Re: [slim] Taking the plunge: Need advice on homemade SB

2014-09-15 Thread dafiend

I would consider taking the Android route. In my experience, you need to
tinker less that way. Just make sure the Android box has the connectors
you need. Adding peripherals such as USB audio devices can be a pain on
Android. (Sometimes, it can even be impossible if the device isn't

But then, you simply install the SB player app or the SqueezePlayer app
on the box and you're good to go. Of course, it wouldn't hurt to check
beforehand if the Android box you're getting is compatible with the
aforementioned apps. On the forums, both apps have their own dedicated

The alternative way to go is a small-board computer like the Raspberry
Pi. This gives you a lot of flexibility. With those, you can integrate
small LCD displays, hardware buttons, IR receivers, and many other
things. But the flexibility comes at a price. In my experience, things
won't just work out-of-the-box. You need to mess around with linux
distibutions, you may have to tinker with things such as buffer sizes,
and you may have to add a DAC. Particularly, in the case of a Raspberry
Pi, the on-board audio just isn't good enough for most applications.
Thus, usually, one needs to install and configure a DAC.

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Re: [slim] Android TV Sticks/Boxes as Squeezebox Replacement

2014-09-15 Thread wortgefecht

I had this little device lying around my place for some time now (picked
it up at a daily deal site some time ago): Archos 35 Home Connect:


It's basically a radio alarm clock running Android 2.2 and comes with
TuneIn Radio. Sound quality is fair, considered the size of the device.
I installed SqueezePlayer on it and it's now a part of my Squeezebox
setup playing in our guest bathroom.

|Filename: archos_home_connect.jpg  |

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Re: [slim] SqueezePlay for Windows with ASIO, DirectSound, WASAPI and WDMKS device support.

2014-09-15 Thread ralphy

lynniemagoo wrote: 
 Excellent work.  I now have a new Corei5 NUC with Intel HD Audio over
 HDMI running with both squeezeplayer and squeezelite. 
 What I am seeing is that for some flac files, I am having some dropouts
 in the FLAC playback at various locations - =100ms.  In the past, I
 have overcome this by extracting to WAV and reencoding with Flac 1.2.1. 
 These files also have 1000x1000 jacket pics inside them as tags.  When I
 first noticed this issue, Foobar reported a problem converting my FLAC
 file to WAV.  In the past, this has been an indicator of a problem. 
 However, today, I have no issues converting with Foobar to WAV. 
 So, several questions.  
 1) Is there anyone who has experienced such issues?
 2) Is there a FLAC 1.3.X version of the dll for the SqueezePlayer
 install that anyone could share? (I don't compilation environment to
 build the dll).
 3) Is there a FLAC 1.3.X version of SqueezeLite or does anyone know if
 it is on the roadmap?
 Technical Details and more information before anyone asks:
 1. Logitech Media Server 7.7.3 installed on ReadyNAS NV1100 with
 expanded memory.  Gigabit network - All music is on a USB 1.0 hard drive
 attached to the rear.  Have moved to different share and also to a
 dedicated PC running Media Server with no differing results.
 2. Intel NUC CoreI5 player Win7 x64 Pro, Gigabit network, 8MB RAM is
 running SqueezeLite from post #1 of this thread as a service.  I am also
 able to reproduce this problem running the SqueezePlay from the build in
 Post #1 of this thread.
 3. I don't currently have logs from any of the runs.  I have eliminated
 questions about buffering or jitter by using iPad and IPeng to back up
 the playback say, 20 seconds and listen to the same section of music
 over and over.  The jitters always occur in the same places.  
 4. Jacket pictures are embedded in the files and are 1000x1000 jpg or
 png images.  Same results occur if jacket pictures are removed.  
 5. I have tried converting to WAV and reencoding music with Flac 1.2.1
 and 1.3.0 with same results.  Interestingly enough, when flipped from
 1.3.0 to 1.2.1, 1 song was corrected but a hiccup was noted in another
 file (maybe it was there with 1.3.0 as well but did not check).
 I don't want to abandon this platform as I have tons of Lo Res CDs (over
 2000) that are indexed and managed through the server and played back on
 various Duet players throughout the household (I have 5 duet receivers
 and 2 controllers + iPad).
 I am open to recommendations as to how others manage hi-resolution
 content (up to 192KB) as I would like to have both Low and High Res
 content alongside one another without having to switch libraries,
 Looking forward to a reply here.
 Many thanks.

Have you tried setting/changing the USEPALATENCY environment variable as
described in post #1?

Also ensure you're running r417.


*1*-Touch, *4*-Classics, *2*-Booms, *1*-Reverted UE Radio
'Squeezebox client builds'
( 'donations'
always appreciated.

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Re: [slim] Android TV Sticks/Boxes as Squeezebox Replacement

2014-09-15 Thread castalla

wortgefecht wrote: 
 I had this little device lying around my place for some time now (picked
 it up at a daily deal site some time ago): Archos 35 Home Connect:
 It's basically a radio alarm clock running Android 2.2 and comes with
 TuneIn Radio. Sound quality is fair, considered the size of the device.
 I installed SqueezePlayer on it and it's now a part of my Squeezebox
 setup playing in our guest bathroom.

I thought it was a low-quality solutionn until the battery went flat and
it wouldn't boot from AC power - binned it.

Touch - Muse M50 EX TPA3123 T-Amp Mini - Acoustics Q10 speakers
Logitech Radio
Logitech UE Smart Radio
Raspberry Pi + Squeezeplug LMS + Squeezelite - Logitech Mini Boombox
speaker (mothballed)
Cubieboard + Debian 7 + LMS 7.8.1 + Squeezelite - Soundwave SW100
bluetooth speaker
O2 Joggler + SqpOS + Aune X2 T-amp + Mordaunt Short ms-3.40 speakers 
IBOX + Debian 7 + LMS 7.8.1 + Squeezelite - Logitech Mini Boombox
speaker - Soundwave SW100 bluetooth speaker

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Re: [slim] iPeng 8 Design Poll

2014-09-15 Thread pippin

A poll associated with this post was created, to vote and see the
results, please visit

Question: Do you want to see the status bar on iPhone 5, 5s and iTouch

- Yes, show me the status bar! 
- No, I prefer to have the clean screen. 
- I don't care

Hm, this result almost makes me thing whether I should even hide the
status bar on the bigger iPhones (6 and 6+)
Looks like a pretty clear hide it on iPhone 5/5s

learn more about iPeng, the iPhone and iPad remote for the Squeezebox
Logitech UE Smart Radio as well as iPeng Party, the free Party-App, 
*New: iPeng 7, the Universal App for iOS 7*

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Re: [slim] Taking the plunge: Need advice on homemade SB

2014-09-15 Thread Grumpy Bob

bigblackdog wrote: 
 Robert,  thinking of going down the raspberry pi, hifi berry dac route
 as well. What is the output quality like. 
 I haven't been able to find any user feedback on this.
 I am finding LMS 7.9 is the most solid it has ever been so don't want to
 use any other system.

Sounds pretty good to me. But of course you can always take USB output
to an existing DAC if you prefer that.


Touch  DacMagic 100  Naim Audio Nait 3  Mission 752 (plus Rega Planar
3 and Naim CD3)
2 x Squeezebox Radios, 1 X Squeezebox 3
SqueezePad, iPeng, Squeezeplay, piCorePlayer/HiFiBerry,
piCorePlayerDacMagic XS
QNAP TS-239, LMS 7.8

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Re: [slim] Android TV Sticks/Boxes as Squeezebox Replacement

2014-09-15 Thread wortgefecht

castalla wrote: 
 I thought it was a low-quality solutionn until the battery went flat and
 it wouldn't boot from AC power - binned it.

Strange, I never had any battery or power issues so far. But low-quality
it is, definitely. That's why it's located where it is ...

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Re: [slim] Android TV Sticks/Boxes as Squeezebox Replacement

2014-09-15 Thread castalla

wortgefecht wrote: 
 Strange, I never had any battery or power issues so far. But low-quality
 it is, definitely. That's why it's located where it is ...

A cheap android phone with a replaceable battery is a better option!

Touch - Muse M50 EX TPA3123 T-Amp Mini - Acoustics Q10 speakers
Logitech Radio
Logitech UE Smart Radio
Raspberry Pi + Squeezeplug LMS + Squeezelite - Logitech Mini Boombox
speaker (mothballed)
Cubieboard + Debian 7 + LMS 7.8.1 + Squeezelite - Soundwave SW100
bluetooth speaker
O2 Joggler + SqpOS + Aune X2 T-amp + Mordaunt Short ms-3.40 speakers 
IBOX + Debian 7 + LMS 7.8.1 + Squeezelite - Logitech Mini Boombox
speaker - Soundwave SW100 bluetooth speaker

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Re: [slim] Replacement system recommendations

2014-09-15 Thread atrocity

paulster wrote: 
 I used to use MOG, and now I use Spotify, so I'm a paid streaming
 service customer. I do know that Rhapsody is a problem, but there are
 perfectly viable alternatives that work just fine.

That's very good to know, thank you!

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Re: [slim] Replacement system recommendations

2014-09-15 Thread JonWill

philippe_44 wrote: 
 I've been a user of many SB devices (3 Boom, 4 radio, 4 receiver, 1
 Touch, 1 SB3 ...) I really love these devices, but I have to confess, at
 the risk of receiving tomatoes, that I've now added 2 Sonos:1, 1 Sonos:3
 and 1 Sonos:5 and I was able to have them reasonably intregrated with
 LMS system. LMS is still the center, but I the Sonos:5 acts as a gateway
 between the 2 systems using the SB Touch and, to my real surprise, the
 synchronization between the 2 system is absolutely perfect. I'm really
 amazed as there is no audible lag between the 2 and it can last for
 hours. Of course, I have to move to Sonos controller when I want to
 switch on/off the Sonos speakers, but at the end, this is a really good
 setting - I still love my SB system (still improving it :-))

I'd be interested i understanding how this works - do you point the
Sonos system to LMS for its music library?  And how does syncing work,
other than by trying to rpess play at the same time :)  If I could move
slowly over to a mixed economy that would be ideal ...

Main system: SB Touch, Arcam A85, Tannoy V4i speakers 
SB Classic into JVC R-1XL Stereo Receiver and JPW bookshelf speakers (an
Ebay/ Freecycle set up!)
SB Boom, Logitech Z4 subwoofer
SB Radio
LMS 7.8.0 running on WHS 2011 on a HP Prolaint Microserver
Orange Squeeze/ Squeeze Commander on Google Nexus 7 and HTC One

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Re: [slim] Taking the plunge: Need advice on homemade SB

2014-09-15 Thread aubuti

SlimChances wrote: 
 One of those devices connected to an inexpensive DAC and powered
 speakers may be all you need.
I haven't done substantive research on the available options, but for
this approach the AudioEngine 2+ self-powered speakers may be a good
ingredient. They include a USB connection and built-in DAC.

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Re: [slim] Taking the plunge: Need advice on homemade SB

2014-09-15 Thread dafiend

SlimChances wrote: 
 ** A device like the Raspberry Pi or Odroid (with Squeezelite
 installed)would I   have b/g/ *and n *wifi capability which must be
 better than the b/g capability of Squeezeboxes.
I noticed this comment only now.

The RPi may be not such a good choice if you need strong WiFi. The range
you get with the popular Edimax EW-7811UN is not great. Needless to say,
there are many other options. But they may be expensive or require a
powered hub. I love my Pis, but I think their value as a squeezebox
client is sometimes overstated. With extras like a DAC and WiFi, you end
up spending 80-90. But then you're reaching a price point there at which
more powerful alternatives exist.

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Re: [slim] Android Media Player as squeezebox replacement

2014-09-15 Thread jimbobvfr400

wortgefecht wrote: 
 LMS is imho an excellent choice for setting up a UPnP server on a linux
 box, not only for audio through Squeezebox devices, but for occasional
 video streaming to a tv set, too.

Agreed. My LMS (7.9 running on an o2 joggler that also doubles up as 1
of my players) Serves music to my small family of SB players, none of
them Logitech hardware anymore and also feeds a couple of DNLA devices
for music and movies.

For DNLA purposes it is slightly inconvenient having to do a scan every
time I add a new episode of a TV series I watch but not too onerous as
my tablet is always handy anyway.

Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk

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Re: [slim] Taking the plunge: Need advice on homemade SB

2014-09-15 Thread epoch1970

GeeJay wrote: 
 Sync is very important to me, as I frequently play the same music on
 multiple devices.
AFAIK you cannot get the same sync accuracy from a home-made SB compared
to a hardware player.
I can sync via ethernet 2 SB3s located 5 meter apart in the same room
for hours on end  and can't hear any drift or defect.
I have been synching ok 1 software player (squeezelite) and an SB3
playing in another room. Increased distance and volume difference
smoothe out small drifts.

iPeng as a software player is an extremely simple solution and offers a
nice user interface (and sync is not its forte --I don't think pippin
condones using sync on iPeng). 
I haven't used packaged distributions of squeezelite but I doubt any can
be as easy as iPeng. I do believe the right hardware/soft player combo
will yield superior results.

IMHO if super-accurate synching is critical, there is no substitute to a
good second-hand squeezebox (and not a Duet...)
My assessment of using soft players dates back a bit. I could be wrong.

4 SB 3 • iPeng (iPhone + iPad) • SqueezeLite • Squeezebox Server 7.8.1
(Debian 7.5)  with plugins: CD Player, WaveInput by bpa • IRBlaster by
Gwendesign (Felix) • Server Power Control by Gordon Harris • Smart Mix
by Michael Herger • PowerSave by Jason Holtzapple • Song Info, Song
Lyrics by Erland Isaksson • WeatherTime by Martin Rehfeld • ShairTunes
by StuartUSA • Local Player, BBC iPlayer, SwitchPlayer by Triode • Auto
Dim Display, SaverSwitcher, ContextMenu by Peter Watkins.

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Re: [slim] Taking the plunge: Need advice on homemade SB

2014-09-15 Thread garym

Synching has improved. Ipeng as a player syncs well for me.

*Location 1:* VortexBox 4TB (2.3)  LMS 7.8  Transporter, Touch, Boom,
Radio w/Battery (all ethernet except Radio)
*Location 2:* VBA 3TB (2.3)  LMS 7.8  Touch  Benchmark DAC I, Boom,
Radio w/Battery (all ethernet except Radio)
*Office:* Win7(64)  LMS 7.8  Squeezelite
*Spares:* several Touch, Radio, SB3
*Controllers:* iPhone4S  iPad2 (iPeng7  Squeezepad), CONTROLLER, or
SqueezePlay 7.8 on Win7(64) laptop
*Files:* ripping: dbpoweramp  FLAC; post-rip: mp3tag, PerfectTunes;
Streaming: Spotify

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Re: [slim] Taking the plunge: Need advice on homemade SB

2014-09-15 Thread GeeJay

The iPeng route has a lot of appeal.  I'm about to get a new iPhone, so
I could use my old one.  I seem to recall a thread devoted to using
iThingies as players, so perhaps I should go dig it up.

2-SB3s, 1-Duet, 1-Touch.  Mac Mini as a server.  iPeng is my controller
of choice.

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Re: [slim] Replacement system recommendations

2014-09-15 Thread GeeJay

philippe_44 wrote: 
 I've been a user of many SB devices (3 Boom, 4 radio, 4 receiver, 1
 Touch, 1 SB3 ...) I really love these devices, but I have to confess, at
 the risk of receiving tomatoes, that I've now added 2 Sonos:1, 1 Sonos:3
 and 1 Sonos:5 and I was able to have them reasonably intregrated with
 LMS system. LMS is still the center, but I the Sonos:5 acts as a gateway
 between the 2 systems using the SB Touch and, to my real surprise, the
 synchronization between the 2 system is absolutely perfect. I'm really
 amazed as there is no audible lag between the 2 and it can last for
 hours. Of course, I have to move to Sonos controller when I want to
 switch on/off the Sonos speakers, but at the end, this is a really good
 setting - I still love my SB system (still improving it :-))

This is interesting.  So LMS controls the Sonos units (outside of power
on/off)?  Are all the LMS plug-ins available?

2-SB3s, 1-Duet, 1-Touch.  Mac Mini as a server.  iPeng is my controller
of choice.

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Re: [slim] Replacement system recommendations

2014-09-15 Thread philippe_44

JonWill wrote: 
 I'd be interested i understanding how this works - do you point the
 Sonos system to LMS for its music library?  And how does syncing work,
 other than by trying to rpess play at the same time :)  If I could move
 slowly over to a mixed economy that would be ideal ...

It is at the same time more simple and less elegant :-) 

Sonos cannot point to LMS, they ignore each other. What Sonos does well
is distributing analog source connected to the line-in of any capable
device (a play:5 or a connect) to any other device in the Sonos system
and keeping them fully in sync. So it is as simple as connecting the
line-out of a SB3 or a Touch or a Receiver to any Sonos device with
Line-In. Then _that_ Squeezebox device becomes your bridge. In other
words, you have to always play on that SB device to be able to listen to
your music on the Sonos system. The Sonos is, to some extend, just used
as wireless speakers with enhanced synchronization capabilities. What is
amazing is that when I tried that, I was expecting the Sonos system to
delay the analog input to a few 100ms and have to delay all my
Squeezebox devices to take that into account, I was expecting awfull
jitter at all - well, not at all (and I've been using that for almost 2
years). There is no audible delay between an analog input of a Sonos
system and that same music forwarded to any other sonos devices - this
is just instant forward

So, what is played on my Sonos extensions is fully controlled by my
Squeezebox system (I use iPeng a lot, it is really a great piece of
software). The only time when I use the Sonos controller is to mute /
unmute / group Sonos speakers as, again, all the Sonos speakers appears
as one single entity to the SB system. But that's all. Of course, at
any time, you can ask the Sonos system to play something else than the
line-in of (eg) a Play:5. The Sonos system is pointing to the same
folder containing my music, so everything is as well available

Say you have 

Kitchen : Boombox
Dinner room : SB3 on amplifier speakers
Bedroom : Radio

you add Sonos devices
Dinner room : Play:5
Bedroom : 2xSonos:1

Connect line-out of SB3 to the Play:5 line-in using a Y connector

To play on the Sonos(Dinner) or Sonos(Bedroom), the caveat is that you
have to play on SB(Kitchen). On Sonos, configure it to re-play
Sonos(Dinner:LineIn) to Sonos(Bedroom) and/or Sonos(Dinner). Using your
prefered SB controller, then do what you used to do, and all speakers in
Bedroom will play in perfect sync, although they are a combo of Sonos
and Squeezebox. If you want to switch off Sonos(Dinner) or
Sonos(Bedroom), use the Sonos application on your preferred smartphone.
You can also dedicated an old Squeezebox receiver to be the bridge
between the system, not connected to any speaker - in that case, no
annoyance of having mandatory sound to be heard in one room to bridge to
Sonos. I feel it is a very smooth transition or a very good combo

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Re: [slim] SqueezePlay for Windows with ASIO, DirectSound, WASAPI and WDMKS device support.

2014-09-15 Thread lynniemagoo

ralphy wrote: 
 Have you tried setting/changing the USEPALATENCY environment variable as
 described in post #1?
 Also ensure you're running r417.

yes, i started with 86 and then dropped to 43.  i am a little unclear if
this setting is used with squeezelite or squeezeplay.  is this env var
used for the dll in this version?  i thought i had read from some
release notes that they were no longer used. i will give it another try
but the problem seems to occur for example at 1:10 in one flac file and
at for example 0:39 in another. furthermore, i can play a 192 KHz flac
file with no issues. my concern here is more about the version of flac i
am using or the version of mp3tag i have been using.

i will take the value up to 300 and try again. is there a magic number
or formula you would recommend?  

Thanks again for this version and for the quick reply. with regard to
this player, can you please confirm if an external dac might help this

i will up the value and post results.


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