Re: [slim] Keep running LMS and PLEX from PC or change to RPi and/or NAS

2020-09-24 Thread cathcam

I've just rebuilt my LMS due to SSL problems on Windows 10, as discussed
in this forum,

and then came across this before logging off.

I posted this description of my Windows set-up in part to describe why I
would prefer not to switch to a Pi or even more general a Linux distro.

Yes, Pi's are super cheap and so is the distro etc. However, if you are
Windows literate, you can buy perfectly capable Dell Optiplex Small Form
Factor PC's for around $25. The Optiplex SFF all have an embedded
Windows license key in firmware. Even if they don't ship with a drive
you can install a small SSD, install Windows 7 and then go through
Windows 10 upgrade for free. What follows is my description from the
other forum. For wifi, we have a 130ft long home, with a full basement.
We run 3x wifi networks, 1-guest, 1-streaming, 1-approved laptops,
phones etc. I have 1x wifi extender that repeats all wifi signals in the
basement. We have LMS players in EVERY room and one on the back patio,
and one in the garage. Most of our video streaming is done via hard
wired systems.

I could indeed switch my LMS Server to Linux from Windows, but I suspect
a whole new set of problems would open up. I use 2x 2008-year ReadyNas
servers accessed from Windows via SMB, one is the primary, the other is
a backup of the primary and backs up weekly directly using rsync. The
primary is linked as a drive into LMS Windows system. The LMS Windows
system also does an incremental backup everyday of any new files in the
music/pictures/documents folder to the cloud using iDrive who allow the
backup of network drives from Windows.

I run the LMS on a 2014 Dell OptiPlex 3020 headless and access via
Remote Desktop Connection. Everything is automated. So yeah I could
switch, but I'd prefer not to.

If I can ever be of any help testing or debugging LMS on Windows, I'm
always willing...

--- < Creed Taylor/CTI/KUDU

Running LMS Server, currently v8.0.0, (1600976618) on Headless WIN10
System; music on Netgear ReadyNAS; Transporter(Living Room)+Duet
Controller; Squeezebox Touch(Master Bedroom), (2x)Boom(Office, Patio),
Radio(Guest Bedroom), Classic(garage), Duet(basement). Also using
Squeezeplay on Windows 10. Use Orange Squeeze app on Android.

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Re: [slim] Keep running LMS and PLEX from PC or change to RPi and/or NAS

2019-03-06 Thread chopinhauer

Thanks for all the replies and suggestions. I really appreciate it.

Anyway, I now have a good idea of the options and I can weight them up.

I can't re-purpose my current (soon to be old) computer as it's too big
for the cupboard option and I don't feel like downsizing it to fit. I
have an RPi so that's an option, just need to pair it with a NAS or even
just a 2TB external HDD for my music. And then there's Vortexbox,
something I'll have to look into when I get a chance and the fact that a
member here is kindly willing to help out.

As for backups, I'm well on top of that (although my methods are not
state of the art). I'm not a fan of RAID, but regularly clone my OS and
keep multiple copies of this on other HDDs on my computer as well as on
my massive 4-bay external HDD enclosure. The latter is also used for
copies of my music and my most important visual media files. The film
and tv stuff I'm happy to lose I don't back up. So far never lost a
thing in all my years of computing.

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Re: [slim] Keep running LMS and PLEX from PC or change to RPi and/or NAS

2019-03-06 Thread Apesbrain

OP, why don't you turn the old PC into a full-time server, stick it in a
closet, and keep running all that stuff on it?  If it's doing the things
you need, switching to a NAS or RPi isn't going to make things any
better.  My setup is very similar to yours, but on a headless box out of
the way and wired directly to my router.  I manage it and move things
on/off of it using Remote Desktop.  Because it's a server, I leave it
powered on all the time; that's up to you.

Of course, we'll all have to deal with Win 7 "end of life".  I figure
I'll wait to see what that involves and try to keep running it for as
long as possible.

P.S. I don't see any mention in your post of your backup routine and
just want to make sure you have one.  A "backup" is not a backup unless
it's off-site.

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Re: [slim] Keep running LMS and PLEX from PC or change to RPi and/or NAS

2019-03-06 Thread Paul Webster

For me it is Kodi on RPi (via OSMC) on RPi and LMS (via pCP) on a
different RPi with content stored on relatively cheap NAS (e.g.
I switched from Windows PC running LMS long long ago - with the
intention of switching off the PC at night but that never happened.

Paul Webster
Author Radio France (FIP etc) plugin

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Re: [slim] Keep running LMS and PLEX from PC or change to RPi and/or NAS

2019-03-06 Thread Redrum

I am new to PiCore player. Previously I was using windows 7 with an
internal HDD running LMS at two seperate locations (i.e. miles apart).
With the help of this community, I am now running a Picore Player with
an external USB HDD at both locations. A windows 7 computer remains at
each location, but not for streaming music.

I manage my music library on my Windows 7 PC/HDD at my "home" location.
That is, I rip and tag to this windows machine. I then use a set profile
in Free File Sync to mirror my library to the USB HDD over the network
using Samba. When I travel to the second location, I bring the USB HDD
with me, and mirror it to the USB HDD at the second location.

It's a bit tedious, but it allows me to have mirrors of my library at
two locations, and a "master" on my home PC. I also backup other
important files (photos, etc) to the USB HDD, and mirror them to the
other USB HDD, along with the music, which provides an "off site" backup
of important files (actually, they exist in 3 locations). "Profiles in
Free File Sync make this easy.

The picore player itself is a joy. It just runs. I used to have my
windows PC on all the time at either location, but when I would shut it
down for whatever reason, I would think "hey, what happened to the
music?" for just a moment. The other obvious and stated advantage is
power consumption (assuming you change your habits and turn off the

My setup is inexpensive - $45 for Pi 3B+ & PS, $60 for 2TB HDD, $12 for

I built this for a friend, and am in the process of building the
players/HDD at each location in these enclosures, so I can unplug,
travel, plug in, transfer, repeat. I am considering building a third so
I have one that does nothing other than travels.


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Re: [slim] Keep running LMS and PLEX from PC or change to RPi and/or NAS

2019-03-06 Thread d6jg

Wirrunna wrote: 
> OK, I'll chime in.
> I run a reasonably powerful Win 10 box as my main computer, use it for
> ripping DVDs and CDs etc, MusicIP analysis and tagging. Then I use
> FreeFileSync to copy it to a Vortexbox (VB) for streaming by LMS and
> Plex.
> Two advantages in this method - backup of all media and low power
> consumption of the streaming server, plus I have another VB at my Sydney
> house, so I take the library there on a backup disk and update it for
> 'off site' backup.
> So, my advice is to investigate building a small VB for streaming and
> keep your big box for day to day stuff.
> Happy to talk further by PM.
> One of my VBs is in a Silverstone SG05 lite case, uses an Asrock B150M
> mini itx mobo and a pentium CPU 4GB RAM, 8TB disk. System on a cheap
> 120GB SSD.

I do very similar. 
The only thing I would say is that VB is based on an old and obsolete
edition of Fedora (but it still works fine). There have been rumblings
of a new version for over a year but nothing has appeared into the Open
Source community but I know if you bought a new VB appliance it would
come with "Nova" which is a rebadged VB software built on a much later
Fedora so there a chance it will appear. 
If you run Spotty then you need VB2.4 (2.3 will NOT work).

[B]Living Room* - Joggler & SB3 -> Onkyo TS606 -> Celestion F20s
*Office* - Pi3+Sreen -> Sony TAFE320 -> Celestion F10s / Pi2+DAC & SB3
-> Onkyo CRN755 -> Wharfedale Modus Cubes
*Dining Room* -> SB Boom 
*Kitchen* -> UE Radio (upgraded to SB Radio)
*Bedroom (Bedside)* - Pi2+DAC ->ToppingTP21 ->AKG Headphones
*Bedroom (TV)* - SB Touch ->Sherwood AVR ->Mordaunt Short M10s
Everything controlled by iPeng

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Re: [slim] Keep running LMS and PLEX from PC or change to RPi and/or NAS

2019-03-05 Thread Grumpy Bob

I don't use Plex, just LMS, and I run it on a Raspberry Pi running LMS
on piCoreplayer. Files are on a NAS. Both the NAS and Pi are wired
connections to the router, all players are attached via wifi. This has
been running with no real interruptions for a few years, and I leave the
NAS and Pi on 24/7.  As I say, I can't comment on video streaming, but
for LMS, this has worked well for me. Previously I ran LMS on a Linux
PC, then on a QNAP NAS. 

Others could chime in to say if a Pi could work well for Plex, and if so
which OS is best.


*Home: *Raspberry Pi 3/piCoreplayer/LMS7.9.2  with files on QNAP
Touch > DacMagic 100 > Naim Audio Nait 3 > Mission 752 (plus Rega
Planar 3 > Rega Fono Mini; Naim CD3)
PiCorePlayer(Pi2) with IQAudIO DAC+>Sennheisers 
2 x Squeezebox Radios, 1 X Squeezebox 3 (retired), spare
*Office:* LMS7.9.2 running on WiFi MyPassport drive >
piCorePlayer(PiB)/HiFiBerryDAC > Amptastic Amplifier
SqueezePad, iPeng as controllers

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Re: [slim] Keep running LMS and PLEX from PC or change to RPi and/or NAS

2019-03-05 Thread Wirrunna

OK, I'll chime in.
I run a reasonably powerful Win 10 box as my main computer, use it for
ripping DVDs and CDs etc, MusicIP analysis and tagging. Then I use
FreeFileSync to copy it to a Vortexbox (VB) for streaming by LMS and
Two advantages in this method - backup of all media and low power
consumption of the streaming server, plus I have another VB at my Sydney
house, so I take the library there on a backup disk and update it for
'off site' backup.
So, my advice is to investigate building a small VB for streaming and
keep your big box for day to day stuff.

Happy to talk further by PM.

One of my VBs is in a Silverstone SG05 lite case, uses an Asrock B150M
mini itx mobo and a pentium CPU 4GB RAM, 8TB disk. System on a cheap
120GB SSD.

A camel is a racehorse designed by a committee.

Seen sprayed on the outside wall of the local library -
Three things I hate in life :
1. Vandalism
2. Irony
3. Lists

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Re: [slim] Keep running LMS and PLEX from PC or change to RPi and/or NAS

2019-03-05 Thread chopinhauer


Come on. Please just quick advice form someone who's been there before
(which I assume was many of you). It was the default position back in
the early days of squeezebox (pre-2010). I'm still in default mode, but
am wondering if I should/must move on in order to do what LMS (and now
Plex) are best at (serving and steaming ever increasing content).

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[slim] Keep running LMS and PLEX from PC or change to RPi and/or NAS

2019-03-04 Thread chopinhauer

I’m a long time user of LMS (10 years) and have always just kept my
files on my Windows 7 PC and streamed the music from there to my various
Squeezeboxes. I have a decent mesh Wi-Fi set up so I can steam easily
throughout my apartment. In addition, I’ve recently started to stream my
visual media files stored on my PC via Plex. I have about 1.3TB of
lossless classical music files and 4TB of film/TV and growing (mainly
kids stuff). I turn the computer off every night since sleep/hibernation
mode is a bit dicey.

My current home computer is fairly powerful, used for all my home and
work computing tasks and has tons of storage (plus I can always fill the
numerous disk bays with larger HDDs as time goes by). But it’s getting
long in the tooth and I’m soon going to upgrade it to a current model PC
(Intel 8700 processor etc). I’m just wondering if it’s still the best
option for my needs to use the new PC as the storage and streaming
device as well as for general computing tasks. Or are there real
advantages (other than leaving the system on 24/7) to moving to a NAS
and/or Raspberry Pi set up for media serving via LMS and Plex? (FYI, I
have built and used a RPI a few years ago for a couple of months for
one-off reasons, so do know the basic rudiments of RPI plus Max2play).

Basically, I’m asking can I just stick with the structure of what I’ve
got now or are there compelling reasons for me (given my rather
uncomplicated needs) to change one of the more complex streaming set ups
that proliferate here. I’m not really a technical person so the simpler
the better as long as it does the job.

Any advice truly appreciated.

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