Re: [slim] Just curious: when/why did you get your first Slim/Logitech player?

2008-10-20 Thread atrocity

A couple years ago, I found out about the Roku Soundbridge and snagged
one.  I wasn't looking for a way to serve my own music, but for a way
to listen to Internet radio through the real stereo without having to
connect a computer.  I loved it so much that I bought another one just
for the bedroom.

After a while, I decided to try running its server software to play
back some of my live music downloads, most of which were (and still
are) FLAC.  I wasn't so impressed...sound quality was OK, but the lack
of true gapless playback really annoyed me.  It also bothered me that
the forced resampling to 48k destroyed DTS.  Still, I loved the little
boxes for the radio capability and still think that they're a good deal
if that's your primary focus.

After a while I heard about the Squeezebox and, when a friend asked
what he should get, I told him that I liked the Roku well enough, but
that it looked like the Squeezebox was better.  So he bought one and
began raving about it, which in turn got me to give in and buy
one...and then another.  I gave away one of the Rokus and still use the
other in another room.

The downside to the Squeezebox is that I suddenly got obsessed with
getting all of my live, rare stuff (CD-DA, FLAC, SHN) onto a server. 
So I had to spend big bucks for a NAS and am still working on getting
all the music onto it.  I'm also loading up a few normal (i.e.,
official/mainstream) CDs, but my collection has got to be in the 2,500
range, so I'm definitely not making the same effort to convert

I love that I can listen to downloads without all the annoyance and
unpleasant additional sounds or interrutions that can happen when
trying to listen through the computer.  I also appreciate that
SqueezeCenter runs nicely on a cheap Ubuntu box, so I can have my
Windows machine do all its normal Windowsy stupidity without
interrrupting the music.


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Re: [slim] Just curious: when/why did you get your first Slim/Logitech player?

2008-10-20 Thread erland

During 2005 I got my first iPod (iPod mini) I connected it to the music
equipment in the living room and after a while I realized I missed two
- Remote control
- A screen that was visible a few meters away

In december 2005 I found and purchase a Squeezebox 3 and during
Christmas 2005 I started to learn perl, in middle of January 2006 the
first version of the TrackStat plugin was released and after that I've
had a lot less spare time than before.

Unfortunately I hadn't realized what lossless format was before I got
the Squeezebox, so I had already ripped all my records to MP3 for the
iPod which I now had to rip again to FLAC format.

The Squeezebox is definitely the hardware equipment that has made most
changes in my life during the last 10 years, it changed how I listen to
music and it changed what I do with my spare time.


Erland Isaksson
'My homepage' ( 'My download page'
(Developer of 'TrackStat, SQLPlayList, DynamicPlayList, Custom Browse,
Custom Scan,  Custom Skip, Multi Library and Database Query plugins'

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Re: [slim] Just curious: when/why did you get your first Slim/Logitech player?

2008-10-19 Thread aubuti

For me it was around August-September 2005, when we were thinking about
turning our unfinished basement into a rec room. At the same time I
dragged out the college-era JVC amp and ESS speakers that had been
banished from the living room (too ugly for my other half) and did some
minor repair work to get them back to operating condition. So now I had
a second audio system, and didn't want to be shuttling CDs
back-and-forth between the two.

Around the same time I saw 'Netgear's network music player'
( on sale for what
seemed like a ridiculously low price, something under $100, maybe as
low as $50. Seemed like a good solution, but after some more research I
didn't like the Netgear, or the 'Roku'
(, or the 'D-Link'
(, or 'the Linksys'
or 'the other Linksys'

But the the SB, and especially the 'recently released SB3'
was -just right-. I picked up a surplus Dell desktop for $30 from my
workplace, loaded Ubuntu and slimserver 6.2, and started playing with
SoftSqueeze on it and our other computers. Got my first SB3 for
Christmas 2005, and in Feb 2006 picked up a 2nd hand SB2 for the
kitchen for a great price from a kind user on this forum. A few months
after that got another SB2 off eBay for the basement. Probably the
biggest mistake I made with SB was not taking advantage of the Buy 2
SB3s and take $100 off promotion

And SB just keeps getting better and better. New products like Duet and
Boom (thank you beta programs!!) are great, but even the old products
keep getting better with new versions of SC and new music service
partners like Pandora and Rhapsody. Meanwhile my music listening and
music buying (take note RIAA) habits have increased tremendously, and
that is good.


Nothing high-end, but music anywhere I want it. LinkStation HD-HG
(debian) feeding: Basement: SB2  JVC JA-S44  ESS Tempest LS8;
Kitchen/Dining: SB Duet  AudioSource Amp100  2 pairs Polk RC60i;
Living room: SB3  Technics SA-EX140  Bose Acoustimass 3; Bedroom: SB
Boom + SBC; Study: SB Duet  Klipsch ProMedia 2.0; Kid's bedroom: SB2 
Klipsch ProMedia 2.0

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Re: [slim] Just curious: when/why did you get your first Slim/Logitech player?

2008-10-18 Thread mrfantasy

It was the summer of 2005.  I had reached a point where I was running
out of room to store CDs.  I had about 1000 at the time.  I also
realized that I could buy a 400GB hard drive and encode my entire
collection to FLAC and fit it there.

I remembered vaugely the SliMP3, and Googled it and found the
Squeezebox 2.  It had FLAC support.  I asked my wife if I could buy it,
a Kuro Box HG, and a 400GB hard drive for my birthday.  She obliged.

I then also had the fun of getting it all working together, which took
a few weeks, then a few more months of ripping everything.  Then I did
it all again when I replaced my server with a mini-ITX VIA C7 mobo and
mirrored 500GB hard drives (mostly after a crash of my original 400GB
Kuro drive, which was luckily backed up!).  

I love that my SB2 is now 3 years old and I can take advantage of all
the latest features of SqueezeCenter, and its firmware has been
continually improved (I started with Firmware 15 after all.)

We're going to be remodeling our kitchen and family room shortly, and
I'm contemplating buying a Duet to run a dedicated kitchen system, or
perhaps wire my ceiling mount speakers into my existing A/V receiver. 
So many choices.  I'd also like a Boom for the bedroom but there's a
limit to the money. I also want a flat panel TV mounted to the back of
our living room fireplace, which backs up to our family room (it was
built off of an old porch).

And the CDs?  Well, Jazzloft sleeves relieved the storage crunch, and
they still live in the family room for tactile feedback.



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Re: [slim] Just curious: when/why did you get your first Slim/Logitech player?

2008-10-18 Thread syburgh

Mine was a long and extravagant road. I wanted a database to track my
music library, and wrote several over the years: ModPerl+MySQL
(inventory only), AOLserver+Oracle (included lossy MP3 encodings for a
few hundred CDs), and finally settled on a (in retrospect, strangely)
flexible solution using LDAP for metadata and hacked XBoxes running a
custom Linux install (tuned to a shoutcast server for synchronization,
though that never really worked well). The XBoxes worked much like a
VFD-less SB and cost significantly more and produced inferior quality

After writing off my own development efforts, I purchased an SB2 and
just used it for a few years. It was very functional for playback,
which ended up outweighing the lack of good metadata. It died a slow
death as the power supply misbehaved (random power loss, and later,
dodgy Ethernet connectivity and a dead display). It did work well
enough that I replaced it with several SB3s (all of which continue to
work well). Maybe a Boom would be nice for the kitchen...

I like to keep notes on music as I acquire, enjoy, and otherwise
encounter  it over time. Neither SC7 not support this in a
usable way. Maybe library management and flexible metadata will make it
into some future SC release...


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Re: [slim] Just curious: when/why did you get your first Slim/Logitech player?

2008-10-18 Thread peterw

I bought my first Slim Devices product in 2004. When I was single and
rented an apartment, I was pretty content with playing my CDs. When I
married, suddenly the CD collection, assortment of hifi gear, and
square footage doubled. Stairs separated some rooms, and, as neither my
wife nor I much liked putting the CDs in those hideous nylon storage
albums, the CDs ended up where there was enough room to hold them all
-- one flight of stairs away from the main stereo. The original
Squeezebox looked like a great solution, as I was already accustomed to
leaving a computer on the broadband link 24x7. Since I had no desire to
pull cat5 through the new house, the wireless version was the obvious
choice. I was lucky that just as I decided to take the plunge, the
Squeezebox G was announced. I ordered one from Slim Devices (at the
time, the SD shipping labels had Sean's name printed on them).

My SB1G served me well for years, but has been replaced with a SB3. My
house is pretty well covered now with gear ranging from the SB2 to the
Boom -- no Transporter, though, as I don't have the hifi gear, space,
or source material to really appreciate it. I am enough of an audio
geek to have worn ear protection at live concerts and to have
auditioned different LAME encoding options before ripping my CDs, but
I'm not in the same league as those of you with SB+s, Boulder Mods,
boutique cables, 24/96 recordings... :-) 

The fact that virtually all the intelligence of the devices other than
the Controller is in GPLed software in a pretty accessible programming
language is a very big draw. It really bugs me to buy something with
software that doesn't quite do what I want, and have no way to fix the
problem. Thanks to Sean's vision, I can make my Squeezeboxes do what I
want (I wrote VolumeLock before my SB1G even arrived, so that it would
work better as a standard analog audio component), I can help others
tweak their systems, and others like Greg Brown, Felix Mueller, and
Michael Herger have been able to help me get more out of my Squeezebox
gear. Thanks to the open design and the work of a bunch of folks inside
and outside Logitech, I not only have a great way to listen to my music,
but to find new music, to stay in touch with the world, and much more.


free plugins:
AllQuiet BlankSaver ContextMenu FuzzyTime 
KitchenTimer PlayLog PowerCenter/BottleRocket SaverSwitcher
SettingsManager SleepFade StatusFirst SyncOptions VolumeLock

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Re: [slim] Just curious: when/why did you get your first Slim/Logitech player?

2008-10-17 Thread Kuben72

Well I am a much newer fan (8 months). But for the last 2 years I have
been looking for a solution that made everyone in the household in a
position to listen to his/hers personally favorits of music. From my
younger days I have a big cd collection but I as I got married and got
kids I ended up never been able to listen it. So I starting searching
the internet for a solution that could solve my problems. I found Sonos
and SlimDevices(Duet). After checking both solutions I ended up choosing
SlimDevices(Duet) because of the opensource server and the much cooler
And now I have 1 Duet, 1 SBR and 2 SB3. And we listen to our cd's all
the time. It's at great system.



1 Duet, 1 SBR and 2 SB3

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Re: [slim] Just curious: when/why did you get your first Slim/Logitech player?

2008-10-17 Thread Pale Blue Ego

I had been messing around with mp3s since around 1997, and in 1999 I had
one of the first network mp3 players, the RequestAudio.  The Request was
okay, but it was expensive ($800), the sound chip was low quality, the
capacity was limited to 17GB, and you needed to have a TV on to use

It was possible to hack the box and add a larger hard drive, and the
company was fairly responsive to customer ideas, but they were really
going for the custom install market.  When they brought out their 2nd
generation units the prices were $2500 and $3500, and the company was
less interested in helping the early adopters who had only spent

I already had a home network and a Linux file server with 40 or 50 GB
worth of music on it, so the SliMP3 was the perfect solution.  I sold
the Request and bought the SliMP3 and have never looked back.  Slim's
solution of letting the PC do most of the work while a small, silent
player handles the audio end, was brilliant.  And I was blown away that
my original purchase kept getting better and better with each new
software release.  We now have a house full of Slim players.

Pale Blue Ego

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Re: [slim] Just curious: when/why did you get your first Slim/Logitech player?

2008-10-17 Thread sand

You should make a poll!
I got my SB3's in 2007 and 2008.


2* Squeezebox 3 with Audioengine 5 speakers

1* QNAP TS-109, Version 2.1.0 build 0624T
Seagate ES 500GB
flipflip's SlimServer On TurboStation Release 3.14
mrhyde's USB swap util
several of erland's plugins
SqueezeCenter Version: 7.2 - 22900 @ Tue Aug 26 10:59:02 PDT 2008 -
Linux - EN - utf8

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Re: [slim] Just curious: when/why did you get your first Slim/Logitech player?

2008-10-17 Thread trotsky10

I got my SB3 in June 2006.  This was after I had purchased a Cambridge
Audio music server which due to software problems I sent back.  The
Cambridge audio server's sound was unbelievable  I have to admit (to
this day haven't heard a Transporter)so I was quite sorry to see it go
but after doing research and I came across the Squeezebox 3 .  Since
day 1 I have not had any big problems with it and all my cds in flac
played over my wireless pre-n network. I am completely enamoured with
this kit. With Custom Menus and Track stat and plugge dinto my external
DAC I have my ideal player.

Now to write that Networked Media Tank skin .


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Re: [slim] Just curious: when/why did you get your first Slim/Logitech player?

2008-10-17 Thread Mike White

It was probably about 6 or 8 months before SqueezeNetwork went live. We
live in an area that simply cannot get FM (or AM for that matter) in
the house, and only weak signals in the car. It wasn't a problem for
years, as we were simply able to pick up the FM signals on our cable
TV. The the cable provider simply shut that off in February and we were
stuck without the ability to listen to music except on our single CD
player. One of our local radio stations sent out an email, talking
about the SB2, and after looking at it for about an hour, I ordered
one, and have been using it ever since.

I have ripped our music collection, but the vast majority of our
listening is to various radio stations around the world.

Mike White

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Re: [slim] Just curious: when/why did you get your first Slim/Logitech player?

2008-10-17 Thread Nonreality

I had been streaming music to my stereo for about 2 years with a
phillips device.  It worked pretty well but it would stream everything
from my computer including the system sounds.  I read about the SB3 in
Jan of this year and promptly ordered one. It's the best thing I have
bought.  I've told all my friends that it's well worth much more than
the price they charge.  We all buy gadgets and some are worth the money
and some are not.  This is one that goes far beyond what we pay for it.




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Re: [slim] Just curious: when/why did you get your first Slim/Logitech player?

2008-10-17 Thread maggior

Nonreality;350841 Wrote: 
 We all buy gadgets and some are worth the money and some are not.  This
 is one that goes far beyond what we pay for it.

I agree wholeheartedly!  How many devices can you buy that even years
afterward the initial purchase, major features are being added for

For me, the SBs have gone beyond being mere gadgets - they are
essential equipment in my home, much like a TV or a CD player in the


Setup: 2 SB3s, 1 duet, 1 receiver.  SuSE 10.2 Server running
SqueezeCenter 7.2, MusicIP, and SqueezeSlave

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Re: [slim] Just curious: when/why did you get your first Slim/Logitech player?

2008-10-17 Thread kdf

I heard about Slimp3 on Slashdot.  I guess it must have been the first  
review.  According to some comments, it was still vapourware at the  
However, spring of 2002 I was stuck taking over rent on a house where  
I had previously only rented a single room (never fun when housemates  
can't bother to leave notice).
I'd saved a fair bit renting only the one room so price wasn't an  
issue so when I saw that there was a steady supply ready for sale, I  
jumped at it.  I'd always wanted to have a way to connect my mp3  
collection to my stereo, having ripped much of it for my old portable  

Not long after, it must have been around v3.4 of slimp3 server (mid  
2002), I started playing around with the options and finding that I  
wanted a few different behaviours from the skins. I had some minimal  
experience with perl from university, and eventually hacked my way  
into a few changes for the early skins.  I then started looking over  
the few plugins available at the time.  Most were simple rss/html  
scrapers and very localised.  I started pestering the author for help  
in parsing sites that provided more relevant content for me (ie  

Eventually my customisations for my own skin got so far that it ended  
up as a new skin of it's own and I got an email asking if I'd mind if  
it was included with the software.  Next thing I knew I was writing a  
feature for an alarm clock and that got requested as well.  I then got  
a phone call one day from Dean, telling me about a new product they  
were working on and asking if I'd be interested in testing.  Duh.

And now, after many thousands of hours testing, hacking,  
patchingwell, it's a long list of players now.  The original  
SliMP3 is still working just fine too.
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[slim] Just curious: when/why did you get your first Slim/Logitech player?

2008-10-16 Thread Mark Lanctot

I'm particularly interested in the forum members with older players back
when this stuff was -really- obscure...

This thread
prompted me to think about when I first heard of Slim Devices.

I probably heard of the Squeezebox from the AVS Forum.  The main
stumbling block for me was price and the fact that it was 802.11b with
WEP.  However I thought SlimServer was very cool, installed it and
played with it.  I guess I'm easily impressed, I thought it was very
neat that it ran a remote web server that could be controlled over the
network.  At that time I started cleaning up my tags and ripping my CDs
to FLAC.  Eventually I uninstalled SlimServer as it wasn't doing
anything for me and I almost forgot about Slim Devices.

Fast-forward to October 2005 when (again through AVS Forums) I learned
about the SB3.  I went to the website where I discovered the remaining
SB2s were on sale.  The SB2 addressed the issues I had with the SB1 and
seeing as it was on sale and money was better for me at the time, I dove

I wrote a review article for a computer forum I was active in at the
time, ABX Forum, but I posted it here first for comments.  Sean Adams
wondered why I was reviewing the SB2 and an older version of SS
(6.0.2?) and sent me an SB3 for review.

I was thinking of a use for 2 players at the time, so when the review
period was over I ended up buying that SB3.  The rest is history...

So what are your stories?

Mark Lanctot

Current: SB2, Transporter, Boom (PQP3 - late beta)
Stored: Boom (PQP1 - early beta), SBC (beta - no battery)
Sold: SB3, Duet

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Re: [slim] Just curious: when/why did you get your first Slim/Logitech player?

2008-10-16 Thread Michael Herger
About 5 years ago I had been looking for some server based music distribution, 
fiddling with NetJuke and a Zaurus(!) PDA as a player in the living room. 
Somebody in the NetJuke forums then mentioned a software called SlimServer. 
Which I immediately liked for it's great web interface. After a while I 
realised that the company offered some hardware player too... Must have been 
september 2003 when I ordered my first SliMP3.


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Re: [slim] Just curious: when/why did you get your first Slim/Logitech player?

2008-10-16 Thread bklaas

I wanted to buy the original SliMp3 in about 2000, but at the time I had
a $300 gift certificate to I actually phoned up Slimdevices
at the time to see if they sold through Amazon (they didn't)...knowing
now SD's garage/lab roots, I probably talked to Sean on his cell

Anyway, I ended up with a Turtle Beach Audiotron for a year or so
before I got fed up with its shortcomings (but not before I wrote an
audioscrobbler script for it. Woot!). I ebayed it to some dude in
Saskatchewan to free up squeezebox funds.

I bought an SB1-G, and would have gotten it in the awesome Purple
Haze color had they not been sold out. I got platinum instead, and
it still is in working order. 

Fast-forward a few years, add another SB1-G (black), two SB3s, a
Transporter, and now a few Booms. It's a cool evolution to have been
part of...I find myself hacking on the controller a lot these days :)



Logitech Developer: 
Community Developer: Nokia770Skin

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Re: [slim] Just curious: when/why did you get your first Slim/Logitech player?

2008-10-16 Thread cliveb

Mark Lanctot;350257 Wrote: 
 So what are your stories?
I bought a Rio Karma MP3 player (probably late 2004 or early 2005). Of
course I had to rip a selection of CDs for use on it. So I ended up
with a portion of our music library on the household server, and
started wondering whether there was any way to feed it into the main
stereo system. I never even considered that it could replace CDs for
serious listening.

That's when I investigated the Squeezebox (I'd vaguely heard about it
before, but hadn't taken any notice). I speculatively bought a
wired-only SB2 in April 2005 to see what it could do, figuring I could
always sell it on for not too much of a loss.

It was a revelation - truly one of those road to Damascus moments
when some aspect of your life (in this case they way we listen to
music) changes radically. It quickly became obvious I was going to have
to rip all our CDs in FLAC format. A Transporter was added in December
2006 (the price of which was more than covered by selling my high-end
CD player and preamp) and the SB2 was relocated to the kitchen.


Transporter - ATC SCM100A

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Re: [slim] Just curious: when/why did you get your first Slim/Logitech player?

2008-10-16 Thread Mike Meyer

I was looking for a way to stream all my music to the 'good speakers'
and my research turned up the Turtle Beach Audiotron.  I was all set to
buy one and it had already been discontinued even though most of the
reviews I read had been positive.  I waited a while to see if they were
coming out with a new version or something.  The Roku Soundbridge was
also considered.

Then I saw the SB2 reviews and was able to get one for $190 so I took
the plunge.  I'd like to to thank Turtle Beach for discontinuing the
Audiotron line.

Mike Meyer

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Re: [slim] Just curious: when/why did you get your first Slim/Logitech player?

2008-10-16 Thread mattybain

It was early 2004, just returning back from 3 years spent working in the
electronic wilderness known as Australia ;) . Actually remember the
first time I found Slimdevices on the web was at an internet cafe in
Stellenbosch, South Africa whilst travelling on my way back.

After my return in Dec 2003 and a bit of research I made a beeline for
a place near Derby that was selling SB 1's and must have picked it up
on Jan 2nd after it reopened for the new year.

Knew instantly it was the way forward and since then have bought every
iteration of SB save for the ripoff (in £ terms) transporter.

Actually now I think about it I found out and ordered the SB2 in Sweden
and the SB3 in India!!



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Re: [slim] Just curious: when/why did you get your first Slim/Logitech player?

2008-10-16 Thread slimpy

I bought my first SliMP3 probably in early 2003. It already came with
the custom remote and not the Sony remote that came with the first
batch of players.
I can't remember if I had read about the SliMP3 online or in a magazine
but I was thrilled by the whole streaming concept and the SliMP3 seemed
to be only (or one of very few) streaming devices at the time that had
a display.

I probably wouldn't have bought one if there hadn't been a local
supplier (K55 in Zurich).
It's still one of the best devices I have ever bought (together with
all the SD products that followed).



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Re: [slim] Just curious: when/why did you get your first Slim/Logitech player?

2008-10-16 Thread Michael Herger
 It's still one of the best devices I have ever bought (together with
 all the SD products that followed).

Did I mention it changed my life?


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Re: [slim] Just curious: when/why did you get your first Slim/Logitech player?

2008-10-16 Thread Secret Squirrel

I have a very similar story just slightly different ;) It all started
for me somewhere around 2000, I think. The CD player in my car took a
dump and rather than ripe up the dash or spend the cash to replace the
trunk unit I purchased an Archos 2000. I then started ripping my music
collection to MP3's and then happily transmitted an FM signal from the
Archos to the car's radio. Then, in 2002, we built a new house and I
wired it for central stereo and wired network. It was then I started
looking for some network player that I could interface into the house
system. For years it was just lusting around the Net drooling because
all our cash had gone into the house. Somewhere around 2004 I was
pretty firm on getting a Roku but just as I was about to make a
purchase Slim announced the SB2. The wired version and open source, I'm
a geek afterall, made the decision a no-brainer. I then set out on a
mission to convert to FLAC with the addition of replay gain. We've
impressed many visitors with our whole-house stereo that never needs
the music changed, however, the prospect of the Boom ( a necessitated
wireless network for everyone's laptop/iPhone) new areas now have the
possibility of music (my workshop and garage). I still haven't dusted
off the credit card yet, but a Boom is definitely on my Christmas

My music life was changed forever and continues to get better and


Secret Squirrel

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Re: [slim] Just curious: when/why did you get your first Slim/Logitech player?

2008-10-16 Thread dem

I bought an AudioTron in 2003 and really liked it.  I anxiously awaited
rumored follow-on products from Turtle Beach that would supposedly add
support for things like FLAC and ReplayGain, and hopefully do away with
the pea-soup-green display.  But Turtle Beach killed the AudioTron,
forcing me to look elsewhere.

Then along came the SB3 with native FLAC support and the Smart
ReplayGain feature.  I liked that the AudioTron didn't required any
server software, but being able to test drive SlimServer let me get
comfortable with it.  Also, Linux support is a big deal to me, since my
music was already stored on a home-built NAS running Linux.



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Re: [slim] Just curious: when/why did you get your first Slim/Logitech player?

2008-10-16 Thread snarlydwarf

I bought my first SB a bit over 3 years ago: I had been using a program
on Linux to manage my music and allow a different form of network play
(lots of browsers, command lines, etc, but only one player).  It was
frustrating since it had a ton of hard-coded limits (it -hated- my
Dylan collection and would stop counting tracks to Dylan after 200 I
think... which was useless).

I installed SqueezeServer as a replacement, and was very impressed... a
week later I bought a wireless router and ordered an SB2 for the
bedroom... which lasted a couple of weeks before I realized that being
'free' to listen to music in the bedroom was silly: I also needed to
listen to music in the living room... so I ordered another...

I can't say it changed my life as much as mherger's, but it certainly
changed how I listen to music, and the amount of music I own.

I still have to rip-n-tag the wife's music...  but she accepts the SB
as an alarm clock and loves Pandora.


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Re: [slim] Just curious: when/why did you get your first Slim/Logitech player?

2008-10-16 Thread kolding

I'd been dancing around SliMP3's for a while.  At first I'd been looking
for a device to bring my music to the stereo without having to have 500
CD's in my small living room.  A friend said look at this one and
pointed me to SlimDevices.  I promptly ignored it.  Then, I visited
some friends who had one, and it looked so cool there, glowing in the
dark.  I was unemployed at the time, so I didn't get one.  Finally,
when I found a job, my girlfriend (now wife) bought me a SliMP3 as a
present.  It actually made listening to music fun again; no digging
through piles of CD's scattered in multiple rooms, trying to figure out
what you wanted, and not finding it when you did.

First was the SliMP3, hooked up via a 802.11b bridge.  Then a SB1G for
the bedroom.  Then an SB2 to replace the SliMP3 with it's crappy
network bridge.  Then a new house, and an SB3 for the living room. 
Finally the Boom arrived, and a great case for retiring the SB1 came


SqueezeBox 2 - Rotel RSX-1056 - Totem Acoustic Dreamcatchers
SqueezeBox 3 - Rotel RX-1052 - Vandersteen 1B's
SqueezeBox Boom
SliMP3 and Squeezebox 1 - Retired

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Re: [slim] Just curious: when/why did you get your first Slim/Logitech player?

2008-10-16 Thread SuperQ

I saw the slimp3 a long time ago, but I couldn't afford it at the time. 
After a friend showed me his squeezebox 1, I ended up buying one for my
parrents, and then a SB2 for myself, and it's just been snowballing
from there.

Before I had various squeezeboxes, I had a PC attached to my stereo.  I
got tired of the noise, and wanted something that would keep the
computer tucked away in the basement.


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Re: [slim] Just curious: when/why did you get your first Slim/Logitech player?

2008-10-16 Thread kc5f

Well, somebody's gotta be new, right?  I read about the Duet about two
months ago and grabbed it a little over a month ago when it was on sale
and had a discount as well at Circuit City.  I love it!


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Re: [slim] Just curious: when/why did you get your first Slim/Logitech player?

2008-10-16 Thread Mark Lanctot

kc5f;350316 Wrote: 
 Well, somebody's gotta be new, right?

With the references in this thread to SliMP3s and SB1s, I feel like the
new one too.  :-)

Mark Lanctot

Current: SB2, Transporter, Boom (PQP3 - late beta)
Stored: Boom (PQP1 - early beta), SBC (beta - no battery)
Sold: SB3, Duet

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Re: [slim] Just curious: when/why did you get your first Slim/Logitech player?

2008-10-16 Thread Pat Farrell
In 1999, some friends and I started a music company, We had a great idea, a store and a locker for internet
music. All of us wanted a better way to manage our CD collections.

I had outgrown a 200 CD Sony jukebox, and had a 301 CD Pioneer. It
worked OK, but management was not good.

We ripped CDs in two formats (mp3 and wma) and at five speeds (dialup
was still common). Thus I knew about ripping, management issues, etc. By
the time the RIAA fully flip-flopped, going from sure, that will sell
more music to evil and illegal collection -- which shut down the
company -- we had ripped 40,000 CDs.

I knew that using a computer to store the files and manage the database
of meta data was the solution.

The initial Slimp3 came out towards the end of the company, and we all
knew about it. But I was not interested in a MP3-only product.

I bought an early SB1 when they came out, and added two more SB1G soon

It changed my musical life. Before SqueezeBox, I had about 250 CDs. Now,
I have about 800. And I have a Transporter, Duet and Boom.

Pat Farrell

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Re: [slim] Just curious: when/why did you get your first Slim/Logitech player?

2008-10-16 Thread Peter
Mark Lanctot wrote:
 I'm particularly interested in the forum members with older players back
 when this stuff was -really- obscure...

 This thread
 prompted me to think about when I first heard of Slim Devices.

I actually wanted a SliMP3 before they even existed. I wrote in a 
newsgroup in february 2001:

I guess my ideal device would just play network streams that were sent
to it via ethernet. Ethernet in, line out. The software on the
computer would handle everything else.

OK, maybe add a display that can be controlled from the network as
well as a IR receiver that can send command codes back. All
intelligence would reside in the (Linux) server.

I'm just waiting until someone with the means gets the same idea and
builds something affordable.;

At that time the SD guys probably were already busy with their soldering 
irons. When the SliMP3 came out I recognized my 'dream machine' and I 
just had to get one. At that time I was traveling around the world and I 
bought one as soon as I got home. I guess I was lucky to get one with a 
back cover ;)


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Re: [slim] Just curious: when/why did you get your first Slim/Logitech player?

2008-10-16 Thread MrSinatra

i think it was 2004 or 2005, not sure which, (it was shortly b4 the SB3
was announced).  basically, i wanted a way to listen to a webstream for
the LION without needing a computer on at all.

i forget exactly how i heard about slim, if it was on cnet or
tomshardware or maybe even the now defunct tech tv, (g4 SUCKS, i miss
the screensavers)...

anyway, i have to say that i have been disappointed with it as a
standalone solution to listen to the lion, it simply does not do it
well.  i have computers in other rooms that can ALWAYS stream it
wirelessly on winamp np, but SN/SB2 or even SC proxied just can't do it
reliably.  its gotten to the point where i have basically given up for
now.  i'll probably wait until i get some things done here on my side,
and they get 7.3 out on theirs, b4 i start bringing it up again.

however, as a jukebox for my local stuff, i am happy with it, and
thats why i've stuck with it.  also, the SBC is truly a great device,
and shows the real power of the solution.

if they could get my lion issues solved, i'd have no major issues at
this point with it.

Squeezebox2 (primary) / SBR (secondary) / SBC - w/SC 7.3b - Win XP Pro
SP3 - 3.2ghz / 2gig ram - D-Link DIR-655

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Re: [slim] Just curious: when/why did you get your first Slim/Logitech player?

2008-10-16 Thread funkstar

I first heard of SlimDevices from a Slashdot article about Sean building
the first units in his garage. The old website and photos are available
through the Way Back Machine
Thats back in September 2001, and wanted a SliMP3 ever since.

I'd been a mailing list subscriber for years before buying nay
equipment, I remember I used to read all the CVS checkins to see what
new cool features were being worked on. I could never justify the cost
though, but ever iteration of the hardware got more and more exciting.

The SB2 I thought was killer. Full software decoder, decent DAC, full
802.11g, sounded just the device for me. I think I was just about to
buy a SB2 when the SB3 was released. I can't remember if i was a forum
member by that point of still on the mailing lists (i think it was
still the lists) and found out about the SB3 through checkins for new
graphics that appeared just before the announcement.

After that it was pretty inevitable, I wanted one of these things
pretty bad. Got a deal from a re-seller for two so ended up with one in
the living room and one in the bedroom. The bedroom unit is still where
it's been since, connected to a set of HarmonKardon SoundStick IIs. The
Livingroom unit took a brief break when I was sent a Reciever for being
part of the Controller beta testing, I missed the screen though. It's
now been replaced permenantly by the Boom, which I totally love. That
SB3 is now at my parents place though so still going.

I've also bought a SliMP3 and a silver SB2, would quite like a SB1 and
SB1G (and of course a transporter) to round of my collection though :)


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Re: [slim] Just curious: when/why did you get your first Slim/Logitech player?

2008-10-16 Thread 86atc250r

My parents were building a new  large house.

Instead of running analog speaker cable all over the house and deal
with all the issues involved with that, I started searching google for
IP Audio Distribution.  I also slipped some synchronization keywords
here and there because they like to entertain  being able to sync the
music was a must.

I first ran across only a couple solutions.  Then I found the Sonos
stuff.  It looked cool but was a bit pricey  I didn't like the fact
that their high dollar remote had a fixed. non-replaceable battery.

After finding Sonos, I saw some people comparing their setup to a
device called the squeezebox, so I came over here to look around.   I
liked the open source flexibility - another big selling point for me was
I was able to demo the system for free and without obligation.

I downloaded softsqueeze to three laptops, set up a slim server on a
desktop and proceeded to sync them to an internet radio station.   
Very Cool!   I figured if it worked that well with a java software
client, running on wireless laptops, to an internet radio station no
less - the hardware should run great.

The only thing was that the LCD remote of the Sonos system was very
cool, however, the expense, the non replaceable battery, and the fact
that it was a closed system (meaning your hostage to how often they
decide to update  add features) held me back.

I bought my first squeezebox  shortly after that, I saw that a
controller was being worked on  in the beta stages, Excellent!

Now I have a Squeezebox, a Duet, a software player, and a Boom.   They
get used almost daily (in fact, I'm listening to Radio Paradise right

That all said, I still haven't talked my parents into populating their
new house with any audio devices


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Re: [slim] Just curious: when/why did you get your first Slim/Logitech player?

2008-10-16 Thread MeSue

I had dreamed of what the Squeeze products could do since I was about 13
years old. At the time, though, I thought the only way to get it was to
own my own radio station, so that was my goal in life at 13. Later, as
a poor newlywed in the early 90s, I splurged on a 5-disc CD changer.
That got me one step closer to my dream.

In the late 90s, we relocated out here to the boonies. I had no job and
no friends here, but I had a computer so I could teach myself stuff.
Ripping CDs was one of the things I learned, and since it got me one
step closer to my dream, and I had nothing better to do, I ripped my
entire CD collection. Now my dream of music on demand was getting
close, but it was confined to when I was at the computer. Which was
most of the time since I had no job and no friends. ;-)

My computer learning led me to land the job I have now, and that job
soon led to me having a laptop and getting wireless networking in the
house. Not long after we had a wireless network, I began to realize
there had to be a way to utilize it to spread music around the house. 

I started researching network music players and that is how I learned
about Slim Devices.  I thought the  Squeezebox 2 was way expensive, and
I was looking for more of an all-in-one player with built-in speakers. I
found this thing called the HomePod which was pretty darn ugly, but it
sounded like exactly what I wanted and I bought one. Well, that was an
awful thing and fortunately I got my money back on it. I took the
refund from that and some birthday cash, and I bought my SB2 in May of


I also considered the Roku,  but my diligent research while waiting for
the birthday cash led me to dismiss that as an option. Being able to
test the system with SlimServer and SoftSqueeze was a big plus!

Then I started posting on this forums about my dream Squeezebox
Boombox, and much to my surprise, I was invited to beta test one in
2008. :-) Now I have 2 Booms and a Duet and hubby has the the SB2 out
in his shop.



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Re: [slim] Just curious: when/why did you get your first Slim/Logitech player?

2008-10-16 Thread maggior

I wasn't smart enough to envision a product like this when I was 13.

Back in 1999 when I got my first CD burner and learned about DAE, I
also dabbled with mp3.  I started burning mp3 CDs to use with my
RioVolt.  My vision was a PC set up next to the stereo with a small
unobtrusive CRT where I could cue music up with and play straight from
the PC.

In 2002, I got married and my vision of a PC connected to the stereo
was never fulfilled.  Actually, all of my CDs were to be stored in the
basement in our new house!!  And a PC in the family room was not an

I don't actually remember where I first heard of SlimDevices - it was
most likely in the Hydrogen Audio forums.

I remember downloading slimserver and installing it and being not very
impressed.  How exactly did I play music with this thing???  Then,
about a year later, I read more about it and my curiosity was piqued
again.  This time I understood the concept.  I loaded up SoftSqueeze on
my laptop and gave it a whirl.  This was way cool...this had great
possibilities.  The beta version of the server also supported gapless
playback  Lack of this feature is what kept me from buying a Roku

I demoed it for my wife while we were watching TV on the couch.  She
thought it was cool.  Finally a solution to not having to trek
downstairs to get a CD to listen to.  She also thought it was small and
unobtrusive enough for the family room.  I got the green light!  This
was all in late 2005.  I was a bit late to the party :-).

Now I have 2 SB3s, a duet, and an SBR.  It's been the perfect solution
for us!  I'm curious to see how this will expand and how our kids'
listening habits will be integrated with the setup (they are 21 months
and 4 1/2 now, with another due on 4/15).


Setup: 2 SB3s, 1 duet, 1 receiver.  SuSE 10.2 Server running
SqueezeCenter 7.2, MusicIP, and SqueezeSlave

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Re: [slim] Just curious: when/why did you get your first Slim/Logitech player?

2008-10-16 Thread hoosier

Back in late 2002, I remember wanting a device to play music through my
stereo.  I had an Archos Studio 20GB player, and that was OK as long as
you didn't mind the same playlist over and over.

I was searching through Amazon and came across the Audiotron.  I really
wanted it, but didn't want to spend the money - I was about to become a
Dad.  In one of the reviews for the Audiotron, somebody wrote that the
Slimp3 was the best device ever, so I did some more research.  I found
Slim Devices and Roku.  Roku was about to release their player any day,
and it looked a lot cooler than a Squeezebox.  I pondered on which was
better for a few months.  After a few months, Roku was still about to
relase their player any day.  I finally couldn't wait anymore and
bought the Squeezebox.  I think six months later Roku was still about
to release their player any day, and I was very happy with my SB1.  We
lived in a city loft (two bedrooms and one big room where all the
interior walls only went up about 70% of the ceiling height - 12'), so
one squeezebox could fill the whole place with music.

I would sit with my newborn daughter and play an eclectic mix of tunes
until she would fall asleep.

My only complaint was the horrible display (by today's standards) on
the SB1.  When the Graphic upgrade was released, I think I was one of
the first to order the upgrade kit.

About a year later, the wife wanted a yard, so we moved to suburbia and
got a standard house with a yard.  I decided I needed whole house audio
since I basically had that in the city.  I bought an SBG for my
daughters room, and picked up a Purple Haze for the master bedroom.

About 3 months later the SB2 came out and I felt a little cheated (I
didn't get a pony).  When the SB3 was released, I was about to have my
son, so I bought two of them.  I now have 5 players, some decent whole
house audio, and if I have to listen to the theme from the Lion King
again, I may very well go nuts.

I've gone from Slimserver 5.2 up to SC7.2 and my daughter's SB plays
non stop Disney 24-7.  I don't know what's more impressive, the SB or
the homemade dual Xeon P3 450 that's been serving up the music for the
last 5+ years.

Truly a great product.


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Re: [slim] Just curious: when/why did you get your first Slim/Logitech player?

2008-10-16 Thread pablolie

I had been playing around with digitizing CDs to record my own
compllation albums forever. For many years, I went about it very wrong,
ripping stuff on the quick using WMP, and mostly just keeping track of
the latest few CDs I had recorded for myself. Basically it was a linear
continuation of the days when I recorded cassettes with a lot of love on
a TEAC 6030S, but just with digital convenience thrown in. 

Then I bought a an iRock MP3 player, my review at the time can be read
It utterly convinced me that in a few years I would not be touching CDs
anymore. As a frequent traveller, the ability to carry high quality
music around was fantastic.

Then, I am not sure what I was looking for, but a Google search got me
on the Slim Devices page. In February '06 my first SB3 was delivered,
and I went about the arduous task of ripping over 2,000 CDs in high
quality (I settled on dbpoweramp, in case you wonder). And kept adding
a Slim devices box at a rate of 1 every 5 months or so, I have 4 SB3, 1
Duet and 2 Booms these days.

And my CDs spend never make it out of their cabinets anymore.


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Re: [slim] Just curious: when/why did you get your first Slim/Logitech player?

2008-10-16 Thread Richard Scales
I think it must have been some time on 2001 but we had just decided to
decorate and as part of the preparation an entire wall rack of CD's had to
be taken off the wall and stored.

After the painting was done it was time to put the whole thing back up. I
had already used a PC to store music for parties that I would play via
playlists and as I assessed the task of putting all these cd's back on to
the freshly painted wall I thought that there had to be a better way.

It did not take much research before Audiotron and Slimdevices were found.
Once I saw a picture of the Slimp3 I was hooked. It did exactly what I
needed - play my ripped CD collection from a central store - distributed
over Ethernet with a cool display and remote. I found a UK reseller and
ordered one immediately.

It worked out the box, everyone was impressed, 4 friends of mine did the
same. A few years later we moved to a new house which we had built - fully
wired Cat5 to all rooms for obvious reasons.

We have awaited each new product release with eager anticipation - the SB1,
then upgrading it to an SB1G, then the SB2 (wired and then Wifi) which we
use mostly. I have only recently added an SB3 just because I wanted another

I think I must be a very much 'old school' user as the idea of a player
without a display is a tough one for me - and to have a neat colour LCD
based controller that could easily get dropped (you should meet my family!)
would not be good right now!

Historically I have always ripped to MP3 but recently I have performed some
tests with Flac files and despite many years of seeing Rush Live - I could
hear a difference immediately. Now, when I get the chance - I shall have to
teach some children how to open a CD case, pop it into a PC and rip it to
Flac - x 500.

'I want a squeezebox boombox' and will be getting one when funds permit. I
like the look of the Transporter but it would be wasted on me. 

I love the products, they have always worked, never had any real problems
with Slimserver/Squeezecenter and I love my weatherdisplay plugin. When I
have the time - I would like to write a plugin that could give me the local
wind forecast for the coming days. Being keen divers - if it always said
less than 10 knots - that would do!


Richard Scales
2 x slimp3, 1 x SB1G, 4 x SB2, 1 x SB3

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Mark Lanctot
Sent: 16 October 2008 14:55
Subject: [slim] Just curious: when/why did you get your first Slim/Logitech

I'm particularly interested in the forum members with older players back
when this stuff was -really- obscure...

This thread
prompted me to think about when I first heard of Slim Devices.

I probably heard of the Squeezebox from the AVS Forum.  The main
stumbling block for me was price and the fact that it was 802.11b with
WEP.  However I thought SlimServer was very cool, installed it and
played with it.  I guess I'm easily impressed, I thought it was very
neat that it ran a remote web server that could be controlled over the
network.  At that time I started cleaning up my tags and ripping my CDs
to FLAC.  Eventually I uninstalled SlimServer as it wasn't doing
anything for me and I almost forgot about Slim Devices.

Fast-forward to October 2005 when (again through AVS Forums) I learned
about the SB3.  I went to the website where I discovered the remaining
SB2s were on sale.  The SB2 addressed the issues I had with the SB1 and
seeing as it was on sale and money was better for me at the time, I dove

I wrote a review article for a computer forum I was active in at the
time, ABX Forum, but I posted it here first for comments.  Sean Adams
wondered why I was reviewing the SB2 and an older version of SS
(6.0.2?) and sent me an SB3 for review.

I was thinking of a use for 2 players at the time, so when the review
period was over I ended up buying that SB3.  The rest is history...

So what are your stories?

Mark Lanctot

Current: SB2, Transporter, Boom (PQP3 - late beta)
Stored: Boom (PQP1 - early beta), SBC (beta - no battery)
Sold: SB3, Duet

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