Re: [slim] Re: Cannot change device with handheld skin

2006-07-06 Thread Michael Herger

Now I have "Version du SlimServer : 6.3.1 - 8278 - Debian - FR -
iso-8859-1" but it is not working better...

Hmm... I shall do some work on the Handheld skin today. I'll have a look  
at this issue, too. IMHO the now used cookie mechanism is alright for  
skins using frames. But in the case of Hanhdeld just passing the player in  
the URL along seems to be simpler and more reliable.

That said: do you by chance have cookies disabled?

I'm a bit afraid of what will happen when I will restart my slimserver
box because the version of slimserver will "downgrade"

You're on SlimCD? Is it installed to disk or are you running it from CD?  
You can have your configuration backuped and restored automatically if you  
set /opt/.backup_device (check for the name - I am at work and not sure  
about it). SlimServer is then backupped as well (which sometimes is a pain  
when you update the SlimCD image - but that's another story :-))



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Re: [slim] Re: When did the Slim Devices homepage start to appear in SlimServer?

2006-07-06 Thread kdf

On 6-Jul-06, at 9:30 PM, riff wrote:

I have this mess too and I don't like it one bit. I hope it's a mistake
and not intentional. ;)

the slim devices server was moved yesterday.  The link for the logo on 
the homepage points to the slim devices site.  it is possible that 
something in there mixed it up.  the released codes can't really just 
change itself overnight, so it should be cleared up once the dns nodes 
get caught up.


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[slim] Re: When did the Slim Devices homepage start to appear in SlimServer?

2006-07-06 Thread riff

I have this mess too and I don't like it one bit. I hope it's a mistake
and not intentional. ;)


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Re: [slim] Re: Outdoor Speaker Recommendation

2006-07-06 Thread Jack Coates
...I am WY too much of a value guy compared to most of the Slimcustomers. Don't get me wrong, I have a pretty good amp ($600), pretty
good set of indoor speakers ($1k), etc, but I really cannot seespending $400+ bucks on speakers that will get rained on. I think for$45 bucks, these speakers are great for outside. My buddy bought a $400pair of Polks for outdoor, and they do sound better than mine, but he
already has the plan to "only bring them out when he wants to listen tomusic outside" and that just doesn't do it for me.Might as well bring the regular inside speakers out instead...
-- "I spent all me tin with the ladies drinking gin,So across the Western ocean I must wander" -- traditional
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[slim] Re: Help! My SlimServer UI is mucked up

2006-07-06 Thread TiredLegs

Well, I managed to get the SlimServer UI back to normal by using telnet
to send a reboot command to the LinkStation. Not sure how that's any
different than just power cycling the LinkStation, but the effect was
different (unless it was coincidental).

If the problem happens again, I'll see if I can figure out what
sequence of events triggered it.

Thanks for people's help and suggestions.


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[slim] Re: When did the Slim Devices homepage start to appear in SlimServer?

2006-07-06 Thread windowshade

Yup. I've gone back to 6.5b1: more reliable.


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[slim] Re: Softsqueeze for Nokia 770?

2006-07-06 Thread bklaas

softsqueeze is java, 770 doesn't do java, so methinks not.

there is, however, softslave, which I believe is written in c or c++,
so it potentially could be ported to the 770. I have no experience with
porting apps to the 770 though, so someone else will have to pipe in
with that.



"the Nokia770 skin guy"

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[slim] Re: When did the Slim Devices homepage start to appear in SlimServer?

2006-07-06 Thread spafonyx

Mark Lanctot Wrote: 
> Got a strange surprise just now.
> SlimServer is attempting to load Slim Devices' home page.  It puts it
> at the top of the SS Home and underneath Server Settings.
> For some reason all the images are broken so it looks like hell, plus
> it won't fit in the left-hand pane.  Also this isn't information I
> really need to know.
> I've been running 6.3.0 official for some time now and this is the
> first I've seen of it.  Since no one else has remarked on it and you'd
> have to be blind to miss it I'm thinking it's an error of some kind?
> Any advice for getting rid of it?
> BTW below it are all the proper SS items.  SS appears to be running
> fine otherwise.
> Weird.

Actually, someone else reported the same thing just this morning (EST)
and I had it happen today as well. The fix for me was to restart the
slimserver service (winxp), but that didn't work for the other fellow


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[slim] Softsqueeze for Nokia 770?

2006-07-06 Thread powergen

Has this been ported yet? If not will it?


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[slim] SoftSqueeze will not connect from Windoze

2006-07-06 Thread powergen

Hi All,

I am trying to connect SoftSqueeze running on my work Windoze machine,
to my server at home using ssh tunnelling.

My tunnelling works fine outside of softsqueeze, I can do an
"ssh -L 9000:localhost:9000 server" and then use realplayer to play the
stream at localhost, that works great ... just doesn't work with
softsqueeze .

The error I get is "Connection Failed, Please check server settings".
As far as I can tell, I have the server address setup ok, the ssh user
and password is correct and the ssh port I use is correct ( I use
non-standard 23, to avoid the robots ..)

I have also try'd not using the in-build ssh client and doing the same
as when I use realplayer (ie connect to localhost:9000), but that
doesn't work either, maybe in that mode the other port 3483 needed to
be tunnelled as well, but I don't know how to pass two ports to ssh on
the command line ... anyone?

My ssh server (ssh2)is set to handle both protocol 1 & 2

Has anyone any suggestions?


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[slim] Re: Help! My SlimServer UI is mucked up

2006-07-06 Thread spafonyx

TiredLegs Wrote: 
> Yes, it's quite easy to reboot the LinkStation. I have already done so
> at least once since the UI problem began, but the problem remained. So,
> I was trying to understand which "restart" fixed the problem on your
> system.
> I find it interesting that you had the problem on a WinXP server.
> Somethin' fishy going on with SlimServer 6.3.0.

Yeah, I'd have to agree that something's awry with 6.3.0. Hope you get
your UI unmucked.


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[slim] Re: Stuttering - again...

2006-07-06 Thread stevo

I have had this problem - have you tried the following;

> By default, Windows doesn't give high priority to services and the
> SlimServer software sometimes needs a fair amount of CPU. To work
> around this, open your "Control Panels", and then open the "System"
> control panel. On the "Advanced" tab, find the "Performance" section
> and click on "Settings". On the "Advanced" tab, choose "Backround
> Services" under "Processor Scheduling". Click "OK" and the SlimServer
> software will now get more CPU cycles and perform better.

The link is at;


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[slim] SlimServer picks up only selected items from iTunes?

2006-07-06 Thread tls

I have SlimServer set via the web interface to use my iTunes music
library.  But, in fact, it seems that in cases in which, in iTunes, I
have in the past checked off one or two songs from an album but not all
of them (e.g. I just wanted to play part of the album once, and left it
that way) SlimServer finds *only* those one or two songs.

This seems wrong.

Is it expected behavior?


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[slim] Re: Stuttering - again...

2006-07-06 Thread radish

DougP Wrote: 
> and the weird thing -> mp3 plays fine, FLAC does not.  I have 16000 FLAC
> files so a bit of a prob there..!  The SB2 buffer refuses to go over 10%
> with FLAC but happily does with mp3...
Not weird at all, exactly what I'd expect to see if bandwidth is
constrained. MP3 is much lower bitrate than FLAC, so for a given
delivery rate (above the MP3 bitrate but below the FLAC one) the buffer
will eventually fill playing MP3 but will continually empty playing

> So, anyone seen this - is this really a network issue? Could it be a
> firmware/codec issue?  
Almost certainly network. But use the network diagnosis plugin to
confirm. Seeing as you have a high signal strength and you say you're
not on an overlapping channel, it's probably interference from a
non-network device like a phone, light or microwave. I'm assuming
you're running 11g not b?


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Re: [slim] Re: Artwork Artwork Artwork

2006-07-06 Thread kdf

Quoting MrSinatra <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

you're kinda losing me here.  what is GD?  is it part of slim server?
what is its connection to this issue?

GD is a library of image manipulation tools.  The server can use these  
to do much better resizing and offer several options for aspect ratio,  
background fill colour and more.  The server includes the library  
where possible, but some linux users will have to install it for  

here's how i think artwork should be handled by slim server:

1. you should be able to set within reason whatever pixel size you want

yup, already there.

2. you should then be able to have slim server, on its own, resize any
given image, up or down, to fit whatever amount you set.

This is also there, within certain limits.  Some skins dictate a  
layout requirement, so not all artwork can be resized at will.   
However, a custom skin can request any sizing.  6.3 woudl require  
width/height tags in the html, 6.5 pushes the resize to the server by  
requesting the filename with sizing info included.  The naming is  
documented in the wiki.

3. you should also be able to determine the pecking order SS will use,
AND add filenames to that pecking order.

There is a fixed pecking order, with no plans to change that.  You do  
have the one optional name that overrides the built-in order. This is  
also documented in the wiki. In your case, I'd set the thumbnail pref  
to Folder.jpg so that it grabs your larger file.

4. finally, i think there should be a toggle switch for SS so it knows
to maintain aspect ratio if thats what the user wants for browsing

6.5 will maintain aspect ratio if requested, and the GD libraries are  
in working order.  This can be skin dependant, given filename  
requested from the url.  This, again, is defined in the wiki:

Not all skins handle artwork, and not all present it in the same way.   
The framework is there in slimserver to do a great deal more than what  
is shown by the included skins.  The nokia770 skin is a good example  
of what can be done differently from all other skins if an author is  

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[slim] When did the Slim Devices homepage start to appear in SlimServer?

2006-07-06 Thread Mark Lanctot

Got a strange surprise just now.

SlimServer is attempting to load Slim Devices' home page.  It puts it
at the top of the SS Home and underneath Server Settings.

For some reason all the images are broken so it looks like hell, plus
it won't fit in the left-hand pane.  Also this isn't information I
really need to know.

I've been running 6.3.0 official for some time now and this is the
first I've seen of it.  Since no one else has remarked on it and you'd
have to be blind to miss it I'm thinking it's an error of some kind?

Any advice for getting rid of it?

BTW below it is all the proper SS items.  SS appears to be running fine


|Filename: Slim homepage in SS.jpg  |

Mark Lanctot

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[slim] Re: Mac OS X SlimServer UPnP error

2006-07-06 Thread nsosnicki

I think you are right, that is not what was stopping the server from
running. After disconnecting the camera, I got a different message that
seems to be the cause of the server failing. I've started a new thread
in the beginners forum and opened a support ticket. Thanks.


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[slim] Re: Artwork Artwork Artwork

2006-07-06 Thread JJZolx

MrSinatra Wrote: 
> you're kinda losing me here.  what is GD?  is it part of slim server? 
> what is its connection to this issue?
GD is a package(?) added to SlimServer 6.5 to resize artwork on the
fly.  It generates, server-side, a resized image. SlimServer then
caches that image so that it's not constantly resizing them whenever it
needs to send an image other than the size de

In versions prior to 6.5 there's no server-side image resizing going
on.  If you have a 100kbyte 900x900 pixel artwork image, then that
image is sent to the browser and resized by the  tag to make a
125x125 thumbnail.  There's also some javascript that sometimes resizes
the image on the album pages, but since that too is client side, the
original 100k image is the one being served.

> 4. finally, i think there should be a toggle switch for SS so it knows
> to maintain aspect ratio if thats what the user wants for browsing
> artwork.
In 6.5 I belive the aspect ratio of resized images is always retained. 
I think in prior versions you always had a square NxN image.



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[slim] Stuttering - again...

2006-07-06 Thread DougP

Hi all,

I know this has been talked about before but this will not go away for
me - stuttering audio.  

No real issues with my setup (wireless, SB2, Win XP - had for 18
months) but lately I have had the stuttering issue - the wireless
signal is 80%+, not noisy nor channel overlapping (used NetStumbler),
PC not under pressure.. and the weird thing -> mp3 plays fine, FLAC
does not.  I have 16000 FLAC files so a bit of a prob there..!  The SB2
buffer refuses to go over 10% with FLAC but happily does with mp3...

So, anyone seen this - is this really a network issue? Could it be a
firmware/codec issue?  

I am running 6.2.2, firmware 48, but before someone says "upgrade" I
would like to find out why this is happening now.



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[slim] Re: Mac OS X SlimServer UPnP error

2006-07-06 Thread andyg

That's just a warning message and shouldn't cause SlimServer to stop


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[slim] Re: Help! My SlimServer UI is mucked up

2006-07-06 Thread TiredLegs

spafonyx Wrote: 
> You could certainly reboot the LinkStation, but I'd think that just
> stopping then restarting the service would do the same thing. That's
> what I did. Of course, I'm running on an extra WinXP box as my server,
> not a LinkStation, so rebooting may be easier for you.
Yes, it's quite easy to reboot the LinkStation. I have already done so
at least once since the UI problem began, but the problem remained. So,
I was trying to understand which "restart" fixed the problem on your

I find it interesting that you had the problem on a WinXP server.
Somethin' fishy going on with SlimServer 6.3.0.


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[slim] Re: Artwork Artwork Artwork

2006-07-06 Thread MrSinatra


you're kinda losing me here.  what is GD?  is it part of slim server? 
what is its connection to this issue?

here's how i think artwork should be handled by slim server:

1. you should be able to set within reason whatever pixel size you want
displayed in browsing artwork.  i know you can set this already, and the
default is 100x100

i would probably set mine to be 125x125 - 150x150.

2. you should then be able to have slim server, on its own, resize any
given image, up or down, to fit whatever amount you set.

3. you should also be able to determine the pecking order SS will use,
AND add filenames to that pecking order.  this would allow anyone to
add whatever specific filename they want, AND prioritize in what order
SS should make use of them.

in my case, i would tell it to always look for my 200x200 files first,
which would be great for me, b/c it would then scale them down as is my
wont.  BUT someone else interested in bandwidth could set the pecking
order in reverse, see my point?

also, this would allow SS to seek and use other images in the pecking
order if the "preferred" image isn't there.

also, i think SS should use ANY .jpg or image available if one exists,
yet none that conforms to KNOWN filenames.

4. finally, i think there should be a toggle switch for SS so it knows
to maintain aspect ratio if thats what the user wants for browsing

am i on the right track here guys?


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[slim] Re: Nokia 770 OS 2006 Available for Download

2006-07-06 Thread bklaas

Just updated to 2006OS and found a couple of things that are huge to the
usability of the 770 as a slimserver controller.

1. As atlslim posted earlier on this thread-- View->Show
Toolbar->uncheck fullscreen is "sticky" with reboot. That resolves a
major annoyance, since the Nokia770 skin relies on the user going to
fullscreen mode with the toolbar off.

2. This one, IMO, is big. The toolbar no longer pops up when loading a
new image/page/DOM content. In the Opera included with 2005OS, the
toolbar would appear whenever any new image loaded, including, for
example, a new piece of cover art when a new song starts. Then, when
the toolbar would pop up, the page would dynamically resize, which
would in turn cause the vertical and horizontal scrollbars to appear.
Needless to say, this was mucho annoying, and I'm really happy to see
that working as it should.

I've heard some scattered complaints on web forums about the quality of
this 2006OS release, but from what I've experimented with so far, it's a
big win for those using it as a slimserver controller. I'm intrigued to use it as a VOIP phone with Google Talk, just
cuz it's geeky ;)



"the Nokia770 skin guy"

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[slim] Re: Cannot change device with handheld skin

2006-07-06 Thread Mark Lanctot

Mathiou Wrote: 
> I'm a bit afraid of what will happen when I will restart my slimserver
> box because the version of slimserver will "downgrade" but my
> squeezebox has been updated with the last firmware

No, if there's a mismatch the SB will prompt you to press the
brightness button for a firmware update.

Mark Lanctot

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[slim] Re: Cannot change device with handheld skin

2006-07-06 Thread Mathiou

Now I have "Version du SlimServer : 6.3.1 - 8278 - Debian - FR -
iso-8859-1" but it is not working better...

I'm a bit afraid of what will happen when I will restart my slimserver
box because the version of slimserver will "downgrade" but my
squeezebox has been updated with the last firmware


Do you know Viaduc:

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[slim] Re: Nokia 770 OS 2006 Available for Download

2006-07-06 Thread bklaas

atlslim Wrote: 
> I know some things have been changed in 6.5 (artwork, etc) but I'm sure
> you will have those figured out soon! :)

Actually, I think in large part all of the skin-related changes are
done. I've been quietly updating the Nokia770 skin (as well as the
benevolent KDF) as 6.5 goes through its growing pains. The current
issues with 6.5 are mostly slimserver and database-related, which
affect not only the web UI but also the general use of squeezeboxen.
For example, when you select an album to play, it doesn't play the
tracks in order. Stuff like that. It also crashes easily. (I'm not
worried...we'll get there...just gotta be patient)



"the Nokia770 skin guy"

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[slim] 'Browse Artists' always starts at the top of the list (slimp3)

2006-07-06 Thread herbman

I've filed this as

It seems that in 6.3.0, every time I go to the 'Browse Artists' list,
it's at the top. Previous releases would keep the last position of the
list cached. Anyone else see this with the other players?

If there's debugging output I can provide, let me know.


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[slim] Re: Help! My SlimServer UI is mucked up

2006-07-06 Thread spafonyx

TiredLegs Wrote: 
> Was that restarting the SlimServer app running on the LinkStation (e.g.
> rebooting the LinkStation), or just reinitiating SlimServer access
> through the web browser?

You could certainly reboot the LinkStation, but I'd think that just
stopping then restarting the service would do the same thing. That's
what I did. Of course, I'm running on an extra WinXP box as my server,
not a LinkStation, so rebooting may be easier for you.


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Re: [slim] Re: Artwork Artwork Artwork

2006-07-06 Thread kdf


kdf Wrote:

There is a pref to size the thumbnails in browse artwork (server
settings->interface) so you can set those to the thumbnail size of
your images if you really want. Fro 6.5, If you have the GD library
installed, then slismerver will resize the images before they are sent

to the browser (for better quality render and faster caching).

For 6.5 it would seem that the only way to really make practical use of
user-created thumbnails is to have them already in the preferred size so
that they're not sent through GD.

What makes sense, appears to be completely different depending on the  
user in question.

 Would it make sense to eliminate
support for user generated thumbnails altogether?

already under discussion. One argument against removing this is that  
idea that users might desire the ability to request one image or the  
other via a url.  Currently, no skins really make use of this, but  
there is no reason you could not have a skin that showed the album  
cover when browsing albums in gallery view, and showing a preferred  
photo of the artist in the now playing section.

Given that the handling already exist for two images, that the  
processing effort isn't much different either way, and that a single  
image in the folder automatically work when called from either url,  
there isn't much reason to get rid of the feature.  It won't really  
save us much.  The secondary thumbnail scan was the worst part (in my  
mind) and that's already dealt with.

  If a cover art image

is going to be resized, it would be better (as the original poster
points out) to generate them from a larger image scaled down, rather
than a smaller one scaled up.

that would again depend on what the users' obsession of the day  
happens to be.  If it is bandwidth, then smaller images woudl prevail.  
 Also, GD isn't included or available on all systems, so the older  
methods of browser scaling are still the fallback possition when GD  
can't be found.

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[slim] Re: Artwork Artwork Artwork

2006-07-06 Thread JJZolx

kdf Wrote: 
> There is a pref to size the thumbnails in browse artwork (server  
> settings->interface) so you can set those to the thumbnail size of  
> your images if you really want. Fro 6.5, If you have the GD library  
> installed, then slismerver will resize the images before they are sent 
> to the browser (for better quality render and faster caching).
For 6.5 it would seem that the only way to really make practical use of
user-created thumbnails is to have them already in the preferred size so
that they're not sent through GD.  Would it make sense to eliminate
support for user generated thumbnails altogether?  If a cover art image
is going to be resized, it would be better (as the original poster
points out) to generate them from a larger image scaled down, rather
than a smaller one scaled up.



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Re: [slim] Re: Artwork Artwork Artwork

2006-07-06 Thread kdf


MrSinatra Wrote:

for as long as i've had SS it seems to always grab the 75x75 jpg, and
then scale it up to 100x100, which is why i noticed b/c that looks
crappy, but it does do it... is that not server side resizing?

My apology for the bum advice.  I think kdf's post should clear up
thumb/cover art somewhat.

so many options that it is very confusing.  I have the advantage of  
being familiar with that section of code, so when I had to look it up,  
I could.

Seems like all you'd need to do to get this behavior is have SlimServer
not see your thumbnails, either by renaming or by deleting them.

I'd try puttiong Folder.jpg in as the thumbnail pref in Server  
Settings->interface first.  If that works (I think it should) then it  
does save the effort of renaming. The price of this is that the  
loading of the page will take longer, as the browser needs to load  
much more data, then scale it down.  With 6.5, the server does the  
work, so you get CPU usage increases on the server, but less bnadwidth  
used in sending to the browser and a faster page render.

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[slim] Re: A Silly Poll

2006-07-06 Thread SadGamerGeek

38 (for a few more weeks...)


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[slim] Re: Nokia 770 OS 2006 Available for Download

2006-07-06 Thread atlslim

bklaas Wrote: 
>  The screenshooter application I will miss though...
This applet is available for the new OS and includes a screenshot


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[slim] Re: Artwork Artwork Artwork

2006-07-06 Thread JJZolx

MrSinatra Wrote: 
> for as long as i've had SS it seems to always grab the 75x75 jpg, and
> then scale it up to 100x100, which is why i noticed b/c that looks
> crappy, but it does do it... is that not server side resizing?
My apology for the bum advice.  I think kdf's post should clear up
thumb/cover art somewhat.

Seems like all you'd need to do to get this behavior is have SlimServer
not see your thumbnails, either by renaming or by deleting them.



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[slim] Re: A Silly Poll

2006-07-06 Thread mschiff

I'm 56.

-- Martin


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Re: [slim] Re: Nokia 770 OS 2006 Available for Download

2006-07-06 Thread Chip Hart
bklaas wrote:
> An aside, isn't it bizarre that Nokia releases this Linux-powered
> handheld and the only instructions they post for upgrade involves using
> a Windows machine? 

I concur.  Worse, you have to download the .Net framework or
whatever.  I have XP on a partition solely for these little
chores and it sucks.

Chip Hart - Pediatric Solutions  *  Physician's Computer Company
chip @   *  1 Main St. #7, Winooski, VT 05404
800-722-7708 *
f.802-846-8178   *  Pediatric Software Just Got Smarter.
Your Practice Just Got Healthier.
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[slim] Re: Help! My SlimServer UI is mucked up

2006-07-06 Thread TiredLegs

spafonyx Wrote: 
> I had this same problem today, suddenly. Restarting SlimServer cleared
> it right up.
Was that restarting the SlimServer app running on the LinkStation (e.g.
rebooting the LinkStation), or just reinitiating SlimServer access
through the web browser?


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[slim] Re: Nokia 770 OS 2006 Available for Download

2006-07-06 Thread atlslim


I took the plunge and overall things have gone well. The application
manager tool is helpful for the average user (me) to get new programs
installed easily. Someone has reported that feature to now be broken
but I haven't checked:

Browser seems more stable, you can assign swap space to the memory
card, and the "no toolbar in fullscreen" sticks after reboot. I think
those are all plusses for the skin users. Also, the new Opera browser
can access the SqueezeNetwork webpage and the Pandora music service
(via SN) can now be controlled w/ the Nokia. requires a
later version of Flashplayer not yet ported to the Nokia.

I know some things have been changed in 6.5 (artwork, etc) but I'm sure
you will have those figured out soon! :)


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[slim] Re: Help! My SlimServer UI is mucked up

2006-07-06 Thread spafonyx

I had this same problem today, suddenly. Restarting SlimServer cleared
it right up.


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[slim] Re: A Silly Poll

2006-07-06 Thread Zten

jonheal Wrote: 
> Here's a silly poll for y'all ...
> I'm curious as to the age distribution of Squeezebox users. If you care
> to admit to your age, do so. I'll collect the results and make a little
> graph.
> I'm geezing at ... well, I'll be 48 next week.

Hey jonheal, where's the stats?


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[slim] Re: Nokia 770 OS 2006 Available for Download

2006-07-06 Thread bklaas

Siduhe Wrote: 
> The only one I've come across has been widely reported - additional
> applications you've installed won't port across to the new firmware, so
> you'll need to wait till they've been updated and reinstall.

I can live with that...I installed all kinds of goodies, including
running ssh server. I thought I was going to use it a lot in this
fashion, but it turns out I had little use for logging into a
command-line remotely. The screenshooter application I will miss

Siduhe Wrote: 
> Fraid I'm not quite brave enough for 6.5 yet, so don't use your 770
> skin, but looking forward to when I can ! ;-)

well warranted to stay away from 6.5 right now. 'Tis a mess at present.
I think you'll enjoy the skin once 6.5 gets beaten into shape.



"the Nokia770 skin guy"

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[slim] Re: Outdoor Speaker Recommendation

2006-07-06 Thread Zten

fathom39 Wrote: 
> Yeah, this is what I had in mind.  What brand were they?  Thanks Zten!

The brand is KLH. Model number C-180B. Check them out on Best Buy's

Makes me think of Billy Joel. "Don't waste your money on a new set of
speakers, You get more mileage from a cheap pair of sneakers."

I am WY too much of a value guy compared to most of the Slim
customers. Don't get me wrong, I have a pretty good amp ($600), pretty
good set of indoor speakers ($1k), etc, but I really cannot see
spending $400+ bucks on speakers that will get rained on. I think for
$45 bucks, these speakers are great for outside. My buddy bought a $400
pair of Polks for outdoor, and they do sound better than mine, but he
already has the plan to "only bring them out when he wants to listen to
music outside" and that just doesn't do it for me.


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[slim] Re: Nokia 770 OS 2006 Available for Download

2006-07-06 Thread Siduhe

bklaas Wrote: 
> Anyone else install the 2006 OS upgrade yet to their 770? I'm probably
> going to do it later today and wanted to know if there are any other
> significant gotchas.

The only one I've come across has been widely reported - additional
applications you've installed won't port across to the new firmware, so
you'll need to wait till they've been updated and reinstall.

Otherwise it's been an easy install and performance has improved now
you don't have to hack the 770 to use your memory card as a bit more
swap space (there's an included application to do this for you).

On the annoying side, I've lost the ability to do a one-click check for
emails without opening up the inbox, but I can live with that until
someone works out a way round it.

Fraid I'm not quite brave enough for 6.5 yet, so don't use your 770
skin, but looking forward to when I can ! ;-)


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Re: [slim] Re: Artwork Artwork Artwork

2006-07-06 Thread kdf


It doesn't - SlimServer is capable of knowing exactly _one_ image for
an album (and its tracks).  It resizes that one image in the Browse
Artwork view.

There are two:  cover and coverThumb (as slimserver sees them).  The  
cover images look for artwork with some known filenames, ordered for  
typically large to small.  The thumbnail looks for the same  
filesnames, but ordered small to large.  This assumes that thumbnails,  
being displayed at lower resolution, need only grab the smaller files  
if available.

There is a pref to size the thumbnails in browse artwork (server  
settings->interface) so you can set those to the thumbnail size of  
your images if you really want. Fro 6.5, If you have the GD library  
installed, then slismerver will resize the images before they are sent  
to the browser (for better quality render and faster caching).

There is also a pref to set extra or preferred filename for cover and  
for thumbnail.  For example, if you want AlbumArtSmall.jpb to be the  
default image in every case, you can enter that for the Artwork  
filename and it will override teh normal first name, which is cover.jpg.

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[slim] Re: Dead remote or...?

2006-07-06 Thread Fuseball

mightygriffin Wrote: 
> Fuseball, have you had any luck with your SB.
It's still not working properly but I've been in contact with the
people I bought it from and they're being very helpful.  Looks like
it'll need replacing though.  Bracing myself for a weekend using CDs
again. ;)

Your SB3 is definitely exhibiting similar behaviour to mine, with the
obvious exception of my remote receiver not functioning.  Does the
music stop playing when it switches itself off?


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[slim] Just resurrected my DOA remote :-)

2006-07-06 Thread retmana


New user, first post. SB3 arrived this morning - very impressed with
shiny new case and initial scrolly graphics. Gutted that the remote
didn't appear to be working though :-(

Tried swapping batteries - still nothing. Checked the IR output using a
digi camera - nothing doing so looks like the remote is kaput.

I considered going through the hassle of getting an RMA number and
waiting another week very briefly before deciding to have a peek in the
case to see if there were any lose connections, dry joints etc.

The remote case comes apart easily - there are 3 sprung clips down each
side and one at the base. If you look carefully at the side profile you
can see where the clips are. Press firmly in the groove with a thin
screwdriver and it's possible to open these up without damaging the

I took my time prising open alternate sides and managed to get it open

Spent a few minutes studying the PCB looking for dry solder joints -
all looks fine. Then I spotted a very fine solder bridge between two of
the pins of the IC. A good sign!

Rushed to fetch my soldering iron, a quick wipe over the IC pins to
remove the bridge, reassembled and success! Remote is now working
brilliantly. So I'm very happy!

Still have to go through the setup process and scan through 80GB of
MP3's, but it's looking good...

So, a long winded first post but I thought I would document this for
anyone else that encounters a similar problem with a DOA remote.




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[slim] Re: Mac OS X SlimServer UPnP error

2006-07-06 Thread netim3

Have you upgrade/downgraded your SlimServer version recently?


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Re: [slim] Bitrate Limiting and Ogg Vorbis Support in Firmware

2006-07-06 Thread kdf


Good idea or bad idea?  Obviously there's the issue of supporting SB1s
and older devices.

the player can make the request for the format it prefers, as is done already.
file types prefs can handle user desired overrides, as is done already.
software players will likely get a choice depending on the stream.*  
extension (collected as bug 131), as always...patches welcome.

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[slim] Re: Bitrate Limiting and Ogg Vorbis Support in Firmware

2006-07-06 Thread fairyliquidizer

LAME can do gapless.  LAME also has exceptional quality beating Ogg in
the last Hydrogenaudio tests I looked at.



"O wad some Power the giftie gie us
To see oursels as ithers see us!
It wad frae monie a blunder free us,
An' foolish notion."
-Robert Burns-

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[slim] Re: Bitrate Limiting and Ogg Vorbis Support in Firmware

2006-07-06 Thread radish

I think it's an excellent idea - you also get the benefit of gapless
playback (when used with gapless sources). I think mp3 would have to be
kept around as well though, for compatibility.


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[slim] Re: Artwork Artwork Artwork

2006-07-06 Thread JJZolx

MrSinatra Wrote: 
> 1. if u choose "browse artwork" it puts all your albums in alphabetical
> order according to album name!  no regard for artists.
6.5, which should be out within the next couple months addresses this. 
I haven't quite kept up with the latest release of 6.5, but there is an
option to select the sort order for artwork.  Mine is sorted by

I think newer changes may enable artwork to be displayed in this
"gallery" view for any of the browse methods, so Browse Albums would
behave similarly to the pre-6.5 Browse Artwork, sortd by album name (as
you've observed, nearly useless for most people).  But Browse Artists
would give your desired sort order.  I'm hoping the ability to sort
albums by year under the artist is addressed before this is released.

> for some reason, SS defaults to showing 100x100 pixels.  now i know i
> can configure that to whatever i want...  but what i want to know is
> why does SS look for or use AlbumArtSmall.jpg first instead of
> Folder.jpg?
It doesn't - SlimServer is capable of knowing exactly _one_ image for
an album (and its tracks).  It resizes that one image in the Browse
Artwork view.



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[slim] Re: SlimServer 6.3 no longer groups compilation albums

2006-07-06 Thread bonze

bonze Wrote: 
> OK- I've read through this thread and a few others and now I'm not sure
> whether I have the 'problem' or not.
Bad form to reply to one's own post, but I've just found the setting I
Server Settings>Behaviour>Compilations>'Group Compilations Together'

Hadn't spotted that one before. :-)

The album now appears under 'Various Artists'.


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[slim] Bitrate Limiting and Ogg Vorbis Support in Firmware

2006-07-06 Thread JJZolx

If/when ' request 1061: Ogg Vorbis Support in Firmware'
( is implemented,
would it make sense to use Ogg instead of Mp3 for bitrate limited
streaming for SB2s, SB3s and software players (stream.ogg??) ?

Two reasons that I can think of:

1. Ogg has a reputation for better audio quality at the lower end of
the bit rate spectrum.

2. No need to deal with the Mp3/LAME distribution issue.  You could
have compressed streaming right out of the box.

Good idea or bad idea?  Obviously there's the issue of supporting SB1s
and older devices.



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[slim] Re: Nokia 770 OS 2006 Available for Download

2006-07-06 Thread bklaas

Anyone else install the 2006 OS upgrade yet to their 770? I'm probably
going to do it later today and wanted to know if there are any other
significant gotchas. I'm esp. interested in problems with the
slimserver skin post-upgrade, but generally interested in anything I
should watch out for.

An aside, isn't it bizarre that Nokia releases this Linux-powered
handheld and the only instructions they post for upgrade involves using
a Windows machine? I mean, I know Windows is the de facto standard OS,
but for this demographic? I'd wager a guess that amongst 770 users, a
good 30-50% are Linux-on-the-desktop people.

I find Nokia to be an interesting's like they really,
really get it in some places, and completely miss the boat in others. I
guess that's about what you'd expect from a cell phone company jumping
into previously uncharted waters. Problems aside, I applaud them for
their effort.




"the Nokia770 skin guy"

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[slim] Re: Artwork Artwork Artwork

2006-07-06 Thread MrSinatra

hi, thx for your reply as well, i'll answer inline:

Siduhe Wrote: 
> Would setting up a central store of artwork sort issue 2 for you?

not really...  i like to keep the artwork in with the album folder, so
i don't get a big mess, and so it is separate from the files.  i can
visually see right away what art files are missing; and anyway, this is
how WMP obtains them.

i am curious as to how to add artwork to a tag, but i don't want to use
that method.

i also want the music and artwork together for anyone who may want
sometihng i have.

Siduhe Wrote: 
> Server Side resizing is also available, but only in 6.5 currently
> according to the wiki.

i'm a little confused here...

for as long as i've had SS it seems to always grab the 75x75 jpg, and
then scale it up to 100x100, which is why i noticed b/c that looks
crappy, but it does do it... is that not server side resizing?

or do i have that wrong?

or do you mean to say DOWN sizing won't be available till 6.5?

Siduhe Wrote: 
> As I understand it, there's only limited functionality to change the way
> that Slimserver handles artwork by default, but the central store idea
> is to allow people to customise the handling to some extent. Big
> disclaimer, I just use the standard handling so can't help with
> practical advice, but others here may have more experience.

i don't even know enough to be dangerous, BUT i was hoping the sort
methodology was written in perl or something, and someone might he
instructions on how to edit it in that case.

i really do think the developers NEED to allow users via context menus
to arrange the pecking order to their liking.  imo, that should be a
basic function of the product.

Siduhe Wrote: 
> Also, what format are your files ?  Would embedding the artwork at your
> preferred size if they are mp3 sort out your issue 2 ?

they are mp3, but i don't want to do that, (nor do i know how).  it
probably is a good workaround, but its not applicable to my desires or
how i get artwork to begin with.  (not to mention, it wastes space)

thanks for the link...  i might have some followup questions based on
that and the info in the SS menus.  thx again, -mdw


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[slim] Re: Rhapsody Link

2006-07-06 Thread Boone

Thanks for your help, but I've followed the instructions and still can't
find a link to Rhapsody on either Slimserver or Squeezebox.  Hopefully,
they will come up with a more direct way to access Rhapsody in future
software versions.


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[slim] Re: Artwork Artwork Artwork

2006-07-06 Thread MrSinatra

first, thx for the reply.

i am currently running 6.3 and my file format is mp3, (256kbps).

aubuti Wrote: 
> I don't have an answer for your second issue. As for the first,
> slimserver 6.5b1 has just the option you are asking for. I don't know
> if it is in 6.3.0 or not.
> Note that 6.5b1 is clearly beta software and is not yet stable, so if
> you upgrade to 6.5b1 to get this feature then be prepared to also get
> some new problems. If you'd rather not venture into that, you should
> either wait until 6.5 is stable, or see if it is in 6.3.0 (you don't
> mention what version you're running, which would be helpful for these
> kinds of questions).

well, at least its in the next beta...  assuming they skip over 6.4 to
release 6.5

i suppose i'll wait, i usually avoid beta software.  but its good to
know its in there in some form.

the way i'd like to see it handled, as i said, is in artist groupings
(going alphabetical of course) with their albums then also arranged
alphabetically...  HOWEVER what i'd like to see extra done, and please
let me know if your version can do this, is:

instead of the album covers just continuing to form a solid column that
can be hard to follow, i'd like to see each new artist, even if they
only have one album, starting or creating a new "row" (like in excel)
so that way you could see visually right away where each new artist
starts in the artwork.

i realize this probably shouldn't be the default, but i do think it
would be a valuable option.

any idea when your beta version will be officially released?  (i'll
take a guess)  thx again, -mdw


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[slim] Re: Outdoor Speaker Recommendation

2006-07-06 Thread rbakedq

I just bought a pair of Klipsch AW650 outdoor speakers.  I mounted them
under the eves of my pool house, and am running them with a SB3 (wifi)
into an older NAD receiver.  I control it with an HP4345 pocket PC. 
The system sounds great.  



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[slim] Re: Help! My SlimServer UI is mucked up

2006-07-06 Thread TiredLegs

By the way, the problem only occurs when viewing the web interface for
SlimServer on the LinkStation. When I point the same web browser to a
version of SlimServer on the local machine (localhost:9000), everything
looks normal.


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[slim] Re: Help! My SlimServer UI is mucked up

2006-07-06 Thread TiredLegs

mherger Wrote: 
> Have you tried another browser (is this IE 7?)? And did you flush the
> cache, force a reload of that page (ctrl-f5)?
The screen capture is with IE 7. I have also tried FireFox, and it
shows the same effect. I'll try flushing the cache when I get home
later today.


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Re: [slim] Re: Cannot change device with handheld skin

2006-07-06 Thread Michael Herger

Version du SlimServer : 6.3.0 - 8062 - Debian - FR - iso-8859-1

I have a slightly more recent copy (SlimServer Version: 6.3.0 - 8154 -  
Linux - DE - iso-8859-1) which does contain some fixes in the web server  
part. But I'm not sure they make the difference. Would you mind giving an  
update a try? It's so simple with SlimCD's integrated update script ;-).



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Re: [slim] Help! My SlimServer UI is mucked up

2006-07-06 Thread Michael Herger

When I access the web interface to SlimServer on my LinkStation (6.3.0 -
8154 - Linux - EN - iso-8859-1) I now get a bunch of placeholders
instead of graphic images on the Home page. See attached image. This is
using the default skin, but other skins show similar problems.

Have you tried another browser (is this IE 7?)? And did you flush the  
cache, force a reload of that page (ctrl-f5)?



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[slim] Re: SlimServer on a Synology Diskstation 101j How To

2006-07-06 Thread rhubarbe

I'm using: 2.0.1 - 3.0281.  I have the problem in IE 6.02.2900 and in FF  What version of IE are you using?


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[slim] Re: Outdoor Speaker Recommendation

2006-07-06 Thread Michaelwagner

azinck3 Wrote: 
> the Yorkville Coliseum line.  
Designed right here in Toronto. Not sure where they're actually 
manufactured, tho.

And I noticed, the time before last that I went to see Cirque de
Soleil, that they use JBL Control 1s as outdoor speakers. I'm more used
to the Control 5s, which are bigger, but the 1s did quite well (and they
were suspended on a tent flap, so I'm sure the fact that they're smaller
and lighter than 5s was important. 

I don't recall Control 1s being rated as outdoor speakers, JBL makes a
specific outdoor speaker in that line, but the control 1s looked OK and
they'd seen some weather already. Sounded pretty good for such little

But I don't know if Control 1s are commercially available any more. I
seem to recall seeing an announcement that they were going away.


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[slim] Re: Rhapsody Link

2006-07-06 Thread markc

There is a wiki that has been recently started on this issue:

I had the same problem in not having Rhapsody visible within
Slimserver. In addition to the wiki instructions, I also found that my
firewall software was interfering with the UPnP communications between
Rhapsody and Slimserver.  Try disabling your firewall to see if that
makes a difference.


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[slim] Re: Outdoor Speaker Recommendation

2006-07-06 Thread azinck3

I've had good luck with the Yorkville Coliseum line.  Specifically the
Yorkville C130's.  Well built, they sound good and come with mounting
brackets.  Oh, and they're cheap, too.

Edit:  sorry, that should be the Coliseum Mini line.


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[slim] Re: Outdoor Speaker Recommendation

2006-07-06 Thread bobharp

I still love my Polk Atriums as noted in the linked thread by


Bob Harper

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Re: [slim] Worth switching to 'spare' machine???

2006-07-06 Thread Kevin O. Lepard

"Hmmm..Wonder if Slimserver would run ok on this???"

A lot is going to depend on what you specifically do, and how 
demanding you are with respect to response times.  I run Slimserver 
on an old 700Mhz G3.  If I push it hard enough, I can get an 
occasional stutter.  It isn't enough to bother me, but some would 
find that unacceptable.  Lots of people run their slimserver on NAS 
devices (some officially support this and others do not). 
Performance varies.

I suggest you try it.  Using SlimCD would be an easy way to try it. 
You'll probably get better performance out of your hardware running a 
minimal Linux install with slimserver than if you're using Windows, 
since the latter has more over head, but since you have the hardware, 
I can't see a good reason not to try it.

Kevin O. Lepard

Happiness is being 100% Microsoft free.
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[slim] slimserver won't start with belkin router

2006-07-06 Thread woo

I installed a belkin router yesterday (F5D7230-4) and now slimserver
hangs at "Starting Slimserver".  It never actually starts running and
http://localhost:9000/ doesn't return anything.  It could just be a
coincidence, but how could my new router prevent slimserver from even
running?  port forwarding and firewall settings are correct as far as I
can tell.  Slimserver was working fine previously with my old d-link

Using slimserver 6.3 on windows XP.

Any suggestings would be appreciated.  thanks



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[slim] Re: Worth switching to 'spare' machine???

2006-07-06 Thread azinck3

phillyaj Wrote: 
> I was able to load slimserver S/W on the machine, but haven't migrated
> all my music over yet...  
> Let the debates/opionions begin =)

It certainly could work, but how well will depend on the format of your
music, your usage patterns, what plugins you use, and how many
squeezeboxes you need to support.  But, no need for opinions or debate!
The only way to know the answer to your question is for you to just use
the thing and see if it works for you.  You've already told us that
you're halfway there by having loaded slimserver on it.  Just move your
music over and see if it meets your needs.


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[slim] Worth switching to 'spare' machine???

2006-07-06 Thread phillyaj

Ok, So I've been reading all the debates about what 'class' of machine
or storage server to run slimserver on and It seems that the opinions
are varied.   Here's my question.

I am running my slimserver on the family dell p4-2.4 Ghz 1G Ram system.
This system 'usually' stays on all day and so far hasn't been an issue.
I would like to get slimserver and all my music off and have a
dedicated systems for slimserver.  

I have a an old Gateway PII machine that I was able to 'trick out' to
266 Mhz, with over-clocked FSB and 128mb of Ram.  It's currently hooked
up to my network via ethernet and is only used to run backups of my
wife's pictures nightly. It's running XP pro and I was
thinking..."Hmmm..Wonder if Slimserver would run ok on this???".  I'm
curious if my streaming of Sirius or other internet music services
would suffer and also what about my music??  I was able to load
slimserver S/W on the machine, but haven't migrated all my music over

Let the debates/opionions begin =)


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[slim] Re: SlimServer on a Synology Diskstation 101j How To

2006-07-06 Thread flipflip

I do not think that SSODS has something to to with it.

I do backups on demand (manually initiated). I had (have) an issue with
Firefox where the backup status page would not update (i.e. show progess
0 mb and 0 time left to finish). With IE the problem does not appear.

Do you have the latest firmware (368)?



Check out flipflip's 'SlimServer On DiskStation (SSODS)'

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[slim] Re: Outdoor Speaker Recommendation

2006-07-06 Thread phillyaj

I did the same thing a few years ago.   Hardwired and Mounted some Bose
151 speakers under the eves and also when I was getting some kitchen
work done, ran some wires for some Rock speakers on the backside of my
pool.  Using an A/B switch to go from Bose to Rocks.  Sometimes you
want the music further away when there is some good conversation going
on.  Just my 2cents.  When I was researching there are choices in all
price ranges.  You can go nuts with outdoor Subs, etc.   I figured I
would ease my wife into ithehehe.

Good Luck.

FYI..LOVE MY SQUEEZEBOX. Pumping music to the pool, including Sirius
and my music collection. I'm thinking of putting an IR repeater outside
so I can use a remote without going to the slider and pointing it into
the window


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[slim] Re: Which Disk Station is best for running slimserver (SSODS)?

2006-07-06 Thread rhubarbe

I've got a 101j and a 101g both running SSODS.  The both play music and
browse folders just fine.  I really can't tell any difference betwen
them for general usage.  OK, the scan of my 920 albums was a bit faster
on the 101g but generally, you can't tell any difference.

I also use the 101g to store SD MPEG2 video and connect via SMB to
Zensonic Z500 NMP.  I don't know of the 101j would be equal to that
task.  I'd love to use the 101j for this aspect also because it is much
quieter than the 101g.  Well, the unit is, the HDD is a different


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[slim] Re: SlimServer 6.3 no longer groups compilation albums

2006-07-06 Thread bonze

OK- I've read through this thread and a few others and now I'm not sure
whether I have the 'problem' or not.

I have ripped a compilation CD to .flac and placed it into folder
/ext/mnt/music/Various Artists/album.
Each of the 15 tracks on the CD has a different artist.

Browsing with slimserver, by album, then clicking on the album name I
get all 15 tracks listed as I expected each showing a different
Clicking on a track title for details shows that slimserver recognises
the album as a compilation.

Browsing by artist, the list includes each one of the 15 artists from
the compilation. They have one album entry, each with one track.

What should I expect to see in the artist list?


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[slim] Re: SlimServer on a Synology Diskstation 101j How To

2006-07-06 Thread rhubarbe

Have a slight problem with my DS-101j and even though I am sure it isn't
connected to SSODS I thought I'd ask it anyway.

Thgere is a facility on the DS-101j to backup to a mounted USB HDD
attached to the DS-101j.

You can choose for the DS-101j to automatically do backups based upon a
schedule.  I have set an hourly backup schedule but the danged thing
just doesn't do it.  It does an immediate backup if I click on that but
reports a transfer of 0MB in 0sec.  I have to ftp to the USB HDD to be
abe to confirm whether it has done anything and I do not want to have
to do this every time.

Anybody else get this?  Is it SSODS or is it the capacity of the USB
HDD tat I am using (40GB) DS-101j HDD 250GB.



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[slim] Re: Only one out of 5 Squeezeboxes work.

2006-07-06 Thread twylie

bgriffis Wrote: 
> You're using the initial release of your router firmware.  There have
> been multiple firmware upgrades since then.  Go to the linksys website,
> go to Support -> Downloads, select your product in the dropbox, and
> download the most recent firmware.  I see in the release notes that
> they have fixed issues related to DHCP.
> To upgrade the firmware you'll need to log into your router and most
> likely there will be a place where you can browse to the file you
> downloaded and click "update firmware" or something similar.
> Brad

Good eye and advice here.  I was using that same router for a while and
had many problems with DHCP.  Newest firmware seemed to fix everything
but some odd connection issues with the LAN ports (if devices are
directly attached, they are flakey - if a switch is attached to the LAN
ports and the devices to the switch, all is good.)


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[slim] Re: Outdoor Speaker Recommendation

2006-07-06 Thread twylie

The Sonance mariner line is a good speaker - currently on sale here. 
Lots of other options as well.  I've been using Mirage Oasis for a
number of years, but they have discontinued the model I am using;
haven't heard the Mk II or the Omni's.


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[slim] Re: Dead remote or...?

2006-07-06 Thread mightygriffin

I've got a similar problem in that my wireless SB3 will turn itself off
after a period of time (1-20 minutes) and then I need to unplug the
power and plug it back in. 
This happens whether I have a wireless connection, wired connection,
connecting to slimserver or squeezenetwork. Also it happens whether it
is on playing music, or in standby.

I have reset the box using the add button and the 1 button. Reset the
MAC address to it's orignal address when I spotted that this had

Any ideas?

Fuseball, have you had any luck with your SB.


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[slim] Re: Artwork Artwork Artwork

2006-07-06 Thread Siduhe

Would setting up a central store of artwork sort issue 2 for you ? 
Server Side resizing is also available, but only in 6.5 currently
according to the wiki.

As I understand it, there's only limited functionality to change the
way that Slimserver handles artwork by default, but the central store
idea is to allow people to customise the handling to some extent. Big
disclaimer, I just use the standard handling so can't help with
practical advice, but others here may have more experience.

Also, what format are your files ?  Would embedding the artwork at your
preferred size if they are mp3 sort out your issue 2 ?


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[slim] Re: Artwork Artwork Artwork

2006-07-06 Thread aubuti

I don't have an answer for your second issue. As for the first,
slimserver 6.5b1 has just the option you are asking for. I don't know
if it is in 6.3.0 or not.

Note that 6.5b1 is clearly beta software and is not yet stable, so if
you upgrade to 6.5b1 to get this feature then be prepared to also get
some new problems. If you'd rather not venture into that, you should
either wait until 6.5 is stable, or see if it is in 6.3.0 (you don't
mention what version you're running, which would be helpful for these
kinds of questions).


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[slim] Help! My SlimServer UI is mucked up

2006-07-06 Thread TiredLegs

When I access the web interface to SlimServer on my LinkStation (6.3.0 -
8154 - Linux - EN - iso-8859-1) I now get a bunch of placeholders
instead of graphic images on the Home page. See attached image. This is
using the default skin, but other skins show similar problems.

The interface used to be OK, and I don't know of anything that changed.
Anybody have any suggestions on how to fix it?

|Filename: SlimServerProblem.jpg|


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[slim] Artwork Artwork Artwork

2006-07-06 Thread MrSinatra

first, my apologies if this has been covered before, but i searched and
couldn't find the info i wanted.  i'll start with my questions, and
then give my own hints that someone else might find useful.

one of my biggest pet peeves with SS is how it displays artwork.

1. if u choose "browse artwork" it puts all your albums in alphabetical
order according to album name!  no regard for artists.

is it possible to modify SS somehow so that when i, or someone from the
internet, chooses to browse my artwork, they view it in artist order,
(arranged alphabetically), and then view the artist's albums grouped
under each artist [also] alphabetically?

this is the MOST annoying thing...  i can't believe there aren't simple
"click and pick" options to choose from in arranging artwork when
browsing.  (if i'm wrong, i'll gladly wear the egg on my face)

2. in a similar vein, almost all my CDs are ripped so that the artist
is one dir, the album is a sub dir, and the artwork is stored in the
album dir.

for most albums, i have 4 jpgs...  2 have strange codes in the
filename, so we'll ignore those.  HOWEVER, the other two have normal
filenames of:

Folder.jpg  (200x200 pixels)
AlbumArtSmall.jpg  (75x75 pixels)

for some reason, SS defaults to showing 100x100 pixels.  now i know i
can configure that to whatever i want...  but what i want to know is
why does SS look for or use AlbumArtSmall.jpg first instead of

would it not be wise to use the larger jpg and scale it down, rather
than use the smaller one and scale it up?  (i assume it can scale down
Folder.jpg, yes?)

so how do i tell SS to look for Folder.jpg first?  i saw some related
options, but i got the impression i could only tell it one name if i
told it anything, and it would then ignore other possibilities if not

what i want to do is simply rearrange the pecking order, so if i don't
have a "Folder.jpg" it will still look at the other possibilities.

anyway, i'll leave it at that for this post.

as to my advice, here's what i do to get artwork, and it works rather

i use EAC to rip, and i always rip to a "staging" dir where i check the
rips out b4 placing them in my collection proper.

prior to doing a rip, i also open WMP, (windows media player) and have
it display the CD in the now playing.  of course, i don't have it play,
its set to stop.

but in WMP's options, i set it to monitor my staging dir for new files,
and i also tell it to ONLY ADD MISSING info, and not replace any info...
this is for tags or ARTWORK.

it works VERY well, and if it fails, i can still find the artist in the
WMP library and do a search (find info) on any given title, and it
usually shows that there were multiple possibilities, allowing me to
pick whichever one is appropriate.  it may rename the tag for that one
song, but thats easily fixed...  and i still get the artwork in the
album dir for the whole CD.  well worth it.

i haven't found a 3rd party pgm that places artwork as easily or as
well or as accurately...  and that isn't to say my solution is elegant,
it isn't, its a bit of a kludge actually, but it is pretty effective and
easy.  if i'm missing out on something better, please inform.

thx, -mdw


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[slim] Re: SB3 runs warm, even when it is idle?

2006-07-06 Thread MadScientist

I'm glad I'm not the only one concerned with unnecessary power usage.  
My SB3 is turned off when not in use -it only takes a few seconds to
connect to the nerwork/slimserver so I don't see much justification in
leaving on when not in use (I have a pefectly good watch and don't need
another clock).

I have a Dell Optiplex as my Slimserver/fileserver.  When not in use it
is in 'standby' (9 watts power consumption).  At night it is switched
off by a scheduled task in Windows and turned on again in the morning
by the Bios.  

OK, I know these power savings are trivial, but I see it as
establishing a mind-set and the more it is encouraged, the more likely
it is to spread to the institutions that can really have an impact. 



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[slim] Re: Cannot change device with handheld skin

2006-07-06 Thread Mathiou

Version du SlimServer : 6.3.0 - 8062 - Debian - FR - iso-8859-1

running thanks to your slimCD !


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Re: [slim] Cannot change device with handheld skin

2006-07-06 Thread Michael Herger

Unfortunately, I cannot change it because each time I select the other
device, it goes back to the already selected device.

What server version are you using?



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[slim] Re: SB3 runs warm, even when it is idle?

2006-07-06 Thread GregD

Very late to this discussion - but the fanless VIA box I bought to run
SlimServer supports Wake on Lan direct from hibernation. 

I was concerned about having the PC on all the time - so this works
well - after 45 mins of not being used the server hibernates - and is
back in less than a minute of turning the SB on.

Every little helps.


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[slim] Cannot change device with handheld skin

2006-07-06 Thread Mathiou

I have one squeezebox and one softsqueeze connected to my slimserver.

Using the "handheld" skin, a combo box appears on the top of the page
so I can select which device I want to control.
Unfortunately, I cannot change it because each time I select the other
device, it goes back to the already selected device.

It does not work on my PDA, neither on my PC with Opera or with IE6.

Is this a bug ?


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