Re: A small question default values in tmplate-functions

2014-01-29 Thread Uplink_Coder

import std.stdio;
import core.vararg;

auto veryStableAPI(bool brave = false)(string parameter, ...)
static if (!brave)
pragma(msg, I'm not brave);
pragma(msg, I'm very brave);

void main(string[] args)

Sorry but that does not anwer my question.
is it legal or is it not ?

A small question default values in tmplate-functions

2014-01-27 Thread Uplink_Coder


Suppose I have the following function

auto veryStableAPI(string parameter,VaraiadicParams...)() {
// do something very slow and stable;

auto experimentalReplacement(string parameter,VaraidcParams 
...)() {

 // do the same thing very fast and dangerous

is the following

auto veryStableAPI(bool brave=false, string 
parameter,VaraiadicParams...) {

 static if (!brave)
 // do something very slow and stable;
 // do the same thing very fast and dangerous
valid according to spec ?

Re: dmd compile large project

2014-01-25 Thread Uplink_Coder

try dub :D

Re: can't I use __traits(allMembers) recursivly ?

2014-01-24 Thread Uplink_Coder

Orange is neat
I had a look at but, the docs are abit lacking ...
I don't really know how to get it to do what i want

Well I have an Enum in a Struct and I need to serialze the struct 
members and unfold the enum.

can orange do that ?

Re: can't I use __traits(allMembers) recursivly ?

2014-01-24 Thread Uplink_Coder

I have solved by problem.
I just forgot to prepend static to the ifs I used :D

getting Key:Value pairs of an enum at compile time ?

2014-01-23 Thread Uplink_Coder


I have an Enum to represent possible Options for a selectList
enum options {
  redish =Red
and I want the List-Entrys to say
blueish or redish.
the value send to the app should be
Blue or Red.
I can use __traits(allMembers,Enum)
for the identifiers, but how do I get the Values ?

Re: getting Key:Value pairs of an enum at compile time ?

2014-01-23 Thread Uplink_Coder

Try getMember:

if i try it, I get __aggr2297 cannot be read at compile time

Re: getting Key:Value pairs of an enum at compile time ?

2014-01-23 Thread Uplink_Coder

void main() {
foreach(m; EnumMembers!Options) {
writeln(m,  , cast(string)m);

Still not there at compile-time
... because I need to index my members

Re: getting Key:Value pairs of an enum at compile time ?

2014-01-23 Thread Uplink_Coder

Could you show an exact code that fails?

auto EnumToSelect(Enum)(string Name = __traits(identifier,Enum)) 
if (is(Enum==enum)) {

foreach (i,Item;[__traits(allMembers,Enum)]) {
			form_string ~= \toption(value='~Item~') 

debug import std.stdio;
debug writeln(form_string);
return form_string;

Re: getting Key:Value pairs of an enum at compile time ?

2014-01-23 Thread Uplink_Coder

Oh my bad
wasn't too carefull with deletion

auto EnumToSelect(Enum)(string Name = __traits(identifier,Enum))
 if (is(Enum==enum)) {  
  foreach (i,Item;[__traits(allMembers,Enum)]) {
reslt ~= \toption(value='~__traits(getMember,Enum,Item)~') 

debug import std.stdio;
debug writeln(form_string);
return reslt;

can't I use __traits(allMembers) recursivly ?

2014-01-23 Thread Uplink_Coder

When I try to

struct _pod_ {
  string s1;
  enum e1 { v1,v2 };

auto printPod(Pod)() if (__traits(isPOD,Pod)) {
string result;
foreach (member;__traits(allMembers,Pod) ) {
auto _member=__traits(getMember,Pod,member);
void main() {printPod!(_pod_);}

I get
Error: need 'this' for 's1' of type 'string'
Error: type e1 has no value

Re: can't I use __traits(allMembers) recursivly ?

2014-01-23 Thread Uplink_Coder

I'm trying to serialize my struct through CT-Refelction

problems with mixins and non-ascii characters

2014-01-22 Thread Uplink_Coder

When I try to define an Enum with an umlaut like ä

enum test2 {
I get  Error: basic type expected, not \u00e4
and Error: type only allowed if anonymous enum and no enum 

is there any workaround for this ?

Re: problems with mixins and non-ascii characters

2014-01-22 Thread Uplink_Coder

On Wednesday, 22 January 2014 at 10:46:30 UTC, bearophile wrote:


is there any workaround for this ?

For me this is a feature, not a bug.


I never said bug :D
just I thoght UniCode should make this a non-issue ...

Re: problems with mixins and non-ascii characters

2014-01-22 Thread Uplink_Coder
 Strange this bug seems to manifest itself only in some 

enum ä {ä = ä}
does not work in dpaste but suddenly it works on my local 
enviorment (Windows-Mono-d,dmd 2.064.2)

it seems to have something todo with the abscence of a BOM header 

Re: D for web?

2014-01-14 Thread Uplink_Coder

there is vibe.d!
look at the dconf2013 for a presentation about it
and get it at

Re: D for web?

2014-01-14 Thread Uplink_Coder

you were faster :D

Re: The D Programming Language page 161.

2013-11-13 Thread Uplink_Coder
I guess that new should be length as it represents as an integer 

sort(charArray) doesn't work

2013-11-13 Thread Uplink_Coder

sort doesn't work on an primitive Array ?
Is that normal 
please look @
because I don't know what i'm doing worng

Thanks in Advance :D

howto make a function get a types form compilte-time-parameters AND from the arguments ?

2013-10-31 Thread Uplink_Coder
(this is my first post so please alert me to any breaches of 
forum etiquette)

I have a problem with a helper function I'm writeting.

T[] makeArray(T,U)(immutable U[] paramArray) {
T[] result;
foreach (param;paramArray) {
result ~= T(param);
return result;

and I would like not to take the compile-time-parameter U but 
insead infering it form the argumet.

is it possible ?
and if. how ?


Re: howto make a function get types form compile-time-parameters AND from arguments ?

2013-10-31 Thread Uplink_Coder

Maybe I shuold be more specific :
for now It's:
T[] arr = makeArray!(T,U)([some,instances,of,U]);

but I would like it to be:

auto arr = makeArray!(T)([some,instances,of,U]);

Re: howto make a function get types form compile-time-parameters AND from arguments ?

2013-10-31 Thread Uplink_Coder

by changeing
T[] makeArray(T,U)(immutable U[] paramArray)
T[] makeArray(T,U)(const U paramArray) if (isAggregateType!(U) || 
is Array!(U))

everything works perfectly

Thanks very much
