Re: [tdf-discuss] Re: Old Bugs

2010-11-02 Thread Ernst W. Winter
On Tue, 02 Nov 2010, Peter Rodwell wrote:

> I answered a posting from Ernst W. Winter:
> > Yes sounds good. How did the city of Munich change 14,000 PC to
> > OOo?
> with a somewhat cursory "I don't know" but the question piqued my
> interest.  A few minutes' Googling came up with the answer: It
> didn't.
> Reports (e.g., at
> show that only 80% of the city's 14,000 PCs will have been changed
> to open source by 2012 - that's EIGHT YEARS after the project was
> given the green light.
Yes I know of it from the original German at Heise Online. It
mentions also that many others have changed and are in the process of
changing including the Federal Government.

> To be fair, Oo was only a small part of the changeover, which

correct, the  reason was also:

Schießl explains that free software certainly "Does not mean free as
in free beer." Instead, open source offers programmers the advantage
of improving the software and expanding additional applications
without having to get permission from a specific company. This
advantage also carries weight with other municipal governments. That
is why the cities of Mannheim, Schwäbisch Hall and Treuchtlingen in
Bavaria are moving at least partially to free software.

> involved an upfront cost of ?13 million for LiMux, a special
> version of Linux. The council says that's ?2 million MORE than it
> would have cost to upgrade from Windows NT4 to XP, but their point
> wasn't short-term financial saving -- they were more concerned
> about being tied to a single supplier.
I do know many that have changed the "OS" including Security
companies and if you look closer here in Eurpe Governments even pay
for Open Source developement.

I have been involved in the 90'ies with many changes of OS away from
M$ and there are companies that state openly that they have already
gone away from M$ and still have a small portion of that software.
They are only waiting that they can replace that too. What are
Corporations going to do if even Governments moving away from M$? Or
even IBM are supporting Linux.

> While a city council can apparently afford to spend this time and
> taxpayer's money changing to open source, no corporate CFO would
> even consider it.
Yes this sounds maybe silly, but then they don't have a noose around
their neck with being tied to a company and can develope what they
need for their own ends. OOo might have been a help and a step in
making that move.

Maybe I haven't explained myself as I got too exited to hear that the
OOo is having a new start after Oracle took over Sun, you can see
what happen when such companies take over. I believe in OpenSource
and can see what happen, even if Corporations don't or can't see
that. For me and others OpenSource has done more and achieved more
then any Corporation. I still see it as THE future.

Using Freebsd with some 20,00 apps and I can run Linux Binaries as
well have a Virtualbox to run WIN as well having zfs filesytem, what
could a Corporation want more to be independent?

Sorr again, I just got carried away I will restrain myself. But I
cross my fingers, wish good luck and all success to the developers of
the new Offic Suite. I have pointed many friends in that direction
adn business to what I know of. Keep up the good work you guys ...

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Linux: Where do you want to go tomorrow?
BSD:   Are you guys coming, or what?
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Re: [tdf-discuss] Re: Old Bugs

2010-11-02 Thread Ernst W. Winter
On Tue, 02 Nov 2010, Peter Rodwell wrote:

> Quoting Marc Paré:
> > And yes, MSO format conversions are not 100% and where there are
> > power users like Peter, it may be difficult to rationalize using
> > LibO when his customers are unwilling to adopt an ODF format
> > which would simply work. There is always the option for Peter to
> > propose a change in office suite to his clients and suggest that
> > a free migration to LibO would save them quite a bit in
> > expenditures and would still provide them with the same
> > functionality as MSO but using the ODF formats instead.
> My clients are mostly major corporations who don't tend to welcome
> IT strategy suggestions from their suppliers! Sure, they're aware
> of OO and open source in general but they're not planning to change
> anytime soon. This is not because they've been brainwashed by MS;
> it's mostly because they can't afford (financially and timewise)
> the risk of having to re-train thousands of users with the
> productivity drop that this would involve.
Yes sounds good. How did the city of Munich change 14,000 PC to OOo?

I do think where there is a willing there will be a way. If Govermnet
Authorities can change, why can't a corporation change. Is it what
people decide or the company? After all the employees would have to
retrain or learn or loose their job, not body is irreplacable.

I have heard often enough talk about big Corporations and all that
and yet see the world change to the point where no force was used,
besides I don't believe that all employees are stupid or lazy when it
comes to learningt something new.

I am retired and so don't have to listen too all such talk. One thing
I have seen that many here in Europe changed to OOo, not only that it
was free but it also was more stable and usable then M$ Office.

What about the Open Source and all that is going on. I doubt that it
can be closed down, and remember years agao when it started and all
the big guns smiled and thought it was just some silly nerd event.

I use LaTeX and vi or vim. My usage of a Office Suite is limited, but
again on the other hand I deal with many that have taken to OOo and
use it and I find it was something wothwile for people wiht little
budgets as well havin cleaner sofrtware to boot with. M$ is not the
allmighty anynore by a long shot.

Also does anyone listen ot "enduser"? I thin that is where there is a
big black hole too.

Sorry, but this is my 2c worth as a enduser.


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Re: [tdf-discuss] Re: Old Bugs

2010-11-02 Thread Ernst W. Winter
On Tue, 02 Nov 2010, Marc Par wrote:

[snip shortened stuff]

> Good points Frank and we also have to consider that Italo, our
> marketing guru, now says that in some European countries, OOo/LigO
> commands 20% market share and that ODF adoption is on the rise and
> is quite established.
Well I think it is hogher than that or een twice as much with 00o as
I can assure you here in Germany many local AUthorities are using it
already, even that they don't often put it in the open.

One example was when the city of Munich changed from M$ to Linux in
terms of OS, then Balmer rushed to save it and offfered some millions
less in licensing fees, of course with the treat that there are still
some patents that M$ has on it all that garbage. But in the end they
still changed to Linusx and that was some thousend machines.

Yes, you should look more into Europe with it as even the EU is using
as standard OOo and supportin it.

I'm only a "enduser" and use FreeBSD, hendce I'm interested when it
will appear in the ports collection there.

I don't use OOo much, mainly for cconversio of M$ *doc if I get them.

> The lack of ODF adoption in N.Amer. needs to be addressed by all
> groups employing ODF standards. We all need to promote its use
> where ever it goes, even down to the single player such as Peter.
Undestandable, but I guess that Europe would be a better chance.

> And yes, MSO format conversions are not 100% and where there are
> power users like Peter, it may be difficult to rationalize using
> LibO when his customers are unwilling to adopt an ODF format which
> would simply work. 

Well I have often recieved these days more ODF formats then anything
else as even many friends use it and also at their workplace.


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