[digitalradio] About the Becker TNCs.... I am confused

2010-09-05 Thread chas
John Becker wrote:
> Sorry Dan your about one mouse click to late.
> I already gave it away to a good home.
> But my 2nd SCS TNC with pactor 3 is still up on the selling block.
> No longer need it since I pulled all the stuff out of the pick up truck.
> (see QRZ dot com profile photo)
> John, W0JAB
> At 10:57 AM 9/4/2010, you wrote:
>> If no one wants your PK-232, I would like to play with it. Would pay 
>> shipping.
>> Dan WD5CND

idle curiosity but when you said PK232 (never was more than Pactor 1), I 
turned off my attention as I already have one.  But now it seems to have 
mutated into a PACTOR 3??? TNC.   how does that happen?

has timewave brought out a PK232 with Pactor 3 and I have not heard about it?

seems like you were talking about apples to begin with then swapped horses in 
mid race to something other than a Timewave TNC.

please explain, I must confess to being old and addlebrained but somehow I 
had enough snap to get more confused than usual.

ch...@texas.net   k5dam  Houston, TX


Re: [digitalradio] Re: Good USB sound card ?

2010-08-22 Thread chas
g4ilo wrote:
> I would be interested to know if Linux even supports these cheap USB sound 
> devices? I did run Linux in the shack for a while and unfortunately sold one 
> of the original RigExpert devices because it wasn't usable under Linux and at 
> the time I though I wouldn't revert back to Windows. But in the end I did as 
> apart from Fldigi most of the ham software on Linux is second rate compared 
> to that available for Windows and I got fed up at not being able to try some 
> newly announced thing that came only in a Windows version.
> Julian, G4ILO

that above is EXACTLY my complaint and major, pet peeve.. I would love to run 
my digital off my MacPro but none of the software for Winmor, MixW, Telnet 
has been ported to OS-X that I am aware of.

result is, I am either sneaker netting files from the Mac to my doze laptop 
or sending it to my //MARS/ telnet account then copying the data into an EEI 
or whatever.  sucks.  BUT, I feel the same way about what I consider the best 
email program (Agent by Forte) and my favorite photo program (ACDSee).

So, as long as those are in Doze, I have resigned myself to running second 
rate software on my Mac IF I can even find something comparable.

thanks for the thread.  If anyone finds a comparable Mac OS-X set of digital 
programs to replace the MixW, Telnet and Winmor, please post it to this list.

to the point of a sound card, I like the SL/USB so much, I bought one for 
each of my transceivers.  so, I can unplug one from the T-41 and plug in 
another, depending on my needs.  Since I got my Pro3, I find it hard to go 
back to my 480HX except for QSY checking for propagation.



ch...@texas.net   k5dam  Houston, TX


Re: [digitalradio] Good USB sound card ?

2010-08-11 Thread chas
graham787 wrote:
> Looks like theRDX-150-EF  has been  dropped
> any ideas on a 'good'  usb card for  data  use ??
> Tnx - G. 

most of us are using the Signalink/USB  by Tigertronics.
works GREAT!!


ch...@texas.net   k5dam  Houston, TX


Re: [digitalradio] Nomic vs. Signalink USB

2010-06-13 Thread chas
Jeremy Cowgar wrote:
> What the SignaLink has going for it over the Nomic (which is what I own) 
> is a built in sound card. Thus, you do not have to fuss with trying to 
> share a sound card w/your system. i.e. listen to the popular digital 
> frequencies and your bound to hear a windows "Ding" message now and 
> then. That's the least of the problem, however, the real problem is you 
> listen to your MP3 player on the computer, turn the volume up a bit then 
> go to use digital modes. Now you have to readjust your output, of which 
> you will forget now and then, everyone does, and you'll be over-driving 
> your transmitter producing horrible tones that causes interference for all.
> So... had I to do it again, I'd go the SignaLink.
> Maybe SignaLink owners can speak up, would any of you rather had a 
> Nomic? BTW... I solved the above problems by adding an additional sound 
> card to my system that is devoted to the ham radio.
> Also... one other thing to think about... I know you didn't mention RTTY 
> or CW, but you may want to look into an interface that provides the 
> ability to key your transmitter for CW and for FSK RTTY. You can do RTTY 
> w/o FSK by using AFSK but typically if you use FSK RTTY you benefit from 
> some functions your radio may provide (nice filters for one).
> Also... one more thing :-D ... for either, I'd see if it can connect to 
> your rear accessory port instead of interfacing through your mic port. 
> That may be a personal preference but I think it's just less hassles to 
> deal with in setup and every day operations.
> Jeremy

don't ask me anything about Yaesu (hate red-orange screens) - it is all I can 
do to keep up with my Icoms and my KWs.  I have a separate SL/USB on both my 
TS480 and my IC Pro3.   both are hooked up thru the "rear" accy ports which 
allow me to  talk as quickly as my message is sent.  this is as automatic as 
it can get, and I can only suggest that you buy a share in MixW and use that 
program.  I even bought a refurbed T-41 ThinkPad to run the doze programs on 
it as that was the fastest and simplest way to go.  that way I keep the 
minimum software on the XP and I do all else on my MacPro.

As a MARS station, I have to be able to receive and pass SoundCard, Pactor 
and Telnet as well as SSB nets, etc.  So, this set up allows me to send 
Pactor while I am relaying or supporting NCS activities and traffic.  Using 
MixW I can stop talking, press a button on the laptop, send or relay traffic 
via soundcard and immediately resume talking after sending the message.

I can take messages received via MixW and paste them into WL2K and either 
send them via telnet or via Pactor using the same program.  All of this is 
done with two radios, two SL/USBs, a laptop and two antennas.  Additional of 
course are tuners and amplifiers, scanners and printers and necesary coax 
switches, SWR/wattmeters, power supplies, etc.




ch...@texas.net   k5dam  Houston, TX


Re: [digitalradio] Come Here Watson

2009-09-19 Thread chas
Andrew O'Brien wrote:
> Date: 2009/09/19 13:11
> From: KI4MTB
> To: K3UK
> Source: KI4MTB
> Subject: //WL2K Test
> Test from KI4MTB

Alexander Graham Bell's notebook entry of March 10, 1876, describes the first 
successful experiment with the telephone, during which he spoke through the 
instrument to his assistant, Thomas A. Watson, in the next room. Bell writes, 
"I then shouted into M [the mouthpiece] the following sentence: 'Mr. 
Watson--come here--I want to see you.' To my delight he came and declared 
that he had heard and understood what I said."

ch...@texas.net   k5dam  Houston, TX



Re: [digitalradio] Come Here Watson

2009-09-19 Thread chas
actually, I THINK that the expression used by TEdison was
"Watson, I want you".  or has my CRS kicked in again? 

ch...@texas.net   k5dam  Houston, TX

Andrew O'Brien wrote:
> Date: 2009/09/19 13:11
> From: KI4MTB
> To: K3UK
> Source: KI4MTB
> Subject: //WL2K Test
> Test from KI4MTB

Re: [digitalradio] Re: New version of Mixw

2009-06-15 Thread chas
Rick W wrote:
> What is the attraction of MixW now that we have so many other multimode 
> digital programs that are freely available with one program even open 
> source and cross platform?
> 73,
> Rick, KV9U

Rick, nearly all members of Texas Army MARS and Region 6, are using 
MixW.  idly curious, what else is out there that can even almost 
compete with Nick's software??

look and feel is not a consideration but what else has all the 
features of or even is better than, MixW?

special interest in an OS-X ported version??


chas, k5dam

[digitalradio] Hook up TNC and Soundcard to same radio?

2009-06-09 Thread chas
Signalink USB
Timewave PK232 USB, etc
Thinkpad T-41 Doze XP Pro

how do I hook this up so that I can run Olivia/MT63 or whatever at the 
same time this thing is trying to go Peer to Peer and is being driven 
freqency wise by Automatic freq control software?
I suppose that the AFC will have to be disconnected or disabled and 
Pactor will be set to run on the ...

I just don't see how you can run Pactor on the same radio as soundcard 
and at the same time.

it is also obvious that this setup is not going to allow HF SSB as 
long as this stuff is turned on, nicht?

so, a deployed station is going to have to have as many as three 
radios and as many antennas.???


ch...@texas.net   k5dam  Houston, TX

Orwell -- "If you want a vision of the future, imagine a boot stamping 
on a human face - forever."


[digitalradio] TS480 + SL/USB + PK232 for Pactor + doze laptop

2008-08-26 Thread chas
How does one hook up a PK232 to the laptop by USB and to the txcvr 
without disconnecting the Soundcard interface (SL/USB)?

And, what software is used for Pactor I ?   I am using MixW for all 
other modes.

I just cannot get the assembly relationship of these 4 items in my 
mind without disconnecting the Signalink.  I think that it is going to 
require a Y cable into the data mini din on the txcvr.  That would 
allow sharing that port.
I have the serial port occupied now with a Y for the radio's remote 
port with the other cable going into the Ameritron ARI-500 which 
allows auto bandswitching for the ALS-600 amp and the MFJ 998 auto 
tuner.   Needless to say, all of the ports on the TS480 are getting 
used up pretty quickly.

The PK232 is a completely updated TNC with low power, sound card, USB, 
etc, etc. It is equivalent to the new PK232/PSK.

  I just wish that the Signalink and MixW would handle Pactor-I 
sending as well as full receiving.  Instead, the MixW does a half 
hearted receive of Pactor I only isfai have figured it out.  sigh...



chas  k5dam

Re: [digitalradio] Mac OS X / MT-63

2008-03-26 Thread chas
Stelios Bounanos wrote:
>> wow!  so, what is the Mac OS-X version called ???
>> STILL looking for MT-63 for the Mac.
> Thanks to a kind ham who gave us remote access to his OS X machine, we
> have been able to get fldigi 2.10 to build and run on the Mac. This
> version also supports MT-63.
> Unfortunately, we do not have OS X binaries. But if you are able to
> install packages for the FLTK, PortAudio and samplerate libraries, it
> should be easy to compile fldigi yourself.  There are instructions in
> the INSTALL file inside the source tarball, which can be found here:
> http://www.w1hkj.com/Fldigi.html
> It should be far easier to add OS X support to flarq, if there is demand
> for this...
>> chas
>> K5DAM
> 73,
> Stelios, M0GLD

I hope that you are able to get a turnkey build for the OS-X created. 
there are a LOT of Mac Hams out there judging by the two or three 
elists for same.  I am sure that most of them would love to get rid of 
there klutz together setups so as to allow running MixW on a Virtual 
folder for Windows whatever.  OR having to go find an affordable 
Windows laptop which is new enough as to have USB 2.0, large ram, and 
moderately fast cpu so as to install MixW.

However, I personally do not even understand your instructions as I 
would have to spend a couple of weeks loooking up the jargon or slang 
you used to tell me how to do this.

Anyway, just wanted to assure you, if you ever get a Leopard version 
together, to let the MacHam elists know about it.

73 de
chas k5dam

Re: [digitalradio] April QST page 35

2008-03-25 Thread chas
wow!  so, what is the Mac OS-X version called ???
STILL looking for MT-63 for the Mac.

Walt DuBose wrote:
> ECM is the Linux, FlDigi/FLARQ/Syspeed suite.
> Walt/K5YFW
> Jeff Moore wrote:
>> Walt,
>> What's ECM ???
>> Jeff Moore  --  KE7ACY
>> Deschutes County ARES
>> Bend, Oregon
>> CN94ic

Re: [digitalradio] RigExpert and ACLog...

2007-02-02 Thread Chas Nagel
You could ask Scott, N3FJP if nothing else works. He has a reflector.
  Charles, K0CW

mixw216 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
  Anyone...Anyone...I'm reposting this just in case someone missed it. 
Getting desprate. Don't laugh but I'm running windows 98, MixW 
RigExpert USB, and trying to run ACLog and have it control a Icom725. 
WHEW. MixW runs well both mode and cat control. What is the secret for 
ACLog's setup using the RigExpert USB seperately? Exhausted! Thanks for 
any help. John Q. (KB6DLN)


Re: [digitalradio] US Hams Codeless Feb 23

2007-01-20 Thread Chas Nagel
Danny, N7DC
  You just told my story! Exactly the way many of us became Hams in the late 
40's and 50's when written examinations before an FCC examiner were the rule 
and code was an accepted challenge.
  Tnx & 73,
  Charles, K0CW

Re: [digitalradio] Movement toward open digital software?

2007-01-12 Thread Chas Nagel
But wasn't the "greatest need" also brought about by the licensing of IBM 
cloned computers built to run DOS and Windows?
  Charles, K0CW

John Champa <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
  Well stated, John!

John - K8OCL

Original Message Follows
From: "John Bradley" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Reply-To: digitalradio@yahoogroups.com
Subject: Re: [digitalradio] Movement toward open digital software?
Date: Fri, 12 Jan 2007 00:13:52 -0600

I First of all , I'm a dyed-in-the-wool windows user, and make no excuses 
for that.

There are interesting parallels between linnux and windows users, and 
different users of ham radio..

On one hand you find those who are interested in operating, in communicating 
and making new contacts around the globe. These are also the folks who jump 
into ARES and SAR teams to provide support,  function is the main 
interest of this type of operator, rather than the form.. success is 
the ability to communicate under adverse conditions, rather than the "how" 
of how it got there. Windows appeals to these folks since it is a relatively 
simple thing to use, and it works across a broad spectrum of programs.

The other side of the equation are those who are very interested in the 
"how" and not so much in the "why". These are folks who are concerned about 
the throughput, not the content. They can happily bury themselves in the 
technical knowledge and patience required to use linux, write endless lines 
of code and otherwise do all those things that would drive me as an operator 

Fortunately there is room for, and a need for both in the digital world., 
those to write the code and those of us who enjoy using new code and running 
it to it's limits.

Microsoft became popular because it was the simplest tool around to get the 
job done. Not the most elegant, maybe not the most efficient, but it got the 
job done. And it was something that could be used with little or no 
technical training.The ease of operation led to microsoft's dominance in the 
marketplace with word, powerpoint, outlook and the like. Nothing else 
written in the early days could beat the ease with which these programs 
functioned. Microsoft did their market analysis very well and concentrated 
on software perceived as the greatest need, not obscure specialty graphics 
software that Apple got into, and built a reputation on. Just plain vanilla 
word and number crunching.

IMHO, this KISS (Keep it simple,stupid) principle that microsoft adhered to 
would be something for linnux to examine, in order to survive beyond cult 

my 2 cents



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Re: [digitalradio] RTTY Contest on 17M

2007-01-07 Thread Chas Nagel
If I am not mistaken I believe I read long ago that ARRL came out against use 
of WARC bands for ARRL sponsored contests.
  Charles, K0CW

Robert Chudek - KØRC <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: 
Huh?  I don't hear anyone on 18.105 MHz. But 20 and 15 meters are 
loaded with signals!
  73 de Bob - KØRC in MN
- Original Message - 
  From: Roger J. Buffington 
  To: digitalradio@yahoogroups.com 
  Sent: Sunday, January 07, 2007 9:51 AM
  Subject: [digitalradio] RTTY Contest on 17M

There is heavy RTTY contesting on 17M; specifically around 18.105Mhz. I 
had understood, perhaps incorrectly, that contesting was excluded from 
the WARC bands. No?

de Roger W6VZV




Re: [digitalradio] Best 40KHz for PSK & SSB QRP on 40 & 80M?

2007-01-02 Thread Chas Nagel
CW is permitted 7000-7300.
  Charles, K0CW

kd4e <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
  > Andrew O'Brien wrote:
> Can USA ops actually use 7035 ? I worked an African there the other 
> night via Feld Hell but then wondered if I was not supposed to be down 
> there with data modes?


7000 - 7125 is OK for Data

7025 - 7125 is Data & CW

CW is not permitted in 7000 - 7025


Thanks! & 73, doc, KD4E
Have a joy-filled New Year!
Projects: http://ham-macguyver.bibleseven.com
Personal: http://bibleseven.com


Re: [digitalradio] Best 40KHz for PSK & SSB QRP on 40 & 80M?

2007-01-02 Thread Chas Nagel
Yes. Go to ARRL's web site and download a frequency usage chart, 
  Charles, K0CW

Andrew O'Brien <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Can USA ops actually use 7035 ?  I worked an African there the 
other night via Feld Hell but then wondered if I was not supposed to be down 
there with data modes?
  Andy K3K

  On 1/2/07, Brett Owen Rees VK2TMG <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: I 
have found most activity between 7035 and 7075 - this includes the recommended 
calling frequencies as used by this group for both region 1 and region 3. That 
would be the 40 KHz slice that I would choose. 

73 de Brett VK2TMG 

Andy K3UK
Skype Me :  callto://andyobrien73 


Re: [digitalradio] New to PSK31 - advice please ??

2007-01-02 Thread Chas Nagel
Two things I did when I started out with BPSK31: I purchased a Donner interface 
(Web address is http://donnerstore.com,) and I purchased a PSKMETER (Web 
address http://www.ssiserver.com/info/pskmeter). Also when tuning up and 
adjusting your sound card use a dummy load and you should not have to run more 
than 40 watts, usually less. Donner makes interfaces for a number of popular 
rigs. I mention Donner's only because it's probably the simplest to hook up but 
their are many good interfaces on the market some that do quite a bit more. So 
you need to do some research. 
  Charles, K0CW

adrianrav4 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
  Hi All
Having just moved house (& country!), and set up the HF radio gear for
the first time in quite a few years - I'm having a dabble with PSK31.

I suspect that I'm having problems with poor isolation between the
radio and the PC - at the moment the 'quickly knocked-up' interface is
'direct' - no opto or transformer isolation. 
I can read the PSK31 quite nicely (using DigiPan) - and load up the TX
on low power (10W) - but higher TX power seems to generate odd squeaks
and general instability
...also - I have yet to get a reply from any other station on PSK -
which makes me wonder if my signal's getting distorted past the point
of readability ?

Does anybody have a source for 1:1 audio isolation transformers ? I
can't seem to find them from the usual suspects (ebay, CPC...?) -
would need to be an organisation that ships to Ireland.

Many thanks in advance
Adrian - EI5JV


Re: [digitalradio] How much power do you run?

2006-06-30 Thread Chas Nagel
In my opinion the Argonaut would not be adequate. You can run up to 40 watts 
without adding a blower with the Jupiter so you have greater flexibility of 
operating RF powers. I have run mine on PSK31 continually up to 40 watts with 
no problem. Ten-Tec provides a quiet fan that installs to the heat sink on both 
the Jupiter and Orion should you chose to run 100 watts AFSK which I use with 
my Orion. The fan they provide as an accessory for the Argonaut is noisy but 
it's required for full power output of 20 watts, otherwise you can run only 10 
watts or so. I would purchase the Jupiter with the antenna tuner installed. 
Argonaut doesn't have a built in antenna tunner. Argonaut, Jupiter and Orion 
come with an accessory cable for convenient digital mode hook up. You would 
still need an interface. I use a Donner interface made especially for Ten-Tec 
rigs but have also used RigBlaster Plus. See their respective web sites for 
more information.
  Charles, K0CW

Johnne Ables <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
  As I mentioned in a previous post (For which I was adequately 
chastised off-group) I am interested in utilizing the new digital 
modes. I am interested in a new TenTec rig. Is the 20 watt Argonaut 
516 adequate or would the Jupiter be a better choice? The Orion is 
not in my 'blue-collar budget'.

Anyone with TenTec digital experience around?


73 DE W1YB Johnne


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