[slim] Re: Difference between favorites and playlists?

2006-07-28 Thread Ramage

MyPicks plugin posted at:


I use this all the time for both internet radio stations and playlists.


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Re: [slim] Re: Difference between favorites and playlists?

2006-07-28 Thread kdf

use 'mypicks' in the forum search input and you'll find out.

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[slim] Re: Difference between favorites and playlists?

2006-07-28 Thread jjwrecker

chris.mason Wrote: 
> The only advantage I could think of was for catching those tunes on
> random mix...
> As for radio stations, I've used the radio playlist plugin, and more
> recently the excellent MyPicks plugin for organising radio stations.
> I'm thinking of switching off the favorite plugin ya see, to stream
> line the SB3 menu, and operation (make it simple to use).

Where and what is the great MyPicks plug in?  I checked out SlimDevices
plug ins but didn't see it listed.  I am running 6.3.1


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[slim] Re: Time to Offer Praise to SD - Transporter!!!

2006-07-28 Thread ackcheng

I think it is time for another step forward for the software part. I
found the slimserver extremely slow compared to others like itune.


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[slim] Opinions on TelCanto for SlimServer

2006-07-28 Thread agentsmith

Just downloaded the TelCanto client for SlimServer and it is fantastic,
totally changed the way I explore my music.  IMHO, a feature rich
PC/PDA client from SD would really makes this product more of a winner,
especially in light of the latest Transporter, and of the Sonos
competition with the slick thumb wheel remote.

I am a bit concerned about the $49.99 price of the Telcanto, it is a
bit steep for a thin client that i useful but not that feature rich.
Their stripped down web site with not a lot of user community
participation also concerns me.  Does it update its product often?  Are
they going to around? 

Still thinking of the purchase.  I have already spent a few bucks on
slim pluginns like MusicIP...  Which is not supported by TelCanto.


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Re: [slim] What makes the Transporter worth $1700 (or more) more than the SB3

2006-07-28 Thread Pat Farrell

stoobie-doo wrote:

Can someone explain to me in non-audiophile terms what makes the
various features of the Transporter so desirable, because it's hard for
me to understand what people are getting (besides a knob).

Audiophiles often defy logic or at least economics.
If you have to have it explained, you probably are
not the target market.

It is not about being worth more, it just costs more.
Free markets and all that.

Of course, some of the price is justified by 'stuff' you get,
including higher cost parts, fancy cases, dual displays, etc.

Some folks have complained that the Slim Devices stuff doesn't
look right in a rack or stack with audiophile gear. The SB3 isn't
17" wide, doesn't have rack mount ears, doesn't cost more that
a week's wages, etc.

If it sells, then it is worth the price. If not, SD will stop making them.

The audiophile market is not like consumer electronics. The volumes
are tiny, most of the stuff is hand made, and it is made of
expensive parts. I have heard from reliable sources that many of
the 'big audiophile' brands sell only about a million dollars of
sales per year. At $2000 per unit, that is only 500 units. And at
more standard audiophile prices, say $10,000 a unit, it is only 100 units.

Consumer electronics manufacturors like Sony and Yamaha probably
lose more than 500 units to containers falling overboard at sea,
let alone normal inventory shrinkage. Its a different world.

Some of the cost is engineering time to lay out circuits to minimize
noise that is nearly or maybe even totally too low to be heard.


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[slim] Re: 24/96 source material?

2006-07-28 Thread inguz

There's quite a lot of live 24/96, e.g. on
http://www.archive.org/details/etree (although I haven't tried much of
it, since Squeezebox doesn't support these bitrates yet)


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[slim] Re: Time to Offer Praise to SD - Transporter!!!

2006-07-28 Thread Listener

It is great that Sean and the rest of the company are making products
based on careful and clever design.   I'm glad they are designing
products for great sound.  Those products have evolved a long way and
gooten better.  

Thank you to everyone at Slim Devices for delivering another innovative
hardware product for computer audio.



Listener's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=2508
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[slim] What makes the Transporter worth $1700 (or more) more than the SB3

2006-07-28 Thread stoobie-doo

I'm definitely not an audiophile - at least if that means spending for
the Krells, Wilson Audios, etc... of the world; although I have ripped
all 1400 CDs to FLAC instead of MP3 and love my SB3.

Can someone explain to me in non-audiophile terms what makes the
various features of the Transporter so desirable, because it's hard for
me to understand what people are getting (besides a knob).


stoobie-doo's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=2192
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Re: [slim] Proper Way to Upgrade SlimServer

2006-07-28 Thread kdf

On 28-Jul-06, at 7:40 PM, jjwrecker wrote:

What is the proper way to upgrade the slimserver as to not lose
Favorites and other settings?  I just did a clean install of 3.6.1 but
lost my settings and favs.  I only had 2 saved, but more will come!

most times, it is just fine to install one version over another.  your 
prefs and plugins are kept as they are.
One must be careful when upgrading to make sure you have the latest 
versions of any third party plugins, as the interface may change

from version to version.

super safe method, i'd suggest finding slimserver.pref and making a 
backup, and moving the plugins directory somewhere else before doing an 
This way, you get to revert if anything goes wrong with the prefs, and 
you can copy over one plugin at a time to a clean install and thus 
isolate any obsolete plugins.


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[slim] Proper Way to Upgrade SlimServer

2006-07-28 Thread jjwrecker

What is the proper way to upgrade the slimserver as to not lose
Favorites and other settings?  I just did a clean install of 3.6.1 but
lost my settings and favs.  I only had 2 saved, but more will come!


jjwrecker's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=6659
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[slim] Re: Internet radio issues with 6.3

2006-07-28 Thread jjwrecker

I just updated all ports on Firewall and upgraded to 3.6.1 and
everything is working now.  I am in love with this little white box.

1. Wake on Lan
2. Local FM stations in playlists that i can't get living too far out
in the mountains
3. Plug in, Plug in and Plug - in's. 
4. IR Blaster (once I buy)
5. Remote on PDA
6. etc

I am going to plug this thing up like a leaky dam!


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[slim] Re: Playlist Locks SlimServer on NV

2006-07-28 Thread studley

Hi Chris...

I have reinstalled and am still encountering the same problem.  This is
the error message showing up in the SlimServer.log:

Can't locate PerlIO.pm in @INC (@INC contains:
/usr/share/slimserver/CPAN/arch/sparc-linux /usr/share/slimserver/lib
/usr/share/slimserver/CPAN /usr/share/slimserver /etc/perl
/usr/local/lib/perl/5.8.8 /usr/local/share/perl/5.8.8 /usr/lib/perl5
/usr/share/perl5 /usr/lib/perl/5.8 /usr/share/perl/5.8
/usr/local/lib/site_perl .) at
/usr/share/slimserver/Slim/Formats/Parse.pm line 1118.
BEGIN failed--compilation aborted.

I hope this gets us somewhere.



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[slim] Re: Internet radio issues with 6.3

2006-07-28 Thread Mark Lanctot

Does SlimServer have Internet access rights in your firewall?

Mark Lanctot

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[slim] Re: My recipe for a cheap Slimserver

2006-07-28 Thread snarlydwarf

Hrm.. I spent $200 for a 2.5G Celeron at Dell.  No OS.  (Well, okay
Freedos in a box somewhere.)  But I do have my Debian net-install
discs, so no big deal.

Cheaper than I could build such a machine, especially with the free

Oh, and a free USB keyboard and mouse, which are still in the box.


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[slim] Re: My recipe for a cheap Slimserver

2006-07-28 Thread Mark Lanctot

Pale Blue Ego Wrote: 
> I'll probably order my next slimserver box from retrobox.com.  You can
> get a Xeon system with 2GB RAM for a couple hundred bucks.  These used
> servers look to have superior build quality, and should run slimserver
> wickedly fast.

An even better idea...never thought of that!

What OS could take suitable advantage of hardware like that?

Mark Lanctot

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[slim] Re: Internet radio issues with 6.3

2006-07-28 Thread jjwrecker

Thanks for the tip.  Anyone know why I can't access Internet Radio from
SlimServer 6.3.0?  It appears to be my only issue before I start with
all the plug-ins that I want to put in!


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[slim] Re: My recipe for a cheap Slimserver

2006-07-28 Thread Pale Blue Ego

I'll probably order my next slimserver box from retrobox.com.  You can
get a Xeon system with 2GB RAM for a couple hundred bucks.  These used
servers look to have superior build quality, and should run slimserver
wickedly fast.

Pale Blue Ego

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Re: [slim] Working version of SlimServer

2006-07-28 Thread Marc Sherman

Dave wrote:
I'm totally lost! 

About three years ago I got my first SB and I was totally amazed by its
performance. One year later I bought MusciMagicMixer and from that
moment I became a true fan of my SB. But that were the goods days...

It seems like every time I've upgraded the software, SlimServer
performed worse! First dropouts were introduced. When that was fixed,
SB's display began responding very slowly. Upgrading from that version
caused that the handling of compilation-albums went bust. And after
that MMM (or MusicIP) functions are simply unusable. Through all these
versions, speed of both the webinterface and SB-interface got worse and

My question is: Does anybody know of/have a version of SS that:

1. Does not screw up artist/album lists
2. Has decent MusicMagic support
3. Is reasonably responsive
4. Does not suffer from drop-outs and unexpected crashes

Sounds like you want to go back to whatever version it was you were 
running in the first paragraph.

- Marc

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Re: [slim] Re: "&" Ampersand Bug in 6.3.1?

2006-07-28 Thread Marc Sherman

ajmitchell wrote:

Just for the record, I have upgraded to 6.3.1 and the playlists from
itunes still do not display "&".

Hope this will be fixed in 6.3.2.

It's very unlikely to be fixed in 6.3.2. It's a purely cosmetic bug, 
with an easy workaround. Point releases like 6.3.2 (if there even is one 
coming) are generally reserved for bugs that have a significant impact 
on a large percentage of the user base (or a critical impact on a 
smaller subset).

- Marc
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[slim] Re: New Slim Devices Product? "The Transporter" per 6moons.com??

2006-07-28 Thread Masterbaron

Well Alright!!! SD is truly a responsive company - let's focus on the

SD has addressed most of the audiophile Mods..
SD has addressed the long sought-after form factor..
SD had addressed the blessed "knob"..
SD has addressed potential sound quality..dac, ps, etc.

Please consider these facts when you debate the UI and the price.

SD released this product in response to our ideas and needs - what more
is there to ask? - do you really think they will let that investment
fail behind a UI?

i tend to think things will only get better and I for one believe SD is
on the right track - as far as price.. be careful what you ask for?
Don't you think they deserve it - especially since they have probably
staged they next UI for release by September.

I can't wait - hell, I don't even mind it will retire my latest
purchase from them.

They will definitely get my contribution for their responsiveness.


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[slim] Re: Internet radio issues with 6.3

2006-07-28 Thread Mark Lanctot

jjwrecker Wrote: 
> Also, happens with the Slimserver is down (PC not booted).  It seems
> that the SB wants to connect to SlimServer before full boot.  If
> SlimServer is not booted, can't I get to the SqueezeNetwork straight
> away?

After the logo splash page, press up or down to get options.  Select
"Connect to SqueezeNetwork".

If you don't touch anything, it tries to go to where it last connected,
and if that's SlimServer when SS isn't up, it'll fail...but it will come
right back up again when SS starts.

Mark Lanctot

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[slim] Re: Internet radio issues with 6.3

2006-07-28 Thread jjwrecker

Well, I just got my new Squeezebox today and set up was a breeze. 
Everything is working except for the Internet Radio off of the
SlimServer.  I have checked all the file types listed above and have
6.3.0 Slimserver running.

When connecting to SqueezeNetwork, Internet Radio works perfectly.

Could this be another issue?  I hate to keep switching to Squeeze
network everytime I want Internet Radio.

Please remeber I am a noob to SB.  I do understand networking and PC's

Also, happens with the Slimserver is down (PC not booted).  It seems
that the SB wants to connect to SlimServer before full boot.  If
SlimServer is not booted, can't I get to the SqueezeNetwork straight


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[slim] Re: Administer Linux from XP Pro?

2006-07-28 Thread kefa

a really cool thing to do is simply install cygwin and select ssh on the
install - you get a nice linuxy type command line too :-)


Mac OS X 10.4.7, Slimserver 6.3.0, Netgear  DG834GT fw V1.02.04
Squeezebox 3 fw 55, Primare SPA20, Monitor Audio GR20
Squeezebox 2 fw 55, , 

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[slim] Re: 30-second freeze?

2006-07-28 Thread kefa

i managed to track down my issue to a crappy netgear firmware issue.
De-reving the firmware (negear DG834GT v2.04 -> v1.28) and switching
off wpa, please feel free to hack my flac bitstream :-), fixed the
problem for me. I have been running SB3 + SB2 with buffer fullness
indicator on for several months with zero issues (sits there
continually maxed out at 100%).


Mac OS X 10.4.7, Slimserver 6.3.0, Netgear  DG834GT fw V1.02.04
Squeezebox 3 fw 55, Primare SPA20, Monitor Audio GR20
Squeezebox 2 fw 55, , 

kefa's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=421
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[slim] Re: SlimServer on Mac-User Switching

2006-07-28 Thread kefa

I have a mac (see sig) and installed mac under my (non-admin) account.
g'friend has a separate account. not a problem for ss as it fires up
(under user id) on start up without any users having to physically log


Mac OS X 10.4.7, Slimserver 6.3.0, Netgear  DG834GT fw V1.02.04
Squeezebox 3 fw 55, Primare SPA20, Monitor Audio GR20
Squeezebox 2 fw 55, , 

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[slim] Re: Which Disk Station is best for running slimserver (SSODS)?

2006-07-28 Thread tommypeters

In USA, Tigerdirect has 106e and 406:

The more expensive Compuvest has 101j, 106e, 106 and 406:


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[slim] Re: Horizontal Red Lines across display

2006-07-28 Thread Mark Lanctot

Perfectly normal - these are the cathode filaments and it's normal that
they glow red.

See http://hem.passagen.se/communication/vfd.html , item 9 in the

I'm not sure why you're only seeing them now, but still, nothing to
worry about.  You should see what they look like with an SB2 in a
darkened room!  (The SB2 doesn't have a filter gel in front of the

Mark Lanctot

Mark Lanctot's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=2071
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[slim] Re: My recipe for a cheap Slimserver

2006-07-28 Thread NWP

Mark Lanctot Wrote: 
> The best PC I can cobble together from those parts is a Pentium 166 with
> 64 MB RAM - not capable of running SS but perhaps a non-GUI Linux
> flavour for a firewall or router box.  

Another thing you could try with a machine that old is LTSP (linux
terminal server project.)  If you have a decent computer running linux,
you basically do a network boot and turn it into dumb terminal where the
programs are actually run on your server.


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[slim] Re: 24/96 source material?

2006-07-28 Thread tommypeters

A few standard DVD's have a stereo 24/96 track, but the source for 24/96
are usually vinyl rips or DVD-A (which is rippable). SACD isn't rippable
on a computer, you need a hacked player (Pioneer 575 and old Denon 2900
are usual choices -


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[slim] Re: 30-second freeze?

2006-07-28 Thread ovonrein

I patiently read through this thread because, after a long pause of not
upgrading the Slim Server, I took my server from 6.1 to 6.3.  

Since then, I have the problems you all describe in this thread.  All
the time.  I won't bore you: my server's idle (even while these freezes
occur!), my wireless signal strength is strong, music may or may not be
playing - no matter.

Two observations:
(1)  This is a Slim Server bug.  It's new - never had anything like
this on 6.1.  It is a direct result of my upgrade.  No h/w or f/w
changes took place.  My two SB2s are all on the latest f/w (those I had
to keep updating coz of endless wireless problems).

(2)  Have you noticed how not only the IR operation totally seizes up
but how the Slim Server web GUI freezes at the same time?  While the
remote refuses to operate, so does the web page.  Just hangs.  Same
goes, obviously, for my IPAQ.  Game over.

To me it seems pretty obvious that this has nothing to do with the
network (the GUI seizes up on the same machine that runs the server). 
The absence of any processor load would further indicate that the Slim
Server is not running in some infinte loop.  It rather seems that it is
waiting on some system resource to free up.  Which it eventually does,
when all is back to normal again.  For a minute or so.

So I am again in another fine mess.  Time to write another bug report. 
I should have known better than to upgrade, I suppose.
Sad, really.  I used to unequivocably endorse the Slim product.


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[slim] Horizontal Red Lines across display

2006-07-28 Thread Spyder187

Hi everyone, 

I've noticed taht horizontal red lines have appeared across the display
on my Squeezebox 3. 

When adjusting the brightness, when the display is essentially unlit, I
still see the red lines. I have never noticed these red lines before but
lately upon turning it on late at night in a dark room, I saw that the
Squeezebox was imminating a red glow to the room (the screen looked
redish). Upon looking nearer at the Squeezebox 3, I noticed the red

Can anyone else please check in a dark room whether you see such
pronounced red lines?

The weird thing is that I have used it frequently in a dark room and
always noticed the screen to be mostly black. I have also tried to
photograph these red lines but they are most difficult to photograph.

Thanks for your time reading this.


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[slim] Re: Boombox to plug SB into?

2006-07-28 Thread Mark Lanctot

If we're talking self-powered speakers, the favourites of AVS Forum are
'Swans' (http://www.swanspeaker.com/mul/index.asp), studio monitors
like the M200 or T200a.

However I believe the OP was looking for something that fits in one
case with a handle, i.e. a boombox.

Some devices that are renowned for sound quality are products from
Tivoli like the 'PAL' (http://www.tivoliaudio.com/home.php?cat=266)
(scroll down unless you want one in crazy colours) that comes with an
input jack for the SB, an excellent radio and NiMH battery pack.  Not
stereo though, but with speakers that close together you won't get much
of a stereo effect anyway.

Mark Lanctot

Mark Lanctot's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=2071
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[slim] Re: WIndows Server 2003/ 2000 Server

2006-07-28 Thread blah509

windows 2000 server here...

6.3.1 didn't want to start when I first installed it so I just
re-installed it and it popped right up.



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[slim] 20% off UK Squeezebox This Weekend!

2006-07-28 Thread Andyoz

See here:



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[slim] Working version of SlimServer

2006-07-28 Thread Dave

I'm totally lost! 

About three years ago I got my first SB and I was totally amazed by its
performance. One year later I bought MusciMagicMixer and from that
moment I became a true fan of my SB. But that were the goods days...

It seems like every time I've upgraded the software, SlimServer
performed worse! First dropouts were introduced. When that was fixed,
SB's display began responding very slowly. Upgrading from that version
caused that the handling of compilation-albums went bust. And after
that MMM (or MusicIP) functions are simply unusable. Through all these
versions, speed of both the webinterface and SB-interface got worse and

My question is: Does anybody know of/have a version of SS that:

1. Does not screw up artist/album lists
2. Has decent MusicMagic support
3. Is reasonably responsive
4. Does not suffer from drop-outs and unexpected crashes

Anybody who could help me with this I would be extremely thankfull!



Dave's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=584
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[slim] Re: "&" Ampersand Bug in 6.3.1?

2006-07-28 Thread kdf

the only official work is being done on 6.5


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[slim] Re: 16bit to 24bit

2006-07-28 Thread seanadams

Tim I Wrote: 
> search the forum but didn't find an answer.
> How does the SB3 output 24bit from a 16bit input?
> Does it just add 8 zeros or another algorithm.  Also is i possible to
> change it to output 16bit so I could use another processor to increase
> bit depth?
> many thanks

It's not really "adding zeroes" but just putting a 16-bit number in the
24-bit slot that s/pdif provides.  

At less than full volume, the additional bits are used to _maintain_
the resolution of the original signal, but you can't effectively
_increase_ it. If you want to ensure 16-bit passthrough with the
additional bits being zeroes, choose "fixed digital volume" in player

Again, there is no way to "increase bit depth" - you can't recover
information that isn't there. Also, whatever processor you want to use
should not have a problem with a 24-bit input. If it doesn't know how
to deal with 24-bit then it will only look at 16 of them.


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[slim] Re: Apple Lossless Files Delay on Playback

2006-07-28 Thread cepheid


This issue has been reported by others as well.  It is officially
listed as bug #2095 in bugzilla - please go vote for it!  The other
relevant threads are this one and
this other one.


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[slim] Re: "&" Ampersand Bug in 6.3.1?

2006-07-28 Thread ajmitchell

Just for the record, I have upgraded to 6.3.1 and the playlists from
itunes still do not display "&".

Hope this will be fixed in 6.3.2.



Last FM: http://www.last.fm/user/ajmitchell/

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Re: [slim] Re: SB1 audio problem

2006-07-28 Thread Pat Farrell

rmassey wrote:

6.3.1 and a factory reset (cycle power and hold Add+) seem to have
helped.  I listened to it all last night and only heard one pause.  I
will continue to test things and may try some Flac again.

I have experienced occasional droppouts on my wired SB1 ever since
the 6.0 series came out. I had no problems for years with the 5.x
series SlimServers.

There is a bugzillia issue open on this.
and a patch from a few nights ago makes a huge difference.

I've been running
SlimServer Version: 6.5b1 - 8581 - Linux - EN - iso-8859-1
for a few days and have not heard a single dropout.

Now I don't get to spend all day listening critically
to my SqueezeBox, but I'm listening right now to Patricia Barber's
Modern Cool, and it sounds fabulous and error free.

The 6.5 code is still beta, but it is working for me
and the patch made a huge improvement.



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[slim] Re: Playlist file type

2006-07-28 Thread blkwrx

1) Scan for playlists? I scan for new music but I don't remember seeing
a scan for playlist option.

2) My music is in D:\music and my playlists are in D:\playlists. My
problem isn't that the playlist can't find the music but that I can't
see the playlist.



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[slim] Re: Difference between favorites and playlists?

2006-07-28 Thread Dan Sully

6.5 is much improved in a lot of ways.

With Favorites, you can now store Albums, Artists, Genres, Tracks,
Playlists (any), & Years as favorites. Just hold down the favorites
button on the remote.

Dan Sully

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[slim] Re: Difference between favorites and playlists?

2006-07-28 Thread EricBergan

chris.mason Wrote: 
> OK, so this probably sounds like a really dumb question.
> Is the only difference that from the player itself (SBx/softsqueeze)
> you can catch a radio station/track/whatever you like a capture it as a
> favourite?
> From the web interface, you can save playlists anyway, so I don't see
> the advantage of favorites.
> Thanks for any comments.

In theory, you can also bind a playlist as a favorite, which then gives
you one button access to a playlist from your remote control, without
having to browse the menus. Important if your SB3 is hidden in a
cabinet with an IR repeater.

In practice, there is a problem with big playlists that cause multiple
minute delays before it starts playing. Supposedly fixed in the very
latest 6.5 builds, but I haven't checked yet.


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RE: [slim] Re: New Slim Devices Product? "TheTransporter"per6moons.com??

2006-07-28 Thread Steven Kramer
> stevek1006 Wrote:
>> But as an audiophile ... Of course, a UI that would allow me to
>> access this information will also be necessary.
> Necessary? I thought audio was about the sound? How many
> high-end CD players offer this capability?

But the main reason to have a Transporter or SB is so you do not have to
handle the CDs. Of course, if I wanted to, I could keep my CDs in the living
room and have access to all the liner notes and everything else. The idea of
any of the devices we are talking about is to make it easier to access the
music. That is their main advantage over existing technologies. Otherwise,
sure, toss the CD into whatever player you like or listen to the vinyl on a
turntable. The point is both to have the sound and the ability to access the


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[slim] Re: Playlist file type

2006-07-28 Thread Siduhe

Most of the usual suspectspls/m3u/wpl.


If your list is one of these formats and still not recognised by Slim,
two things to consider (and sorry if the first of these is a dumb
question) 1) have you rescanned your playlists and 2) is the path of
the playlist files the same as the path to your music library in

If your playlist says C:\My Music\Album\Song.mp3 and Slimserver thinks
your music library is \\mnt\share\Album\Song.mp3, it won't show up in


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[slim] Re: Alarm Question

2006-07-28 Thread bert1e

Thanks for that. I am sorry I have only just realised I never replied.
Anyhow the plugin you suggested does allow a duration time which is
what I wanted. :)


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[slim] Re: New Slim Devices Product? "The Transporter" per 6moons.com??

2006-07-28 Thread dangerous_dom

They should also consider the fact that if they give away an SB3 for use
before the Transporter starts shipping, they the person with a
transporter hits the problems with 6.3.1 and 6.5b, it could put them
off and that 30 refund policy might just start getting used.


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[slim] Playlist file type

2006-07-28 Thread blkwrx

That type of playlist file does the SS look for? I tried making a
playlist in Foobar but SS doesn't recognize it. I want to be able to
make a playlist in an exturnal program and then transfer it to SS.


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[slim] Re: Difference between favorites and playlists?

2006-07-28 Thread chris . mason

The only advantage I could think of was for catching those tunes on
random mix...
As for radio stations, I've used the radio playlist plugin, and more
recently the excellent MyPicks plugin for organising radio stations.
I'm thinking of switching off the favorite plugin ya see, to stream
line the SB3 menu, and operation (make it simple to use).


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[slim] Re: Difference between favorites and playlists?

2006-07-28 Thread rick's cafe

favourites are great for listing internet radio stations for quick
access.. also if listening to tunes via random mix you can add a
specific song as a favourite for easy reference at later date

rick's cafe


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[slim] Re: New Slim Devices Product? "The Transporter"per6moons.com??

2006-07-28 Thread Fifer

stevek1006 Wrote: 
> But as an audiophile ... Of course, a UI that would allow me to access
> this information will also be necessary.
Necessary? I thought audio was about the sound? How many high-end CD
players offer this capability?


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[slim] Difference between favorites and playlists?

2006-07-28 Thread chris . mason

OK, so this probably sounds like a really dumb question.
Is the only difference that from the player itself (SBx/softsqueeze)
you can catch a radio station/track/whatever you like a capture it as a

>From the web interface, you can save playlists anyway, so I don't see
the advantage of favorites.

Thanks for any comments.


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[slim] Re: SlimServer on Mac-User Switching

2006-07-28 Thread danco

I'm pretty sure the answer is yes. After all, you're still logged in.

But really in this instance it's simplest to experiment and see.


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[slim] Re: New Slim Devices Product? "The Transporter" per 6moons.com??

2006-07-28 Thread tamanaco

For us "poor" SB3 owners the Transporter might be a blessing in
disguise. SD will be a bit more pressed to improve the quality and
reliability of the SS to meet the expectations of the Transporter


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RE: [slim] Re: New Slim Devices Product? "The Transporter" per6moons.com??

2006-07-28 Thread Steven Kramer
> Mitch Harding Wrote:
>> It may not be SS job, but I do agree that some people may feel
>> entitled to a slicker UI if they paid $2000 for the player.
>  Whether
>> that is justified or not is, of course, debatable.
> No problems with that.
> I am not sure how to create the slicker UI though. Should it
> be a fancy remote (like Sonos), a software frontend (like
> moose, but OS agnostic) or implemented in the player itself ?
> In an ideal world it would be all of them.

While a slicker UI would be nice, I am not sure that this is what is needed
most. I would think the main thing is a rock solid and flexible database. I
know that a major part of the 6.5 development is the database, and I have
high hopes that eventually it will satisfy the needs of classical and jazz
listeners. But as an audiophile, I want to be able to store and retrieve all
kinds of information about the recording. Musicians, and the instruments
they play, the record label, performer, composer, conductor, composition,
movement, date of the original recording as well as the date of the
particular pressing, etc. Of course, a UI that would allow me to access this
information will also be necessary. I use CATRAXX to store that information
now, but I would really like to have that information available when I am
browsing slimserver from my handheld or Nokia or whatever while sitting on
my couch listening. I keep looking at Olive units, not so much for the audio
quality, but because in fact they have developed their database to deal with
classical music. I really like the SB, and am sticking it out for now with
hopes that eventually I will be able to properly catalog my library with it.
We will see.


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[slim] Re: Connecting my Squeezebox to "external" slimserver

2006-07-28 Thread andyg

That password option is only for the web.  I'd suggest a firewall rule
that only allows traffic from your IP address.


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[slim] Re: Boombox to plug SB into?

2006-07-28 Thread Andyoz

He, he...so true

There's also these to consider and I beleive Slim devices have been
known to use this system for show demo's.  They have aux power but no
grilles so may get damaged if the porch party gets out of hand???



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[slim] Re: Boombox to plug SB into?

2006-07-28 Thread radish

Cool, I get to roll out my Bose link :)



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[slim] Re: Boombox to plug SB into?

2006-07-28 Thread Mark Lanctot

radish Wrote: 
> Cool, I get to roll out my Bose link :)
> http://www.intellexual.net/bose.html

I didn't want to do it after bashing Sony.  ;-)

Mark Lanctot

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[slim] Re: New Slim Devices Product? "The Transporter" per 6moons.com??

2006-07-28 Thread radish

dangerous_dom Wrote: 
> But the point still remains, that i really think SS will be the making
> for breaking of the Transporter.
> I have tried 6.3.0, 6.3.1, and several versions of 6.5b. Most are
> 'stable', but with broken features.
I actually do agree - that the software is key and that with the
Transporter SD are going after a different market with different
expectations. This is new to them, and I wish them luck, but you're
right in that it's going to be a challenge. I just don't see any
evidence to call it a failure just yet :)


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[slim] Re: Connecting my Squeezebox to "external" slimserver

2006-07-28 Thread staalelor

I see. Well, thanks a million.

Btw: It seemed not to care about my username and password protection,
do you know why? Winamp needs to have both username and password.


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[slim] 16bit to 24bit

2006-07-28 Thread Tim I

search the forum but didn't find an answer.
How does the SB3 output 24bit from a 16bit input?
Does it just add 8 zeros or another algorithm.  Also is i possible to
change it to output 16bit so I could use another processor to increase
bit depth?
many thanks

Tim I

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[slim] Re: Connecting my Squeezebox to "external" slimserver

2006-07-28 Thread andyg

3483 is the slimproto port, for all control commands.  9000 is used for
audio data and webpages.


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[slim] Re: Connecting my Squeezebox to "external" slimserver

2006-07-28 Thread staalelor

andyg Wrote: 
> It also uses 3483 TCP/UDP.
GREAT :) That did the trick. That port has something to do with the
firmware check or something?


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[slim] Re: Connecting my Squeezebox to "external" slimserver

2006-07-28 Thread andyg

It also uses 3483 TCP/UDP.


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[slim] Re: Connecting my Squeezebox to "external" slimserver

2006-07-28 Thread staalelor

Mark Lanctot Wrote: 
> http://www.google.com/search?as_q=Welcome+to+SlimServer&num=100&hl=en&btnG=Google+Search&as_epq=&as_oq=&as_eq=&lr=lang_en&as_ft=i&as_filetype=&as_qdr=all&as_occt=title&as_dt=i&as_sitesearch=&as_rights=&safe=images
> I'll try it out with one of those.

Ok. I tried a few, one of them actually returned something. Very
strange. Do you know what ports other than 9000 (udp/tcp) it needs?


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Re: [slim] Re: Connecting my Squeezebox to "external" slimserver

2006-07-28 Thread Marc Sherman
staalelor wrote:
> I have no problems connecting to a slimserver inside my subnet the way
> you describe. Allso: It can't be a firewall or NAT-problem either,
> because I have no problems connecting using winamp. 

That does not follow. The squeezebox uses different ports than winamp
does. It's probably a firewall or NAT issue.

- Marc
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[slim] Re: Connecting my Squeezebox to "external" slimserver

2006-07-28 Thread Mark Lanctot

staalelor Wrote: 
> Have you tried this on an ip-address outside your own subnet? My
> squeezbox does not connect to anything outside my subnet.
> I've acutally tried it from three diffent subnets.

Hmm, no I haven't tried it.  I was going by what Andy was saying - he's
one of the developers.

There are a few public SlimServers out there:


I'll try it out with one of those.

Mark Lanctot

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[slim] Re: Administer Linux from XP Pro?

2006-07-28 Thread JeffCharles

Thanks to all for your replies. I am glad to hear that what I want to do
can be done. I will have to learn some Linux, but I've wanted to do that

I especially like what NWP wrote: "But the best part about a linux
server is you really don't need to administer it. Once it is set up, it
just runs and you can forget about it." Sounds good to me.



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[slim] Re: Connecting my Squeezebox to "external" slimserver

2006-07-28 Thread staalelor

Mark Lanctot Wrote: 
> When you first power it on, the Squeezebox will ask you to specify a
> music source.  Just type in the appropriate IP address here.
Have you tried this on an ip-address outside your own subnet? My
squeezbox does not connect to anything outside my subnet.
I've acutally tried it from three diffent subnets. 

I have no problems connecting to a slimserver inside my subnet the way
you describe. Allso: It can't be a firewall or NAT-problem either,
because I have no problems connecting using winamp. 



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[slim] Re: Is my SB3 dead?

2006-07-28 Thread octavian

Thanks. But it's definitely dead and going back today.


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[slim] SlimServer on Mac-User Switching

2006-07-28 Thread Jazz1

I'm now happily running SlimServer on a Mac Dual 1.25 G4. I share this
with my spouse. What is going to happen when she logs in leaving my
account on-simply switches users from me to her. Will Slimserver
continue to run in the background? I sure hope this is the case.


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[slim] Re: Connecting my Squeezebox to "external" slimserver

2006-07-28 Thread Mark Lanctot

When you first power it on, the Squeezebox will ask you to specify a
music source.  Just type in the appropriate IP address here.

Every time it powers on, it'll give you an opportunity to change this
(just press the up or down cursor keys on the remote).  When it's on,
press and hold the left cursor key for 5 seconds to get back to these

(BTW since I was wrong I deleted my first post.  I don't run my
Squeezebox this way so I didn't think of what Andy said.)

Mark Lanctot

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[slim] Re: Connecting my Squeezebox to "external" slimserver

2006-07-28 Thread staalelor

andyg Wrote: 
> You should be able to connect to any IP address by manually changing the
> SlimServer setting in the firmware settings menu.
And where do I find the "Firmware settings meny"? You are talking about
the Squeezbox (v3) right? 



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[slim] Re: Connecting my Squeezebox to "external" slimserver

2006-07-28 Thread andyg

You should be able to connect to any IP address by manually changing the
SlimServer setting in the firmware settings menu.


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[slim] Re: Connecting my Squeezebox to "external" slimserver

2006-07-28 Thread staalelor

Would it be possible or even worth it to ask Slim Devices to
fix this in a future version of the firmware?


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[slim] Re: WIndows Server 2003/ 2000 Server

2006-07-28 Thread funkstar

I had it running on Win2k3 Small Business Server briefly, before
abandoning that project and getting a Qnap TS-101 NAS box instead.
there were various reasons for that, none of them related the
SlimServer :)

One this i noticed when installing it though. After the first install
it would never start, i had to re-boot the server and install again
over the top and it worked fine. That was pre 6.2.2 and i have the
feeling there was a setup bug fixed for that at some point.


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[slim] Re: Q : Anybody using SB2/3 with Arcam AVR300?

2006-07-28 Thread Mark Lanctot

DougP Wrote: 
> Mark - are you really saying "Avoid AV amps and stick with trad HiFi
> amps"?

No, I'm saying try it out.  Analog fidelity can vary from model to

I'd bet Arcam is pretty good.

BTW the only one I'm aware of that has a true analog bypass (avoiding
the ADC entirely) is the Bryston SP 2.  In analog mode, it functions as
one of their excellent analog preamps.

Mark Lanctot

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[slim] Re: Connecting my Squeezebox to "external" slimserver

2006-07-28 Thread Mark Lanctot

Yes, unfortunately the only external SlimServer the Squeezebox can
access is SqueezeNetwork.

All others must be on the same subnet.

Mark Lanctot

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[slim] Re: Another Wireless Connection Problem

2006-07-28 Thread Mark Lanctot

Darrenst Wrote: 
> Could someone from SLIM please help me get my box going.

Contact support at slimdevices dot com.  This forum is not official

The Draytek routers have been very problematic for quite some time now.
I remember seeing something about a beta Draytek firmware release
developed specifically for the Squeezebox that addresses the problem. 
Search around the forums.

Incidentally, since Draytek is the last incompatible router reported
and they've had to release firmware to correct it, it's their problem,
not Slim Devices'.

Mark Lanctot

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[slim] Re: Q : Anybody using SB2/3 with Arcam AVR300?

2006-07-28 Thread DougP

Mark - are you really saying "Avoid AV amps and stick with trad HiFi

Chaz - great -let me know!


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[slim] Re: Is my SB3 dead?

2006-07-28 Thread Mark Lanctot

To reset, press and hold the ADD button while power-cycling.

Mark Lanctot

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[slim] Re: My recipe for a cheap Slimserver

2006-07-28 Thread Mark Lanctot

Good idea!

Keep every old computer you can get your hands on.  I still have my
first one, an AMD K6-2 400 MHz with 192 MB RAM.  That could still run
SS, especially with Linux.

Twice I've liberated some computer hardware neighbours were throwing
out.  The best PC I can cobble together from those parts is a Pentium
166 with 64 MB RAM - not capable of running SS but perhaps a non-GUI
Linux flavour for a firewall or router box.  It did run ClarkConnect
though.  My last find was a Pentium 4 B with RDRAM motherboard
(unfortunately the RDRAM was missing).  But a nice case and power
supply in pristine condition.

Mark Lanctot

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Re: [slim] Re: New Slim Devices Product? "The Transporter" per 6moons.com??

2006-07-28 Thread Marc Sherman

dangerous_dom wrote:

I thought Aplha was a more advanced stage than beta?


- Marc
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[slim] Re: WIndows Server 2003/ 2000 Server

2006-07-28 Thread Frederikje2004

inguz Wrote: 
> I used to run it on Windows2000 with no problems (until hardware
> problems killed the machine... :-)
> (Has anyone tried SlimServer on Vista betas yet, btw?)

I have it running on latest beta of Longhorn and Windows 2003std server
R2. Both servers run as a virtual server using MS Virtual server 2005 r2
(32bit). Host is Win2003 Enterprise edition R2 32Bit.

I also tried Slimserver on Windows 2003 R2 64Bit, but Slimserver does
not want to start, it keeps giving status 'starting slimserver'


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[slim] Re: Boombox to plug SB into?

2006-07-28 Thread gary

I have one of these :http://www.e-bowl.co.uk/products/4847.html.
Works well.


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[slim] Re: WIndows Server 2003/ 2000 Server

2006-07-28 Thread inguz

I used to run it on Windows2000 with no problems (until hardware
problems killed the machine... :-)

(Has anyone tried SlimServer on Vista betas yet, btw?)


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[slim] Connecting my Squeezebox to "external" slimserver

2006-07-28 Thread staalelor

I haven't been able to find any answers on this elsewhere.
I have a private password protected slimserver on my home network.
I'm able to connect to it from the outside with winamp and xmms.
But when I try to connect my squeezebox from another network to my 
slimserver, it doesn't even show up on my tcp-dump.

Does the squeezebox only connect to slimservers on the same subnet?



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[slim] Re: v6.3.1 and internet radio

2006-07-28 Thread billmax

I have a similar problem after upgrading to on infrant readynas6
/ squeezebox3 combo

slimserver crashes when any radioio channel is added to the playlist.

radioio worked fine before the upgrade (

(sorry for the crosspost, but it seems to belong here as well)


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[slim] Re: 30-second freeze?

2006-07-28 Thread Darrenst

Yep I have that problem. 

Mine is with a Draytek 2800G router and Windows server 2003

Ethernet is fine. 

Could this be a packet size issue. Is there anyway to reduce the packet
size on the SB3 to debug.


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[slim] Re: Another Wireless Connection Problem

2006-07-28 Thread Darrenst

I have come to the conclusion that the wireless circuitary is not worth
a whole lot on these units. 

I am getting the same sort of issues with choppy sound disconnecting
and re-connecting.

I have experimented with channel changing and all sorts of combinations
of WEP and WPA with the net effect that it doesn't really work as

Connected via ethernet is fine.

My experience tells me this is not a signal strength problem. It's more
like packet drop-out (remember those old ethernet frame types 802.2 &
802.3. Frame mismatch caused that same sorts of problems with
unreliable connections.

I don't know what the problem is with mine it's just flaky. 

I just don't buy the solutions from the support FAQs. 

It's a shame cos the SQBX 3 is a great product (when connected to

Could someone from SLIM please help me get my box going.

My spec is:

Slimserver on Windows Server 2003
Draytek 2800G Router (super G disabled on channel 13 802.11g only


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[slim] Re: Is my SB3 dead?

2006-07-28 Thread matthijskoopmans


Is the SB still dead if you press the left button (keep it pressed).

Also, you see no SLIM DEVICES logo when you switch it on? Otherwise,
you could try to reset it to factory defaults (I believe it is pressing
the BRIGHT button when you plug the power in... but I could be wrong).

Hope it works out for you, as my SB3 is about the same age... :)




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[slim] Re: WIndows Server 2003/ 2000 Server

2006-07-28 Thread Darrenst

I run slimserver on Windows 2003. It doesn't take up much resource. yes
the XP version will work.


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[slim] Re: Qnap TS-101 Update

2006-07-28 Thread Michaelwagner

There used to be an old murphy's law public domain piece of code that
spouted out a different law from murphy or another technology source
every time you ran it.

One of the ones I always liked was: it is a mistake to allow any piece
of software or hardware to know you are anxious for the results.


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[slim] Re: New Slim Devices Product? "The Transporter" per 6moons.com??

2006-07-28 Thread Michaelwagner


An alpha release in software is more tentative, more developmental than
a beta release.

>From the greek letters alpha, beta, gamma, delta.

Corresponding roughly to A, B, C/G, D.

I guess you'd have to say that the "real" release was the gamma.

Delta's are usually small incremental updates to a released base, so
like 6.3.1 was to 6.3.

This use of the letter delta probably comes from calculus, where delta
is the difference from the previous result, used for improving the
accuracy of the next result in an iterative solution.


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[slim] Re: v6.3.1 and internet radio

2006-07-28 Thread swet

Thanks for the replies chaps..

I hadn't installed the latest or relevant alienbbc so this sounds very
much like it could be the problem.this is the only relevant error
entry I could find in the log...



|Filename: err-631.jpg  |
|Download: http://forums.slimdevices.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=1545|


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[slim] Re: slimserver prevents connect to isp

2006-07-28 Thread swet

Hi Chris

thanks for the reply

although my broadband modem reports connected I cannot connect to the
web at this time.

I cleared my error logs last night so that I could more easily focus on
any reports this might throw up.and would you believe it! the
problem is not happening this morning...

I will re-post when I can recreate this and get more info...

many thanks



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[slim] Is my SB3 dead?

2006-07-28 Thread octavian

No start up screen but I can see a red glow in the digital out socket,
so there is power. Nothing happens with the remote power button and my
computer can't see it on the network.

Is this terminal after 7 months?


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[slim] Re: Qnap TS-101 Update

2006-07-28 Thread Andy_W

funkstar Wrote: 
> it maybe didn't like where you had it, like some plants don't like to be
> in the son and some do. You maybe got one of the units with personallity
> :)

Or attitude!


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