Re: Non-recursive maxSizeOf

2020-08-05 Thread lithium iodate via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Thursday, 6 August 2020 at 01:13:41 UTC, Adam D. Ruppe wrote:

size_t maxSizeOf(T...)() {
size_t max = 0;
foreach(t; T)
if(t.sizeof > max)
max = t.sizeof;
return max;

pragma(msg, maxSizeOf!(int, char, long));

more love for phobos pls

template maxSizeOf(T...)
template sizeOf(T) { // doesn't exist in phobos?
enum sizeOf = T.sizeof;
enum size_t maxSizeOf = maxElement([staticMap!(sizeOf, T)]);

Re: Array fill performance differences between for, foreach, slice

2020-04-01 Thread lithium iodate via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Wednesday, 1 April 2020 at 06:48:09 UTC, Jacob Carlborg wrote:
I you care about performance you should really compile using 
LDC (with `-O5 -release -flto=full 
-defaultlib=phobos2-ldc-lto,druntime-ldc-lto`), which usually 
produces much better code:

Slice: Mean time(usecs): 50.58, Standard Deviation: 46.2621
Foreach: Mean time(usecs): 53.92, Standard Deviation: 19.8039
For: Mean time(usecs): 39.89, Standard Deviation: 7.80041

Slice: Mean time(usecs): 76.62, Standard Deviation: 73.0014
Foreach: Mean time(usecs): 49.63, Standard Deviation: 24.5672
For: Mean time(usecs): 40.02, Standard Deviation: 7.67388

The benchmark is highly flawed, the results for LDC are 
completely meaningless. LDC produces identical code for every 
case and the filling procedures are all elided.

Re: "register int n" alternative

2020-02-16 Thread lithium iodate via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Sunday, 16 February 2020 at 15:15:44 UTC, Stefan Koch wrote:

The register keyword as been deprecated for ages in C.
Since the compiler cannot actually guarantee that the variable 
will be a register.

As a result D does not have the register keyword.

That only applies for C++, where it doesn't (or rather didn't) 
even do the same thing as in C. In C it's an optimization aid 
with actual semantic implications. A register storage-class 
variable cannot be aliased, in fact, any attempt should cause 
compilation failure.

Whether it actually helps modern compilers with optimization is 
of course another matter ;)

Re: bindbc-opengl: Now drawing triangle

2020-01-25 Thread lithium iodate via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Saturday, 25 January 2020 at 19:52:25 UTC, Luhrel wrote:


I made a simple OpenGL file using bindbc-opengl and glfw 
( based on

The cpp project compiles and runs fine (g++ main.cpp -lGL 
-lglfw -o gl_test && ./gl_test), but my d-translated file not: 
the triangle isn't shown.

Do you have any idea ?

In line 146

glBufferData(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, vertices.sizeof, vertices.ptr, 

you are calculating the size of `vertices` incorrectly. As 
`vertices` is a dynamic array, .sizeof will only give you the 
size of the array reference (size_t.sizeof * 2, note that .sizeof 
will always give you a compile-time constant in D).

Change it to

glBufferData(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, vertices.length * GLfloat.sizeof, 
vertices.ptr, GL_STATIC_DRAW);

and the data will be correctly copied into the buffer.

Re: Fetching an element using find

2020-01-13 Thread lithium iodate via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Monday, 13 January 2020 at 17:58:57 UTC, Steven Schveighoffer 

On 1/13/20 12:47 PM, H. S. Teoh wrote:

Why not write your own convenience wrapper?

auto firstElement(R)(R r)
if (isInputRange!R)
if (r.empty) throw new Exception(...);
return r.front;

auto e = myData.find!(e => blah(e)).firstElement;

I certainly can (and did). I was wondering if there was 
something in Phobos to do it.


`adjoin` can be used to run an inline lambda:
auto answer = arr.find!((item,x) => == 
x)(id).adjoin!((n){enforce(!n.empty); return n.front;});

Using a simple alias you can have a flexible and nice to read 
alias ensure(alias pred) = (n, const(char)[] msg = "`ensure` 
failed"){enforce(pred(n), msg); return n;}; // module scope for 

auto answer = arr.find!((item,x) => == x)(id).ensure!(n 
=> !n.empty).front;

or with custom message:
auto answer = arr.find!((item,x) => == x)(id).ensure!(n 
=> !n.empty)("element with id not found").front;

Re: Speed of Random Numbers

2019-08-03 Thread lithium iodate via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Saturday, 3 August 2019 at 16:35:34 UTC, Giovanni Di Maria 
Do you know other faster functions or methods to generate 
random numbers?

For me the "goodness of random" is NOT important.

Thank you very much
GIovanni Di Maria

First off you could try to use a faster RNG engine than the 
default. The easiest way is to define a variable containing it 
and passing it to the functions each time.

auto rng = Xorshift(1234);
randomNumber = uniform!uint(rng);

This basic change approximately halved the 5 seconds your 
original example needs on my computer.
Another simple approach that I have tried is simply hashing the 
iterator using a fast hash function.
With xxHash32 I got the time down to 0.25 seconds. I also tried 
xxHash64 and FNV1a but they were not faster in my quick test.

Re: There is a computer languages benchmark compare site, but no Dlang benchmark. I think they should support D.

2019-06-21 Thread lithium iodate via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Saturday, 22 June 2019 at 01:27:31 UTC, lili wrote:
A nick site, has a lot of languages, unfortunately no dlang in 

This page frequently pops up in this forum, please refer to 
existing posts:
In particular the last thread:

TL;DR: not happening.

Re: Range violation error when reading from a file

2019-06-16 Thread lithium iodate via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Sunday, 16 June 2019 at 23:44:49 UTC, Samir wrote:

On Sunday, 16 June 2019 at 23:03:04 UTC, aliak wrote:

stripping the last line could result in an empty line if it 
just has strippable characters?

The last line of the file is just text but without a newline 
(\n) character or any other whitespace character at the end.  I 
get the same error when I remove the strip function from the 
readln line.

There is *very* likely to be a terminating new-line at the end of 
the file (many editors add one without asking!). If that the 
case, the last line seen by the loop will be empty and you must 
not attempt to access any elements.

Re: Compiler/Phobos/Types problem — panic level due to timing.

2019-05-05 Thread lithium iodate via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Sunday, 5 May 2019 at 18:53:08 UTC, Russel Winder wrote:


I had merrily asumed I could implement nth Fibonacci number 

takeOne(drop(recurrence!((a, n) => a[n-1] + a[n-2])(zero, 
one), n)).front

where zero and one are of type BigInt, and n is of type size_t. 
However both dmd and ldc2 complain saying:

I am now at the WTF stage – how can I show this example on 
Thursday in my DevoxxUK presentation?

I am close to giving up and imbibing of too much Pernod.

`recurrence` takes the `CommonType` of the initial values and 
declares its internal state as an array of this type, however 
when at least one of the values is const or immutable, the 
`CommonType` is const too, or even immutable in the case when all 
values are immutable.
The state being const/immutable means that the following step, 
initializing it, can't work, since, well, the array cannot be 
modified (hence the errors).

I'd say this can be considered to be a bug with `recurrence`.
You can solve this issue by constructing and passing mutable 
versions of `one` and `zero` to `recurrence`.

Re: == comparison of string literals, and their usage

2019-04-06 Thread lithium iodate via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Saturday, 6 April 2019 at 15:35:22 UTC, diniz wrote:
So, I still could store and use and compare string pointers 
myself [1], and get valid results, meaning: pointer equality 
implies (literal) string equality. Or am I wrong? The point is, 
the parser, operating on an array of prescanned lexemes,  will 
constantly check whether a valid lexeme is present simply by 
checking the lexeme "class". I don't want that to be a real 
string comp, too expesensive and for no gain.

[1] As in the second comp of your example:
void main()
auto c2 =  "one" == "two";
auto c1 =  "one".ptr is "two".ptr;

Not quite. D-strings strictly consist of pointer *and* length, so 
you need to compare the .length properties as well to correctly 
conclude that the strings equal. You can concisely do that in one 
go by simply `is` comparing the array references as in

string a = "hello";
string b = a;
assert(a is b);
assert(a[] is b[]);

Of course, if the strings are never sliced, you can just compare 
the pointers and be done, just make sure to document how it 
operates. Depending on the circumstances I'd throw in some 
asserts that do actual strings comparison to verify the program 

Re: template with enum parameter doesn't compile

2019-04-05 Thread lithium iodate via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Friday, 5 April 2019 at 14:47:42 UTC, Sjoerd Nijboer wrote:
So the following code doesn't compile for some reason, and I 
can't figure out why.

The error:  Error: template instance `MyClass!(MyEnum)` does 
not match template declaration `MyClass(MyEnum myEnum)`

pops up, no matter what I do.
I'm quite puzzled actually

You are just having a little issue with operator precedence 
there. Your code attempts to get the member `A` from 
`MyClass!MyEnum`, if you add braces around it, it'll work just 
fine `MyClass!(MyEnum.A)`.

Re: question about bitfields to decode websocket header

2018-11-07 Thread lithium iodate via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Wednesday, 7 November 2018 at 13:05:49 UTC, test wrote:

I am confused about the bitfields order.

bool,   "fin",1,
bool,   "rsv1",   1,
bool,   "rsv2",   1,
bool,   "rsv3",   1,
Opcode, "opcode", 4,

bool,   "mask",   1,
ubyte,  "_size",  7,

output for first byte is 1001 ,  the 2st byte 1011

my code output:  opcode=8 mask=true size=65

the real size is 3 byte, and opcode is 1;

how to fix this ?

The bitfields start with the least significant bits:
fin -> 1
rsv1 -> 0
rsv2 -> 0
rsv3 -> 0
opcode -> 1000 = 8

mask -> 1
_size -> 101 = 65

This order will likely be what you want:
opcode, "opcode", 4,
bool,   "rsv3",   1,
bool,   "rsv2",   1,
bool,   "rsv1",   1,
bool,   "fin",1,

ubyte,  "_size",  7,
bool,   "mask",   1,

Also beware of endianness when mapping bytes to it.

Re: Why use while if only iterating once ?

2018-11-03 Thread lithium iodate via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Saturday, 3 November 2018 at 21:03:16 UTC, Venkat wrote:
The last break statement prevents the loop from returned for a 
second iteration. Then why use a while ?

The continue statement may abort the current iteration and start 
the next, causing the final break to not necessarily be executed 
every iteration.

Re: Struct template cannot deduce function from argument types

2018-06-27 Thread lithium iodate via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Wednesday, 27 June 2018 at 16:19:56 UTC, Luka Aleksic wrote:

I am getting the following error:

scratch.d(14): Error: struct scratch.pair cannot deduce 
function from argument types !()(char, int), candidates are:

scratch.d(2):scratch.pair(T, U)
Failed: ["/usr/bin/dmd", "-v", "-o-", "scratch.d", "-I."]

Changing the offending line to:

pair!(char, uint) p1 = pair!(char, uint)('a', 1);

fixes the issue.

However I am interested to know why the first code couldn't 
deduce the types-- and why does it even have to try to deduce 
them, when I explicitly stated that p1 was of the type "pair of 
char and uint"?

L. Aleksic

Type inference does not work for struct construction. There are 
some technical problems with allowing that, such as this() having 
the capability of being a separate template itself.
Relevant issue tracker entry:

Your construction call does not work because the right hand side 
determines its type using only information present on the right 
hand side, in that sense you're not explicitly providing types at 

In order to still be able to make concise construction calls, you 
can define a factory function:

struct Pair(A, B)
A a;
B b;

this(A a, B b)
this.a = a;
this.b = b;

Pair!(A, B) pair(A, B)(A a, B b)
return Pair!(A, B)(a, b);

void main()
auto p = pair(1, "test");
pragma(msg, typeof(p)); //Pair!(int, string)

Re: For fun: Expressive C++ 17 Coding Challenge in D

2017-10-04 Thread lithium iodate via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Wednesday, 4 October 2017 at 15:30:08 UTC, Ali Çehreli wrote:

the hidden \r characters at the ends

Those got me too!

Here's my less than optimal solution:

int main(string[] args)
{   import std.stdio;
import std.algorithm.iteration : map, splitter, joiner, each;
import std.algorithm.searching : countUntil;
import std.range : enumerate;
import std.string : chomp;

if (args.length != 5 && args.length != 4)
{   stderr.writeln("Something went wrong and it's obviously 
your fault.");

return 1;

immutable columnID = args[2];
immutable substitute = args[3];

auto data = File(args[1], "r")!chomp;
if (data.empty)
{   stderr.writeln("input file missing\n\n(actually it 
exists, it's just "

~ "empty)\n\n(your fault regardless)");
return 1;

File output;
if (args.length == 5)
output = File(args[4], "w");
output = stdout;

immutable matchedColumn = 

if (matchedColumn < 0)
{   stderr.writeln("column name doesn’t exist in the input 
file\n\n(and "

~ "it's your fault)");
return 1;

data.popFront;!(line => line
.map!(a => a.index == matchedColumn ? substitute : 

.joiner(",")).each!(a => output.writeln(a));

return 0;

I think the biggest problem is the lack of support for quoted 

Re: Array Printing

2017-09-12 Thread lithium iodate via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Tuesday, 12 September 2017 at 06:29:53 UTC, Vino.B wrote:

Hi All,

 Request your help in printing the below array output as per 
the below required output

As a fan of stuffing as much as possible into one line:

void main()
{   import std.stdio;
   import std.range;
   import std.algorithm.iteration;
   auto a = ["C:\\Temp\\TEST2\\BACKUP\\dir1", "34",
   "C:\\Temp\\TEST2\\BACKUP\\dir2", "36",
   "C:\\Temp\\TEST3\\BACKUP\\dir1", "69"];
   auto b = ["C:\\Temp\\TEST2\\PROD_TEAM\\dir1", "34",
   "C:\\Temp\\TEST2\\PROD_TEAM\\DND1", "34"];
   auto c = ["C:\\Temp\\TEST2\\TEAM\\DND1", "34"];
   chain(a, b, c).chunks(2).each!(e => writefln!"%-60s 
%s"(e[0], e[1]));


Re: string to character code hex string

2017-09-02 Thread lithium iodate via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Saturday, 2 September 2017 at 17:41:34 UTC, Ali Çehreli wrote:
You're right but I think there is no intention of interpreting 
the result as UTF-8. "f62026" is just to be used as "f62026", 
which can be converted byte-by-byte back to "ö…". That's how 
understand the requirement anyway.


That is not possible, because you cannot know whether "f620" and 
"26" or "f6" and "2026" (or any other combination) should form a 
code point each. Additional padding to constant width (8 hex 
chars) is needed.