[slim] Re: A suggestion for people with large music library

2006-03-22 Thread emm

Yes it seems the external Maxtor drive is not the problem after further
testing.  I get the same dropouts when running from my laptop and
playing just 1 FLAC file from a music folder with just a few FLAC files
in it.  When I use the Server and Network Health feature of
Slimserver, it tells me my Buffer Fullness is low and I should check my
network connection.  My network connection appears to be fine.  I run
Slimserver using http://localhost:9000/

Should I run Slimserver from my laptop using my own IP address?  Please


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[slim] Re: A suggestion for people with large music library

2006-03-22 Thread snarlydwarf

So there's a wireless link between the server and the router, but not
between the SB3 and the router?

You may want to look at that link: perhaps a neighbor bought a new
wireless setup and is now interfering with yours.

Try switching to channel 1 or 11 on the router, since most routers come
on channel 6, those are far away enough to not overlap with channel 6.


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[slim] Re: A suggestion for people with large music library

2006-03-22 Thread Fifer

JJZolx Wrote: 
 Once version 6.5 comes out using MySQL I think larger libraries will be
 handled better than with the current SQLite.  With one caveat... I
 think the hardware requirements may go up a bit.
Mmmm. Should those of us who have just invested in Qnap TS-101s be


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[slim] Re: A suggestion for people with large music library

2006-03-21 Thread emm

I'm using the Maxtor One Touch II (300gb external drive) with USB2
connection and having pauses and delays when playing music using SB3
and Linksys WRT54GX2 router (hardwired to laptop).  Had no problem when
music folder was on my laptop's internal drive, but now my music folder
is too large (90gb) for my laptop (80gb).  My laptop's got 2g RAM and
1.7ghz PIII.

Is there some problem with the way the Maxtor external drive accesses
the disk?



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[slim] Re: A suggestion for people with large music library

2006-03-21 Thread ModelCitizen

emm Wrote: 
 I'm using the Maxtor One Touch II (300gb external drive) with USB2
 connection and having pauses and delays when playing music using SB3
 and Linksys WRT54GX2 router (hardwired to laptop).  Had no problem when
 music folder was on my laptop's internal drive, but now my music folder
 is too large (90gb) for my laptop (80gb).  My laptop's got 2g RAM and
 1.7ghz PIII.
 Is there some problem with the way the Maxtor external drive accesses
 the disk?

I use the same Maxtor drive via USB 1 into a 500mhz 192mb RAM Dell
Latitude running XP, wireless router is Netgear. The Maxtor is
completely full of flac files and the whole thing is rock solid.



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[slim] Re: A suggestion for people with large music library

2006-01-10 Thread Michaelwagner

snarlydwarf Wrote: 
 That's true that it has to go to the disk, but I don't think that should
 be a significant source of delay.
It depends, somewhat, on how many directory levels, etc.

 The catch is that (in the web interface, when you load the page, or when
 it shows the filename on the squeezebox), it does actually open the file
 and check for tags and inserts them into the database.  It should only
 do this if the file is newer than the version in the database, though:
*Should* is the important word here. I'm not sure that check is really
being done. And if it is, the optimizations Dan put in are recent. I
don't think they've made it beyond the nightlies yet.

 Even USB2.0 is... slow. ... far slower than an internal drive: if you
 can replace that with an internal drive you would most likely see much
 better performance.


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[slim] Re: A suggestion for people with large music library

2006-01-10 Thread Michaelwagner

rick's cafe Wrote: 
 I much prefer searching for music via the browse music folder route...
 does anyone know if there are any plans or if there is any way in which
 SS can be modified so that it reads this info from the Databse rather
 than from the disk.
There's no good fundamental reason Slimserver couldn't do this. The
information about the full path name of each song is in the database. I
assume the original authors just thought tags were so much better a way
to find music than the directory structure, which, for many people,
isn't all that well thought out.

The way to go about getting what you want is to file an enhancement

An enhancement request is actually a bug report with one of the fields
(I don't recall which at the moment) selected as enhancement. Then
you describe how you'd like things to work. And if people agree with
you, someone will work on it in the future some time and make it so.

Do you want to fill out such a request? If you're not comfortable doing
it, I can do it and you can add yourself to the interested parties list,
so that you can see what progress is being made.


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[slim] Re: A suggestion for people with large music library

2006-01-10 Thread rick's cafe

Many thanks for your replies i now have a much better understanding
of how the system works After reading your comments I suspect that
my best bet is to go thru and tag and rename a number of fields within
all my tracks ... I know there are many programs that will assist but
the mamoth task that I envison puts me off.. perhaps I need not think
of it that badly... 

nevertheless... as for the ability to browse music folders within the
database rather than the hard drive I for one think that might be a
useful addition, although whether there are competing interests to keep
the existing way in place (ie to allow users to search for tracks
outside of the database) - who knows?? I would happily endorse a bug
fix for this.. but being new to the forum (and forums generally for
that matter) I dont really have a clue on how to start off the
process... Michael .. if you can start the ball rolling and let me know
how I can endorse it .. please do.

anyway... thanks for the help.. will post an update on how i get on in
due course...

rick's cafe


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[slim] Re: A suggestion for people with large music library

2006-01-10 Thread Michaelwagner

OK. I'm at work now, but will file an enhancement request when I'm at
home tonight.


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[slim] Re: A suggestion for people with large music library

2006-01-10 Thread Michaelwagner



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[slim] Re: A suggestion for people with large music library

2006-01-10 Thread JJZolx

Michaelwagner Wrote: 
I don't think it's so much that BMF isn't using a cache that makes it
so slow - what it has to do is many many lookups in the db at each
junction in the tree.  If these database interactions are as slow and
unoptimized as I understand the scanning lookups to be, then it's no
wonder BMF is so slow.

Actually, I think Dan said that something like this may be forthcoming
in v6.5.  I suggested that you be able to browse through the music
folder without BMF actively looking for new and changed files.  At each
branch in the tree you can display a button that would let you
explicitly catalog that folder and any subfolders.  This would kill two
birds - you'd have a nice, quick means of browsing the directory
structure _and_ you'd also have a nice user interface for cataloging
newly added music.

I've been harping about this forever.  At some point I'd really like a
BMF does a simple directory browse, showing every single file in the
folders - not what SlimServer thinks is in those folders and that it
thinks is worthy of being cataloged in the database.  Say you had 10
scans of artwork for an album - there's no way in SlimServer to view
those scans.  Display all image files in BMF, not just the single
'cover' and let a user click on the file names to view them.  If you
come across a playlist, allow the user to click the playlist to play
the referenced files.  It's one of those things that's conceptually so
damned simple that I don't understand why it wasn't done a long time



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[slim] Re: A suggestion for people with large music library

2006-01-10 Thread Michaelwagner

JJZolx Wrote: 
 At some point I'd really like a BMF does a simple directory browse,
 showing every single file in the folders - not what SlimServer thinks
 is in those folders and that it thinks is worthy of being cataloged in
 the database.  Say you had 10 scans of artwork for an album - there's
 no way in SlimServer to view those scans.  Display all image files in
 BMF, not just the single 'cover' and let a user click on the file names
 to view them.  If you come across a playlist, allow the user to click
 the playlist to play the referenced files.  It's one of those things
 that's conceptually so damned simple that I don't understand why it
 wasn't done a long time ago.
Remember, there are 2 BMFs. The web UI one and the one on the 2 line
client-front display.

What you're describing sounds like just invoking windows explorer from
inside Slim - for the web interface.

I can't imagine how to do anything similar with the front panel.


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[slim] Re: A suggestion for people with large music library

2006-01-10 Thread Michaelwagner

JJZolx Wrote: 
 Actually, I think Dan said that something like this may be forthcoming
 in v6.5.  
I too thought I remembered some such statement ... but with the forum
crashing tonight, I gave up looking and just filed the enhancement
request. If in fact it's been done, it can be closed redundant or some

After I spent most of an hour trying to get the enhancement request
entered and trying to find where I'd seen a better discussion of BMF
and what exactly was getting improved in 6.5, while the web site kept
crashing, I was disinclined to continue my research. I was just happy
it finally after 4 tries took my enhancement request at all.

(I'd already copied the text into a text file on my desktop in case I
would have to resubmit it).


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[slim] Re: A suggestion for people with large music library

2006-01-09 Thread rick's cafe

I got my SB3 a couple of weeks ago.. and aside from the usual connection
problems that I had to sort out the whole system works great.  However,
one thing I've notice with my set up is that there is a considerable
delay when browsing my music folders on the SB3.  Once I drill into a
folder it often takes 10 secs to drill down further into the
artist/album listings.  

My music is organized Genre/Artist/Album/Track

I have about 140gigs of tunes or roughly 16K tracks all stored on an
external HD.  For the most part the tracks are ripped as 192 kbs
MP3's... the Slimserver is loaded on an old PC (which may be my
problem?) and connected to a Belkin wireless G router

My PC is a PIII 550mhz, 512mb RAM and is running WIN XP

Is this the couase of my slowdown or is such a slowdown to be expected
with my size of music library?

Any helpful advice would be appreciated to improve the overall
performance of my system


rick's cafe

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[slim] Re: A suggestion for people with large music library

2006-01-09 Thread SlimPvC

agentsmith Wrote: 
 Hopefull when I retire I can just put SB on random play till eternalty.

That's exactly what I used to think, but bear in mind that your musical
taste may have changed drastically by that time...
Nowadays, I really can't stand most of the rock shit I bought in the
So better enjoy it NOW :-)


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[slim] Re: A suggestion for people with large music library

2006-01-09 Thread bflatmajor

For those that are having speed issues, you may look into the following
items, they may be causing you the problems.

1)  Memory, if you have less than 1gb of memory then you may be
suffering from the lack of available memory. Example; if you 512 mb
memory and you have various other tasks/programs loaded in the
background, those tasks are using your memory. That means SS does not
have 512mb of memory available for it's usage. Go into to Task manager
and kill/stop some of the other processes and then run SS and see if
the speed increases. Also the speed of your memory may be an issue.

2) Disk speed.  How fast is your harddrive. Reading a database is a
fairly simple and quick operation, but if you have a slow harddrive
then it will be slower than a pc with a faster harddrive. 

Those are just my suggestions, YMMV



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[slim] Re: A suggestion for people with large music library

2006-01-09 Thread radish

To be fair, slimserver rarely uses over 100mb, so 512 would be fine
unless you're running a LOT of other junk at the same time. A dedicated
slimserver box would be fine with 256, probably significantly less. And
memory speed makes very little noticable difference to anything, I
certainly wouldn't expect to see any difference with SS. Agreed about
the disk speed though, particularly when indexing.


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[slim] Re: A suggestion for people with large music library

2006-01-09 Thread Michaelwagner

I agree with Radish. I'm running W2K, and I just checked. Peak usage on
my Slimserver is 70MB. Add another 8MB for Slimtray (not sure why
that's so large) and you're still around 80MB RAM. That's for about
8600 tracks.

I use the option, available only in recent releases, of specifying
where the database is stored. I keep it in RAM. 

That provides some speedup.

I gather the database used in 6.2 isn't the fastest, and that's going
to change some time soon. 

Also, performance improvements are being made to the code every couple
of days. They'll make it into the next major release and then everyone
will benefit from them. I'm not sure when that is, though.


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[slim] Re: A suggestion for people with large music library

2006-01-09 Thread Michaelwagner

rick's cafe Wrote: 
 one thing I've notice with my set up is that there is a considerable
 delay when browsing my music folders on the SB3.  Once I drill into a
 folder it often takes 10 secs to drill down further into the
 artist/album listings.
I need to read more carefully ... 
You say it's slow when browsing music folders.
Do you mean, it's slow when using the browse music folder menu item?

If I understand properly, that function bypasses the database and
re-reads the various folders. So then the thing that is slowing you
down is hard disk speed and connectivity.

You mentioned that your hard disk is an external. What flavour of
connection does it have? USB1? USB2? Firewire?

Does the corresponding port on your computer support the disk fully?
i.e. if it's a USB port, is the computer able to run USB2 on that port.
PIIIs at 500MHz are probably 4 or 5 years old .. they mostly didn't have
USB2 support.

If so, that may be part of your problem.

Possible solutions:
Faster/newer computer
Internal Hard disk
Newer faster USB hardware in your PC
Don't use the browse music folder function, but rather the ones by
artist/album/genre, which go through the database.

Hope this helps.


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[slim] Re: A suggestion for people with large music library

2006-01-09 Thread rick's cafe

thanks for the guidance:

Yes.. I use the  Browse Music Folder option via the SB3 interface. 

I have installed a USB 2.0 card in the back of my PIII .. the external
HD is connected to this slot.

The HD is made by Western Digital technical specs as follows:

Rotational Speed7,200 RPM (nominal)
Buffer Size 2 MB
Average Latency 4.20 ms (nominal)
Seek Times
Read Seek Time  8.9 ms
Track-To-Track Seek Time2.0 ms (average)
Serial Transfer Rate
USB 2.0
Serial Bus Transfer Rate (USB 2.0)  480 Mbits/s (Max)

My PC, although old.. is not used for anything other than running SS
and browsing the net.  I have no other apps to speak of running other

Basically I am trying to figure what I should best do to speed up
overall performance... if the PC can work then I am not minded to
change it out... as for the HD .. I have jsut noted that mine only has
2 mb buffer size and new models extend up to 8 mb and 16 mb cache /
buffer size I am thinking of getting a new external HD as I am
running out of storage.. do you think the added buffer size will


rick's cafe

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Re: [slim] Re: A suggestion for people with large music library

2006-01-09 Thread Mitch Harding
I think the main problem is using the Browse Music Folder interface. That's going to be slower than Browse Artists/Albums. If I understand correctly, BMF reads from the disk, and Browse Artists/Albums reads from the DB -- which you can keep in memory for faster access.
On 1/9/06, rick's cafe [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
thanks for the guidance:Yes.. I use theBrowse Music Folder option via the SB3 interface.
I have installed a USB 2.0 card in the back of my PIII .. the externalHD is connected to this slot.The HD is made by Western Digital technical specs as follows:Rotational Speed7,200 RPM (nominal)
Buffer Size 2 MBAverage Latency 4.20 ms (nominal)Seek TimesRead Seek Time8.9 msTrack-To-Track Seek Time2.0 ms (average)Serial Transfer RateUSB 
2.0Serial Bus Transfer Rate (USB 2.0)480 Mbits/s (Max)My PC, although old.. is not used for anything other than running SSand browsing the net.I have no other apps to speak of running other
processes.Basically I am trying to figure what I should best do to speed upoverall performance... if the PC can work then I am not minded tochange it out... as for the HD .. I have jsut noted that mine only has
2 mb buffer size and new models extend up to 8 mb and 16 mb cache /buffer size I am thinking of getting a new external HD as I amrunning out of storage.. do you think the added buffer size willassist?
thanks--rick's caferick's cafe's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=3021
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[slim] Re: A suggestion for people with large music library

2006-01-09 Thread rick's cafe

I much prefer searching for music via the browse music folder route...
does anyone know if there are any plans or if there is any way in which
SS can be modified so that it reads this info from the Databse rather
than from the disk.

I know that I can browse by artist but the logic of my current file
structure and organization of files lends itself to browsing by

at the moment my structure is like this 

f://soundsystem/spinsounds/reggae/peter tosh

the root is soundsystem 

then i have various sub folders which help me categorize where i got my
tunes from ... 

any ideas relating to organization and speed for searching would

one other point is that prior to using SB3 .. i used winamp as my
player same file structure and smae number of tunes but no issues
in terms of lag time when using winamp search facility which presumably
worked on a database system although there was a bit of a lag when
using the Dynamic lilbrary winamp plugin , which basically mirrors the
usual windows file structures...

any thoughts welcomed

rick's cafe


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[slim] Re: A suggestion for people with large music library

2006-01-09 Thread Michaelwagner

rick's cafe Wrote: 
 on th eusb 2.0 aspect.. when I installed the new usb card my system
 updated the drivers itself.. is there anything else that i should have
 done to ensure that the pc and card are both speaking the same
 languaage (i.e transfering at 2.o rates)?
I believe that windows XP pops up a little message box with a warning
when you connect a USB 2 device to a port that isn't running USB2.

If you didn't see the message, likely your port really is running USB2.


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Re: [slim] Re: A suggestion for people with large music library

2006-01-09 Thread Mitch Harding
Let me preface my comments by saying that I've not done any SB development work, so those who have should feel free to jump in and correct me if I'm misstating anything here.From reading this forum for a couple of years, here's my understanding of the hows and whys of the different browse options.
The Browse Artist/Album/Genre, etc, options use the tags that have been read into the database. The advantage is speed (and the ability to look through your library in a logical manner even if they are not laid out on disk logically). The disadvantage is that the files have to be in the database. So if you rip a new CD and encode it and stick it in your music folder, it's not going to show up in your database automatically.
This brings us to Browse Music Folder. As far as I know, it's main purpose is to allow you to access music that hasn't yet been put in the database, since a full-fledged re-scan can take a long time. Because it's allowing you to access music that is not in the library yet, it has to go directly to disk. It can't access the database in memory. And thus, it's going to be slower than the other browse methods.
I understand what you're saying and what you are asking for -- you have your files organized on disk in a way that is meaningful to you, and this provides better organization than what the tags provide. Unfortunately, I think the only solution using the current Slimserver model is to tag your files in a way that allows you to use that browsing method.
For example, it looks like your structure is roughly as follows:F:/soundsystem/source of music/genre of music/artist/So one option you could use would be to change the genre tags of your music. So let's take your specific example below:
f://soundsystem/spinsounds/reggae/peter toshRight now I'm guessing that the genre tag of files in that directory are reggae. But you could change the genre tags to:
Spinsounds.ReggaeAnd then you could use browse by genre, scroll down to the Spinsounds genres (which will be grouped alphabetically), and pick the sub-genre that interests you (Spinsounds.Reggae
, Spinsounds.Dance, whatever).The downside is that it's kind of kludgy to put that in your genre tag, but it would get the job done, I think. It probably wouldn't even be too tough to write a script that goes through your library and appends the Music Source info to the front of each genre tag.
On 1/9/06, rick's cafe [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
I much prefer searching for music via the browse music folder route...does anyone know if there are any plans or if there is any way in which
SS can be modified so that it reads this info from the Databse ratherthan from the disk.I know that I can browse by artist but the logic of my current filestructure and organization of files lends itself to browsing by
folderat the moment my structure is like thisf://soundsystem/spinsounds/reggae/peter toshthe root is soundsystemthen i have various sub folders which help me categorize where i got my
tunes from ...any ideas relating to organization and speed for searching wouldhelp..one other point is that prior to using SB3 .. i used winamp as myplayer same file structure and smae number of tunes but no issues
in terms of lag time when using winamp search facility which presumablyworked on a database system although there was a bit of a lag whenusing the Dynamic lilbrary winamp plugin , which basically mirrors the
usual windows file structures...any thoughts welcomed--rick's cafeWHEN MUSIC HIT YOU YOU FEEL NO PAIN!!!
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[slim] Re: A suggestion for people with large music library

2005-12-15 Thread agentsmith

twylie Wrote: 
 what hardware are you running slimserver on?  I've got almost 60k tracks
 in my database and it's been running 24x for the last 3 years on a 2.4P4
 with 1GB of RAM.  I'm now running the SliMP3, a SB and a SB2 on my
 network and aside from some delay in searching (I've got search set to
 look across all tags), it's plenty snappy for my use.

SlimServer - IBM Thinkpad T30 with 768MB RAM running Wireless G, music
data is mapped to a Linkstation network drive.

Storage - Linkstation 250GB Network Drive connected with Cat5 FE
100MBps to the Wireless Access Point

Squeezebox2 - Connected with Cat5 FE to Wireless Access Point


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[slim] Re: A suggestion for people with large music library

2005-12-15 Thread twylie

agentsmith Wrote: 
 SlimServer - IBM Thinkpad T30 with 768MB RAM running Wireless G, music
 data is mapped to a Linkstation network drive.
 Storage - Linkstation 250GB Network Drive connected with Cat5 FE
 100MBps to the Wireless Access Point
 Squeezebox2 - Connected with Cat5 FE to Wireless Access Point
Looks like it should be plenty fast enough for 600 albums.  Only thing
I could think to check would be to make sure that the speedstep stuff
on the laptop isn't staying in low power mode and you might want to try
experimenting with connecting the laptop, NAS, and SB2 to a switch or to
the wired ports on the access point to see if it makes a differnce.  I
can't imagine wireless G woudl be causing you any delays, but it would
help take one more thing out of the troubleshooting equation.

When you mentioned that it's slow navigating through the data, is this
via the remote or using the interface back to the server?  if it's on
the interface to the server, is it local (laptop) access or access from
somewhere else on your network?


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[slim] Re: A suggestion for people with large music library

2005-12-14 Thread twylie

what hardware are you running slimserver on?  I've got almost 60k tracks
in my database and it's been running 24x for the last 3 years on a 2.4P4
with 1GB of RAM.  I'm now running the SliMP3, a SB and a SB2 on my
network and aside from some delay in searching (I've got search set to
look across all tags), it's plenty snappy for my use.


twylie's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=956
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[slim] Re: A suggestion for people with large music library

2005-12-13 Thread agentsmith

agentsmith Wrote: 
 I have been busy ripping all my CDs into Flacs, I have done 588+ so far,
 and I am not quite half finished. And yes I bought all my CDs over the
 years, I have a whole wall of CDs that I never get to listen to. 
 Hopefull when I retire I can just put SB on random play till
 Problem is that Slimserver/SB seem to go slower with large libraries,
 and with that much music, it is hard to navigate through the DB menu. 
 Would it be possible to have one Slimserver keeps multiple (seperate)
 databases and run multiple server instances on a demand basis?  (e.g.
 One Per Genre).  I.E. When Slimserver starts, you can choose from a
 menu of different server names/database?
 That would sort of be a best of both worlds, wouldn't it?

This was not meant as a suggestion for users.  It is a suggestion for
developers of Slimserver to implement a feature to run multiple


agentsmith's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=1838
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[slim] Re: A suggestion for people with large music library

2005-12-13 Thread JJZolx

As far as databases are concerned, the difference in performance between
500 CDs (say 6000 tracks) and 5000 CDs (60,000 tracks) _should_ be
fairly small.  Having 60,000 records in a table should be easy work for
a well-designed database system.  Once version 6.5 comes out using MySQL
I think larger libraries will be handled better than with the current
SQLite.  With one caveat... I think the hardware requirements may go up
a bit.

It's a tough tradeoff.  On the one hand you want to be able to run the
SlimServer on a wide variety of equipment, but on the other you need to
enable installations with larger collections to work well.



JJZolx's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=10
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[slim] Re: A suggestion for people with large music library

2005-12-13 Thread agentsmith

JJZolx Wrote: 
 As far as databases are concerned, the difference in performance between
 500 CDs (say 6000 tracks) and 5000 CDs (60,000 tracks) _should_ be
 fairly small.  Having 60,000 records in a table should be easy work for
 a well-designed database system.  Once version 6.5 comes out using MySQL
 I think larger libraries will be handled better than with the current
 SQLite.  With one caveat... I think the hardware requirements may go up
 a bit.
 It's a tough tradeoff.  On the one hand you want to be able to run the
 SlimServer on a wide variety of equipment, but on the other you need to
 enable installations with larger collections to work well.

I am not at 1,000 CD mark yet but it is good to know that it may not
make much difference.  Although I think the re-indexing speed should at
least be linear to the number of records in the database.

It would still be beneficial to be able to seperate collections into
different groups for easy navigation of music and for the ability to be
able to freeze music collections seperately.


agentsmith's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=1838
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=19080

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