Re: printf, writeln, writefln

2022-12-10 Thread Nick Treleaven via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Thursday, 8 December 2022 at 17:39:58 UTC, Ali Çehreli wrote:

On 12/8/22 08:21, Salih Dincer wrote:

> void stringCopy(Chars)(string source,
>  ref Chars target)

>sample.stringCopy = cTxt;  // disappeared ? char

Nothing disappeared on my system. (?)

Going off-topic, I find the expression above extremely 
confusing. I am used to assignment expression changing the 
value of the left hand side, but that expression changes cTxt. 
Very confusing...

Such obfuscations make it very hard for me to understand what 
the code is trying to demonstrate.

Yes, with function call syntax it's more understandable if an 
argument is modified.

It was bizarre and confusing that assignment syntax was 
implemented for functions and methods not explicitly marked with 

Re: Is there such concept of a list in D?

2022-12-10 Thread Salih Dincer via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Saturday, 10 December 2022 at 05:46:26 UTC, thebluepandabear 
In most languages there is some sort of `List` type, is that 
the same for D?

The standard library has many possibilities, including linked 
lists. What about the news from the range...

In D, the concept of range is very advanced. Now I'm going to 
show you 3 examples and two of them are from the standard library 
and the other is a nice wrap:

struct List(A) {
  A[] *arr;

  auto put(R)(R value) { (*arr) ~= value; }
  auto length() { return (*arr).length; }

  auto empty() {
import std.range : empty;
return (*arr).empty;

  auto front() {
    import std.range : item = front;//back;
    return (*arr).item;

  void popFront() {
    import std.range : next = popFront;//popBack

auto listHelper(A)(return ref A[] arr) {
  return List!A();

alias immutable(char[]) [] strings;

void main() {
  strings myNames = ["El-Mevla", "Hodja", "Nasreddin",
 "Sivrihisar", "Shemseddin",
 "Nasruddin", "Nusrat"];
  strings list;
  auto myList1 = listHelper(list);

  import std.range;
  auto myList2 = appender!strings;

  import std.container.array;
  auto myList3 = Array!string();

  foreach(name; myNames)

  void rangePrint(R)(R range)
import std.stdio;
size_t i = 1;
foreach(item; range)
  writeln(i++, ": ", item);



Advent of Code 2022

2022-12-10 Thread Christian Köstlin via Digitalmars-d-learn

Is anybody participating with dlang in the advent of code 22?
It would be interesting to discuss dlang specific things from the puzzles.

Kind regards,

Re: Is there such concept of a list in D?

2022-12-10 Thread Ali Çehreli via Digitalmars-d-learn

On 12/9/22 22:11, thebluepandabear wrote:

> I was wondering more if there is an object oriented way of creating
> arrays,

Every collection has its own special interface. Object orientation don't 
go well with collections. For example, you wouldn't want indexing 
operator for a linked list.

> like in Java there is an `ArrayList`, in C++ there is
> `std::vector`, etc.

They are all dynamic arrays behind the scenes.

Arrays are so much better than linked lists that linked lists don't have 
much use outside of interviews.

- Arrays use less memory

- Provide constant time element access

- Amortized constant time element addition

- Constant time element removal in some cases (move the last element in 
place of the removed one)

- Ability to sort to find elements in logN time later on

- Arrays get special help from the CPU (e.g. cache prefetches)

There isn't a single point in favor of linked lists.


Re: Is there such concept of a list in D?

2022-12-10 Thread zjh via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Saturday, 10 December 2022 at 19:49:23 UTC, Salih Dincer wrote:


Can the `range` be partially traversed? That is, suppose we only 
access the `[3,5)` elements?

Re: Advent of Code 2022

2022-12-10 Thread Steven Schveighoffer via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Saturday, 10 December 2022 at 20:49:03 UTC, Christian Köstlin 

Is anybody participating with dlang in the advent of code 22?
It would be interesting to discuss dlang specific things from 
the puzzles.



Re: Advent of Code 2022

2022-12-10 Thread Sergey via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Saturday, 10 December 2022 at 20:49:03 UTC, Christian Köstlin 

Is anybody participating with dlang in the advent of code 22?
It would be interesting to discuss dlang specific things from 
the puzzles.

Kind regards,

Re: arsd.jni

2022-12-10 Thread jni via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Saturday, 10 December 2022 at 22:53:14 UTC, jni wrote:
Friends, I have decided to use D lang to link with the Android 
NDK. I can make an app that can use the android platform's 
functions and the android site says they are available in C for 
linux and windows! Making apps in android studio or 2 other 
programs I have used before is easy but now I require D because 
of the advantages  quality innovations I have written inside a 
D library, second I would use the D std library for using curl, 
and it needs to be in an apk for now and maybe in the years to 
come I will switch to using a binary executable. As you can 
see, linking with the NDK from D is the one possible outcome.

I have succesfully linked with the NDK and learned valuable 
linux programming along the way, but before I get too 
over-enthusiastic and joyous and get ahead of myself to make an 
error in trying to use the optional Android Studio together 
with  the arsd.jni, please, I wish to share with you my 
questions and concerns for the best way to move forward with 
this massive undertaking this thing, and how to go about 
calling android platform functions using arsd.jni and other D 
lang technologies from that may be useful to me.

For starters I wish to call the wifi functions for checking 
internet availability. How can I achieve this most efficiently? 
Then there are the maven questions because Android Studio does 
many of these automatically, and from my experience does an 
annoyingly gross job at it, btw unless you use all of their 
official tools. How do I use the maven for using jars or an 
Apache repository for server communication? I am using gradle 
with all this and everything works fine. Any suggestions on how 
to start this thing is welcome. I will connect through SSL with 
a remote server and print a log on the server side. On the 
Android side only connect and wait for further data to be 
recieved and if the stream finishes then it should stop the 
app. That part will mean sleeping the app until when it is 
relaunched. The server is php code.

I tried to add in correct place on forums. Thank you.

Friends I am troubling you with too simple of a message. Please 
allow me to not be dissapointing myself here.

Friends, mainly the focus of this very simple project is I will 
try to use the Android NDK "framework" API, as it is called, once 
I have linked succesfully, as I have already tested, next all 
that is left is to use the Android platform's NDK API from D lang 
code because I am trying my best not to use Java. I was wanting 
to include the JNI for good measure but was already planning to 
use the NDK API with extern(C). I thought it would be 
straight-forward since I knew that the Android platform used jni 
in the OS, but after doing some digging all I could find was the 
API reference over on There isn't much complication 
to be done only I was catching myself guessing how to go about it 
most efficiently for such a simple and small project. I would try 
to call the NDK API functions since it is the most low-level and 
C-like functional programming. I know much less of Java and will 
try to write the minimum I can.

What I need is D lang because I have a D module to include into 
the app, there may be packages that I may want to 
use, I will be using the std lib curl functions, there is the 
possibility of having to include functions from a seperate C 
library in the future if all goes well, the need to use maven for 
an Apache project's client and adding 2 other jars for it that 
are personal libraries, the possibility of using Android Studio 
if things get rocky. As you see there is no other way. I must use 
D or find something else to do.

A small project as this that I would like only simplicity, any 
recommendations or suggestions on how would be the best way to go 
through with this?

Why can't rvalues be passed to a 'ref' parameter?

2022-12-10 Thread thebluepandabear via Digitalmars-d-learn


I am not really understanding why rvalues cannot be passed to a 
'ref' parameter, the explanation in the book about D I am reading 
was not clear:

"The main reason for this limitation is the fact that a function 
taking a ref
parameter can hold on to that reference for later use, at a time 
when the rvalue

would not be available."

I didn't really understand what Ali meant by this statement, any 
help would be appreciated so this can be clarified.


Graphical progressive fill

2022-12-10 Thread Joel via Digitalmars-d-learn
I've been trying to fill in areas with a colour but can't work it 
out. I want something like the effect where it fills with 
diamonds. Not all at once but building up in the main program 

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Re: Is there such concept of a list in D?

2022-12-10 Thread Salih Dincer via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Sunday, 11 December 2022 at 03:13:17 UTC, zjh wrote:
On Saturday, 10 December 2022 at 19:49:23 UTC, Salih Dincer 


Can the `range` be partially traversed? That is, suppose we 
only access the `[3,5)` elements?

Certainly, there are many ways to do this. For example:

  myList1.skipRange(3).rangePrint; /*
1: Sivrihisar
2: Shemseddin
3: Nasruddin
4: Nusrat
  myNames[3..5].rangePrint; /*
1: Sivrihisar
2: Shemseddin

auto skipRange(R)(R range, size_t value)
  size_t loop = value;
  while(!range.empty && loop--)
  return range;

void rangePrint(R)(R range)
  import std.stdio;
  size_t i = 1;
  foreach(item; range)
writeln(i++, ": ", item);
