Re: [slim] Another duet setup problem...

2008-03-26 Thread andreas-ber

The thread at
describes the same problem. 

The receiver seems to have connectivity problems with encrypted
wireless networks. 

So I will try next what is recommended there. Luckily I am quite
experienced with networking. 

However, Logitech should be aware that this matter could make many
customers very unhappy even though the product is basically a great


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Re: [slim] Another duet setup problem...

2008-03-23 Thread andreas-ber

i have two different subnets for security reasons. one subnet is for lan
access and one for wlan access. even though my squeezebox 2 has no
problems with this setup, i will do a test on one subnet. an additional
ethernet connection to the receiver doesn't seem to help.


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[slim] Another duet setup problem...

2008-03-22 Thread andreas-ber

The duet is a great combination, but setup really seems to be tricky to
unreliable at this point. Here is what I am dealing with:

Connects to WLAN
Gets IP from DHCP
Replies to Pings
Connects to Squeezebox 2 in the network
Displays the presence of my new Receiver upon setup
BUT: Does not connect to Receiver

Gets IP from DHCP
Replies to Pings
But: Does not react to Controller, LED turns blue after some time of
red blinking

The latter happens with or without an additional ethernet connection.
Controller and receiver simply won't connect even though the networkl
connection seems to be OK.

I have no idea anymore what to do. Any hints?

Happy Easter to anyone out here!



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Re: [slim] Multi-home squeezebox? Can it use both wi-fi and ethernet at same time?

2006-09-30 Thread andreas

hey dan!

gutted wrote:

Is it possible, therefore, to speak to slimserver from laptops
wirelessly, but then have SB communicate with the music server on
ethernet?  I'm not sure, but I think this would require SB using both
wi-fi and ethernet at same time.

If you have Slimserver running on the multihomed machine it shouldn't be
any problems. If you are running Slimserver on another machine, you'll just
have to make sure the routing between the subnets is correct.

Easiest I guess is to have the Slimserver on the multihomed machine.
Via options you can even tell the Slimserver to have the web gui only on the wireless 
interface and listen/talk to clients (SB's) only on the wired interface.

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Re: [slim] Re: anyone know anything about this?

2006-09-22 Thread andreas

radish wrote:

Looks like a scam. Firstly, it's in China. Not a good start. Secondly,
it doesn't specify payment types accepted, which means you'll win and
then they'll ask to use Western Union or some such rubbish. Thirdly,
the seller has only 14 feedback ratings, one of those is negative and
most of the rest seem to be for $0.01 items. Classic scammer profile
(and not a very smart one).

Yeah, and the feedback ratings are all from Sellers, so this is the first
sale from that ID. Seems like the account was originally created in france...
Successful phish/hijack ;)

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Re: [slim] Re: Asterisk 1.2 Raw TCP Stream for MOH

2006-09-18 Thread andreas

rchadwel wrote:

Back to the original question with an addition: Is there away to limit
to 8k on the stream from SlimServer (can't get much better on a phone)
- I did not see where the drop-down option allowed for it.

When you connect to the stream a new player will be created.

From the web interface you can select that player and then

reach it's settings. Under the Audio section in the dropdown
you can select the Lame Quality Level and the Bitrate Limiting.
Just set Lame to 9 Poor Quality, but fast and the Bitrate to
lowest, ie. 64kbps and you're set!

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Re: [slim] Squeezebox for me - Softsqueeze for the neighbours

2006-09-08 Thread andreas

Hey Andreas!

Does it make sense to run more than one instance of slimserver, that
are listening to different ports (e.g 9000, 9001) ?

Well, no... because the Squeezebox does not use port 9000 for getting the music 

You could create/modify a skin to remove the option to select a different 
and then give them a specific URL to connect to to manage their own SB.
IIRC, I hink it's the MAC address that identifies the player, ie: 
will give you the slimserver interface of the player with the chosen mac 

that worked for me when I tested it right now at least. mac was an ip adress if it's winamp or 
other client accessing the /stream.mp3 file.

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Re: [slim] Forum replies are still not generating unique message-ID header items for the mailing lists

2006-08-16 Thread andreas

Michael Herger wrote:
Oh no, I've got mailing list replies that are connected to the wrong 
threads again.
Have they ever disappeared? I think I've always had them... (and no, 
it's not the forum users to be damned :-))

I've seen less of them, but they're still here yes...

I think it need fixing ASAP, people can miss lots of info from interesting 
if posts ends up in different threads that might not be read...

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Re: [slim] Write down your slim box NOT NAS

2006-08-11 Thread andreas

Via Epia 5000 (fanless 500MHz)
Seagate 250GB
DC-DC power supply /w external AC-DC brick
stuffed into a custom made plexi chassi hidden behind my sofa,
running Trustix Secure Linux and doubles as smtp/imap/http/mysql/slimserver-box.

might be a tad slow during scanning, but it's SILENT!


thoeng wrote:

okay so be it. i thought this thread might be useful for those who is
trying to build small  silent server like me. Folks, write down your
slimbox detail specification or even picture is better. you could
practically write down anything including placement, cases, how do you
overcome noises, heat and energy efficiency.

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Re: [slim] clock / wake to radio?

2006-08-09 Thread andreas

samh wrote:

Can the squeezebox display a clock?  Is it possible to set the alarm to
tune in a net radio station?

that'll be a YES on both questions!

I guess you don't have a SB yet? In that case, download the slimserver software
and get familiar with it. There's a software Squeezebox called Softsqueeze 
that works almost exactly like the real thing...

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Re: [slim] HELP: Pressing ADD button zaps file

2006-04-15 Thread andreas


cvj wrote:

I have encountered a strange anomaly using the remote.
If I am playing an album - say track 1 - and I want to change to track
4 using my remote, here is what happens:
Selecting track 4 (using the DOWN button) then clicking the ADD
button - a message to the effect file added to the Zapped directory
flashes across the SB3 screen and presto - the file/track has
disappeared from the database.

If you want to skip to a song in the current playlist you should just
move to the song and press play. if you press Add you will remove
it from the playlist, and if you press-and-hold Add it will move the
song to the Zapped Songs playlist.

I can't locate any such zapped directory - and I am wondering if I am
the only one with this problem?

The file is not really moved anywhere, it's just moved from the current playlist
to the Zapped files playlist. Just Browse Playlists and there it is...

This is the behaviour for me, running 6.5b1 - 6107, anyways...

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Re: [slim] Re: Brushed Aliminium Panel coming loose.

2006-04-07 Thread andreas

...or you could just loosen the screws on the back just a little bit
to decrease the tension and the faceplate stays where it should!

quick and works perfectly...

rudholm wrote:

The problem with the faceplate is a known fabrication problem that has
been corrected.  If you contact Slim Devices support they'll mail you a
replacement faceplate that has slightly more clearance around the edges
and thus won't come off.

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Re: [slim] 802.3af (power over ethernet)?

2006-02-08 Thread andreas

bonkabonka wrote:

I'm contemplating getting a Netgear FS108P switch which has 4 power over
ethernet ports.  I'm curious, however, as to whether or not I can use
the powered ports to drive my Squeezeboxen.  I've got an original
Squeezebox and a Squeezebox 2 for what it's worth.  I seem to recall
reading somewhere (perhaps in the original documentation that I can't
lay my hands on at the moment) that it was possible but Googling and
forum searching didn't reveal anything.

None of the Squeezeboxen supports PoE.
Accoding to Netgear website the FS108P supplies PoE according to 802.3af 
(48VDC) and
has auto-sensing for it, so you'd have to have some 802.3af compliant 
end-device to
recieve the power and then convert it to something the SB can handle, which is 
like 5V/2A

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Re: [slim] Forum/Mailing list problems tonight

2006-02-07 Thread andreas

Phil Meyer wrote:

Has something happened to the mailing lists tonight?  I've replied a
few times to some posts, only to find the reply associated with other
messages from the same user.

I think the Message-ID: header is not generating a unique id, but
instead taking the value of the users email address which will not be

Were you using the webforum for this? In that case it's something I've
reported before and also created a bug for... please vote for it! :)


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Re: [slim] Forum/Mailing list problems tonight

2006-02-07 Thread andreas

Philip Meyer wrote:

Were you using the webforum for this? In that case it's something I've
reported before and also created a bug for... please vote for it! :)

No, I prefer reading through a mail client.

bummer, but they MIGHT be related... Posts from the forum often
pop up in different threads if the poster have replied to different
threads in short time. they get mixed up because of identical Message-ID.

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Re: [slim] Off-topic: zip file expander

2006-01-29 Thread andreas

Kyle wrote:

Is there a free zip file expander available?  I have used StuffIt and
WinZip, but both have nag screens.  I don't care about compressing,
just unzipping.

FilZip @

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Re: [slim] OT: forum mess up threading...

2005-12-15 Thread andreas

kdf wrote:

Feel free to vote ;)
I vote that it should be filed with those who actually write the forum 

I thought the email-forum integration was a hack of slimdevices,
but maybe I was wrong?  nyway, the forum is just PHP so it shouldn't
be a biggie to fix the Message-ID generation thingyding...

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Re: [slim] OT: forum mess up threading...

2005-12-14 Thread andreas

Michael Herger wrote:

I think the web forum is messing up threading, at least for me in
Thunderbird (version 1.0.5 (20050711)).
Oh, it's not only me! I have seen this for quite some time. Always 
thought  it was my messing with my own mail server :-).

Thanks for bringing this up.

No problems, but I just hope there's someone 'up there' listening, or
just reading this very topic ;)

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Re: [slim] OT: forum mess up threading...

2005-12-14 Thread andreas

Michael Herger wrote:
I fear the person in question left for a holiday... Let's keep this 
thread  alive. Or open a bug on - there's a 
category for the  lists server.


Feel free to vote ;)

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[slim] OT: forum mess up threading...

2005-12-11 Thread andreas

Hello, sorry for being slightly OT but...

I think the web forum is messing up threading, at least for me in
Thunderbird (version 1.0.5 (20050711)).

To me, it seems like the Message-ID is the culprit...

Two posts from the same user, different topics  four minutes between posts, 
have exactly the same Message-ID...

Am I the only one with this issue? Can it pretty please be fixed?!
Difficult to know if a thread continues embedded in another thread :/

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Re: [slim] Slimserver with WinXP NAS

2005-11-13 Thread andreas

eeyssjr wrote:

I'll looking at the linux, but in all honesty, it seems to much hassle
to get it running completely right. Samba setup, network config,
mounting drives, getting them to automount etc and the general
maintanance required. seems too much - and will it be stable anyway?

Well, once you get everything up'n'running, you can sit back, enjoy
your music, and forget about the server...

Sure, configuration of all services and features can be a little
tricky, but it has all been done before by someone else, so 
if in need of help, you can always trust you friend google
to find the answer for you or at least point you in the right direction! 
that's what I do all the time anyway ;)

/andreas - waiting for his SB3, to replace his original SLiMP3!

And to add to Pat's reliability stats:

14:04:24 up 295 days,  1:09,  1 user,  load average: 0.32, 0.30, 0.16

my all-in-one firewall/mail-/slim-/mysql-/samba-/webserver!

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Re: [slim] Re: New Slimserver Features?

2005-11-13 Thread andreas

max.spicer wrote:

Zapping a song also removes it from the current playlist.  This probably
isn't what you want.  I've never seen the point of zapping.  Can anyone
explain the rationale behind it?

afaik it was originally added as a feature to easily tag a song
if you while listening found it bad/broken/corrupt or similiar...

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Re: [slim] Re: Need Australian female voice talent

2005-11-13 Thread andreas

max.spicer wrote:

Why Australian?  I'd go for a sexy Swedish voice every time!

... and here _I_ am for just that ;)

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Re: [slim] Performance measurements ?

2005-10-17 Thread andreas

Michael Herger wrote:

[0.375] Artists: 433
[0.032] Albums : 544
[0.031] Songs  : 6543
[0.031] Genres : 50
[20.891] titles 0 10
[16.235] titles 0 100
[29.329] titles 0 1000
[114.393] titles 0 1
This is on a Via C3/1GHz/512MB running SME Linux.

...and on a VIA Eden/500MHz/512MB running Trustix

[0.359] Artists: [120]
[0.014] Albums : [254]
[0.005] Songs  : [3974]
[0.006] Genres : [45]
[0.218] titles 0 10
[2.948] titles 0 100
[30.750] titles 0 1000
[150.651] titles 0 1

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Re: [slim] Re: Re: 2005-07-10 nightly

2005-07-19 Thread andreas


Dan Sully wrote:

* andreas shaped the electrons to say...
had no LC_CTYPE or LANG defined at all (uh ohh...?) but now I have 
en_US.utf8 defined for all. do I need to restart the whole server 
after this uh?

Yes - you'll need to restart, then wipe and rescan. It's imperative
that the LC_CTYPE matches the file encoding of that when the CDs were
originally ripped. Thus, if you originally ripped and had no 
LC_CTYPE, that may have defaulted to en_US.ISO-8859-1. Setting your 
LC_CTYPE to en_US.utf8 won't be able to read those files then!

ahhh, all my files are ripped on my windoze system. all access to/from
slimserver via a samba share with character set = ISO8859-1 so maybe
it's best to stick with that charset for now... 

If I set the variables accordingly it should work with ISO8859-1, right?

Worked fine before I moved to the v6 branch...

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Re: [slim] Re: 2005-07-10 nightly

2005-07-18 Thread andreas


wiped and rescanned lots of times, no change.

had no LC_CTYPE or LANG defined at all (uh ohh...?) but now I have
en_US.utf8 defined for all. do I need to restart the whole server
after this uh?


Dan Sully wrote:

* andreas shaped the electrons to say...

Linux bender 2.4.28-4trfirewall #1 Thu Jan 13 14:34:26 CET 2005 i686 
unknown unknown GNU/Linux

What is your LC_CTYPE or LANG environment variable set to?
Can you wipe  rescan?
Were the files ripped on the machine they are stored on?

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[slim] 2005-07-10 nightly

2005-07-10 Thread andreas


v6.1b2 nightly from 2005-07-10 does not pick up any of my directories
or files with swedish characters in them. Just skips them completely...

What do you need from me to troubleshoot this or what do I need that
I have not to makes this work...


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Re: [slim] 2005-07-10 nightly

2005-07-10 Thread andreas

ahh, the basics perhaps...

Linux bender 2.4.28-4trfirewall #1 Thu Jan 13 14:34:26 CET 2005 i686 unknown 
unknown GNU/Linux

andreas wrote:


v6.1b2 nightly from 2005-07-10 does not pick up any of my directories
or files with swedish characters in them. Just skips them completely...

What do you need from me to troubleshoot this or what do I need that
I have not to makes this work...


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[slim] Cannot play files with spaces in filename...

2005-07-05 Thread andreas

Hello all...

I'm not able to play any of my mp3's with a space in the filename on
my good ol' slimp3.

Begun experiencing the problem with SlimServer_v2005-06-10,
but now on SlimServer_v2005-07-05 I can't play any file with
a space in the filename.

Linux bender 2.4.28-4trfirewall #1 Thu Jan 13 14:34:26 CET 2005 i686 unknown 
unknown GNU/Linux

Here's from the logfile with debugging, when I click on Play

[ LOG LOG LOG ] --
2005-07-05 20:07:32.3876 Backtrace:

  frame 0: Slim::Player::Source::playmode 
(/usr/local/SlimServer_v2005-07-05/Slim/Control/ line 602)
  frame 1: Slim::Control::Command::execute 
(/usr/local/SlimServer_v2005-07-05/Slim/Web/ line 670)
  frame 2: Slim::Web::HTTP::processURL 
(/usr/local/SlimServer_v2005-07-05/Slim/Web/ line 535)
  frame 3: Slim::Web::HTTP::processHTTP 
(/usr/local/SlimServer_v2005-07-05/Slim/Networking/ line 115)
  frame 4: Slim::Networking::Select::select 
(/usr/local/slimserver/ line 629)
  frame 5: main::idle (/usr/local/slimserver/ line 572)
  frame 6: main::main (/usr/local/slimserver/ line 1167)

2005-07-05 20:07:32.3892 00:04:20:02:05:2f: Switching to mode play from stop
Argument \x{66}\x{69}... isn't numeric in subroutine entry at 
/usr/local/SlimServer_v2005-07-05/CPAN/DBIx/ line 51.
2005-07-05 20:07:32.3989 openSong on: 
2005-07-05 20:07:32.4024 Song is of unrecognized type mp3! Stopping! 
2005-07-05 20:07:32.4066 Couldn't open song.  Stopping.
2005-07-05 20:07:32.4077 opening next song...
2005-07-05 20:07:32.4090 the next song is number 0, was -1
2005-07-05 20:07:32.4133 Setting maxBitRate for [EMAIL PROTECTED] to: 320
2005-07-05 20:07:32.4149 Setting maxBitRate for [EMAIL PROTECTED] to: 320
Argument \x{66}\x{69}... isn't numeric in subroutine entry at 
/usr/local/SlimServer_v2005-07-05/CPAN/DBIx/ line 51.
2005-07-05 20:07:32.4244 undermax = 1, type = mp3, slimp3 = 00:04:20:02:05:2f, 
lame = /usr/local/bin/lame
2005-07-05 20:07:32.4257 checking formats for: mp3-mp3-slimp3-00:04:20:02:05:2f
2005-07-05 20:07:32.4275 checking formats for: mp3-mp3-*-00:04:20:02:05:2f
2005-07-05 20:07:32.4286 checking formats for: mp3-mp3-slimp3-*
2005-07-05 20:07:32.4296 checking formats for: mp3-mp3-*-*
2005-07-05 20:07:32.4305 Checking to see if mp3-mp3-*-* is enabled
2005-07-05 20:07:32.4315 There are 19 disabled formats...
2005-07-05 20:07:32.4324 Testing wma-wav-*-* vs mp3-mp3-*-*
2005-07-05 20:07:32.4333 Testing wma-flc-*-* vs mp3-mp3-*-*
2005-07-05 20:07:32.4342 Testing wav-wav-*-* vs mp3-mp3-*-*
2005-07-05 20:07:32.4351 Testing wav-mp3-*-* vs mp3-mp3-*-*
2005-07-05 20:07:32.4363 Testing wav-flc-*-* vs mp3-mp3-*-*
2005-07-05 20:07:32.4372 Testing shn-mp3-*-* vs mp3-mp3-*-*
2005-07-05 20:07:32.4380 Testing ogg-mp3-*-* vs mp3-mp3-*-*
2005-07-05 20:07:32.4389 Testing ogg-flc-*-* vs mp3-mp3-*-*
2005-07-05 20:07:32.4398 Testing ogg-aif-*-* vs mp3-mp3-*-*
2005-07-05 20:07:32.4406 Testing mpc-wav-*-* vs mp3-mp3-*-*
2005-07-05 20:07:32.4415 Testing mpc-mp3-*-* vs mp3-mp3-*-*
2005-07-05 20:07:32.4423 Testing mpc-flc-*-* vs mp3-mp3-*-*
2005-07-05 20:07:32.4433 Testing mpc-aif-*-* vs mp3-mp3-*-*
2005-07-05 20:07:32.4443 Testing mov-mp3-*-* vs mp3-mp3-*-*
2005-07-05 20:07:32.4452 Testing flc-wav-*-* vs mp3-mp3-*-*
2005-07-05 20:07:32.4461 Testing flc-mp3-*-* vs mp3-mp3-*-*
2005-07-05 20:07:32.4470 Testing flc-flc-*-* vs mp3-mp3-*-*
2005-07-05 20:07:32.4478 Testing aif-mp3-*-* vs mp3-mp3-*-*
2005-07-05 20:07:32.4487 Testing aif-flc-*-* vs mp3-mp3-*-*
2005-07-05 20:07:32.4496 Testing aif-aif-*-* vs mp3-mp3-*-*
2005-07-05 20:07:32.4507enabled
2005-07-05 20:07:32.4516   Found command: -
2005-07-05 20:07:32.4528 Setting maxBitRate for [EMAIL PROTECTED] to: 320
2005-07-05 20:07:32.4541 Setting maxBitRate for [EMAIL PROTECTED] to: 320
Argument \x{66}\x{69}... isn't numeric in subroutine entry at 
/usr/local/SlimServer_v2005-07-05/CPAN/DBIx/ line 51.
2005-07-05 20:07:32.4633 Matched Format: mp3 Type: mp3 Command: -
Use of uninitialized value in concatenation (.) or string at 
/usr/local/SlimServer_v2005-07-05/Slim/Player/ line 879.
2005-07-05 20:07:32.4648 opening next song (old format: , new: mp3) current 
playmode: stop
2005-07-05 20:07:32.4659 Adding song index 0 to song queue
2005-07-05 20:07:32.4668 Clearing out song queue first
2005-07-05 20:07:32.4681 Song queue is now 0
Argument \x{66}\x{69}... isn't numeric in subroutine entry at 
/usr/local/SlimServer_v2005-07-05/CPAN/DBIx/ line 51.
2005-07-05 20:07:32.4780 openSong on: 

Re: [slim] Cannot play files with spaces in filename...

2005-07-05 Thread andreas


It's not a space-in-filename problem, I can't even play simple filename songs.

Something with the mp3 type I can see in the logs?!

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Re: [slim] Cannot play files with spaces in filename...

2005-07-05 Thread andreas

This I got in the types.conf for mp3 (only have mp3):
mp3 mp2,mp3 audio/mpeg  audio

and this in convert.conf:
mp3 mp3 * *

//andreas - weally weally strange ;)

kdf wrote:

check the types.conf file

try a rescan, with 'clear library' checked.

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