Re: [slim] Itunes Genius how can I have it in my sueezebox

2010-02-18 Thread Jac

Thanks guys.  Music IP seems complicated. I am not techie enough for
this.As for saving my Genius in itunes and than  later (depending on
my refresh setting) having it appear in my squeezebox, this is a step in
the right direction, but it is not on the fly 

But what I ultimately want to do from my duet remote: when I listen to
a song, invoke the Genius functionality and within seconds have a
playlist created in squeezebox and available for play.  This feature is
simply magic when you have a large music base that is properly tagged.

I love my duet, but I am now using my itouch with itunes just to get
this functionality that I want badly in duet


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[slim] Itunes Genius how can I have it in my sueezebox

2010-02-17 Thread Jac

I have been using Itunes quit a lot in the last month and I must admit I
love the Genius function.  It is simple and it does what I want when I
just want to listen to certain type of music .  Now how can I have this
feature available with my home Squeezebox setup?  has anyone ever
thought of developing a plugin that would allow this?


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Re: [slim] user experience with 7.3.3 = worst

2009-07-03 Thread Jac


After 5 days of extensive using I can pretty much relate my 3 issues to
a faulty Linksys Router/switch/AP (Logitceh Quality Control not to be
blamed.this time :)).  My new Gateway is a Linksys WAG54G2.  Even
the intermittent Album artwork not being updated is now fineStrange?
but I am not complaining!!  So a dying router at the same time I
performed a Logitech update that fixed network issues.

On the network side I did not go static IP with my devices and remotes,
still DHCP.  I Will wait an see if it is stable the way it is now, if
not will change

A quick note on the performance. It is now fast!! darn fast.  By this I
mean the controller.  I am now browsing through my 1000 FLAC albums and
the artwork will follow when I am scrolling rapidly.  Only sometimes I
gat a fraction of a second delay for the artwork to appear.  This was
never achieved before.  So I am not sure what caused this increase.  I
saw a small difference when I went from Windows to Ubunto, but now is it
my new switch or 7.3.3?


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Re: [slim] user experience with 7.3.3 = worst

2009-06-29 Thread Jac


An update, this morning my Linksys (DSL/wireless/router) died on me. 
It would no longer connect DSL, DHCP went dead and I could no longer
access it via web browser.  The switching still seemed to work, so it
seems that the Linksys was close to the end.  
So..maybe..hopefully  this could be the cause of my intermittent
connectivity issues (23).  Now, why did this happen at the same time I
did an upgrade that addressed connectivity issues??

Anyways, I bought a new Linksys and everything is up and working.  So I
will have a better idea in the next days :)


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[slim] user experience with 7.3.3 = worst

2009-06-28 Thread Jac

In my struggle to get a stable setup with my duet (2 players) and
boombox I went a long way and made improvements. I now have a dedicated
Linux (Ubunto) music server.  every device is connecting to 1 access
point (vs 2AP in the past).  Music is 15 000 FLAC songs on 1000 albums
tagging has all been reviewed.

But since my upgrade to 7.3.3 things are going downhill, the problems
are frustrating and intermittent:

1. after a while my controller no longer shows the artwork of albums.  
Everything is still working, I can choose, play, stop music.  It will
show some of the album artwork, but it just seems to stop updating as I
scroll.  The only way to fix is to shutdown and restart the controller,
and one day later problem comes back.

2. It has been 2 days that my boombox will stop playing in the middle
of a song and say it has a network problem...never had that with 7.2 
and 7.3.2

3. I am getting some skip in music and the controller reconnects much
more often.  This happened only twice in a week, but I don not recall
this happening in the past.

There are 4 of us who decided to go digital with our music. We are
living in Dubai UAE so we ordered online since the audio dealers here
does not carry the duet, but some general electronic store will sell the
Boom?? figure that one out!  

I am the one who is tagged the tech gech.  So for 3 of us I got the
Logitech duet, and for the one who knows nothing of computers (but made
a hell allot more money in Real Estate!) I ordered him the Sonos

Now here is my dilemma. I am starting to wonder if I will ever see a
stable version of Logitech.  I am really sorry to say this, but after
1.5 years of a product I should not be having the problems above.  Now
not to get me wrong. The 3 of us who got the Logitech love it,
but.if the reliability does not improve, soon,  as much as I hate to
say it, I am starting to consider to move to either a Sonos or Itune
with Itouch as my main system (that would mean converting my FLACS). 
For the new players such as the new Sony they will need to prove to be
reliable before.

Now  How do I downgrade to 7.3.2 ?


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Re: [slim] Which OS for rock solid stability

2009-03-17 Thread Jac

Thanks, I will be switching from Vista to Ubuntu and dedicate the
machine for squeezecenter. I have seen it on a friends laptop and I
must admit it is impressive.  Furthermore I will be able to remote
access from my Mac with the built in VNC in Leopard.   I hope it will
resolve my issue #1 which is stability.  

Since you switched have you noticed if accessing squeezcenter through a
browser is faster.  Or should I be expecting the same response time as
on Vista/XP which is OK.  I never understood why it is not faster:
dedicated lan, 100Mbps speeds,  performing machines. should give
fast response when using a browser?? and I have tried various browsers
from MAC and PC and all give similar response, so I can only blame my
squeezecenter on my Vista PC


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Re: [slim] Which OS for rock solid stability

2009-03-15 Thread Jac


Thanks for the comments

There seems to be mixed opinions about the having 2 AP with same SSID. 
I often see my duet remote reconnecting to the AP as I often travel with
the remote where it probably connects  looses signal from one of the AP
and connects to the other one.  Hmmm I think I will try to rename one of
them and manually connect my remote when needed to change AP.  for the
rest of my network it is very simple.  the server is cabled to my
router and the players are wireless with strong signal.

For the server I am tempted to go Linux.  I am no Linux gouru, but I
know it is more stable.  I just want to have my music server and forget
about it.  Again looking for an easy istall and setup.  However I am
really puzzled as to why when everything slows down in Vista: 
occasionaly the CPU utilization % goes up and it is the squeezecenter
that is indicating the high cpu.  I seem to notice a pattern that this
slowdown occurs when I do a search (artisist or song name) and try to
play music from my search.  In other words when I browse from albums
things seem to run fine.  Maybe that explains why it crashes more when
I have friends over as they will tend to do some searches


Someone asked how my music is structured.  My FLACs are all album with
sub folders artist - album.  for compilations they are under various
artist folder -album.  I spent quit a bit of time on tags as we are 4
friends who ripped the music and all we keep are artists,album,


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[slim] Which OS for rock solid stability

2009-03-14 Thread Jac


I have now had my duet for a while now but I am to the point of giving
up as I cannot get it to be stable to the point I would want it to be. 
I have dedicated a PC (Pentium 4 at 3 Ghz running Vista) .  The only
other program running is windows MS Mediacenter which is connected to a
TV used for DVDs.  I have over 1000 albums (21000 titles) in FLAC on a
USB 1 TByte WD drive

By being stable I mean 90 % of the time it is fine, but every once in a
while for no obvious reason the response gets very slow when browsing
for music.  In other instances the music can take up to 10 seconds to
start.  Sometimes it will be fine after 15 minutes or so, or in other
cases the only way to get everything back right is to restart
everything, from the PC to resetting the remote.  I have now started to
look at CPU utilization, and have noticed that when it slows down it is
the squeezcenter program that is running at over 50% CPU. 

I am also running my WIFI with 2 Access points with the same name,
since I have a large area to cover.

Who can recommend the simplest setup where there would be no (very very
low)  risk of the this anoying hickup to occasionaly happen.  Is
squeezecenter more stable on LINUX?  or maybe on MAC. It would be a
pity and $$ to dedicate a MAC.  Can it be Vista? I have rebuilt the PC
and the only 3rd party application is squeexebox.   My WIFI network has
been running fine for 2 years and I do not want change it, but could it
be the 2 Access Points (with same SSID name) that cause this?  I had
thought of setting it independentaly usng the players WIFI, but this
makes me loose access from my boombox, and I loose the range I need.

If anyone has every had such issue and managed to resolve some help
would really really really be appreciated!!

..Especially the last 2 times in a week that it crashed was when I
had over 30 guests in the house, and the last thing I wanted to be
doing is resetting everything to get the music back



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Re: [slim] iPeng Application 1.0 now on the App Store

2008-12-01 Thread Jac

Hi Pippin,

Thanks for the great application.  I love it and I am using more and
more. ButIn my day to day usage it has one small feature that I
have got used to on the duet remote that I do not see in Ipeng.  On my
duet controller when I tap on Albums I have the Albums sorted by Artist
name and than Album name.  This is an option I can select on the duet.
On Ipeng it is by default sorted by album name and than by artist.  

I know that I could go in Artists and find my albums there, or do a
search.  But my library is large and I have many songs as standalone
mixed with my albums.  For someone who has been for years used to have
his cd s sorted this way, or even when I go to buy CDs they are sorted
by artist, it makes my searching different from the duet to Ipeng.

Soplease, in order to make this planet a better place to live and
listen to music with Ipeng it would be a great to have an initial
option setting of sorting Albums either by Artist name or Album name :)


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Re: [slim] iPeng Application 1.0 now on the App Store

2008-12-01 Thread Jac

pippin;365215 Wrote: 
 It is there!
 Artists-All Albums 
 will give you exactly what you want.

Aahhh. I had missed out on that... Ah but wait a minutenow that I
tried it I am noticing that it is not sorting my compilations the same
way as it is on my duet controller.  On the Duet if I have multiple
artists on an album it will display as various artist.  In Ipeng it
takes one of the artist name.  But on a few case I notice that Ipeng
will display various artist for some compilations.  This smells like
a long evening fixing my tags.  I suspect that I need to but an album
artist as various Artist if I want to display various artist for all my

That being said I would still like to see an Album sort method as a
setting feature when I tap Album:)
- Album
- Artist, year,Album
- Artist,Album

The reason I would want to is to keep it consistent with the Duet
Controller.  But I am sure that this is where we can get different
opinions, depending on different preferences.  In my case it is clear
that the more it is in line with the duet controller the happier I am


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[slim] music folders slow

2008-06-28 Thread Jac

I am using Squeezecenter with a duet setup.  In general browsing the
library through artist and album runs fine.  But when going with the
music library it is very slow.  Basically I have created 2 directories
in my library directory.  One of the has all my FLAC albums with one
sub directory per album and the other directory contains all of my 6000
MP3 (no subdirectory).  When I acces my FLAC directory no problem
(probably because it has all the subdirectories??).  But when I accsss
my MP3 it is very slow in squeezecenter, and on my duet controller it
is worse as it will eventually timeout and restart the controller after
one minute of waiting.  I cleaned my tags to the simplest it can be
(only the title and artist.  no art, album, etc...).  I called support
and they made me try a few things which did not really help.  

I am not sure if it is a bug or my music files as these filled had no
problems with other players WMP, itune,winamp..  anyone have a suestion


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Re: [slim] music folders slow

2008-06-28 Thread Jac

mherger;315573 Wrote: 
  in my library directory.  One of the has all my FLAC albums with one
  Correct. In the case of the MP3 files it has to analyze 6000 tracks
 displaying the list.
 I thought that this was done only once, which is when I scanned the
 library.  there must be a more efficient way to list the 6000 files
 without it taking 30 seconds.  Furthermore it only displays 50 at a
 time on squeezecenter
  mherger;315573 Wrote: 
   in my library directory.  One of the has all my FLAC albums with one
   You better get your collection organized. Having thousands of files
  in one 
   folder is asking for trouble.
  Actually my FLACS are well structured. But for my 6000 MP3 I even
  removed album picture so I can quickly see if it is FLAC or MP3.   
  Then how would one organize 6000 various titles.  I figured that having
  them in one flat folder and list by filename (artist-title.mp3) was a
  way to to it, but seems that by design Squeezebox will not do it


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Re: [slim] music folders slow

2008-06-28 Thread Jac

Thanks for the comments.  I guess I need to do some changes.  But the
thing is I do not want to mix my 6000 MP3 with My ripped FLAC. I also
dont want to do a cleanup of my MP3, it took me long enough to clean
the 500 FLAC albums with the artwork and all.

So it seems that I will need to break my MP3 in sub folders.  I wonder
if 500 files is OK, that would make it to 6 sub folders.  I also
noticed with this setup that with my duet controler when I browse in
albums it has created a No Album icon with Various Artists, and in
there are my 6000 MP3 (because I removed all album tags).  If I dare
click on that icon I also get very slow response and freezing up to the
point where the music will start cutting off.  There is something
happening that slimbox does not like, I m not sure that creating my sub
folders will really help.  Anyone else getting the same response??



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