r2, c];
m[r1, r2] = sum;
return m;

These allocations may potentially hurt.
Also, again, the virtual calls here are a huge hit.
Using to!T(0) is also a waste of performance, as youc an just do
straight 0.

I am aware that there are faster algorithms for matrix 
multiplication but I am mainly learning how to write efficient 
D code in general and not based on any algorithm.

Using SIMD instructions manually would of course be much, much,
faster, but I understand that it defeats the point somewhat and
is much more ugly.

This is more or less the same algorithm I am using with java 
and c++. Both require about 1.5 secs (after java warm-up) to 
perform this task for two 1000x1000 matrices. D compiled with 
DMD takes about 14 seconds with all (known-to-me) optimize flag 
activated. (listed above)

If you used LDC or GDC 64-bit with the changes above, I'd guess
it would be similar. I wouldn't expect D to out-perform Java much
for this particular scenario, there's very little going on and
the JIT should be able to optimize it quite well with SIMD stuff.

I wanted to make s an immutable matrix in order to hopefully 
improve performance via this change, however I wasn't 
technically able to do this to be honest.

I don't think this would improve performance.

Reading input from piped stdin.

2014-02-14 Thread Thomas

I'm new to D, and I find it quite enjoyable so far.
I have however stumbled upon a problem which I can't seem to
figure out.

I am trying to make a program that creates a child process,
writes something to the child process stdin and reading from its
stdout. I am going to use it later for testing out process pair

Appearently the child blocks at s = stdin.readln(). If I remove
all writing to the child, and instead just read its output,
everything works fine. My code is attached below:

import std.process,std.stdio,std.getopt,core.thread;

void main(string[] args){
bool backup = false;
getopt(args, backup, backup);
writeln(Something worked!);
string s = test;
if (backup){
writeln(Backup up  running);
s = stdin.readln();
auto pipes = pipeProcess([./pipetest, --backup],
for(int j = 0; j5; j++){


If anyone could spot what rudimentary mistake I have done, I
would greatly appreciate it. Alternatively, suggesting another
way to implement inter-process communication would also be
appreciated :D

Re: Implementing Haskell's Type-Level Quicksort in D

2014-02-14 Thread Philippe Sigaud
On Fri, Feb 14, 2014 at 3:24 PM, bearophile wrote:

 While it is heavier than Haskell's syntax, I have been consistently and
 pleasantly surprised by how powerful D's template pattern matching is (bugs
 notwithstanding). I wonder how well-known this is outside this mailing

Well, I have a tutorial, but I admit it being somewhat incomplete and
now partially out of date (2012).

 I keep reading blog posts that use Haskell and present supposed marvels,
 using very complex things, that can be routinely done in D, and with less
 complexity for the brain of the programer, often leading to faster code and
 equally safe :-) So while I like several parts of Haskell, it's sometimes
 over-hyped (while D is nearly invisible).

Same here, same here! But you have to admit some of their examples are
pretty damn elegant :)

I remember doing some Haskell - D translation (a bit like what Meta
is doing), making it work, doing the happy-happy dance, and then
suddenly realizing I could do the same compile-time computation in one
line of D ;)

Re: Reading input from piped stdin.

2014-02-14 Thread Adam D. Ruppe
Just a quick look, but I betcha it has to do with buffering. 
After writing the line to the pipe, call the flush() method on 
the output pipe and see what happens there.

(Pipes buffer differently than regular output so this is a common 
mixup, especially with IDEs which communicate with stdout via 
pipes normally!)

let me know if it works

Re: Reading input from piped stdin.

2014-02-14 Thread nazriel

On Friday, 14 February 2014 at 19:05:02 UTC, Thomas wrote:

I'm new to D, and I find it quite enjoyable so far.
I have however stumbled upon a problem which I can't seem to
figure out.

I am trying to make a program that creates a child process,
writes something to the child process stdin and reading from its
stdout. I am going to use it later for testing out process pair

Appearently the child blocks at s = stdin.readln(). If I 

all writing to the child, and instead just read its output,
everything works fine. My code is attached below:

import std.process,std.stdio,std.getopt,core.thread;

void main(string[] args){
bool backup = false;
getopt(args, backup, backup);
writeln(Something worked!);
string s = test;
if (backup){
writeln(Backup up  running);
s = stdin.readln();
auto pipes = pipeProcess([./pipetest, --backup],
for(int j = 0; j5; j++){


If anyone could spot what rudimentary mistake I have done, I
would greatly appreciate it. Alternatively, suggesting another
way to implement inter-process communication would also be
appreciated :D

Maybe try closing stdin pipe after you are done writing to child.


Or try flushing after writing to childs stdin, IIRC:


Re: Reading input from piped stdin.

2014-02-14 Thread Steven Schveighoffer

On Fri, 14 Feb 2014 14:05:01 -0500, Thomas wrote:

I'm new to D, and I find it quite enjoyable so far.
I have however stumbled upon a problem which I can't seem to
figure out.

I am trying to make a program that creates a child process,
writes something to the child process stdin and reading from its
stdout. I am going to use it later for testing out process pair

Appearently the child blocks at s = stdin.readln(). If I remove
all writing to the child, and instead just read its output,
everything works fine. My code is attached below:

stdin and stdout are buffered streams. Buffered streams in D only flush on  
newline when they are attached to a console (terminal window). Otherwise,  
they wait until the buffer is full before flushing. Buffer is probably  
about 4096 bytes.

What is likely happening is that you are writing, it's going into the  
buffer, but not flushing, and then you are waiting for the response (which  
likely is also not flushing from the child process).

Try adding flushes after each writeln.

BTW, this is not really a D problem, you would have the same issue in C.


Re: Reading input from piped stdin.

2014-02-14 Thread nazriel

On Friday, 14 February 2014 at 19:09:06 UTC, nazriel wrote:

On Friday, 14 February 2014 at 19:05:02 UTC, Thomas wrote:

I'm new to D, and I find it quite enjoyable so far.
I have however stumbled upon a problem which I can't seem to
figure out.

I am trying to make a program that creates a child process,
writes something to the child process stdin and reading from 

stdout. I am going to use it later for testing out process pair

Appearently the child blocks at s = stdin.readln(). If I 

all writing to the child, and instead just read its output,
everything works fine. My code is attached below:

import std.process,std.stdio,std.getopt,core.thread;

void main(string[] args){
bool backup = false;
getopt(args, backup, backup);
writeln(Something worked!);
string s = test;
if (backup){
writeln(Backup up  running);
s = stdin.readln();
auto pipes = pipeProcess([./pipetest, --backup],
for(int j = 0; j5; j++){


If anyone could spot what rudimentary mistake I have done, I
would greatly appreciate it. Alternatively, suggesting another
way to implement inter-process communication would also be
appreciated :D

Maybe try closing stdin pipe after you are done writing to 


Ok, nvm.
You are reading from child after each write.
So naa, closing pipe won't do it.

So we are back to flushing :)

Or try flushing after writing to childs stdin, IIRC:


Re: Reading input from piped stdin.

2014-02-14 Thread Thomas

On Friday, 14 February 2014 at 19:08:20 UTC, Adam D. Ruppe wrote:
Just a quick look, but I betcha it has to do with buffering. 
After writing the line to the pipe, call the flush() method on 
the output pipe and see what happens there.

(Pipes buffer differently than regular output so this is a 
common mixup, especially with IDEs which communicate with 
stdout via pipes normally!)

let me know if it works

Impressive reply speed! :)

However calling pipes.stdin.flush() immediately after writeln did
not seem to work.

Re: Reading input from piped stdin.

2014-02-14 Thread Steven Schveighoffer

On Fri, 14 Feb 2014 14:16:23 -0500, Thomas wrote:

On Friday, 14 February 2014 at 19:08:20 UTC, Adam D. Ruppe wrote:
Just a quick look, but I betcha it has to do with buffering. After  
writing the line to the pipe, call the flush() method on the output  
pipe and see what happens there.

(Pipes buffer differently than regular output so this is a common  
mixup, especially with IDEs which communicate with stdout via pipes  

let me know if it works

Impressive reply speed! :)

However calling pipes.stdin.flush() immediately after writeln did
not seem to work.

You must also flush from the child process -- it too is connected to a  
pipe and not a console.


Re: Reading input from piped stdin.

2014-02-14 Thread Thomas

On Friday, 14 February 2014 at 19:12:24 UTC, Steven Schveighoffer
On Fri, 14 Feb 2014 14:05:01 -0500, Thomas wrote:

I'm new to D, and I find it quite enjoyable so far.
I have however stumbled upon a problem which I can't seem to
figure out.

I am trying to make a program that creates a child process,
writes something to the child process stdin and reading from 

stdout. I am going to use it later for testing out process pair

Appearently the child blocks at s = stdin.readln(). If I 

all writing to the child, and instead just read its output,
everything works fine. My code is attached below:

stdin and stdout are buffered streams. Buffered streams in D 
only flush on newline when they are attached to a console 
(terminal window). Otherwise, they wait until the buffer is 
full before flushing. Buffer is probably about 4096 bytes.

What is likely happening is that you are writing, it's going 
into the buffer, but not flushing, and then you are waiting for 
the response (which likely is also not flushing from the child 

Try adding flushes after each writeln.

BTW, this is not really a D problem, you would have the same 
issue in C.


Ah, had to add after both writelns. Looks like that solved it.


2014-02-14 Thread Josh Phillips
I recently downloaded and tried to use DGUI but I can't get it to 
work. Is there any tutorials on how to build an use it? Or can 
anyone help me and tel me a way on how I can get it to work?


2014-02-14 Thread Jeremy DeHaan

On Friday, 14 February 2014 at 20:29:50 UTC, Josh Phillips wrote:
I recently downloaded and tried to use DGUI but I can't get it 
to work. Is there any tutorials on how to build an use it? Or 
can anyone help me and tel me a way on how I can get it to work?

Unless I am mistaken, it looks like the last time it was updated 
was in 2011. You'd probably have to update a bunch of stuff in 
the sources in order to get it to work properly.

I would recommend gtkD as a gui library.

Re: Ranges, constantly frustrating

2014-02-14 Thread Marc Schütz

On Friday, 14 February 2014 at 17:42:53 UTC, bearophile wrote:
Isn't this discussion about adding an index to a range? If it 
is, then I have shown why adding it in the language is a bad 

As far as I understand it, it's about adding an index to 
_foreach_, as is already supported for arrays:

foreach(v; [1,2,3,4])
foreach(i, v; [1,2,3,4])
writeln(i,  = , v);

But for ranges, the second form is not possible:

foreach(v; iota(4))   // ok
foreach(i, v; iota(4))// Error: cannot infer argument 

writeln(i,  = , v);

Re: how to round durations to most significant unit ? (5 secs, 889 ms, and 811 μs = 5 secs)

2014-02-14 Thread Jonathan M Davis
On Thursday, February 13, 2014 23:37:13 Timothee Cour wrote:
 Is there a function to do this?
 If not and I/someone writes it, is there interest to add it to std.datetime?
 Duration t = ...;!string = 5 secs, 889 ms, and 811 μs!string= 5 secs
 t=...;!string = 889 ms, and 811 μs!string= 889 secs
 Use case: shorter logs.

There is no function for that, and no one's ever asked for anything like it, 
so I don't know how worthwhile it is to add. However, one possible 
implementation would be

auto roundToLargest(Duration d)
foreach(units; TypeTuple!(weeks, days, hours, minutes,
  seconds, msecs, usecs))
immutable value =!units();
if(value != 0)
return dur!units(value);

return d;

- Jonathan M Davis

Re: Optimize my code =)

2014-02-14 Thread Nick Sabalausky

On 2/14/2014 11:00 AM, Robin wrote:

class Matrix(T = double) {
 private T[] data;
 private Dimension dim;

A matrix is just plain-old-data, so use a struct, you don't need a class.

A struct will be much more lightweight: A struct doesn't normally 
involve memory allocations like a class does, and you'll get better data 
locality and less indirection, even compared to a final class.

I am using opIndex and opIndexAssign in order to access and assign the
matrix values:

T opIndex(size_t row, size_t col) const {
 immutable size_t i = this.dim.offset(row, col);
 if (i = this.dim.size) {
 // TODO - have to learn exception handling in D first. :P

No need for the bounds check. D already does bounds checks automatically 
(unless you compile with -noboundscheck, but the whole *point* of that 
flag is to disable bounds checks.)

But that said, I don't know whether the compiler might already be 
optimizing out your bounds check anyway. So try it and profile, see what 

Another nice thing to know would be if it is possible to initialize an
array before it is default initialized with T.init where T is the type
of the array's fields. In C++ e.g. there is no default initialization
which is nice if you have to initialize every single field anyway. E.g.
in a Matrix.random() method which creates a matrix with random values.
There it is unnecessary that the (sometimes huge) array is completely
initialized with the type's init value.

You can opt-out of the default initialization with a void initializer:

Although to be honest I forget how to do that for arrays, and the 
functions other people already suggested for creating/initing your array 
probably already do that anyway.

Re: Optimize my code =)

2014-02-14 Thread bearophile

Nick Sabalausky:

T opIndex(size_t row, size_t col) const {
immutable size_t i = this.dim.offset(row, col);
if (i = this.dim.size) {
// TODO - have to learn exception handling in D first. 


No need for the bounds check. D already does bounds checks 

But the row-column bounds of the matrix are not the same as the 
1D bounds of the 1D array. You can have out-of-column-bounds and 
still be inside the 1D bounds. So that test should go in the 
precondition and it should test row and col separately:

T opIndex(in size_t row, in size_t col) const pure nothrow
in {
assert(row  nRows);
assert(col  nCols);
} body {
return data[dim.offset(row, col)];


Re: Ranges, constantly frustrating

2014-02-14 Thread bearophile

Marc Schütz:

As far as I understand it, it's about adding an index to 
_foreach_, as is already supported for arrays:

foreach(v; [1,2,3,4])
foreach(i, v; [1,2,3,4])
writeln(i,  = , v);

But for ranges, the second form is not possible:

foreach(v; iota(4))   // ok
foreach(i, v; iota(4))// Error: cannot infer argument 

writeln(i,  = , v);

I see. In my post I have explained why this is a bad idea (it's 
not explicit so it gives confusion, and it complicates the 

A better design is to remove the auto-indexing feature for arrays 
too, and use .enumerate in all cases, as in Python.


Re: how to round durations to most significant unit ? (5 secs, 889 ms, and 811 μs = 5 secs)

2014-02-14 Thread Timothee Cour

On Fri, Feb 14, 2014 at 2:14 PM, Jonathan M Davis jmdavisp...@gmx.comwrote:

 On Thursday, February 13, 2014 23:37:13 Timothee Cour wrote:
  Is there a function to do this?
  If not and I/someone writes it, is there interest to add it to
  Duration t = ...;!string = 5 secs, 889 ms, and 811 μs!string= 5 secs
  t=...;!string = 889 ms, and 811 μs!string= 889 secs
  Use case: shorter logs.

 There is no function for that, and no one's ever asked for anything like
 so I don't know how worthwhile it is to add. However, one possible
 implementation would be

 auto roundToLargest(Duration d)
 foreach(units; TypeTuple!(weeks, days, hours, minutes,
   seconds, msecs, usecs))
 immutable value =!units();
 if(value != 0)
 return dur!units(value);

 return d;

 - Jonathan M Davis

Floating point init/nan

2014-02-14 Thread Adam S
I seem to be having some difficulty with the nan and init 
properties of floating point types. Can anyone explain why the 
following assertions all fail:

assert(float.init == float.nan);
assert(float.nan == float.nan);
assert(float.init == float.init);


Re: Floating point init/nan

2014-02-14 Thread Adam D. Ruppe

On Saturday, 15 February 2014 at 05:18:51 UTC, Adam S wrote:

assert(float.init == float.nan);

nan never equals nan, this is in the floating point spec used by 
D, C and others.

Use this instead:

Re: Floating point init/nan

2014-02-14 Thread bearophile

Adam D. Ruppe:

nan never equals nan,

Additionally, the init NaN doesn't have the same bitpattern as 
the other. There are many NaNs.


Re: Getting and using class hierarhy information in runtime

2014-02-14 Thread Uranuz
Also I have the following code but I get some error. I think it's 
because of std.algorithm.sort function that uses mixin to inject 
predcate. But it doesn't import symbols passed in predicate and 
fails. Is there some way of resolving this problem or I need to 
inject full code of function inside predicate?

import std.stdio, std.algorithm;

class A: Exception { this(){ super(null); } }

class B: A {}

class C: B {}

class D: A {}

class E: A {}

class F: E {}

size_t countDerivations(TypeInfo_Class typeinfo)
size_t result;
while(typeinfo !is null)
{   //writeln(;
result ++;
typeinfo = typeinfo.base;
return result;

void main()

auto typeinfo = typeid(C);
//while(typeinfo !is typeid(Throwable))
//{ writeln(;
//  typeinfo = typeinfo.base;

auto list = [ typeid(C), typeid(B), typeid(A), typeid(F) ];

//writeln( countDerivations( typeid(C) ) );

	auto sortedList = sort!(countDerivations(a)  
countDerivations(b))( list );


Re: Getting and using class hierarhy information in runtime

2014-02-14 Thread Uranuz

I solved it myself. I forget that I can use function as predicate

import std.stdio, std.algorithm;

class A: Exception { this(){ super(null); } }

class B: A {}

class C: B {}

class D: A {}

class E: A {}

class F: E {}

size_t countDerivations(TypeInfo_Class typeinfo)
size_t result;
while(typeinfo !is null)
{   //writeln(;
result ++;
typeinfo = typeinfo.base;
return result;

void main()

auto typeinfo = typeid(C);
//while(typeinfo !is typeid(Throwable))
//{ writeln(;
//  typeinfo = typeinfo.base;

auto list = [ typeid(C), typeid(B), typeid(A), typeid(F) ];

//writeln( countDerivations( typeid(C) ) );

	auto sortedList = sort!( (a, b) { return countDerivations(a)  
countDerivations(b); } )( list );
