Re: I need an Easy example to understand Alias This

2020-07-06 Thread Ali Çehreli via Digitalmars-d-learn

On 7/6/20 5:44 PM, Marcone wrote:

On Tuesday, 7 July 2020 at 00:42:40 UTC, Ali Çehreli wrote:

On 7/6/20 5:35 PM, Marcone wrote:
Hi, I study Dlang for one year, and I can't understand alias this. I 
need an Easy example to understand Alias This.

Is the following example useful?


I can't undestand it. I need a simple example.

I find the example of converting two integers to double to be a simple 
example of 'alias this'. (If it's not simple, then there is another 
example later.)

So, allow me to change the name of the struct. :) Let's say we have a 
Money class that stores dollars and cents as two separate members. This 
class also has a member function that returns the amount as double:

struct Money {
  long dollars;
  long cents;

  double value() const {
return double(cents) / 100 + dollars;

unittest {
  assert(Money(10, 50).value == 10.5);

void main() {

So far so good: We can get the value by calling value().

*If* this is a type where conversion to double should be automatic, then 
calling value() all over the place might be considered cumbersome and 
too wordy. If that's true, we may want to get the value of this type 
automatically as double. For example, we may want to be able to call the 
following function with Money:

void foo(double d) {
  // ...

void main() {
  foo(Money(20, 50));  // <-- Compilation error

Currently the code fails to compile because Money is not 'double'. 
(Note: Arguably, Money is not a type that should be converted to double 
automatically, but again, I find this example simple.)

'alias this' allows a type to be converted to a specific type 
automatically. For example, if we want to convert Money objects 
automatically to 'double', then we use the following line inside the 
struct defition:

  alias value this;

What that line means is this: "Dear compiler, please automatically 
convert this type to whatever the type of the 'value' member is." In 
this case, "Allow using an object of Money wherever that object is used 
in place of a double."

So, with that addition, now the call inside main compiles and foo() gets 
called with 'Money(20, 50).value' (compiler injects an automatic call to 

Here is the complete program:

struct Money {
  long dollars;
  long cents;

  double value() const {
return double(cents) / 100 + dollars;

  alias value this;  // <-- ADDED

unittest {
  assert(Money(10, 50).value == 10.5);

void foo(double d) {
  // ...

void main() {
  foo(Money(20, 50));

'alias this' is sometimes used where a type needs to behave like some 
other type with some added functionality. For example, here is another 
example where a Month type should behave like an 'int' but it cannot 
have any value other than 1-12:

struct Month {
  int value;

  this(int value) {
this.value = value;

  invariant() {
assert(value >= 1);
assert(value <= 12);

  alias value this;

unittest {
  import std.exception;


  void foo(int) {

  // 'alias this' allows the following call to foo()
  assert(__traits(compiles, foo(Month(3;

void main() {


Re: I need an Easy example to understand Alias This

2020-07-06 Thread Ali Çehreli via Digitalmars-d-learn

On 7/6/20 5:35 PM, Marcone wrote:
Hi, I study Dlang for one year, and I can't understand alias this. I 
need an Easy example to understand Alias This.

Is the following example useful?


Re: I need an Easy example to understand Alias This

2020-07-06 Thread Marcone via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Tuesday, 7 July 2020 at 00:42:40 UTC, Ali Çehreli wrote:

On 7/6/20 5:35 PM, Marcone wrote:
Hi, I study Dlang for one year, and I can't understand alias 
this. I need an Easy example to understand Alias This.

Is the following example useful?


I can't undestand it. I need a simple example.

I need an Easy example to understand Alias This

2020-07-06 Thread Marcone via Digitalmars-d-learn
Hi, I study Dlang for one year, and I can't understand alias 
this. I need an Easy example to understand Alias This.

opApply and attributes

2020-07-06 Thread solidstate1991 via Digitalmars-d-learn
See implementation of data structure here:

If I try to compile this code, it'll fail, limiting it's usecase:

@safe pure unittest {
alias IntMap = TreeMap!(int, int, false);
IntMap test;
test[5] = 5;
test[7] = 7;
test[3] = 3;
foreach(elem, key; test) {
assert(elem == key);

I know that implementing foreach with other means do exist, and I 
used them in my other data structures, but it's much more 
difficult (and potentially slower) to implement that within a 
binary search tree.

Should I change the `opApply` into the `popfront` - `front` - 
`empty` trinity, or write a template that overrides all the 
potential attribute combinations?

Maybe D needs a template for attributes somehow, or something 
like that.

Re: BetterC Bug? Intended Behavior? Asking Here As Unsure

2020-07-06 Thread kinke via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Monday, 6 July 2020 at 22:02:37 UTC, Kayomn wrote:

On Monday, 6 July 2020 at 21:09:57 UTC, kinke wrote:
Similar case here; the 'varargs' end up in a GC-allocated 
array. I've recently changed `scope` slice params, so that 
array literal arguments are allocated on the caller's stack 
instead; so adding `scope` for these variadics *should* 
probably do the same:

void tester(Test test, scope Test[] tests...);

This doesn't seem to be the case as the issue persists in the 
same manner.

I meant 'should' as in 'should be fixed to do the same', as this 
works with -betterC:

struct Test { ~this() {} }
void tester(Test test, scope Test[] tests) { }

extern(C) void main() {
tester(Test(), [Test()]);

Re: Calling a C function whose name is a D reserved word or keyword

2020-07-06 Thread rikki cattermole via Digitalmars-d-learn

pragma(mangle, "body")
extern(C) void body_func();

Calling a C function whose name is a D reserved word or keyword

2020-07-06 Thread Cecil Ward via Digitalmars-d-learn
Is there a special mechanism in D for handling this problem, 
where an existing C function might be a name that is reserved in 
D? Of course I could write a wrapper function in C and call that.

Re: BetterC Bug? Intended Behavior? Asking Here As Unsure

2020-07-06 Thread Kayomn via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Monday, 6 July 2020 at 21:09:57 UTC, kinke wrote:
Similar case here; the 'varargs' end up in a GC-allocated 
array. I've recently changed `scope` slice params, so that 
array literal arguments are allocated on the caller's stack 
instead; so adding `scope` for these variadics *should* 
probably do the same:

void tester(Test test, scope Test[] tests...);

This doesn't seem to be the case as the issue persists in the 
same manner.

Re: BetterC Bug? Intended Behavior? Asking Here As Unsure

2020-07-06 Thread kinke via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Monday, 6 July 2020 at 20:25:11 UTC, Kayomn wrote:
Though, admittedly I'm kind of used to seeing this error 
message since it appears any time you try and do something that 
relies on type info in betterC, intentionally or not. A notable 
example is forgetting to supply an arrange length when 
declaring a stack array, or it'll try to create a 
runtime-allocated array.

Similar case here; the 'varargs' end up in a GC-allocated array. 
I've recently changed `scope` slice params, so that array literal 
arguments are allocated on the caller's stack instead; so adding 
`scope` for these variadics *should* probably do the same:

void tester(Test test, scope Test[] tests...);

dub build=ddox, where the are the docs?

2020-07-06 Thread claptrap via Digitalmars-d-learn
Ok yeah it starts up a server and opens a webpage, great, but 
where are the docs? Cant find any info on command line switches 
for dub or ddox on how to get it to just dump the docs in a 

Re: BetterC Bug? Intended Behavior? Asking Here As Unsure

2020-07-06 Thread Kayomn via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Monday, 6 July 2020 at 20:25:11 UTC, Kayomn wrote:

example is forgetting to supply an arrange length when

array length*

Re: BetterC Bug? Intended Behavior? Asking Here As Unsure

2020-07-06 Thread Kayomn via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Monday, 6 July 2020 at 20:20:44 UTC, Stanislav Blinov wrote:
I'd say the original error should be reported on bugzilla, if 
it isn't already; if only for the error message which is 
ridiculously obscure.

Yeah, you're tellin' me lol. I spent the better part of the day 
tracking this one down, and the error file and line numbers 
display it as having occured at the callsite rather than the 
actual problem areas.

Though, admittedly I'm kind of used to seeing this error message 
since it appears any time you try and do something that relies on 
type info in betterC, intentionally or not. A notable example is 
forgetting to supply an arrange length when declaring a stack 
array, or it'll try to create a runtime-allocated array.

I'll open a report for this shortly if it is a bug if there isn't 
one already. For now, that template is an adequate workaround.

Re: BetterC Bug? Intended Behavior? Asking Here As Unsure

2020-07-06 Thread Stanislav Blinov via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Monday, 6 July 2020 at 20:06:51 UTC, Kayomn wrote:
Something discovered in the D Language Code Club Discord server 
with the help of Wild is that the following code:

struct Test { ~this() {} }
void tester(Test test, Test[] tests...) { }

extern(C) void main() {
tester(Test(), Test());

Raises the "TypeInfo cannot be used with ~betterC" error. It 
seems to be due to an inclusion of both the destructor and the 
non-vararg and vararg argument matching from testing.

Anyone know a way around this without resulting to the rather 
hacky solution of just having 1 argument and always assuming 
that at least 1 argument is present?

Here is a code demo setup for demonstrating the potential 

This seems to compile:

struct Test { ~this() {} }
void tester(size_t n)(Test[n] tests...)
if (n > 0)

extern(C) void main() {
tester(Test(), Test());

No assumptions, though `tester` does become a template.

I'd say the original error should be reported on bugzilla, if it 
isn't already; if only for the error message which is 
ridiculously obscure.

BetterC Bug? Intended Behavior? Asking Here As Unsure

2020-07-06 Thread Kayomn via Digitalmars-d-learn
Something discovered in the D Language Code Club Discord server 
with the help of Wild is that the following code:

struct Test { ~this() {} }
void tester(Test test, Test[] tests...) { }

extern(C) void main() {
tester(Test(), Test());

Raises the "TypeInfo cannot be used with ~betterC" error. It 
seems to be due to an inclusion of both the destructor and the 
non-vararg and vararg argument matching from testing.

Anyone know a way around this without resulting to the rather 
hacky solution of just having 1 argument and always assuming that 
at least 1 argument is present?

Here is a code demo setup for demonstrating the potential problem:

Re: Construct an used-defined hash table container type from an AA-literal expression

2020-07-06 Thread Jacob Carlborg via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Sunday, 5 July 2020 at 21:06:32 UTC, Per Nordlöw wrote:
Is there a way to construct a custom written hash-table 
container (struct) from an AA-literal expression?

I think your best bet is a tuple of pairs, because then you're 
not limited to compile time values, but it won't look pretty:

import std;

struct Pair
string key;
int value;

void main() @nogc
auto a = tuple(Pair("foo", 1), Pair("bar", 2));

/Jacob Carlborg

Re: Construct an used-defined hash table container type from an AA-literal expression

2020-07-06 Thread Jacob Carlborg via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Monday, 6 July 2020 at 01:43:43 UTC, user1234 wrote:

import std;

struct AA
void opIndexAssign(int v, string k) @nogc

void main(string[] args) @nogc
AA myCustom;

enum literal = ["one":1, "two":2].stringof[1..$-1];
enum pairs   = literal.split(',').array;
static foreach (p; pairs)
myCustom[mixin(p.split(':')[0])] = 


`static foreach` actual works for AA literals in `@nogc` 
functions. So there's no need complicate things with `.stringof`:

struct Foo
int a;
int b;

enum literal = ["one": Foo(1, 2), "two": Foo(3, 4)];

struct AA
void opIndexAssign(Foo value, string k) @nogc

void main() @nogc
AA aa;

static foreach (k, v; literal)
aa[k] = v;

Re: Construct an used-defined hash table container type from an AA-literal expression

2020-07-06 Thread Atwork via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Monday, 6 July 2020 at 11:51:19 UTC, Jacob Carlborg wrote:

On Monday, 6 July 2020 at 01:43:43 UTC, user1234 wrote:

Hereh we go ;)

import std;

struct AA
void opIndexAssign(int v, string k) @nogc

void main(string[] args) @nogc
AA myCustom;

enum literal = ["one":1, "two":2].stringof[1..$-1];
enum pairs   = literal.split(',').array;

That split won't work if you have something more complicated, 
like struct values:

struct Foo
int a;
int b;

enum literal = ["one":Foo(1, 2), "two":Foo(3, 

enum pairs = literal.split(',').array;
static assert(pairs == 4);

/Jacob Carlborg

Wouldn't work if the keys had , in them either. So don't even 
need a struct to break it.

enum literal = ["one,two": 12, "two,three": 23].stringof[1..$-1];

// Now split(",") won't work either.

Re: Construct an used-defined hash table container type from an AA-literal expression

2020-07-06 Thread Jacob Carlborg via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Monday, 6 July 2020 at 01:43:43 UTC, user1234 wrote:

Hereh we go ;)

import std;

struct AA
void opIndexAssign(int v, string k) @nogc

void main(string[] args) @nogc
AA myCustom;

enum literal = ["one":1, "two":2].stringof[1..$-1];
enum pairs   = literal.split(',').array;

That split won't work if you have something more complicated, 
like struct values:

struct Foo
int a;
int b;

enum literal = ["one":Foo(1, 2), "two":Foo(3, 

enum pairs = literal.split(',').array;
static assert(pairs == 4);

/Jacob Carlborg