Re: C++ Interop

2018-01-06 Thread qznc via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Saturday, 6 January 2018 at 11:20:01 UTC, Seb wrote:

On Saturday, 6 January 2018 at 11:17:56 UTC, Seb wrote:

On Friday, 5 January 2018 at 13:02:12 UTC, qznc wrote:
I'm exploring [0] C++ interop after watching Walter's 
presentation [1].


I know about this:


Also I think Ian (@ibuclaw) and @Razvan7 are currently working 
on a header generation tool from D sources to C++ headers.

It would be great to have std::vector and std::string out of the 
box in D, but putting it into druntime? Druntime is supposed to 
be shared among all frontends, isn't it? GCC and Clang probably 
do not have equivalent vector/string classes that the same D code 
can be used.

C++ Interop

2018-01-05 Thread qznc via Digitalmars-d-learn
I'm exploring [0] C++ interop after watching Walter's 
presentation [1].

I hit a block with classes as template parameters. This means 
vector works, but vector does not. D seems to map 
vector!Foo to vector<Foo*>. Likewise shared_ptr is a 
problem. Any way to fix that on the D side? The ugly workaround 
is to adapt the C++ code.

I understand that this mapping makes sense for function calls 
because bar(Foo f) in D maps to bar(Foo *f) in C++. And C++ 
bar(Foo f) has no equivalent in D because classes are reference 

On a related note, C++ interop requires to redeclare or even 
reimplement C++ code. Has anybody started a libcpp-in-d project? 
I'm looking for basics like vector and string.


Re: Use of "T"

2017-04-12 Thread qznc via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Wednesday, 12 April 2017 at 13:17:42 UTC, solidstate1991 wrote:
How can I make use of T? I've seen it being used many times for 
this application.

What "T"? This letter is often used as a generic template 
parameter. Are you talking about templates?

Maybe you can give some examples of the "many times" you have 
seen it used?

Dub and bindings

2017-03-11 Thread qznc via Digitalmars-d-learn
Are there any general tips or best practices for bindings in dub 

For example, I love the d2sqlite3 package. It just works out of 
the box. No linker configuration or anything. However, that is 
probably a testament to sqlite's lack of dependencies. That 
cannot work for libraries, which rely on other libraries.

Should the C code be included in the Github repo? Are submodules 
fine? Should the C build be invoked by dub via 
"preBuildCommands"? What about system libraries? Can that be made 
cross-platform? Should lflags be specified in the dub config or 
should they be passed via environment variable?

There should be a general guide for this. Maybe there already is 

Re: About spinlock implementation

2016-09-01 Thread qznc via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Thursday, 1 September 2016 at 10:30:12 UTC, Guillaume Piolat 

On Thursday, 1 September 2016 at 07:46:04 UTC, qznc wrote:

I find the documentation on MemoryOrder lacking about the 
semantics of rel. :(


What helped me was to read std::memory_order documentation

Yes, but how do they map? Is D's rel = relaxed or release or 

Also, reading C++ documentation should not be required of course. 

Re: About spinlock implementation

2016-09-01 Thread qznc via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Thursday, 1 September 2016 at 06:44:13 UTC, mogu wrote:

I found an implementation of spinlock in concurrency.d.
static shared struct SpinLock
void lock() { while (!cas(, false, true)) { 
Thread.yield(); } }
void unlock() { atomicStore!(MemoryOrder.rel)(locked, 
false); }

bool locked;
Why atomicStore use MemoryOrder.rel instead of MemoryOrder.raw?

I'm not sure I understand rel [0], but raw is too weak. Raw means 
no sequencing barrier, so

  local_var = protected_value;

could be transformed (by compiler or CPU) to

  local_var = protected_value;

This effectively makes the access to the protected value 
unprotected and nullifies the effect of the spinlock.

I find the documentation on MemoryOrder lacking about the 
semantics of rel. :(


Re: Implementing a cache

2016-07-03 Thread qznc via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Saturday, 2 July 2016 at 12:21:14 UTC, Lodovico Giaretta wrote:

On Saturday, 2 July 2016 at 12:10:28 UTC, qznc wrote:
Alternatively, any better idea to implement the cache? I guess 
there is no off-the-shelf/dub solution.

For now, I settled for a sorted array of cache entries plus an AA 
to map urls to indices into this array.

Implementing a cache

2016-07-02 Thread qznc via Digitalmars-d-learn
I want to implement some caching for HTTP GET requests. Basically 
a map of URL to content. A cache needs some additional meta data 
(size, age, etc).

There seem to be two basic data structures available: Associative 
array (AA) or red black tree (RBT).

With AA cache eviction is inefficient. It requires to sort the 
keys of the AA with respect to a field in the value. Stack 
overflow says "use RBT instead" [0].

With RBT retrieving something is inefficient. To get an entry, we 
need to create an fake entry with the key and get a range of 
entries 'equal' to the fake one? Or can I exploit some "find on 
sorted range" algorithm somewhere?

Alternatively, any better idea to implement the cache? I guess 
there is no off-the-shelf/dub solution.


Re: String compare in words?

2016-05-29 Thread qznc via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Sunday, 29 May 2016 at 17:42:48 UTC, Era Scarecrow wrote:
 Worse I'm not sure if the code generation already does that 
and possibly does a better job than what we could do by hand...

Not with dmd v2.071.0 or ldc 0.17.1.

At least not in all the variations I tried to trick them with, 
like copying into fixed-size array. Well, they did insert a 
memcmp and libc is probably optimized like that, but they copied 
data first, which is unnecessary.

Re: String compare in words?

2016-05-29 Thread qznc via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Sunday, 29 May 2016 at 18:15:16 UTC, qznc wrote:

On Sunday, 29 May 2016 at 17:38:17 UTC, Jonathan M Davis wrote:
And if you're not simply comparing for equality, what are you 
looking to figure out? Without more information about what 
you're trying to do, it's kind of hard to help you.

If I write the comparison naively, the assembly clearly shows a 
"movzbl" [0]. It loads a single byte! The other single byte 
load is encoded in the address mode of "cmp". Implementation:

bool stringcmp(string x, string y) {
  foreach(i; 0..x.length) {
if (x[i] != y[i]) // byte compare
  return false;
  return true;

It makes no sense to load single bytes here. Since we only want 
to check for equality, we could load two full words and compare 
four or eight bytes in one go.

Ok, to answer my own question, this looks good:

bool string_cmp_opt(immutable(ubyte)[] x, immutable(ubyte)[] y) {
pragma(inline, false);
if (x.length != y.length) return false;
int i=0;
// word-wise compare is faster than byte-wise
if (x.length > size_t.sizeof)
for (; i < x.length - size_t.sizeof; i+=size_t.sizeof) {
size_t* xw = cast(size_t*) [i];
size_t* yw = cast(size_t*) [i];
if (*xw != *yw) return false;
// last sub-word part
for (; i < x.length; i+=1) {
if (x[i] != y[i]) // byte compare
return false;
return true;

Any comments or recommendations?

Re: String compare in words?

2016-05-29 Thread qznc via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Sunday, 29 May 2016 at 17:38:17 UTC, Jonathan M Davis wrote:
And if you're not simply comparing for equality, what are you 
looking to figure out? Without more information about what 
you're trying to do, it's kind of hard to help you.

If I write the comparison naively, the assembly clearly shows a 
"movzbl" [0]. It loads a single byte! The other single byte load 
is encoded in the address mode of "cmp". Implementation:

bool stringcmp(string x, string y) {
  foreach(i; 0..x.length) {
if (x[i] != y[i]) // byte compare
  return false;
  return true;

It makes no sense to load single bytes here. Since we only want 
to check for equality, we could load two full words and compare 
four or eight bytes in one go.

This example is simplified and far-fetched. Actually, this is 
about the find algorithm [1].


String compare in words?

2016-05-29 Thread qznc via Digitalmars-d-learn
Given two string (or char[] or ubyte[]) objects, I want to 
compare them. The naive loop accesses the arrays byte-wise. How 
could I turn this into a word-wise compare for better performance?

Is a cast into size_t[] ok? Some Phobos helper functions?

Re: Newbie to D, first impressions and feedback on the 5 (and more) first minutes.

2016-05-25 Thread qznc via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Wednesday, 25 May 2016 at 09:41:10 UTC, Russel Winder wrote:
I do not really have the proper resources to host such a 
repository and because of this I have not built one. I know I 
should rather than just moan, but Debian is my main platform 
and that is covered.

Yes, this is the core problem. There is no single person, which 
(a) cares enough about Fedora and (b) can fix it. Unless this 
champion appears, Fedora will continue to suck for newbies.

Re: Newbie to D, first impressions and feedback on the 5 (and more) first minutes.

2016-05-24 Thread qznc via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Tuesday, 24 May 2016 at 15:27:45 UTC, llaine wrote:
As written in the description I'm really new to D, I discovered 
it a few weeks ago thanks to the D Conf in Berlin.

After playing around for couple of days with it, I wanted to 
share my journey with you guys on several points.

Thanks for writing this!

The "First 5 Minutes" (or days) are an important aspect, which 
the D community tries to improve. Since active D users already 
forgot about their first contact with D, the only information on 
what to improve are newbies telling their experience.

Re: reading file byLine

2015-09-02 Thread qznc via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Wednesday, 2 September 2015 at 13:46:54 UTC, Namal wrote:

On Wednesday, 2 September 2015 at 13:12:39 UTC, cym13 wrote:

On Wednesday, 2 September 2015 at 13:01:31 UTC, Namal wrote:


I want to read a file line by line and store each line in a 
string. I found this example with byLine and ranges. First of 
all, do I need the range lib at all to do this and if so what 
is the range of the end of the file?

You don't need the range lib at all, std.range provides 
advanced functions to work with ranges but ranges are a 
general concept. You need std.stdio though as this is doing 
file operations.

A way to do it is:

void main() {
auto f = File("myfile");
string buffer;

foreach (line ; f.byLine) {
buffer ~= line;


Note that by default byLine doesn't keep the line terminator. 
See for 
more informations.

Thx, cym. I have a question about a D strings though. In c++ I 
would just reuse the string buffer with the "=" how can I clear 
the string after i store a line in the buffer and do something 
with it.

Just like in C++: buffer = line;

However, you can just use "line" instead of "buffer" then. The 
byLine does buffer internally, so it overwrites "line" on the 
next iteration of foreach. If you want to keep the line string, 
then make a copy "line.idup".

I also tried to append a line to an array of strings but it 
failed because the line is a char?

Here is how to get an array of lines:

import std.stdio;
void main() {
auto f = File("myfile");
string buffer[];

foreach (line ; f.byLine) {
buffer ~= line.idup;


Profiling with LDC/GDC?

2015-09-01 Thread qznc via Digitalmars-d-learn

Is it possible to profile with LDC/GDC?

At least LDC lists it as only an "idea".

Re: linking external libs

2015-08-29 Thread qznc via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Thursday, 2 July 2015 at 12:10:52 UTC, Nicholas Wilson wrote:
Also is there a binding to GMP somewhere? I just hacked one 

I could need the bindings to fix the pidigits benchmark.

There is this 7y old code on dsource:

The readme says This is in alpha state. All functions that have 
been tried seem to work. (8 out of many), so not that confident.

Packing enums

2015-06-30 Thread qznc via Digitalmars-d-learn
I stumbled upon this interesting programming challenge [0], which 
imho should be possible to implement in D. Maybe someone here 
wants to try.

Task: Given two enums with less than 256 states, pack them into 
one byte and provide convenient accessor functions.

Something like this:

enum X { A, B, C };
enum Y { foo, bar, baz };
alias both = TwoEnums!(X,Y);
static assert(both.sizeof == 1);
both z;
z.X = B;
z.Y = bar;

Of course, you can generalize to n enums packed into a minimal 
number of bytes.


Re: std.container.Array deep-copy?

2014-10-10 Thread qznc via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Friday, 10 October 2014 at 06:27:35 UTC, yazd wrote:

On Thursday, 9 October 2014 at 21:24:55 UTC, qznc wrote:

On Thursday, 9 October 2014 at 21:14:46 UTC, qznc wrote:

How can you deep-copy a std.container.Array instance?

Ok, the deep-copy problem already got resolved on reddit: Use 

However, the error is still open. You cannot give an Array!X
argument to constructor/replace/insertBefore of Array!X 

You will just need to slice it to provide a range.

Like the following? That did not work.

Array!Foo y = Array!Foo(x[]);

Re: std.container.Array deep-copy?

2014-10-10 Thread qznc via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Friday, 10 October 2014 at 10:59:59 UTC, Sag Academy wrote:

On Friday, 10 October 2014 at 10:32:17 UTC, yazd wrote:

Like the following? That did not work.

Array!Foo y = Array!Foo(x[]);

How does it not work?
It compiles successfully:

yeah man.

You are right.

Sorry. I probably messed up my test file somehow.

std.container.Array deep-copy?

2014-10-09 Thread qznc via Digitalmars-d-learn

How can you deep-copy a std.container.Array instance?

The actual array data is heap-allocated and reference-counted.
Assignment and .dup only create additional references.

Using a copy constructor yields an error:

Array!Foo x;
Array!Foo y = Array!Foo(x);

Error: template std.container.Array!(Foo).Array.__ctor cannot
deduce function from argument types !()(Array!(Foo)), candidates
std.container.Array!(Foo).Array.__ctor(U)(U[] values...) if
(isImplicitlyConvertible!(U, T))
std.container.Array!(Foo).Array.__ctor(Stuff)(Stuff stuff) if
isImplicitlyConvertible!(ElementType!Stuff, T)  !is(Stuff ==

The question came up in a reddit discussion:

Re: std.container.Array deep-copy?

2014-10-09 Thread qznc via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Thursday, 9 October 2014 at 21:14:46 UTC, qznc wrote:

How can you deep-copy a std.container.Array instance?

Ok, the deep-copy problem already got resolved on reddit: Use dup.

However, the error is still open. You cannot give an Array!X
argument to constructor/replace/insertBefore of Array!X instances?

Re: Idiomatic D?

2014-01-31 Thread qznc

On Thursday, 30 January 2014 at 22:40:24 UTC, Tofu Ninja wrote:

On Thursday, 30 January 2014 at 20:10:01 UTC, Dicebot wrote:

On Thursday, 30 January 2014 at 20:05:11 UTC, Tofu Ninja wrote:
I hear it thrown around a lot but what does it actually mean? 
What does the ideal D code look like? What kind of things 
should some one think about if they are trying to do 
idiomatic D?

There is no official idiomatic style like, for example, in 
python. When I speak about idiomatic D I usually think about 
style Phobos is written in (omitting legacy modules) as it is 
the code that gets most attention from most experienced D 

Got any tips?

Re: A little of coordination for Rosettacode

2014-01-15 Thread qznc
I just made some scripts [0] to download and compile all D 
examples from Rosettacode. From 186 of 716 examples fail to 
compile [1]. Some for trivial reasons like not wrapped into a 
main function or a missing import. Some require SDL or Tango or 
other third-party libraries.

My ultimate goal was to use this for regression testing dmd. 
Anyways if people try code examples they should compile out of 
the box for good PR.

If you are looking for a low-barrier way to support D a little, 
feel free to check out the fail list [1] and fix some. :)



Re: A little of coordination for Rosettacode

2014-01-15 Thread qznc

On Thursday, 16 January 2014 at 01:11:23 UTC, bearophile wrote:
- To test the compiler betas to see if they have regressions 
if you try to use the new features.

This sounds somewhat paradox to me. How can a new feature have a 
regression? A regression means it has worked before, but new 
feature did not exist before.

Maybe the question is about before? In my understanding 
before is latest release, whereas current is beta release 
or git HEAD. Do you mean before as something like commit 
deadbeef~4 whereas current is commit deadbeef?

I see nothing wrong with using code from Rosettacode to try out 
new features. It is weird though, if people want to test an 
example, you have to tell them to compile dmd from git.

In practice the difference between the uses is not that important 
I think, because the sheer number of code snippets and release 
frequency means that most examples can be compiled with the 
latest release no matter what bearophile does. ;)

Btw are your scripts public, bearophile?

Re: Why is string.front dchar?

2014-01-14 Thread qznc

And a short overview over Unicode in D:

Re: Value or Reference Semantics Trait

2014-01-13 Thread qznc

On Sunday, 12 January 2014 at 20:16:15 UTC, Nordlöw wrote:
Is there a trait to check whether a type has value or reference 

I need this in a template struct that adaptively (using static 
if) represent histogram bins as either a dense static array or 
a sparse associative array.

No, afaik.

However, the question goes deeper than you might have though. You 
probably want to distuingish between structs+scalars vs classes. 
However, what about ref-arguments? Mutable arrays are struct 
values, but have reference semantics. Immutable-value arrays 
(e.g. string) have value semantics.

You could use one version as default and define special cases via 
some stuff you find in std.traits.

stringpool / string interning

2014-01-11 Thread qznc
I would like to efficiently compare lots of strings. The usual 
approach is String-interning as Java calls it. After a string is 
interned they can be compared via just a single pointer 
comparison instead of comparing char by char.

I have not found anything like that in Phobos. Somebody already 
implemented something like this?

Re: Learning D as main systems programming language

2014-01-09 Thread qznc
On Wednesday, 8 January 2014 at 23:38:31 UTC, Goran Petrevski 
I'm new in the programming, systems programming especially, but 
I want to learn D more as a systems programming language and by 
that I mean avoiding libraries at all. My goal is to write a 
simple operating system totaly in D (using Assembly wherever is 
needed) and by progressing in that project, learning this 
powerfull language as the main systems programming language. 
Any help/advice on this goal will be really 
helpful/appreciated. Thanks in advance.

You might want to look into XOmB:

Re: Dub and GtkD

2013-12-21 Thread qznc
On Saturday, 21 December 2013 at 14:52:08 UTC, Russel Winder 
I just created a new vibe.d project using dub, all fine. Well 
once I had
solved the libevent problem. Then, as the project is to be a 
GUI client,
I added a gtk-d dependency.  I tried building the empty project 
and the
binary comes out at 42MB. Not only that there are two copies of 
it one
in . and one in ./.dub/build. I was gobsmacked, this isn't Go, 
should be dynamic linking by default.  Is this something I have 

There ought to be a clean target for dub as well as a build and 

target for dub, or have I missed something?

Re GtkD, when I run the Hello World vibe.d web server with 
GtkD doing

nothing, I get:

| dub
Checking dependencies in 

Target is up to date. Skipping build.
Running ./arcamclient
Listening for HTTP requests on ::1:8080
Listening for HTTP requests on
Please open in your browser.
Library load failed:

Error: Program exited with code 1

In an earlier thread here, Mike Wey's response was download 
and build it yourself. I am not sure this is the right 
approach. Debian

packages GNOME 3 quite well but they do not have this and yet things work. I think mayhap GtkD 
have this as an optional dependency rather than a mandatory 
one. Or am I

missing something?

For some reason GtkD uses some unreleased version of Gtk with 
some OpenGL features. You can use the normal/stable variant by 
adapting your dependency a little:

dependencies: { gtk-d:gtkd: ~master }

Not sure, why GtkD does this. There are also no versions, just 

Re: Language Support - Read and Write

2013-12-15 Thread qznc

On Sunday, 15 December 2013 at 08:41:42 UTC, Siavash Babaei wrote:
Is it not possible to read and write in non-latin languages 
like Hebrew, Arabic, Farsi, etc?! If so, how, and if not, why?

D source files are UTF-8. You can name your variables and 
functions using the fullw wealth of Unicode.

D provides the string type (and others) for Unicode data.

D has no problem with Hebrew, Arabic, Farsi, etc.

Does that answer your question?

Re: Ranges: is it ok if front is a data member?

2013-12-12 Thread qznc

On Thursday, 12 December 2013 at 21:55:20 UTC, Ali Çehreli wrote:
The third condition that is checked to determine whether it is 
an OutputRange is indeed assignment to front.

That condition is what makes a slice an OutputRange, which 
causes the super confusing state of output range losing 
elements after put'ting: :)

import std.range;

void main()
auto s = [ 1, 2, 3 ];
assert(s.length == 2); // PASSES! :p

Ouch. That surely is confusing. Why don't arrays provide .put 
which appends the element?

Re: Template resolution and interfaces

2013-12-11 Thread qznc
On Tuesday, 10 December 2013 at 17:50:45 UTC, Torje Digernes 

Compositing an class via curry fails when I try to use 

Guessing that this is due to when classes are validated for
interface implementation and when templates are instantiated.

I thought this was a cool optional way to build/composite 

instead of wrappers. Don't think it has inherent advantages
(except that trivial wrappers look silly), just another way to 

it. Any chance I can do this anytime soon? Or already by writing
somewhat smarter?

Your code creates an alias, which only exists at compile-time but 
not at run-time. The compiler error interface function 'void 
mpriority()' is not implemented is correct.

A naive implementation is straightforward:

void mpriority() { priority(myData); }

Why do you want to use curry?

Re: Stream-Based Processing of Range Chunks in D

2013-12-10 Thread qznc

On Tuesday, 10 December 2013 at 09:57:44 UTC, Nordlöw wrote:
I'm looking for an elegant way to perform chunk-stream-based 
processing of arrays/ranges. I'm building a file 
indexing/search engine in D that calculates various kinds of 
statistics on files such as histograms and SHA1-digests. I want 
these calculations to be performed in a single pass with 
regards to data-access locality.

Here is an excerpt from the engine

/** Process File in Cache Friendly Chunks. */
void calculateCStatInChunks(immutable (ubyte[]) src,
size_t chunkSize, bool doSHA1, 
bool doBHist8) {
if (!_cstat.contentsDigest[].allZeros) { doSHA1 = 
false; }

if (!_cstat.bhist8.allZeros) { doBHist8 = false; }

import std.digest.sha;
SHA1 sha1;
if (doSHA1) { sha1.start(); }

import std.range: chunks;
foreach (chunk; src.chunks(chunkSize)) {
if (doSHA1) { sha1.put(chunk); }
if (doBHist8) { /*...*/ }

if (doSHA1) {
_cstat.contentsDigest = sha1.finish();

Seemingly this is not a very elegant (functional) approach as I 
have to spread logic for each statistics (reducer) across three 
different places in the code, namely `start`, `put` and 

Does anybody have suggestions/references on Haskell-monad-like 
stream based APIs that can make this code more D-style 

You could make a range step for each kind of statistic, which 
outputs the input range unchanged and does its job as a side 

  SHA1 sha1;
 .add_sha1(doSHA1, sha1)

You could try to use constructor/destructor mechanisms for 
sha1.start and sha1.finish. Or at least scope guards:

SHA1 sha1;
if (doSHA1) { sha1.start(); }
scope(exit) if (doSHA1) { _cstat.contentsDigest = sha1.finish(); }

Re: Only const or immutable class thread local variables are allowed

2013-12-10 Thread qznc
On Tuesday, 10 December 2013 at 09:50:56 UTC, Joseph Rushton 
Wakeling wrote:

On 10/12/13 09:27, Jonathan M Davis wrote:

A lot of dmd's error messages aren't great.

Would this be better?

 Cannot initialize thread-local class variable %s with a 
mutable value.
Only const or immutable initial values are allowed (e.g. 

That would be better.

I can also add a bugzilla issue if you like, but maybe seems 
overkill ... ?

The changelog is partially generated from Bugzilla issues. That 
was the main reason to also add issues for pull request, afaik.

Re: Only const or immutable class thread local variables are allowed

2013-12-10 Thread qznc

On Tuesday, 10 December 2013 at 09:50:56 UTC, Joseph Rushton
Wakeling wrote:

On 10/12/13 09:27, Jonathan M Davis wrote:

A lot of dmd's error messages aren't great.

Would this be better?

 Cannot initialize thread-local class variable %s with a 
mutable value.
Only const or immutable initial values are allowed (e.g. 

That would be better.

I can also add a bugzilla issue if you like, but maybe seems 
overkill ... ?

The changelog is partially generated from Bugzilla issues. That
was the main reason to also add issues for pull request, afaik.

Re: Simultaneous Assignment

2013-12-09 Thread qznc

On Monday, 9 December 2013 at 07:38:04 UTC, Dfr wrote:

Does D has somtething similar ?

No, not in general. There are a few special cases, though.

The foreach loop can assign value and index simultaneously.

  foreach (int i, char c; a) {
writefln(a[%d] = '%c', i, c);

Many things can be done in the library. For example, the variable 
swap from your link:

  swap(i,j); // more:

For returning multiple values from a function in D, you use 

I tried this way, but it not worked out.

if((int x = 10)  0) {
writefln(x is %s, x);

Could you give more context for your specific example? What are 
you trying to do?

Re: Only const or immutable class thread local variables are allowed

2013-12-09 Thread qznc
On Monday, 9 December 2013 at 06:43:05 UTC, Joseph Rushton 
Wakeling wrote:

On 09/12/13 01:24, Ali Çehreli wrote:

On 12/08/2013 02:40 PM, qznc wrote:

I understand you are talking about the Singleton design 
You might want to look how std.parallelism does it with the 

global thread pool.

(ii) I still think it's not what I want.  The static class 
instance doesn't need to be globally global, I want the default 
thread-local storage as per the existing std.random.rndGen.  
Hence the solution I arrived at, but which I'm sure could be 

class Foo {
private static Foo singleton = null;
@property public static Foo global() {
if (singleton is null)
singleton = new Foo();
return singleton;

Running example:

Re: Simultaneous Assignment

2013-12-09 Thread qznc

On Monday, 9 December 2013 at 09:32:26 UTC, Dfr wrote:
What i trying to achieve in my current example is more succinct 

A coming from Perl and instead of writing:

if(  0) {
writefln(x is %s,;

I got used not to repeat complex statement, but use 'x' as 
quick alias:

if((int x =  0) {
writefln(x is %s, x);

Afaik, D has no StatementExpression, which means no declarations 
inside expressions. However, there is an AssignExpression, so 
assignment works, but requires the declaration before.

  int x;
  if((x =  0) {
writefln(x is %s, x);

The bad news is that this means type inference cannot be used 
here (no auto) and the variables is declared in a wider scope 
than just the if-body.

Re: std.string inPattern() and UTF symbols

2013-12-09 Thread qznc

On Monday, 9 December 2013 at 14:44:23 UTC, Fra wrote:
various (UTF) symbols seems to be ignored by inPattern, see for a quick example (munch() 
uses inPattern() internally)

Is it me doing something in an improper way, or is the 
documentation lacking more specific limitation of the function? 
All I can read is In the future, the pattern syntax may be 
improved to be more like regular expression character classes. 
This doesn't sound like non-ascii symbols are not supported

Looking at the implementation of inPattern [0], I'd say it is 
restricted to ASCII. The unittests only cover ASCII, for example.

I also smell a unicode bug, due to the combination of foreach and 


Re: std.string inPattern() and UTF symbols

2013-12-09 Thread qznc

On Monday, 9 December 2013 at 15:58:53 UTC, qznc wrote:
I also smell a unicode bug, due to the combination of foreach 
and length.

Bug reported. :)

That is probably not the root of Fras problem, though.

Re: Only const or immutable class thread local variables are allowed

2013-12-08 Thread qznc
On Sunday, 8 December 2013 at 21:32:35 UTC, Joseph Rushton 
Wakeling wrote:

On 08/12/13 21:12, Ali Çehreli wrote:

In any case, I think class static this is the solution:

I think I may have misled you by talking about properties, 
because I _don't_ mean a property of a class.  I mean a public 
standalone function that is marked as a @property, which 
returns a persistent instance of some class.

The actual motivation is reimplementing std.random.rndGen but 
with class-based RNGs instead of structs :-)

A consequence of this is that I don't think a static class 
instance can work, because the returned class has to be 
non-const -- it's an RNG that will be updated!

I understand you are talking about the Singleton design pattern.
You might want to look how std.parallelism does it with the 
default global thread pool.

Re: Monads compared to InputRanges?

2013-12-04 Thread qznc
On Wednesday, 4 December 2013 at 01:53:39 UTC, Shammah Chancellor 

Or is D syntax not generic enough to define monads?

I started to port monads to D [0]. You can do it, but it looks 
ugly. The trick is to implement (Haskell) type classes via 
template specialization. I came to the conclusion that it is not 
worth it.

What D kind of lacks is a way to define a general type class aka 
the interface. Of course, you could use the interface keyword, 
but then you cannot apply it to structs. Haskell has no structs 
(value type records), so they do not have this problem. Look at 
how isInputRange is implemented [1]. The traits in Rust [2] 
provide this interface mechanisms as a language feature. D uses 
static-if instead.

Not Haskell, not D, not Rust can check, if your monad actually 
follows the monad laws [3]. This would probably require a full 
theorem prover in your language. So Coq, Isabelle, and maybe ATS 
could do that. A similar challenge would be to check if a 
user-defined plus operator is commutative (a+b == b+a) like 
arithmetic plus operations.



Re: Thread affinity?

2013-12-04 Thread qznc

On Tuesday, 3 December 2013 at 17:10:07 UTC, Rob T wrote:
In core.thread I don't see a portable way to pin a thread to a 
specific core, or at least pin the thread to whatever core it 
is currently running in.

I found this solution, but it's for Windows only.

I can find solutions for pthread coded in C/C++, but I'm not 
sure how to apply these solutions when using the D Thread 
class. I may be able hack something out, but I need to be sure 
it's safe and correct.

Any help is appreciated.

You should file an issue [0] as this should actually be in 


Re: Rest

2013-12-04 Thread qznc

On Sunday, 1 December 2013 at 18:37:25 UTC, guest wrote:
just wanted to know if something in my code is really bad or 
could be solved in more elegant way. Basicly things which 
people with more experience in D see on their first view of my 

The line splitting in HttpRequest can be simplified with Phobos 
functions. Look into std.array.split.

Not D specific, but you are nesting pretty deeply in my eyes. I 
would for example rewrite the run function:

  foreach(...) {
if (foo) {


  foreach(...) {
if (!foo) continue;

In paramAssignment you could use scope(failure) instead of 

Design-wise your approach cannot be extended with new HTTP 
methods. For example, Subversion uses PROPFIND and REPORT.

You are using classes extensively, but I doubt that OO is the 
best paradigm here. It looks rather functional to me. Each 
request is mapped to a function call. Why grouping this into 

For my taste there is too much magic (string mixins), but it 
seems necessary for this annotation approach.

Re: scoped chdir and similar patterns

2013-12-04 Thread qznc

On Thursday, 5 December 2013 at 01:07:19 UTC, Timothee Cour wrote:


Is there a (clever?) way to achieve the following using a 
single function


You could (mis)use destructors.

struct chdir_scoped {
  string olddir;
  this(string newdir) {
olddir = bar;
writeln(chdir to ~newdir);
  ~this() {
writeln(chdir back to ~olddir);

int main() {
  auto x = chdir_scoped(foo);
  writeln(doing work in foo);
  return 0;
chdir to foo
doing work in foo
chdir back to bar

Feels hacky to me, since x is not used anywhere.

Re: D game engine -- Any suggestions?

2013-11-20 Thread qznc

On Wednesday, 20 November 2013 at 16:40:59 UTC, Mineko wrote:
On Wednesday, 20 November 2013 at 15:30:32 UTC, Geancarlo Rocha 
You should fix your LICENSE following these instructions I hope you 
understand the virality of GPL and why most people won't touch 
your code for real work.

Yeah I know, have any better ideas that is at least similar 
enough to the GPL?

You could try my little wizard:

Re: Accessing mutable data that isn't

2013-11-20 Thread qznc

On Wednesday, 20 November 2013 at 22:49:42 UTC, Spott wrote:

I've been screwing around with templates lately, and I'm
attempting to figure out why the following won't compile:

struct value
 int a;

 const auto
 opBinary(string op, T)(in T rhs) const pure {
 static if (op == +)


 ref value opAssign(T)( in T t ) {
 a = t.a;
 return this;

 int plus(T1, T2)(in T1 x, in T2 y) pure {
 return x.a + y.a;


struct intermediateValue(alias Op, alias A, alias B)

 auto opBinary(string op, T)(in T rhs) const pure {
 static if (op == +)
 return intermediateValue!(,this,rhs)();

 @property auto a() const pure {
 return Op(A, B);


void main()
 value a = value(2);
 value b = value(3);
 value c;
 c = a + b;

The error is:
d_playground.d(34): Error: pure nested function 'a' cannot 

mutable data 'this'
d_playground.d(34): Error: pure nested function 'a' cannot 

mutable data 'this'
d_playground.d(10): Error: template instance
value).opBinary.intermediateValue!(plus, this, rhs) error
d_playground.d(44):instantiated from here: 

d_playground.d(44): Error: template instance
d_playground.value.opBinary!(+, value) error instantiating

What is going on?  Why is 'a' not allowed to access mutable
data (even though it isn't modifying it)? How do I tell the
compiler to pass this in a const fashion?

No answer, but two notes.

First, use dpaste for such code snippets:

Second, what are you trying to do? intermediateValue is a struct 
without members. I am not sure what 'this' means in such a case.

Re: From D struct to C struct

2013-11-18 Thread qznc

On Monday, 18 November 2013 at 08:32:11 UTC, Namespace wrote:
I found another approach. It avoids the GC and the Heap: A 
Circular Buffer:

That should work.

It is unsafe, but might work in your specific case.

The problem is that future changes might exhibit memory 
corruption, if the limit of your buffer is too low. Would 
probably be a hell to debug.

Re: pure-ifying my code

2013-11-18 Thread qznc
On Monday, 18 November 2013 at 07:37:27 UTC, Jonathan M Davis 

This is middleend optimization stuff, though.

I'm not quite sure what you mean by this. There is no 
middle-end. We have the
front-end, which is shared by dmd, gdc, and ldc, and then each 
compiler has
its own backend. Anything D-specific is done in the front-end. 
So, if there are
any D-specific optimizations (such as optimizations related to 
pure), they need

to be in the front-end.

For me, middle-end is stuff, which is neither specific to input 
language nor to output OS/architecture/runtime. Effectively, all 
compiler optimizations which are useful everywhere. Maybe this 
view is a little outdated, since most people consider LLVM has 
simply a backend, while I would consider it middle- and backend 
of a compiler.

Re: D on

2013-11-18 Thread qznc

On Sunday, 17 November 2013 at 20:56:47 UTC, John J wrote:
Can you please add the D language to the

That's an interesting way of quickly introducing a language 
through a long and well commented code example.

Writing this is probably a good learning experience for anybody 
who wants to learn D. Of course, you can ask for feedback here. ;)

Re: From D struct to C struct

2013-11-17 Thread qznc

On Sunday, 17 November 2013 at 22:11:02 UTC, Namespace wrote:

I have some trouble with C interfacing.
I have a C struct with an integer member and I want to wrap 
this into a D template. But if I want to access the C API, I 
have to convert the C struct with the type informations of the 
D struct.


The question is: How can I write the ptr method? It is very 
probable, that these conversion is often used, so the ptr 
method should be fast and without many garbage. And If 
possible, I want to avoid the GC / Heap.
My current approach doesn't avoid the GC complete, but it 
displace the problem:

Any further ideas how to solve that?

You cannot use the stack due to your API requirements, so only 
heap or data segment remains. I assume you cannot use static 
variables, so heap it is. You should look into Andreis proposed 
std.allocator to optimize your memory management.$5u8$

Re: pure-ifying my code

2013-11-17 Thread qznc
On Sunday, 17 November 2013 at 21:00:16 UTC, Jonathan M Davis 
will definitely result in multiple calls to pure_func. It's not 
that it's
impossible for the compiler to do it - it's perfectly possible. 
But doing so
would require at least basic code flow analysis, and dmd almost 
never does any

kind of code flow analysis.

I remember Walter being against flow analysis in the frontend. 
This is middleend optimization stuff, though. Does dmd really use 
no data flow analysis anywhere?

Re: Best data structure for a particle system?

2013-11-15 Thread qznc

On Friday, 15 November 2013 at 14:01:36 UTC, Chris Cain wrote:
On Friday, 15 November 2013 at 13:32:38 UTC, Mikko Ronkainen 
Ok, thanks! That linked list cache thrashing was just the 
thing I knew that I don't know :)

Let's say I just use dynamic array and grow it when adding new 
particles to the system, and when particles die, just set 
their dead flag on. This means that, when adding a new 
particle, I need to scan the array first for possible dead 
particles that can be reused. Is there some trick that could 
be used here to reduce excessive searching/iteration?

Instead of having a dead flag, you could swap ( ) the dying 
particle with the last particle in the list and then decrement 
the list's length.

This swapping might even speed up the normal particle processing, 
because with a mix of dead and alive particles the flag checking 
could confuse the branch predictor.

Ultimately, if flag or swap is faster must be measured. Profiling 
and bencharking are your friends, if you want to optimize your 
particle system. For a start use an array and either method.

Re: What is the closest to ConcurrentHashMap and NavigableMap in Java?

2013-11-15 Thread qznc
On Thursday, 14 November 2013 at 23:10:58 UTC, Jacek 
Furmankiewicz wrote:
While looking a D, I am just trying to focus on the parts which 
I know would be a showstopper for us on day one...and this 
particular issue is it.

Yes, I also think for long-running memory-hungry server-stuff the 
current conservative GC is a show stopper. Some people are 
working on a concurrent and a  precise GC. Then parallel and 
concurrent and incremental and generational and whatnot GCs will 
be explored. The point where it gets interesting for these 
server-apps is not clear though.

Regarding the GC, I've seen some slides on DConf about other 
garbage collectors available. Is there any resource/tutorial 
that shows how you can swap out the default GC for those 
alternative implementations?

As far as I know those other GCs are not ready for prime time 
yet. For sure, there is no other GC shipped with the current D 

Oh, and keep nagging! We need to hear about showstoppers, so we 
can fix them! ;)

Re: Efficient string concatenation?

2013-11-15 Thread qznc
On Friday, 15 November 2013 at 22:35:48 UTC, Jacek Furmankiewicz 
I am learning D by going through Ali Cehreli's otherwise 
excellent Programming in D PDF and he did not show this in 
his initial chapter on Strings.

Well, Appender is not string specific.

D feels like being in a different league in terms of generic 
programming. Many stdlib stuff is implemented more abstract and 
generic, which makes it harder to find. Looking for some string 
operations, you might find it in std.algorithm, std.array, 
std.range, or std.string.

Maybe it is different to C++ programmer, who are used to this 
from the STL.

Re: Deimos rules?

2013-11-14 Thread qznc
On Wednesday, 13 November 2013 at 22:46:45 UTC, Jonathan M Davis 

On Wednesday, November 13, 2013 23:01:58 Xavier Bigand wrote:
I work on XCB integration, so I think that I can add bindings 
in deimos.

C headers are translated to d modules by using DStep or 

If manually need I respect some syntactical rules?

It's completely project-dependent. Deimos is for D bindings to 
C libraries.
They need to be the extern(C) declarations which correspond to 
the C header
declarations without any D wrappers. Beyond that, how the 
project is put
together or how the bindings are generated is really up to 
whoever does the
header translation. DStep is new enough that I expect that most 
of Deimos has
been converted by hand. There's also htod on Windows, but it 
does a pretty
poor job, because it's D1-compatible (e.g. it doesn't handle 
const right).

So, you can translate the headers however you want, and there 
are no syntactic
rules. I'd say that you should follow the same file layout as 
the actual C
headers (a one-to-one translation of header.h - header.d), but 
how everything
is formatted in those files doesn't really matter. It's up to 

Ah, that reminds that the tutorial needs some good advice about 
this. As far as I know, DStep is the current state of art.

Re: What does func!thing mean?

2013-11-07 Thread qznc
On Friday, 8 November 2013 at 05:46:29 UTC, ProgrammingGhost 
I'm a D noob. .map!(a = a.length) seems like the lambda is 
passed into the  template. .map!split just confuses me. What 
is split? I thought only types can be after !. I would guess 
split is a standard function but then shouldn't it be 

const wordCount = file.byLine()  // Read 
  .map!split // Split 
into words
  .map!(a = a.length)   // Count 
words per line
  .reduce!((a, b) = a + b); // Total 
word count

Do you know C++ templates? C++ functhing == D func!(thing).

You can pass anything into a template, not just types. So you are 
right, map!split gives the split function into the map 
template and map!(split) is the canonical form. D allows you to 
remove the parens for simple cases, hence map!split.

Re: UFCS with constructors

2013-11-06 Thread qznc

On Wednesday, 6 November 2013 at 11:04:05 UTC, bearophile wrote:

import std.typecons: Typedef;
alias Foo = Typedef!double;
void main() {
auto a1 = Foo(1);
pragma(msg, typeof(a1));
auto a2 = 1.Foo;
pragma(msg, typeof(a2));
auto a3 = Foo(-1);
pragma(msg, typeof(a3));
auto a4 = -1.Foo;
pragma(msg, typeof(a4));

It prints:

Typedef!(double, nan)
Typedef!(double, nan)
Typedef!(double, nan)

Is this expected/acceptable/good?

Operator precedence of . is higher than unary minus. That 
should be the explanation, why the fourth output is different 
than the others.

However, what is Typedef for?

Re: Cast delegate and functions.

2013-10-31 Thread qznc

On Thursday, 31 October 2013 at 13:12:31 UTC, Wolftein wrote:

void delegate(Event)
void delegate(T) Where T is a class that inherits Event.

I'm trying to cast (void delegate(T)) to (void delegate(Event)) 
to be able to store them in a map, but when i cast them i get 
null exeception.

Same thing for cast things like this

TemplateClass!OtherTypeOfPlugin - Being OtherTypeOfPlugin 
inherit Plugin

Using C++ this is allowed.

It is not safe to allow this.

  auto f = delegate(T x) { x.methodOfT(); }
  auto g = cast(void delegate(Event)) f;
  g(new Event());

This would call methodOfT on an Event object, which does not have 
that method.

Co- and Contravariance for such stuff is tricky. Here is a 
discussion on how C# 4.0 approaches it:

Re: Looking for something similar to Python's bisect_right

2013-10-30 Thread qznc

On Wednesday, 30 October 2013 at 06:04:36 UTC, Zeke wrote:
Hello, I'm on day 2 of learning D. I've learned C, C++, Java, 
Python, Ruby in University, but I wanted to broaden my palette 
by picking up D.

This project is a basic implementation of Project Euler problem 
10. I build an array of primes, and for each new test number I 
check if the test is divisible by any prime from 2 to 
sqrt(test) (which cuts down on number of iterations). Trouble 
is, I can't find a method that's in the libraries to calculate 
the index of where sqrt(test) would exist or would be inserted 
into a sorted array.

I tried casting the primes array to a SortedRange using 
assumeSorted() but it didn't work for me. countUntil() returns 
-1 if the value doesn't exist. and I didn't find anything in 
the std.algorithm, std.array, or std.container.

Here's my current working implementation of is_prime and the 
functions it uses:

pure nothrow @safe bool is_prime(in ulong[] primes, ulong num) {
// Need to find a more elegant way to find the index of 
where a number's

// square root would be in a sorted array.
auto upper = insind(primes, 
cast(ulong)sqrt(cast(double)num)) + 1;
// Check each prime in the array up to the square root of 
our current test

// number to see if it is prime.
foreach(ulong prime; primes[0..upper]) {
if (num % prime == 0) {
return false;
return true;

Why do you want to find the exact prime first? Just check against 
sqrt(num) in the loop.

auto upper = cast(ulong)sqrt(cast(double)num)) + 1;
foreach(ulong prime; primes) {
  if (prime  upper) return true;
  if (num % prime == 0) return false;
assert (false); // should be unreachable?

Re: Looking for something similar to Python's bisect_right

2013-10-30 Thread qznc

On Wednesday, 30 October 2013 at 18:56:42 UTC, Zeke wrote:

On Wednesday, 30 October 2013 at 14:17:22 UTC, qznc wrote:
Why do you want to find the exact prime first? Just check 
against sqrt(num) in the loop.

auto upper = cast(ulong)sqrt(cast(double)num)) + 1;
foreach(ulong prime; primes) {
 if (prime  upper) return true;
 if (num % prime == 0) return false;
assert (false); // should be unreachable?

Because having a branch inside the foreach causes a branch 
prediction error when you've found a prime number. Simply 
iterating up to the sqrt and then terminating the loop has no 
branch prediction error. Try it for yourself.

Interesting thought.

In your code, there are two conditional branches in each 
iteration: The check for the end of foreach range and the prime 
check. Why is one more condition for the upper check so bad?

I admit, my code includes the superfluous foreach range check. 
Hence this improved version:

ulong prime;
int i = 0;
assert (primes[$]  upper);
do {
  prime = primes[i];
  if (num % prime == 0) return false;
} while (prime  upper);
return true;

In this version there is still an implicit bounds check for the 
array access. For dmd -noboundscheck disables that branching.

Optimizing for branch prediction sounds premature, since you are 
using a slow algorithm anyways. ;)

Re: std.range.chunk without length

2013-10-30 Thread qznc
On Wednesday, 30 October 2013 at 00:20:12 UTC, Stephan Schiffels 


I'd like a version of std.range.chunk that does not require the 
range to have the length property.

As an example, consider a file that you would like parse by 
lines and always lump together four lines, i.e.

import std.stdio;
void main() {
  auto range = File(test.txt, r).byLine();
  foreach(c; range.chunks(4)) { //doesn't compile
writefln(%s %s, c[0], c[1]);

Your wish was granted. Monarchdodra was sent back in time [0], so 
it is already fixed in HEAD. You could try the dmd beta [1].


Re: GhostDoc for VisualD?

2013-10-24 Thread qznc

On Wednesday, 23 October 2013 at 15:56:33 UTC, Namespace wrote:

Is there anything like this for VisualD?

As far as I understand the GhostDoc website it generates prose 
comments from the type information? The only reason I can think 
of are weird enterprise requirements like every method must have 
at least 5 lines of documentation.

Maybe you want some specific part of GhostDoc, which is actually 

Re: Help with concurrency - traversing a DAG

2013-10-23 Thread qznc

On Tuesday, 22 October 2013 at 08:13:57 UTC, tbttfox wrote:

On Friday, 18 October 2013 at 19:47:37 UTC, qznc wrote:
Create a task for each node without a parent. Let the tasks 
create new tasks for their children.

I was finally able to try this out, but I'm having a problem.
My test case right now is a simple linked list, and what I 
think happens is that the queue empties and makes it past the 
pool.finish() before the worker thread can add another task to 
the queue.

Here's the code:

Thanks again

This pool.finish seems to be the wrong way to wait. I think you 
have to implement your own.

Re: Changing elements during foreach

2013-10-21 Thread qznc
On Monday, 21 October 2013 at 10:31:51 UTC, Krzysztof Ciebiera 
Is the following compiler behavior consistent with language 

import std.stdio;

void main()
int a[][] = [[1,2,3]];
foreach(x; a)
x[0] = 0;
x ~= 4;

I understand why thw program could output [1,2,3] (like in C++ 
without ) or [0,2,3,4] (python, C++ ref). But [0,2,3]? It was 
unpleasant surprise.

The behavior of D's slices is often unintuitive. To understand 
them, read this article:

Re: D and C++

2013-10-21 Thread qznc

On Saturday, 19 October 2013 at 13:20:28 UTC, develop32 wrote:

Are there any recent improvements in how D interfaces with C++? 
I got the impression that some work has been done on that, in 
order to make DMD a self-hosting compiler.

I do not know of any recent improvements.

The current plan to make DMD self-hosting seems to be a 
conversion tool. The transition would one step then. The 
challenge is mostly on LDC then to use the C++ LLVM bindings.

Re: Changing elements during foreach

2013-10-21 Thread qznc

On Monday, 21 October 2013 at 20:14:09 UTC, ixid wrote:
On Monday, 21 October 2013 at 19:37:47 UTC, Jonathan M Davis 

On Monday, October 21, 2013 21:16:00 qznc wrote:

On Monday, 21 October 2013 at 16:22:29 UTC, Krzysztof Ciebiera

 I understand slices now and I don't find it consistent with 

 shoot in the foot by default statement.

I agree. The pitfalls are well understood, yet everybody 
seems to
love them. Ok, compared to C array they are an improvement 
due to
bounds checking. If the elements are const or immutable 

everything is fine, but write+append is basically
implementation-defined behavior.

Once there is a proper std.collections, I will probably adapt 

tutorial to recommend a safe alternative (ArrayList?).

Just don't use slices when appending. It's only an issue when 
you're appending
and relying on slices continuing to refer to the same array, 
and that's not
going to work. Slices are primarily for reading, not writing. 
Using a
container doesn't change that. It just makes it so that you 
can't even attempt
to append to a slice, because the slice is a different type 
than that container

and won't support appending.

What would be the issue/s with disallowing appending to slices? 
So you'd have to explicitly duplicate before you could append.

Appending itself is not the problem. Append + write is 

 int[] a = [1,2,3];
 int[] b = a;
 a ~= [4,5]; // append
 a[0] = 42; // write
 assert (b[0] == 42) // indeterministic, implementation-specific

It depends on the capacity during the append. If a reallocation 
happened, then b[0]==1. Otherwise b[0]==42.

If you can forbid the write (e.g. immutable(char)[] aka string), 
you can append as much as you want. If you can disallow the 
append (convention, no type system support for this), you can 
write as much as you want.

For something like Javas ArrayList, the behavior would be a 
deterministic b[0]==42, but also a.length==b.length.

Re: D and C++

2013-10-21 Thread qznc

On Monday, 21 October 2013 at 11:29:54 UTC, develop32 wrote:

On Monday, 21 October 2013 at 11:08:15 UTC, qznc wrote:

On Saturday, 19 October 2013 at 13:20:28 UTC, develop32 wrote:

Are there any recent improvements in how D interfaces with 
C++? I got the impression that some work has been done on 
that, in order to make DMD a self-hosting compiler.

I do not know of any recent improvements.

The current plan to make DMD self-hosting seems to be a 
conversion tool. The transition would one step then. The 
challenge is mostly on LDC then to use the C++ LLVM bindings.

I'm aware of the conversion tool, but it seems it will only 
apply to the frontend? The DMD backend will be left as is.

The DM backend has some legal issues. Symantec owns part of it 
and does not relicence it. Converting it to D would not change 
that, since the D version is still derived work.

Writing a whole new backend in D is not feasible. There are so 
many more important tasks. However, in the Open Source world, 
nobody can stop you from doing it. ;)

Re: Help with concurrency - traversing a DAG

2013-10-18 Thread qznc

On Friday, 18 October 2013 at 07:20:07 UTC, tbttfox wrote:
So I've got a project in mind, and at the core of that project 
is a DAG with lots of nodes. This seems to be a great candidate 
for concurrent evaluation. The problem is that a node can only 
be evaluated after all of its parents have.

I'm really new to D and static typing in general (coming from 
Python-it was way too slow for this), and I'm having trouble 
navigating the shared/const/immutables and keeping within the 
concurrency structure in D.

The actual question: Will the following strategy work? I've 
tried coding this a couple times, and it just doesn't seem to 
be working. Is there something wrong with my logic?

I make a shared list of linked nodes and pass that to each 
thread on spawn. Then the indexes of any node without a parent 
go into a queue.  The main thread then passes list indexes to 
the worker threads from that queue. When a worker thread gets 
an index, it makes a local copy of that node, evaluates it, and 
stores the data it computes with the node.

Then every child of that node is checked to see if its parents 
have all been processed.  If so, that child is added to the 
queue and the thread requests another item from the queue. When 
the queue is empty, the job is done.

I assume your goal is to exploit parallelism for a speedup? How 
expensive is the evaluates it step? Is the traversal or the 
evaluation dominating the run time in the single-threaded 
version? How scalable do you need to be (e.g. Desktop Multicore 
or Cluster or Cloud)?

In terms of logic, I can see no error. Though it is not clear, if 
you use push or pull. The master might push to the workers or the 
workers might pull from the master.

Re: Help with concurrency - traversing a DAG

2013-10-18 Thread qznc

On Friday, 18 October 2013 at 16:31:13 UTC, tbttfox wrote:
My not currently not working implementation has the workers 
make a pull request from the master.

As far as I understand you just want something working right now? 
Then my suggestion would be to look into std.parallelism [0]. 
Create a task for each node without a parent. Let the tasks 
create new tasks for their children.

This would implement your concept quite well. The queue is 
actually the task queue of a thread pool. The nice thing, is that 
all this queueing and synchronization stuff is already 
implemented for you in the standard library.

You could try to make the DAG immutable and create a secondary 
data structure for the evaluation results.


Re: mutable, const, immutable guidelines

2013-10-17 Thread qznc

On Wednesday, 16 October 2013 at 20:33:23 UTC, H. S. Teoh wrote:
I'm of the view that code should only require the minimum of 
it needs to actually work. If your code can work with mutable 
then let it take a mutable (unqualified) type. If your code 
without modifying input data, then let it take const. Only if 
your code
absolutely will not work correctly unless the data is 
guaranteed to

never change, ever, by anyone, should it take immutable.

Sounds reasonable. Which one of the following would you prefer?

foo1(const T t) {

foo2(immutable(T) t) {

I'd say foo2, which puts the burden of the copy on the caller. 
However, if the caller already has an immutable value an 
unecessary copy is avoided.

Re: mutable, const, immutable guidelines

2013-10-17 Thread qznc

On Wednesday, 16 October 2013 at 20:33:23 UTC, H. S. Teoh wrote:
I'm of the view that code should only require the minimum of 
it needs to actually work. If your code can work with mutable 
then let it take a mutable (unqualified) type. If your code 
without modifying input data, then let it take const. Only if 
your code
absolutely will not work correctly unless the data is 
guaranteed to

never change, ever, by anyone, should it take immutable.

What about functions, which are not thread-safe?

auto percentageDistribution(const int[] percentages) {
  assert (sum == 100);

Not a realistic example, but it should do. This function checks 
that the sum of all percentages equals 100, but a concurrent 
modification might break this. You could require an immutable 
array to avoid that. Alternatively, the absence of shared could 
be considered enough to express this.

Re: mutable, const, immutable guidelines

2013-10-16 Thread qznc

On Wednesday, 16 October 2013 at 17:55:14 UTC, H. S. Teoh wrote:

Maybe it's helpful to understand how D's const system works. The
following diagram may help (please excuse the ASCII graphics):

  / \
mutable immutable

I think people in this thread know how const works, but some 
think it is broken. Scenario is this:

Library code:

struct Foo { int x; }

User code:

Foo f;
immutable f2 = f;

This works, even though the library writer might not have 
anticipated that someone makes Foo immutable. However, now the 
library writer obliviously releases a new version of the library, 
which extends it like this:

struct Foo {
  int x;
  private int[] history;

Unfortunately, now the user code is broken due to the freshly 
introduced mutable aliasing. Personally, I think is fine. Upon 
compilation the user code gives a  error message and user 
developer can adapt to the code to the new library version. Some 
think the library writer should have a possibility to make this 

Re: Starting D with a project in mind.

2013-10-10 Thread qznc

On Thursday, 10 October 2013 at 19:49:15 UTC, Andrew wrote:

Hi All,

I've been writing a MUD for a little while, initially using 
Haskell but now using C. I develop on MacOS X but deploy to a 
Raspberry Pi. I loved using Haskell especially using the Parsec 
parser but unfortunately I couldn't build on the Pi because the 
resource requirements were just too heavy.

Now I develop in C and the same Makefile builds on Mac and 
Debian equally well and of course I can use the lovely Xcode 
environment. However, as I start to add more advanced features 
it's getting rather tedious. The MUD has an embedded web server 
which supports web sockets for real time play and the back end 
is a Mongo DB. The C code to access DB is very repetitive and 
is slowing me down because of the lack of higher level 
constructs. Similarly the parser is very basic and ropey which 
needs attention.

Hence my interest in D. I've spent a few hours trying to get 
GDC working on my Pi which is proving to be a bitch but I'm 
hoping that it will be worth it.

Before I get too far down this path, would you recommend D for 
this task and will porting from Mac to Pi be seamless ?

As Adam already said D on Pi is adventurous.

For MongoDB and web stuff, you should look into Vibe.d [0]. For 
parsing I would suggest Pegged [1].

Welcome to D and Happy Hacking! :)


Re: mutable, const, immutable guidelines

2013-10-10 Thread qznc

On Wednesday, 9 October 2013 at 04:31:55 UTC, Ali Çehreli wrote:

On 10/08/2013 03:12 PM, qznc wrote:
 On Monday, 7 October 2013 at 17:57:11 UTC, Ali Çehreli wrote:
 To look at just one usage example, the following line
carries two

 auto a = T();
 immutable b = a;

 1) b will be an immutable copy of a.

 2) T will always be usable as in that fashion.

 If T appears on an API, it is the responibility of the user
to ensure
 whether they are allowed to treat T in that way. Otherwise,
they risk
 maintainability if the module decides to change T in any way
that fits
 the module's needs. If they have not yet advertised that T
can be used
 as immutable, it should not be.

 I do not agree with you, that the user has the responsibility.

I have difficulty agreeing with myself as well. :) However, the 
power of immutable makes me think so. Interestingly, once a 
user creates an immutable variable of a type, that type must 
support that use.

 Rather I
 think the provider of T has the responsibility to maintain

Agreed but I don't know how. Here is challenge: Let's start 
with the following program:

// Library type
struct MyInt
int i;

void main()
// User code
auto a = MyInt(1);
immutable b = a;

Let's assume that the library adds a private dynamic array of 
ints to that type:

// Library type
struct MyInt
int i;
private int[] history;// -- Added

void main()
// User code
auto a = MyInt(1);
immutable b = a;  // -- Existing code breaks

Error: cannot implicitly convert expression (a) of type MyInt 
to immutable(MyInt)

Maybe the fact that D allows this implicit copy to immutable is 
the problem? If one could require the use of a specific function, 
this function could be overridden with working behavior. The 
following code works.

import std.exception: assumeUnique;

struct MyInt
  int i;
  private int[] history;// -- Added

// idup for creating immutable MyInts
immutable(MyInt) idup(const MyInt mi) pure nothrow @trusted {
  MyInt cpy = MyInt(mi.i);
  return cast(immutable) cpy;

// special version for performance
immutable(MyInt) idup(immutable MyInt mi) pure nothrow @trusted {
  return mi;

unittest {
  auto a = MyInt(1);
  immutable b = a.idup; // -- Code does not break

D could either remove the implicit-copy-to-immutable or provide a 
special copy-constructor for immutable structs.

Re: mutable, const, immutable guidelines

2013-10-10 Thread qznc
On Thursday, 10 October 2013 at 18:39:32 UTC, Christian Köstlin 

On 10/10/13 1:05 , qznc wrote:
Very interesting discussion!

 contract between caller and callee. If an argument is const,
it means
 the callee says he can handle others changing the state
i think what the usual understanding of const for an argument 
to callee is, what is written at 
that means for me, that callee promises not to change the data 
itself. perhaps a bettr description would be readonly.

The linked page clearly says It may, however, be changed by 
another reference to that same data.

usually you would think that no one else should change the data 
while callee runs. but at least with c++ i could imagine 
running callee in a thread with a reference to a const thing 
which changes underneath and while callee is running.

A const argument gives information to both sides. For the caller 
it means callee does not modify the data. For the callee it means 
somebody else (another thread) may modify the data at any time.

An immutable argument means the same for the caller, but gives an 
additional guarantee to the callee that nobody modifies the data.

Re: mutable, const, immutable guidelines

2013-10-09 Thread qznc

On Wednesday, 9 October 2013 at 04:41:35 UTC, Ali Çehreli wrote:

 4. Data structures should not restrict themselves to be
mutable, const,
 or immutable.

What is the template of a struct that can be used as such? 
Providing simple values seems to be insufficient:

struct MyInt
int i;
private int[] history;

What else should the struct above have to make it usable as 
mutable, const, immutable?

 This is a noble goal, which in reality is probably either
trivial or
 impossible. So I am not sure, if it is worthy to be called a

We have to nail this down already. We have this great addition 
of immutable in the language but we either don't know how to 
use it or the language is lacking hopefully trivial things to 
make it work.

For this case, there are basically two approaches: a) prevent the 
use as immutable in the first place or b) make it work as 
immutable by force.

For version a) we could have a UDA like this:

  @NeverImmutable struct MyInt { int i; }

  auto x = immutable(MyInt)(42);  // compile error
  immutable y = MyInt(42);// compile error

However, the library writer would have to anticipate the private 
dynamic array, which probably does not happen. Defensive coding 
like putting @NeverImmutable on everything would defeat the 
purpose as well.

For version b) we would relax the type system, which opens an 
ugly can of worms of unknown size. Basically, immutable data 
would be allowed to have mutable private data, if the author 
sufficiently asserts everything is correct. Since there are lots 
of interesting compiler optimizations with immutable things, I 
can imagine there will be lots of subtle errors until one can 
make something like this work.

At this point, I cannot imagine that there is a solution which 
makes this case work, so I think we have to accept this breakage.

Re: mutable, const, immutable guidelines

2013-10-09 Thread qznc
On Wednesday, 9 October 2013 at 15:50:55 UTC, Daniel Davidson 

void foo(const(MutableType) mt);
void foo(immutable(MutableType) mt);

Naturally the inclination is to choose the second as it is a 
stronger guarantee that no threads are changing the data. Cool. 
But wait, the first one still probably requires the same 
guarantee, even if it does not state it. If in the const case 
another thread changes the state of mt during the function foo 
then it will fail. foo actually requires that mt not be change 
by other threads during its operation - that is the only sane 
way of using the data in the function.

Why the first one still probably requires the same guarantee?
Why would foo fail if in the const case  another thread changes 
the state of mt?

If foo is not thread-safe, then it should require immutable.

Take, for example, LinearCongruentialEngine from random.d. It 
has a function:

bool opEquals(ref const LinearCongruentialEngine rhs) const

Why is it using const here instead of immutable? Does it not 
care about other threads? No - it just is not smart enough to 
deal with it. It assumes other threads won't be changing it or 
if they are caveat developer. So when do you use immutable as a 
signal that not only will this function not change it, no 
thread will change it either? Probably when you know you have 
to deal with threading. But that then would be coupling two 
maybe orthogonal decisions - the threading of a program and the 
signature of functions.

Hm, that actually looks like a bug. If LinearCongruentialEngine 
is instantiated with a UIntType larger than size_t, it is not 
thread-safe, but this seems to be claimed in the section header.

Why are those two decisions orthogonal? The signature of a 
function is a contract between caller and callee. If an argument 
is const, it means the callee says he can handle others changing 
the state concurrently.

Re: mutable, const, immutable guidelines

2013-10-09 Thread qznc
On Wednesday, 9 October 2013 at 15:50:55 UTC, Daniel Davidson 

 I would rephrase the second guideline as: Never dup or idup
an argument
 to make it mutable or immutable, but require the caller to do
 (might be able to avoid it).

Agreed. But it means you agree with me that immutable should 
indeed appear on function signatures as needed.

I don't really agree. Naturally, if const were used all the way 
down there would be no need for copies. It is the introduction 
of immutable (via string in your example) that breaks the rule 
and causes the pain. But then if the rule were adopted globally 
- immutable is never used on parameters in a signature, only 
const is used, when would you start seeing any benefit to the 
immutable keyword?

The benefit of immutable is that nobody else can change it. 
Functions that would be non-thread-safe with const arguments are 
thread-safe with immutable arguments.

That relationship with thread-safety almost seems to be a good 

5. If a function is not thread-safe due to const arguments, 
consider making it immutable. Otherwise you must explicitly 
document the lack of thread-safety.

 For more guidelines:

 3. Return value, which are freshly created, should never be
const. They
 should be mutable or immutable.

Agreed. I say that it should be mutable if the function is 
pure, as such a return values is automatically convertible to 

 Basically, I cannot come up with a case, where const would be
 to mutable and immutable. Maybe someone is able to find a
good example?

I don't know if these are good examples, but they are examples:

From zip.d:
const(void)[] compress(const(void)[] buf)

Looking it up (in zlib.d actually) it could just as well return 
an immutable array, since it is freshly allocated.

From vibe:
const(Json) opIndex(string key) const {

Not sure where exactly this comes from. Seems to be some kind of 
map? In this case the value is not freshly created, so the 
guideline does not apply.

I'm confused by the term usable as mutable, const, immutable? 
Isn't it true that types are not mutable, const, immutable in 
their definition but only in their context?

MyInt is a type, probably mutable.
immutable(MyInt) is also a type, but immutable.
const(MyInt) is also a type, but const.

These are example of immutable and const being used as type 
constructors. They create a new type from an existing one (MyInt).

Re: mutable, const, immutable guidelines

2013-10-08 Thread qznc
On Wednesday, 2 October 2013 at 13:09:34 UTC, Daniel Davidson 

1. If a variable is never mutated, make it const, not immutable.
2. Make the parameter reference to immutable if that is how you 
will use it anyway. It is fine to ask a favor from the caller.


I think guideline 1 should be about arguments not variables. 
Functions should take const arguments, so they can be called with 
mutable and immutable values.

I would rephrase the second guideline as: Never dup or idup an 
argument to make it mutable or immutable, but require the caller 
to do this (might be able to avoid it).

For more guidelines:

3. Return value, which are freshly created, should never be 
const. They should be mutable or immutable.

Basically, I cannot come up with a case, where const would be 
preferable to mutable and immutable. Maybe someone is able to 
find a good example? Of course, this does not hold for returned 
values, which are retrieved from somewhere (array,container,etc). 
In this case, I have no general advice.

4. Data structures should not restrict themselves to be mutable, 
const, or immutable.

This is a noble goal, which in reality is probably either trivial 
or impossible. So I am not sure, if it is worthy to be called a 

Re: mutable, const, immutable guidelines

2013-10-08 Thread qznc

On Monday, 7 October 2013 at 17:57:11 UTC, Ali Çehreli wrote:
To look at just one usage example, the following line carries 
two requirements:

auto a = T();
immutable b = a;

1) b will be an immutable copy of a.

2) T will always be usable as in that fashion.

If T appears on an API, it is the responibility of the user to 
ensure whether they are allowed to treat T in that way. 
Otherwise, they risk maintainability if the module decides to 
change T in any way that fits the module's needs. If they have 
not yet advertised that T can be used as immutable, it should 
not be.

I do not agree with you, that the user has the responsibility. 
Rather I think the provider of T has the responsibility to 
maintain backwards compatibility. My principle is anything is 
allowed, unless explicitly forbidden. This includes immutable 
type constructing. It is great that we get a type error, if 
backwards compatibility is broken.

Nevertheless, the question of responsibility seems to be 
subjective. Are there any clear technical reasons for either way?

Unfortunately, there is no way for the provider to allow or 
disallow immutable(T). Maybe there should be a UDA or something 
for this?

Re: Learning D - first steps and best practices

2013-10-02 Thread qznc
On Wednesday, 2 October 2013 at 03:28:59 UTC, Jonathan M Davis 

On Wednesday, October 02, 2013 03:19:19 Jesse Phillips wrote:
For me, if the program didn't format brackets on the same line 
wouldn't use it. If you start making things configurable, may 

well improve indent's support for D.

Whereas I'd hate to have to write code that didn't have braces 
on their own
line. It's far better for us both to be able to write code the 
way that we
want than try and force standard formatting rules of some kind. 
IMHO, they add

little to no value and definitely make coding less enjoyable.

My vision: Jonathan checks out Jesses code to fix a bug. On 
opening the file his editor automatically reformats to 
braces-on-own-line. When committing the fix, a pre-commit hook 
reformats to the project-specific style braces-on-same-line. 
Everybody is happy. :)

Of course, there are edge cases, where automatic formatting 
should be broken. However, I think we should let them be and 
adapt. I also add code sometimes, just to remove a compiler 
warning like unused argument. Likewise, I am fine with minor 
noise in exchange for consistent styling like described above.

Re: unsigned interger overflow

2013-10-02 Thread qznc
On Wednesday, 2 October 2013 at 05:41:50 UTC, Jonathan M Davis 
On Wednesday, October 02, 2013 12:32:24 Alexandr Druzhinin 

Is it safe to replace code:

uint index;
// do something
if(index == index.max)
index = index.init;

by the following code
uint index;
// do something
index++; /// I use unsigned int so uint.max changed to 0 

Well, not quite. Your first one skips uint.max. It goes from 
uint.max - 1 to 0,
whereas the second one goes from uint.max to 0. So, they're 
subtly different.
But yes, incrementing the maximum value of an unsigned integral 
type is
guaranteed to wrap around to 0. Signed integers are of course 
another matter

entirely, but it's guaranteed to work with unsigned integers.

For signed integers there seems to be no clear consensus [0], 
although personally I would read the spec [1] as wrapping happens 
for int as well:

If both operands are of integral types and an overflow or 
underflow occurs in the computation, wrapping will happen.

I also consider it reasonable, since every architecture uses 


Re: 'pp' for D?

2013-10-01 Thread qznc

On Tuesday, 1 October 2013 at 09:21:44 UTC, John Colvin wrote:

On Monday, 30 September 2013 at 21:24:28 UTC, linkrope wrote:
But putting quotes around a string value is obviously not 
What if the string contains a quote? hell\o would become 

Would would you want it be become?

I believe the basic idea of repr and friends is to output 
language literals. You could copypaste the output back into a 
source file and use it.

Re: Learning D - first steps and best practices

2013-10-01 Thread qznc
On Sunday, 29 September 2013 at 07:49:21 UTC, Jonathan M Davis 
I confess that I don't understand why so many people are 
fixated on having a
standard style, particularly when it's very, very clear that 
most everyone
disagrees on what counts as good style. What little we have in 
terms of official
style guidlelines for D can be found here: 

I think nowadays programmers expect their language to come with 
more opinion and best practices. In contrast, the C++ world is 
too fragmented for consistent advice.

I believe, the best solution would be to include an 
auto-formatter (like go fmt), so people can simply reformat the 
code before and after editing.

Re: RosettaCode proposal: RFC diagram converter

2013-10-01 Thread qznc

On Monday, 30 September 2013 at 23:27:48 UTC, bearophile wrote:
Inspired by a talk by Eden in the StrangeLoop 2013 conference, 
I'd like to create a new small Rosettacode Task. Perhaps 
someone here is able to review this task description a little, 
or even to implement the D solution:

 - - - - - - -TASK DESCRIPTION START- - - - - - - - -

Task Title: ASCII art diagram converter

Given the RFC 1035 message diagram from Section 4.1.1 (Header 
section format) as a string:

|  ID   |
|QR|   Opcode  |AA|TC|RD|RA|   Z|   RCODE   |


ID is 16 bits
QR = Query (0) or Response (1)
Opcode = Four bits defining kine of query:
  0:a standard query (QUERY)
  1:an inverse query (IQUERY)
  2:a server status request (STATUS)
  3-15: reserved for future use
AA = Authoritative Answer bit
TC = Truncation bit
RD = Recursion Desired bit
RA = Recursion Available bit
Z = Reserved
RCODE = Response code
QC = Question Count
ANC = Answer Count
AUC = Authority Count
ADC = Additional Count/pre

Write a function, member function, class or template that 
accepts a similar multi-line string as input to define a data 
structure or something else able to decode or store a header 
with that specified bit structure.

If your language has macros, introspection, code generation, or 
powerful enough templates, then accept such string at 
compile-time to define the header data structure statically.

Such Header function or template should accept a table with 
8, 16, 32, 64 columns and any number of rows. The only allowed 
symbols to define the table are + - | (plus, minus, pipe), and 
whitespace. Lines of the input string composed just of 
whitespace should be ignored. Leading and trailing whitespace 
in the input string should be ignored, as well as  before and 
after each table row. The box for each bit of the diagram takes 
four chars +--+. The code should perform a little of 
validation of the input string, but for brevity a full 
validation is not required.

 - - - - - - -TASK DESCRIPTION END- - - - - - - - -

I think such ASCII art inside the source code is easy to read, 
so in theory the D entry could be useful for more than just a 
Rosettacode Task.

The usage syntax of the D entry:

alias H1 = BitfieldsTable!
|  ID   |
|QR|   Opcode  |AA|TC|RD|RA|   Z|   RCODE   |


Nice idea! :)

I assume 1 column corresponds to 1 bit. This should probably be 
mentioned explicitly in the task description.

Re: Question about garbage collector

2013-08-29 Thread qznc
On Wednesday, 28 August 2013 at 21:28:11 UTC, bioinfornatics 

Hi everyone,

yesterday i read an article into a french linux journal that in 
some years garbage collector will disapear.

Why ? he explain in very very short as:
- Moore's law will be not anymore true
so only memory will continue to increase ( static and volatil )
- Garbage Collector are not efficient in big memory for some 
technical reason
- Data to manage will continue to grow big data ant full memory 
stategy will the rule

So Develloper will move to a language where they are no garbage 


In bioinformatic we work with big data or full memory stategy 
often and that will not stop. So what think D garbage 
cllector's dev about this ?

Yes, I got this gist from hardware researchers repeatedly. Buzz 
phrases like all computing is low power computing now get 
thrown around. You can google dark silicon for more details.

However, your summary (or the article) is not quite correct. 
Garbage collection is not efficient in little-memory scenarios 
(embedded systems). Good, efficient garbage collection often 
requires a few times as much memory as manual memory management. 
This means if your application needs lots of RAM, you might be 
able tackle bigger tasks, if you get rid of the garbage collector.

Also, be careful about the problem domain. There will be enough 
domains left in some years, where garbage collection is the 
better tradeoff. Just think about all the domains where 
Python,Ruby,etc are popular now. The interesting field is mobile, 
though. Android's Dalvik and Web Apps use garbage collection. iOS 
switched to compiler-supported reference counting a few years 
ago. Mobile means saving battery is important, so efficiency is 
important. However, battery life is not the biggest factor for 

Re: improve concurrent queue

2013-08-27 Thread qznc

On Monday, 26 August 2013 at 19:35:28 UTC, luminousone wrote:
I have been working on a project and needed a good concurrent 

What does good mean? Concurrent queues have so many design 
parameters (single reader? single writer? blocking? bounded? etc) 
and there is no queue, which performs optimal for every case.

I can recommand this paper (paywalled though):

Nevertheless, I believe you rather wanted some comments on your 
specific code. I wonder why you implemented spinlocks yourself? 
If you write a blocking algorithm, you should probably use the 
phobos locks.

Re: Limited Semi-PolyMorphic (LSP) structs?

2013-08-26 Thread qznc

On Monday, 26 August 2013 at 11:20:17 UTC, Era Scarecrow wrote:
 Been a while and out of the loop, I need to get my hands dirty 
in the code again (soon). Anyways, let's get to the matter at 
hand as I'm thinking about it. I'm working on some code (or 
will work on code again) that could use a polymorphic type, but 
at the end it will never be shared externally and can never 
extend beyond 'Known' types. (and the 'types' are behavior 95% 
of the time)

 True polymorphism will let me compile a code to work with say 
'Object' and you can plug in any code and pass it an object and 
it will be happy, or inherit and work with it. These are great 
as classes. But I want to throw a wrench in the gears, I want 
to use structs.

 I know you're asking, Why? Well the data structure I'll be 
working with have records in the hundreds of thousands, but 
most of the time looking at/sorting them I don't necessarily 
need to allocate memory (or really even interact with them 
beyond sorting). Most of the time the OO aspect is just 
behavior and the data between them never changes (behave this 
way because you're a type XXX). It can take a very long time to 
unpack everything (when you never needed to unpack in the first 
place, or allocate and then de-allocate immediately, probably 
without recycling).

 Alright, structs can't inherit because they don't have an 
object pointer to go to their parent structures that they are 
connected to. If we eliminate the pointer and the overhead on 
some of that, we bring it down to the following:

 To be fully polymorphic you need to:
 * Be able to tell what type it is (Probably enum identifier)
 * Extended types cannot be larger than the base/original (or 
the base has to hold extra data in reserve for it's other 

 When can this LSP be applicable?
 * When a type can be changed on the fly with no side effects 
other than intended (This 'text' struct is now 'left aligned 
text object')
 * When allocations/pointers aren't needed (why fully build the 
object at all?)
 * When it won't be extended beyond the current type... (only a 
few fixed subtypes)
 * When teardown/deallocation/~this() isn't needed (never 
allocates? Never deallocates! Just throw it all away! POD's are 
 * When you have no extra 'data' to append to a class/struct 
and only override methods/behavior (Encryption type switch from 
DES to BlowFish! Same API/methods, otherwise nothing really 
 * When you need a half step up from structs but don't need 
full classes/objects

 Limitations: Hmmm..
 * LSP's cannot be a template or mixin (they can call on them)
 * Known at compile-time
 * Only one of them can handle setup/teardown.

 Now, I wonder. What if we make it so it CAN inherit? We need 3 
examples, where something is in A, AB, and B. We will get to 
that. iA and iB are the class/structs and A/B/C are the 
methods/functions. So...

//original based on...
class iA {
  void A();
  void C();
class iB : iA {
  void A();
  void B();

Hm, my try would be alias this for inheritance and function 
pointers for virtual methods.

struct iA {
  void function(iA) A;
  void C();

struct iB {
  iA _a;
  alias this = _a;
  void B();

If you have multiple subclasses for iA, you can use a 
tagged-union from std.variant.


2013-08-25 Thread qznc
Apparently, ElementType!string evaluates to dchar. I would have 
expected char. Why is that?

Re: ElementType!string

2013-08-25 Thread qznc

On Sunday, 25 August 2013 at 19:38:52 UTC, Paolo Invernizzi wrote:

On Sunday, 25 August 2013 at 19:25:08 UTC, qznc wrote:
Apparently, ElementType!string evaluates to dchar. I would 
have expected char. Why is that?

I think is because they are iterated by ranges as dchar, that's 
equivalent to iterating the unicode symbol.

If they were iterated by char, you would get during the 
iteration the singles pieces of the utf8 encoding, and usually 
that is not what an user is expecting.

Note on the other side that static assert( is(typeof( [0]) == 
immutable(char)) ), so you can iterate the string by chars 
using the index.

- Paolo Invernizzi

Thanks, somewhat unintuitive.

This also seems to the explanation, why the types documentation 
decribes char as unsigned 8 bit UTF-8, which is different than 
ubyte unsigned 8 bit.

Confirmed by this unittest:

string raw = Maß;↵
assert(raw.length == 4);↵
assert(walkLength(raw)== 3);

Range-based INI parser

2013-08-25 Thread qznc
Playing around with ranges I built [0] a little parser for INI 
files [1].

It does not support multiline values, since then I cannot do the 
line splitting in a different component. Any good architecture 
ideas here?

The thing with INI is that the definition is fuzzy. This means 
the parser should be highly configurable. What symbols for 
key-value-separation? What symbol for comments? Case sensitivity? 
Etc. I used template parameters for configuration, since that 
should be best for performance. Better ideas?

I like my idea to output a range of (section,key,value) items. 
This lets the user decide, what to do with duplicate keys and 
avoids data structures for sections.

Would something like this be a good idea for Phobos?


Re: Creating a growable binary heap or priority queue using Phobos?

2013-06-22 Thread qznc

On Monday, 14 November 2011 at 06:15:18 UTC, SimonM wrote:

On 2011/11/14 02:10 AM, bearophile wrote:


2009, 27 April:

See the working version:


Okay, I looked at the example, and it seems that the only 
reason it works is because that piece of code never requires 
the array's length to grow larger than it's initial length (at 
the start of the loop, 2 elements are taken out, and at the 
end, only one is inserted back in).

If I try using a BinaryHeap with a range, then, like the 
documentation mentions, I can't grow that BinaryHeap any larger 
than it's initial size, because I got the following error: 
Cannot grow a heap created over a range. But somehow I can't 
get it working with an Array!(T) like the documentation implies 
it should be capable of?

Is this problem resolved? I cannot produce a growable BinaryHeap 

Re: Creating a growable binary heap or priority queue using Phobos?

2013-06-22 Thread qznc

On Saturday, 22 June 2013 at 07:48:25 UTC, qznc wrote:

On Monday, 14 November 2011 at 06:15:18 UTC, SimonM wrote:

On 2011/11/14 02:10 AM, bearophile wrote:


2009, 27 April:

See the working version:


Okay, I looked at the example, and it seems that the only 
reason it works is because that piece of code never requires 
the array's length to grow larger than it's initial length (at 
the start of the loop, 2 elements are taken out, and at the 
end, only one is inserted back in).

If I try using a BinaryHeap with a range, then, like the 
documentation mentions, I can't grow that BinaryHeap any 
larger than it's initial size, because I got the following 
error: Cannot grow a heap created over a range. But somehow 
I can't get it working with an Array!(T) like the 
documentation implies it should be capable of?

Is this problem resolved? I cannot produce a growable 
BinaryHeap myself.

Ok, got it. Instead of using a dynamic array directly, wrapping 
it into a std.container.Array works.

import std.container: Array, heapify;

Foo[] arr = ...;
auto wrapped = Array!Foo(arr);
auto queue = heapify(wrapped);

In general, other containers should work as well, since 
containers provide an insertBack method whereas the builtin 
arrays/ranges do not.

Re: AnalyzeD

2013-06-18 Thread qznc

On Tuesday, 18 June 2013 at 00:20:38 UTC, Andrej Mitrovic wrote:

On Thursday, 30 May 2013 at 08:26:01 UTC, bioinfornatics wrote:


Someone know if AnalyzeD could to be used from command line ?

I failed to find AnalyzeD source code


I think it's closed-source.

Website has no information. No download and no licence 
information suggests close source.

Monad and its little sisters

2013-05-16 Thread qznc
I implemented the Maybe monad using template specialization. 
Feedback welcome!

However, a few questions or possibly shortcomings of D came up.

1. I could not specify the inheritance between the templates. A 
Monad is an Applicative, which is a Functor. Is there some 
template magic to check There is a template like this 

2. A template cannot restrict template specializations. 
Specifically, the Functor(T) template should restrict 
Functor(T:Maybe), such that it must declare functions or 
templates of a specific signature.

3. Shouldn't a function be a delegate? I assume this question 
came up before, but there seems to be interest to make it easier. 
My code specifies function parameters three times. It should be a 
delegate and the caller should use std.functional.toDelegate to 
convert it. Why not an implicit cast? Performance seems to be the 
only problem.

Re: is not working?

2013-04-26 Thread qznc
Fri, 26 Apr 2013 19:25:16 +0200: mab wrote

 Why i get the following Error, when i try to compile a simple Hello
 World that imports
 The Error:
 # dmd hello.d /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libphobos2.a(curl.o): In
 function `_D3std3net4curl4Curl19_sharedStaticCtor28FZv':
 undefined reference to `curl_global_init'
 /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libphobos2.a(curl.o): In function
 undefined reference to `curl_global_cleanup'
 collect2: ld returned 1 exit status --- errorlevel 1
 The Code:
 import std.stdio;
 void main()
writeln(hello world);
 My Testsystem: Debian # uname -a Linux dexplorer 2.6.32-5-amd64 #1 SMP
 Mon Feb 25 00:26:11 UTC 2013 x86_64 GNU/Linux
 curl is installed by apt-get install curl.

You have to link libcurl via argument:

  dmd hello.d -L-lcurl

Re: Random double

2013-04-24 Thread qznc
Tue, 23 Apr 2013 22:59:41 +0200: bearophile wrote

 I want to generate a random double value, excluding wierdos like NaN
 and Infinity. However, std.random.uniform seems to be useless.
 Can you explain why you need uniform doubles in their whole range? I
 think I have never had to generate them so far. Maybe for a unittest?

Good guess. :)

I want to port QuickCheck. The core problem is: Given a type T, generate a 
random value.

 Also note by their nature doubles are not equally spread across the line
 of Reals, so getting a truly uniform distribution is hard or impossible.

It also raises the question what uniform means in the context of floating 
point. Uniform over the numbers or uniform over the bit patterns?

Re: Random double

2013-04-24 Thread qznc
Tue, 23 Apr 2013 13:49:48 -0700: Ali Çehreli wrote

 On 04/23/2013 11:55 AM, qznc wrote: Tue, 23 Apr 2013 16:43:14 +0200:
 qznc wrote
   I want to generate a random double value, excluding wierdos like
   NaN and Infinity. However, std.random.uniform seems to be useless. I
   tried things like
   std.random.uniform( double.min, double.max);
   std.random.uniform(-double.max, double.max);
   std.random.uniform(0.0, double.max);
   However, I just get Inf values. :(
   I assume this is due to floating point computation within uniform,
   which easily becomes Inf, if you come near the double.max boundary.
   Should that be considered a bug? Nevertheless, any ideas how to work
   around that issue?
   Using a union seems to be a good workaround:
  union foo { ulong input; double output; }
  foo val = void;
  do {
  val.input = uniform(ulong.min, ulong.max);
  } while (val.output == double.infinity
|| val.output == -double.infinity || val.output !=
  return val.output;
   Maybe the implementation of uniform should use a similar trick?
 Unfortunately, that will not produce a uniform distribution. The results
 will mostly be in the range [-0.5, 0.5]. The lower and higher values
 will have half the chance of the middle range:

Interesting. Why [-0.5,0.5], though? I would have expected [-1.0,1.0] from 
Clugston's article.

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