[IxDA Discuss] Designing for Microsoft Surface to tell a Story SxSW panel topic

2009-08-20 Thread james horgan
Hi everyone, i will be hosting a panel discussion at SxSW,
if anyone is interested, please vote for me at:

Thanks in advance!
James Horgan

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] ISO: Films about interaction design

2008-10-22 Thread james horgan
I'll say it again:
funny movie, highlights a lot of fun versions of user interfaces.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Future Interaction: The application of IxD to science fiction.

2008-10-21 Thread james horgan
A man travels to the future where everyone in the world has become
incredibly stupid because they no longer need to think.

The interface used at the Hospital (a large touchscreen pad with
icons for every possible ailment) is funny and accurate!

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Interface Design vs Interaction Design

2008-10-21 Thread james horgan
actually i wanted to add something to what i was writing as this
reminds me of the same problem i used to have as an industrial
designer. Whether to call myself an industrial or a product designer.
The actual difference is that industrial may have more engineering
involvement, while the product designer is a more high level thinker.
The choice came down to this: If im at a party, whats the optimal job
description i would tell someone who knew nothing about my area of
expertise. so product designer won the day. I will normally say
Interaction or User experience designer today because it makes most
sense to people and expresses the full range of what i do.

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Can an interaction designer creat (great) interaction without (great) visual design skills?

2008-10-16 Thread james horgan
Unlikely, what you're asking from someone is too visualise the
potential of your solution, and visionary business clients are few
and far between my friend. It's your job to make them recognise the
business value of what you do.

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Advice? Dismissal over no more design

2008-10-07 Thread james horgan
If you have proven data as to how your designs are correlated to the
bottom line of profit, I would pursue it with HR and Exec team, they
may see it differently as to how valuable they think your skillset is
and they need to make cutbacks. You have to ask yourself are you
willing to work for another company where this could easily happen
again (sorry but when times get tough, designers are always the first
to go).
I wouldn't take it personally and start looking for work, i'd use
this bottom line value as a good training exercise as to how much you
are really worth to a company.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Touchscreen interfaces - hype?

2008-10-07 Thread james horgan
I work primarily on designing applications for Microsoft Surface, and
I would say it's less hype and becoming more of a reality. Haptic
feedback, pressure sensitivity; and accuracy are all becoming
realities for touchscreen technology so its becoming much more a
practical part of a persons life.
I would say touchscreen in its current state is aimed at a different
type of interaction than a typical computer interface, e.g. typing.
I'd also say touchscreen has been around for at least 2 decades and
is becoming more of a pervasive reality than the clunky ATM
touchscreens of yesteryear!
It's still early days of course, but it's less about the hype and
more about designing innovative useful applications that maximize
touch tech potential.

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] why the hate-on User-centered Design? (was practice vs. discipline roles vs. people

2008-10-07 Thread james horgan
Couple of reasons for the hate-on:
Lack of consistency across various projects; one methodology for one
type of project will not work for another. This makes it difficult
for execs and project managers to accurately gauge the cost
effectiveness of a project, which would drive any money person nuts.
It is the number one area everyone can throw in their 2 cents so it
means different things to different people
It's often seen by execs as saving a failing project, of course when
it doesn't, its the first to blame.
The people who do UCD often cannot relate it to a monetary value for
the senior team, again another reason to dislike what is seen as a
'vague' profession based on feelings - in complete contrast to
business philosophy.

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Introducing design to a dev team for the firsttime

2008-05-23 Thread james horgan
No problems Martin, hope it goes well for you. I do think you have a bit of
internal marketing to do especially to shift such a large organizations
viewpoint on delivery. Identify the people who can help you make that
change and get in touch with them, there are ways to do it without ticking
off your team lead.

Scott any new idea that has support from the top people in a company tends
to get pushed forward as a result. I'm currently working on a project and if
didn't have the vocal support from Bill Gates I think it would be just seen
as another 'quack' idea rather than something that can be designed for
practical business purposes. Sometimes you've got to go direct to the
source, this is how progress is made.
All the best

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Introducing design to a dev team for the first time

2008-05-22 Thread james horgan
Hi Martin, I'd talk to your CEO or whoever is in charge, show them before
and after scenarios and make a case as to why you think usability =
increased revenue. I would also do a bit of internal marketing, ensure your
team are referred to as interaction designer (never graphic designers) and
do some educational sessions on why preplanning and information architecture
add to the product and is something everyone can support.
You have to solve the internal attitude to it before you (and your
coworkers) can educate the client. I would research industrial
design history and how they got into the mix (they were seen as glorified
prettifiers before).
hope that helps.

On Thu, May 22, 2008 at 4:38 PM, Martin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Thanks, Michael. Those are all important factors. I didn't have it as clear
 in my head as how you articulated it.

 As for what the customer prefers, I think they are open to being educated
 and respect and defer to the expertise of people in fields other than their
 own. (Not that I'm in any way an expert at this stage.)

 There's a tendency for Flash or HTML prototypes to end up as front end code
  in the app sometimes so heads up there.

 Not likely in this case, luckily. I'll be working on enhancements to an
 existing project, so it will be implemented in GWT, for better or for

 ... I'd recommend that you focus more on facilitating design processes and
  communications than on higher fidelity prototypes, at least during the
  phases of the project. Good luck!

 Sounds sensible. I get the impression that I am just expected to come up
 with one design that will work, which the developers can then go build. So
 I'll have to impress upon them that this will require *some* sort of user
 input. The thing is, I'm not clear about which would better serve the
 design: some sort of ethnographic research, or some kind of usability
 testing. (Sure, doing both would be best, but in this situation, what would
 give me more bang per buck? I think usability testing would be the easier
 sell, in any case...)


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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Is a Flash-intro to a personal portfolio still good/relevant?

2008-05-21 Thread james horgan
it does depends. if youve a long loading time, god forbid, youd better
distract them with something decent. or hire a better programmer.
if youre an animator, why not? usability, schmusability, you're there to
entertain. people hear flash intro and go all negative and dark, but if
youre waiting for a fantastic experience, then the wait should be just as
enjoyable. some of the best sites ive seen have leveraged the annoyance of a
loading bar to produce a highly entertaining and fun experience. i would
think about the context of your site and whether you can use the loading to
your advantage to highlight your talents, if not, i would drop it if you

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