Re: [IxDA Discuss] Offtopic: What music do you listen to while you

2008-02-28 Thread James Leslie
Yeah, I am the same, I'm getting to grips with it now and pretty much
select what I am going to listen to based on the mood that I want to
convey. I find that Industrial and noise stuff tends to yield more
angular designs than some trip hop or ambient which tend to yield more
flowing lines and curves in the design.

I do find, however, that I have to keep watch on how much industrial I'm
listening to when in 'graphics land' due to the possibility of the
design incorporating too much of a 'barbed wire and concrete' style.
Does anybody else find that the creative process can be greatly
influenced by what's currently playing?

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Offtopic: What music do you listen to while you

2008-02-27 Thread James Leslie
If I am designing I can listen to anything from Jazz to Goth/Industrial
to Classical, but when coding I can't really listen to stuff with
distinct vocals so it tends to be lots of ambient and trip-hop, with the
odd splash of techno or drum'n'bass thrown in. 

Sigur Ros seem to make me most productive.

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Off: Where do you read news?

2008-02-26 Thread James Leslie
BBC for me

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Creative Navigation

2008-02-22 Thread James Leslie
I think the reader who gave the design a solid C is being rather harsh.

I'm primarily a front end developer, so I look at things like making sites 
inaccessible as a bad thing. This site is inaccessible, when it doesn't need to 
be... At least the lo-fi version of the site could (or should) have accessible 
navigation so that people can use it. 
This isn't just an issue for people who use assistive technology - it would be 
inaccessible on a mobile phone (barring iPhone's touch screen) for the same 
I think it is a bit naïve of the coders to have not taken this into account, in 
both coding and UI terms.

I actually quite like the look and style navigation overall, btw :)

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Where are all the designers?

2008-02-21 Thread James Leslie
The UK also has a lot of vacancies for designers which I believe is
demand outstripping supply, and we are starting to see a big increase in
the number of UI/IxD jobs on the market too.
However, we have a lot of the same laws regarding immigration as the US.
For example, I would love to go to California for a year or 2 to work,
but this is very unlikely as I am a British citizen and work visas are
nearly impossible to come by. The same works in reverse for US citizens
wanting to work here. I know many other designers who would love the
opportunity to work in SV for a couple of years, who can't due to
immigration laws.

The value of going and working abroad, where different markets apply and
the experience of seeing first hand the difference in cultures, can be
huge in many ways... both in personal and professional terms.
We have freedom of movement for workers in Europe and that means there
are many multi-cultural design studios, personally I think this is
great. It helps expand ideas and pull cultural diversity into design. So
instead of going to work in SV, we go to work in Paris, Barcelona,
London, Rome, etc.

-Original Message-
3) Given the current state of the US economy/currency, fewer experienced
professionals may be willing to move to the US from other countries.
Here in Canada, the trend has actually reversed itself - the homecoming
of expats previously living in the US is now on the rise. Add in the
insanity of the US immigration system, and the cost-benefit analysis for
prospective immigrants is much less compelling than it once was.

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Digital Instrument Interfaces

2008-02-19 Thread James Leslie
Have you seen the Reactable and what Bjork has been doing with it?

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Using voice narration on sites

2008-02-18 Thread James Leslie
I was talking to Kevin Carey from the RNIB on Saturday about this
subject and he is of the opinion that audio descriptions SHOULD start
automatically, as otherwise non-sighted users may never find the button
to turn it on.
He also likened it to turning on a TV set and then needing to press an
extra button to get sound.

I can see the points he makes as being valid and am still having a lot
of internal debates about this point. I am someone who only has speakers
on if listening to music and don't like it when I get interrupted by a
voice on a site, but maybe this is an area where the youth of the web as
a medium needs these thoughts to be readdressed.

-Original Message-
One note about video and audio - don't have the audio/video begin

1) It's annoying for those who already have audio happening (through an
iPod or similar player)
2) If someone has their speakers on, there will be sudden audio - and it
might not be something they want the world to hear (or their audio might
be turned up and they don't realize it).
3) Those who can't hear may not have any cue that there is content being
explained if there is no visual cue to that fact.  Thus, a start video
or Hear explanation prompt will show that there is content to be
heard/seen and they can make accommodations. 

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Capturing International Addresses

2008-01-10 Thread James Leslie
We try to make forms country specific, or dynamically change what
address fields are requested based on country selection. The simplest
version of this being that UK users would be asked for a 'Postcode'
whilst US users would be asked for a 'Zip code'.
We then store addresses as 'address 1', 'address 2', etc rather than
define them further as 'road', 'city', 'county/state', etc. This helps
to keep addresses in the format in which they are natively known.
Doing it this way means (hopefully) that the user is requested for
information in a format that they are used to and then when this is
added to a database it can be returned easily in the correct format
without having to worry about where the user comes from.
I've been trying to find examples but unfortunately all the ones I have
are internal to companies, so hopefully my explanation makes a bit more
sense now!

Just for clarification, what do you mean when you say tailor? From the
user's standpoint?

Our only solution to these problems so far has been to tailor
forms and/or their validation to take account of these nuances. It isn't
a particularly good way of doing it, but was the most open way we have
found of doing it. 



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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Capturing International Addresses

2008-01-09 Thread James Leslie
International forms are a bit of a nightmare to sort out. Starting at the top - 
the name of the person... Many countries/cultures have differing ways of 
stating their name, this article is a lot more verbose than I could be on the 
subject and makes for interesting reading:

Once you get past the name conundrum you then get into the differing ways of 
formatting addresses. For example, below are the addresses for the British 
Embassy in a couple of different countries:

British Embassy (Finland)
Itäinen Puistotie 17
00140 Helsinki

British Embassy (South Africa)
255 Hill Street
Arcadia 0002

British Embassy (Ireland)
29 Merrion Road
Dublin 4

British Embassy (Washington, USA)
3100 Massachusetts Avenue,
Washington DC,

Home Office (British Embassy equivalent in UK)
2 Marsham Street
London SW1P 4DF

Beyond a building number and road, these all have very different formats and 
could each throw up a large number of problems with forcing validation. 

Our only solution to these problems so far has been to tailor forms and/or 
their validation to take account of these nuances. It isn't a particularly good 
way of doing it, but was the most open way we have found of doing it.


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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Forward/reverse in a mobile phone's music player

2007-12-12 Thread James Leslie
I think it is a really useful feature for (as has been mentioned)
Podcasts and those annoying 'secret tracks' that come 15 minutes into
the last track on a CD. If I haven't been paying enough attention when
ripping, or don't have the time to edit the track it is very useful to
be able to skip through the 11 minutes of silence!
It could be argued that this is initially bad design by the
manufacturers who could just put the track on the CD as a normal track.


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[IxDA Discuss] FW: Placement of credit card logos

2007-12-04 Thread James Leslie
Just to clarify, the original poster said that they had statistics to
prove increased conversion rates by having the signs on the homepage.
I've never conducted any studies on it :-)


Would it not be appropriate to actually cite these statistics so that
some diligence can be put into the question?


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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Placement of credit card logos

2007-12-03 Thread James Leslie
Surely the aim of an e-commerce site primarily is to sell products,
therefore if the statistics prove that an increased conversion rate is
achieved by placing the logos on the home page, that has to be the
correct method?

Sometimes the means to the end is not the most aesthetically desirable


I'm curious to know where others stand with regard to credit card logo
placement on an ecommerce site. We're of differing opinions here - one
camp believing that credit card logos are best placed straight on the
home page, right in the top - prominent placement - and have the
statistics to prove that there is an increase in conversion as a result
of said placement.
The other camp comes from a design perspective, and believes that credit
card logos are aesthetically unpleasing to the overall design
(cheapening the look and feel) and that the credit card logos are better
placed where they are more contextually appropriate - that is - within
an in-page shopping cart box (which displays once an item has been added
to the cart) and on the shopping cart pages themselves.

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] HTML Prototypers

2007-11-07 Thread James Leslie
I use Homesite and TopStyle pro Or whatever text editor is available
on other systems

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] People who really OUGHT to have done user testing

2007-11-06 Thread James Leslie
My pet hate with design that has clearly had no user testing is the new
pedestrian crossing signals in the UK.

Jeremy Keith phrases it better than I can at

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