[slim] Re: To use squeezebox as a virtual sound device?

2006-11-05 Thread ceejay

Not as easy as you think. The question comes up quite a lot - search the
forum for Shoutcast, which is the usual solution for this requirement.
Note that using it to get the sound for a DVD you are watching will
probably not work due to buffering/delay issues.



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[slim] Re: Random mix won't add songs

2006-11-05 Thread erland

Is the Add new items when old ones finish checkbox on the Random Mix
page selected ?


Erland Isaksson
'My homepage' (http://erland.homeip.net) 'My download page'
(Developer of 'TrackStat'
, 'SQLPlayList'
, 'DynamicPlayList'
'Custom Browse'
and 'RandomPlayList'

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[slim] Re: Random mix won't add songs

2006-11-05 Thread Deanor

there is no such checkbox! I'm using version 6.5.0


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Re: [slim] Re: Random mix won't add songs

2006-11-05 Thread kdf
This is the result of old templates (web pages) lying around which are 
not properly removed during the 6.5.0 install.
you can install the 6.5.1 nightly builds 

or do a complete uninstall, remove c:\program 
files\slimserver\server\HTML, and install 6.5.0 again


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[slim] Re: Stop this Various Artists Madness !

2006-11-05 Thread smc2911

You shouldn't need to use the DISC tag for single-disc sets, but it is
certainly worth setting DISC (and DISCC) for multi-disc sets. The
set-up that works for me in 6.5 is the one album per folder (in the
case of multi-disc sets, I have a folder for each disc, but set the
DISC or DISCNUMBER and DISCC tags). In additional, for all various
artist albums, I set COMPILATION=1 (I use mp3tag, but I seem to recall
from other posts that in the mp3tagger this is set to TRUE rather than
1, although I suspect the tag that is written is 1). Finally, in the
case of various artist albums that are nevertheless associated with a
single artists (e.g. FatBoy Slim, On the Floor at the Boutique which
has individual artists for each track, but I want it to appear in the
FatBoy Slim album list), I set the BAND tag to the album artist (I use
flac and for mp3 this is the TPE2 tag. I set the Band/Orchestra check
box on slimserver Server Settings  Behaviour and in the Compilations
Settings, I Group Compilation Albums Together and List Albums By
Band (I also treat Multi-Disc Sets as a Single Album). This all
works very nicely, although note that Artists that only appear on a
compilation album will not appear under Browse Artists, but I can
search for them.


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[slim] SD acquired by Logitech

2006-11-05 Thread gian

I was not happy to learn that Logitech acquired Slimdevices.
I don't see anything that match between them, beside the fact they both
work on digital material.
SD is a model for its quality hardware, lean organization and
outstanding support.
The website design, the user forums and the wiki is something that
competitors should only try to match.
Logitech, on the other side, is an icon for cheap hardware with no
It's really sad.


gian's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=6702
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[slim] Re: iTunes 7.2

2006-11-05 Thread slayaz

It is easier than downgrading itunes...

just upgrade to slimserver 6.5.1.

After loggign a bug,(http://bugs.slimdevices.com/show_bug.cgi?id=4468) 
Chris told me to try 6.5.1 which works like a charm.

Nice one


In a land of sheep, even a toothless wolf is king

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[slim] Re: To use squeezebox as a virtual sound device?

2006-11-05 Thread funkstar

frui;152601 Wrote: 
  Basically squeezebox IS a wireless soundcard.
But it's not. It is a stand alone music player that recieves the audio
data from a dedcated server. Think of it like this: you can get netwrok
DVD players that can play video files saved on a network, this does not
make it a PC monitor. The Squeezebox is the same, it plays music hosted
on a server (or streamed over the internet) but that does not make it a
sound card.

Technically, it should be possible to write drivers for it that would
let you use it as an external sound card, but that hasn't been a
priority for SD so far.


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[slim] Re: Stop this Various Artists Madness !

2006-11-05 Thread paulsi


I too had many of the same problems. My main one was; I made a play
list of 2011 songs. When I went to use it, the display said 87 songs. I
go to my server, only 87 songs listed too.

The songs were in group of 400 folders, each one a album if you will(or

Taked to Dan it tech support, he said use 6.3.1v. That worked!!

I hope this gets fixed soon!

Happy listining!!


paulsi's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=5492
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[slim] Re: What do Playlists mean to you?

2006-11-05 Thread Siduhe

A poll associated with this post was created, to vote and see the
results, please visit http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=29368

Question: What do playlists mean to you?

- Never or very rarely use them
- Not a big problem: use static playlists for parties or similar,
  current features ok
- Use static playlists a lot, would like to see better features for
  managing them
- Want smart or dynamic playlists.  iTunes integration and/or plugins
  usable  (but could be better!).
- Smart or dynamic playlists are very important, current options not
  good enough, must be improved
- Critical: Playlist handling must be improved or I'm out of here

How you use playlists depends to some extent on how you listen to and
interact with music.  This is probably a very simplistic analysis but
my impression is that most of the regular contributors here are very
music literate - they think about it a lot, they've amassed extensive
music collections, and they tend to be early adoptors of networked music
technology like the Squeezebox.  IMHO, this group is likely to have
quite definite ways they want to listen to their music, have set up
detailed structures for their music libraries, and they are more likely
to play music per album or using fixed playlists created over time. 
Slimserver's pretty well set up to deal with this type of music

What Slimserver doesn't handle half as well is the person who has
amassed a library of random music tracks (a la ITunes) and who wants to
listen to it in semi-random fashion using dynamic playlists.  This is
becoming more and more the norm as increasing number of people put
their music onto an Ipod and add odd tracks to their libraries using
Itunes, Emusic, or copying from friends.  This group tend just to want
to access music, not worry about music library structure.  Ease of
access and simplicity are key to this group.  Slimserver isn't half as
well set up to deal with this kind of use, although things like MusicIP
and ITunes update go a long way to introducing this kind of
functionality addon.  These people tend to be the ones who post a
couple of time only on the boards, saying that they can't get their
playlists to work they way they want (usually the same way that ITunes
does something) and that Slimserver doesn't work for them as a concept
for that reason.

I think the question Ceejay may really be asking is how far should
Slimserver go to appeal to the second group, recognising that it's an
increasingly common way to interact with music ?  If Slimserver wants
to cross over into a mass-market product, then better playlist handling
is essential - but I still question why it has to.  

For myself, I use playlists a lot, but I'm pretty happy with the
workarounds / additional functionality provided by MusicIP or Erland's
plugins.  Even if these sometimes can be a bit of kludge with
Slimserver, it's better than losing any of the other music cataloguing
functionality that comes with Slimserver in pursuit of a mass-market

Edited to say, I think this puts me in category 4 !


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[slim] Album Art not showing - have to right click and select Show Picture

2006-11-05 Thread rbl

For some reason if I go to Albums and show with cover art, then only
some of them show the actual cover art. A lot of them just come up with
a small box with a small red cross in it. If I right click on this and
select Show Picture then the cover art is displayed.  It seems to be
random as to which albums are shown properly - if I go back to the home
page and back into Albums then different covers will be shown. 

I am running server v6.5, although the problem occurred with earlier
versions too. It does it with both Internet Explorer 6 and IE7 (which I
am now running).

Any ideas?


rbl's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=4517
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[slim] Re: Various Artist Difficulties - Cumbersome Fix

2006-11-05 Thread broth420

see this post...


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[slim] Re: Upgraded to 6.5 an hour ago

2006-11-05 Thread Zten

for over 12 hours now. There must be something wrong. Anyone have advice
on what I should do?


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[slim] Re: how well in sync are multiple squeezeboxes?

2006-11-05 Thread ajmitchell

Yes this is a common question, but completely reasonable. I have 2SB2s
3SB3s and a transporter over quite a large area and thick walls and I
can confirm most people get reasonable synch provided network strength
(reach) is pretty good. Wired of course you should have no problems.
Problems are more likely in my opinion playing long tracks and high bit
rate tracks, and tracks off NAS. Incidentally transporter with its
double aerials has less problems.


Check out my other hobby http://ajmitchell.shutterpoint.com

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[slim] Re: What do Playlists mean to you?

2006-11-05 Thread Nostromo

A poll associated with this post was created, to vote and see the
results, please visit http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=29368

Question: What do playlists mean to you?

- Never or very rarely use them
- Not a big problem: use static playlists for parties or similar,
  current features ok
- Use static playlists a lot, would like to see better features for
  managing them
- Want smart or dynamic playlists.  iTunes integration and/or plugins
  usable  (but could be better!).
- Smart or dynamic playlists are very important, current options not
  good enough, must be improved
- Critical: Playlist handling must be improved or I'm out of here

Siduhe;152635 Wrote: 
 How you use playlists depends to some extent on how you listen to and
 interact with music.  

I agree.

 This is probably a very simplistic analysis

To say the least. And a bit insulting, too. I think you underestimate
smart playlists. They are not merely tools to string together random
music tracks. Like I pointed ou earlier, they're

 Smart or dynamic playlists are lists of songs automatically generated
 and managed by your computer, based on criteria specified by you. 

You have a database in your hands, why not use it?

I think people who only listen to albums are a bit old school. They've
listened to albums all their lives and continue doing so on their
Squeezebox. They're missing out, IMO.   

Either that, or they listen to their music in certain way, like you
pointed out, and they have no need for smart playlists. To me, the main
use of smart playlists is listening music in the background while I do
something else, like working or reading or whatever.


Nostromo's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=6322
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[slim] Slimserver stops on it's own

2006-11-05 Thread Burkhardi

I was running an older version of Slimserver, I upgraded to 6.5 and
then to 6.5.1 to try to fix this issue and it still happens.

Slimserver will stop all by itself. I then have to re-start it from the
icon in hte sys-tray. Could this be from the addition to the UPnP
addition to the code? Is it not playing nice with Windows Media
Connect? I am now running the embeded version of WMC that is on Windows
Media Player 11.

I am running XP Pro, Slimserver6.5.1, Windows Media Connect

Anyone have any ideas, or has anyone else seen this too?
Regards, Matt


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[slim] Re: To use squeezebox as a virtual sound device?

2006-11-05 Thread Mark Lanctot

frui;152601 Wrote: 
 Basically squeezebox IS a wireless soundcard.

To expand on what funkstar wrote, it's not.  It actually reconstructs
the audio data from packets.

The audio is broken up into packets and reassembled by the Squeezebox. 
This allows some nice things to happen, like buffering and error
correction, so you get bit-perfect playback because it's equivalent to
sending a computer file over wireless.

This is not like how a soundcard works.  It's how file sharing works.

Mark Lanctot

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[slim] Re: Upgraded to 6.5 an hour ago

2006-11-05 Thread jeffluckett

Did you un-install your previous version of SS before installing 6.5?

6.5 does not play well with older versions.  Try doing a clean install.


jeffluckett's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=6179
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Re: [slim] I want SS to ignore TPE2 / Album Artist tags?

2006-11-05 Thread Kevin Weller
In article [EMAIL PROTECTED], Slimpy 
 Do you have List albums by band selected in Server settings - Behavior 
 - Compilations? 
 What happens if you change it to List albums by all artists for that 

Sorry for the long delay in replying. Life has been very hectic lately and 
I was in the US for a couple of weeks.

It looks like the problem was with 6.5. I've just updated Slimserver to the 
latest 6.5.1. nightly and all the tags are now being read as expected.

Thanks for trying to assist me.


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[slim] Re: Upgraded to 6.5 an hour ago

2006-11-05 Thread Zten

I was getting frustrated so I went back to 6.3.0. It is doing a rescan
now. will post back on how things are going. Thanks again for the


Zten's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=1810
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[slim] Re: What do Playlists mean to you?

2006-11-05 Thread Siduhe

A poll associated with this post was created, to vote and see the
results, please visit http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=29368

Question: What do playlists mean to you?

- Never or very rarely use them
- Not a big problem: use static playlists for parties or similar,
  current features ok
- Use static playlists a lot, would like to see better features for
  managing them
- Want smart or dynamic playlists.  iTunes integration and/or plugins
  usable  (but could be better!).
- Smart or dynamic playlists are very important, current options not
  good enough, must be improved
- Critical: Playlist handling must be improved or I'm out of here

Nostromo;152665 Wrote: 
 To say the least. And a bit insulting, too.

I think you may have misunderstood what I said.  It certainly wasn't my
intention to be insulting by describing many of the regular contributors
here as being musically literate or by having fixed ideas about how they
want to listen to their music.

I'm also a massive fan of smart playlists.


Siduhe's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=723
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[slim] Re: Let's here some suggestions for SlimServer 7

2006-11-05 Thread Manelus

I rip or download a file... simplest thing would be send the .cue file
or file itself to slimserver - tranporter and play it.
Now: move to 1TB music folder... rescan the entire folder... go to the
folder within slimserver and serch  the one you have just added... All
in all a long workaround.
*I miss being able to play it right from the Windows folder*


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[slim] Help! Songs bought In Itunes not showing

2006-11-05 Thread Tombolino

I see them in Itunes of course but not on the Squeeze. I have hit rescan
sveral times in the prefs but hasnt worked


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[slim] Re: Upgraded to 6.5 an hour ago

2006-11-05 Thread Zten

and all is well. I think I will just stay here and follow the if it
ain't broke, don't fix it philosphy and NOT go to 6.5.0


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[slim] Re: iTunes 7.2

2006-11-05 Thread jmstipe

version 6.5.1 works...  great stuff.  thanks for your help!


jmstipe's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=8297
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Re: [slim] Re: What do Playlists mean to you?

2006-11-05 Thread Jack Coates

On 11/5/06, Nostromo

 This is probably a very simplistic analysis

To say the least. And a bit insulting, too. I think you underestimate


I think people who only listen to albums are a bit old school. They've
listened to albums all their lives and continue doing so on their
Squeezebox. They're missing out, IMO.


Pot, meet kettle. Kettle, this is pot :)

We're all pretty much motivated by the same thing IMHO, which is
getting the maximum enjoyment out of the music collection without
putting a lot of effort into it. While I am personally happy with
playing full albums and shuffling the whole collection, I do see the
attraction of smart playlists -- I just don't see it as being
attractive enough to run iTunes/MIP/Erland's plugins alongside the

That said, you're probably right that there is a dividing line... I'm
reminded of the argument over iTunes and iPods, in which about half of
the commenters thought they're The Best UI Evh, and the other half
bear A Pure Hatred. Much like this argument (or OS wars, or politics),
neither side could see where the other was coming from. Call it what
you will, it's worth realizing that Slimserver was written by and for
the latter group...

I dare say that the importance of smart playlists to the former group
is understood by this community, since it has been a regular
discussion of varying intensity for two years now, and drove the
relationship with Pandora. That being said, it's been a weather* issue
as far as the core product is concerned, possibly because over half
of the users don't care much (see poll results). As long as it appears
that plugins and partnerships are meeting the need, the developers
will stay focused on other important issues.

*Weather: everyone complains, but no one ever _does_ anything about it.
I spent all me tin with the ladies drinking gin,
So across the Western ocean I must wander -- traditional
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[slim] Robocopy help, please

2006-11-05 Thread Kyle

I backup my entire folder of FLAC files from time to time, using
Robocopy.  I use the mirror function.  I have added some new music
since the last backup, but Robocopy is copying every single file in my
music folder.  Here is a sample of the report:

ROBOCOPY :: Robust File Copy for Windows :: Version

Started : Sun Nov 05 09:40:35 2006

Source : e:\flac files\
Dest = f:\backup flac files\

Files : *.*

Options : *.* /TEE /S /E /COPY:DAT /PURGE /MIR /NP /R:100 /W:30 


   0e:\flac files\
   0e:\flac files\Aaron Neville\
  15e:\flac files\Aaron Neville\Bring It On Home\
Older 30.0 m01 - Rainy Night In Georgia.flac
Older 21.4 m02 - Ain't No Sunshine.flac
Older 29.6 m03 - (Sittin' On) The Dock Of 
The Bay.flac
Older 22.9 m04 - Stand By Me.flac
Older 23.9 m05 - You Send Me.flac
Older 29.7 m06 - Respect Yourself.flac
Older 21.5 m07 - When A Man Loves A 
Older 25.0 m08 - Let's Stay Together.flac
Older 23.9 m09 - It's All Right.flac
Older 25.7 m10 - People Get Ready.flac
Older 23.4 m11 - My Girl.flac
Older 25.4 m12 - Ain't That Peculiar.flac
Older 25.1 m13 - A Change Is Gonna Come.flac
Older 26.1 m14 - (Your Love Keeps Lifting 
Me) Higher And
Older  10322cover.jpg

Is it saying that the files on the E-drive (source) are older, or the
files on the F-drive (destination) are older?  I certainly haven't
changed all of my files.  Is it getting some type of timestamp data? 
Could Slimserver have changed the timestamp on all of my files?  This
really worries me because earlier this year I lost all of my music
files and had to start over.  I really don't want that to happen again.


Kyle's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=2541
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[slim] Re: Upgraded to 6.5 an hour ago

2006-11-05 Thread fingers

Good choice.  I have attempted 6.5.1 5 different times now and each time
it completely chokes the machine.  I finally after using a big hammer
got back to 6.3.1 and all is working perfectly.


fingers's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=5570
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Re: [slim] Re: Upgraded to 6.5 an hour ago

2006-11-05 Thread Jack Coates

On 11/5/06, Zten [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

for over 12 hours now. There must be something wrong. Anyone have advice
on what I should do?

how about looking in the log file? There should be a message that's
been repeating regularly for twelve hours, and whatever it is might be
indicative of the problem.

I spent all me tin with the ladies drinking gin,
So across the Western ocean I must wander -- traditional
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[slim] Re: Slimserver stops on it's own

2006-11-05 Thread Siduhe

Do you have any on access virus scanning software installed ?  6.5
uses MySQL and some people have reported problems with software like
McAfee scanning the MySql process and noting it as a suspicious

If so, try setting your virus software to ignore .MYI  .MYD file
extensions and see if that sorts it.


Siduhe's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=723
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[slim] Re: Help! Songs bought In Itunes not showing

2006-11-05 Thread Mark Lanctot

SlimServer cannot play DRM-encoded files purchased on iTunes.  Apple
will not release the code for others to do this.

Mark Lanctot

Mark Lanctot's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=2071
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[slim] Re: Slimserver stops on it's own

2006-11-05 Thread Siduhe

fingers;152700 Wrote: 
 When you say on access are you referring to Real Time Monitor?  If so,
 the setup at the office is identical with the 3 Slim Devices I have at
 home with the same AV software set the same way.  No problems with the
 home units.

Actually, I was referring to the original post, but yes, I mean any
virus software which automatically scans any file which is opened,
closed or executed by any process on the system (i.e. most of them
these days).  Regret I can't think of what would cause your issue ? 
What does the Event Viewer say is the cause of the crash on your work
pc ?


Siduhe's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=723
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[slim] Re: What do Playlists mean to you?

2006-11-05 Thread ceejay

A poll associated with this post was created, to vote and see the
results, please visit http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=29368

Question: What do playlists mean to you?

- Never or very rarely use them
- Not a big problem: use static playlists for parties or similar,
  current features ok
- Use static playlists a lot, would like to see better features for
  managing them
- Want smart or dynamic playlists.  iTunes integration and/or plugins
  usable  (but could be better!).
- Smart or dynamic playlists are very important, current options not
  good enough, must be improved
- Critical: Playlist handling must be improved or I'm out of here

Mmmm, looked like it was going to warm up a bit there... the reason I
posted this was because of a debate in the slimserver 7.0 features
thread.  Some posters were insistent that slimserver without smart
playlists is a waste of space, others wondering what the fuss was about
because they're not that important.

Now we have over 50 answers we can see a pattern (granted the bias
inherent in asking registered users of this forum).  There are indeed
two distinct groups of users, roughly equal in number.

The old school ones who mainly listen to albums, or who at least are
satisfied with relatively simple playlist facilities.

And the ipod generation who want to be helped to find interesting new
ways of listening to music.

The main thing I wanted to achieve was to help both groups understand
that the other group exists, and shouldn't be dismissed as freaks. 
Hopefully we've done that.

Thanks to all who voted and commented.



ceejay's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=148
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[slim] Re: What do Playlists mean to you?

2006-11-05 Thread Nostromo

A poll associated with this post was created, to vote and see the
results, please visit http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=29368

Question: What do playlists mean to you?

- Never or very rarely use them
- Not a big problem: use static playlists for parties or similar,
  current features ok
- Use static playlists a lot, would like to see better features for
  managing them
- Want smart or dynamic playlists.  iTunes integration and/or plugins
  usable  (but could be better!).
- Smart or dynamic playlists are very important, current options not
  good enough, must be improved
- Critical: Playlist handling must be improved or I'm out of here

 While I am personally happy with
 playing full albums and shuffling the whole collection, I do see the
 attraction of smart playlists -- I just don't see it as being
 attractive enough to run iTunes/MIP/Erland's plugins alongside the

So either you listen to albums or you shuffle your whole collection?
You never shuffle by genre or by artist? 

If you do shuffle by genre or by artist, I think you are doing
something that is functionally identical to smart playlists. It may not
be called a smart or dynamic playlist, but it does the same thing: the
computer gives you a list of the tracks, based on the criteria you
specified (genre, artist...) So, in a sense, you're using smart
playlists without even nowing it. 

I think people focus to much on the particular implementations and not
on what these things actually do, on their function.


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[slim] Re: Help! Songs bought In Itunes not showing

2006-11-05 Thread Tombolino

is there no workaround of any kind to this?


Tombolino's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=5483
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[slim] Re: Help! Songs bought In Itunes not showing

2006-11-05 Thread ceejay

Yes, search the forums. One workaround is to burn the ripped files to a
CD and then re-rip the CD...



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[slim] streaming slimserver to nokia S60 phone (N80)

2006-11-05 Thread kefa

I was one of those people looking out of a boombox version of the
slimserver. I guess the problem with such a device is that it would
need to be tethered by weighty batteries or a mains power supply.

However, with a Nokia N80 or other S60 phone with wi-fi you can achieve
a similar effect with the freely available open source internet radio
player. The downside is that you cannot control the stream from the
phone, and wi-fi reception from the phone is not particularly powerful.
Nonetheless this is extremely cool.

You need to install the both the Nokia open source Internet Radio
application and Shoutcast engine from: 


You will also need to create a playlist file (e.g. slimserver.pls) and
copy to the /Shoutcast directory on the same drive as the installation.
For me the file looks like this:

Title1=Mobile Slimserver

Also, if you want to be able to use AlienBBC (listen again in the bath
is definitely where it's at!) you will need to make the modification to
RTSP.pm as helpfully outlined in:


Don't forget to throttle the bitrate to your mobile once it appears in
the players list and you will have a cool mobile radio  you can use
around the house!


Mac OS X 10.4.8, Slimserver 6.5.0, Netgear  DG834GT fw V1.02.04
Squeezebox 3 fw 64, Primare SPA20, Monitor Audio GR20
Squeezebox 2 fw 64, Denon UD-M30
SoftSqueeze, Cyrus 3, Monitor Audio R90

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[slim] Re: Help! Songs bought In Itunes not showing

2006-11-05 Thread Mark Lanctot

There's a program called JHymn that removes DRM from iTunes music, but
only pre-iTunes 6.0.  There's a new one I've heard mentioned in the
forums.  Not sure what it is because I don't use iTunes and never will.

Mark Lanctot

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[slim] Re: Help! Songs bought In Itunes not showing

2006-11-05 Thread tommypeters

ceejay;152716 Wrote: 
 Yes, search the forums. One workaround is to burn the ripped files to a
 CD and then re-rip the CD...
I don't think you need to burn it to an actual CD, burn it to an image
file and mount the image for ripping the tracks.


SB3--Meridian G68--NuForce Ref8--Bc Acoustique ACT A3

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[slim] Re: Robocopy help, please

2006-11-05 Thread JJZolx

Robocopy uses the file modified times.  It's saying that the source
files are older than the destination files, so it's copying from the
source to the destination.  That's the idea behind the /MIR option - to
make the destination exactly the same as the source.

Does it do this if you rerun the backup operation?  If so, something is
wrong.  My guess would be that you modified the files in your backup
directory, maybe by mistake while you were updating some tags.

SlimServer doesn't modify the music files in the library in any way. 
It can modify and save playlists, but not music.  Even if it did, those
files would likely then be _newer_ than the backup files, not older.



JJZolx's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=10
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[slim] Re: To use squeezebox as a virtual sound device?

2006-11-05 Thread tommypeters

Mark Lanctot;152669 Wrote: 
 This is not like how a soundcard works.  It's how file sharing works.
Don't say that, some moronic legislator might want to render the SB3
illegal... ;)


SB3--Meridian G68--NuForce Ref8--Bc Acoustique ACT A3

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[slim] which downloads will play?

2006-11-05 Thread Tombolino

From which online store will Squuezebox play the songs?


Tombolino's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=5483
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[slim] Re: To use squeezebox as a virtual sound device?

2006-11-05 Thread Mark Lanctot

tommypeters;152730 Wrote: 
 Don't say that, some moronic legislator might want to render the SB3
 illegal... ;)

D'oh!  I meant like file sharing over a LAN, not p2p!  Edit coming up.

Mark Lanctot

Mark Lanctot's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=2071
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[slim] Re: Slimserver stops on it's own

2006-11-05 Thread Burkhardi

I have/was running Slimserver w/o issues. The only three things that I
know that are now different are I am using Slimserver V6.5.X, WMC is
now embeded in WMP (not a stand alone service per se, and I think
Slimserver 6.5.X has UPnP detection and such. Perhaps I'll try to kill
the WMC process and see what happens?


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[slim] Slimserver version?

2006-11-05 Thread jfo

I updated to 6.5.0 last month from 6.3 with no problems at all other
than having to update Alien BBC. I didn't uninstall 6.3 and the change
was transparent as it usually is, at least for me. Last night I loaded
the latest nightly and it wouldn't run in Firefox or IE, so I
reinstalled the released 6.5. The Version info however, says 

SlimServer Version: 6.5.1 - 10588 - Windows XP - EN - cp1252
Server IP address:
Perl Version: 5.8.8 MSWin32-x86-multi-thread
MySQL Version: 5.0.22-community-nt   

So, how can I confirm it's actually 6.5.1?



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[slim] Rave about the new Transporter Remote

2006-11-05 Thread ajmitchell

OK, there is huge controversy about the SONOS remote, but I want to say
that the new transporter remote is excellent. The circuitry and
functions are not really any better than the existing SB3 remote (I
think there is only 1 new button - sleep is that right?) but the form
factor is drop dead georgous. 

Firstly, thank you for finding true black (although is black best when
the unit supplied is silver?)

Second congrats on the backlighting, the effect is really excellent

Thirdly, well done on the buttons - much better feel than the old

Fourthly, excellent idea to have the icons on the buttonscool

Fifthly, excellent overall form factor and ergonomic grip

Finally, great layout - for example much better volume placement

Well done SD can you tell us who designed this masterpiece? For
anyone who wants an upgrade $29 is a bargain


Check out my other hobby http://ajmitchell.shutterpoint.com

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[slim] SB3 as base for wireless bridge?

2006-11-05 Thread KlaymenDK

Hi all,
here's a rather complex question, I hope I can explain it properly. I
am wondering whether I can use my SB3 as a wireless bridge in the
following way.

The DSL socket is in my living room right next to my SB3, but all the
other computing stuff is in the far end of the flat. Dumb. So
currently, I have a cat5 cable snaking through my living room where it
can be torn by pets, babies, roombas, ... not ideal (and ugly).
In other words, the LAN travels right past the SB in a cable, and then
back again without one.

It would be much neater if the SB could sit on the DSL socket and
bridge to the router wirelessly. The thing is: I have no idea how this
bridging stuff works (or, for that matter, whether my router (a
WRTG54GL running DD-WRT) can use the wireless adapter for its WAN side,
and where that would leave my SB-to-Slimserver connection).

The main thing for me is security: how do I ensure the SB3 will only
talk to me and not the neighbours?

Secondarily, of course I worry that the SB, being on the WAN side of
the router, would no longer be able to access the server; and that the
routers WLAN, being used for WAN, can no longer serve a LAN WLAN to my
LAN clients (this latter point I of course should be asking in the
DD-WRT forum, and is mentioned here chiefly for completeness).

Does anyone have applicable experience? Am I being an unrealistical
optimist (as I must admit I do suspect)?


- 010\001\111 -

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Re: [slim] Re: What do Playlists mean to you?

2006-11-05 Thread Jack Coates

On 11/5/06, Nostromo

So either you listen to albums or you shuffle your whole collection?
You never shuffle by genre or by artist?

If you do shuffle by genre or by artist, I think you are doing
something that is functionally identical to smart playlists. It may not
be called a smart or dynamic playlist, but it does the same thing: the
computer gives you a list of the tracks, based on the criteria you
specified (genre, artist...) So, in a sense, you're using smart
playlists without even knowing it.

I do know that it's there and that it's smart -- but I don't care
about it, because I don't use it. Not saying that it's a bad thing,
just that I don't need it. Now I certainly would appreciate an
integrated Last.FM/Pandora type of system that used local tracks
instead of Internet radio, as my bandwidth is not so good and Internet
radio tends to be unreliable. But, and this is a big one, it is not
important to me. I would appreciate it if it were there and probably
even use it once or twice a month, but I'm not going to ditch the
Slimserver/Squeezeboxes because it's not there.
I spent all me tin with the ladies drinking gin,
So across the Western ocean I must wander -- traditional
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[slim] Re: Robocopy help, please

2006-11-05 Thread Kyle

Yes, I've changed some tags and added some albums, but not ALL of them. 
I probably backed up the hard drive using the same program a couple of
months ago.  How could the source files be older than the destination
when the destination files came from the source files originally?  Is
there some function I could have done that changed the timestamp on all
of those files at once?


Kyle's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=2541
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Re: [slim] which downloads will play?

2006-11-05 Thread Jack Coates

On 11/5/06, Tombolino

From which online store will Squuezebox play the songs?

emusic.com, magnatune.com, anything that doesn't use DRM.

I spent all me tin with the ladies drinking gin,
So across the Western ocean I must wander -- traditional
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[slim] Re: SB3 as base for wireless bridge?

2006-11-05 Thread Mark Lanctot

Unfortunately, it doesn't work that way.  As a wireless bridge, it
-receives- wireless signals and can send them on to a device connected
to the LAN port.  In other words, it bridges wireless to wired, not the
other way around.

If you connected it directly to your DSL, it could access
SqueezeNetwork but it could not see your SlimServer.

And as powerful as DD-WRT is, I don't think you can put WAN on the
wireless side.  If you added a WAP it would, but see below.

Here's how you could get it to work, although it would involve making
the SlimServer wireless, which is often a bad idea: put the router at
the DSL port, wire the SB3 to it, get a wireless card for your PC and
get it to connect wirelessly to your router.  That actually might not
be too bad.  Although your SlimServer would be wireless, your SB
wouldn't, so it's still a 1-hop arrangement.  I'd think it would be
worse than wired SlimServer/wireless Squeezebox but it would be better
than having BOTH wireless.

Mark Lanctot

Mark Lanctot's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=2071
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[slim] Re: Robocopy help, please

2006-11-05 Thread JJZolx

Kyle;152748 Wrote: 
 Yes, I've changed some tags and added some albums, but not ALL of them. 
 I probably backed up the hard drive using the same program a couple of
 months ago.  How could the source files be older than the destination
 when the destination files came from the source files originally?  Is
 there some function I could have done that changed the timestamp on all
 of those files at once?
Like I said, maybe you mistakenly modified the tags of the files in the
backup.  I've done that once or twice.  Otherwise, the source files
should not be older than the backups.



JJZolx's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=10
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[slim] more than one HDD

2006-11-05 Thread se18658

How do I set up SlimServer if I want to use more than one HDD to store
my music on and whant to brose my music folders?


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[slim] Re: more than one HDD

2006-11-05 Thread Mark Lanctot


Mark Lanctot

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[slim] Re: SB3 as base for wireless bridge?

2006-11-05 Thread azinck3

Actually, if your dsl modem has a router built into it (many do--mine,
for example) then I'm pretty sure you can do what you want.  You would
not use the wan ports in your wrt54gl, you would turn off the dhcp
server on the wrt54gl, setup client bridge mode on the wrt54gl, and be
sure to turn on bridging on the sb3.


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[slim] Re: Help! Songs bought In Itunes not showing

2006-11-05 Thread dSw

I think the one you mean is QTFairUse6 - latest version at the end of
this thread - http://hymn-project.org/forums/viewtopic.php?t=1553


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[slim] Re: Various Artist Difficulties - Cumbersome Fix

2006-11-05 Thread Roscoe

Thanks for the responses, but unfortunately neither of the above actions
worked for me.  I tried both clearing out the Playlist folder, as well
manually deleting individual songs from playlists.  Those artists still
don't show up in the Artists list.

Here's yet another strange twist:  As I mentioned above, when I
manually retagged a VA file, then did a rescan, that artist appeared in
the Artists list.  However, in an experiment I tried the clear library
and rescan everything option.  When I did that, the handful of files
that I had fixed manually no longer appeared in the Artists list!!!

I give up.


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[slim] Re: iTunes 7.2

2006-11-05 Thread Wirrunna

Good news, thanks slayaz and jmstipe. I'll install 6.5.1 as soon as I
get home.


Wirrunna's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=3225
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[slim] Re: To use squeezebox as a virtual sound device?

2006-11-05 Thread Manelus

I rip or download a file... simplest thing would be send the .cue file
or file itself to slimserver - tranporter and play it.
Now: move to 1TB music folder... rescan the entire folder... go to
slimserver and serch the one you have just added... All in all a long
I think we should be able to play it right from the Windows folder.
*Folder - Slimserver (no rescan) - transporter (or squeezebox)*


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[slim] Upgrade to 6.5, now unknown file format on all songs

2006-11-05 Thread cafewalter

I upgraded my SlimServer from 6.2 to 6.5.  Now, none of my music will
play.  The albums still show up (on the Squeezebox and also on the web
interface to the server), but none of the songs show up; and when I try
to play an album on the Squeezebox it says Unknown File Format.

The songs are all unprotected lossless AAC, encoded with iTunes.  They
all still show up fine on iTunes.  They used to work fine with 6.2

A complete rescan of the library did not change anything.

OS is WinXP SP2.  The log file appears to be empty; at least, if I view
http://localhost:9000/log.txt, all I see is a blank page.

Anybody got any ideas?


cafewalter's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=8359
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[slim] Re: To use squeezebox as a virtual sound device?

2006-11-05 Thread bpa

This is off topic from the OP but to play a single file you can use
Tune-in with the file:// prefix to the file name.  SS will add to the
database and play it.


bpa's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=1806
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[slim] Re: To use squeezebox as a virtual sound device?

2006-11-05 Thread smc2911

Manelus;152791 Wrote: 
 I think we should be able to play it right from the Windows folder.
 *Folder - Slimserver (no rescan) - transporter (or squeezebox)*
While you can't send the folder to the Slimserver, you certainly
don't have to do a rescan. You can use the Browse Music Folders to go
straight to the folder newly ripped music. That, incidentally, will add
the new tracks to the database along the way.


smc2911's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=4388
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[slim] Re: SB3 as base for wireless bridge?

2006-11-05 Thread azinck3

Thought about this a bit more and my original post was wrong...that
wouldn't work.  But I was close.  Don't set up your wrt54gl in client
bridge mode.  Just use AP mode.  Everything else I said should be
right.  I'm pretty sure that'll work.


azinck3's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=3967
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[slim] Re: Squeezbox skipping or just ending when playing FLAC

2006-11-05 Thread bephillips

I have this same problem. I assumed it was a bug in my beta-release
version (I haven't yet gotten around to upgrading to the official 6.5
release.) Maybe not.

There is this on bugzilla:


SlimServer Version: 6.5b1 - 9271 - Mac OS X 10.3.9 (7W98) - EN - utf8
Perl Version: v5.8.1 darwin-thread-multi-2level
MySQL Version: 5.0.22-standard

On a 400MHz G4 Mac with 704MB RAM

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[slim] Re: Squeezbox skipping or just ending when playing FLAC

2006-11-05 Thread Triode

Try checking that the server is running without interruptions - turn on
performance warnings and report back here if you see any warning
messages in the log:

Do the following from the web page:
1) Server and Network Health
2) Enable Performance Monitoring
3) Server Statistics
4) Go to the bottom of the page and enter 0.5 in the High box next to
set all and then press set all
5) Check the content of the log [see log link at top of Server
Statistics page]
6) Play some music until the problem occur and then check the log
7) Post here...


Triode's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=17
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[slim] Re: To use squeezebox as a virtual sound device?

2006-11-05 Thread cashman

Well, I love my SB3 too, however the only _wireless sound card_ I know
of is this


Apparently, it will play any audio the PC can play including DRM.


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[slim] Re: Robocopy help, please

2006-11-05 Thread Kyle

Yes, somehow the timestamps changed.  I just can't figure out how they
could have all changed.  I sure haven't retagged 5,000 songs.  I have
used the backup file to transfer all of my music files to a third hard
drive, also using Robocopy on my laptop computer.  Could such an
operation alter all timestamps at once?  If it's something I have done
wrong, I'd like to figure it out.  I don't want to jeopardize my files,
and it took several hours to overwrite them all.


Kyle's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=2541
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[slim] Re: To use squeezebox as a virtual sound device?

2006-11-05 Thread Wirrunna

Have a look at this page of a Sondigo Sirocco review -
It explains the buffer delay problems that would make the sound out of
sync with the video.


Wirrunna's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=3225
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[slim] Re: Upgrade to 6.5, now unknown file format on all songs

2006-11-05 Thread Wirrunna

I suspect it might be related to this -
http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=29338 . In which case
just load the latest 6.5.1 nightly and all will be fixed.


Wirrunna's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=3225
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[slim] Re: Squeezbox skipping or just ending when playing FLAC

2006-11-05 Thread ajmitchell

I get occassional stopped play and slim crashes with some naming (title)
issues that have been discussed many time previously. 6.5.0 appears
better but I think there are still issues (for example it does not like
ampersand ). To diagnose this try and spot the point of loss and repeat
that particular song.


Check out my other hobby http://ajmitchell.shutterpoint.com

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[slim] Re: Upgrade to 6.5, now unknown file format on all songs

2006-11-05 Thread cafewalter

Thanks, I'll give that a try.  I'm a little skeptical, though; I'm
running an old version of iTunes (and that has not changed).  So
there's no change to the files; the only change was upgrading


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[slim] Squeezebox + Amarok w/o using SlimServer?

2006-11-05 Thread roey


First off I'd like to say that I find the SqueezeBox a pleasure to use
(when it works).  I've been using it for a few months now and I've
definitely enjoyed the convenience of its remote control.  There are a
few things that *really* get to me, however, and as much as I've
searched around, I could not find a viable solution for them. 

- The SlimServer interface makes listening to music really frustrates
me.  I (personally) just want to brose my folders and play music from
them.  With SlimServer, I hit one impediment after another; I've posted
about these on separate threads, but essentially:

* I'm being unable to browse a directory if I've capitalized its
* it's slow (I think because it's trying to download the artwork, but
even I open a directory containing only directories, it's still slow to
return an HTML page). 
* it's got too many dependencies (mysql, perl, etc apparently
SlimServer's way too sensitive to API changes on their parts.
* it's ugly no matter which skin I put on it.  It's not that the
colors and fonts are ugly, it's the whole layout; a decent music player
like amarok nails it in my book where user-friendliness is concerned.

- The remote control's seek function doesn't work like a traditinal
one does:  I'd rather seek by pressing and holding the seek button, as
opposed to pressing it once to start the search and again to end it. 

- I haven't found a way to _disable_ displaying artwork for albums.  If
my Internet connection's hosed, then SlimServer will take ages timing
out waiting to download the artwork (and I don't know from where it's
downloading it, either.. I don't recall finding such a setting through
the SlimServer UI)
- Sometimes plops and squeaks pop up before a file starts (someone's
raised this issue in another thread).  For me, it sometimes happens in
the middle of file playback, too. 

So I just wanted to know how, short of coding something myself,  I can
control the SqueezeBox3 directly through Amarok (with remote control
support as well).  I really can't stand the SlimServer UI, and I don't
know how anyone else can.  

- Roey


roey's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=5735
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=29438

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[slim] Diagnosing Performance Issues - Wiki Page

2006-11-05 Thread Triode

Finally got round to starting a wiki page on how to use the Health
plugin to diagnose performance issues.  Please use and add to as you
see fit:




Triode's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=17
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=29439

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[slim] Re: Robocopy help, please

2006-11-05 Thread Dave2

Yes, somehow the timestamps changed. . . .

Are they all one hour off? See, e.g., http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/NTFS
(For historical reasons, the versions of Windows that do not support
NTFS all keep time internally as local zone time, and therefore so do
all file systems other than NTFS that are supported by current versions
of Windows. However, Windows NT and its descendants keep internal
timestamps as GMT/UTC and make the appropriate conversions for display
purposes. Therefore, NTFS timestamps are in GMT/UTC. This means that
when files are copied or moved between NTFS and non-NTFS partitions,
the OS needs to convert timestamps on the fly. But if some files are
moved when summer or daylight saving local time is in effect, and
other files are moved when winter or standard local time is in
effect, there can be some ambiguities in the conversions. As a result,
especially shortly after one of the days on which local zone time
changes, users may observe that some files have timestamps that are
incorrect by one hour.).


Dave2's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=1556
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=29417

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[slim] Re: To use squeezebox as a virtual sound device?

2006-11-05 Thread Manelus

smc2911;152798 Wrote: 
 While you can't send the folder to the Slimserver, you certainly don't
 have to do a rescan. You can use the Browse Music Folders to go straight
 to the folder newly ripped music. That, incidentally, will add the new
 tracks to the database along the way.

Thanks   :)


Manelus's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=8289
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=29402

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[slim] Re: To use squeezebox as a virtual sound device?

2006-11-05 Thread frui

Wow, such enlightening replies! I didn't know there are such and such
workarounds. I especailly like the tune in method. I will live with
Thanks a lot.
My problem is almost solved, yet I still think technically it would be
possible to write a virtual driver for squeezebox to make it appear as
a sound device under windows control panel.


frui's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=8347
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=29402

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[slim] Re: Rave about the new Transporter Remote

2006-11-05 Thread pc4ever1

Agreed, vast improvement over the old style remote.

However, I would like to have a setting to adjust the backlight time. I
would like to increase the backlight ON time.


pc4ever1's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=3836
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=29426

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RE: [slim] Re: Rave about the new Transporter Remote

2006-11-05 Thread Michael Haan

Ok. I couldn't get 6.5 to find my music. And 6.5.1 won't either. This is ridiculous. I specify the directory, the music is definitely there (easily found under other versions). What the H?Get the new Windows Live Messenger! Try it!
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[slim] Re: Upgraded router firmware - now SB3 can't find DHCP server

2006-11-05 Thread timba33

HELP !!!   Same thing happened to me with my Linksys WRTG54G v5.0  but
the newer 1.01.0  firmware fixed a VPN problem I have been having, and
I kinda would prefer to keep it.   

Squeezebox v3, Slimserver v6.5.0, firmware v64 on SB3.
SB3 says it can't find DHCP server, but when I check the router status
page, it does get assigned an IP address, must never complete the
process properly.   Basically won't go any further.  Doesn't work if I
connect it via hardwired ethernet either.  Same symptoms wireless or

I really hate to go back to the prior verion fw in the linksys, because
I have ton's of vpn disconnection problems with that.  This v5  router
has caused me lots of aggravation lately.


timba33's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=8369
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=29208

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[slim] Re: Nintendo DS Lite Browser as Interface

2006-11-05 Thread ThetaReactor

Why is everyone assuming that DS development is horribly expensive? 
Sure, commercial development is.  There is, however, a very thriving
homebrew community for the device.  The necessary hardware to run
custom apps can be had for well under a hundred bucks, and libraries
and tutorials abound.



ThetaReactor's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=8370
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=26107

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[slim] Re: A radio url is stuck as my playlist

2006-11-05 Thread notanatheist

Usually holding left will kill the playlist and disconnect from your
server. Try reconnecting afterward and see if anything changes.


notanatheist's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=2642
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=29375

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[slim] My Bad - Reposting. 6.5/6.5.1 do NOT work

2006-11-05 Thread Michael Haan

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]To: discuss@lists.slimdevices.comSubject: RE: [slim] Re: Rave about the new Transporter RemoteDate: Sun, 5 Nov 2006 23:23:50 -0500

Ok. I couldn't get 6.5 to find my music. And 6.5.1 won't either. This is ridiculous. I specify the directory, the music is definitely there (easily found under other versions). What the H?

Get the new Windows Live Messenger! Try it! Try the next generation of search with Windows LiveT Search today! Try it now!
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Re: [slim] Re: To use squeezebox as a virtual sound device?

2006-11-05 Thread Jack Coates

On 11/5/06, frui [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Wow, such enlightening replies! I didn't know there are such and such
workarounds. I especailly like the tune in method. I will live with
Thanks a lot.
My problem is almost solved, yet I still think technically it would be
possible to write a virtual driver for squeezebox to make it appear as
a sound device under windows control panel.

sure it would be possible, but then everyone would complain about the
lag between deleting a file and hearing your living room speakers go
I spent all me tin with the ladies drinking gin,
So across the Western ocean I must wander -- traditional
discuss mailing list

[slim] Re: Duplicate Albums

2006-11-05 Thread benthos

ceejay;152432 Wrote: 
 What OS? Which version of SS, exactly? What file type? If MP3, might
 you have both v1 and v2 tags? Do you have any playlists? Using iTunes?

OS = Windows XP

File types = 

flac - all flac tracks show up either two or three times - I can't see
any discernible difference between the ones that show 2 times and those
that show 3 times;

mp3 - mp3 tracks evidently only show up twice.  Almost all of my
recordings in flac have an .m3u file in their folder, but this is not
always the case with the mp3 recordings.  The mp3 files mostly have
both v1 and v2 tags.

ceejay;152432 Wrote: 
 One interesting (and easy) test would be to create a new music folder
 and just copy one or two albums into it. Make sure that you  don't have
 any playlists in play. Then point SS at that folder as its library, turn
 on some debugging flags (d_scan at least, you could also search the
 forum for other suggestions), do a full clear and rescan and see what
 happens (look in the log file which is accessible from the debugging

I don't really understand this.  I'm not technically adept when it
comes to things like debugging, I wouldn't even know where to start.


benthos's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=2556
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=27746

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Re: [slim] My Bad - Reposting. 6.5/6.5.1 do NOT work

2006-11-05 Thread Jack Coates


To: discuss@lists.slimdevices.com
Subject: RE: [slim] Re: Rave about the new Transporter Remote
Date: Sun, 5 Nov 2006 23:23:50 -0500

 Ok.  I couldn't get 6.5 to find my music.  And 6.5.1 won't either.  This is
ridiculous.  I specify the directory, the music is definitely there (easily
found under other versions).  What the H?

what does the log say? I bet it's informative.

Just guessing here, you're probably on Windows and trying to run it as
a service and trying to reach out to a network share of the music, and
in the upgrade you lost the authentication information. Or it could be
that you're on Mac and the Mac is in that really insanely great state
where it doesn't talk to wireless any more... or I don't know, maybe
the underwear gnomes stole your music and have sold it for a plastic
bottle of cheap whiskey. The log file won't tell you about the last
problem, but it might give you some hints about the first two.

I spent all me tin with the ladies drinking gin,
So across the Western ocean I must wander -- traditional
discuss mailing list

RE: [slim] My Bad - Reposting. 6.5/6.5.1 do NOT work

2006-11-05 Thread Michael Haan

Nope FC5 using thr RPM. Files are local and exist. Nothing in the log. Support seems to have given-up on this.

 Date: Sun, 5 Nov 2006 21:13:04 -0800 From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] To: discuss@lists.slimdevices.com Subject: Re: [slim] My Bad - Reposting. 6.5/6.5.1 do NOT work  ... From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  To: discuss@lists.slimdevices.com  Subject: RE: [slim] Re: Rave about the new Transporter Remote  Date: Sun, 5 Nov 2006 23:23:50 -0500   Ok. I couldn't get 6.5 to find my music. And 6.5.1 won't either. This is  ridiculous. I specify the directory, the music is definitely there (easily  found under other versions). What the H?  what does the log say? I bet it's informative.  Just guessing here, you're probably on Windows and trying to run it as a service and trying to reach out to a network share of the music, and in the upgrade you lost the authentication information. Or it could be that you're on Mac and the Mac is in that really insanely great state where it doesn't talk to wireless any more... or I don't know, maybe the underwear gnomes stole your music and have sold it for a plastic bottle of cheap whiskey. The log file won't tell you about the last problem, but it might give you some hints about the first two.  --  "I spent all me tin with the ladies drinking gin, So across the Western ocean I must wander" -- traditional ___ discuss mailing list discuss@lists.slimdevices.com http://lists.slimdevices.com/lists/listinfo/discussCall friends with PC-to-PC calling -- FREE Connect now!
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Re: [slim] My Bad - Reposting. 6.5/6.5.1 do NOT work

2006-11-05 Thread kdf

On 5-Nov-06, at 10:18 PM, Michael Haan wrote:

x-tad-biggerNope FC5 using thr RPM.  Files are local and exist.  Nothing in the log.  Support seems to have given-up on this./x-tad-bigger

x-tad-bigger > Date: Sun, 5 Nov 2006 21:13:04 -0800/x-tad-bigger
x-tad-bigger> From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]/x-tad-bigger
x-tad-bigger> To: discuss@lists.slimdevices.com/x-tad-bigger
x-tad-bigger> Subject: Re: [slim] My Bad - Reposting. 6.5/6.5.1 do NOT work/x-tad-bigger
x-tad-bigger> /x-tad-bigger
x-tad-bigger> ...> From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]/x-tad-bigger
x-tad-bigger> > To: discuss@lists.slimdevices.com/x-tad-bigger
x-tad-bigger> > Subject: RE: [slim] Re: Rave about the new Transporter Remote/x-tad-bigger
x-tad-bigger> > Date: Sun, 5 Nov 2006 23:23:50 -0500/x-tad-bigger
x-tad-bigger> >/x-tad-bigger
x-tad-bigger> > Ok. I couldn't get 6.5 to find my music. And 6.5.1 won't either. This is/x-tad-bigger
x-tad-bigger> > ridiculous. I specify the directory, the music is definitely there (easily/x-tad-bigger
x-tad-bigger> > found under other versions). What the H?/x-tad-bigger
x-tad-bigger> /x-tad-bigger
x-tad-bigger> what does the log say? I bet it's informative./x-tad-bigger
x-tad-bigger> /x-tad-bigger
x-tad-bigger> Just guessing here, you're probably on Windows and trying to run it as/x-tad-bigger
x-tad-bigger> a service and trying to reach out to a network share of the music, and/x-tad-bigger
x-tad-bigger> in the upgrade you lost the authentication information. Or it could be/x-tad-bigger
x-tad-bigger> that you're on Mac and the Mac is in that really insanely great state/x-tad-bigger
x-tad-bigger> where it doesn't talk to wireless any more... or I don't know, maybe/x-tad-bigger
x-tad-bigger> the underwear gnomes stole your music and have sold it for a plastic/x-tad-bigger
x-tad-bigger> bottle of cheap whiskey. The log file won't tell you about the last/x-tad-bigger
x-tad-bigger> problem, but it might give you some hints about the first two./x-tad-bigger
x-tad-bigger> /x-tad-bigger
x-tad-bigger> -- /x-tad-bigger
x-tad-bigger> I spent all me tin with the ladies drinking gin,/x-tad-bigger
x-tad-bigger> So across the Western ocean I must wander -- traditional/x-tad-bigger
x-tad-bigger> ___/x-tad-bigger
x-tad-bigger> discuss mailing list/x-tad-bigger
x-tad-bigger> discuss@lists.slimdevices.com/x-tad-bigger
x-tad-bigger> http://lists.slimdevices.com/lists/listinfo/discuss/x-tad-bigger

x-tad-biggerCall friends with PC-to-PC calling -- FREE /x-tad-biggerx-tad-biggerConnect now!/x-tad-biggerx-tad-bigger /x-tad-bigger___
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[slim] Help! Lost all access to Slimserver

2006-11-05 Thread MoodyDragon

I upgraded to 6.5 and am having no end of trouble. First, I can no
longer access the slimserver. Trying both http://localhost:9000 and
http://192.168.1.x:9000 (where x is the computer no), the internet
explorer will not load the page says failed to make connection.
Also, after that, slimserver will also stop To make it restart
requires me to reboot.

The good thing is that I can play and access my collection via the
slimdevice. But not via the web interface. So I can not make any
changes in the way slimserver is working.

Can you please help me... not sure what I did wrong:
Versions tried: 6.5 and 6.5.1
OS: Windows XP (no firewall)
I uninstalled the 6.5 and deleted the folder and reinstalled fresh. No

Thank you in advance!.


MoodyDragon's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=1868
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=29447

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[slim] Re: [EMAIL PROTECTED] down?

2006-11-05 Thread P�tur

bump bump bump


Alternative free open source firmware for your mp3 player -

Pétur's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=363
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