Re: [slim] More reasons to love DRM

2008-04-24 Thread Timothy Stockman

Eric Seaberg;294940 Wrote: 
 up to 8-channels of interleved audio.  I don't think FLAC can do that.
I've only used FLAC for 1 and 2 channel applications so far, but it
claims to handle up to 8 channels.  I'll be interested if I pick up the
Classic Records Everest 35 mm mastered 3.0 Bert Whyte recordings.  Not
sure which player is best for multi-channel FLAC.

I have used FLAC at sample rates of 44.1, 48, 96 and 192 KHz.  The only
problem I've encountered so far is that it can't calculate ReplayGain
above 48 KHz.  My work-around is encoding a down-sampled copy at 48 KHz
and copying the ReplayGain tags to the 96 or 192 KHz original.

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Re: [slim] can SB do lossless FLAC 5.1?

2008-04-24 Thread Timothy Stockman

radish;295215 Wrote: 
 Huh? The majors haven't sold anything analog in years...and if you look
 at the world of video the copyright holders are forcing a move away
 from analog (component) to digital (hdmi) in order to add DRM.
I think Pat's referring to post-CD digital formats such as SACD and
DVD-A.  If I understand correctly, Sony mandated that no consumer SACD
player would output an unencrypted digital signal.  And DVD-A defines a
down-sampled unencrypted digital output.  All ways the industry
attempts to keep the digital information locked up on the disc and give
you access to only an analog output.

The average consumer seems quite content to live with analog
interconnection.  Since consumers, by and large, aren't asking for it,
and the industry doesn't seem to want it anyway, I think the
motivations are AGAINST developing and/or deploying multichannel
digital interconnection.  HDMI *may* continue to gain ground, not
because it's digital, but because it eliminates to rats-nest of analog

So far as DRM, the only legitimate thorn in the industry's side is
consumer's desires to rip content for their iPods.  Apple has so far
been somewhat successful at putting their fingers in the DRM dike with
the tight integration of the ITMS, so DRM concerns are handled
automagically.  But market forces, such as Amazon's non-DRM MP3's,
Micrsoft turning off the plays for sure authorization servers, and
the number of people who have non-Apple MP3 players are starting to
breach the industry's DRM dike.  However, I'll be surprised if this
has any effect on multichannel and/or HiRes DRM anytime soon...

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Re: [slim] More reasons to love DRM

2008-04-23 Thread Timothy Stockman

The problem with Apple iTunes:  the latest version does not install on
W2000.  It's likely I'll never use a version past W2000; I've been
moving to Ubuntu linux!  In reality, Micro$oft DEPENDS on the fact that
they can use incompatibility to FORCE you to upgrade, so they are
definitely full of it when they do something like stop supporting DRM
servers and tell you that you have to authorize a computer forever.

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Re: [slim] can SB do lossless FLAC 5.1?

2008-04-23 Thread Timothy Stockman

atrocity;294724 Wrote: 
 Even if the hardware could deal with the signal, there's no way to
 output it:  S/PDIF lacks the necessary bandwidth.
True, the S/PDIF standard does not define 5.1, however Alesis is able
to pack 8 channels (24 bit X 48 Khz) of uncompressed audio onto Toslink
(they call it lightpipe).  A consumer standard IS possible, but given
the mood of the industry, not very probable in the near future.

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Re: [slim] New York Times Article on Digital Music

2008-02-21 Thread Timothy Stockman

jfalk;271558 Wrote: 
 Not to say that this guys experience is common, he seems to have
 rejected the Slim solution only because commercial services to convert
 CDs are too expensive.
This problem will eventually work itself out.  In the future, CD will
not be the delivery vehicle.  IMHO the iTunes music store is one reason
the iPod is popular, you can buy the music ready to go, no ripping
required.  I just hope that FLAC (or some lossless) becomes popular
before CDs go extinct.  There are several problems which must be worked
out before music-on-the-hard-drive, be it Slimserver, Itunes/iPod or
another solution is ready for prime time.  Besides ditribution, there's
tagging.  The wide variations in online tag databases with popular
music, not to mention that the tagging schemes are do not really handle
classical all that well, and with FLAC only the most basic tags have
been de-facto standardized, these are other problems which need to be
dealt with.  And there's the problem of what to do with gapless
playback.  And, while this is mainly a problem for audiophiles, how to
handle various resolutions of source material on various playback

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Re: [slim] Why Squeezebox sucks...

2008-02-09 Thread Timothy Stockman

Seems to me that an undo feature to get back playlists accidentally
wiped out would satisfy both groups.  Those who want to use it can. 
Those who don't want to use it can kick themselves for accidentally
clearing their playlist.  And it won't get it anyone's way...

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[slim] softsqueeze on ubuntu

2008-02-03 Thread Timothy Stockman

I haven't had much luck running softsqueeze on my new linux system... 
Firefox doesn't seem to know what to do with a JNLP file, nor does it
let a user add to it's list of file types.

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Re: [slim] MP3 stream error syncing to stream

2008-01-25 Thread Timothy Stockman

bobharp;262458 Wrote: 
 Ubuntu/Debian users.  Make sure you have lame installed.
That was it!  Apparently, the Debian SqueezeCenter apt-get is missing
the lame dependancy.  I did an apt-get install lame and it's
streaming OK now.  It took a while to verify that it was working
end-to-end; there was over 2 minutes of buffering somewhere in the
stream (probably Windows Media Player) so WMP was playing silence for a
long time after SC said it was actually streaming the first track. 
Right now WMP Network Buffering is set to Use default; maybe I should
set it manually when using SC on a local connection.  Not a problem now
I know it working, though.

With all that got loaded automatically with SqueezeCenter, it never
occurred to me to check if something was missing.  Thanks for the tip!

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[slim] MP3 stream error syncing to stream

2008-01-24 Thread Timothy Stockman

I get this error from Winamp (on my Windows machine) when I try to
connect to SqueezeCenter on my new linux box.  Running SqueezeCenter
Version: 7.0 - 16678 - Debian - EN - iso-8859-1 on Ubuntu Gusty...  Is
this a known bug with the beta SqueezeCenter?

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Re: [slim] MP3 stream error syncing to stream

2008-01-24 Thread Timothy Stockman

Thanks for the quick response...

Timothy Stockman

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Re: [slim] Announcing the Squeezebox Duet

2008-01-06 Thread Timothy Stockman

mvalera;254681 Wrote: 
 Some really really big pics for those who want them (The LCD is
Good choice of music!

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Re: [slim] Legality question... boo... hiss......

2007-07-05 Thread Timothy Stockman

JimC;212519 Wrote: 
 It's not the RIAA, it's Congress, and no one cares about the CD.  The CD
 merely represents the license you have to listen to the music you
 purchased on that medium.  When you purchase music online, with or
 without DRM, the file represents the license granted to you by the
 copyright holder.
OK, it's Congress at the behest of the RIAA.  The RIAA, for the most
part, claims to represent the copyright holder's interests before

To be more explicit about the token that represents one's license to
use the copyrighted work, the stamped CD, LP or pre-recorded tape is
that token.  In the case of DRM downloads, a virtual token is generated
to represent the listener's playback device(s) and is stored in the DRM
provider's database.  The file itself is not the token, just as a
burned copy of the CD or a home-recorded cassette is not the token,
since they are easily duplicated by the listener.  With non-DRM
downloads there is no token; there is only the receipt the seller and
buyer keep of the purchase.  If you resell a non-DRM download, unlike
with a used CD or a book, there is no token that can pass to the buyer
(at least that I'm aware of) to indicate that he has assumed the

You're right that we have always been on the honor system to erase all
copies when we sold the token.  But, with non-DRM downloads we're
REALLY on the honor system, because so far as I can see, there's no way
for the copyright holders to even know who, other than the original
purchaser, owns the token that represents the license.

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Re: [slim] Legality question... boo... hiss......

2007-07-05 Thread Timothy Stockman

JimC;212637 Wrote: 
 Actually, the tracks sold on the Apple iTunes Music Store have at the
 username and e-mail address of the purchaser embedded in them (this is
 for -both- DRM and non-DRM tracks).  You can see part of the story
 The EFF speculates that additional copies of that information, or other
 unique identifiers, may also have been embedded in the file.  I've yet
 to find confirmation that has been done, but it is technically feasible
 to do that.
 Apparently, Apple is using the trust, but verify version of the honor
 system.  Being a parent of three children, I'm rather familiar with that
 -= Jim
Yes, I know that.  Unfortunately only one of my 100 or so iTunes tracks
is upgradable, so far. :(

However, as I was trying to point out, the embedded information is not
a token that can be passed on as is a physical CD, or even as a virtual
token when one deauthorizes/reauthorizes computers to the DRM provider. 
The embedded information can only identify the initial purchaser, not
the current owner of the license.  Maybe part of the downloading model
is that, unlike with CDs, one is not ever allowed to resell his
downloads; that once downloaded, they are his in perpetuity.

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Re: [slim] Legality question... boo... hiss......

2007-07-04 Thread Timothy Stockman

Apparently the RIAA, at least as demonstrated by their actions, feels
that one has to have the CD in their possesion to be allowed to play
the sounds from that CD.  XM Satellite Radio has a huge hard disk music
library and they made an explicit agreement with the RIAA to broadcast
the music over their satellites.  Interestingly enough, the RIAA
agreement requires XM to store all the physical CDs, even though XM
pays the RIAA when they air them, anyway.  (I don't remember normal
radio stations being under that restriction from my days in radio.)  I
guess the RIAA wants to be able to point to XM as an example that they
expect us to retain all of our CDs.

It gets interesting when one gets to the area of legal downloads,
especially DRM-free.  One pays for the download and ends up with a file
on their hard drive, but no physical token like the CD.  I guess more
progressive recording types realize that, for most intents, we're on
the honor system anyway these days.

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