Re: How to use destroy and free.

2022-05-04 Thread H. S. Teoh via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Wed, May 04, 2022 at 10:04:53PM +, forkit via Digitalmars-d-learn wrote:
> On Wednesday, 4 May 2022 at 21:55:18 UTC, H. S. Teoh wrote:
> > On Wed, May 04, 2022 at 09:46:50PM +, forkit via Digitalmars-d-learn
> > wrote: [...]
> > > To deny a programmer the option to release the memory that was GC
> > > allocated within a particular scope, to be release immediately
> > > after that scope exits, seems kinda cruel.
> > [...]
> > 
> > scope ptr = GC.malloc(size);
> > scope(exit);
> > 
> > ... // use ptr however you like until end of scope
> that's cruel!
> I just want 'scope-based deallocation of GC allocated memory'.
> I just want to write one word for this to happen -> 'inscope'

import std;

// Put this in some common module
auto scoped(T, Args...)(Args args) {
static struct Result {
private T* payload;
ref T get() { return *payload; }
alias get this;
~this() {
import core.memory : GC;
return Result(new T(args));

// Then you can use it in just a single line, as below
void main() {
struct MyType {
int blah, blahblah;

auto data = scoped!MyType(10, 20);  // <--- like this
data.blah = 123; // use data as you like

// automatically frees on scope exit


Тише едешь, дальше будешь.

Re: How to use destroy and free.

2022-05-04 Thread forkit via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Wednesday, 4 May 2022 at 21:55:18 UTC, H. S. Teoh wrote:
On Wed, May 04, 2022 at 09:46:50PM +, forkit via 
Digitalmars-d-learn wrote: [...]
That languages with GC typically give the programmer some 
control over the GC, is evidence that programmers do care 
(otherwise such features would not be needed).

To deny a programmer the option to release the memory that was 
GC allocated within a particular scope, to be release 
immediately after that scope exits, seems kinda cruel.


scope ptr = GC.malloc(size);

... // use ptr however you like until end of scope


that's cruel!

I just want 'scope-based deallocation of GC allocated memory'.

I just want to write one word for this to happen -> 'inscope'

Re: How to use destroy and free.

2022-05-04 Thread forkit via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Wednesday, 4 May 2022 at 15:04:13 UTC, cc wrote:
The MemUtils package offers a `ScopedPool` utility that seems 
interesting.  It isn't well documented however so I have no 
idea if it actually works like I expect.  I presume this would 
work something akin to a VM memory snapshot/rollback for the 
GC?  It would be pretty handy for some scenarios, say a 
serialization library.  You specify a snapshot point (add a 
pool to the stack?), incur all your GC allocations necessary 
for generating the structure of your serialized data (which go 
into the pool instead of the GC proper?), then you write it to 
disk and pop the stack, effectively rolling back to the 
original memory state of your program's GC.  As long as you 
make sure not to leak anything allocated within that phase, 
seems like a good deal.


My idea was ... objects marked as 'inscope' would be GC allocated 
in a LIFO region of the heap, rather than the general GC pool.

Explicately deallocating such objects at end of scope then 
becomes a no brainer for the GC (since 'inscope' would ensure at 
compile time that no pointers/aliasing outside of that scope 
could exist).

The LIFO would also avoid the problem of fragmentation (i.e. if 
the objects were allocated in the general GC pool instead of a 
separate pool).

This would give the programmer 'scope-based deallocation of GC 
allocated memory'.

Re: How to use destroy and free.

2022-05-04 Thread H. S. Teoh via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Wed, May 04, 2022 at 09:46:50PM +, forkit via Digitalmars-d-learn wrote:
> That languages with GC typically give the programmer some control over
> the GC, is evidence that programmers do care (otherwise such features
> would not be needed).
> To deny a programmer the option to release the memory that was GC
> allocated within a particular scope, to be release immediately after
> that scope exits, seems kinda cruel.

scope ptr = GC.malloc(size);

... // use ptr however you like until end of scope


It's amazing how careful choice of punctuation can leave you hanging:

Re: How to use destroy and free.

2022-05-04 Thread forkit via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Wednesday, 4 May 2022 at 12:57:26 UTC, Ali Çehreli wrote:

On 5/3/22 22:37, forkit wrote:

> In any case, I disagree that caring about when memory gets
> means you shouldn't be using GC. (or did I get that one wrong

At least I don't agree with you there. :) Yes, one should not 
care about how memory gets freed if one did not care how that 
memory was allocated.

That languages with GC typically give the programmer some control 
over the GC, is evidence that programmers do care (otherwise such 
features would not be needed).

To deny a programmer the option to release the memory that was GC 
allocated within a particular scope, to be release immediately 
after that scope exits, seems kinda cruel.

To force a programmer to run a full GC in such a situation, is 
also kinda cruel.

To force a programmer back to using the ancient malloc/free 
well.. that's even crueler.

Re: How to use destroy and free.

2022-05-04 Thread cc via Digitalmars-d-learn
The MemUtils package offers a `ScopedPool` utility that seems 
interesting.  It isn't well documented however so I have no idea 
if it actually works like I expect.  I presume this would work 
something akin to a VM memory snapshot/rollback for the GC?  It 
would be pretty handy for some scenarios, say a serialization 
library.  You specify a snapshot point (add a pool to the 
stack?), incur all your GC allocations necessary for generating 
the structure of your serialized data (which go into the pool 
instead of the GC proper?), then you write it to disk and pop the 
stack, effectively rolling back to the original memory state of 
your program's GC.  As long as you make sure not to leak anything 
allocated within that phase, seems like a good deal.

Re: How to use destroy and free.

2022-05-04 Thread Ali Çehreli via Digitalmars-d-learn

On 5/3/22 22:37, forkit wrote:

> In any case, I disagree that caring about when memory gets deallocted
> means you shouldn't be using GC. (or did I get that one wrong too??)

At least I don't agree with you there. :) Yes, one should not care about 
how memory gets freed if one did not care how that memory was allocated.

> You can have the best of both worlds, surely (and easily).

There are always many subtleties.

> This (example from first post):
> void main(){
>  int[] i = new int[1];
>  import object: destroy;
>  destroy(i);
>  import core.memory: GC;
> *)(i.ptr)));
> }

So is this about that simplest case?

1) We know the number of elements up front.

2) The elements are simple like 'int' that there is no separate 
allocation for each?

If so, I don't think adding a language feature is necessary for this 
narrow case.

Note: To answer a related question: I haven't designed or implemented 
any language, haven't contributed to any compiler, etc. I have no strong 
say on D or any other language. I am just a user who disagrees with the 
request in this thread.

> could (in theory) be replaced with this:
> void main(){
>  inscope int[] i = new int[1];
>  // inscope means 2 things:
>  // (1) i cannot be referenced anywhere except within this scope.
>  // (2) i *will* be GC'd when this scope ends

If this feature was for more complicated examples as well, i.e. if we 
added new elements ever, there might be multiple memory allocations by 
the GC. Are we concerned only about the very last one? So, allocations 
0, 1, .. N-1 can be left to the GC but allocation N must be freed now?

If not, should the GC keep a list of allocations for each 'inscope' 
object? (Is this only for arrays? What about potentially multiple 
allocations for a single object throughout its lifetime?)

What about that list itself? :) Should that be allocated from the GC and 
be 'inscope' as well?

There must be other questions that I miss. What I am sure is, somebody 
in the future will be unhappy how 'inscope' is implemented for their 
case and will propose another feature on top of it. I think it is better 
to leave such special decisions to the programmer.

Again though, I would be happy to be corrected.


Re: How to use destroy and free.

2022-05-04 Thread forkit via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Wednesday, 4 May 2022 at 08:23:33 UTC, Mike Parker wrote:

On Wednesday, 4 May 2022 at 05:37:49 UTC, forkit wrote:

That's not at all what I said. You don't have to care about 
*when* memory is deallocated, meaning you don't have to 
manage it yourself.

In any case, I disagree that caring about when memory gets 
deallocted means you shouldn't be using GC. (or did I get that 
one wrong too??)

You can have the best of both worlds, surely (and easily).

This (example from first post):

void main(){
int[] i = new int[1];

import object: destroy;
import core.memory: GC; *)(i.ptr)));

All you're doing here is putting unnecessary pressure on the 
GC. Just use `malloc` and then `free` on `scope(exit)`. Or if 
you want to append to the array without managing the memory 
yourself, then use `std.container.array` instead. That's made 
for deterministic memory management with no GC involvement.

Reverting to C style 'malloc and free' is not the solution here, 
since the intent is not to revert to manually managing 
dynamically allocated memory.

Rather, the intent was to just have 'a simple form of control' 
over the lifetime of the dynamically allocated memory - the 
object being pointed to in GC memory pool.

I understand that my idea may put uncessary pressure on the 
existing GC, but a GC (in theory) could surely handle this 

If D had such a feature, I'd already be using it.

Re: How to use destroy and free.

2022-05-04 Thread cc via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Wednesday, 4 May 2022 at 05:37:49 UTC, forkit wrote:

inscope int[] i = new int[1];

You often see the "here's an array of ints that exists only in 
one scope to do one thing, should we leave it floating in memory 
or destroy it immediately?" as examples for these GC discussions. 
 Not to steal OP's thread and whatever particular needs he's 
trying to achive, but hopefully provide another use case: I write 
games, and performance is the number one priority, and I stumbled 
heavily with the GC when I first began writing them in D.  
Naively, I began writing the same types of engines I always did, 
and probably thinking with a C/C++ mentality of "just delete 
anything you create", with a game loop that involved potentially 
hundreds of entities coming into existence or being destroyed 
every frame, in >=60 frame per second applications.  The results 
were predictably disastrous, with collections running every 
couple seconds, causing noticeable stutters in the performance 
and disruptions of the game timing.  It might have been my fault, 
but it really, really turned me off from the GC completely for a 
good long while.

I don't know what types of programs the majority of the D 
community writes.  My perception, probably biased, was that D's 
documentation, tours, and blogs leaned heavily towards "run once, 
do a thing, and quit" applications that have no problem leaving 
every single thing up to the GC, and this wasn't necessarily a 
good fit for programs that run for hours at a time and are 
constantly changing state.  Notably, an early wiki post people 
with GC issues were directed to revolved heavily around tweaks 
and suggestions to work within the GC, with the malloc approach 
treated as a last-resort afterthought.

Pre-allocating lists wasn't a good option as I didn't want to set 
an upper limit on the number of potential entities.  The 
emergency fix at the time was inserting to forcibly 
deallocate things.  Ultimately, the obvious *correct* answer is 
just using the malloc/emplace/free combo, but I'm just 
disappointed with how ugly and hacky this looks, at least until 
they've been wrapped in some nice NEW()/DELETE() templates.

auto foo = new Foo;
delete foo; // R.I.P.
import core.stdc.stdlib : malloc, free;
import core.lifetime : emplace;
auto foo = cast(Foo) malloc(__traits(classInstanceSize, Foo));
free(cast(void*) foo);
Can you honestly say the second one looks as clean and proper as 
the first?  Maybe it's a purely cosmetic quibble, but one feels 
like I'm using the language correctly (I'm not!), and the other 
feels like I'm breaking it (I'm not!).

I still use the GC for simple niceties like computations and 
searches that don't occur every frame, though even then I've 
started leaning more towards std.container.array and similar 
solutions; additionally, if something IS going to stay in memory 
forever (once-loaded data files, etc), why put it in the GC at 
all, if that's just going to increase the area that needs to be 
scanned when a collection finally does occur?

I'd like to experiment more with reference counting in the 
future, but since it's just kind of a "cool trick" in D currently 
involving wrapping references in structs, there are some hangups. 
 Consider for example:

import std.container.array;
struct RC(T : Object) {
T obj;
// insert postblit and refcounting magic here
class Farm {
Array!(RC!Animal) animals;
class Animal {
	RC!Farm myFarm; // Error: struct `test.RC(T : Object)` recursive 
template expansion

Logically, this can lead to leaked memory, as a Farm and Animal 
that both reference each other going out of scope simultaneously 
would never get deallocated.  But, something like this ought to 
at least *compile* (it doesn't), and leave it up to the 
programmer to handle logical leak problems, or so my thinking 
goes at least.  I also really hate having to prepend RC! or 
RefCounted! to *everything*, unless I wrap it all in prettier 

Re: How to use destroy and free.

2022-05-04 Thread Mike Parker via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Wednesday, 4 May 2022 at 05:37:49 UTC, forkit wrote:

That's not at all what I said. You don't have to care about 
*when* memory is deallocated, meaning you don't have to manage 
it yourself.

In any case, I disagree that caring about when memory gets 
deallocted means you shouldn't be using GC. (or did I get that 
one wrong too??)

You can have the best of both worlds, surely (and easily).

This (example from first post):

void main(){
int[] i = new int[1];

import object: destroy;
import core.memory: GC; *)(i.ptr)));

All you're doing here is putting unnecessary pressure on the GC. 
Just use `malloc` and then `free` on `scope(exit)`. Or if you 
want to append to the array without managing the memory yourself, 
then use `std.container.array` instead. That's made for 
deterministic memory management with no GC involvement.

Re: How to use destroy and free.

2022-05-03 Thread forkit via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Wednesday, 4 May 2022 at 05:13:04 UTC, Mike Parker wrote:

On Wednesday, 4 May 2022 at 04:52:05 UTC, forkit wrote:

It is certainly *not* about you not having to care anymore 
(about memory management).

That's not at all what I said. You don't have to care about 
*when* memory is deallocated, meaning you don't have to manage 
it yourself.

In any case, I disagree that caring about when memory gets 
deallocted means you shouldn't be using GC. (or did I get that 
one wrong too??)

You can have the best of both worlds, surely (and easily).

This (example from first post):

void main(){
int[] i = new int[1];

import object: destroy;
import core.memory: GC; *)(i.ptr)));

could (in theory) be replaced with this:

void main(){
inscope int[] i = new int[1];

// inscope means 2 things:
// (1) i cannot be referenced anywhere except within this 

// (2) i *will* be GC'd when this scope ends


Re: How to use destroy and free.

2022-05-03 Thread Mike Parker via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Wednesday, 4 May 2022 at 04:52:05 UTC, forkit wrote:

It is certainly *not* about you not having to care anymore 
(about memory management).

That's not at all what I said. You don't have to care about 
*when* memory is deallocated, meaning you don't have to manage it 

Re: How to use destroy and free.

2022-05-03 Thread forkit via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Wednesday, 4 May 2022 at 02:42:44 UTC, Mike Parker wrote:

On Tuesday, 3 May 2022 at 14:57:46 UTC, Alain De Vos wrote:
Note, It's not i'm against GC. But my preference is to use 
builtin types and libraries if possible,
But at the same time be able to be sure memory is given free 
when a variable is going out of scope.
It seems not easy to combine the two with a GC which does his 
best effort but as he likes or not.

What I described is an optional compiler optimization. The 
compiler is free to avoid the GC allocation for an array 
literal initializer if it is possible to do so. If you were to, 
e.g., return the array from the function, it would 100% for 
sure be allocated on the GC and not the stack. In practice, I 
don't know if any of the compilers actually do this.

Anyway, if you care when memory is deallocated, then the GC 
isn't the right tool for the job. The point of the GC is that 
you don't have to care.

GC is about reducing the complexity, cognitive load, and possible 
bugs - associated with manual memory management.

It is certainly *not* about you not having to care anymore (about 
memory management).

Why not have an option to mark an object, so that real-time 
garbage collection occurs on it as it exits scope?

Re: How to use destroy and free.

2022-05-03 Thread Mike Parker via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Tuesday, 3 May 2022 at 14:57:46 UTC, Alain De Vos wrote:
Note, It's not i'm against GC. But my preference is to use 
builtin types and libraries if possible,
But at the same time be able to be sure memory is given free 
when a variable is going out of scope.
It seems not easy to combine the two with a GC which does his 
best effort but as he likes or not.

What I described is an optional compiler optimization. The 
compiler is free to avoid the GC allocation for an array literal 
initializer if it is possible to do so. If you were to, e.g., 
return the array from the function, it would 100% for sure be 
allocated on the GC and not the stack. In practice, I don't know 
if any of the compilers actually do this.

Anyway, if you care when memory is deallocated, then the GC isn't 
the right tool for the job. The point of the GC is that you don't 
have to care.

Re: How to use destroy and free.

2022-05-03 Thread Tejas via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Tuesday, 3 May 2022 at 12:59:31 UTC, Alain De Vos wrote:
Error: array literal in @nogc function test.myfun may cause a 
GC allocation

@nogc void myfun(){
scope int[] i=[1,2,3];

May is a fuzzy word...

For this particular piece of code, you can use a static array to 
guarantee the usage of stack allocation

import std;
@nogc void myfun(){
/* no need to use scope now */int[3] i=[1,2,3];//this now compiles


void main()
writeln("Hello D");

Re: How to use destroy and free.

2022-05-03 Thread Ali Çehreli via Digitalmars-d-learn

On 5/3/22 07:57, Alain De Vos wrote:

> But at the same time be able to be sure memory is given free when a
> variable is going out of scope.

Let's expand on that please. What exactly is the worry there? Are you 
concerned that the program will have memory leaks, and eventually got 
killed by the OS?

Do you want memory to be freed all the way to the OS? Would it be 
possible that a call to some_library_free() puts that memory in a free 
list to be used for later allocations? Or do you insist that memory 
really goes back to the OS?

Why are you worried about how memory is managed?

The way I think is this: When I use some feature and that feature 
allocates memory, it is not up to me to free memory at all. I don't want 
to get involved in how that memory is managed.

On the other hand, if I were the party that did allocate memory, fine, 
then I might be involved in freeing.

Note that 'new' is not raw memory allocation. So it should not involve 
raw memory freeing.

Sorry for all the questions but I am really curious why. At the same 
time, I have a suspicion: You come from a language like C++ that thinks 
deterministic memory freeing is the only way to go. It took me many 
years to learn that C++'s insintence on that topic is wrong.

Memory can be freed altogether at some later time. Further, not every 
object needs to be destroyed. These are based on one of John Lakos's 
C++Now presentations where he shows comparisons of different destruction 
and freeing schemes where (paraphrasing) "no destruction whatsoever; 
poof the array disappears." Not surprisingly, that happens to be the 
fastest destruction plus free.


Re: How to use destroy and free.

2022-05-03 Thread H. S. Teoh via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Tue, May 03, 2022 at 02:57:46PM +, Alain De Vos via Digitalmars-d-learn 
> Note, It's not i'm against GC. But my preference is to use builtin
> types and libraries if possible,
> But at the same time be able to be sure memory is given free when a
> variable is going out of scope.
> It seems not easy to combine the two with a GC which does his best
> effort but as he likes or not.

If your objects have a well-defined lifetime and you want to control
when they get freed, just use malloc/free or equivalents (use emplace to
initialize the object in custom-allocated memory). Don't use the GC.
Using the GC means you relinquish control over when (and in what order)
your objects get freed.


There's light at the end of the tunnel. It's the oncoming train.

Re: How to use destroy and free.

2022-05-03 Thread Alain De Vos via Digitalmars-d-learn
Note, It's not i'm against GC. But my preference is to use 
builtin types and libraries if possible,
But at the same time be able to be sure memory is given free when 
a variable is going out of scope.
It seems not easy to combine the two with a GC which does his 
best effort but as he likes or not.

Re: How to use destroy and free.

2022-05-03 Thread Mike Parker via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Tuesday, 3 May 2022 at 12:59:31 UTC, Alain De Vos wrote:
Error: array literal in @nogc function test.myfun may cause a 
GC allocation

@nogc void myfun(){
scope int[] i=[1,2,3];

May is a fuzzy word...

It means if the compiler is free to allocate on the stack if 
possible. In practice, though, you can usually assume there will 
be a GC allocation.

Re: How to use destroy and free.

2022-05-03 Thread Alain De Vos via Digitalmars-d-learn
Error: array literal in @nogc function test.myfun may cause a GC 

@nogc void myfun(){
scope int[] i=[1,2,3];

May is a fuzzy word...

Re: How to use destroy and free.

2022-04-30 Thread Dukc via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Saturday, 30 April 2022 at 11:37:32 UTC, Tejas wrote:
Hell, just using `scope int[] i` should be enough to trigger 
deterministic destruction, no? `typecons`'s `Scoped!` template 
can be used if 100% guarantee is needed _and_ the memory has to 
be stack allocated

Didn't think of that. To be frank, I don't know if `scope int[] 
i` means deterministic destruction. `Scoped` does IIRC.

Re: How to use destroy and free.

2022-04-30 Thread Tejas via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Saturday, 30 April 2022 at 09:25:18 UTC, Dukc wrote:

On Sunday, 24 April 2022 at 21:00:50 UTC, Alain De Vod wrote:


A few picks.

1: You do not need to import `destroy`. Everything in `object` 
is automatically imported.


Hell, just using `scope int[] i` should be enough to trigger 
deterministic destruction, no? `typecons`'s `Scoped!` template 
can be used if 100% guarantee is needed _and_ the memory has to 
be stack allocated

Re: How to use destroy and free.

2022-04-30 Thread Dukc via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Sunday, 24 April 2022 at 21:00:50 UTC, Alain De Vod wrote:

Is this a correct program to explicit call destroy & free ?

void main(){
int[] i=new int[1];
import object: destroy;
import core.memory: GC; *)(i.ptr)));

A few picks.

1: You do not need to import `destroy`. Everything in `object` is 
automatically imported.

2: As others have said, destroying an int, or an array if them, 
is meaningless, since they do not have destructors. The only 
thing your call does is to set `i` to `null`. In this case it 
means that there are no more references to the array, so the 
garbage collector can collect it at some point.

3: Because `i` is now null, `` also does nothing. If you 
had something that really mandated using `destroy`, you'd want to 
use `destroy!false(i)` to avoid setting `i` to `null`.

4: Manually freeing garbage collected memory is just as dangerous 
as freeing manually managed memory. It's preferable to just let 
the GC collect the memory. Also like said, there's probably no 
point to allocate with GC in the first place if you're going to 
manually free the memory.

5: If you're in a hurry to free the memory, a safer way is to 
call `GC.collect`. It will most likely free your old data 
immediately. Don't trust it quite 100% though, since it's 
possible that some unlucky bit pattern in your remaining data, 
that isn't really a pointer, "points" to your old data and it 
won't get collected. Using a precise GC would eliminate that risk 
I think.

This is rarely a problem though, as long as you either don't do 
anything mandatory in destructors, or use `destroy` before 
forgetting the data. The GC can still usually free the majority 
of your memory.

Re: How to use destroy and free.

2022-04-26 Thread Alain De Vos via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Monday, 25 April 2022 at 14:25:17 UTC, H. S. Teoh wrote:
On Mon, Apr 25, 2022 at 01:28:01PM +, Alain De Vos via 
Digitalmars-d-learn wrote:

Could thc or hboehm provide solutions ?

In general, GC (of any kind) does not (and cannot) guarantee 
the order
objects will be collected in. So in the dtor, you cannot assume 
that any

objects you depend on still exist (they may have already been

There is also no guarantee that the object will *ever* get 
collected: in theory, the GC may only collect just enough to 
make space for further allocations, it's not obligated to 
collect *everything* that's collectible. Or the collection 
might not take place before the end of the program -- the GC 
may skip the final collection because it knows the OS will 
reclaim everything automatically anyway.

Basically, deterministic destruction and GC are antithetical to 
each other, and trying to have both is the road to trouble. If 
you wish to have deterministic destruction, don't use the GC; 
use RAII or reference counting instead.


When you can foresee a "maximum size" , you can create 
"deterministic" stack objects.

class C {
@nogc this(){}
@nogc this(int dummy){};
@nogc int[3] fixarr=new int[3];

@nogc void myfun(){
int a;
scope c = new C();
scope c2 = new C(5);

void main(){


It's just the variable length arrays which are "problematic". 
Feel free to elaborate.

Re: How to use destroy and free.

2022-04-25 Thread Ali Çehreli via Digitalmars-d-learn

On 4/25/22 16:02, frame wrote:
> On Monday, 25 April 2022 at 02:07:50 UTC, Ali Çehreli wrote:
>> >  import core.memory: GC;
>> *)(i.ptr)));
>> That is wrong because you did not allocate that address yourself.
> Hmm? The GC did allocate here(?)

Yes. I still don't understand the need to free GC memory explicitly. I 
can understand GC.collect() but not the memory of a specific array.

>> On 4/24/22 17:26, Salih Dincer wrote:
>> >;
>> >// You don't need to addrOf(cast(void*)i)
> Wrong.

You are right. I missed the fact that addrOf is a GC function.


Re: How to use destroy and free.

2022-04-25 Thread frame via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Monday, 25 April 2022 at 02:07:50 UTC, Ali Çehreli wrote:

>  import core.memory: GC; *)(i.ptr)));
That is wrong because you did not allocate that address 

Hmm? The GC did allocate here(?)

On 4/24/22 17:26, Salih Dincer wrote:

>// You don't need to addrOf(cast(void*)i)


Good point about i.ptr but that free() does not or should not 
do anything because it is "memory not originally allocated by 
this garbage collector":

Well... maybe it was allocated by that garbage collector and 
may be it points to the beginning of an allocated block but we 
don't know that. I wouldn't call free() on an array's memory.


And if it was, the freeing must be done with `GC.addrOf` or it 
will fail with larger arrays.

You will need the GC address to free the block. That is what 
`__delete` actually does - which was patched back recently, 
reported by Adam:

Re: How to use destroy and free.

2022-04-25 Thread H. S. Teoh via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Mon, Apr 25, 2022 at 01:28:01PM +, Alain De Vos via Digitalmars-d-learn 
> Could thc or hboehm provide solutions ?

In general, GC (of any kind) does not (and cannot) guarantee the order
objects will be collected in. So in the dtor, you cannot assume that any
objects you depend on still exist (they may have already been

There is also no guarantee that the object will *ever* get collected: in
theory, the GC may only collect just enough to make space for further
allocations, it's not obligated to collect *everything* that's
collectible. Or the collection might not take place before the end of
the program -- the GC may skip the final collection because it knows the
OS will reclaim everything automatically anyway.

Basically, deterministic destruction and GC are antithetical to each
other, and trying to have both is the road to trouble. If you wish to
have deterministic destruction, don't use the GC; use RAII or reference
counting instead.


What do you mean the Internet isn't filled with subliminal messages? What about 
all those buttons marked "submit"??

Re: How to use destroy and free.

2022-04-25 Thread Alain De Vos via Digitalmars-d-learn

Could thc or hboehm provide solutions ?

Re: How to use destroy and free.

2022-04-25 Thread Alain De Vos via Digitalmars-d-learn
GC-allocated objects are run (when they are run). If you need 
deterministic destruction e.g. for resource management, do not 
use GC.

Descend destroy and free functions should return something.
"destroy" should return if the destructor was called successfully.
"free" should return the exact number of bytes freed on the heap.

Probably this is not implemented in the library because it is 
probably "buggy".

Re: How to use destroy and free.

2022-04-25 Thread Stanislav Blinov via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Monday, 25 April 2022 at 10:13:43 UTC, Alain De Vos wrote:

Ali, thanks for the answer but i rephrase my question.
How to destroy,free , for garbage-collection-cycle in the 
destructor of this code :

// But How to force destroy and free , GC-cycle for heap object 
i ?

Short answer: use `destroy`. Long answer: don't do that.

GC is not guaranteed to call destructors, and in fact it may run 
into situations when it can't (i.e. objects pointing to one 
another). Neither does it specify in what order destructors of 
GC-allocated objects are run (when they are run). If you need 
deterministic destruction e.g. for resource management, do not 
use GC.

Re: How to use destroy and free.

2022-04-25 Thread Alain De Vos via Digitalmars-d-learn

Note, heap object i is not an instance of the class C

Re: How to use destroy and free.

2022-04-25 Thread Salih Dincer via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Monday, 25 April 2022 at 10:13:43 UTC, Alain De Vos wrote:

destructor of this code :

writeln("Free heap");
import object: destroy;
import core.memory: GC;
	// But How to force destroy and free , GC-cycle for heap 
object i ?


If you use destroy in destructor (~this), it will call destructor 
two times but thats not error.


Re: How to use destroy and free.

2022-04-25 Thread Alain De Vos via Digitalmars-d-learn

Ali, thanks for the answer but i rephrase my question.
How to destroy,free , for garbage-collection-cycle in the 
destructor of this code :

import std.stdio: writeln;

class C{
int[] i=null;
writeln("Allocate heap");
i=new int[1];
writeln("Free heap");
import object: destroy;
import core.memory: GC;
// But How to force destroy and free , GC-cycle 
for heap object i ?


struct S{
C c;
@disable this();
this(int dummy){c=new C;}

void main(){
enum _=0;

Re: How to use destroy and free.

2022-04-24 Thread Ali Çehreli via Digitalmars-d-learn

On 4/24/22 17:26, Salih Dincer wrote:

> first destroy() then free()...

Makes sense only if we allocated the memory.

> import object: doDestroy = destroy;

I like adding 'do' to verbs that can be confused with nouns. For 
example, because 'copy' is both a noun and a verb, I think it helps when 
we name a function as 'doCopy'. However, because 'destroy' is already a 
verb, I would leave it alone. :)

>// You don't need to addrOf(cast(void*)i)

Good point about i.ptr but that free() does not or should not do 
anything because it is "memory not originally allocated by this garbage 

Well... maybe it was allocated by that garbage collector and may be it 
points to the beginning of an allocated block but we don't know that. I 
wouldn't call free() on an array's memory.


Re: How to use destroy and free.

2022-04-24 Thread Ali Çehreli via Digitalmars-d-learn

On 4/24/22 14:00, Alain De Vod wrote:
> Is this a correct program to explicit call destroy & free ?

destroy() is called with the object that you want its destructor to be 
executed on. This is very rare in D because when the destructor has to 
be called, one relies on the lifetime of a struct object, or uses 
scope(exit), scope(success), or scope(failure).

free is called on memory that you explicitly allocated.

> ```
> void main(){
>  int[] i=new int[1];
>  import object: destroy;
>  destroy(i);

That does not have any effect for an int array because int does not have 
any destructor.

Assuming you are asking for struct elements, let me try:

import std.stdio;

struct S {
  ~this() {

void main() {
  auto arr = [ S() ];
  writeln("calling destroy");
  writeln("called destroy");
  writeln("leaving main");

No, destroy'in an array does not call the destructor of the elements:

calling destroy  <-- No destructor called here
called destroy
leaving main

And that is expected because arrays don't have destructors. If you want 
to destroy the elements of an array, you must call destroy for each 
element. One way:

  import std.algorithm : each;
  arr.each!((ref e) => destroy(e));

Now the output has our destructor call:

calling destroy
called destroy  <-- HERE
leaving main

The final destructor is called for the .init state of the element 
because destroy() blits the .init state on objects.

>  import core.memory: GC;
> *)(i.ptr)));

That is wrong because you did not allocate that address yourself.

It is further wrong for arrays in general because there may be slices to 
arrays, which you would not free the elements of.


Re: How to use destroy and free.

2022-04-24 Thread Salih Dincer via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Sunday, 24 April 2022 at 21:00:50 UTC, Alain De Vod wrote:

Is this a correct program to explicit call destroy & free ?

void main(){
int[] i=new int[1];
import object: destroy;
import core.memory: GC; *)(i.ptr)));

Yes, first destroy() then free()...
import std.stdio;
import object: doDestroy = destroy;
import core.memory : MEM = GC;

void disposeOf(T)(T obj)
auto mem = cast(void*) obj;
scope (exit);

void main()
  int[] i = new int[1024];
  i[$-1] = 41;

  // You don't need to addrOf(cast(void*)i)

  //i.length = 1024;
  //assert(i[$-1] == 0);
  //i[$-1].writeln(" am there?");

  if (i !is null)
"still alive!".writeln;

How to use destroy and free.

2022-04-24 Thread Alain De Vod via Digitalmars-d-learn

Is this a correct program to explicit call destroy & free ?

void main(){
int[] i=new int[1];
import object: destroy;
import core.memory: GC; *)(i.ptr)));