Re: tupleof for inherited classes.

2012-07-25 Thread Chris NS
I know you specifically asked for a way to do this without 
templates, but this was my first thought on how to make it work 
(and I confirmed it):

import  std.stdio   ,
std.traits  ;

class Engine {

int publicField ;

void enumFields ( this Self ) ( bool heading = true ) {
auto self = cast( Self ) this;
if ( heading ) {
writeln( Engine prints: );
foreach( base ; BaseClassesTuple!Self ) {
static if ( is( base : Engine ) ) {
( cast( base ) self ).enumFields( false );
foreach( ref field ; self.tupleof ) {
writeln( '\t', field );

protected string protectedField = s ;

private bool privateField ;


class Some : Engine {

int oneMoreField = 11;

void enumFields2 () {
writeln( Some prints: );
foreach( field ; this.tupleof ) {
writeln( '\t', field );

protected string protectedField = o;


void main () {
auto objE = new Engine;
auto objS = new Some;


objS.publicField = 4;

( cast( Engine ) objS ).enumFields();

The downside is that the reference you invoke enumFields() 
against must be of the lowest type to get all members, as that 
last line demonstrates.  Beyond this, I don't believe there is 
any way for methods defined by Engine to see members of derived 
classes.  The first alternative I could think of, is to use NVI 
(non-virtual interfaces).

import  std.stdio   ;

class Engine {

int publicField ;

final void enumFields () {
writeln(,  prints: );

protected string protectedField = s ;

protected void enumFieldsImpl () {
foreach ( field ; this.tupleof ) {
writeln( '\t', field );

private bool privateField ;


class Some : Engine {

int oneMoreField = 11;

protected override void enumFieldsImpl () {
foreach ( field ; this.tupleof ) {
writeln( '\t', field );

protected string protectedField = o;


void main () {
auto objE = new Engine;
auto objS = new Some;


objS.publicField = 4;

( cast( Engine ) objS ).enumFields();

This works even in the last (previously degenerate) case, however 
it naturally results in code duplication.  Depending on what your 
real scenario is, however, that may not be a severe issue.

-- Chris NS

Re: Optional extra return value? Multiple return values with auto?

2012-07-24 Thread Chris NS

On Tuesday, 24 July 2012 at 03:25:55 UTC, ReneSac wrote:

Do I really have to duplicate the function, in order to achieve 

In a nutshell, yes.  Or else resort to bizarre sorcery such as 
may rot the very heart from one's chest (or template ninjitsu, 
whatever).  But is it really so bad?

bool foo ( byte[] data, out int stats ) {
// do a bunch of stuff

bool foo ( byte[] data ) {
int dummy;
return foo( data, dummy );

One could possibly put together a template that automates this... 
heck, here's a quick and dirty implementation of such:

import  std.stdio   ,
std.traits  ;

template DummyLast ( alias Func ) {
ReturnType!Func DummyLast ( ParameterTypeTuple!Func[ 0 .. $ - 
1 ] args ) {

ParameterTypeTuple!Func[ $ - 1 ] dummy;
return Func( args, dummy );

bool foo ( byte[] data, out int stats ) {
stats = 42;
return true;

alias DummyLast!foo foo;

void main () {
byte[] data;
bool result;
int stats;
result = foo( data, stats );
writeln( result, ' ', stats );

result = false;
stats  = 0;
result = foo( data );
writeln( result, ' ', stats );

-- Chris NS

Re: Optional extra return value? Multiple return values with auto?

2012-07-24 Thread Chris NS

On Tuesday, 24 July 2012 at 08:56:21 UTC, David wrote:

Am 24.07.2012 05:25, schrieb ReneSac:

I whish there was:

auto foo() {
return Tuple!(foo, bar, 1, new Custum());

void main() {
auto (s1, s2, i, c) = foo();

I think the main blocker to something like that right now is the 
compiler's ability to detect and guarantee that the returned 
tuple will always be a specific series of types (or at least 
implicitly convertible to a common series).  And in order for 
that, tuples would, I imagine, need to be a part of the language 
proper.  If I'm wrong about that last requirement, then I'm 
honestly not sure what the main obstacle to this is.

-- Chris NS

Re: Tid is not a process id?

2012-07-24 Thread Chris NS
Not sure yet what your exactly issue is, but have you tried to 
reproduce it using register/lookup?

Compile-Time module info

2012-07-22 Thread Chris NS
Is there any means to get meaningful moduleinfo at compile time, 
specifically a list of the local classes of a given module?  
__traits(allMembers, mod) doesn't work: inverse.d(109): Error: 
import data has no members.

I was hoping that something along these lines would be possible 
in CTFE:

foreach ( decl ; __traits( allMembers, data ) ) {
if ( is( typeof( mixin( decl ) ) == class )
 !__traits( isAbstractclass, mixin( decl ) ) ) {
// ...some code in here...

-- Chris NS

Re: Is this actually supposed to be legal?

2012-07-17 Thread Chris NS
It is indeed supposed to work, and was actually touted as a 
common and lauded example way back in the day.  However, with the 
advent of this-params for templates it seems less useful now 
(once they've been through the ringer a little more at least).

I did use this-params to great effect in Zeal, to auto-inject 
behavior into subclasses with the proper scoping and other 
concerns.  The base class didn't even have to be a template 
itself (just the magical internals).

So, to repeat, yes it is supposed to work... but I'm not so sure 
it is such a good idea anymore -- assuming this-params will work 
on the class declaration.

-- Chris NS

Re: ufcs and integer params

2012-07-16 Thread Chris NS
Having been around long enough to remember when the ability to 
call foo() as foo first appeared, I feel it necessary to 
point out that this was *not* in fact a deliberate design, but 
rather a sort of accident that arose out of D's first attempt 
at properties.  It was the same accident loaded compiler 
release that gave us pseudo-members -- the precursors to UFCS.

The community discovered that these things were accepted by the 
compiler -- which was actually against the language spec at the 
time -- and further that the resulting code did the intuitively 
correct thing.  Response to the accidents being generally 
positive, it was decided to work toward making them legitimate 
language features.  Some flavor of @property (or of a certain 
other proposal which was a mimicry of C# properties... I was in 
that camp) has been in the plan ever since.

I find the ongoing debate/discussion of @property and -property 
to be... well, moot.  But hey, I'm just one crazy among an army 
of crazies.

-- Chris NS

Re: ufcs and integer params

2012-07-16 Thread Chris NS

On Monday, 16 July 2012 at 23:13:54 UTC, Timon Gehr wrote:

On 07/16/2012 10:55 AM, Chris NS wrote:
Having been around long enough to remember when the ability to 
foo() as foo first appeared, I feel it necessary to point 
out that
this was *not* in fact a deliberate design, but rather a sort 

accident that arose out of D's first attempt at properties.

Afaik this first attempt was implemented roughly as designed. 
It is my

understanding that @property was added later in order to fix the
introduced ambiguities.

Effectively yes, this is why I put accident in quotes.  The 
accidental part was that it was inadvertently extended to 
functions that it should not have been.  Free functions, for 
example, were not really supposed to be callable in that way... 
it has turned out to sometimes be a nice and useful thing, of 
course, but it wasn't exactly the goal at the time.  The goal was 
simply class/struct/union member functions that could be swapped 
out for exposed fields, or vice versa, without any change in user 

It was the same accident loaded compiler release that gave 
us pseudo-members --

the precursors to UFCS.

I still wonder how that could possibly happen.

You, me, and everyone else.  I recall even Walter being a bit 
surprised by it and reviewing his code afterward.  The oddity was 
identified, but at the same time (almost-) everyone rather liked 
it and it stuck.  At the time I was maintaining an extensive 
library of array extensions, a spiritual ancestor to today's 
std.algorithm and std.range.  (None of that code is in Phobos, 
mind you, but it served a similar purpose.)  It was sort of like 
finding a peppermint in an old coat pocket.

The community discovered that these things were accepted by 
the compiler
-- which was actually against the language spec at the time -- 
further that the resulting code did the intuitively correct 
Response to the accidents being generally positive, it was 
decided to
work toward making them legitimate language features. Some 
flavor of
@property (or of a certain other proposal which was a mimicry 
of C#

properties... I was in that camp)

That would certainly be more pretty -- OTOH it is hard to think 
of a

way to extend this to UFCS that is as natural as what happens if
everything is conflated in functions.

As I recall, that was essentially how the discussion went back 
then, too.  I still like the C# style, personally, but I've found 
@property to be plenty usable, and even admittedly a bet more 

has been in the plan ever since.

I find the ongoing debate/discussion of @property and 
-property to be...
well, moot. But hey, I'm just one crazy among an army of 

Well, this newsgroup has the property that the stuff that is 
important is usually unilaterally agreed upon rather quickly. 

Yeah... usually.  ;)  I rarely speak up anymore, since I just 
don't have the time to commit to proving concepts and whatnot 
anymore.  I'm old, Dean.  So very old.  I remember proposing a 
foreach statement (opApply was Walter's idea, though).  I also 
remember the horror that was the 'instance' keyword... man do I 
ever love that beautiful !() operator now, no matter what anyone 
else says about it.  Ultimately, I am quite satisfied with it 
all, even if the occasional dead horse takes a beating.  I just 
find it strange that there's such heated debate over something 
that had seemed so settled.  Which, I suppose, might just be an 
indicator that it isn't settled after all, eh?

-- Chris NS

Re: immutability and constness

2012-07-11 Thread Chris NS

On Thursday, 12 July 2012 at 00:37:22 UTC, H. S. Teoh wrote:

On Thu, Jul 12, 2012 at 02:14:30AM +0200, Minas Mina wrote:

** wall o' text **

You forgot about their quantum uncertainty loving transvestite 
cousin: inout.