Re: CTFE in betterC needs the GC

2022-10-29 Thread Ali Çehreli via Digitalmars-d-learn

On 10/29/22 20:41, arandomonlooker wrote:

> string exampleCTFE(string a, string b) {
>  return a ~ b;
> }

Although you need that function only at compile time, it is an ordinary 
function that could be called at run time as well. The function needs GC 
for that concatenation in the general case.

One way of solving your issue would be to change the function to a 
function template and pass the strings as template parameters 
(compile-time parameters):

string exampleCTFE(string a, string b)() {
return a ~ b;

which would require explicit function template instantiation:

enum example = exampleCTFE!("A", "BCDE");

which would cause code bloat because exampleCTFE would be instantiated 
for every string combination that was used. For example, the following 
two uses would require two separate instantiations:

enum example1 = exampleCTFE!("A", "BCDE");
enum example2 = exampleCTFE!("A", "BCDEX");

> int main() {

I think you also need to specify main() as extern(C):

extern (C)
int main() {
  // ...


CTFE in betterC needs the GC

2022-10-29 Thread arandomonlooker via Digitalmars-d-learn
Hello, i'm a beginner to the D programming language that has 
posted many times for simple questions and code errors.
I have written a function that manipulates D code (passed through 
a q{...} block) and returns it to be compiled into the program by 
a mixin.
The problem is that i need to do so in -betterC mode, and for 
example, this code does not compile, giving an error that array 
concatenation of two strings at CTFE is not possible without the 

string exampleCTFE(string a, string b) {
return a ~ b;
enum example = exampleCTFE("A", "BCDE");
int main() {
import core.stdc.stdio;
return 0;

Why it complains about the GC if it's a CTFE expression that is 
built at compile time? There is an alternative that works in 
-betterC mode?

Thanks in advance.

Re: CTFE in betterC needs the GC

2022-10-29 Thread arandomonlooker via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Sunday, 30 October 2022 at 04:14:17 UTC, Ali Çehreli wrote:

On 10/29/22 20:41, arandomonlooker wrote:

> [...]

Although you need that function only at compile time, it is an 
ordinary function that could be called at run time as well. The 
function needs GC for that concatenation in the general case.


Thank you, Ali.

Re: how to benchmark pure functions?

2022-10-29 Thread max haughton via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Thursday, 27 October 2022 at 18:41:36 UTC, Dennis wrote:

On Thursday, 27 October 2022 at 17:17:01 UTC, ab wrote:
How can I prevent the compiler from removing the code I want 
to measure?

With many C compilers, you can use volatile assembly blocks for 
that. With LDC -O3, a regular assembly block also does the 
trick currently:

void main()
import std.datetime.stopwatch;
import std.stdio: write, writeln, writef, writefln;
import std.conv : to;

void f0() {}
void f1()
foreach(i; 0..4_000_000)
// nothing, loop gets optimized out
void f2()
foreach(i; 0..4_000_000)
// defeat optimizations
asm @safe pure nothrow @nogc {}
auto r = benchmark!(f0, f1, f2)(1);
writeln(r[0]); // 4 μs
writeln(r[1]); // 4 μs
writeln(r[2]); // 1 ms

I recommend a volatile data dependency rather than injecting 
volatile ASM into code FYI i.e. don't modify the pure function 
but rather make sure the result is actually used in the eyes of 
the compiler.