[slim] Display Issue, slow dimming after power on

2011-12-18 Thread ToddSTS

Hey guys,

So after resurrecting my precious Redwine Modded SB3 a few months ago
using a reclaimed daughterboard from Ebay, now when I turn on the
device the display isn't as bright at the beginning as it should be and
then the longer you leave it on the dimmer it gets until you can't see
it in a dark room. The audio/playback still works, but occasionally has
issues restarting after a pause (white noise plays instead). Has anyone
run into this before? I'm thinking maybe a capacitor in the power
circuit of the display is bad or something. I've done a factory and
xilinx reset, the issue still persists. Any tips would be appreciated.

I posted this originally in the DIY forum, but no one seemed to know.
So I'm asking here for the wider audience.




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Re: [slim] Dead SB3 - PSU or SB3 Itself?

2011-09-03 Thread ToddSTS

Try to pull the wireless card out, this requires opening the SB3.  Then
give it power.  This worked for a 'broken' one I got off ebay.  Works
fine, just no wireless.



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Re: [slim] SB3 bricked? (perpetual reboot)

2010-04-11 Thread ToddSTS

I've scoured the board(s) for any signs of blown capacitors and can't
find any.  The only burnt looking soldering is around the IR receiver
and that still works cause it will interrupt the repeating start up
sequence if I press any buttons on the remote.

One thing I did notice as the sequence perpetually runs, sometimes
right before the logos cross the screen the Toslink gets
brighter...sometimes it goes out for a split second. Interesting that
its not behaving exactly the same every time.  Any clues from that?




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Re: [slim] SB3 bricked? (perpetual reboot)

2010-03-31 Thread ToddSTS

I yanked the wireless card's "daughter board" and applied
powernothing, not even the Toslink lights up.  When I put the board
back in the same behavior repeatsLogitech logo.Squeezebox
logo.blank...Logitech logo...etc. ad

I asked the Logitech support email guy if they would sell me the parts
to fix it since its out of warranty, when he mentioned it may be a
memory module.  I would like to buy a new wireless daughter board just
to see if that would fix it and I'm wondering if that my be what he
referred to as the memory module.

We shall see what they say.

Suggestions welcome.



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Re: [slim] SB3 bricked? (perpetual reboot)

2010-03-31 Thread ToddSTS

So I sent a support request to Logitech and they wrote back:

"It sounds like device has a damaged memory module. Do you have a proof
of purchase? You may still be under warranty for this particular

I bought it back in 2005 so there's no way I'm under warrantybut
does anyone know enough about the squeezebox3 to point me towards the
memory module.  I'm not completely inept with a soldering iron and a
digikey catalog.  I figure what do I have to lose as it doesn't work at




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Re: [slim] SB3 bricked? (perpetual reboot)

2010-03-28 Thread ToddSTS

Add me to the list of lucky people with this problem.  I went away for a
week, when I came back my SB3 does this.  Tried the factory reset, nada,
same behaviour as above. I will bust out the Torx bits and see if I can
get the wireless card out.  My SB3 was bought way back in late 2005. It
has worked flawlessly till now.  It appears to be a network interface
issue of some kind since when I link it directly to my router the link
light comes on with the logs and then goes out, until it resets again. 
The Toslink light stays on the whole time as long as there is power.
Strange.  Oh and I never had the mid-song reboot...went from perfect to
brick.  Has anyone solved this issue?




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Re: [slim] eBay Warning - demo units

2008-07-24 Thread ToddSTS

Actually mine has a label on it. This is the pic from the auction.  You
can see where there might have been a label over the MAC one but it has
been removed, there are a few spots where it looks like the surface of
the label is pulled up from having another label pulled off of it.  The
previous thread had mentioned that it should have a "Demo - not for
resale" label on it.  But mine didn't have one.  I linked the ebay
seller to this thread and he says he will refund my money.  So that's a
plus.  The thing looks identical to my old SB3 except it has the darker
metallic faceplate and the Logitech logo on it. So again, confirm the
startup messages on the screen before taking the plunge on ebay.


|Filename: squeezebox.JPG   |
|Download: http://forums.slimdevices.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=5512|


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Re: [slim] eBay Warning - demo units

2008-07-24 Thread ToddSTS

Well, I guess I don't know for sure.  But when you plug it in, it phones
home to  the SqueezeNetwork and says its downloading firmware.  Then the
screen goes blank (after you disconnect the cat5, which is what it tells
you to do). When I pulled the power and plugged it back in (after
waiting 30 mins), it does the same thing again.  It won't respond to
the IR remote at all and I don't know any other way to re-flash it.  If
you have any suggestions I'm all ears.



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[slim] eBay Warning - demo units

2008-07-24 Thread ToddSTS

Just an advisory to anyone looking on ebay for good deals on used

I bought one last week advertised as being in working condition.  And
it does work, sort of.  It's a demo unit. It powers up when you plug it
in, but all it does is run a demo from the firmware.  It can't function
as a regular unit, won't respond to the remote and apparently can't be
re-flashed to a regular unit. Again, the ebay reseller may not realize
that it isn't functioning normally because it powers up, the Toslink
lights up and the screen works, shows the logo etc. This has happened
to at least one other person on this forum (search for 'starting demo')
to find that thread. So if you do try to get a good deal on ebay you may
want to make sure with the seller that it doesn't display 'starting
demo' when they plug it in.




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[slim] Moving SqueezeCenter from Windows to Linux = Speedier

2008-04-19 Thread ToddSTS

This may be a big "no sh*t Sherlock" item for some, but I figured I
would post my experience on switching my SqueezeCenter installation
from Windows 2000 to Ubuntu Server 7.10 on the same hardware.

_Bottom_Line_Up_Front:_ The web interface is snappier, it's faster on
scanning, and on starting a song when I press 'play'.  My library is
5300 songs mostly FLAC.

Difficulty Level: Based on your experienceif you're un-familiar
with Linux there is a bit of a learning curve.

Hardware: SqueezeCenter runs on a Dell Inspiron 5000, circa 2000
(that's right, 8 years old!), Pentium III 650mhz, 1GB Ram. Music is on
a Buffalo Linkstation HG-HDLAN300.

I went with this hardware config because 1) I already had it 2) It is
low-power. I was running a minimal installation of Windows 2000, ie no
fluf, just the OS and some security software (gotta love windows).  The
laptop is also a printer server for the house.  *NOTE:* Getting *my*
printer to work in Linux was a major PITA but its a special case
(HPLaserJet 1000). I decided to try linux because the SqueezeCenter
interface with Windows was just slow (on my hardware) and I figured I'd
give it a try before breaking down and buying new hardware. In other
words I'm a cheap bastard.

I had played with Debian and Ubuntu before so I wasn't a total Linux
noob, but pretty close.  Setting up Ubuntu Server was easy, as was
SqueezeCenter, I just downloaded the CD image from ubuntu, ran it, and
followed the instructions on the Slim Devices website under the Linux
download page.  Note: if you aren't a little comfortable with using the
command line in Linux you would need to download the ubuntu-desktop
package after installing, I didn't want to use any more resources than
necessary so I didn't do this.  I used pico instead of vi to edit text
files, this or nano lower the learning curve (I hate the vi text

Obstacles: Getting Ubuntu and my Linkstation to play nicely required a
bit of research on Google but again its not too bad.  This link worked
for me:

The biggest pain was not SqueezeCenter but getting my Printer up and
running in Linux.  Apparently the HP LaserJet1000 needs to have its
firmware loaded by the driver everynow and then.  This is abnormal and
it took a bit of research and trial and error to get it working, much
to the distress of my wife who suggested I marry the computer since I
spent all my time on it.  :D

But its all working now!!  It's faster AND I don't have the permission
problems on printing I was having under windows.  Yay!


(yes I posted this in AudioCircle for anyone who goes there too)


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Re: [slim] Rumor: Microsoft to buy Logitech?!

2008-01-16 Thread ToddSTS

crooner;259176 Wrote: 
> Exactly
> Microsoft killed HDCD. And what a shame since its a terrific format.

I think the market was more responsible for killing HDCD along with
'mostly dead' SACD and DVD-Audio.  People want their compressed audio
online from iTunes, Amazon, wherever.  They don't know/care about the
sound quality difference.  Online music will kill off the CD and now
Apple TV (and the like) will kill off the DVD/HD-DVD/Blu-Ray.  It's the
way of things.  The convenience/quality trade-off is just too tempting
for most folks.  

Just my opinion,



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[slim] Re: SlimServer 6.2.1 never starts

2006-01-12 Thread ToddSTS

Reinstall Slimserver.  I had the same problem and this worked for me. 
Don't really know why.



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