Re: debugging in vs code on Windows

2017-10-14 Thread piotrklos via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Saturday, 14 October 2017 at 13:12:51 UTC, Jerry wrote:

On Friday, 13 October 2017 at 12:55:09 UTC, piotrklos wrote:


If you use generate a 32-bit binary using DMD, it generates it 
in a format that the C/C++ extension doesn't understand. You 
need to compile -m32mscoff or -m64, and you need to make sure 
the /DEBUG is passed to the linker, as I don't think dmd passes 
it that. You can do that by passing "-L/DEBUG" to DMD (when 
using -m32mscoff or -m64). There should be a .pdb file that 
gets generated, when you start the debugger it should say that 
symbols were loaded for the exe.

I also can't say for certain if debug information is even 
generated for the unittests, so that might be something worth 
looking into to make sure it does.

I have added this to dub.json:
"-g", "-m64", "-L/DEBUG"
but I don't see a pdb file generated when I build. What am I 
doing wrong?

Re: debugging in vs code on Windows

2017-10-14 Thread piotrklos via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Saturday, 14 October 2017 at 13:20:27 UTC, Jerry wrote:

On Saturday, 14 October 2017 at 10:15:53 UTC, evilrat wrote:
webfreak's NativeDebug extension to be able to click to set 
breakpoint on lines(only for that).

You can just use VS Code setting, put the following into your 

"debug.allowBreakpointsEverywhere": true

But I can already click on the edge of editor and red bubble 
appears. Its just that the execution doesn't stop on those.

Re: debugging in vs code on Windows

2017-10-14 Thread piotrklos via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Friday, 13 October 2017 at 17:04:00 UTC, kerdemdemir wrote:

On Friday, 13 October 2017 at 12:55:09 UTC, piotrklos wrote:


I am using VisualD( 
with vs2015 community version(free) and I can debug. I highly 
recommend it if you haven't tried yet. Those options like "-g"  
is presented to you with interfaces. Forexample "-g" is 
automatically is being added if you are selecting debug 
builds(like Debug DMD or Debug LDC).

I will consider that, but I really like VS Code because I often 
switch between Linux and Windows machine, so I can have the same 
thing on both.

Does VisualD play well with dub?

debugging in vs code on Windows

2017-10-13 Thread piotrklos via Digitalmars-d-learn
I have windows 10, VS Code with code-d and C/C++ language 
extensions. I try to debug but it doesn't work. In particular, 
the debugging doesn't stop on breakpoints. It exits immediately. 
I recompile with -m64 and -g. I use dub to build the project. I 
use unit-threaded and I'm trying to debug a unittest build.

Has anyone been able to debug in VS code on Windows? What am I 
doing wrong?

(Rhetorical) Why is dlang community provide so many options (see and **every single one** of 
them is faulty in some way? I tried windbg and mago-mi but didn't 
gen anywhere.

need to emulate scope(failure) with struct destructor

2017-05-28 Thread piotrklos via Digitalmars-d-learn
I need to perform an action, in multiple separate functions, if 
scope exits with an exception. The trouble is I don't want to 
litter my code with scope(failure) everywhere. I already create 
an instance of a struct at each location, with the sole purpose 
of doing things at the end of scope.

So my code looks like:

RAIIType transactionHandler;
scope(failure) action;

RAIIType transactionHandler;
scope(failure) action;

RAIIType transactionHandler;
scope(failure) action;


 Ideally I would put the statement from scope(failure) in the 
struct's destructor and delete the scope(failure) statements.
I would need something like c++'s std::uncaught_exceptions() to 
check if an exception is in flight.

Is there something like this in D?

PS I think that we have here a more general problem, because 
dlang is missing a feature for composition of scope(...) 